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The Buy, Sell and Exchange weekly paper has always been a source of great help and often extra dollars to those in need, as well as being a venue if one simply wanted to buy or sell something. It is better than some other mediums of trade and exchange, because it is more immediate; there is no bidding war and you always know the end game, which is the all-important price when buying or selling. This weekly column is also about knowing the end game, and the price you are going to pay for knowledge that will last a lifetime; it is going to show you a unique way of getting those extra dollars, as well as anything else you might want, by thinking outside the square. It is post-earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand, August 2011. Nothing is the same and all bets are off. I am fifty-seven years old and life is no longer as I knew it. Those living in Canterbury have experienced two major earthquake events and countless after-shocks. The land we live on, and largely take for granted, has moved; parts of it are now unstable and therefore unliveable, which translates into a huge loss on real estate investments for some of us. These are uncertain times. Some people have lost hope as well as their possessions; many have left town, never to return. Mortgages arent what they were worth; insurance is proving to be an assurance that you just might have been sold a pup; prices are up, earnings are down! The great United States of America almost defaulted on their loan payments recently, which is something unheard of in my lifetime, and the mighty US dollar has fallen in value pushing our mediocre New Zealand dollar up; if you are an exporter this spells disaster. There is a constant chatter on the airwaves about the unsteady financial markets, more talk about possible or potential recessions, the declining global economy, and the unstoppable famine-stride in third world countries which, incidentally, has reached an unprecedented high. But forget, for a moment, about downturns happening in other places, that we cant see and dont know about anyway, because the Kiwi way-of-life, as we know it, is changing and not for the better, and what we see in our daily environment is what registers the most. Like many others I can read the financial signs along the daily trail of my life and it is not looking good. For the first time ever not all Kiwis can afford the price of milk. My dollar, which is the barometer I have to use, in order to measure my daily existence, is declining in value, before my very eyes, whilst I stand hopelessly by, watching, unable to do anything to stop it. Or can I? It is a fact that Tumo, which is the control of the elements of heat and cold, is an ancient art, practised by the great Masters of the Himalayas. Apparently it is one of the more difficult occult Sciences to master because it takes years of practice in order to become an adept. What this actually means is that if you are a Grand Tibetan Master, caught in a blizzard in the Himalayas, then you will survive because you will be able to melt the snow around you, and/or stop from freezing to death. Handy if youre in a blizzard, thats for sure.

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Many of us are in a blizzard of sorts, be it financial, emotional, physical or mental and as its fairly certain that most of us are grand masters of nothing much, I felt that it was timely to offer a variation on the way things are done, or could be done. This information wont appeal to everyone, but for those who are willing to suspend personal belief in order to make progress, and possibly thrive in their personal environment, then I say this is worth the time it will take you to read this article and then consider the possibilities. This information deals specifically with the Science of the Mind. If you are already groaning at the thought, or mentally calling it something like rubbish or bunkum then this information is not for you, for the reason that you have already shot yourself in the foot, if not the head, because you have set up an objection to what I am saying. Therefore I can only recommend (strongly) that you turn the page and move on to what it was you wanted to do in the first place, which was probably to buy, or sell, something. However, if on the other hand you are willing to punt some time on a possibility, then welcome to my world. You have bought this paper which is the only financial investment required. You have everything at your disposal to make your current situation work for you in the short or long term. The beauty about what I am going to share with you is that for this to work you require no more than an honest, open approach together with an investment of your time and it goes without saying that you must be willing to change your mind about something if it is required. Mind Science is not new. The ancient people of Egypt used it. Jesus Christ used it; the venerated Bible is full of it, and people have been writing about it for a very long time. Another word for it is metaphysics which, depending on the dictionary you use, means, The branch of philosophy that deals with first principles, especially of being and knowing. It also means subtle discussion or reasoning. Metaphysics is a religion practised by the Unity Church and it is the only one, as in Church, I have found thus far on Google. But lets be clear about this; I am not wanting to recruit you to join a religion called the Unity Church. This information is offered with the sole purpose of helping you, the reader, gain some traction, or control, on or over a situation that is causing you some sort of grief or discomfort. You dont need a degree to understand this stuff, which is as well because I dont have one. I find that what works best is a down-to-earth, commonsense, honest approach to the information in general, combined with an open mind to the possibility that all things are possible, no matter what. The goal is better, as in to be better or to have better; to have more. To improve on the current conditions of a situation in your life, whatever that situation might be. Nothing is off limits provided that what you want applies to you, and only you. There is no practice of the dark arts, or any arts for that
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matter, but a sense of honest fair play in regard to what you do, and how you do it, is required nevertheless. Some of the tools you will use are the following (and we may add to these as we go along): Your belief system (you have one, whether you know it or not). Your mind; your thought processes; your imagination; your honesty and your willingness to participate fully in a process. You will also invest your time and a few cents each week, if you have to buy a copy of this paper, but even that is not obligatory as papers can be borrowed or shared. There is no hidden agenda or an option to purchase either a course or a set of CDs at the end of this exchange; what you see (or dont see, as the case may be) is what you get nothing more, nothing less. It is a given that everybody wants more money because that is the tool that we use to measure the success of our lives with, and you can absolutely believe me when I tell you that there is plenty of money out there, or gold dust in the air, for you, if that is what you want. One of the only things you have to do is totally, and utterly believe that statement, and theres the rub, right there. Because, being a logical, sensible, practical, serious-minded, responsible adult, you quite simply dont! Neither did I, and I have been at this for a very long time indeed. As an adult you have your credibility to protect so you cant let yourself believe anything nonsensical, because (God forbid) you are no longer a child; you have become the adult your parents always wanted you to be. Your mind is mature, you are responsible. Mature people dont think like that, and on, and on, you go, putting up barriers to the possibilities. But dont feel bad about it; we all do it. For years, and Im talking twenty-plus, I read what a lot of people vaguely refer to as Self improvement stuff. Interestingly I identified strongly with it from the outset; did the affirmations, went to the courses, spent a LOT of time, not to mention ALL THE MONEY it cost me, only to find that at the end of the process I had achieved pretty much zero. Nothing actually worked properly for me and so I didnt believe it, not really, deep-down where belief resides; I was still having a penny both ways. Peer pressure is both wonderful and terribly destructive, depending on the subject matter and audience; it is true that your friends and family have a HUGE influence on what you think, what you do and what you believe. Whilst the self improvement industry has come a long way, to go to a course is still viewed as a luxury rather than a necessity. Give people a choice between fix the car or fix themselves and the car wins hands down. I was no exception to the fluctuating forces of opinion and like a lot of people I could tailor my beliefs to match current opinion.
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If my friends would laugh at me if I was to seriously entertain the self improvement hype then I would lose my credibility, so to them I was essentially a non-believer, doing it for the tax write-off, because I absolutely could not have people privately think I was stupid, which was my first major mistake. Whilst you dont know it yet, this is the stuff of legend, but it doesnt work if you dont believe it will. Anyway, had I known, and stopped right there, I would have saved myself a lot of time, money, confusion and personal anguish, not to mention an awful LOT of exasperation. However, the upside to this little story is that I didnt stop, which is as well, because somewhere, inside of me, was the niggling thought that there was more! I always believed there was more; THERE HAD TO BE MORE, I just had to find it. For me personally there has to be more (of something, whatever that something was) or why were we/are we all doing this? By this I mean living on a spinning ball of dirt, as in planet earth, way out in the middle of nowhere, as in space, dealing daily with the mental grind of getting up every day, and repeating the same thing, every day, day-in and day-out. How utterly boring that can sometimes be. So I have always asked WHY? Why, as in why life, why do it at all? What is the point to it all? Where were/are the gold-plated reasons for doing the mundane stuff that make this life worthwhile? Why live, then die and for what? What is the purpose behind the grand scheme of things? So I can pay my rates and mortgage, having endured a lifetime of debt, so that I can then leave maybe a mediocre house atop of a piece of dirt, as in land, for my kids? I hardly thought so, way back when I first thought about this, and I definitely dont think so now. I mean, put like that, WHY WOULD YOU BOTHER? It just doesnt make sense. Why would anybody, in their right mind, do that; right? Dont get me wrong, life can be fantastic, this I know. But it can also be downright boring when you break it all down into the segments of many, many, obligations and responsibilities that you have to deal with in one lifetime. Not to mention the added rubbish and dramas of life, which you can, sometimes, find yourself also dealing with, whether you like it or not. I mean to say, what bright spark came up with the idea of the political process, and which idiot decided to sign us all up for it so that a bunch of power-driven individuals could decide how we are to live? The democratic process - what is that exactly? I know that it wasnt me, thats for sure, who came up with the grand scheme for how we now live daily life? Parking tickets why? Just who invented mortgages, because Id like a word with them, and who agreed that it was a good idea for common man (as in you and me) to be saddled with life-long debt? WHY do I have to pay so much to register my car each year? Then there is dog registration and cat registration and paying to get your child put on the births, deaths and marriages register. I could go on, but you get my point. Also, and this is equally important, where was the payoff? You sign up for a life time of the kids, the mortgage, the bills, the rates plus the myriad other stuff that comes along and generally gets you ticked off about life in general. So WHERE WAS/IS THE PAYOFF? What was it, is it, that was going to make you
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stick around and continue to do it, as in meeting all your obligations etc., if there wasnt an upside to it all? Life, summed up, in those terms, can look bleak. Suddenly one gains insight into why people leave their marriages, dump their children, run away from debt and end up in the court system; become sick and maybe die early? They have failed utterly to find the payoff. It is highly probable that some people do not know that there is one. Human-kind needs reward for their labour and devotion to duty, this I know. They always have, they always will. But, what is reward if it is not absolute satisfaction with your life in general? Given that you cant take the house, the land, the car, the money or your material possessions with you when you die, what else is there? So, put like that, it logically follows that the payoff (or reward) for living this life, be it miserable, poverty-stricken or otherwise, has to be an intangible, as in a-cant-be-seen-or-touched, thing of some sort, that stays with you forever. Part of that last statement is a contradiction, I know, but bear with me and just hold that thought because we will return to it later. I could spend all day on the detail but the idea is to give you a quick overview of what this is all about and then fill in the blanks later, as required, if that makes any sense at all? For those readers who dont know, it is important that I point out that the Science of the Mind, as a subject, can initially be a strange, albeit intriguing study if you dont know much about it. I know because I have been fascinated, and bamboozled, by it for years. One of the first principles one has to grasp is the saying that, Thoughts become things, quite literally this happens. This is a scientific fact which is now supported by many well-respected, well-known public figures willing to go on record and give accounts of their personal experiences. FYI: If you personally need proof for any of the statements made here in this article then may I suggest that you Google the various terms that you have any difficulty with because it is important, for your own personal development, that you just accept what is being said. As you read this information I remind you again to have an open mind. You dont need a science degree to understand this information. I merely require you to agree and accept the facts, as they are put to you. So, again, quite literally, Thoughts become things. Theoretical example: You want a green basketball, you think about a green basketball, you talk yourself into the idea of having a green basketball, you then imagine (child-like) that you have this green basketball, you can see it in your minds eye, you can feel it, touch it almost. Time goes by, or it doesnt, and either eventually or fairly shortly,
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depending on how adept you are at the process, you get a green basketball. Its a simple process. You want it, you get it. Ask and you shall receive. The only snag with the green basketball story is that you, most likely, would have no idea how you got the green basketball and, more to the point, probably didnt think very much more on the subject once said basketball had arrived. You probably put it down to a happy coincidence, Oh look, I got a basketball. Cool. FYI: There is no such thing as a coincidence, they are all planned. This is not a new idea. Many people the world over have said it, are saying it, have done it and are doing it. Modern-day individuals use these methods, for getting what they want, every day. The Ancients did it, Jesus Christ did it, and you do it, whether you realise it or not. But what is it that you do? The you that I am talking about is that you, as in the YOU looking back at you from your bathroom mirror, practises metaphysics every day, whether you know it or not. The it part of the equation is you (again), doing this by what you think and the words you utter. Put another way, consciously or unconsciously, you do it, as in create stuff, by thinking about things which then manifest in your every-day world and affairs. All day, every day, this is what you do. You cant avoid it. You are spiritually/mentally/emotionally/physically designed to constantly want stuff, preferably new and different stuff, which you then create, all day, every day, day-in and day-out. Simply put, this is how the universe expands. But heres the good part. Getting the stuff, whatever it may be, is your payoff and the payoff is meant to make you happy so that the boring, dreary parts of life appear less so. Not so, you say to yourself; because you, being you, are already looking for the cracks in my argument. In answer to that I would reply that, Yours is not to wonder why, but to do. This is the part where you have to suspend belief, until you fully understand what it is I am suggesting here and the methodology you will employ to make this all work properly. Its like saying to you that you wont get it until you do. So, dont argue the point, dont look for the flaws; dont begin on a negative by telling yourself this is rubbish (remember that you had the opportunity to turn the page further back in this article and go buy something), just go with it. If you dont get the stuff you currently think you have asked for then possibly you have forgotten about the stuff you previously asked for? Because, as sure as eggs come from chickens, you get what you ask for. Ever heard the saying, Be careful what you ask for, well its true? By your words you are raised up and by your words you are brought down.
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You create your reality. Its not hogwash, its a scientific fact. In an analysis of why you didnt win lotto on Saturday night there are many possibilities. One of the important questions to consider is, How did you ask? I would go so far as to say this is of vital importance. You also need to understand what the word ask really means in the context of what we are talking about here. Possibly an easier way to understand this is in the following illustration. You are on a bus which is going towards the town of Understanding and Expertise; there are many stops along the way. People get on and off the bus constantly but you decide to remain on it and complete the journey. As buses go this is a big one and when its in motion it is a big, powerful, moving object, which can complete huge distances in a fairly short amount of time and/or flatten anything in its path if it gets out of control; it hurtles along the highways and byways at a great rate of knots. All will be well provided it stays on the road its currently on, but there are a few problems with this bus. It doesnt know where its going and theres no-one in the drivers seat. For the unenlightened this is pretty much how you use your mind. Its a hit, or miss, approach. You create something; you flatten something. You create a problem in your life, you solve a drama. You get let off a parking ticket then someone runs into your brand new car and later you remember that you forgot to pay the insurance. Whatever it is, you create it all and it happens in your mind first. Then there is faith and belief, which also plays a big part in what it is you are either doing, or trying to do. You must BELIEVE utterly, entirely and totally that you will receive that for which you have asked for. Or, you always believe bad things happen to you, and if this is the case then that is usually what happens. Absolute faith and has nothing to do, well not directly anyway, with an external concept of God, Church, the Bible or Jesus Christ. What I mean to convey here is that its not a religiously-based process, dependant on a man in the sky bestowing favours upon you. No one is giving you anything. Im not saying that God is not involved here, what I am saying is that the process you are using, randomly and ineffectively, is nothing like what you think it is. Remember that this is the part where you totally suspend belief about the things that you think you know and just accept, for the purposes of this exercise, that what I am saying to you is absolutely true. So, you asked for first-division lotto last week, did you and you didnt win? Well, in the old days I would have said, Me too, so join the group. Theres only one ticket you say to yourself, and we cant all win it; right? Wrong. There are many lotto ticket wins in the entire world, many opportunities for you to get what you want; many first division wins going on all the time and many, many, many people all over the entire planet, constantly getting what they want, including
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lotto ticket wins, all the time. Quite literally ALL THE TIME. Its also happening to you too, all the time. You are a human being. Not only are you a human being with the most fantastic body that does all sorts of amazing things, without you having to tell it to do anything, but you are also a human being that makes stuff. Little kids call it magic and some big kids call it bunkum, but its still true. You make stuff and you destroy stuff all the time, you have been doing it for your entire life, you will continue to do it for the whole of your lifetime, you just dont know a whole lot about it because no-one thought to figure it out and then tell you about it. Just because you dont know about something doesnt mean it isnt happening or that its not true. It just means you dont know about it. So, all that being true, where is your lotto money? The answer to that is, Right where you left it. You, as in the same bathroom mirror you, left it. What right-thinking person would leave great piles of money lying around, for some other greedy bugger to get their hands on? Once again it is all a matter of understanding the terminology in a proper way. Banks mind money for people, and you left your money at the bank instead of bringing it home, which is a bit like saying you forgot to bank it. Not only do you have a New Zealand bank account, which is visible and that you can access at will; you also have an invisible bank account that you can access at will. Unfortunately you have never been able to decipher the access number and password that allows you to get into that particular account. Remember suspend belief. In that account is where you have left your many lotto wins; the new car, the job, the jewellery, the perfect partner, the holiday of a lifetime and every other thing, good or bad, that you have ever asked for. These are your payoff items, all waiting patiently for you to access them once you have worked out the combination. Believe it or not and heres the rub if you dont believe what I am saying, you will never access all of them. You will get some of them in the same random, hit-and-miss fashion that you have managed to get your other stuff that has come to you, but thats it and thats the point. Its a random method that you are using, when it should be a specific, results oriented process that hits the target every time. In the main we are sloppy thinkers, which is one of the root causes of all our problems. We have not been taught to think correctly, with command and discipline, in order to achieve our goals (or get the payoffs). No-one (as in you) is in charge of how you think because no-one (you) realised that someone (also you) should be; in some instances you dont do what you are not trained to do and this is one of those times. If you are not sure this is true; do a simple exercise. Take a sheet of paper and write down a list of thoughts, as they come to you, and then read the random, gobble-de-gook that you get. Your mind is most likely all over the place, some or all of the time, and its using on-going, random, undisciplined, ungoverned, sloppy thinking in order to get where it might want to go. Its like that bus
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hurtling down the road, with no driver. There is no control; no-one is in the drivers seat. If you cant order your thoughts is it any wonder you cant order your life? So, now having got your attention, what can you do about it?

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