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Compounding A compound is a word formed by the combination of two independent words.

Compound can be derived into four types, they are: y y y y noun and noun such as street light, camp side, book case, etc. adjective and noun such s in blue bird, happy hour, high chair, etc. Verb and noun such as swear word, washcloth, scrub lady, etc. Preposition and noun such as overlord, outhouse, etc.

The interpretation of compound word is different from the one of phrase. A compound noun is pronounced with a primary stress on the first root, while all lexical words receive a primary stress in a noun phrase. A compound word is not an interruptible unit, such as the form of overripe cannot be interrupted. For instance, dividing it into two units such as in over ripe will not result a compound word anymore. A phrase can be interrupted to make it smaller or bigger. In Indonesia, compounding is found in several words such as in the word sapu tangan, rumah sakit, kakak tua, kaca pembesar, kaca mata, and etc.

Affixation Affixes is bound morpheme that are added to free morpheme. There are basically three kinds of affixes : y y y Prefixes: It is added to the beginning of free morpheme or other prefixes. English has many prefixes such as re-, dis-, in-, etc. Suffixes: It is added in the end of free morpheme or other suffixes. English also has many suffixes such as ment, -ly, -d, etc. Infixes: It is inserted into morpheme. English doesnt have any infixes in its words.

Indonesia also has prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. For example : y y y Prefixes: we can add me-, di-, ke-, se-, per-, ber-, terExample: memakan (eating), bertani (farming), sepiring (a plate of), etc. Suffixes: we can add -i, -kan, -nya, -an, etc. Example: mempunyai (have), melakukan (do), ikannya (his fish), kepunyaan (its),etc. Infixes :

Reduplication In linguistics, is a morphological process by which the root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated. Examples in Indonesia a. Layang-layang b. Sayur-mayur c. Pepohonan *) Notes: In English reduplication is totally, but in Indonesia reduplication not only has many meanings, but also has one meanings, for intance kupu-kupu, kura-kura. Morpheme Internal Changes A morpheme internal change is the modification of internal morpheme. Besides adding an affix to a morpheme or copying the part of the morpheme, we can also make morpheme internal modification. We have few example of this English.  Although the usual pattern of plural formation is to add an inflectional morpheme, some English plurals make an internal modification such as man becomes men, woman becomes women, and soon. Arabic also has internal changes, it is in the plural form, such as akhun becomes ikhwan, ukhtun becomes akhwat, waladun becomes aulad.  The usual pattern of past and past participle formation is to add an affix, but some verb also show an internal change, such as break, broke, broken, sing, sang, sung, etc. To express past tense Arabic also has internal change, for example yaqdli becomes qadla, yafulu becomes faala, etc.  Some world class changes are also indicated only via internal changes, such as strife becomes strive, live becomes life, etc. Examples in Indonesia:  a. Unggul: Keunggulan  b. Pintar: kepintaran  c. Banyak: kebanyakan

Suppletion Suppletion is the completely irregular situation, It usually occurs in a few words of language. This situation arises historically as two different words with similar meaning come to be interpreted as two forms of the same words. In English, for example, the form of past, is usually formed by adding ed/-d. Sometimes it only changes the internal morpheme, but a small number of individual verb in English have suppletive past tense. For example : am becomes was, go becomes went, etc. Arabic also has suppletion in ther words. Its suppletion shows the plural of the words. For example the word mara becomes nisa. There is no changing of formation in Indonesia.

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