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1. m n matrix: A matrix is a collection of mn numbers arranged in a rectangular array with m rows and n columns. 2. matrix entries: Matrix entries are the numbers in a matrix. 3. row index: The row index i of a number ai j in a matrix is the number of the row containing the number. 4. column index: The column index j of a number ai j in a matrix is the number of the column containing the number. 5. square matrix: A square matrix has an equal number of rows and columns. 6. row vector: A row vector has one row. Since there is no need for a row index, the matrix entries are denoted a1 , a2 , . . . , an . 7. column vector: A column vector has one column. Since there is no need for a column index, the matrix entries are denoted b1 , b2 , . . . , bn . 8. matrix addition: To add two matrices, add the corresponding entries of the matrices together. 9. matrix scalar multiplication: To multiply a matrix by a scalar, multiply each of the matrix entries by the scalar.

10. matrix multiplication: Suppose A is an m matrix and B is an m n matrix. Then AB is an n matrix. If the (i, j)-entry of A is ai j and the (i, j)-entry of B is bi j then the (i, j)-entry of AB is pi j = ai 1 b1 j + ai 2 b2 j + + ai m bm j . 11. distributive laws for matrices: The distributive laws state that A(B + C) = AB + AC and (A + B)C = AC + BC for all matrices A, B, C. 12. associative laws for matrices: The associative laws state that (AB)C = A(BC) and (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) for all matrices A, B, C. 13. commutative law for matrices: The commutative law states that A + B = B + A for all matrices A, B. In general, however, AB = BA. Matrix multiplication is generally not commutative. 14. commuting matrices: When two matrices A, B satisfy AB = BA, then they are commuting matrices. 15. zero matrix: The zero matrix has all entries equal to zero. 16. diagonal entries: The diagonal entries of a matrix are the entries ai i for each i. 17. diagonal matrix: A matrix is a diagonal matrix if its only nonzero entries are diagonal entries. 18. identity matrix: The identity matrix is a diagonal matrix such that all diagonal entries equal 1. 19. upper triangular matrix: An upper triangular matrix has entries equal to zero if they are below the diagonal. 20. inverse: If AB = I and BA = I then B is the inverse of A and can be written as A1 . 21. invertible matrix: If a matrix has an inverse, it is invertible. 22. right inverse: If AB = I then B is the right inverse of A. It can be shown that the left and right inverse of an invertible matrix are equal. 23. left inverse: If BA = I then B is the left inverse of A. It can be shown that the left and right inverse of an invertible matrix are equal. 1

24. matrix unit: The m n matrix unit ei j has a 1 in entry (i, j) and 0 in all other entries. 25. basis: Every m n matrix is a linear combination of the matrix units, so the matrix units form a basis for m n matrices. 26. row operation: A row operation is left multiplication by an invertible matrix. 27. elementary matrices: There are three types of elementary matrices. The rst is the identity matrix with one nonzero o-diagonal entry. The second is the identity matrix with the i and j diagonal entries replaced by zero and 1s added in the (i, j) and (j, i) positions. The third is the identity matrix with one diagonal entry replaced with a nonzero constant. 28. elementary row operation: An elementary row operation is left multiplication by an elementary matrix. 29. row echelon matrix: A matrix that is row-reduced becomes a row echelon matrix. Suppose M is a row echelon matrix. If row i is zero, then row j is zero for all j > i. If row i is not zero, its rst nonzero entry is 1, and this entry is the pivot. If row i + 11 is not zero, then the pivot of row i + 1 is to the right of the pivot of i. Furthermore, all entries above a pivot are zero. 30. homogeneous linear equation: In a homogeneous linear equation, all of the constant terms are zero. Thus, all homogeneous linear equations AX = 0 have the trivial solution X = 0. If there are more unknowns than equations, then AX = 0 has a nontrivial solution as well. 31. transpose: Given a matrix A, the transpoes AT is found by reecting the entries of the matrix over the main diagonal. 32. minors: Determinants of submatrices of a matrix, used to recursively dene the determinant. 33. permutation: A bijective map from a set to itself. 34. symmetric group, Sn : the set of all permutations of the indices {1, 2, . . . , n}. 35. product permutation: First applying permuation p and then applying permutation q gives the product permutation q p. 36. permutation matrix: Left multiplication by a permutation matrix permutes the entries of a vector. 37. cofactor matrix: If Aj i is the matrix obtained by crossing out row j and column i of matrix A, then the cofactor matrix of A is the matrix whose (i, j) entry is (1)i+j det(Aj i ). 38. nilpotent: A square matrix A is nilpotent if Ak = 0 for some k > 0. 39. symmetric: A matrix B is symmetric if B = B T .

1. law of composition: A law of composition on a set S is a rule that combines a, b S to get another element p S. It is a function of two variables, or a map S S S. 2. associative: A law of composition is associative if (a b) c = a (b c). 3. commutative: A law of composition is commutative if a b = b a. 4. identity map: The identity map i is the map that takes each element of S to itself. 5. transposition: The transposition map is the map that takes one element of S to the other and vice versa. 6. multiplication table: A multiplication table for the law of composition on several maps is the table where the entry in row i and column j is the map gi gj where the g are maps.

7. identity: An identity for a law of composition is e S such that ea = a and ae = a for all a S. 8. invertible: An element a of a set S is invertible if there is an element b such that ab = 1 and ba = 1. 9. group: A group is a set G and a law of composition that is associative such that G contains an identity element and every element of G is invertible. 10. abelian group: An abelian troup is a group such that the law of composition is commutative. 11. order (group): The order of a group is the number of elements that it contains. The order of G is denoted |G|. 12. nite group: A nite group has nite order. 13. innite group: An innite group has innite order. 14. general linear group: The n n general linear group, denoted GLn , is the group of all invertible n n matrices. 15. symmetric group; The symmetric group Sn is the group of permutations of the set of indices {1, 2, . . . , n}. 16. circle group: The circle group is multiplication along with the set of complex numbers of absolute value 1. 17. special linear group: The special linear group SLn is the group of real n n matrices with determinant 1. 18. trivial subgroup: The trivial subgroup of G consists of the identity element alone. 19. proper subgroup: A proper subgroup of G is any subgroup other than G and the trivial subgroup. 20. normal subgroup: The term normal subgroup is synonymous with proper subgroup. 21. cyclic subgroup: A cyclic subgroup of G is generated by an element x of a group G. The cyclic subgroup H is {. . . , x2 , x1 , 1, x, x2 , . . .} if we use multiplicative notation. The subgroup H is the smallest subgroup of G that contains x. 22. order (element): The order of an element x is the smallest positive integer n such that xn = 1. The cyclic subgroup generated by x has order n. 23. homomorphism: If G and G are groups, then the homomorphism : G G is a map such that for all a, b G, the property (a b) = (a) (b) holds. Examples include the determinant, det : GLn (R) R , the sign homomorphism, : Sn {1}, the exponential map, exp : R+ R dened by x ex , the map : Z+ G where (n) = an where a G, the absolute value map || : C R , the trivial homomorphism : G G which maps each element of G to the identity in G , and, if H is a subgrouop of G, the inclusion map i : H G where i(x) = x for all x in H. 24. image: The image of a homomorphism : G G , denoted im, is the image of as a map of sets; it is the set of all elements in G that are mapped to from the elements of G: im = {x G |x = (a) for some a in G. 25. kernel: The kernel of a homomorphism, ker, is the set of elements of G that are mapped to the identity of G : ker = {a G|(a) = 1. 26. alternating group: The alternating group is the kernel of the sign homomorphism Sn {1}. Denoted An , it is the group of even permutations.

27. parity of a permutation: The parity of a permutation is equal to the parity of the number of inversions. An inversion is where x < y but after the permutation, p(x) > p(y). 28. left coset: If H is a subgroup of group G and a G, then a H, the set of all a h with h H, is a left coset of H in G. 29. conjugate: If a, g G, then gag 1 is the conjugate of a by g. 30. center: The center of group G, denoted Z, is hte set of elements that commute with every element of G. In other words, Z = {z G|zx = xzx G}. The center is always a normal subgroup of G. The center of SL2 (R) consists of I and I, whereas the center of Sn is trivial when n 3. 31. isomorphism: An isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism. 32. isomorphic groups: Two groups are isomorphic if there is an isomorphism from one to the other. It is denoted by G G . 33. isomorphism class: The isomorphism class of a group G is all groups isomorphic to G. 34. automorphism: An automorphism is an isomorphism from a group G to itself. For example, the identity map is always an automorphism, and conjugation by g is an automorphism because (xy) = gxyg 1 = gxg 1 gyg 1 = (x)(y) (and is thus a homomorphism) and because it has an inverse function; namely, conjugation by g 1 (and is thus bijective). 35. commutator: The commutator associated with a pair a, b of elements in a group is aba1 b1 . 36. partition: A partition of a set S is a subdivision of S into nonoverlapping, nonempty subsets. 37. equivalence relation: An equivalence relation on set S is a relation that holds between certain pairs of elements of S. It is denoted a b and is called equivalence of a and b. Equivalence relations must be transitive (a b, b c a c), symmetric (a b b a), and reexive (a a). For example, triangle congruency is an equivalence relation on the set of triangles. 38. equivalence class: The equivalence class of a is the subset that contains a and all elements b such that a b. 39. inverse image: The inverse image of an element t of T is the subset of S consisting of all elements s such that f (s) = t. Symbolically, f 1 (t) = {s S|f (s) = t}. 40. bres: Fibres of a map are synonymous with the inverse images of the map. Nonempty bers are equivalence classes. 41. congruence: Given group homomorphism : G G , the equivalence relation is usually denoted instead of and is referred to as congruence. In other words, a b if (a) = (b). Note that a b if and only if b is in the coset aK of the kernel K. 42. Counting Formula: If H is a subgroup of G, then |G| = |H|[G : H] or (order of G) = (order of H)(number of cosets).

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