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Therese T.

Eufracio Activity


I.Why is Andy Warhols Brillo boxes considered art even if it is indiscernible from other Brillo boxes? Andy Warhols sculptures of the Brillo boxes are, at first glance, thought of as real Brillo boxes. Though Andy Warhol used a different kind of material to create his sculptures, it is none the less the exact imitation of real Brillo boxes. It is considered art in the sense that they are exact copies or imitations of the real object. One might even mistake it as the actual Brillo boxes. Anyway, many critics of his time said that the sculptures he created were not the same as the artworks of his period, which were distinguishable. What makes it art, however, is the fact that Andy Warhol created the Brillo boxes sculpture by hand. And the fact that he used plywood as a material for his art separates them ffrom the actual ordinary Brillo boxes is why his work was considered a work of art. The Brillo boxes sculptures follows both the Imitation Theory of Art, which states that all artworks are imitations of real objects, and the RT, which states that artworks are not the real objects themselves. He combined these two theories in his sculpture the same way that he combines art and industry in all his artworks. They are not original in design and are seen as mere imitations yet they are not the real thing. The original artist, James Harvey, may have been deeply regretted that he did not turn his work into an art to make more money. But as Andy Warhol may have said, he may create art but he cannot create commercial boxes.

II. What is the artworld?

Arthur Danto published his work entitled The Artworld to explain the philosophical insights gained from artworks. This paper also defines art in a much more academic sense. He first explained that Plato, who scorned art as leading away from the truth, his student Socrates defended it because it leads to the truth. Why? Socrates has said that at is a mirror of the real object. He also said that there are two theories of art, namely the IT and the RT. The IT (Imitation theory of Art) explains that all artworks are mirrors of real objects. They must look exactly like the real object to be considered art. Yet, this theory has its flaws. It is hard to mimic the exact thing on any medium the artist may use. The theory also says that any artist who deviates from mimicry is considered mad and inept. The IT also never mentions about art as something original. Van Gogh is considered by many people of his time as mad because of the unusual artworks he created. His artworks do not exactly mimic the objects into which inspired his art. That is why the RT was also born. The RT explains that art is something that is original and distinguishable. It can look like the exact object yet is easily recognized and distinguished from all others. So while the people of Van Goghs time considered him to be mad because they upheld the IT, the post impressionists considered him to be a genius because they embraced the RT. Of course this happened after Van Gogh died, which was at the turn of the Twentieth Century. The paper of Arthur Danto also says that the mistake to say that an artwork is the real object is no different than saying that the artwork is the real object. Art may be imitations of real objects but they are not the objects themselves. This definition of art combines both the IT and the RT, but this definition mostly credits itself to the RT. This paper laid the foundation for a more academic definition of art. As such, the term artworld is coined from this paper which is defined as a cultural context of the definition of art. It can also be defined as an atmosphere of artistic theory. The artworld both holds the IT and the RT, but mostly credits itself to the RT. The artworld created the notion that art is imitations of real

objects yet not the objects themselves. The artworld also creates the ability to discern art from that is which that should not be considered art.

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