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J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1355–1360

DOI 10.1007/s10803-006-0283-y


Beyond Perception: Musical Representation and On-line

Processing in Autism
Pamela Heaton Æ Kerry Williams Æ Omar Cummins Æ
Francesca G. E. Happé

Published online: 5 December 2006

 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2006

Abstract Whilst findings from experimental studies individuals. However, global IQ measures often disguise
suggest that perceptual mechanisms underpinning a complex and uneven pattern of intellectual capacities,
musical cognition are preserved or enhanced in autism, and cognitive deficits may co-exist alongside spared or
little is known about how higher-level, structural even enhanced abilities within specific domains. One
aspects of music are processed. Twenty participants domain in which enhanced abilities have been reported
with autism, together with age and intelligence mat- in autism is music (Southall, 1979, 1983; Sloboda,
ched controls, completed a musical priming task in Hermelin, & O’Connor, 1985; Treffert, 1989; Young &
which global and local musical contexts were manipu- Nettlebeck, 1995; Mottron, Peretz, Belleville, &
lated. The results from the study revealed no between- Rouleau, 1999; Hermelin, 2001). Indeed in Kanner’s
group differences and showed that both global and (1943) first account of autism he described exceptional
local musical contexts influenced participants’ congru- musical memory abilities in several of the reported
ity judgements. The findings were interpreted within cases. One child, for example, was reported to be able to
the context of studies showing weakened sensitivity to discriminate between 18 symphonies at the age of one
verbal/semantic information in autism. and a half years.
Experimental investigations comparing participants
Keywords Autism Æ Music cognition Æ Local and with autism, and matched controls, on tasks of musical
global processing perception have revealed interesting differences. For
example, several studies have shown that pitch mem-
ory and discrimination is superior in autism (Apple-
baum, Egel, Koegel, & Imhof, 1979; Heaton,
Hermelin, & Pring, 1998; Heaton, Pring, & Hermelin,
Introduction 1999; Mottron, Peretz, & Menard, 2000; Bonnel et al.,
2003; Heaton, 2003). Findings from studies in which
In addition to the communicative and social abnormal- autism/control group differences have failed to emerge
ities that are diagnostic criteria for autism, co-occuring have been interpreted as providing evidence for spared
holistic or global musical processing. For example,
intellectual impairment is found in ~75% of diagnosed
Heaton (2003) showed holistic processing of musical
chords and Mottron et al. (2000) obtained similar
findings with transposed musical contours. Only one
P. Heaton (&) Æ K. Williams Æ O. Cummins
Goldsmiths College, University of London, study to date has provided evidence suggesting that
New Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK deficits in musical cognition might characterise autism
e-mail: (Foxton et al., 2003). In this study, the effects of pitch
and timing interference on pitch change judgements
F. G. E. Happé
Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, were tested in a group of able adults with autism and
New Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK matched controls. The findings from the study showed

1356 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1355–1360

that normal controls scored highest in no-interference ‘‘seaweed’’ as an ending for the sentence ‘‘the sea
conditions, with performance declining as the number tastes of salt and...’’ participants with autism were
of interfering features increased. In contrast, partici- significantly more likely to provide ‘‘local’’ endings
pants with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) showed such as ‘‘pepper’’ or ‘‘vinegar’’.
no significant decreases in performance in interference Whilst language differs from music in significant
conditions. The authors suggested that their partici- ways, the validity of drawing a parallel between them
pants with ASD were not susceptible to interference is reinforced by findings from scanning studies
from an auditory coherent whole, and the findings were showing overlapping neural processing in response to
interpreted as providing evidence for a global pro- music and language stimuli (Patel, Gibson, Ratner,
cessing deficit in autism. Interestingly, when these Besson, & Holcombe, 1998; Maess, Koelsch, Gunter,
same participants completed the musical contour task & Friederici, 2001; Koelsch et al., 2002; Patel, 2003;
(see Heaton et al., 1999; Mottron et al., 2000; Heaton, Tillmann, Janata, & Bharucha, 2003). Music and
2005), their performance was indistinguishable from language are both processed sequentially, and prim-
that of controls. Although the contour task has been ing effects, tested linguistically in the Happé and
widely used as a measure of musical global processing, Booth study, have also been observed in music. For
it simply requires participants to make same/different example, experimental studies into single or local
judgements about short strings of single tones. In chord priming, (Bharucha & Stoeckig, 1986, 1987;
contrast, the task by Foxton et al., tests the extent that Tekman & Bharucha, 1992, 1998), have shown that
music perception is characterised by a tendency to correct intonation judgements are more likely to be
integrate different musical components on line. Whilst made about target chords that are related to primed
this paradigm better reflects the complex demands of chords than those that are unrelated to them. Studies
music perception than the contour paradigm, problems in which targets were primed with extended
of ecological validity persist and it remains unclear sequences of chords, have identified powerful effects
whether the autistic participants’ tendency to disregard (Schmuckler & Boltz, 1994; Janata, 1995) and in one
distracting musical information in order to remain ‘‘on study, Bigand, Madurell, Tillmann, and Pineau (1999)
task’’ necessarily reflects impoverished processing of showed that musical expectancies are influenced by
real music. the local and global levels of the musical structure
The suggestion that autism is characterised by simultaneously. Thus, priming was strongest when
deficits in global processing was first made by Frith both locally and globally related chords and
(1989). In her early account of the weak central sequences provided the context against which the
coherence theory of autism (WCC) she described a target was judged.
weakened tendency to integrate information in con- A further reason for drawing a parallel between
text in order to extract global meaning. This tendency language and music is that enculturation processes
is proposed to result in a detail or feature biased influence language and music acquisition in similar
cognitive style that influences information processing ways (Justus & Bharucha, 2001). Thus, individuals
at perceptual, visuospatial-constructional and verbal- acquire and learn to manipulate the complex struc-
semantic levels (Happé, 1999). Evidence for WCC at tures inherent in the languages and musics to which
the verbal-semantic level has been provided by stud- they are exposed early in development and without
ies showing that individuals with autism are less likely formal teaching. Evidence for a passive exposure/self
to capitalise on verbal contextual information when organisation account of musical knowledge acquisi-
disambiguating homographs than matched controls tion has been provided by studies showing that
(Frith & Snowling, 1983; Snowling & Frith, 1986; awareness of musical structure can be independent of
Happé, 1997). In the study by Happé (1997) controls musical expertise (Bharucha & Stoeckig, 1986, 1987;
were more likely to pronounce homographs occurring Bharucha, 1994; Bigand & Pineau, 1997). For exam-
late in sentences correctly, whilst this tendency was ple, in one study (Tillmann, Bigand, & Pineau, 1998)
significantly weaker in participants with autism. A participants with no musical training were as sensitive
recent study (Happé & Booth, in preparation) further to changes in harmonic structures embedded in chord
tested the hypothesis that sentence context would be sequences as music graduates.
less salient in autism and would result in increased The current study addressed two main research
levels of ‘‘local’’ as opposed to ‘‘global’’ sentence questions. First, do individuals with autism acquire the
completions. The findings from the study supported rules that govern perception of musical harmony?
the experimental hypothesis in showing that whilst Findings from experiments showing good musical
typically developing controls might provide the word improvisation in savants with autism (Hermelin,

J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1355–1360 1357

O’Connor, & Lee, 1987; Hermelin, O’Connor, Lee, & Stimuli and Procedure
Treffert, 1989) provide clear evidence for extensive
domain specific knowledge in these individuals. Following on from Tillmann et al. (1998), the task
However, musical savants clearly possess special included four experimental conditions. Stimuli in all
abilities within the domain, and the extent that the conditions were seven chord sequences followed by a
capacity to acquire and represent musical structures target chord (chord 8) that was related to the preceding
will be spared in the wider autism population has harmonic context at both local and global levels
not been investigated. The second question to be (condition one: GRLR); at the global level only (con-
addressed is whether a local processing bias, outlined dition two: GRLU); at the local level only (condition
in the WCC theory (Frith, 1989; Happé, 1999) will three: GULR); or at neither local or global levels
characterise information processing within the musical (condition four: GULU). Chord sequences were gen-
domain. Whilst experimental investigations into the erated in piano voicing, in all keys and sounded like
perceptual processing mechanisms underpinning hymns. Examples of stimuli used in the experiment are
musical cognition have largely failed to identify defi- shown in Fig. 1. As deficits in sequential processing
cits in autism (e.g. Mottron et al., 2000; Heaton, have been noted in autism (e.g. Allen, Lincoln, &
2003), few studies have investigated higher-level Kaufman, 1991) the question of how the manipulation
musical processing. Therefore, in the following study, of temporal variables might differentially influence
individuals with autism, together with age and intel- musical processing in autism was of interest. Therefore
ligence matched controls, participated in a study that chord sequences were presented at slow and moderate
investigated the extent that global and local harmonic tempi. The stimuli were randomised across conditions
contexts shape musical expectancies. and were recorded onto DAT 15/20’ tapes. The
experimental task was to judge whether the final target
chord sounded correct or incorrect. Thus subjects were
told ‘‘listen to this music and tell me if the ending
sounds right’’. Conditions 1 and 4 differed from con-
ditions 2 and 3 in that the target was unambiguously
correct (condition 1) or incorrect (condition 4). As this
paradigm has previously been tested with normal
Twenty participants with autism were recruited from
adults, and the current participant sample included
specialist provisions for children with ASD. Entry to
children and adolescents with autism and intellectual
these specialist schools requires formal diagnosis
according to standard clinical criteria (DSM-IV)
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). These
participants were aged between 7 and 19 years
(Mean: 12 years, 6 months), and their scores on the
Raven’s Matrices (Raven, Court, & Raven, 1988)
ranged between 55 and 125 (Mean: 92). Three par-
ticipants from the autism group and three partici-
pants from the control group were moderately
intellectually impaired (IQ < 70). The control group
included 20 children, 17 of whom were recruited from
mainstream state schools. The remaining three were
recruited from a specialist provision for children with
moderate learning difficulties. The controls’ chrono-
logical ages ranged between 9 years 6 months and
15 years 9 months (Mean: 11 years 6 months) and
their scores on the Raven’s Matrices ranged between
67 and 131 (Mean: 87). Participants were screened to
ensure that none had undergone extended periods of
individual voice or instrumental lessons or taken
specialist grade examinations in music. All partici-
pants attended schools where class music lessons
were provided. Fig. 1 Examples of stimuli used in the experiment

1358 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1355–1360

impairment, data on the crucial open-ended conditions

stimuli judged to be correct

(2 and 3) could only be judged reliable if it was Fast
established that the task was fully understood. There- Slow
fore participants were only included in the study if they
were able to correctly label 8 of 12 unambiguous 1.5
stimuli (four each from conditions 1 and 4). 1


Results 0
Means and standard deviations for targets judged to
Fig. 3 Music type by presentation speed interaction
sound correct, across the four experimental conditions,
are shown in Table 1. The main effect of music type was analysed using
An analysis of variance with group (autism/controls) t-tests. These showed that GRLR targets were signifi-
as the between group factor and presentation speed cantly more likely to be judged to be correct than
(fast/slow) and music type (GRLR, GRLU, GULR, GRLU targets (t(39) = 3.36, p < 0.002), that GRLU
GULU) as within group factors was carried out on the targets were significantly more likely to be judged to be
data. The analysis failed to reveal a significant effect of correct that GULR targets (t(39) = –3.77, p < 0.001)
group (F(1,38) = 3.03), of group by music type and that GULR targets were significantly more likely
(F(3,114) = 1.28), or of group by presentation speed to be judged to be correct than GULU targets
(F(1,38) = 1.56). Although there was no significant (t(39) = –8.09, p < 0.001). The analysis also showed a
main effect of presentation speed (F(1,38) = 0.17), significant music type by presentation speed interac-
there was a highly significant main effect of music type tion (F(3) = 3.43, p < 0.02), which is shown in Fig. 3.
(F(3,114) = 93.92, p < 0.001), which is shown in Fig. 2 The interaction was analysed using t-tests. These
showed that targets related at global levels only
Table 1 Means and standard deviations for targets judged to be (GRLU) were significantly more likely to be judged
harmonically congruent correct at slow rather than fast presentation speeds
Group GRLR GRLU GULR GULU (t(39) = 2.19, p < 0.03). There was no significant dif-
mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD) ference across speeds for the three remaining condi-
tions; GRLR (t(39) = 0.95); GULR (t(39) = 0.61);
(n = 20)
GULU (t(39) = 1.83).
Total 5 (1.12) 4.15 (1.56) 2.8 (1.43) 0.95 (1.05) As the range of IQ and age scores in the participant
(Max = 6) group was large (IQ = 55–131; age = 7–19 years) cor-
Fast 2.55 (.60) 1.8 (1.0) 1.4 (.94) 0.65 (0.87) relations between these data and different experi-
Slow 2.45 (.82) 2.35 (.81) 1.4 (.82) 0.30 (0.57)
mental conditions were carried out. Pooled scores for
(n = 20) conditions 1 and 4 (unambiguous control stimuli) were
Total 5.2 (0.89) 4.5 (1.43) 3.8 (1.39) 1.0 (0.85) correlated with age and IQ data within groups. None of
(Max = 6) these reached significance (autism group: score and
Fast 2.7 (0.65) 2.15 (1.13) 2.0 (0.97) 0.60 (0.59)
Slow 2.5 (0.76) 2.35 (0.67) 1.8 (0.76) 0.40 (0.59)
age, r = 0.12; score and IQ, r = –0.04. control group:
score and age, r = 0.19; score and IQ, r = 0.04),
showing that neither variable influenced performance
on the task. Of the correlations carried out on the
stimuli judged to be correct

open-ended stimuli (conditions 2 and 3) only the aut-

5 ism age · GULR condition was statistically significant
4 (r = –0.47, p < 0.04) showing that within the autism
group the younger children were more likely to judge
targets related at the local level only to be correct.

1 Discussion
The most striking finding from the study was that there
Fig. 2 Main effect of music type was no significant difference in patterns of performance

J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1355–1360 1359

between the participants with autism and their con- draws on a range of post-perceptual processes and is
trols. All participants were most likely to judge the powerfully shaped by domain specific knowledge ac-
target tones as correct when they were related to the quired early in development (Lynch & Eilers, 1992;
harmonic context at both global and local levels Trainor & Trehub, 1992). The results from the current
(GRLR), confirming the influence of both structural study, showing that musically untrained individuals
levels on perception (Tillmann et al., 1998). The com- with autism, with and without concurrent intellectual
parison of conditions where the target was only related impairment, acquire and are influenced by this cate-
at one level (GRLU and GULR) showed that the gory of domain specific knowledge, illustrate how
global level influenced perception more powerfully crucial the identification of spared cognitive mecha-
than the local level, especially with slow presentation. nisms is to our understanding of functioning within and
However, local contexts (GULR) did exert some effect across domains in autism.
as these stimuli were significantly more likely to be
judged to be correct than the targets presented without Acknowledgments This study was carried out with the support
of the Economic and Social Research Council (award reference
any related context (GULU). number R000223768). Grateful thanks to all schools and children
One aim of the current study was to investigate who participated in the studies and to Christopher Laing for
information processing biases in autism within the making the stimuli used in the experiment.
musical domain. As experimental studies have shown
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