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Defintion of healthy lifestyle.

Having the right amount of Food and ExerciseA way of life which must involve regular exercise where you, as a person, are in complete state of physical, social and mental well being, whilst having the ability to meet the demand of the environment without undue fatigue A healthy lifestyle is made up of a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, good work-life balance and sleep with the absence of harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illness and stress.

A healthy lifestyle is basically a better life, there is a good physical basis for a healthy lifestyle can reduce the incidence of the disease. Healthy lifestyle, including a great many things, but mainly there are so few points:1. The law of life;2.Reasonable arrangements for meals;3, adhere to appropriate physical;4. To drink less, do not smoke. 5. Less trouble, happy every day.

Identify 8 healthy lifestyle that promotes healthy mind & body

1) Drinking 3-4 quarters of water every day 2) Eating more vegetables and fruit and less meat and dairy 3) Increasing the amount of regular physical exercise you get 4) Try short fasts (1-2 days) 5) Avoid caffeine, sugary desserts, carbonated beverages, alcohol, milk chocolate, and high-acid foods 6) Check into available alkalizing water and food supplements to help restore healthy pH balance 7) Schedule "me time" every day to restore your mental and emotional balance 8) Consider meditation or yoga

2) Eat a Healthy Breakfast 3) Drink at Least 8 Glasses of Water 4) Take a Good Quality Multiple Vitamin/Mineral 5) Connect with Other People 6) Express Your Emotions Appropriately 7) Eat Fruits and Vegetables 8) Spend at Least 30 Minutes Outdoors 9) Do Something Physically Active 10) Take Some Quiet Time for Yourself 11) Keep Regular Sleep Hours 12) Establish a Relationship with a Doctor You Can Trust
personal hygiene, avoidance from vices, regular exercise, enough sleep and rest and proper nutrition.

Healthy food is essential. Exercise is key for a healthy lifestyle as well. Dedication. Don't Yo-yo diet! Don't abuse your body. Regulate your weight Stay Clean. Enjoy Yourself.

Unhealthy Foods
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Hamburger Hot Dog Fried Chicken Potato Chips French Fries Any McDonald's product Cheese Curls Cookies

Soda. Potato chips and French fries. Doughnuts. Coffee Cake and Other Baked Goods. Luncheon Meats/Hot Dogs. Canned Soup.

Healthy Foods        Grass Fed Beef Pork Tenderloin Whole Eggs Real Cow's Milk Wild Caught Fish Chicken Breast Lean Cuts of Steak


Oats Sweet Potatoes Yams Red Potatoes Quinoa All Types of Beans Brown Rice


Apples Bananas Grapefruit Oranges Grapes Papaya Berries Cabbage Asparagus Celery Carrots Peppers Kale Spinach Fish Oil Flax Oil Olive Oil Avocados Sunflower Seeds Almonds Walnuts

3 benefits of regular exercises

It fights chronic diseases It promotes sleep It increases mental focus

You would prevent premature death. ' Reduces risk of heart diseases. ' You can keep away from diabetes. ' High blood pressure will stay away from you. ' You needn't worry about colon cancer. ' Mental health and stability.

' No depression or anxiety related disorders. ' Maintain healthy weight. ' Have stronger bones and muscles. ' No arthritis. ' Reduces Cholesterol. ' Increases good Cholesterol (HDL) ' Osteoporosis prevented

Exercise controls weight Exercise combats health conditions and diseases Exercise improves mood Exercise boosts energy
Optimal amount of sleep of men and women Men 7-8 hrs Women 6-7 hrs Bad effects of lack of sleep
Increasing the desire to eat fatty Foods Weaken the bodys antibody Vulnerable to diabetes Increasing stress Triggering restless Looks older Various pain can arise Higher Cancer Risk

Sleepiness Causes Accidents

Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Serious Health Problems Lack of Sleep Kills Sex Drive Sleepiness Is Depressing Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin Sleepiness Makes You Forgetful Losing Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight Lack of Sleep May Increase Risk of Death Sleep Loss Impairs Judgment, Especially About Sleep

Drink a lot of water.

Water is the substance of life We must constantly be adding fresh water to the body in order to keep it properly hydrated

Water cleanses your body of impurities...It also helps keep your system clean,water is very good for you.Also if a person is dieting,drinking water will break down the fatty tissues in your body to flush out the fat.Drinking water keeps your insides clean ,like taking a bath keeps your outside clean

Why We Need to Drink Water Our bodies are estimated to be about 60 to 70% water. Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. We need to drink water because water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs. We need to drink water to remain healthy. Over 80% of our body is made up of water and we must replenish it on a daily basis. Drinking plenty of water helps keep our skin elastic and protective. When it dries out it doesn't live up to its full functionality!

Smoking cigarettes bad for our body.

Smoking has a number of effects on the body and mind. The chemicals in cigarettes are both physiologically and psychologically addictive (meaning the body and mind both become addicted) and have negative effects on the lungs, mouth, brain, and more. The most common result of smoking is lung cancer, but there are other diseases associated with smoking like asthma, emphysema, and birth defects.

Why is smoking bad for our health? Smoking may be legal in Canada, but that doesn't mean it's good for us! In fact, it's just the opposite: smoking is the only legal consumer product that kills you when you use it exactly how it's meant to be used! That's pretty scary, isn't it? Cigarettes are made from tobacco. The tobacco plant is the only plant ever discovered to contain the drug callednicotine. Nicotine is a very strong poison that can kill a human in less than an hour if even a small amount is injected into the bloodstream. Tobacco smoke contains very tiny amounts of nicotine that aren't deadly, but are still very bad for our health.. Tobacco smoke also contains many other chemicals. In fact, it contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are very harmful to our bodies. All of these chemicals mix together and form a sticky tar. It's the tar that gives cigarette smoke it's smell and colour. The tar sticks to clothing, skin, and the insides of our lungs! Tar is very dangerous inside our lungs. It sticks to the cilia in our lungs that are responsible for sweeping out germs and dirt. If the cilia are covered in tar, they can't work right, and germs and dirt can stay in the lungs and cause diseases. The damage tar does to your cilia is only the beginning, though. The tar and smoke are made up of many chemicals that are known to cause cancer, as well as many chemicals that are just plain bad for you. Just a few of these chemicals are:
Carbon Monoxide Nitrites

Ammonia Hydrogen Cyanide Vinyl Chloride Volatile Alcohols Formaldehyde

Nitros amines Sulfur Compounds Hydrocarbons Urethane Hydrazine

With the nicotine and tar working together, there are a lot of bad diseases linked to smoking cigarettes. Diseases likethroat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease are all caused by smoking. In fact 40,000 Canadians die each year from diseases caused by smoking. Each cigarette you smoke takes 5 to 8 minutes of your life. Is it worth it? The following famous people died from smoking:
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Humphrey Bogart (age 57) Jesse Owens (age 67) Louis Armstrong (age 71) Lucille Ball (age 77) Michael Landon (age 54) Nat "King" Cole (age 45) Sammy Davis Jr. (age 64) Walt Disney (age 65)

Unfortunately, even if you don't smoke, you can still get sick from tobacco smoke. If you breathe the smoke from another person's cigarette, it's as bad as if you were smoking the cigarette yourself! This smoke is called secondhand smoke and it kills hundreds of people each year in Canada. If your parents smoke, you have a greater chance of getting ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, and tonsillitis. Children who are exposed to smoke all their lives have underdeveloped lungs, and they are two to four times as likely to have allergic reactions and asthma than children of non-smokers. Second-hand smoke is starting to really bother non-smokers, and that's why there are more places where smoking isn't allowed than there used to be. Now you aren't allowed to smoke on a plane, in a bus, or in many buildings. Non-smokers want to

breathe clean air! Cigarettes aren't just bad for our health. They are bad for the environment, too! Think of the amount of paper that goes into making each cigarette. Canadian youth smoke about 6,000,000 cigarettes per day! That's a lot of trees that are cut down, and the paper can never be recycled! Look around outside. There are cigarette butts everywhere! Do you know that it takes more than 5 years for a cigarette butt to biodegrade? That means that it takes at least 5 years for the cigarette butts to break down, unless someone cleans them up. Gross! People are starving all over the world. If the land used to grow tobacco was used to grow food instead, we could feed another 10 to 20 million people! What do you think is the better thing to grow?
Hypertension and stress related.
Hypertension has become a common lifestyle disease today. Stress is said to share a direct relation with hypertension. As the blood vessels get constricted, the condition of heart also starts deteriorating. In course of time you can suffer from chronic hypertension disease. It is thus important that you generate sufficient amount of information about what is hypertension and take necessary steps to contain the disease. According to the research findings of Mayo Clinic, you must address the symptoms of hypertension at the very initial stages, since it has been the major cause of death in the US. To develop an understanding about what is hypertension and how it is related with stress, you must read this article. According to the researches of Mayo Clinic, there are a number of stress-related characteristics that contributes to high BP. With increase in level of stress, unhealthy practices like overuse of caffeine, increase in use of alcohol, smoking, overeating tends to get boosted up. The risks of hypertension increases with obesity, intake of food rich in salt and also with other factors related to stress. American Institute of Stress has come to the conclusion that most of the people tend to suffer from hypertension due to increase of stress in their lives. Now that you are aware of what is hypertension and how it can affect your overall health, let us have a look at what precautionary measures can be taken for relieving stress. Stress directly or indirectly contribute to hypertension. It is very important that you adopt the necessary stress management techniques to alleviate discomforts that you are living with. Overall studies show that stress is not the direct cause for hypertension but has an effect on its development. Stress is one of the main reasons for the chronically elevating blood pressure which in turn causes

hypertension. Stress also produces large amounts of vasoconstriction hormones that increase blood pressure. Job strain, race, social environment and emotional stress are the leading causes for hypertension. A lot of non-medical treatments have been found to be effective in reducing blood pressure levels. These include meditation, music therapy, and acupressure, in most of the cases the cause of hypertension is unknown and is termed essential hypertension. A single reason cannot be associated with the blood pressure elevation. A lot of factors contribute to the elevation of the blood pressure levels in essential hypertension. Stress has become a prevalent part of peoples lives therefore the effect of stress of elevating blood pressure has become of increasing importance. Now day-to-day pressures of virtually endless working hours have contributed to the cause of elevating blood pressure because the endless working hours means a lot of physical and mental stress to the person. He/she might then resort to poor habits like smoking.

Wash hands frequently.

Washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading.

Keeping your hands clean is very important. Throughout the day our hands come in touch with various objects and persons. They can get germ infected. Many health problems occur due to lack of proper hygiene. Keeping hands clean is good hygiene.
Because you don't want to spread potentially dangerous germs. And because experts remind us that our hands can hold from a million to a billion invisible bacteria. Good hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illnesses, from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as meningitis, bronchiolitis, influenza, hepatitis A, and most types of infectious diarrhea. regular haThe most important advantage of hand washing is that you prevent yourself from getting infected by a number of dangerous ailments. People who are careless about washing their hands are at a higher risk of catching a cold or flu. Not washing hands has also the ability to cause gastrointestinal illnesses and also diarrhea which can spread to the whole family. It has also been seen that improper or not washing hands can cause pneumonia in old people and in people who are diagnosed with chronic diseases. As not washing hands can affect the health of your entire family, learning the proper way of hand washing is essential to stay healthy.nd washing is the most essential factor for maintaining good health

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