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Why Anna Is Right

The Root of Corruption The Knowledge that Can Plug it and give Victory to Anna Hazare and make India Shine
[By John Paily Grace New Age Research] [This is instinctively written article in view of the critical state of the Indian Politics and the in the interest of the whole world] From Vedic, Biblical and all spiritual point of view, we are created in the image of the Creator. By nature our true reality is peace, order, happiness --. From where does then this conquering motive and corruption came into being? The answer exist in creation it self. Creation tells us that, we were created in the image of the Creator, using mud [matter] and life was breathed into us. Life is a reality that grows against time and space in material world. It is basically antigravitational observe a plant grow. The Creation always occurs in Unconditional Love- nothing is excluded. But the Created is maintained by a law Truth and Justice becomes vital to it. Thus, Vedas describes Universal Time Cycle by virtue of four phases where Truth and justice deteriorates by certain quantum proportions. It says we are now in Kaliyuga, where Truth and justice deteriorates to the minimum and stresses us to transform back to the Golden-Age.

The completion of creation process thus is inevitably fallowed by a restrictive order, not to eat from the Tree at the Center. This was a basic restriction such that the system can be sustained in Good Health. The Tree at the center here is the center point to which all the material world points. This is the point of gravitational collapse or death. This could be understood as y Resistance to humanity from seeking his self at the cost of the family, village, state, nations and the whole system and thus move away from the Creator Not to become slave to material world.

Unfortunately, we do seek self and become slave to material world. In fact we are peeking in both these realities in the present world. In other words, the world is inching to disorder and death and the principle cause is our separation form Life force or Truth or God. Today we live a mind centered life, disconnected from our consciousness and Truth. We thus live in total darkness and illusionary world. The only path out of the situation is to awaken to our consciousness and Know the Truth. We need to transform from darkness to light. We need to grow beyond self, gain life and uphold justice and Truth to gain order and life. This transformation cannot come unless we awaken to our consciousness and Truth. A democratic system is designed to awaken Human Consciousness and the intelligence within such that the system survives and evolves. Here human beings and his thinking take an important role The principle problem is that human thinking is disconnected from his consciousness and intelligence and is taking negative path. In democracy human thinking plays an important role. In modern day democracy, human thinking is manifesting as conquering motive and corruption. Western thinking that dominates the world today is material and knows not the Truth - the Reality Nature and its oneness. Their thinking is manifesting as conquering motive. In the absence of Truth their psyche largely gets filled with fear, they see opposite as enemy and they try to ensure their advancement by conquering the opposite by material force. Thus we see war as their principle economic source. Their TV exudes violence and war coverage. We must note that the political system in a democracy reflects 1] The mentality of the people. 2] The system works and evolves by virtue of certain thinking and knowledge base The error of thinking of people reflects through the leaders and actually stresses the individual and system to evolve. Information and feed back mechanism that helps the system to evolve is the foundation on which the democratic system exists. The modern world that exists under the influence of western thinking and its knowledge is incomplete and the time is stressing us to evolve. The very foundation of western thinking broke down several decades back and since then the whole system has gone into disorder and is forcing the system to evolve.

The eastern thinking is essentially living and spiritual. It is non violent. Unfortunately, it today exists as salve to the western thinking, not aware of its own knowledge base. It is said God manifest on earth from time to time to support and lead the world. Gandhi manifested adopting the nonviolence path and liberated our country from the mighty and powerful west. But this liberation was only physical. The mind of people in India failed to come out of the influence of the west. Consequently, the darker elements with corrupt motive of self began to rule us in our democratic system, exploiting the system and people for their self. They began constricting the flow for their self advancement. This has come to an extent that all people began to think corruption is inevitable aspect of the system. With globalization this began to linearly double, stressing the whole system to a critical state. No one can dispute the fact that in India the political battles are fought, on caste, creed, money and muscle power. It wins political battles, working on peoples mind and their weaknesses. With globalization corruption has peaked and is going beyond bounds. Corruption is not the fundamental reality of our being. We are prisoners of corruption and we are being strangulated to the critical point. The non linear science tells us that when the system is pushed to critical state of disorder, an order emerges spontaneously around an Attractor State that emerges in the system. I view Anna Hazare as a Attractor state that has emerged in our corrupt system as Savior. I view him as second manifestation of Gandhi to liberate our mind from the clutches of west and its thinking. His movement will change not only India but the whole world and save humanity from impending disaster. I salute this man who is true follower Gandhi and God. India is getting vent to release the stress and hope of moving in the right path to the Golden Age through him. Anna is right in every aspect he speaks and the correction he is proposing to the system to fight corruption. No body can question his integrity; Unlike most religious leaders who preach but fail to practice, he has led the way, by living the path of Truth. His reality and thoughts can only be fully debated and understood and extended to global level, when it is understood from knowledge of the East [Universe as Living Organism]. The ancient east understood Universe as Conscious and Intelligent being and we the human being as individuated consciousness and intelligence born from it. This invariably means Universe is one living being and we the human beings are simply the cells of this living body. In a living body each cell has complete information of the whole and has all the structure functions of the whole system. It is a world by itself but not independent. When we seek self breaking the law, we become cancerous cells. We are not only causing death to the universal system but are digging our own grave. This becomes evident only when the whole system tends to critical state. Here suddenly people begin to realize the stress and awaken the phenomenon can be called consciousness awakening and movement towards Truth. In some the consciousness awakens quickly and in some it is very stubborn. An awakened soul sees the need to evolve and change the system, but the un-awakened soul resist and cling to established ways and goes on seeking self thus endangering the 3

system. His Ego resists the change. This leads to a period of conflict but out of this conflict Truth arises and when Truth arises, every soul is forced to change and bow to Truth. A consciousness awakening occurs when mind turns around from outer material world and focuses on to the inner realm. In a social system the awakened people fight against the unilateral tendency of the system tending towards deterioration and death through its material aspirations. The perception of truth here is vague. Yet it has the power and direction towards the Living Light or Knowledge. The consciousness awakening is a phenomenon that happens in individual and collective levels in various strength and magnitude. There is a lot of spiritual awakening now happening in the world. However, in most cases people fail to come out the religion to see the Truth and bring Change to the society. Change is want every one looks for. We must note Change is the slogan on which present American president came into existence. Just as pregnant woman bearing a child has to deliver, the awakened people, though recessive, are growing from within, seeking a vent to emerge. It is inevitable that it has to come out. Democracy is designed to awaken human consciousness and intelligence and find vents by which it can evolve and move forward in the right direction. Nothing can stop it. I see Anna Hazare as a vent for evolution force to lead the democratic system from its negative path to its positive path. I have elaborated this in my previous article Anna Hazare The phenomenon and the wave. Let me briefly write this here. Life is bestowed with three basic parts the body, brain and heart. Heart can be understood as inner realm and body as outer realm. Brain forms interlink between the heart and body. The inner realm here gives life and controls life. This is very evident from the fact that life exists and functions even when brain is asleep or dead. In fact life and earth is designed with a sleep phase for brain such that the system can be repaired and restored from time to time. This means brain is supposed to work under the command of the heart to sustain the life of the system. If the heart becomes self centered and its intent becomes bad, the brain takes a unilaterally direction to deterioration and death. The self oriented heart/mind which has become slave to material world actually distances from the inner life force and moves the system towards death. But the living system is designed to survive. It goes into creation phase before death actually strikes it. The beauty of biological system and its design and functioning is best understood when we understand the autonomous nervous system in addition to central nervous system controlling left and right parts of the body. We think central nervous system is vital, but the most important is autonomous nervous system that exist recessive but give life to the system by controlling the vital internal components. They come into act when life is endangered with stress. They cause the flight or fight response in life in times of danger. It forms the consciousness of the system that connects with the Life Force or Light or and takes order from it. This is what we need to understand when Anna Hazare says His inner being tells ---

Democratic system thus needs to be understood from structure of life. Life is bestowed with two parallel worlds, which are one. Let me explain my point from few figures .

The figures are self explanatory. The structure of our democratic system and its functioning, if closely studied reflects design of life and its functioning at individual level and God centered family and its functioning. The democratic system has a parallel autonomous system that exist recessive but that is very powerful. We should recall the role of President and governors here. President is considered the consciousness of the democratic system. In ancient governing system, this role was taken by spiritual gurus advising the king, they formed the light bearers or knowledge centers leading the kingdom. In the modern democracy initiated by the west, the temples of science take the role of advisory. The Vedas of the east does divide people by virtue of their occupation as priestly, kingly, traders and common man. They depict four characters within a human. One of them dominates at any time. Priestly denominates the knowledge or light [refined power], kingly denominates the power to judge and rule with truth and justice, tradesman denominates the power of creation of flow and common man denominates the raw power, that sustains the system forms the fundamental level. In a democratic system every body is a common man first. The government is supposed to resist corruption and the constriction of the flow, by legislating laws to prevent, the strangulation of the flow. But when it fails the system begins to collapse. It necessitates a force emerging from within to change the direction of the flow and initializes it to the original state In short democracy can take negative path. In this path all the negative elements and characters dominate the system. Even in this path the system is in control and true information develops from within and stresses the system to evolve. We are experiencing this phenomenon. This very often occurs through one selected soul. History speaks of the system turning around on one Single Soul. The president is considered consciousness of the democratic system. It is the most power full office in democratic system. But this autonomous and powerful office is kept recessive and toothless in our democratic system. Consequently the system is getting imbalanced with no check and is going unidirectional way, creating a gap between the rich and the poor, between the Good and bad, with tendency of all bad elements trying to hide under parliamentary power. As I said no one can dispute the fact that elections in India are fought on caste, money and muscle power and thus working on human weakness than development. The system is awakening through one Noble Soul called Anna Hazare in a non violent way This is the sign of hope for the endangered world as a whole.

The constitution of India puts People before, parliament, judiciary and other bodies developed to serve the people. People and their thinking take the primal position in democracy. The five year term for parliament and other machineries is decided for the sake ease of administration. But does not become binding, when people awaken and revolt against its elected government. The call for Change can come any time. You dont fallow rules when, ones life is danger. We must thank God and Anna that the revolt is taking a non violent path. Just because it is non-violent government should not take advantage of it. I strongly believe that in such case of emergency the President has to take a role. If there is doubt about support to Anna, one can put it to vote. It is a genuine and vital aspect of the whole system. The consciousness of the democratic system should awaken. Every point Anna Hazare suggested in the Lokpal bill takes vitality form the above living vision of the system. It is inevitable we yield to Truth and evolve, if we need to survive on earth. The much wanted change and evolution should take place in certain steps. 1] The people should awaken to their conscious and know the Truth. They must change fundamentally in their basic thinking - Einstein said Humanity is going to need a substantial new way of thinking, if it is survive 2] The system should be redesigned such that darkness and dark elements cannot easily creep into it and take over the rule. A parallel checking and resisting government machinery to the existing governmental machinery means huge financial liability to the government. But from an angle of unearthing the black resources, it not only bound to increase the financial position as well as create huge job potentials. It creates space time for growth and can increase the living force in the system. The only hurdle is the lack of will of the ruling that sits and rules on money power. If you have selfless mind and that does not compromise with untruth, we can draw out, new technologies, new and simple ways to sustain the whole system in good health, giving space for all to grow. I wish to share one small idea that came to me. Way back 1987, as I returned to my village existing in the boundary of Western Ghats, giving up my career as Bio technologist, the first thing I realized is how systematically the forest is being looted. The ministry, I felt is bringing draconian laws, which has only facilitated further deterioration. A simple solution which has multiple potential to conserve forest, generate wealth, build jobs and build information emerged in my mind. I instantly communicated it to the Government; I received a letter saying that it is forwarded to planning commission. But nothing happened. The idea was simple. As a farmer, I could take rounds of nearly 20 acres of land our combined family twice a day in addition to overlooking the input works and keep count of health and growth of each plant. A forest is such a dynamic self sustaining system. All it needs to produce resources for us is protection. But unfortunately, our forest and its management is such that, we have one guard for thousands of acres. If you could reduce this down to 50 acres such that one gets count of the tree, types of tree and have statistic of its 8

growth and change, it can not only generate money resources to support the system, but give us vital date base for forest management and develop better knowledge on evolving ecological system. Even 1/100 trees felled can create resources to sustain the human work force. All we need to bring change and survive is to awaken to once own consciousness and intelligence and show the Will to bring Change in the direction of Truth.

Support Anna and Change the History of Negativity

Related link Anna Hazare the Phenomenon and the Wave Black Hole and Information- Truth of Universal Existence in Time

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