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Larry Michael Summers <lsummers13@gmail.


Tribune 3
1 message <> Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 8:47 PM To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Third and final article from the Tribune. These two are actually letters to the editor. I hesitate to even add this to the list, primarily because it was directed at me. I also hesitated because Steve Fetter tends to come across as obtuse and hard to understand. After all, who would possibly use the fact that children might be unwanted as justification to support abortion. But here it is anyway. I also add my response as a demonstration of how you can also send a letter to the editor ( to get your opinion heard. I have often told people that we have more conservatives in this part of the country and State than liberals. The only problem is that the liberals are the ones screaming loudly, demanding that we agree with their philosophy and being published. The stakes are too high for us to stay silent. Let your voice be heard. Make sure the Tribune and Floyd County know that we care about moral, conservative views on these issues. Thanks for considering this, Dave Matthews Chairman, Floyd County Republican Party

Remember the unwanted children, by Steven Fetter, News and Tribune, July 13, 2011
Could it be that Dave Matthews, Floyd County Republican Party chair and others with a strong anti-abortion stance need to see the issue framed another way unwanted children! Whether the cause of not wanting children is financial, a life situation, age, timing or any other reason, the child is not wanted. With the number of children that die because of neglect or by the hand of a parent, those children are not wanted. What about our large prison population in Indiana? The people who populate our prison system were in the most part abused, physically, sexually or verbally. Yes, it's been proven verbal abuse is as damaging as physical abuse. Verbal abuse may not kill the body of the child, but verbal abuse kills the spirit of the child. That helps the child thrive and be a productive member of society. Planned Parenthood Services prevent the need for abortion by education and services women might not receive otherwise. To cut finding for Planned Parenthood deprives women in this state with low income from receiving the necessary tools for reproductive services and the prevention of pregnancies. That's correct, Planned Parenthood's main services prevent the need for abortion ... if women have the availability of Planned Parenthood services. If Mr. Matthews wants to see a rise in the death of children by neglect or at the hand of parents, prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving funds. If Mr. Matthews wants to see the rise in our prison population 20 years from now, limit

the outlets for reproductive services for women. The issue is not about abortion, but unwanted children and the damage they are placed in. If Indiana actually cares about children, then they would not lack adequate dental care in this state, plus other services. Let this state worry about those living children first. Peace. Steve Fetter, Jeffersonville

Thanks for the Endorsement,

Dave Matthews, August 9, 2011 I almost completely skipped over the recent rant by Steve Fetter on how righteous the abortion decision is. Fortunately, I see he used my name so many times to identify me with the right for the unborn child to survive that I couldn't miss it. If identifying me and the Republican Party with the right for unborn children to survive was meant to be a slam Steve, please let me be the first to thank you for the endorsement. Steve does not understand that whether a person is Republican or Democrat tends to be insignificant on this issue. It is indisputable that in Southern Indiana, most Hoosiers are pro-life. I regularly speak with Democrats who call themselves pro-life Democrats. Several of them are now becoming Republicans because they realize that their views on abortion cannot be justified with the stand by people like Steve who insist that the unborn child has no rights...least of which is the right to live. Thanks Steve for bringing out the most callous argument in support of abortion rights your side has to offer. You say that children should be aborted because they are not wanted. At least you are honest. The statistics show that 99% of the abortions performed in our nation have absolutely nothing to do with any physical or emotional threat to the mother. Simply put, the mother does not want the child. And, our law authorizes unwanted children to be terminated. Steve argues that a child is better off terminated than being born into a world where they are not wanted. Only so cold an argument could be used to support abortion as a remedy to crowded prison population and child abuse. To suggest that Planned Parenthood should be credited for preventing the need for abortion is totally absurd. Women go to Planned Parenthood for one purpose only: to determine the availability of abortion services. If they are seeking help in dealing with how to keep their baby, they turn to services provided by volunteer organizations like Choices for Women. And Steve, please notice that none of your tax dollars go to their agency. Planned Parenthood cannot say the same. Actually Steve, I need to thank you for one other thing. Every time you rant about the rights of women to terminate their pregnancies, you reinforce the argument that where you stand politically must agree with where you stand morally. No one can deny the fact that the Democratic Party platform defends abortion rights and Republicans defend the right to life. The line is very clear. Every time you use arguments like the one you used in your article, you convince another Democrat that their Party has left them by choosing the moral low ground on this argument. As I have said many times before, I welcome those on the pro life side of this argument to come join our Party and vote for Republicans. It isn't because we think we are morally superior. It is because we believe that it does make a difference what you believe and your politics should align with those views. I don't expect to see you joining us any time soon Steve. Dave Matthews, Chairman, Floyd County Republican Party

I just had to add this "comment" left after Steven Fetter's article. You can leave a comment for free and anonymously, if you want. Take a look:

An unwanted child wrote: Dear Mr. Fetter,

I am commenting today because I am sick and tired of reading on and on ad nauseum that if women can only get abortions, then so many unwanted children wouldn't be born and neglected. My mother tried to abort me and it 'didn't take.' So, I was born. Growing up with a single mom (who eventually married and had one other child) who resented my presence in her life was not easy. I could tell from an early age that I was in her way and cost a lot of money. She groaned and complained about it all the time. I spent a lot of my early childhood hungry. When I went to school, I was so happy because there, at least, I got a free meal. While I was growing up, I found out all kinds of places to get free meals in Louisville in the summers and they were all at places I could walk. I spent a lot of time as a small child walking. Alone and usually barefoot. When my mother married, she soon became pregnant. THIS little girl became the beloved of our mother's eyes. She has what she needs and her dad sees to her ever wish. She'll soon graduate from high school. I, in the meantime, made it on my own. I graduated 14th in my class, went to college (paid for entirely by ME!), and am finishing up medical school. I'm going into pediatrics. I want to help ALL kids, wanted and unwanted. My mother, by the way, ruefully admits that she deserves no credit for my successes and has told me the whole story of the abortion that didn't take. She and I have talked this out and we have a good relationship now. Please stop talking about not birthing people who are unwanted. All we were was unwanted. We're not worthless.

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