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Hi. Please review these notes and attached spreadsheet for database sample and forms.

I have tried to be as detailed as possible but feel free to ask more questions if you have. I need to know the tools and strategy you would use for my project. Feel free to revise your bid if you want. It is a relatively simple project for an experienced database and web developer.

Project notes: The first tab in the spreadsheet is the main database that will be populated using the forms. There are 7 forms in the subsequent tabs. The forms are arranged in the order they will be filled. Except the first form (order entry form), each form has some read only and some write fields. Order entry form will only have the writable fields. Admin will decide who gets access to which form and which fields are mandatory in the form. Other forms should not even be visible to the users. Form # 4 (America to India shipping form) is unique. This will be accessed by our shippers. We currently have 3 shippers. They should not be able to see each others form. The shipper is identified by the field called Courier/PPO shipped to: and is decided in the Form # 2 (Sourcing Form). I can explain this in more detail over the phone or skype. The fields in the form need not be verticaly listed like they are currently shown in the tabs. The fields can be horizontal like a grid so we can fill multiple records at the same time..that means multiple orders in the order entry form and multiple sourcing orders in the sourcing form and so on and so forth. I can explain it more if you want.

Other than this we would like to have the key features listed in the original description of the project but we can compromise on some of them if it lowers the cost of the project.

Web Interface Prototype of the Application

1. Login Screen

Email: Password:
Forget password

The user, admin or supplier can login from same login screen. On backend, the app will detect the type of the user and will show the corresponding screens. If the user is admin, he will be shown the admin panel, if he is supplier, orders list will be shown and if he is user, form to add new order will be shown. Each user behavior is discussed case by case in below screens below.

Case 1: If Admin enters in the system

Screen 1: Admin Panel

Customize Forms

Orders List

Admin will be shown two buttons on admin panel. One for customize the forms and other is for existing order listing page

Screen 2: Customize Forms

Form 1: Order Entry Form edit Form 2: Sorcing Form edit Form 3: Suplier Shipping Form edit Form 4: Amerioca to India Shipping Form edit Form 5: Within India Shipping Form edit Form 6: Post sale Form edit Form 7: Cost Expense Form edit

On click of any form edit link, it takes place to edit the fields of the form (like to set it required etc) and to set the accessibility of the form

Screen 3: Form Edit Screen

Order Entry Form

Accessable By User/Admin/Subscriber (These will be checkbox to select multiples) Order Source [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Sales Record # [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) User ID [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer First Name [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Middle Name [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Last Name [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Full name [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Phone # [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Email [x] (checkbox to select if required or not) Buyer Address Line 1 [x] (checkbox to select if required or not)

And so on Other fields will listed like other fields. The admin can make it required or compulsory to be filled. Here admin can also set the accesibilty of the form by just clioking the accessible drop down and selecting the user type. For ex. If admin select the accessible type to be as admin only, then user and suppliers can not see the form

Screen 4: Order List Screen

Order number 123 234 456 Buyer Name ABC XYZ YUZ User ID 234rf5 567tyg 567yui Item Name Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 More Info | edit More Info | edit More Info | edit

Here user will be seen all the orders made

Screen 5: Order More Info Here order full detail will be shown. There will be button to edit the order, clicking on which he will come to screen 6 to edit the order

Screen 6: Order Edit Order Entry Form

Orders Entry Form

Here the user/admin/supplier will be shown the order entry form to be customized by the admin. As this is the case of admin, all form can be shown to admin by default. There will be no restriction to the admin. However, the required fields have to be filled by the admin

Order Source

User ID #

Buyer First Name

Buyer Address Line 1 #

And so on.. (There is some alignment issue in world which you will not see on the actual application)

On next, the user will be taken to fill up the next


Screen 6: Order Edit Sourcing Form

Orders Entry Form

Here the user/admin/supplier will be shown the order entry form to be customized by the admin. As this is the case of admin, all form can be shown to admin by default. There will be no restriction to the admin. However, the required fields have to be filled by the admin Order Source: E-Bay (Non editable, to be fetched from back form) Sales Record # : 124e34 (Non editable, to be fetched from back form) And so on...other non editable fields to be fetched from back form *Supplier Order: *Supplier Order date: Click here to enter a date. Supplier Item Title: And so on other editable fields



And so on, other forms will be shown to the admin.

Case 2: If user Enters the system

User will be shown the form based on the accessibility set by the admin. On each form he has to fill the required information as set by the user. User will not be shown the America to India Shipping form, as it is for supplier only and supplier or admin can only edit that. On login, the user will be shown the screens from screen 6: order entry form

Case 3: If supplier Enters the system

Supplier will be shown the order list screen on login (Screen 4). And all process will be followed as shown in admin case.

The above prototype is the basic and very raw prototype to clarify if I have understood all requirements or not. If this prototype is ok, we can continue to work on the project

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