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ANUL XXVI, Nr. 1-2, 2004




Literatur romn Literatur strin Cronici. Recenzii Comentarii literare



Literatur romn Cornelia CRSTEA: Gib Mihescu i literatura existenei precare................ Gabriel COOVEANU: Discursul identitar romnesc astzi resurse expresive i perspectiv imagologic.................................................. Dana-Marina DUMITRIU: Traducndu-l pe Eminescu.................................. Ovidiu GHIDIRMIC: Eminescu n viziunea lui D. Caracostea....................... Adrian MATEESCU: Chipul satiricesc al scrierilor lui Heliade............... Nicolae PANEA: Autonomia sau condiionarea poeticului n context ritual.. Emilia PARPAL AFANA: Metopolis un topos al (supra)numelui. Cazul lui Glad................................................................................................ Ramona ENDRESCU, Carmen IONEL: Fiina istoric n concepia organicist (O. Spengler) i n concepia stilistic (L. Blaga)........... Marin Sorescu Marin BETELIU: nceputurile literare ale lui Marin Sorescu...................... Toma GRIGORIE: Sub sceptrul nghiitului n teatrul sorescian............... Adrian MATEESCU: Stilul colocvial n La lilieci de Marin Sorescu............. Literatur universal Melania ALBU: El estatuto del personaje en la nivola de Unamuno: Niebla, La tia Tula, San Manuel Bueno, martir............................... Florentina ANGHEL: Spaiul n Portret al artistului n tineree de James Joyce................................................................................................... . Laureniu BL: Raymond Queneau une invitation la lecture................ Geo CONSTANTINESCU: Gabriel Miro Las estampas de El Libro de Siguenza............................................................................................. . 129 135 141 146 101 110 122 11 22 43 50 74 79 85 92

Gabriela DUMBRAV: Beyond Chronology: the Mythical Dimension of Faulkners Narrative Space................................................................ Ctlin GHI: William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. O introducere critic............................................................................... Roxana GHI: Quelques aspects de lesthtique romantique. Contradictions et ouvertures vers la modernit.................................................. Victor OLARU: Cultural Aspects of the Romanian Immigration in the United States of America..................................................................... Carmen PASCU: Referina clasic n opera lui Michel de Montaigne........... Elena PRVU: Esordi della fortuna dellopera di Italo Svevo......................... George POPESCU: Italo Calvino: profeii literare pentru mileniul trei.... Marta Lucia RIZEA: Originalitatea lingvistic i stilistic a lui Plaut........... Monica TILEA: Les matriaux immatriels.................................................... Recenzii Ion BUZERA: Inepuizabilele isprvi ale cotidianului Rzvan Petrescu, Mici schimbri de atitudine. Proz scurt O antologie................. Emilia PARPAL AFANA: Ecaterina Mihil, Semiotica poeziei romne neomoderne........................................................................................ George POPESCU: Italo Svevo un proiect monografic romnesc...............

152 158 163 172 178 192 196 200 210

221 225 227


Romanian Literature Cornelia CRSTEA: Gib Mihaescu and Precarious Existence........................ Gabriel COOVEANU: The Contemporary Romanian Identitary Discourse - Expressive Resources and Imagological Perspective....................... Dana-Marina DUMITRIU: Translating Eminescu.......................................... Ovidiu GHIDIRMIC: Eminescu in D. Caracosteas Vision............................ Adrian MATEESCU: The Satiric Face of Heliades Writings.................... 11 22 43 50 74

Nicolae PANEA: The Autonomy or the Conditioning of Poetics in Ritual Context................................................................................................ Emilia PARPAL AFANA: Metopolis a Thophos of (sur)name. Glads Case. ................................................................................................ Ramona ENDRESCU: The Historical Being in Organistic Conception (O. Spengler) and in Stylistic Conception (L. Blaga)......................... Marin Sorescu Marin BETELIU: The Literary Beginnings of Marin Sorescu...................... Toma GRIGORIE: Under the Sceptre of The Swallowed in Sorescus Theatre................................................................................................ Adrian MATEESCU: The Colloquial Style in La Lilieci by Marin Sorescu................................................................................................ Foreign Literatures Melania ALBU: The Characters Status in Unamunos nivola: Niebla, La tia Tula, San Manuel Bueno, martir............................................ Florentina ANGHEL: The Space in The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce......................................................................... Laureniu BL: Raymond Queneau An Invitation to Reading.................. Geo CONSTANTINESCU: Gabriel Miro The Stamps of El Libro de Siguenza............................................................................................. . Gabriela DUMBRAV: Beyond Chronology: the Mythical Dimension of Faulkners Narrative Space................................................................ Ctlin GHI: William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. A Critical Introduction........................................................................... Roxana GHI: Some Aspects of the Romantic Aesthetic. Contradictions and Views towards Modernism........................................................... Victor OLARU: Cultural Aspects of the Romanian Immigration in the United States of America..................................................................... Carmen PASCU: The Classical Reference in Michel de Montaignes Work Elena PRVU: Debuts of the Fortune for Italo Svevos Work George POPESCU: Italo Calvino: Predictions for the Third Millennium Marta Lucia RIZEA: Plautus Linguistic and Stylistical Originality Monica TILEA: The Immaterial Materials...................................................... Reviews

79 85 92

101 110 122

129 135 141 146 152 158 163 172 178 192 196 200 210

Ion BUZERA: The Inexhaustible Deeds of Everyday Life Rzvan Petrescu, Mici schimbri de atitudine. Proz scurt O antologie (Slight Shifts in Attitude. Short Prose An Anthology) ........................................... 221 Emilia PARPAL AFANA: Ecaterina Mihil, Semiotica poeziei romne neomoderne (The Semiotics of Neomodernist Romanian Poetry) ............... 225 George POPESCU: Italo Svevo A Romanian Monographic Project............ 227




ANUL XXVI, Nr. 1-2, 2004


ANNALES DE L'UNIVERSIT DE CRAOVA 13, rue Al. I. Cuza ROUMANIE On fait des changes de publications avec les institutions similaires du pays et de l'tranger

ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA 13, Al. I. Cuza Street ROMANIA We exchange publications with similar institutions of our country and from abroad Refereni tiinifici: conf.univ.dr. Gabriel Cooveanu, conf.univ.dr. Ion Buzera, conf.univ.dr. Victor Olaru, conf.univ.dr. George Popescu, lect.univ.dr. Monica Tilea, lect.univ.dr. Geo Constantinescu COMITETUL DE REDACIE Marin BETELIU: Redactor-ef Nicolae PANEA: Redactor-ef adjunct Ion BUZERA: Secretar general de redacie Gabriel COOVEANU: Responsabil de numr Laureniu BL: Redactor

ISSN: 1224-5720
LITERATUR ROMN CORNELIA CRSTEA ABSTRACT The essay Gib Mihescu and Literature of the Precarious Existence investigates Gib Mihescu s writings from an angle concerning the themes and the typology. The demonstration insists on the sources of the precarious existence, and on the modalities used by the novelist to implement the ideas into the text. The possible analogies between French and Russian authors interested by the psychologic realism are also underlined. GABRIEL COOVEANU ABSTRACT When talking about diversity, one should always keep in mind that the East European cultural and institutional experiences come with a significant burden of human suffering. From the scientific point of view, this burden historically demonstrable is visible in the hesitation of the discourses on national identity, rich in radical visions: self-contentment or self-negation. This essay, centred on defining the expressive and ideological resources of the symbols used to easily recognize the Romanians, stands for a sample of the power of inter-disciplinarity studies, largely indebted, nowadays, to the history of mentalities. DANA-MARINA DUMITRIU RSUM Ltude part de laffirmation de Ccile Cloutier que toute traduction est le sige dune diffrence et souligne plusieurs types dinterventions du traducteur dans les pomes eminesciens constates dans la version bresilienne signe par Luciano Maia. Nous essayons en mme temps de signaler les lments cardinaux des textes eminesciens sur lesquels le traducteur ne peut intervenir sans rendre le texte mconnaissable. OVIDIU GHIDIRMIC

ABSTRACT Dumitru Caracostea is one of the most important Romanian inter-bellum Eminescu scholars, whose work, unfortunately, is less known to the younger generations. One of the promoters of Romanian structuralism, synchronic at an European level, D. Caracostea tackles Eminescus work and personality from the perspective of the neovitalist philosophy and of the structuralist method. It is our intention to largely analyse the fundamental works of D. Caracostea: The Personality of Eminescu, Eminescus Art of the Word, Eminescus Creativity.

ADRIAN MATEESCU SUMMARY The article is meant to highlight the satirical feature of I.H. Rdulescus writings. The pamphleteer character of his writings can be traced both in his artistic and scientific works. His political opponents, the unwanted writers, the Slavonic words present in language represent the purpose of his intensive criticism. I.H. Rdulescu stands for one of the best critics of the Romanian literature. NICOLAE PANEA RSUM Notre tude suit tablir les relations qui existent entre le niveau potique de lacte rituel et les autres composantes dun tel acte social, mais aussi le fait que le niveau potique merge dun cumul de conditionnements, que son autonomie est un concept non oprant. Cest pourquoi nous analysons le cas concret dun tel comportement en contexte funraire. EMILIA PARPAL-AFANA RSUM

Dans son Livre du Millionaire, Stefan Bnulescu utilise une rhtorique onomastique ingnieuse et singulire dans notre littrature. Le cas de Glad contient tous les moments de confirmation du surnom comme simulacre dun performatif institutionnalis : la prparation, la motivation en intertexte avec un motif biblique, lacceptation par la communaut et la conformit vis--vis du surnom (la fonction magique). Comme dsignateur intrinsque et flexible, le cumul de surnoms reproduit les rles du personnage et assure sa transparence smantique (la fonction cognitive). En tant que marque de lidyostile, le surnom est une forme potique de la bysantinisation, qui dpend du jeu subtil des instances nonciatives. RAMONA ENDRESCU, CARMEN IONEL RSUM Ltre historique est analys multidimensionnellement de Spengler et aussi de Blaga. Le fatalisme est vident dans lide quune civilisation anantit la culture qui la cr. Spengler considre quune culture est comme un organisme (il agrandit, il vient maturit et il meurt), mais Blaga pose laccent sur le social, sur le mystre, sur lunivers stylistique. Si Spengler dcouvre une analogie entre lme humaine, lme de la culture et le paysage, Blaga propose la thse des influences et des contaminations entre les cultures, il classifie les espaces et dcrit les cultures en fonction de lespace. MARIN BETELIU RSUM Ltude construit une perspective cohrente sur les commencements de la posie de Marin Sorescu (la priode 1948-1964) telle quelle nous apparat aujourdhui, aprs la publication des textes indits dans les volumes : ncoronarea, Versuri inedite, Sgei postume et Proz scurt. On argumente les observations suivantes : la prcocit avec laquelle le pote sest propos un programme propre et la tnacit avec laquelle il la ralise ; son intrt pour les posies forme fixe comme exercice littraire autoimpos ; son talent exceptionnel comme pastelliste et, puis, comme pote de la construction plastique cosmique ; sa descendance de la famille spirituelle de I.L. Caragiale dans sa prfrence pour le comique, le dtail prosaque et la rplique deffet ; la recherche du vers libre dans les parodies et dans les chroniques pleines de fantaisie ; la valorisation potique du prosaque intentionnel.

TOMA GRIGORIE ABSTRACT: Marin Sorescu has a metaphorical and parodical approach of the tragic condition of the swallowed, properly and figurative. Iona, being swallowed by a whale goes over a difficult way of self-knowledge in this state of a closed space. The author creates a whole range of the swallowed: by the history, by the society, by the time prison, by the labyrint of life, etc., outlining human characters in crucial situations. ADRIAN MATEESCU SUMMARY The lyrics La lilieci of Marin Sorescu has as distinct stylistic feature, the colloquiality. His own image on his native village is artistically transfigurated into verses of a less suggested lyrism, for the advantage of a narrative which brings the poem closer to prose. The regional and folk words, the suggestion of dialogue, the expressivity of antroponims offer a distinct mark to this reference book of our contemporary poetry. LITERATURA UNIVERSAL MELANIA ALBU REZUMAT Statutul personajului n nivolele lui Unamuno: Niebla, La ta Tula,San Manuel bueno, mrtir Miguel de Unamuno, prin personajele sale, ncearc s pun n lumin problemele eseniale ale vieii, aa cum o vedea scriitorul, n nevoia de a-i trezi pe ceilali din somnul spiritual. Personajele romanelor sale i triesc agonia, doritoare, n perpetuu stadiu de nelinite, fiecare luptnd mpotriva agoniei personale: fantasmagoricul Augusto Perez lupt contra ndoielilor i nebulozitii sale i vrea s se sinucid pentru c nu vrea s-i ia viaa altuia; Rosario are ca lupt personal dragostea care nmugurete din compasiune pentru srmanul nefericit, doamna Sinfo se cstorete cu don Eloimo pentru ca acesta s-i lase pensia de vduvie.

Personajele lui Unamuno i luptele lor decurg din dorina de imortalitate care l stpnea pe scriitorul nsui, adnca preocupare filosofic nefiind la el simpla activitate intelectual, ci ceva dorit cu maxim intensitate pentru c pacea spiritual spune Unamuno , obinuiete s fie minciuna i obinuiete s fie somnul, iar aceasta este o afirmaie care reflect plenar temperamentul i infinita sa nelinite. FLORENTINA ANGHEL ABSTRACT Joyce enjoyed toying with the idea of space in the spirit of a simultaneity time (the apprehension of a literary work) and space (the linear representation of such an apprehension). Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man offers a coexistence of spaces: the contextual or existential space (A) of reality which is to be translated into the work of art; a textual space (B) of the work itself an altered reflection of reality; the space of the process of creation where space A is encoded in space B and the space of the reading. LAURENIU BL REZUMAT Acest articol se dorete a fi o invitaie la lectur, prilejuit de ultimele traduceri din opera lui Raymond Queneau n limba romn, traduceri care se situeaz, mai mult sau mai puin, n jurul anului 2003, cnd s-au mplinit 100 de ani de la naterea scriitorului francez. GEO CONSTANTINESCU REZUMAT Gabriel Mir Stampele din El Libro de Sigenza Autorul prezint narativa scurt a lui Gabriel Miro avnd ca punct de plecare volumul El Libro de Sigenza. Prozator modernist, Gabriel Miro caut expresia propriei subiectiviti n peisajul alicantin, care i-a dat viaa. Naraiunile sale nu au aciune, nu au tram, ci se constituie pe tririle ce le deteapt lumea ncremenit i vetust a acestor locuri, care pstreaz o poezie a trecutului, a resemnrii i a stingerii pn la urm, n faa implacabilitii destinului: progresul iminent.

GABRIELA DUMBRAV, Universitatea din Petroani REZUMAT n spatele cronologiei: dimensiunea mitic a spaiului narativ la Faulkner Lucrarea urmrete efectele transferrii memoriei de pe coordonatele ontologicului pe cele ale naraiunii n proza lui William Faulkner. Vom ncerca s artm cum, mcinat sistematic de mecanismele complicate ale memoriei individuale i colective, cronologia se estompeaz, definind un spaiu narativ n care istoria devine mitologie. Mai precis, odat eliberat de constrngerile temporalului i geograficului prin proiectarea n inutul imaginar Yoknapatawpha, spaiul cultural al Sudului devine sursa unor semnificaii care depesc regionalul i tranzitoriul, fixndu-se definitiv n sfera universalului i a eternului uman.

CTLIN GHI ABSTRACT My study is centred on a succinct analysis of William Blakes only prose work, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. After evincing its underlying structure, its main themes, I focus my critical attention on the special significance of the title, which translates Blakes often confusing doctrine of contraries. Finally, I point out that Rintrah, one of the artists most obscure characters, also deserves a brief explanation in this context, the name being derived from a Hebraic root. ROXANA GHI REZUMAT Cteva aspecte ale esteticii romantice. Contradicii i deschideri spre modernitate Studiul de fa i propune s abordeze problematica actualitii esteticii romantice din punctul de vedere al teoriilor literare i artistice moderne. Este pus in discuie, in prealabil, polemica referitoare la conceptul insui de romantism,

precum i la valabilitatea teoretic a acestuia. Ultimele doua pri ale lucrrii trec in revist caracteristicile de baz ale esteticii romantice i dezbat acele trsturi pe baza crora modernitatea poate aprea ca motenitoare a micrii romantice. VICTOR OLARU REZUMAT Aspecte culturale n acest articol autorul are n vedere menionarea unor aspecte culturale ale imigraiei romneti n SUA. Primul subiect abordat se refer la apariia primelor publicaii ale diasporei romneti din Statele Unite: Tribuna, cotidian publicat la Cleveland, Ohio, n 1903, Glasul romnesc, Romnul american, The New Pioneer (publicat exclusiv n limba englez) etc. n continuare, sunt trecute n revist manifestrile culturale ale romnilor americani, cum ar fi folclorul, filmul, sculptura, pictura, literatura i jurnalistica. n final, se menioneaz c acest articol a avut drept scop s atrag atenia asupra valorilor culturale dezvoltate de romnii stabilii n SUA i s insiste asupra necesitii unui studiu amplu, comprehensiv i general asupra acestei teme. CARMEN PASCU ABSTRACT Michel de Montaignes Essays abound in Greek and Latin quotations as well as allusions, echoes, exampla and other intertextual references. His manipulation and treatment of Antiquity are symptomatic for Renaissance and humanistic intertextual consciousness (but also for the Baroque poetics). His attitude towards the classical heritage is highly ambivalent. The enormous debt is always recognized but at the same time he tries to find his own original voice. The other authors words are naturally integrated in his discourse; the literary and philosophical intertexts are like bricks in the unusual edifice he builds. The references are not artificial and ostentatious ornaments of an excessively obedient scholar. On the contrary, they are to such a great extent part of his background and of his way of thinking, that he does not even feel the need to indicate the exact source of every quotation. It is the readers task to make the proper attribution. ELENA PRVU REZUMAT

Opera lui Italo Svevo este astzi unanim recunoscut ca una dintre cele mai importante din literatura european a secolului al XX-lea. Svevo inaugureaz tehnica naraiunii discontinue corespunztoare viziunii unei lumi lipsite de certitudinea existenei ei obiective. Modernitatea lui Italo Svevo este aceea a scriitorului de formaie european, legat de problematica filozofic i etic de la nceputul secolului trecut. GEORGE POPESCU RIASSUNTO Pi che unintroduzione allopera, questo saggio vuole essere piuttosto un approccio preliminare atto a facilitare una lettura quella delle famose Lezioni americane che richiede, per le sue particolarit, non solo una preparazione speciale, ma anche la conoscenza del percorso letterario di un autore, Italo Calvino, che sempre ha accompagnato la sua produzione narrativa con incitanti e provocatori impegni teorici. Cos, abbiamo tentato di tracciare, in linea generale, la protostoria di questopera, insistendo su alcuni dati riguardanti la genesi, la struttura, le intenzioni, insomma, quel necessario background per poter entrare nel merito di una scrittura cos impegnativa come si dimostra quella del libro calviniano. MARTA LUCIA RIZEA RSUM La prsente tude se propose de mettre en vidence les traits originaux du comdien latin, par rapport son modle grec, Mnandre, surtout en ce qui concerne le contenu dides, la conception sur la comdie et lattitude lgard de la ralit environnante. La vigueur et loriginalit linguistique et stylistique de son talent le placent parmi les grands noms de la littrature comique universelle. MONICA TILEA REZUMAT Studiul materialelor folosite n arta modern nu se poate realiza n afara analizei naturii acestora. Astfel, alturi de materialele de natur material, artistul are la dispoziie materiale imateriale pe care articolul de fa i propune s le defineasc, subliniind n acelai timp importana pe care identificarea lor o are

pentru un demers poietic comparatist. n plus, prezena materialelor imateriale duce la o schimbare de perspectiv asupra facerii nsei a operei de art, facere a crei urm struie n forma final a acesteia.

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