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Faculty OF Medicine

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~<--I DONE BY: ~HMA~ ~~

'i (
It \
"t BY the Dame of Allah \
'i \
~ In the last lecture we started bacteriology, in this lecture we will continue ~
'i but at first let us repeat some oftbe important structures of bacteria in \
It order to nndersu.nd the pathogenesis. \
~ * how the "bacteria can attac"h to our human tissues:
i *bow can the bacteria can obey and elaborate certain enzymes, toxins?
ry As well as following the life of bacteria we can know the structure of \
~ bacleria • and releasing Ihe components ofbaclcrial cell mainly induce the
, development ortbe imrnunal response, which meaDS an antigen induce
~ production DC antibodies, these antibodies as you know are important to
It pl'evenllhe infection. in Ihe future Ihe body will develop a memory which
It will help in prevention of reoccur of the developing disease.
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'7 i
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It \
'i \
'f \
~ ~
fj*lfwe look to any bacterial cell whether cocci or bacilli we can see ~
; 1. flagella which is usually respousible for attachment of bacterial cells to ~
rr the part of the hody cspecially at the oral cavity. ~

~ 2.fimbriae which is smaller in size and in length than the Dagella and has J
~ certain important features in relation to adherence and it has a role in ~
, immunal response. ,
rr ~
'i 3.pilli which are larger appendages(protein), hair like structures, lacking ~
~ in number than fimbriae, they have two functions ~
rr A)Cell adherence ~
rr B)conjugation(traosfer of sex material) ~
'i ~
rr -Together «Dagella,fimbriae and pilli»are composed of different types of ~
rr proteins and glycoprotein's according to the constrnction of the poly ~
'i peptide and different amino acid sequence io these poly peptides . ~
rr c
rr and each of these appendages bas a role in relation to infection or even in ~
~ classification of the organisms into species. ,

'i ~
~ ~
fi *these appendages are originate from a rigid base called»» ,
~ 4.Rigi~ cell wall in fact it is divided according to the type of bacteria in J
, nvo major types to :-> ~
~ A)Gram positive nacteria. '1
7 B)Gram ncgative bactcria. ~
~. ~
~ 5.Cvtoplasm which is composcd mainly of water up to 80% within this ~
~ water we have a large number ofsmalJer inorganic & organic compounds ~
r like potassium, sodium, magnesium and smaU protein units associated ,
1 with ribosomes ~
1 ~
1 6.Ribosomes composc of 70s (s here in relatiou to sphed pack is the
7 scientist who ti£3covered the components of ribosomes and s is an
) ,utel national unit)
) _. 70s in prol<aryotes composed of two major subunits 40 and 30
'r \
~ \
; "in human being this ribosomal number ~ characterized by 80s and two \
~ major subunits 50 and 40(as the DR. said that we do not \
~ summate these numbers and we will get the mechanism in ~
~ the labt \
~ \
~ 7.Inclusion bodics which act as a reservoir to tbc resources for the \
~ encrgy in form of poly phospbate and poly carbohydrate (glycogen). \

; "we bavc the most important part of the bacterial ccll namcd as the ~
~ inclusion of nuclear region which composed of ODe bacterial chromosome ~
~ which is not necessary to bc in the center of the bacterial cell, it now \
~ within the cytoplasm aDd it could be concentrated in ODe site in bacterial
R ceU, this chromosome is contains double strand orD.N.A, incudee in this ~
~ chromosome the innervations necessary to production of carbohydrates ~
~ and other functions ofthc bacterial cells. ~

~ "2000-5000 genes are cnough to let the bactcria to produce any type of \
rymetabolic activities & other components for the growtb and survive in aoy ~
~ surface or culture media and it will help to produce very specific enzymes ,
~ to resist the action of antimicrobial chemicals and drugs, so tbese enzymes ~
~ will help bacterial cells to break down the chemical compounds of thc \
~ nature or in relation to the human body. \

; "'Bacteria is a very active gcuetic machinery which allow it to be super ~

~ type of organisms and it can resist any affect whether from environment of 1
~ human being. \
~ \
~ \
~ ~
~ \
~ \
~ ~
~ \
~ \
~ \
~ \
~ \
; In relation to the structure of the cell wall ~
'f9 -
Gram-positive ceu WaH

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; GmIlNle:.:~~~ ;:~ Cell ~~ ~ ,

~ ntiJnAnn~nnenfign&Mnnn '0"",- \
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; llGram positive bacteria this cell wall composed of three importaot

'fcomponents the major component is the peptido glycans layer which
'fcomposed of two components: '
9 A)l~~acetyl glUcosamine.
, B)N-acetyl muramic acid.
~ *tbese two components will alternately produce a layer surrounded tbe
~ cytoplasm in between to connect these twa compounds by a tetra peptide
; (4 amino acids called cross linkinl!: hetween these two major
'f carbohydrates) .
~ **10 addition we have a layer or more in Gram positive bacteria
~ considered as part of cytoplasmic memhrauc tn attach to the peptide
'fglycans layer.
'Y *In outer part of the cell wall in G:-am positive bacteria of peptide glycans
'Y layers composed of 5 layers in comparison to Gram negative bacteria.
'f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f ~ 'f 'f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f 'f 'f if if j'f.Q:<~
'f - ~~
'f ~
; **Witbin tbcse layers we bave a cross linking tetra peptide and in addition \
'f we bave one or two important cbemical component called techooic acid \
~ and certain specific proteins wbich help the bacterial celis to carry certain J
'f typcs of moleeulcs fro outside tbe cell to tbc inside. \

~ ***these poly pep tides some times developing resistance against certain ,
~ typcs of drugs like tbe pe"icillin wbicb called penicillin binding protein. \
~ \
~ c \
~ Note :- Witbout tbcse specification tbe cell wall can not utilize and \
'f will die \
~ \
~ \
~ ~Cell membrane is composed of pbospbolipids &poly peptide proteins and \
~ they act as oxidative transfer of all neecssary substanccs from outside tbe 1
, ceU to inside it. ,
~ \
~ 2)G"am negative bacteria do not start outside peptide glycans layer \
~ called outer membrane layers (Composed of very specific typcs of \
~ compounds called Iipo poly saebarrides composed of two units of lipid A \
~ Which is a fatty acid witb P04 group and the wbole compound stands for \
~ Endo toxic activity olf Gram negative bacteria, tbis means once Gram \
ry negative bacteria reaches our body it will induce the Iysozymes in our oral )
V cavity which means the lipo sacbarides will be released as a toxic ~
~ compounds, one it accumulate of lip a poly sacbarides in our body this '1
~ means we migbt suffer from eodo toxic shock and tbis sbock will cause \
, the body sufTer from elevation of body temperature ,hypertenSion, )
~ headacbe, and may affect our blood system ). ,
~ \
ry *[0 Gram negative & posiitive we can recognize channels (pores) which ,
~ allow tbe moleculcs to reaeb tbe cytoplasm passively. \
~ ,1
'r *The second layer called preplasmic which is thin layer of peptide glycans I
~ (we have single Jayer associated with glyco proteins to conoect the ollter
i membrane with the inner membrane) \
y \
~ ~
; This peptide glycans layer is only one layer instead ofmaoy layers in Gram ~
~ positive hacteria. ~

~ 'What does mean that we bave many layers of peptide glycans ~

l layers in Gram positive bacteria??? ~
~ This means during we stain many layers will at once .coloured with ~
~ methylene blue dye which use in staining the Gram positive bactcria,it wiu )
~ retain lhe positive charge of methylene group dye withio the peptide '\
~ glycans layer and this will he rued in association with a]1 acid and the color ~
~ will not be removed by dccolourization by using alcobol or acetone, so ,
~ Gram positive Bacteria simply become coloured and improved its colour, ,
~ the remaining of the colour is due to the preseuce of multi layers of peptide ~
~ glycans layers 1
; Where Gram Negative hacteria the cells might he not staiod or coloured ~
~ and fixed to give 1he light Ted colour ~

; ·So we sce 2 colours A)Blue in Gram posilive hacteria ~

~ B)light red in Gram negative hacteri. ~

~ ~
~ Note:- We will see this process in the lab in details as we hope ;P ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ 1
~ \
~ Bacteria of specific anti!!:e:)s \
~ When the hacteria rcaches the hlood stream, during the interaction \
~ hetween our hlood and the bacterial ceUs ,. our body respoods by 1
~ producing antibodies. 'rl ) \
'i Here we \
~ must know
th.t each
~ ~
part of our
~ body stands
~ for specific \
~ antigen
if (1 1
e ~
~., - :J.4;';

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~
~ \
~ \
; ((!!What does the term antigen mean??)) \
~ -)In relation tn our body it means foreign bacterias but..... \
~ -)In relatinn tn tbc immune system it means auy foreigu body or matcrial ~
R like(carbohydrates and proteins associatcd witb compounds like lipo J
~ pbospbate) so as wc said before the body will respond by producing 1
, antibodies. ~
~ \
~ \
~ \
~ Back again to the structures of bacteria :-{ \
'i . FlageUa \
~ < . , ' , ~-:_-:-;.. )i!,~'" ~.;; i.~..j, ,;:"~s;s.'" :. "-:;:"'" "-:-''''''''''~~~''''-'; "..• ~'. ~ ~'-""'."-J':~" :.ot("':,; ':'-J: ..'i,. J::
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, Jie2ativebiideH.a ;,J:r' ]~ga@:Jili~~n;i~~e~ if~~iS~·bOdYit··
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~ H-7 is related to the Latin language (Due to O"gclla might Help \

~ bacteria to live on tbesurface of the cuJture med· . . )!! ,
~ \
~ "Second important antigen called somatic antigen or O-antigen )
; 0-7 is rclated to the term SOMATIC wbicb in turn related to thc body of ~
~ tbc bacterial cell. so the O-anligen is rclated tn tbe ccll w,,11 . \

~ **We can recognize now that CeU wall is important as acts as an antigen ,
which induce the production of specific antibodies ?igainstsomatic
, an~lgcns. ,
~ \
'i***The third type of antigens is related to the presence of a special capsule ,
'1whicb is (eapsule) in bactcria allto type and thc majority of tbe bactcria \
~ are capsnled, \
~ ~
~ ,\
~ ~
'j In Gram positive and Gram negative the capsule composed of poly ~
; sacha rides surrounding tbe cell wall so tbese capsules are like O-antigen ~
~ and H-antigen induce specific antibodies known as K-antigen . ~
; K~comes from tbe Latiu language ~ Kapsule. ~
Wfhat 'S the Importance of the capsule?? ~
rr~ Capsule is a slime layer it cab be micro or macro according to tbe ~
rr amount of poly sacbarides (small amount means ~ micro and ~
rr large amount means ~ macro) ~

; For Example: ~ streptococcus wbicb is tbe causative agent of pneumonia ~

rr wbicb found in respiratory tract surrounded by large capsule (macro f
rrcapsule) i
~ **In bealtby person tbe buman body manage to brak down tbe capsule ~
, according to the type of tbe antibodies and to tbe mecbanisms vf ~
rr phagocytosis. so it resist tbe action ortbe capsules becau.e iftbe capsule ~
~ managed to increase in amount within connective tissue it might cause ~
rr'severe damage in the tissue. ~
~ ~
~ *In summary the capsule is important in pathogenesis. ,
~ ~
1 "'*As we cao see every structure of bacteria has a role in pathogenesis aDd ,
~ in disease causing feature; so we are always in pathology are interested in ,
rr capsulated bacteria and tbe type oftbe capsule. ~

; ***Again In general Gram positive ca sule is composed of poly'sacbarides ~

rrFor example ~ Bacillus anthracis ;.,..JI<;"" ~
~ Wbicb is the cansing agent of autbrax wbieb is a dangerous disease on ~
; animals and human being and the antbracis surrounded by macro capsule. ~
ry ** We might use the term capsule as a virulence factor !!!!!!


i ,
~ E
'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~
~ ~
Tbe difference between patbogenesis and virulence -7 that the ~
'f pathogenesis is a general term means bacterial cells which cause infections ~
%and diseases '" But tbe level of patbogenesis migbt be refer to virulence )
, which means tbat tbe virulence expresses the level of infection or .,
'i patbogenesis, ~
'i ~
'i ~
'i IDEndo spores some certain types of bacteria con manage to produce ~
; tbese structures. so wbat does it mean?????? ,.. ~
P'~ma ~uc,eold ~

; ,n: ce"wa,,--c;-::;;:> ~
Sep'um j ~
; :
; 'tS

DN'-c~:~~~J ~
'i j ~
; ~ep"dP.~caniBf::'::~J ~
~ ( ~
'i ~
; Ke,a<inCoa'-(Ei:;;,J ~
~ Free spo(e~ ,

'iR Flil,lll 2-1. 8aelariaJ !IpOfIH. The lporl eonlainl; !he

, IIIlIIrI ow. ~ oj 11M bacleflum SUfrcuno;l<t<! by • l
, r It\Id(, ruirlanl COIl. (ModiI\ed and f~. wiltl......
mossIDn, /rom TORO/. a. FIri; B. CUI c: Mic«JbitJJof;y

'f All ~ 2nd ed. BelIjamilllCunv'rWlgs. 1986.1 1

'i ~
; At first let's say sometbing (away from tbe question) "in general all types ~
~ of bacteria cantt survive for a long time outside the body or cutside its ~
~ nature (environment) like span of growth OraDy type of bacteria" ~

'i f
'i .~
e ~
~ \
~ • if there is a dryness (lack of water ). or lack of nntrients etc..... \
~ most types of hacleria ahoul99% will die which means thallhe dryness \
~ limit the growth of the bacterial cell"" only certain type of Gram positive ,
~ hacilli (haciUus)and (chloslredia) managc 10 resisl dryness by producing \
~ endo spores. \
~ \
~ Now lei's back to the question and Ihe answer is 7 simply il is a sile of \
~ cytoplasm in which waler extrude and the conlents of cyloplasm would be \
~ concentrated in a core within bacterial cell known as core of tbe cytoplasm ,
~ and during endo spores formation the baclerial cell prOduce double cell \
~ memhrane and surrounded by the presence nf cortex (pari of cell \
~ membrane) this allnws 10 reduce metabolic activity or even slop it ( \
~ because there is DO need to aoy activity)" because Any metabolic activity ,
~ means you must have water in prescnce of metabolism this means that the ,
~ baeleria become in dormal stage (silenl stage) Ibis stage exlends in Ihe \
~furmofendos~_ \
~ \
F.f **ooee the codo spore contact with water or moist it become active ,
~ converted from dormal st.geo7 to vege.a.ive ,Iale (living slage) 7 \
ry metabolic activity to increase aod reproduce the metaboEsm materials. ,

; "Bacillus grows under aerobic eondilious by the presence of oxygen. ~

~ *·cblostredia grows under anaerobic conditions in tbe absence of oxygen. ,

~ ***The presence of oxygen especialJy in association with vegetative form '\

, which resulted in chemical reactions..
~ \
~ Growth &Nutrieots \
~ \
~ Bacterial cells are like human body need energy and food (it will nol grow \
, by tbe presence of water ollly, it must b~ supplied by tbe source of carbon , ~
~ nilrogen and carbohydrates.) ~

Simple & Complex
~ j
e~ ,1
~ I
~ "The major component which must be found in any media to let the bacteria II
, survive are :
'r Carbon salts, Nitrogen salts, Water, presence suitable temperature, suitable I
9 PH and certain minerals which have a role in membrane activity like sodium ~
'r ,potassium and sulfur etc... .... I
'r I
'r If these things found in any environment whether in vitro( outside the body) or I
'r in vivo (inside the body) available than any type of bacteria which suitable to \
'r grow can manage to utilize the compounds and the co~ditions to begin the \
'r reproduction in large number. \
'r • You can not imagine in short view how one bacterial cell might multiblied in \
'r large number within 24 hours. \
'r 'one cell if supplied with the preceding factors (carbon salts etc)it will \
'r reach rapidly up to 100 million identical cells within one hour. \
'r i
Quick summary
l-'!."he most important part of the bacterial cell is tbe inelusion of nuelear
'r regIOn. \
'r 2- in staining bacteria we could see two colors AJBluc for Gram positive
9 .\:
, bacteria and B) Light red for Gram negative bacteria. \

~ 3- tbere are t~ree impor+.ant types of antigens A)B-antigen which stands ,

'r for flagella B)O-antigeu whieh stands for eell wall C)K antigen which \
'r stands for capsule. \
'r \
'r 4-The capsnle eould be macro or micro depending on the "",ount poly \
'r saeharides. . \
'rry 5-Some bacteria grow under aerobic conditions and the others under \~
fiJ anaerobie eonditions. \

; 6-The bacteria has to stages of its life cyele A)Dormal stage

'r B)vegetative stage.

~ I
'r \
~ t
; Some corrections aDd additions to Sheet Number one in micro:

; l)pathogenases means whieh type of diseases eould affeellhe human being.

; 2)profaelor slale~ulJl..O.JI <;.,J~ ~I ..,....., I

~ 3)in page no.1 line 19 must be less than 1%
"i 4) in the same page line 21 viruses are not true micro organisms.
'i ."

; g~ t9na
; Only great minds can read tbis
~ This is weird, but interesting:!!!
9 Fi yuo ena racd fibs I yuo bvae a sgtrane nmid too
~ Cns yuo raed this? Olney 5S plepoe out of 100 cna .
, I cdnuolt b1veiee taht I
'i C1uod aulaelty nesdnatnrd waht
~ I was rdanicg. the pbaonmneal pweor oftbe hmu3n mnid, aoccdrnig to a
~ rscheearcb at cmabridge uincrvtisy, it dseno't rntaetr in waht oerdr the
ry Itteres in a wrod are, the olDy iproamtnt tihng is tbat tbe frsit and Isat
'i Itteer br in the rghit pelae. the rset ean be a taotl mses and you can still
~ raed it wbotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae tbe huamn mnid deas not raed
~ ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a walohe .

; Azanmig huh? Yaeh and 1 awlyas 19huhot slpelings.!!!!!!!

~ I want to dedicate this :;heet to aU my colleag\ies

~ It is not a gift it is a right for you .
~ Enjoy reading it (amma howwe hail< ;p;p;p)
Ahmed Abu-khadigh

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