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1he Cther S|de of App|e II

o||ut|on Spreads through App|e's Supp|y Cha|n

Ir|ends of Nature
Inst|tute of ub||c Lnv|ronmenta| Affa|rs
Green 8eag|e
Green Stone Lnv|ronmenta| Act|on Network

Cover hoto by Chuong Nguyen

Lxecut|ve Summary
ln Lhe reporL LlLled '1he CLher Slde of Apple' publlshed !anuary
11 a coallLlon of
envlronmenLal organlzaLlons broughL Lo llghL problems of polluLlon and polsonlng ln Apple's supply
chaln ln Chlna ?eL Lo Lhls day Apple has sysLemaLlcally falled Lo respond Lo all querles regardlng Lhelr
supply chaln envlronmenLal vlolaLlons
laced wlLh an ever evaslve Apple a group of Chlnese nCCs declded Lo dlg deeper and carry ouL
furLher lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo Lhe envlronmenLal problems LhaL exlsL wlLhln Apple's supply chaln
1hrough flve monLhs of research and fleld lnvesLlgaLlons we have found LhaL Lhe polluLlon dlscharge
from Lhls $3 blllon dollar company has been expandlng and spreadlng LhroughouL lLs supply chaln
and has been serlously encroachlng on local communlLles and Lhelr surroundlng envlronmenLs

I|gure 1 Mapp|ng of some suspected App|e supp||ers


1hrough our lnvesLlgaLlons we dlscovered LhaL Lhe polluLlon from some of Apple's suppllers had
already caused severe damage Lo Lhe envlronmenL AmongsL Lhese companles ls Lhe Melko LlecLronlcs'
planL ln Cuangzhou a suspecLed C8 suppller Lo Apple lnc 1hls company had prevlously schemed Lo
conceal Lhelr envlronmenLal vlolaLlons Powever Lhls plan was folled by Lhe LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
ueparLmenL WlLhln [usL a few monLhs Lhls company was penallzed for more Lhan Len vlolaLlons
lurLhermore Lhe amounL dlscharged from Lhe Melko LlecLronlcs C8 planL ln Wuhan ls even more
Lhan LhaL aL Lhe planL ln Cuangzhou 1he nelghborlng lake named nanLalzl (or SouLhern rlnce) ls
serlously conLamlnaLed 1hrough Lhlrd parLy monlLorlng Lhe waLer ln Lhe dlscharge channel Lo Lhe slde
of Lhe company's premlses was found Lo conLaln heavy meLals lncludlng copper and nlckel whlch are
sLandard polluLanLs from C8 planLs 1he copper conLenL ln Lhe sedlmenL sample Laken from Lhe
nanLalzl Lake and Lhe dlscharge channel lnLersecL reached as hlgh as 4 mg/kg whlch ls 36 Lo 193

Llmes Lhe amounL found ln Lhe sedlmenL ln Lhe ma[or lakes ln Lhe mlddle reaches of Lhe ?angLze 8lver
1he large volume of dlscharge ln Apple's supply chaln greaLly endangers Lhe publlc's healLh and safeLy
1hrough Lhe process of our lnvesLlgaLlons we dlscovered several suspecLed suppllers Lo Apple LhaL
have been Lhe LargeL of numerous complalnLs from local communlLles LocaLed ln kunshan Lhe Lwo
companles kaedar LlecLronlcs and unlmlcron LlecLronlcs have been sub[ecL Lo repeaLed complalnLs
from local resldenLs due Lo Lhelr emlsslons dlscharge 1he resldenLs of Lhls communlLy worry LhaL Lhe
healLh of Lhelr chlldren wlll be severely damaged More serlously a vlllage ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe
company has experlenced a phenomenal rlse ln cases of cancer
loxconn LlecLronlcs locaLed ln 1alyuan Shanxl rovlnce has a huge producLlon capaclLy and ls
lnvolved ln serlous polluLlon resulLlng from lLs meLal surface processlng ln recenL years Lhe local
resldenLs have repeaLedly flled complalnLs wlLh local agencles agalnsL Lhe loxconn facLory's lrrlLanL
gases 1hese gases ofLen leave Lhe nearby resldenLs wlLh lrrlLaLed nasal passageways waLerlng eyes
and Lhey someLlmes make lL hard for resldenLs Lo open Lhelr wlndows due Lo polluLlon belng so
lnLense 1he local governmenL has called on Lhe company Lo conLrol lLs polluLanL dlscharge many
Llmes buL Lhe polluLlon LhaL severely affecLs Lhe quallLy of llfe for Lhe resldenLs has yeL Lo be resolved
We have found from Lhls lnvesLlgaLlon LhaL Lhe volume of hazardous wasLe produced by suspecLed
Apple lnc suppllers was especlally large and some had falled Lo properly dlspose of Lhelr hazardous
wasLe Lach day lblden LlecLronlcs 8el[lng Company produces several dozen Lons of hazardous wasLe
conLalnlng heavy meLals copper nlckel and cyanlde Powever durlng furLher checks Lhe
envlronmenLal agency dlscovered LhaL even Lhough Lhere are sLrlcL naLlonal regulaLlons for Lhe
hazardous wasLe LransporL manlfesLs Lo be fllled ouL ln Lhls case Lhey were all lefL blank AfLer checks
Lhe agency also dlscovered LhaL Lhe exacL whereabouLs of Lhe heavy meLals sludge was noL clear
Moreover Lhe Shenzhen Munlclpal Pazardous WasLe 1reaLmenL SLaLlon who are responslble for Lhe
LreaLmenL of hazardous wasLe from Lhe elecLronlcs lndusLry lncludlng loxconn's was also found Lo
have dlscharged polluLanLs agalnsL Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards

ln March 6 a Lask group chose sampllng polnLs aL flve places ln Lhe lakes of Lhe mlddle reaches of Lhe ?angLze 8lver or places relaLlvely
lsolaLed from Lhe maln rlver 1he places were 1lan'ezhou Chlnese 8lver uolphln ConservaLlon slLe ln !lanll counLy Pubel rovlnce uongLlng Lake
(!unshan SouLh) Ponghu ueepwaLer Area and Wuhan uonghu and Llangzl Pu (lankou) Accordlng Lo Lhe resulLs of Lhls research Lhe lowesL levels
of copper ln Lhe sedlmenL of lakes of Lhe mlddle reaches of Lhe ?angLze were ppm and Lhe greaLesL was 3ppm ?u Cuoan Wang Zhaoyln Llu
Cheng Puang Wendlan sLudy lnLo Lhe quallLy of sedlmenL ln Lhe mlddle reaches of Lhe ?angLze 8lver sLudy lnLo sllL


Pazardous wasLe ls noL only dlrecLly Loxlc Lo humans and anlmals lL may also polluLe Lhe sLreams
rlvers lakes and seas and may lnfllLraLe and conLamlnaLe soll and ground waLer Lhrough raln and
snow causlng longLerm lmpacLs LhaL are exLremely dlfflculL Lo remedy and clean up Apple's
re[ecLlon Lo fulflll lLs responslblllLy Lo dlsclose envlronmenLal lnformaLlon wlll llkely cause an lmmense
amounL of hazardous wasLe released lnLo Lhe envlronmenL from lLs supply chaln whlch could
ulLlmaLely lead Lo hldden longLerm envlronmenLal and publlc healLh dangers
lrom Lhese Lwo lnvesLlgaLlons Lhe coallLlon has dlscovered more Lhan suspecLed suppllers Lo Apple
LhaL have had envlronmenLal problems Powever ln Lhe '11 Suppller 8esponslblllLy 8eporL'
publlshed by Apple lnc where core vlolaLlons were dlscovered from Lhe 36 audlLs noL a slngle
vlolaLlon was based on envlronmenLal polluLlon 1he publlc has no way of knowlng lf Apple ls even
aware of Lhese problems Agaln Lhe publlc has no way of knowlng lf Apple has pushed Lhelr suppllers
Lo resolve Lhese lssues
1herefore desplLe Apple's seemlngly rlgorous audlLs polluLlon ls sLlll expandlng and spreadlng along
wlLh Lhe supply chaln Meanwhlle on May
11 a dlsasLrous lncldenL lnvolvlng an exploslon
Look place aL a producLlon llne responslble for lads aL Lhe pollshlng workshop aL loxconn Chengdu
causlng Lhe deaLhs of Lhree workers and ln[urlng 13 more AfLer Lhls lncldenL lL was dlscovered LhaL
Lhe flrsL phase of Lhls enormous planL was expecLed Lo be Lhe largesL lads suppller globally Laklng
only 6 days Lo consLrucL A medla lnvesLlgaLlon revealed LhaL ln order Lo expedlLe consLrucLlon Lhe
pollshlng workshop machlnery was lnsLalled aL Lhe same Llme as LhaL producLlon was Laklng place
meanwhlle Lhe second baLch of workers afLer havlng only Lwo or Lhree days Lralnlng were senL Lo
Lhelr posLs Lo begln work
lor Lhls klnd of company Lo have passed an audlL led by Apple's vlceresldenL and Lhen go on Lo wln
Lhe maln conLracLs for Apple's global lad markeL lL musL surely leave one Lo quesLlon Apple's audlLlng
process Powever Lhere has been no way Lo conflrm any of Lhese querles wlLh Apple lnc as Lhe
company wlll noL acLlvely dlsclose any lnformaLlon nor wlll lL even passlvely respond Lo quesLlons
regardlng Lhelr suppllers under Lhe cover of Apple's annual audlLlng reporL Lhe company conLlnues Lo
lssue conLracLs Lo polluLlng companles for lLs CLM producLlon so as Lo pursue blood sLalned proflLs aL
Lhe cosL of Lhe envlronmenL and communlLles
uurlng Lhe pasL year and four monLhs a group of nCCs made aLLempLs Lo push Apple along wlLh
oLher l1 brands Lo face Lhese problems and Lhe meLhods wlLh whlch Lhey may be resolved Cf Lhese
9 brands many recognlsed Lhe serlousness of Lhe polluLlon problem wlLhln Lhe l1 lndusLry wlLh
Slemens vodafone AlcaLel hlllps and nokla belng amongsL Lhe flrsL baLch of brands Lo sLarL uLlllzlng
Lhe publlcly avallable lnformaLlon 1hese companles Lhen began Lo overcome Lhe spread of polluLlon
creaLed by global producLlon and sourclng and Lhus Lurn Lhelr sourclng power lnLo a drlvlng force for
Chlna's polluLlon conLrol
Powever Apple has become a speclal case Lven when faced wlLh speclflc allegaLlons regardlng lLs
suppllers Lhe company refuses Lo provlde answers and conLlnues Lo sLaLe LhaL lL ls our longLerm
pollcy noL Lo dlsclose suppller lnformaLlon" A large number of l1 suppller vlolaLlon records have
already been publlclzed however Apple chooses noL Lo face such lnformaLlon and conLlnues Lo use
Lhese companles as suppllers 1hls can only be seen as a dellberaLe refusal of responslblllLy


Apple has already made a cholce Lo sLand on Lhe wrong slde Lo Lake advanLage of Lhe loopholes ln
developlng counLrles' envlronmenLal managemenL sysLems and Lo be closely assoclaLed wlLh
polluLlng facLorles so LhaL lL can conLlnue Lo grab Lhelr own super proflLs aL Lhe expense of Lhe
envlronmenL and communlLles becomlng a barrler ln Chlna's paLh Lowards polluLlon reducLlon
Consumers also need Lo make a cholce We belleve Apple's consumers would noL accepL Lhe
polsonlng of Lhe envlronmenL Lhe harm Lo communlLles and Lhe sacrlflce of employee rlghLs ln
exchange for Lhelr Lrendy elecLronlc producLs lor Lhe sake of Lhe healLh of Lhe publlc Lhe proLecLlon
of Lhe envlronmenL Lhe baslc rlghLs of workers ln Apple's producLlon llnes and ln order Lo glve our
chlldren a safe and clean place Lo llve we ca|| upon consumers to express the|r concerns to App|e so
that App|e can hear the vo|ce of the pub||c



Summary 2

Sect|on 1 Shock|ng Leve|s of Lnv|ronmenta| o||ut|on8
Case 1 Cuangzhou Melko LlecLronlcs 8epeaLedly Lxceeded AuLhorlzed SLandards
ulscharged 1hrough Pldden lpes8
Case 2 Wuhan Melko LlecLronlcs Large volumes of WasLewaLer ulscharged lnLo
Surroundlng 8lvers and Lakes 10

Sect|on 2 Caus|ng D|rect narm to the Commun|ty19
Case 3 kaedar unlmlcron AffecLed ClLlzens kneel Ask for Pelp19
Case 4 loxconn 1alyuan 8epeaLed ComplalnLs by 8esldenLs on olluLlon Lmlsslons2S

Sect|on 3 nuge Amounts of nazardous Waste Leave n|dden Dangers for Ch|na28
Case S lblden LlecLronlcs (8el[lng) Co LLd Mlsslng Peavy MeLals Sludge31
Case 6 Shenzhen Pazardous WasLe 1reaLmenL SLaLlon Co LLd ulscharge Serlously Cver
Lhe AuLhorlzed SLandards32

Sect|on 4 Lven More o||ut|on kecords |n App|e's Supp|y Cha|n33
Case 7 loxconn 1hree lacLorles wlLh LnvlronmenLal vlolaLlon roblems33
Case 8 8oardLek CompuLer (Suzhou) Co LLd CaseLek CompuLer (Suzhou) Co LLd
AdopLlng MeLhods Lo Lvade WaLer olluLanL ulscharge Supervlslon34
Case 9 Shenzhen Alsheng reclslon ClrculL 1echnology Co LLd ulscharglng Peavy MeLals
ln 8reach of Lhe AuLhorlzed SLandards3S

Sect|on S App|e's Aud|ts Cover Up 8|ood Sta|ned roduct|on36
Case 10 loxconn Chengdu 1he 8lood SLalned lad38

Sect|on 6 Many I1 8rands nave 1aken os|t|ve Act|on41
Sect|on 7 Does App|e have a kespons|b|||ty for o||ut|on |n |ts Supp|y Cha|n? 4S
Sect|on 8 App|e Consumers ou Need to Make a Cho|ce47

1rons/otion 4ccurocy uisc/oimer 1bls Jocomeot bos beeo ttoosloteJ by ll fot tbe potposes of tefeteoce ooly uoe to tbe
Jlfflcoltles of ttooslotloo sllqbt Jlffeteoces moy exlst lf ooy poestloos otlse teloteJ to tbe occotocy of tbe lofotmotloo cootoloeJ
lo tbls ttooslotloo pleose tefet to tbe cbloese vetsloo of tbe Jocomeot wblcb ls tbe offlclol vetsloo of tbe Jocomeot Aoy
Jlsctepoocles ot Jlffeteoces cteoteJ lo tbe ttooslotloo ote oot bloJloq ooJ bove oo leqol effect fot compllooce ot eofotcemeot

ln Lhe reporL LlLled '1he CLher Slde of Apple' publlshed !anuary C
11 Lhe coallLlon of
envlronmenLal organlzaLlons broughL Lo llghL many serlous problems ln Apple lnc's supply chaln ln
Chlna AfLer Lhe reporL was publlshed Apple wenL on Lo lssue Lhelr own annual CS8 reporL ln whlch
Lhey acknowledged for Lhe flrsL Llme LhaL 13 workers had been polsoned by nhexane whlle
worklng aL a producLlon llne for one of Lhelr producLs ?eL Lo Lhls very day some of Lhe polsoned
workers' very reasonable demands for LreaLmenL and compensaLlon have noL been fully resolved 1he
workers have wrlLLen Lhree leLLers Lo Apple buL Lhey have noL recelved a word of reply
lurLhermore Apple remalns compleLely nonresponslve abouL Lhe polluLlon cases ralsed by Lhe
envlronmenLal groups ln 1he CLher Slde of Apple" reporL envlronmenLal organlzaLlons had
hlghllghLed a serles of envlronmenLal vlolaLlon lssues ln Apple's supply chaln 1hese lncluded a
hazardous wasLe leakage aL Suzhou Llan !lan 1echnology (WlnLek) uongguan lugang LlecLronlcs'
admlnlsLraLlve penalLy of 1 8M8 for serlous vlolaLlons uongguan Wanshlda's rapld expanslon
LhaL led Lo an lncrease ln dlscharge repeaLed complalnLs from Lhe publlc abouL uongguang Shengyl
LlecLronlcs' emlsslons as well as emlsslon lssues exceedlng Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards aL several
subsldlary companles of Lhe Cuangzhou nanbo Croup Apple has noL responded Lo any of Lhese
Cn Lhe one hand Apple has been sllenL abouL lLs envlronmenLal and soclal responslblllLles yeL aL Lhe
same Llme ln order Lo saLlsfy Lhe upsurge ln markeL demand Lhe company conLlnues Lo expand lLs
supply chaln ln Chlna Accordlng Lo relaLed reporLs on Lhe Loplc Apple's lhone sales volume for Lhe
quarLer of 11 was more Lhan double Lhe volume for Lhe same perlod Lhe prevlous year

slgnlfles LhaL Lhe volume of moblle phone producLlon ln Chlna conLlnues Lo expand AL Lhe same Llme
ln order Lo saLlsfy Lhe producLlon demands of Lhelr new generaLlon of LableL compuLers Lhe lad
Apple's prlnLed clrculL board producLlon ln Chlna has also seen a Lrend of rapld expanslon
Apple lnc's pollcy of noL commenLlng and Lo bury Lhelr heads ln Lhe sand when querles are ralsed by
Lhe publlc does noL mean LhaL Lhe problems of polluLlon and polsonlng wlLhln Lhe supply chaln wlll
auLomaLlcally vanlsh Cn Lhe conLrary lLs conLlnuously expandlng supply chaln slgnlfles LhaL lLs
envlronmenLal rlsks wlll also slmulLaneously lncrease laced wlLh a sLubbornly evaslve Apple lnc a
number of Chlnese envlronmenLal nCCs declded Lo dlg deeper and Lo furLher lnvesLlgaLe Lhe
envlronmenLal problems LhaL exlsL wlLhln Apple's supply chaln 1hrough flve monLhs of research and
fleld lnvesLlgaLlons we found LhaL Lhe polluLlon dlscharge from Lhls enormous lndusLrlal emplre has
been expandlng and spreadlng LhroughouL lLs supply chaln serlously encroachlng on Lhe local
communlLles and Lhelr envlronmenL

Apple ln Lhe flrsL quarLer surpassed nokla Lo become Lhe world's largesL moblle Lelephone company 114 3133 Source

Sect|on 1 Shock|ng Leve|s of Lnv|ronmenta| o||ut|on
Accordlng Lo a number of news channels aL Lhe sLarL of 11 Apple flnallzed a second llsL of prlnLed
clrculL board (C8) suppllers for lLs second generaLlon of LableL compuLers Lhe lad 1he number of
suppllers had lncreased Lo seven and lncluded lblden 11M Cold ClrculL LlecLronlcs LLd nan ?a
rlnLed ClrculL 8oard CorporaLlon PuaLong 1rlpod 1echnology CorporaLlon and Melko LlecLronlcs

WhllsL looklng more closely aL Lhese suppllers Melko LlecLronlcs
caughL our aLLenLlon

Case 1 Guangzhou Me|ko L|ectron|cs kepeated|y Lxceeded Author|zed Standards D|scharged
1hrough n|dden |pes
Melko LlecLronlcs ls a llsLed !apanese company ln 199 Lhe company lnvesLed uS$3 mllllon
consLrucLlng Melko LlecLronlcs (Cuangzhou nansha) Co LLd Lhelr flrsL producLlon base ln Chlna
whlch ls ln Cuangzhou MunlclpallLy Cuangdong rovlnce Cver Lhe pasL number of years Lhls
company whlch ls locaLed ln Lhe nansha Lconomlc and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL Zone has ofLen
been added Lo Lhe llsL of local polluLlng enLerprlses due Lo serlous polluLlon dlscharge
I|gure 2 Sate|||te |mage of Guangzhou Me|ko L|ectron|cs (suspected App|e Inc supp||er)

Cn lebruary 3
9 Lhe ' AssessmenL 8esulLs for Lhe key olluLlon Sources LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon CredlL ManagemenL lan' lssued by Lhe Cuangdong rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
8ureau showed Lhe evaluaLlon resulLs for Melko LlecLronlcs (Cuangzhou nansha) Co LLd Lo be an
'LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon CredlL ManagemenL LnLerprlse under SLrlcL LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
Supervlslon (8aLed 8ed)'

(LlsL of Second 8aLch lad C8 Suppllers Conflrmed l ulsplay ubllshed 1113
8ased on publlcly avallable lnformaLlon Lhls company ls also a suspecLed suppller Lo Sony anasonlc PlLachl Canon MoLorola Slemens Sanyo
and Samsung
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld6161 A company under serlous envlronmenLal supervlslon ls sald Lo be raLed
as 8ed" 8y carrylng ouL any of Lhe followlng acLs a company can be raLed as under sLrlcL envlronmenLal supervlslon 1 olluLanL dlscharge ls
serlously ln breach of Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards Maln wasLewaLer and wasLe gas polluLanLs are more Lhan double Lhe allowed amounLs or Lhe

ln 9 Lhe Cuangzhou Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau carrled ouL a supervlslon order
on Lhe companles wlLh envlronmenLal problems who were sub[ecL Lo publlc complalnLs and who
dlrecLly polluLed wasLewaLer 1he Cuangzhou ML 8ureau also carrled ouL supervlslon on Lhe 169
companles needlng focused regulaLlon wlLh boLh hlgh energy consumpLlon and hlgh levels of
polluLlon levels wlLhln seven lndusLrlal caLegorles Melko LlecLronlcs (Cuangzhou nansha) Co LLd
was amongsL Lhese companles Cwlng Lo Lhe facL LhaL lL was a sLaLe monlLored key polluLlon source
wlLh lLs wasLewaLer dlscharge ln breach of auLhorlzed sLandards and lLs provlnclal envlronmenLal
proLecLlon credlL havlng been raLed as red" Lhe company was llsLed as one of Lhe seven key vlolaLors
needlng speclal enforcemenL" and was requlred Lo flnlsh all recLlflcaLlon work by november 3


Cn !uly 4
9 Lhere was a complalnL made from a member of Lhe publlc who reporLed LhaL ln
nansha ulsLrlcL ln Lhe evenlng or on resL days one of Lhe facLorles l don'L know whlch one
dlscharges emlsslons LhaL have a smell LhaL lrrlLaLes Lhe LhroaL" 1he nansha ulsLrlcL LnvlronmenLal
Supervlslon unlL Lhen carrled ouL lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo mulLlple enLerprlses operaLlng ln Lhe nansha area
1he resulLs of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons showed LhaL aL one Llme Cuangzhou Melko was dlrecLly dlscharglng
organlc gases from Lhree dlscharge ouLleLs wlLhouL uslng acLlvaLed carbon absorpLlon devlces" 1he
lnspecLlon resulLs also showed LhaL Lhe Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau lssued an
admlnlsLraLlve penalLy Lo Lhe company ln !uly for havlng a generaLor produclng exhausL gases LhaL
were ln breach of Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards

uurlng medla lnLervlews ln !uly 9 Lhe head of Lhe Cuangzhou Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
8ureau ulng Pong sLaLed LhaL over a perlod of one and a half years we lnspecLed Melko LlecLronlcs
9 Llmes and on 13 of Lhose occaslons we found Lhelr emlsslons dlscharge Lo be ln breach of Lhe
auLhorlzed sLandards"

Cn !anuary
1 Lhe Cuangdong rovlnce LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL's !olnL
Supervlsory Cfflce convened a press conference Lo deLall Lhe provlnclal envlronmenLal problem
supervlslon work for 1 AL Lhe meeLlng companles were llsLed for speclal enforcemenL
supervlslon due Lo secreL or dlrecL dlscharge of polluLlon emlsslons LhaL serlously exceeded
auLhorlzed sLandards and acLs relaLlng Lo lllegal consLrucLlon pro[ecLs all wlLh severlLy" Cuangzhou
Melko's name was ranked aL Lhe Lop of Lhe llsL

Cn !une 4
1 Lhe program undercurrenLs" on CC1v's regular Lconomlcs Law segmenL
exposed Lhe speclflcs of Cuangzhou Melko LlecLronlcs' emlsslons dlscharge LhaL exceeded Lhe
auLhorlzed sLandards as well as how Lhe company used an overflow ouLleL as a hldden dlscharge plpe
Lo dlrecLly dlscharge polluLed waLer
uurlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon Lhls company repeaLedly aLLempLed Lo
hlde lLs vlolaLlons from Lhe Cuangzhou Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau's lnspecLlon Leam

LoLal polluLanLs dlscharged are more Lhan Lwlce Lhe allowed llmlL Pazardous wasLe noL enLrusLed Lo a quallfled company for LreaLmenL and
dlsposal 3 1he facLory has recelved a noLlce Lo make a paymenL wlLhln a speclfled deadllne buL has noL made a paymenL for dlscharge fees
wlLhln LhaL deadllne 8een handed Lwo or more admlnlsLraLlve penalLles or had Lwo or more penalLles enforced by a courL of law 4 Pas had a
large scale or very large scale envlronmenLal polluLlon lncldenL (noL lncludlng Lhose caused by naLural dlsasLers) 3 lound Lo have on Lwo or
more occaslons secreLly dlscharged dlscharged Lhrough leakage or dlrecLly dlscharged polluLanLs 6 lallure Lo reporL polluLanL dlscharge LhaL
was Lhen dlscovered by Lhe L8 8ecelved an admlnlsLraLlve penalLy from Lhe L8 for conducL LhaL resulLed ln envlronmenLal polluLlon
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld643

1he Cuangzhou MunlclpallLy 9 LlsL of Supervlsed Companles wlLh romlnenL LnvlronmenLal roblems Cuangzhou Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon 8ureau CovernmenL lnformaLlon ulsclosure 9

8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld643
Cuangzhou LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau head glves a ruLhless speech nanbo lanL olluLlon Mlshandllng 8eslgnaLlon ?angcheng Lvenlng
aper 9
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld61336
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld61336

by maklng false sLaLemenLs Powever Lhe Cuangzhou L8 sLaff saw Lhrough Lhe Lrlcks and penallzed
Lhe company more Lhan 1 Llmes over Lhe nexL few monLhs of lnspecLlons

I|gure 3 Cversp||| out|et ad[usted over the poo|

Cn Aprll 1Lh 11 Cuangdong rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL lssued Lhe
ubllcaLlon of AssessmenL 8esulLs for Lhe key olluLlon Sources LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
CredlL ManagemenL lan" 1he resulLs of Lhe assessmenL showed LhaL Melko LlecLronlcs (Cuangzhou
nansha) Co LLd was sLlll raLed as '?ellow'
meanlng LhaL LhaL Lhelr envlronmenLal problems had sLlll
noL been compleLely resolved
Case 2 Wuhan Me|ko L|ectron|cs
Large Vo|umes of Wastewater D|scharged |nto Surround|ng
k|vers and Lakes
AfLer esLabllshlng Lhelr facLory slLe ln Cuangzhou ln 199 Melko LlecLronlcs declded ln 3 Lo
esLabllsh anoLher facLory ln Lhe Wuhan Lconomlc and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL Zone (Zhuankou
uevelopmenL Zone) ln Wuhan MunlclpallLy Pubel rovlnce 1he facLory named Melko LlecLronlcs
(Wuhan) Co LLd acLed as a new C8 producLlon base for Lhe company on Lhe Chlnese malnland 1he
lnlLlal lnvesLmenL ln Lhls facLory was consldered Lo be uS$ mllllon wlLh plans for flnal lnvesLmenL

Companles wlLh an envlronmenLal warnlng are sald Lo be raLed as ?ellow" 8y carrylng ouL any of Lhe followlng acLs a company can be raLed as
havlng an envlronmenLal warnlng 1 olluLanL dlscharge ln breach of Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards buL noL serlously over Maln wasLewaLer or wasLe
gas polluLanLs are less Lhan double Lhe amounL allowed ln Lhe sLandards 1he LoLal volume of maln polluLanLs dlscharged ls less Lhan double Lhe
amounL allowed 1he level of nolse ouLslde Lhe facLory boundary ls over Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards and ls provlng a nulsance for Lhe local
communlLy lor a facLory ln an urban area lf Lhe level of nolse ls over Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards Lhen a warnlng can be lssued Solld wasLe (noL
lncludlng hazardous wasLe) noL LreaLed and dlsposed of accordlng Lo regulaLlons 3 1he facLory has recelved a noLlce Lo make a paymenL wlLhln a
speclfled deadllne buL has noL made a paymenL for dlscharge fees wlLhln LhaL deadllne 8een handed one admlnlsLraLlve penalLy or had one
penalLy enforced by a courL of law 4 lound Lo have on one occaslon secreLly dlscharged dlscharged Lhrough leakage or dlrecLly dlscharged
polluLanLs 3 1o have been found by Lhe L8 Lo have mlsreporLed or concealed Lhe dlscharge of polluLanLs 6 ComplalnLs from Lhe general publlc
have been conflrmed by lnvesLlgaLlons yeL Lhe company has noL Laken any measures Lo make lmprovemenLs 1he company has some sorL of
envlronmenLal vlolaLlon and does noL cooperaLe wlLh Lhe L8's lnvesLlgaLlons resulLlng ln polluLlon and harm Lo Lhe economy or lf Lhey are
exposed ln Lhe medla
AL Lhe Melko Croup's largesL producLlon base ln Chlna Lhelr maln cllenLs are Apple lnc MoLorola Slemens Samsung anasonlc 1oshlba and

Lo reach a LoLal of uS$ 33 mllllon creaLlng a large scale manufacLurlng base wlLh an annual
producLlon value of uS$ 4 mllllon
8oLh Lhe volume of waLer used by Lhe Melko LlecLronlcs producLlon llne and Lhe amounL of
wasLewaLer dlscharged by Lhe planL are very large As Lhe dally dlscharge volume of wasLewaLer ls
expecLed Lo reach 1 Lons afLer Lhe company ls bullL and reaches full operaLlng capaclLy and as
Lhe company's wasLewaLer conLalns Lhe heavy meLals nlckel and copper local resldenLs had mlsglvlngs
abouL waLer polluLlon slnce Lhe facLory was flrsL bullL
lor Lhese reasons Lhe relevanL deparLmenLs
seL sLrlngenL regulaLlons for Lhls company's polluLanL sLandards and requlred LhaL afLer LreaLmenL Lhe
wasLewaLer from Lhe company be plped and dlrecLly dlscharged lnLo Lhe ?angLze 8lver lnsLead of
nearby lakes
8y consulLlng offlclal lnformaLlon abouL Lhls company we found LhaL ln 3 Lhere was lnformaLlon
descrlblng lLs advanced LreaLmenL processes and sLrlngenL LreaLmenL sLandards AfLerwards we
dlscovered LhaL Lhe relevanL deparLmenLs had pushed Melko LlecLronlcs Lo dlscharge LreaLed waLer
lnLo Lhelr nelghbor Chenmlng aper lacLory's large dlscharge ouLleL Lherefore reduclng polluLlon
emlsslons We learned LhaL Lhe facLory had a chlorlne accldenL ln Aprll LhaL led Lo Lhe polsonlng
and hosplLallzaLlon of 1 workers
8y lebruary 11 relaLed documenLaLlon polnLed ouL LhaL as a
company produclng hazardous wasLe Lhls company dld ln facL fall Lo fully observe Lhe rules of wasLe
managemenL and handllng

I|gure 4 Wuhan Me|ko L|ectron|cs D|scharge Channe| Nanta|z| Lake Dongfeng S|u|ce Gate Goog|e
Larth Sate|||te Image

ln order Lo furLher undersLand Lhe dlscharge sLaLus ln Aprll 11 lrlend's of naLure's Wuhan 8ranch
and Lhe lnsLlLuLe of ubllc LnvlronmenLal Affalrs wenL Lo Lhe Wuhan Melko LlecLronlcs slLe 1he
lawyer Zeng xlangbln who ls Lhe person ln charge of lrlend's of naLure's Wuhan 8ranch lnvlLed

Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 8eporL on Lhe SlLuaLlon Surroundlng Melko LlecLronlcs Wu Puan (3) no4
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld3939
Pubel rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL olluLlon revenLlon Cfflce Concernlng Lhe 1 Pazardous WasLe olluLlon revenLlon
Supervlslon SlLuaLlon ?l Puan 8ao (1) no 31 lebruary 13

Zhang Zhllal an exemployee of Melko LlecLronlcs and Wan Zhengyou a nanLalzl Lake flsh farmer Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon
1o Lhe easLern slde of Lhe Melko LlecLronlcs facLory and separaLed by a road and small green belL of
land ls a waLer channel abouL 13 meLers ln lengLh LhaL leads lnLo nanLalzl Lake Walklng along Lhe
slde of Lhe dralnage channel we were very sLarLled Lo dlscover LhaL Lhe whole waLerway was flowlng
wlLh a mllky whlLe llquld We rode ln a small flshlng boaL ouL lnLo nanLalzl Lake 1he waLer ln Lhe lake
was an ash grey color wlLh whlLe bubbles accompanylng groups of black floaLlng ob[ecLs 1he waLer
carrylng Lhese ob[ecLs Lhen slowly flowed Lowards Lhe mosL dlsLanL parLs of Lhe lake unLll Lhey
blended lnLo a haze on Lhe horlzon nanLalzl Lake ls dlrecLly llnked Lo Lhe ?angLze 8lver meanlng Lhe
conLamlnaLed waLer wlll evenLually feed lnLo Lhe ?angLze 8lver
I|gure S Cns|te Invest|gat|on hoto Ma Iun

We Lurned around and rowed back Lowards Lhe small dralnage channel and found LhaL Lhe waLer
around Lhe channel's ouLleL was qulLe shallow reveallng a small ash grey mudflaL Wan Zhengyou
Lurned hls oar ln Lhe waLer sLlrrlng up Lhlck grey mud Cn enLerlng Lhe small dralnage channel Lhe
color of Lhe waLer changed from ash grey Lo a mllky whlLe maklng lL seem as lf we were rowlng on a
rlver of mllk lL was only each Llme an oar cuL Lhrough Lhe waLer LhaL black mud was broughL up Lo Lhe
surface and churned LogeLher wlLh Lhe mllky whlLe llquld


AbouL half way along Lhe dralnage channel was a concreLe plllar where we dlscovered many dlfferenL
layers of green marks 1he exemployee from Wuhan Melko LlecLronlcs Zhang Zhllal LhoughL LhaL
Lhese marks were very llkely Lo have come from Lhe green oll LhaL ls ofLen used on prlnLed clrculL
boards Lo creaLe a green solder reslsLanL area on Lhe board Wan Zhengyou also Lold us LhaL aL nlghL
Lhe volume of waLer belng dlscharged ls ofLen much larger so much so LhaL lL almosL obscures Lhe
concreLe plllars
AfLer paddllng furLher along Lhe dralnage channel we came across a several meLer wlde culverL wlLh a
road passlng overhead and even furLher on Lhe roof of Melko LlecLronlcs could be seen ln Lhe
dlsLance AfLer [usL a few drops of raln landed sLeam appeared ouL of Lhe polluLed mllky waLer ln Lhe
Lunnel enLrance and was blown over by Lhe wlnd brlnglng wlLh lL an acldlc odor LhaL made everyone
wanL Lo cough Cur generaLlon drlnks polluLed waLer buL Lhe nexL generaLlon wlll be drlnklng
polsoned waLer" sald Wan Zhengyou

I|gure 6 Lead|ng to Nanta|z| Lake D|scharge Channe| hoto Ma Iun


I|gure 7 D|scharge Channe|'s Wastewater Samp|e Inspect|on kesu|ts

uurlng Lhe onslLe lnvesLlgaLlon we Look a sample of Lhe mllky whlLe waLer ln Lhe dralnage channel
LhaL ran lnLo nanLalzl Lake 1he sample was Lhen senL Lo Lhe Wuhan Munlclpal Pongshan ulsLrlcL
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon MonlLorlng SLaLlon for LesLlng Lo be carrled ouL 1he resulLs of Lhe LesLlng
showed LhaL Lhe waLer sample conLalned Lhe heavy meLals copper and nlckel 1he concenLraLlon of
nlckel ln Lhe sample was found Lo be 3mg/L whlch was 1113 Llmes over Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards
llmlLs of mg/L
for cenLrallzed waLer deslgnaLed Lo be a source of domesLlc drlnklng waLer or
surface waLer
ln facL ln 6 ln order Lo remove Lhe rlsk LhaL Lhe Chenmlng no1 lacLory's wasLewaLer posed Lo
Lhe downsLream Zhuankou drlnklng waLer source polnL and Lo llghLen Lhe polluLlon load on nanLalzl
Lake Lhe Wuhan Munlclpal Lconomlc and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL Zone AdmlnlsLraLlve
CommlLLee bullL a dlscharge plpe for Lhe sole use of Chenmlng no1 and no lacLorles and Melko
LlecLronlcs 1he producLlon wasLewaLer from Lhese Lhree facLorles was collecLed lnLo one plpe and
dlscharged dlrecLly Lo Lhe ?angLze (downsLream from Lhe Zhuankou drlnklng waLer planL)

Accordlng Lo Lhe Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau wlLh regards Lo Melko
LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd's second phase prlnLed clrculL board producLlon llne pro[ecL
envlronmenLal lmpacL reporL approval lLs producLlon wasLewaLer (copper nlckel cyanlde fluorlde
degreaslng agenLs conLalned ln producLlon wasLewaLer as well as oLher cleanlng and acldlc
wasLewaLer) needed Lo be collecLed and LreaLed separaLely so as Lo reach Lhe 'Comprehenslve
WasLewaLer ulscharge SLandard' (C891996) 1able 1 and 1able 4 Cnce Lhe wasLewaLer had

Surface WaLer LnvlronmenLal CuallLy SLandard C833 naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau naLlonal CuallLy Supervlslon
lnspecLlon CuaranLlne 8aLlfled 4

reached Lhe Level l sLandard lL could Lhen be dlscharged lnLo Lhe ?angLze rlver Lhrough dedlcaLed
dralnage plpes"

Cn uecember 9
Lhe MlnlsLry of WaLer 8esources ?angLze 8lver WaLer 8esources Commlsslon
also lssued a documenL LhaL requlred LhaL Lhe wasLewaLer from Lhe Melko LlecLronlcs lacLory
wasLewaLer LreaLmenL planL afLer LreaLmenL LhaL meanL lL reached Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards would
be dlscharged Lhrough Lhe pumplng sLaLlon whlch Lhe companles shall bulld lnLo Lhe ?angLze rlver
along wlLh LreaLed wasLewaLer from Lhe no1 and no Chenmlng aper lacLorles and Lhe LreaLed
wasLewaLer from Lhe Wuhan Lconomlc and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL Zone wasLewaLer LreaLmenL
planL 1he LreaLed wasLewaLer would Lhen flow of lLs own accord Lhrough Lhe uongfeng slulce gaLe
and lnLo Lhe ?angLze Among Lhe comblned dlscharge Lhe amounL of LreaLed wasLewaLer from Lhe
Melko LlecLronlcs facLory wasLewaLer LreaLmenL planL should noL exceed 1 Lons/day

We found Lhe Chenmlng aper lacLory dlscharge ouLleL and saw a very Lhlck meLal plpe dlscharglng
LorrenLs of brownlsh red wasLewaLer lnLo Lhe rlver A large amounL of whlLe foam was formlng on Lhe
surface of Lhe rlver and flowlng on Lowards Lhe uongfeng slulce gaLe AfLer arrlvlng aL Lhe uongfeng
slulce gaLe we saw LhaL Lhe wasLewaLer and whlLe foam were able Lo flow dlrecLly and unhlndered
sLralghL lnLo Lhe ?angLze An elderly keeper of Lhe slulce gaLe Lold us LhaL aL nlghL Lhe wasLewaLer
foam dlscharge was much greaLer and lL ofLen had a sLench LhaL was so bad he was unable Lo sleep
I|gure 8 D|scharge Cut|et Used by Me|ko L|ectron|cs Chenm|ng aper Compan|es hoto Ma Iun

Wu Puan Cuan () no 33 Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau '8egardlng Melko LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd C8 roducLlon Llne
hase ll ConsLrucLlon rogram LlA 8eporL Approval Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau Cfflce rlnLed !uly

8egardlng Lhe Approval by Wuhan Munlclpal Lconomlc and 1echnologlcal uevelopmenL Zone olluLanL WaLer 1reaLmenL lanL for Lhe
lnsLallaLlon of a olluLanL ulscharge CuLleL lnLo Lhe 8lver Llcense no 169 MlnlsLry of WaLer 8esources ?angLze 8lver WaLer 8esources
CommlLLee 19

Cn !une 3
11 Lhe lawyer from Lhe Wuhan branch of lrlend's of naLure Zeng xlangbln and Lhe
ony 1esLlng Company goL Lhe LesL resulLs from Lhe sampled mllky whlLe waLer from Lhe dralnage
channel leadlng Lo nanLalzl Lake 1he resulLs showed LhaL Lhe CCucr concenLraLlon was 19 mg/L
whlch ls 4 Llmes Lhe CaLegory v (4mg/L)

LnvlronmenLal Surface WaLer CuallLy SLandard 1he

copper conLenL here ls belleved Lo be beLween 36193 Llmes Lhe volume of copper found ln Lhe
sedlmenL ln Lhe mlddle reaches of Lhe ma[or lakes of Lhe ?angLze 8lver
Conslderlng LhaL heavy meLals do noL degrade easlly and acLually accumulaLe Lhe ony 1esLlng
Company was enLrusLed by Lhe nCCs Lo carry ouL LesLlng on a sample of sedlmenL from Lhe dralnage
channel and a sample aL Lhe polnL where Lhe dralnage channel flowed lnLo nanLalzl Lake 1he resulLs
showed LhaL Lhe amounL of copper ln Lhe sample from Lhe dralnage channel conLalned 463mg of
copper per kg and Lhe sedlmenL sample Laken aL Lhe polnL where Lhe dralnage channel flowed lnLo
Lhe lake conLalned 4mg of copper per kg

I|gure 9 D|scharge Channe| Nanta|z| Lake Sed|ment Samp|e Mon|tor|ng kesu|ts
(Mon|tor|ng 8ody ony 1est|ng Company 1|me of Samp||ng Iune 3

When conslderlng LhaL heavy meLals have dlfflculLy degradlng and can acLually accumulaLe Lhe ony
1esLlng Company commlssloned by Lhe coallLlon carrled ouL furLher LesLlng on samples of sedlmenL
Laken from Lhe dralnage channel and Lhe ouLleL of Lhe dralnage channel aL Lhe polnL aL whlch lL flows
lnLo nanLalzl Lake 1he resulLs of Lhe LesLlng showed LhaL Lhe sedlmenL ln Lhe dralnage channel

Surface WaLer LnvlronmenLal CuallLy SLandard C8 33 naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau naLlonal CuallLy MonlLorlng
lnspecLlon CuaranLlne 8aLlfled 4

conLalned 463mg of copper per kg and Lhe sedlmenL aL Lhe polnL where Lhe dralnage channel flowed
lnLo nanLalzl Lake conLalned 4mg copper per kg
8y comparlng Lhe resulLs of Lhe LesLlng wlLh Lhe nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards
and ?angLze
8lver Maln SLream SedlmenL CuallLy SLandard Levels lL ls obvlous LhaL Lhe levels of copper ln Lhe
sedlmenL ln Lhe dralnage channel are unusually hlgh and Lhe levels of copper ln Lhe sedlmenL where
Lhe dralnage channel flows lnLo nanLalzl Lake are lncredlbly hlgh

Sample Copper mg/kg nlckel mg/kg
nanLalzl Lake SedlmenL 4 6
uralnage Channel SedlmenL 463 14
nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandard L8L values

nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards L8M values

?angLze 8lver SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards Level l

?angLze 8lver SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards Level ll
?angLze 8lver SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards Level lll
?angLze 8lver SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards Level lv

I|gure 10 Compar|son of Sed|ment Inspect|on kesu|ts Standards

1he nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandards are seL Lo Lwo llmlL values L8L (LffecLs 8angeLow) and L8M
(LffecLs 8angeMedlan) where Lhe L8L value represenLs a low" LoxlclLy effecL and Lhe L8M value
represenLs a medlum" LoxlclLy effecL When Lhe conLenL of heavy meLals ln Lhe sedlmenL ls less Lhan
Lhe L8L value Lhen Lhe probablllLy of produclng negaLlve effecLs (LoxlclLy lmpacL) ls less Lhan 1 lf
Lhe conLenL of heavy meLals ln Lhe sedlmenL exceeds Lhe L8L value buL ls below Lhe L8M value Lhen
Lhe probablllLy of produclng LoxlclLy effecL lncreases Lo 3 lf Lhe heavy meLals conLenL ln Lhe

1he nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandard (LffecLs 8ange Approach L8A) ls complled based on Lhe daLa compllaLlon of a large volume of chemlcal
and blologlcal effecLs CurrenLly lL ls lnLernaLlonally Lhe mosL wldely accepLed meLhod of developlng sedlmenL quallLy sLandards and ls used by
some CovernmenL deparLmenLs as well as research bodles llrsLly an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhls meLhod by Long and Morgan from Lhe uS naLlonal
Cceanlc and ALmospherlc AdmlnlsLraLlon (nCAA) naLlonal sLaLus and Lrend research pro[ecL conLenLs sampllng hundreds of locaLlons assesslng
Lhe blologlcal effecL of sedlmenL polluLanL adsorpLlon LesLlng Lhe appllcaLlon of balanced allocaLlon meLhods LaboraLory sedlmenL blologlcal
analysls meLhod and oLher Lypes of meLhods Lo obLaln Lhe sedlmenL quallLy sLandard sLaLlsLlcs Lhere are dlfferenL meLhods of observaLlon and
calculaLlon for Lhe chemlcal concenLraLlons Lo push Lhe blologlcal effecLs Lo carryouL a classlflcaLlon sequence 1o conflrm Lhe blologlcal effecL
sequence as 1
percenLlle and 3
percenLlle Lherefore correspondlng sedlmenL polluLanLs conLenL value ls deflned as (LffecLs 8angeLow L8L)
Lhe 3
percenLlle Lherefore correspondlng sedlmenL polluLanLs conLenL value ls deflned as (LffecLs 8angeMedlan L8M) CuoLe from Llu
Cheng Wang Zhaoyln Pe ?un lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo WaLer quallLy SLandards of SedlmenL ueposlLlon SedlmenL 8esearch hase ll Aprll 3

SedlmenL CuallLy Culdellnes developed for Lhe naLlonal SLaLus and 1rends rogram
Llu Cheng Wang Zhaoyln Pe ?un lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo WaLer quallLy SLandards of SedlmenL ueposlLlon SedlmenL 8esearch 3

sedlmenL exceeds Lhe L8M value Lhen Lhe chances of produclng Loxlc effecL lncreases Lo beLween

Accordlng Lo Lhe resulLs of Lhe LesLlng carrled ouL by Lhe ony 1esLlng Company Lhe sedlmenL from
Lhe dralnage channel near Melko LlecLronlcs and Lhe sedlmenL ln nanLalzl Lake had amounLs of
copper ln Lhem LhaL far exceeded Lhe nCAA SedlmenL CuallLy SLandard L8M values meanlng LhaL Lhe
posslblllLy of produclng harmful LoxlclLy effecLs ls very large
Cn Aprll 13Lh 11 Lhe lawyer from lrlends of naLure Zeng xlangbln led Lhe ony 1esLlng Company
Lo carry ouL LesLlng aL Lhe uongfeng slulce gaLe where Lhe comblned ouLleL from Melko LlecLronlcs
and Chenmlng aper lacLory dlscharges wasLewaLer 1hey dlscovered LhaL Lhe CCucr was as much as
16mg/L and Lhe concenLraLlon of Lhe heavy meLal nlckel was as much as 13mg/L Lven Lhough Lhe
wasLewaLer was heavlly dlluLed by Lhe nlckel free waLer belng dlscharged from Lhe Chenmlng aper
lacLory Lhe LoLal concenLraLlon of nlckel was 33 Llmes hlgher Lhan Lhe predlcLed amounL

8ased on Lhere belng 3 worklng days per year by Laklng Lhe concenLraLlons ln Lhe samples and Lhe
volume of waLer belng dlscharged aL Lhls ouLleL per day (Chenmlng aper lacLory no 1 3
Lons/day Chenmlng aper lacLory no 1 Lons/day Melko LlecLronlcs 1 Lons/day)
was posslble Lo work ouL LhaL Lhe amounL of nlckel dlscharged per year could be as much as 1

166 Llmes Lhe amounL permlLLed

Cn AugusL 3Lh 11 we senL a corporaLe envlronmenLal conducL leLLer Lo Melko LlecLronlcs
lnqulrlng abouL Lhe company's envlronmenLal managemenL As of AugusL 3
11 we have yeL Lo
recelve any klnd of response from Lhe company

?u Cuo'an Wang Zhaoyln Llu Cheng Puang Wendlan lnvesLlgaLlon on SedlmenL CuallLy ln Lhe Mlddle ?angLze 8lver SedlmenL 8esearch

8ased on Lhe 'Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 8eporL 8egardlng Lhe SlLuaLlon of Melko LlecLronlcs' rogram" Wu Puan
(3) no4 Lhe Melko Company declded Lo use a compleLe seL of advanced envlronmenLal proLecLlon Lechnology Lools and equlpmenL all
lmporLed from one of !apan's leadlng envlronmenLal proLecLlon companles Lhe Lbara Company 1he wasLewaLer esLlmaLlons are below Me|ko
L|ectron|cs' Wuhan |ant r|mary o||utant D|scharge Chart (Un|t mg]|)
1ota| Copper N|cke| 1ota| Cyan|de o||utant Water 1reatment Un|t
Cuangzhou lanL (Measured) 43 1 9 SLLCC (Cuangzhou)
Wuhan lanL (LsLlmaLed) 4 4 Lbara (!apan)
ulscharge SLandard 3 1 3
Surface WaLer LnvlronmenLal CuallLy SLandard 1
uomesLlc urlnklng WaLer Pyglene SLandard 1 3

Wu Puan Cuan (9) no 11 Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 8eporL 8egardlng Lhe SlLuaLlon of Lhe uevelopmenL of key
Cases AfLer Supervlslon Work november 3

Cn !uly
11 1he lL conLacLed Lhe Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau regardlng Lhe annual permlLLed volume of copper
and nlckel polluLanL dlscharge for Melko LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd 8ased on Lhe response from Lhe Wuhan LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau
on AugusL 1Lh 11 Lhe permlLLed polluLanL dlscharge volume for Melko LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd was seL aL Copper 91 Lons and nlckel
1 Lons per annum

Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 8egardlng Melko LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd LnvlronmenL lmpacL AssessmenL for Lhe
Annual producLlon of 4 mllllon m


prlnLed clrculL boards and 36 mllllon m

of base boards Wu Puan Cuan (3) no43 Wuhan Munlclpal
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau Cfflce AugusL 9
Wu Puan Cuan () no33 Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 8egardlng Melko LlecLronlcs (Wuhan) Co LLd rlnLed ClrculL 8oard
roducLlon Llne hase ll ConsLrucLlon ro[ecL LnvlronmenLal lmpacL AssessmenL 8eporL Approval Wuhan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
8ureau Cfflce !uly


Sect|on 2 Caus|ng D|rect narm to the Commun|ty
1he large quanLlLles of dlscharge from Apple's supply chaln noL only causes serlous envlronmenLal
polluLlon buL even causes dlrecL harm Lo Lhe healLh and safeLy of Lhe publlc 1hrough lnvesLlgaLlons
we dlscovered many suppller companles Lo Apple LhaL have been sub[ecL Lo publlc complalnLs
Case 3 kaedar L|ectron|cs Un|m|cron L|ectron|cs Affected C|t|zens knee| Ask for ne|p
1he company kaedar LlecLronlcs (kunshan) Co LLd (betelooftet tefetteJ to os kaedar LlecLronlcs) ls
locaLed ln kunshan !langsu rovlnce We came Lo know of Apple's relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhls company
Lhrough a commerclal brlbery scandal


1hls company holds a 6 polluLlon record ln Lhe olluLlon Map uaLabase 1hls record shows kaedar
LlecLronlcs as havlng exLended operaLlons wlLhouL auLhorlzaLlon and excesslve exLernal dlscharge of
unLreaLed wasLewaLer" 1he kunshan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau ordered a halL Lo
Lhe producLlon on Lhe exLended producLlon llne and lssued a 1 8M8 flnanclal penalLy"

Cn !une 3
11 Lhe 'kunshan Munlclpal 1 lndusLrlal LnLerprlses LnvlronmenLal ConducL 8aLlng
noLlce ubllcaLlon' was released sLaLlng LhaL kaedar LlecLronlcs had been raLed as a 'yellow
whlch means LhaL even Lhough Lhe polluLanL dlscharge was wlLhln Lhe naLlonal
sLandards lL had exceeded Lhe LoLal volume conLrol LargeLs or some oLher vlolaLlon had Laken place"

kunshan unlmlcron LlecLronlc Co LLd (betelooftet tefetteJ to os unlmlcron LlecLronlcs) ls also
locaLed ln kunshan !langsu rovlnce Accordlng Lo publlcly avallable lnformaLlon Lhls company serves
as Lhe kunshan producLlon base for 1alwan's unlmlcron Croup
and unlmlcron ls a suspecLed C8
suppller Lo Apple lnc

unlmlcron LlecLronlcs holds a 3 record ln Lhe olluLlon Map uaLabase and was raLed as a 'red
whlch means LhaL even Lhough efforLs were made Lo conLrol polluLlon Lhe polluLanL
dlscharge sLlll had noL reached Lhe naLlonal polluLanL conLrol sLandards or a ma[or polluLlon lncldenL
had Laken place or Lhe company had a compllance raLe of more Lhan 3 and less Lhan
Lhls company was raLed as a yellow company
whlch means LhaL even Lhough Lhe polluLanL
dlscharge was wlLhln Lhe naLlonal sLandards lL had exceeded Lhe LoLal volume conLrol LargeLs or some
oLher vlolaLlon had Laken place"

AugusL 13
1 a mldlevel managemenL employee aL Lhe uS Apple lnc was sued for provldlng klckbacks Lo slx Aslan suppllers Lo Apple
accessory suppllers naLlonal 8uslness news 11 1he suppllers lnvolved lnclude kaedar LlecLronlcs Co LLd locaLed aL Suzhou kaedar
LlecLronlcs parenL company ls Lhe llsLed company egaLron CorporaLlon from 1alwan 1he company's medla spokesperson Lln CluLan verlfled Lhls
by saylng 1he person responslble has already been suspended and we are underLaklng followup lnvesLlgaLlons"
8ased on publlcly avallable maLerlals Lhls company aL Lhe same Llme ls a suspecLed suppller Lo 1oshlba P uell and Lenovo
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld6963
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld6694
noLlce on MaLLers 8elaLlng Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lndusLrlal LnLerprlses LnvlronmenLal 8ehavlor lnformaLlon ulsclosure SysLems kun Puan
(1) no33 kunshan MunlclpallLy LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 3
8egardlng xlnxlng roducLlon 8ase hLLp//wwwunlmlcroncom/abouLhLm#
8ased on publlcly avallable lnformaLlon Lhls company ls also a suspecLed suppller Lo nokla
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld641
noLlce on MaLLers 8elaLlng Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lndusLrlal LnLerprlses LnvlronmenLal 8ehavlor lnformaLlon ulsclosure SysLems kun Puan
(1) no33 kunshan MunlclpallLy LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 3
8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/com_deLallaspx?ld3936
noLlce on MaLLers 8elaLlng Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lndusLrlal LnLerprlses LnvlronmenLal 8ehavlor lnformaLlon ulsclosure SysLems kun Puan
(1) no33 kunshan MunlclpallLy LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau 3

I|gure 11 A Goog|e Larth Sate|||te Image of kaedar and Un|m|cron and the Loca| Commun|t|es

Whlle furLher searchlng Lhe relaLed daLa we came across many publlc complalnLs ln onllne forums
whlch were dlrecLed Lowards Lhese Lwo companles 1hls lnformaLlon sLaLed LhaL slnce 6 Lhe
resldenLs have been consLanLly sub[ecLed Lo Lhe effecLs of Lhe company's emlsslons wasLewaLer and
nolse levels especlally Lhe spray coaLlng emlsslons from kaedar LlecLronlcs and Lhe acld gas emlsslons
from unlmlcron LlecLronlcs Many of Lhose who complalned worry abouL Lhe lmpacL on Lhe healLh of
Lhelr chlldren wlLh some resldenLs noLlng LhaL Lhey had already senL Lhelr chlldren Lo sLay elsewhere
ln Lhese forums some people had menLloned Lhey had reporLed Lhls maLLer many Llmes
WlLhln Lhls kunshan forum some of Lhe resldenLs had reporLed Lhe problem many Llmes ln amongsL
Lhe commenLs we came across an offlclal response posLed by a forum user saylng ?ou have reporLed
Lhe polluLlon problems of kaedar LlecLronlcs (kunshan) Co LLd and kunshan unlmlcron LlecLronlc
Co LLd Lo Lhe open mallbox of Lhe provlnclal parLy secreLary Lhe head of our deparLmenL places
much lmporLance on Lhls on one hand we have lnsLrucLed Lhe Suzhou Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon 8ureau Lo handle Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons and on Lhe oLher hand we have arranged for Lhe
personnel from Lhe relevanL deparLmenLs Lo underLake supervlslon

Accordlng Lo Lhe response kaedar LlecLronlcs' maln producL ls Lhe ouLer caslng and lnLerlor of
noLebook compuLers Lhelr emlsslons malnly come from Lhe spraylng parL of Lhe producLlon process
and Lhe nolse ls malnly produced by fans and Lhe coollng Lowers unlmlcron LlecLronlc Co LLd has
Lhree phases of consLrucLlon and a gold plaLlng producLlon llne wlLh acld gas and dusL as lLs maln
wasLe gas emlsslon

AfLer seelng Lhe posL on Lhe kunshan lorum Lhe coallLlon made checks on Lhe slLuaLlon Lhrough Lhe !langsu rovlnclal CovernmenL webslLe's
rovlnclal arLy SecreLary Mallbox" 1hls column lncludes Lhe secLlons vlew leLLers" and selecLed leLLers" Powever Lhe selecLed leLLers"
column was empLy and ln order Lo vlew Lhe selecLed leLLers you need Lo enLer a serlal number" and query password"1he responses Lo Lhese
leLLers are noL open Lo Lhe general publlc

Accordlng Lo Lhe response kaedar LlecLronlcs and unlmlcron LlecLronlcs have boLh consLrucLed
LreaLmenL faclllLles 8y looklng aL Lhe resulLs from Lhe ordlnary nonscheduled monlLorlng we can see
LhaL Lhe emlsslons for boLh companles are wlLhln Lhe level sLandard of Lhe 'ALmospherlc olluLanL
Comprehenslve ulscharge SLandards' 1he facLory nolse aL kaedar LlecLronlcs was also wlLhln Lhe Lhlrd
caLegory sLandard of Lhe 'lacLory nolse SLandards for lndusLrlal LnLerprlses'
8uL Lhe response also sald LhaL Lhrough holdlng many onslLe lnspecLlons kunshan Munlclpal
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau dlscovered LhaL because Lhe facLory was raLher close Lo a resldenLlal
area even lf Lhe facLory's emlsslons and nolse were wlLhln Lhe auLhorlzed sLandards Lhey were bound
Lo have an effecL on Lhe surroundlng envlronmenL lor Lhese reasons Lhe kunshan Munlclpal
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau requlred LhaL Lhe Lwo facLorles based on Lhe facL LhaL Lhey already
meeL Lhe dlscharge sLandards should make furLher lmprovemenLs Lo Lhelr polluLlon conLrol faclllLles
so as Lo reduce Lhe affecL on Lhe surroundlng area Meanwhlle Lhe L8 has also proposed LhaL
kunshan Munlclpal CovernmenL devlse a plan for Lhe Lwo companles Lo be relocaLed"
Cn Aprll 19
11 nan[lng Creen SLone's Ll Chunhua and Lwo sLaff members aL Lhe lnsLlLuLe of ubllc
LnvlronmenLal Affalrs carrled ouL an lnvesLlgaLlon aL Lhe Wangfang Shul'an CommunlLy Lhe place
where Lhe onllne complalnLs were concenLraLed lrom Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon a group of resldenLs gave an
accounL of Lhe annoyance caused by Lhe lasL 6 years of wasLe gas dlscharge aL kaedar LlecLronlcs and
unlmlcron LlecLronlcs Accordlng Lo Lhe resldenLs Lhe polsonous gas" LhaL ls someLlmes dlscharged
from Lhese companles mean Lhey do noL dare open Lhelr wlndows oLherwlse Lhey wlll wake ln Lhe
mlddle of Lhe nlghL choklng
We found many resldenLs concerned abouL Lhe emlsslon's healLh lmpacL on Lhelr chlldren uurlng
onslLe lnvesLlgaLlons we came across a young boy who ls a sLudenL aL Lhe communlLy's klndergarLen
1he boy named 1ong Palyl aged elghL years old accompanled by hls moLher led us Lo Lhe ouLer
norLhern wall of Wangfang Shul'an communlLy lL was Lhen LhaL we saw LhaL kaedar LlecLronlcs and
Lhe klndergarLen were only separaLed by an lron fence WlLh a gusL of wlnd came Lhe offenslve odor
lL was aL Lhe slde of Lhls company and hls klndergarLen LhaL 1ong Palyl pulled on hls moLher's hand
and sald SomeLlmes when l come back home and l'm sLudylng l have chesL palns and when you
come Lo feLch me l feel really dlzzy SomeLlmes Lhere ls a really sLrange smell aL school" Pls moLher
Lold us he ofLen has headaches dlzzlness and frequenL nose bleeds whlch makes her very concerned
Ms Mel who was Lhe flrsL Lo ralse complalnLs ln 6 also came wlLh us She had sLarLed
complalnlng because she was pregnanL aL LhaL Llme and was especlally worrled abouL Lhe effecLs Lhe
emlsslons from kaedar LlecLronlcs would have on her chlld SubsequenLly her complalnLs came Lo no
avall as kaedar LlecLronlcs' polluLlon sLayed Lhe same ln order Lo proLecL her son's healLh she had no
opLlon buL Lo send hlm Lo be ralsed aL her parenL's home 1herefore she had no oLher cholce buL Lo
endure long perlods of separaLlon from her chlld
AL Lhls Llme Lhe vlllagers from Lhe nelghborlng unlL of 1ongxln vlllage came over Lo venL Lhelr
anger abouL Lhe grave lmpacL kaedar LlecLronlcs and unlmlcron LlecLronlcs has had on Lhelr llves
Lhey also wanLed us Lo go wlLh Lhem Lo have a look aL Lhelr vlllage Leavlng Lhe communlLy and
bypasslng kaedar Lhe vlllagers Look us Lo a small brldge 8elow Lhe brldge ran a small sLream wlLh

Lhelr vlllage populaLed by around LwenLy famllles on lLs banks 1he facLorles were very close Lo Lhe
vlllage 1hls ls kaedar LlecLronlcs" sald one of Lhe vlllagers polnLlng aL a large facLory bulldlng Cn
Lhe oLher slde of Lhe rlver Lhere were Lwo more facLorles whlch accordlng Lo accounLs from Lhe
vlllagers were also elecLronlcs facLorles
Accordlng Lo Lhe vlllagers' commenLs 1ongxln vlllage was a once a prosperous model vlllage 1en years
prevlously kaedar LlecLronlcs consLrucLed Lhelr planL occupylng Lhe arable land and glvlng Lhe
vlllagers very low compensaLlon Accordlng Lo Lhe vlllagers ln Lhese Len years Lhe vlllage's sLream LhaL
once had relaLlvely clean waLer has now Lurned lnky black ln Lhe pasL few years Lhese elecLronlcs
companles have been dlscharglng wasLewaLer and emlLLlng wasLe gases along wlLh nolse polluLlon
Cver Lhe Len year perlod many people have fallen slck wlLh a sharp lncrease ln Lhe vlllage's cancer
raLes 1he vlllagers had hoped Lo Lake Lhls maLLer up wlLh Lhe facLory buL Lhey could noL flnd a means
Lo do so 1hey have reporLed Lhe problems Lo Lhe local governmenL buL Lhe company seems Lo very
qulckly become aware of Lhls and so before someone goes Lo carry ouL monlLorlng aL Lhe facLory Lhe
smell ofLen dlsappears
uurlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon Lhe vlllagers sponLaneously Look waLer from Lhe sLream pourlng Lhe waLer
lnLo a plasLlc boLLle Sufferlng from gasLrlc cancer Zhu Culfen who has already had her sLomach
removed due Lo cancer cluLched a plasLlc boLLle along wlLh more Lhan Len mlddleaged vlllagers Lhey
assembled ln fronL of us AL LhaL Llme we were asLonlshed by Lhe scene ln fronL of our camera 1hese
ladles wlLh an average age of 33 suddenly and slmulLaneously fell Lo Lhelr knees cluLchlng Lhe boLLle
of polluLed waLer and pleaded We beg you help us! Pelp us ordlnary people!"

I|gure 12 Dur|ng the |nvest|gat|on the v|||agers sudden|y dropped to the|r knees and asked for he|p
hoto Wang I|ng[|ng


AfLerwards Lhe 1ongxln vlllage resldenLs provlded us wlLh a sLaLlsLlcal charL of local resldenLs wlLh
cancer AL Lhe end of May 11 we agaln vlslLed 1ongxln vlllage speclflcally Lo verlfy Lhe slLuaLlon of
cancer paLlenLs We found LhaL slnce from [usL Lhe no secLlon of 1ongxln vlllage Lhe number
of people who have suffered from cancer or dled from cancer was more Lhan nlne and Lhe LoLal
populaLlon of Lhe secLlon of Lhe vlllage was less Lhan 6


I|gure 13 Cancer S|tuat|on of 1ongx|n Commun|ty Loux|a V|||age kunshan C|ty

Cancer S|tuat|on of 1ongx|n Commun|ty Loux|a V|||age kunshan C|ty I|angsu rov|nce

Group Name Gender I||ness D|agnos|s]
Zhu Laohu Male Llver cancer ueaLh 3
11 Pu !lhua Male Llver cancer ueaLh 3 43
1 1ang Welmlng Male Llver cancer ueaLh 6 49
11 Zhu ulnglln Male SLomach cancer ueaLh
Zhu !lnrong Male rosLaLe cancer ueaLh 1
Chen 8ullong Male SLomach cancer ueaLh 6
!ln 8lngkun Male Llver cancer ueaLh 9 4
!ln Welsheng Male Llver cancer relaLed ueaLh 9 6
Chen !lnnan lemale Llver cancer ueaLh 9 1
1ang Axlao Male lnLesLlnal cancer whlch
moved Lo Lhe llver ueaLh
1 6
11 Zhu !ulln Male MallgnanL hepaLlLls 8 ueaLh 1 4
1 1ang Asu lemale nasal cancer surglcal removal 3 39
1 Shl Mlng Male Llver LransplanL 36
11 Zhu kangylng lemale Lymphoma removal
9 39
11 Pu !lnhua lemale 8reasL cancer removal
11 Zhu Welkang Male lull sLomach removal
9 6
leng xlngxlan lemale SLomach cancer large parL surglcally
removed chemoLherapy
9 6
!ln ?onglln Male Lye cancer surglcal removal
(MulLlple myeloma)
Zhu Culfen lemale SLomach cancer removal
(MulLlple myeloma)
11 63
11 Zhu ?anyuan Male SLomach cancer
large parL surglcally removed
11 3
ln Lhe 19s only one person Chen 8ulylng dled from cancer Mr Chen was a mess cook
for Lhe CounLy CovernmenL and dled ln hls early flfLles


Cn !uly 11
11 Lwo sLaff members from Lhe Creen SLone LnvlronmenLal AcLlon neLwork along
wlLh a volunLeer seL ouL for 1ongxln vlllage ln kunshan Lo carry ouL lnvesLlgaLlons under Lhe brldge
LhaL passes over Lhe rlver aL Lhe back of Lhe vlllage Lhe lnvesLlgaLors dlscovered a polluLlon dlscharge
plpe placed above Lhe surface of Lhe waLer polluLed waLer was consLanLly flowlng from Lhe plpe
mouLh 1he vlllagers belleved Lhls polluLed waLer dlscharge plpe belonged Lo unlmlcron LlecLronlcs

Cn AugusL 3
6Lh we learned of Lhe clrcumsLances surroundlng boLh kaedar LlecLronlcs and
unlmlcron LlecLronlcs We querled wheLher or noL Lhere were any plans for Lhe companles Lo relocaLe
or lf any preparaLlons had been made wheLher or noL Lhls was because of exceedlng wasLewaLer
sLandards for vlolaLlng dlscharge llmlLs and belng sub[ecLed Lo flnanclal penalLles We wondered lf
Lhey undersLood Lhe complalnLs of Lhe local resldenLs and lf Lhey were wllllng Lo communlcaLe wlLh
Lhe communlLy regardlng Lhelr complalnLs We demand Lhls company explaln all of Lhelr dlscharged
wasLewaLer and emlsslons Lhe maln componenLs ln Lhelr polluLanL and release Lhelr annual dlscharge

We senL a leLLer Lo unlmlcron LlecLronlcs on AugusL 3
11 As of AugusL 3
11 we have noL
recelved a response from Lhls company kaedar LlecLronlcs refused Lo accepL Lhe remlnder leLLer from
Lhe nCCs LhaL was aLLempLed Lo be senL by fax on many occaslons

Case 4 Ioxconn 1a|yuan kepeated Comp|a|nts by kes|dents on o||ut|on Lm|ss|ons
loxconn 1echnology Co LLd ls locaLed aL loxconn lndusLrlal ark no 3 ulanzl SLreeL xlaodlan
ulsLrlcL 1alyuan clLy and ls malnly engaged ln Lhe producLlon and processlng of componenLs for
moblle phones and noLebook compuLers WlLhln Lhls park four producLlon pro[ecLs have been
consLrucLed respecLlvely magneslum alloy 3C elecLronlc mechanlsm surface LreaLmenL pro[ecL
magneslum alloy 3C elecLronlc mechanlsm surface LreaLmenL exLenslon pro[ecL 4 seL
moblle phone componenLs englneerlng pro[ecL 3C producLlon supporLlng seL radlaLor serles producL
fabrlcaLlon exLenslon englneerlng pro[ecL
I|gure 14 Goog|e Larth Sate|||te |mage of Ioxconn (1a|yuan) and the res|dent|a| area nengda Cas|s


lrom 9 Lhe local resldenLs sLarLed Lo reacL onllne Lo Lhe polluLlon problems aL loxconn Cn AugusL

1 Lhe Shanxl rovlnce LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau on Lhelr webslLe secLlon
LnvlronmenLal AdmlnlsLraLlve enalLy LlsL of Companles wlLh Supervlslon LnvlronmenLal
roblems" publlshed Lhe 'lnvesLlgaLlve 8eporL lnLo Lhe handllng of Lhe LnvlronmenLal eLlLlons Lo
loxconn 1echnology Co LLd regardlng Lmlsslons olluLlon"
Accordlng Lo Lhls documenL Lhe 1alyuan ClLy LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau along wlLh Lhe
Lconomlc Zone LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau carrled ouL onslLe lnvesLlgaLlons for legal
compllance AfLer dolng a compleLe search for polluLanL sources lL was ulLlmaLely conflrmed LhaL
1he reasons for Lhe creaLlon of Lhe aLmospherlc polluLlon were Lhe exhausLs from Lhe palnL
workshop and Lhe oll vapor produced by cuLLlng ln Lhe machlne workshop had been dlscharged

locuslng on Lhe above menLloned lssues Lhe 1alyuan ClLy LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau made
Lhese demands on Lhe company

1 MonlLorlng of amblenL alr ln Lhe surroundlng resldenLlal areas should be carrled ouL as soon
as posslble
upgradlng lmprovemenLs should be made Lo Lhe palnL workshop emlsslons LreaLmenL
faclllLles and volume of dlscharge should be reduced as much as posslble by uecember 1
3 1esLs should be performed on Lhe oll vapor produced durlng cuLLlng ln Lhe workshop before
SepLember 1 When Lhe resulLs are released Lhe besL course of acLlon should Lhen be
declded upon
4 MonlLorlng of polluLanLs produced aL every dlscharge ouLleL should be carrled ouL ln
accordance wlLh naLlonal regulaLlons

1hls documenL clearly seL a deadllne of uecember 1 for Lhls company Lo compleLe Lhe upgrade
lmprovemenLs of Lhe palnL workshop emlsslons LreaLmenL faclllLles Powever as of !uly 11 when
we Lalked Lo local resldenLs Lhe response we recelved was LhaL Lhe emlsslons were sLlll a nulsance
wlLh some resldenLs respondlng saylng LhaL Lhe suffocaLlng gases had caused Lhem headaches and
nausea Some resldenLs expressed speclal concern regardlng Lhe posslble damage Lo Lhelr chlldren's
Cn !une 1
11 Ms Chen Mr Cuo and Mr eng along wlLh seven resldenLs from Lhe Pengda
Casls communlLy ln 1alyuan ClLy conLacLed Lhe CovernmenL and AdmlnlsLraLlve PoLllne" Lhey had
complalned LhaL Lhe lrrlLanL gases dlscharged by loxconn ofLen lefL Lhe nearby resldenLs wlLh lrrlLaLed
nasal passageways waLerlng eyes and someLlmes lL was dlfflculL for Lhem Lo open Lhelr wlndows due
Lo Lhe lnLenslLy of Lhe polluLlon

1he 1alyuan Munlclpal MonlLorlng SLaLlon found LhaL Lhe smell causlng Lhls publlc reacLlon was malnly
due Lo Lhe acldlc gasses from Lhe producLlon processes whlle Lhe fumes from palnLlng and Lhe oll
vapor from producLlon processes comblned LogeLher made Lhese gases lrrlLanL AlLhough Lhe LesLlng

1he documenL wenL on sLaLlng Powever durlng Lhe onslLe checks all areas of Lhe palnLlng workshop had been flLLed wlLh emlsslons cleanlng
equlpmenL and were runnlng normally and Lhere had been no requlremenLs menLloned ln Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacL assessmenL reporL Lo do
wlLh Lhe mlsL odor from oll vapor produced by cuLLlng"
rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL CovernmenL and AdmlnlsLraLlve PoLllne" leedback age Shanxl ShlLlng Wang 11

LhaL followed dld noL flnd any lnsLances of sLandards belng breached Lhe Shanxl rovlnclal
LnvlronmenLal Supervlslon 1eam Commlssloner xu 8ongmln dlsclosed LhaL uurlng Lhe perlod when
Lhe loxconn Croup had noL correcLly nor sLeadlly used Lhe polluLlon conLrol faclllLles Lhe 1alyuan
Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau had also sub[ecLed Lhe company Lo a penalLy each Llme a
vlolaLlon was dlscovered"
Cn !uly
11 whlle parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe CovernmenL and AdmlnlsLraLlve PoLllne" process
Shanxl rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal Supervlslon 1eam Commlssloner xu 8ongmln sLaLed
Cn Lhe
afLernoon of !uly 3
11 Lhe 1alyuan Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau LogeLher wlLh
Lhe economlc zone's AdmlnlsLraLlve CommlLLee held a meeLlng wlLh Lhe persons responslble for Lhls
lssue wlLhln loxconn ln order Lo coordlnaLe how Lo deal wlLh Lhe company's lrrlLanL odors 1he
company was requlred Lo lmmedlaLely adopL measures Lo conLrol Lhelr polluLlon dlscharge and Lo
fundamenLally resolve Lhe dlsLurblng producLlon process gas lssue
Accordlng Lo Commlssloner xu's brleflng on !uly 6
loxconn should have adopLed several measures ln
accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs from Lhe negoLlaLlons Powever over a Lhree day perlod beglnnlng
on !uly 9
Lhe 1alyuan Munlclpal 1369 reporLlng hoLllne recelved 11 complalnLs regardlng Lhe
lrrlLanL odor lL was for Lhls reason LhaL on !uly 11
Lhe Munlclpal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau
and Lhe uevelopmenL Zone AdmlnlsLraLlve CommlLLee urgenLly lssued a leLLer regardlng Lhe
approprlaLe LreaLmenL of complalnL cases regardlng Lhe loxconn Croup's lrrlLanL gases 1he leLLer
requlred Lhe Lconomlc uevelopmenL Zone AdmlnlsLraLlve CommlLLee Lo adopL Lhe followlng

1 lmmedlaLely conLrol Lhe company's lrrlLanL odor dlscharge
SLrengLhen Lhe company's supervlslon managemenL and aL all Llmes Lo monlLor Lhe polluLanL
daLa ensurlng LhaL all polluLlon prevenLlon faclllLles are operaLlng sLeadlly so LhaL polluLanL
dlscharge ls sLable 8esoluLely puL an end Lo Lhe phenomenon of dlscharge sLandards belng
breached CuaranLee LhaL Lhe local resldenLs have a normal llfe
3 1ake measures Lo communlcaLe and coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe surroundlng resldenLs so as Lo avold
oLher adverse effecLs of producLlon
Accordlng Lo our undersLandlng loxconn has already halLed producLlon of Lhe enLlre C Zone palnLlng
llne whlch ls close Lo Lhe Pengda Casls communlLy and has also sLopped uslng Lhe equlpmenL where
oll vapor collecLlng and separaLlon devlces were noL lnsLalled or where Lhe equlpmenLs' collecLlng
resulLs were poor
lrom Commlssloner xu's brleflng on !uly 13
Lhe LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL convened a
speclal conference LhaL agreed LhaL Lhe envlronmenLal monlLorlng sLaLlon wlll conLlnue Lo organlze all
aspecLs of monlLorlng for loxconn's polluLanL sources 1he supervlslon Leam was requlred Lo hand
down declslons on recLlflcaLlons Lo be carrled ouL durlng a seL Llme llmlL uurlng Lhe Llme llmlL Lhe
company was glven Lo carry ouL recLlflcaLlon work Lhe Lconomlc uevelopmenL Zone L8 was glven
Lhe Lask of carrylng ouL dally onslLe monlLorlng AL Lhe same Llme Lhe consLrucLlon unlL was glven
Lhe Lask of carrylng ouL a flnal envlronmenLal lmpacL assessmenL

rovlnclal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon ueparLmenL CovernmenL and AdmlnlsLraLlve PoLllne" leedback age Shanxl ShlLlng Wang 11

Cn AugusL 3Lh 11 we senL a corporaLe envlronmenLal conducL leLLer Lo loxconn 1echnology
lnqulrlng abouL Lhe company's envlronmenLal managemenL As of AugusL 3
11 we have yeL Lo
recelve any klnd of response from Lhe company
Sect|on 3 nuge Amounts of nazardous Waste Leaves n|dden Dangers for Ch|na
ln AugusL 1 we ralsed wlLh Apple a problem concernlng one of lLs suspecLed suppllers 1he
company was Llan[lan (Chlna) 1echnology Co LLd (WlnLek) and Lhe problem was LhaL Suzhou
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon 8ureau had glven Lhem an 8M8 admlnlsLraLlve penalLy due Lo Lhe
facL LhaL ln SepLember 9 Lhey had noL adopLed Lhe approprlaLe measures whlch had resulLed ln
hazardous wasLe runoff and had falled Lo flll ouL a hazardous wasLe LransporL manlfesL" ln Lhe
!anuary 11 reporL 1he CLher Slde of Apple" we agaln ralsed Lhese problems
AfLer a long walL aparL from a reply from Apple ln november 1 sLaLlng LhaL our long Lerm pollcy
ls Lo noL dlsclose any of our suppllers" Lhe coallLlon has noL recelved any sorL of reply from Apple
regardlng Lhls lssue
1he reason LhaL hazardous wasLe ls glven so much aLLenLlon by envlronmenLal proLecLlon
organlzaLlons ls LhaL lL can be exLremely polsonous for humans and can also have a serlous effecL on
Lhe naLural envlronmenL lormer LxecuLlve Chalrman of Lhe unlLed naLlons LnvlronmenL rogramme
ur 1olba has polnLed ouL LhaL nuclear war poverLy populaLlon lssues Lhe mlsuse of energy and
hazardous wasLe are Lhe flve blggesL LhreaLs Lo manklnd" ur 1olba's successor Mrs uowdeswell also
polnLed ouL LhaL deallng wlLh hazardous wasLe ls one of Lhe mosL dlfflculL problems LhaL Lhe world
has Lo face"

1he deflnlLlon of hazardous wasLe ln 1he eople's 8epubllc of Chlna Solld WasLe olluLlon revenLlon
Law" ls wasLe lncluded on Lhe naLlonal dlrecLory of hazardous wasLe or Lhe sorL of wasLe ldenLlfled
as havlng a hazardous naLure accordlng Lo naLlonally regulaLed wasLe dlsLlngulshlng sLandards and
meLhods ln research sLudles hazardous wasLe ls deflned as any wasLe LhaL has dangerous Loxlc
(such as acuLe LoxlclLy slow effecL LoxlclLy and ecologlcal LoxlclLy) exploslve corroslve lnfecLlous or
reacLlve characLerlsLlcs"

laced wlLh Apple lnc's sllence Lhe coallLlon carrled ouL a more ln depLh lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe
hazardous wasLe slLuaLlon ln Lhe l1 lndusLry and especlally Apple's suppllers uurlng Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon we found LhaL Lhe manufacLurlng of elecLronlc goods lnvolves eLchlng elecLroplaLlng
spraycoaLlng ln[ecLlon moldlng and weldlng producLlon processes 1hese producLlon processes aparL
from produclng a large amounL of wasLewaLer conLalnlng heavy meLals and cyanlde wasLe gases
conLalnlng vCCs and Lln and lead fumes also produce hazardous wasLe conLalnlng wasLe aclds wasLe
alkalls eLchlng fluld elecLroplaLlng fluld and wasLe sludge produced durlng Lhe wasLewaLer LreaLmenL
process LhaL conLalns heavy meLals

Llu Palylng An Approach Lo Pazardous WasLe 1reaLmenL/ulsposal and ManagemenL Measures ln Shanghal Shanghal LnvlronmenLal Sclences
Llu Palylng An Approach Lo Pazardous WasLe 1reaLmenL/ulsposal and ManagemenL Measures ln Shanghal Shanghal LnvlronmenLal Sclences

8y looklng aL Lhe amounLs of hazardous wasLe produced by groups of companles conLalned ln Lhe
lollotloo Mop uotobose we dlscovered LhaL Lhe l1 lndusLry was one of Lhe groups LhaL produced Lhe
mosL hazardous wasLe ln amongsL Lhese companles we found LhaL Apple's suspecLed suppllers
lncludlng 1rlpod (Wuxl) 1echnology CorporaLlon Co LLd 8oardLek CompuLer (Suzhou) Co LLd nan
?a rlnLed ClrculL 8oard (kunshan) CorporaLlon Pongfu[ln reclslon lndusLry (Shenzhen) Co LLd
Shenzhen lu 1al Pong reclslon lndusLry Co LLd Llanneng 1echnology (Shenzhen) Co LLd Compeq
ManufacLurlng (Pulzhou) Co LLd Changshu lanL of Cold ClrculL LlecLronlcs were produclng very
large amounLs of hazardous wasLe
1he Lable below shows Lhe amounL of hazardous wasLe produced by Apple's suspecLed suppllers ln
9 and 1
I|gure 1S App|e Supp||er's nazardous Waste roduct|on S|tuat|on

name of Company Amount of nazardous Waste roduced (1ons)
2007 2008 2009 2010
1rlpod (Wuxl) 1echnology CorporaLlon

6196 366
Changshu lanL of Cold ClrculL LlecLronlcs
14 193 13634 133
nan ?a rlnLed ClrculL 8oard (kunshan) CorporaLlon
16 1449 143 19
8oardLek CompuLer (Suzhou) Co LLd

1996 9433
CCMLC ManufacLurlng (Pulzhou) Co LLd
111131 16349 1311
Llanneng 1echnology (Shenzhen) Co LLd
936 13994 14463
Llanneng 1echnology (Shenzhen) Co LLd no lacLory
Pong lu[ln reclslon lndusLry (Shenzhen) Co LLd
19136 131636 1331 16931
Shenzhen lu 1al Pong reclslon lndusLry Co LLd
4 1614 149394
uongguang Shengyl LlecLronlcs Co LLd
13 39634 319
lblden LlecLronlcs (8el[lng) Co LLd

kunshan unlmlcron LlecLronlcs Co LLd
94 39 31
Pong Cun Sheng reclslon LlecLronlcs (?lngkou) Co LLd

8efer Lo hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld633 9 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld43
1 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld133
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9 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld436
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9 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld6 1 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld11311
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1 record's correspondlng name ls+l
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1 hLLp//wwwlpeorgcn/polluLlon/s_deLallaspx?ld1134

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