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W ith: S ug g e s t e d P rayer Point D ai l y M e m o ry Verse D ail y A pp l ica tion


C a l l u p o n m e in y o u r time o f tro u b le and I w ill a ns w e r c o p y w rig h t 2 0 11

U n l e ss o t h e r wise indicated, all scr iptur a l qu o t a t i o n s a r e from the N C V, N LT, NI V, NKJV bi b l e v e r si o ns

T h e Da i l y A n s w e r

co p y r i g h t 2 0 11 by M a b e l Ta l a b i Wo m e n I n L e adership S o u t h H o l l a nd, IL

Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/ o r cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher

A p ri l 1 s t , 2 0 11

P R I N C I P L E O F G IV IN G #1
Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 The principle of prior consecration states that when I give to God, it is my first responsibility to have given of myself to Him first. In our text today, the Macedonians first gave themselves to God before giving Him their checkbook. In other words, they submitted themselves to Him. In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to give themselves to God as a living sacrifice based on what God has done for us. Gods giving should be our model for giving. He gave us the best thing He had for our own benefit. We should be willing to part with our best for Him and for His service. If a man says he has given himself to God, but it does not aff ect his checkbook, that man is deceiving himself. He has not consecrated himself to God at all. Giving to God must become a priority. To exercise the principle of stewardship, one must have an understanding of what it means to give God first place in their life and to give themselves to Him without any reservation. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace to give myself to you without any reservation. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: Consecrate yourself to God first before trying to do anything for Him.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

A p ri l 2 n d , 2 0 11

P R I N C I P L E O F G IV IN G #2
Text: 2 Corinth ians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in h is heart, not grudgingly or of necessity or out of pressure; for God loves a cheerful giver. The story of Ananias and Sapphira shows the importance of giving to God from the heart. Our giving should not be motivated by what we see other people do. Love for God should be the motive for everything we do for Him including our giving. Ananias and his wife sold a piece of land, then, they lied about the amount they earned from the sell. They lied even though it was their choice to give the money to God. Exodus 25:2 talks about Moses collecting an offering for the Tabernacle from the children of Israel. The offering was to be collected from everyone that gave it willingly. 1 Chronicles 29:9 tells us that when the people of Israel gave for the construction of the temple, they gave with a loyal, perfect heart. In the temple giving, they gave to God with a glad heart because their heart was right. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace to willingly and cheerfully give of my substance to you and your work. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: Always give to God without complaining and murmuring. Give with thanksgiving in your heart.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 3 rd , 2 0 11

T H E P R I N C I P L E O F G IV IN G #3
Text: Malachi 3:10 We have all hea rd someone say, I tithe my time to God. Thats all they are getting from me. If all of us tithe only our time, where will the money for running the church come from? This is a form of self-deception in which we rationalize our time commitment to God. We think that because we have given our time to His service, we are no longer responsible to give Him our income. Giving time to the work of God is good, but it should not take the place of our income. God wa nts us to give back to Him a portion of all that He has entrusted to us and that includes money. We have also heard people say, I cant afford to give until I have my finances in order. When will that be? The problem with this statement is that we cant reap a harvest until we sow some seed. No one begins with a harvest. Rather, we begin with sowing a seed. We do not give to God because we can afford it, but because it is a command from Him. As we begin to sow, we will begin to harvest. Prayer point: Lord, by your grace, help me learn to release my hold on my possessions and learn to give the way you have commanded. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: D o not only tithe your time but also tithe your money to God. Dont wait until you feel you can afford to give to give to God. Give what you have and He will multiply what you have given Him.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Haggai 1:3-11 Sowing to the flesh is important because otherwise the flesh dies. Anytime we eat, we are sowing to the flesh. Anytime we go to the doctor, we are sowing to the flesh. For most of us, the only thing we do with what God has entrusted to us is sow to the flesh. We go for massage s and facials. We buy clothes and cars. We want to have the best while the house of God suffers due to lack of funds. The Bible says that whatever we sow to the flesh is going to come back in corruption. It is nothing but vanity. Solomon the wise said that vanity upon vanity is vanity. De spite this, we take time, energy, creative ability and all that God has given to us and use it to make money which we end up sowing to the flesh. Look at Japa n, just last week, people lost everything they have worked for all their lives. What about Haiti? What about Louisiana? In todays text, God sent a message through Haggai to the children of Israel to ask them why they were living in luxury while the house of God suffered. Th e New Testament warns us that when we sow to the flesh, we reap nothing but corruption. But, when we sow to the spirit we reap e ternal life and we reap things that stand the taste of time. Prayer point: Lord, give me wisdom to always invest in the things of God. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly we alth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Ap plication: Begin today to sow more into the kingdom if you are not already doing that.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

A p ri l 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 12:41-44 Our giving is not about how much we have. God is not interested in how much we give but how much we left behind. The widow in the book of Mark 12:41-44 illustrates this point. God measures our heart and our faith by the measure of our giving. Jesus told His disciples that this woman, though she gave only two coins, gave more than all the other people who gave that day because they gave out of their abundance. The woman gave everything she had. Jesus is saying that giving is not to be evaluated by what she gave but by what she had. She had only two coins and she gave it all. God will not judge us for not giving something we do not have, but He will judge us for holding back something He already put in our hands. Likewise, He would not hold us accountable for something we do not have, like a gift or talent, but He expects us to give back to Him from the blessings He has giving us. God knows what you have and the circumstances out of which you give to Him. He will reward you. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace to be able to give my all to you with out reservation. Memory verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: Begin to give to God generously instead of hoarding. Its all His anyway.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6 Go d told Noah after the flood that as long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest time would not cease (Gen. 8:22). If a farmer wants to produce a harvest, he first has to sow seed in his field. The kind of harvest that he expects is dependent on the kind of seed that he sows. If a farmer wa nts apples, he must sow apple seed. He will not sow orange seed to reap mangos. The fruit of the harvest is determined by the nature of what is sown. When a farmer wants a large harvest, it is imperative that he sows many seeds. In todays text, Paul reminds the Corinthians that they will reap by the measure of what they sow. We will not reap anything different from what we sow. If want someone to become our friend, we first become friendly to them. According to Dr. David Jeremiah, a preacher, the powerful effect of wealth can be explained in terms of physics: The greater the mass, the greater the pull. Prayer point: Lord, put seed in my hands so that I may sow it into your kingdom. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: Whatever you want out of life, begin to sow that to other pe ople. Whatever is the amount of harvest that you are expecting, begin to sow as much because the more seed you sow, the more you will harvest.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Malachi: 3:8,14 The word tithe means tenth. Tithing means giving ten percent of our earnings back to God. It is not giving two percent or whatever we decide to give. The children of Israel, according to Malachi 3, were supposed to bring a healthy animal and offer it to God. Instead, many tried to offer blemished animals. This was an offense to God, so He cursed them. God is offended when we want the best of everything for ourselves and yet give to Him something that costs us nothing. When we tithe, we put God first. We do not give Him the leftover, for that is an insult to Him. Tithing helps us to affirm our values and our priorities to God. This is the only place in the Bible where God asks us to put Him to the test. He will prove His faithfulness. When we tithe, we are not making a bargain with God; nor are we buying His favor. We are saying that we believe God is able to care for us and provide for us. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace and the ability to always bring my tithe to you. Memory Verse: And if you are untrustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? (Luke 16:11) Application: If you are not already paying your 10 percent to God, begin to do that. Do not wait to give to Him after all your bills are paid. Give to Him first.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

A p ri l 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 1:1-5 Paul, after he had established the source of his authority, prayed that Galatians believers would have grace and peace. The easiest way to summarize the gospel is that we did not get what we deserve (grace) and we inherited what is not due us (peace). Grace is Jesus giving His life as a penalty for our sins. Peace is Him rescuing us from the evil world in which we live. A story is told of Charles Spurgeon and Joseph Parker, both having churches in London in the 19th century. On one occasion, Parker commented on the poor condition of children admitted to Spurgeons orphanage. It was reported to Spurgeon, that Parker had criticized the orphanage. Spurgeon blasted Parker the n ext week from the pulpit. The attack was printed in the newspapers and became the talk of the town. People flocked to Parker s church the next Sunday to hear his rebuttal. I understand Dr. Spurgeon is not in his pulpit today, and this is the Sunday they use to take an offering for the orphanage. I suggest we take a love offering here instead. The crowd was delighted. The ushers had to empty the collection plates 3 times. Later that we ek there was a knock at Parker s study. It was Spurgeon. You know Parker; you have practiced grace on me. You have given me not what I deserved; you have given me what I needed. Appreciation of what has taken place in our lives should cause us to give glory to God by the way we conduct our lives. Are you knocking on the door heaven to give God the praise? Prayer point: L ord, give me a full understanding of the grace by which I am saved and give me a heart of gratitude to response with praise. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: Thank God for His grace and mercy in your life.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apr i l 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 1:6-10 Like in the days of the Apostle Paul, there are lots of perversions of the gospel today. People set certain orders that are contrary to Biblical teachings, based on some form of angelic visitations. People who twist the truth are either sincerely ignorant of the truth or they are motivated to ignore the truth in pursuit of their person al gains. Twisted truth often poses a greater challenge to undo than outright lies. Note that those who are troubling th e Galatians were not outsiders. They were Judean Christians inside the flock. They had been exposed to the true gospel. Pauls emphasis here is that the measure of the truth is not to be by the personality of the messenger but by the content of the message. We need to be careful to receive the gosp el, as laid down in Gods Word, and reject any other contrary view. The pure gospel of Christ may not be popular, but who are we trying to please? If it is men, then we are not true servants of Christ (Verse 10). If it is the majority, we are on the wrong path (Matthew 7:13-14). Is the gospel you heard, received, and obeyed, the same gospel proclaimed by the Apostles of Jesus Christ? Prayer point: Father, uphold me by Your power to discern and equip me with wisdom that I may not fall a prey to false gospel. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: truth? First, Christ. Then match, truth How can you tell when people are twisting the find out what they are teaching about Jesus align it with the Word of God, if it doesnt has been twisted.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apr i l 1 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 1:11-24 Here, Paul presents himself as evidence of the life-changing power of the gospel. Nothing outside of Gods message could have changed this zealous persecutor of Christians to become a voice for the very cause he was against. The change in him caused many to give God glory. The strongest a rgument for the Gospel of Christ is the personal testimony of someone whose life has been changed by it. Charles Bradlaugh, an avowed infidel, was said to have challenged the Rev. H.P. Hughes to a debate. The preacher, who was head of a rescue mission in London, England, accepted the challenge with the condition that he could bring with him 100 men and women who would tell what had happe ned in their lives since trusting Christ as their Savior. They would be people who once lived in deep sin, some having come from poverty-stricken homes caused by the vices of their parents. Hughes said they would not only tell of their conversion, but would s ubmit to crossexamination by any who doubted their stories. Furthermore, the minister invited his opponent to bring a group of nonbelievers who could tell how they were helped by their lack of faith. When the appointed day arrived, the preacher came, accompanied by 100 transformed persons. Bradlaugh never showed up. The result? The meeting turned into a testimony time. Many sinners who had gathered to hear the scheduled debate were converted. What is your testimony? Is your encounter with the gospel evidenced by a changed life? Prayer point: Lord, I want to be a showcase of Your lifechanging power. Take control of my life that others may see Christ in me. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salv ation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: What change has occurred in your life since you received the gospel? Share it with at least one person today.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apr i l 11 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 2:1-10 Defining freedom is a major problem for our society today. Thomas Huxley, a nineteenth century agnostic, in his address on University Education said, A mans worst difficulties begin when he is able to do as he likes. Yet, Princeton University web defined freedom as the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints. Some people make up their own definition and it usually centers on whatever seems right and convenient. This fits the description of a lawless and chaotic society. Pastor John Ma cArthur, citing John 8 verse 30, defined Christian freedom as knowing the truth. We are free from the deception o f the World when we know the truth of Gods Word. Fr eedom for the Christian is freedom from enslavement. This freedom is born not out of fear but out of faith. Paul, in this passage, seeks confirmation of the truth from Church leaders and refused to give in to false Christians who wanted to exchange the truth of the Gospel for the problem of manmade laws. Prayer point: Lord Jesus, help me to see that my freedom is not the right to do as I please, but the opportunity to please my God. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salv ation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: Seek the truth in every situation and you will be free.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ap ri l 1 2 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 2:1121 If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you dont fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). This is a key lesson in this passage. If Pete r and Barnabas, two prominent leaders in the early Church, could succumb to the sin of hypocrisy, how much more do we need to be careful to not live a double life? Their practice had deviated from their preaching. Who we appear to be when brethren are present should not be different from who we are when they are not. More important than the presence of our pastor or Christian friends is the ever-present Holy Spirit, who we are not to grieve by our actions. In the 17th century When King Louis XIV of France and his attendants a rrived at the chapel for th e regular service one Sunday, no one else was there but Francois Fenelon the court preacher. King Louis demanded, What does this me an? Fenelon replied, I had published that you would not come to church today, in order that your Majesty might see wh o serves God in truth and who flatters the king. Are we serving God in truth or flattering our companions? Prayer point: L ord, at every place and in every circumstance, make my life a window for Your light to shine through and a mirror to reflect Your love to all I meet. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: Does your environment suggest to people that you know Christ?


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 1 3 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 3:1-14 When we miss our way or we lose something important, we often attempt to trace our path to back to where we started. We ask questions such as: Where did I start? How did I get to this point? Whose help can I seek? The act of self-questioning or self-examination helps one to avoid foolishness. Paul, in this passage, attempts to offer the congregation in Galatia clarity concerning an error, as they deliberate on the questions he asks. They had started on the Christian journey by faith in the message of the cross, but they failed to progress. They were reverting back to justification by deeds, which is contrary to faith. Today, Christians are not immune to this type of foolishness. We tend to exchange the simplicity of the Gospel for new teachings resulting from special revelations. We need to realize that our walk with Christ from beginning to the end is all about faith in His finished work. Our work is only a response to His love for us. Prayer point: Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief. I have placed my trust in You for salvation. Dont allow me to shift my focus to any other. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salv ation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Application: Self-Survey: How did I get saved? Who is influencing my Christian walk?

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Apr i l 1 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Galatians 3:23- 29 Angelina Jolie adopted a little Ethiopian child. She stepped out of her world and into the world of this little girl whose existence was difficult at best. Jolie chose to favor to her. Her life, once deprived, now had abundance. Her life, once without any real future, exploded with possibility. What a difference it can be when someone who has everything shows favor to someone who may not have very much. This is the closest way to explain our relationship with God. We are no longer slaves, but sons of God. Divine sonship is not a privilege given to all mankind. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ are adopted as sons of God. It is good to know that with God there is no gender, racial or social class discrimination. He offers salvation to whosoever will come through His Son Jesus Christ. God has adopted us. Now, we have every legal right to the kingdom of Heaven. Unfortunately, most Christians do not have a clue how much they really have through Christ Jesus. This accounts for them not using the privilege for their good or for Gods good purpose. Prayer point: Father, I was a spiritual orphan when You looked into eternity and picked me to become Your child and enjoy all the privileges that go with being in Your family. Accept my gratitude and help me to live everyday worthy of my new family. Memory Verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1: 16) Application: Repeat these words as a reminder of your new status: I am a child of God, He calls me son.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apr i l 1 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: John 4:7-24 Twice in the scripture, Jesus emphasized the power of knowledge during discussions with other people. On e of discussions can be found in John 3. In this passage, Jesus speaks with Nicodemus, a prominent bible scholar and a member of the ruling council. Nicodemus definitely read about God, knew theology, and recognized that Jesus was a teacher from above, but he lacked the knowledge of God. He also lacked the ability to speak and testify of what he knew and therefore he lacked the power of knowledge. The other discussion, found in John 4, was with the woman at Jacobs well. The woman recognized the prophetic power in Jesus but she did not know who Jesus was. She was so concerned about the location of worship that she lost sight of who she worshipped therefore losing the power of the Kn owledge of God. Jesus told the woman that those who wo rship Him would worship Him in Spirit and in truth. You can only way you can rightly represent your country as an ambassador of your country, is if you know and can testify of your country. Proverbs 9:10 says that the knowledge of the holy is understanding. In Job 19:25, Job says, I know my Redeemer lives. That is the power of knowledge. Prayer point: L ord Jesus, I open my heart to you. Reveal yourself to me so that I can fall in love with you anew. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Consciously start applying faith to what you have known and heard about Jesus. Then, seek to personally know Him more.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Apr i l 1 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Acts 1:3 Let us take out some time today to look through the scriptures at some proofs that our savior, Jesus Christ is no more in the grave. Lets do this so tha t you may be convinced that you are on the right path. You serve a living God who was here on earth, died for mankind and was resurrected on the third day in fulfillment of Gods divine plan. This is the foundation of our Christian faith. The chief priests and Pharisees arranged for guards to be posted at the tomb because Jesus had said he would rise again. Matthew 27:62-66. The guards were given a large sum of money to lie about what happened. Matthew 28:11-15. The tomb was empty. Luke 24:3. The testimony of the angels to the women at the sepulcher. Luke 24:4-8. His appearance to His disciples. Luke 24:13-15. The testimony of the apostles on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:32. These are just some of the proofs found in Scripture. But, as a witness, I join with millions from different races, cultures, colors and languages who have experienced His resurrection power in our hearts and lives. By His grace, we are able to say that Jesus is alive. Be assured that since He fulfilled all He said concerning His own life, death and resurrection, He will surely fulfill all He has spoken concerning you too. Prayer point: Thank you Lord for you are faithful, true, trustworthy and reliable. Help me to love and follow you all my days, in Jesus name. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Je sus Christ is alive. Because He lives, all fear is gone and we can face the challenges of life. With Him, we are more than conquerors.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 1 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Job 38:1-11 It is interesting to read the conversation between God and Job. It is amazing that when we go through trials, we tend to forget that God created us for a purpose. Sometimes, because of the intensity of the trial, there seems to be no end to the sorrow. But the truth is that we are just passing through and the later will be greater than the former. The universe is defined as the whole world, esp. with reference to humanity: a truth known throughout the universe; or a world or sphere in which something exists or prevails: his private universe. Since God created and owns the universe, He alone has control over it. The manufacturer of a car knows the car better than a dealer or a mechanic. As far as the universe is concerned, every creature is like a dealer or a mechanic and cannot claim knowledge of how to manage or maintain the universe unless they get the manual from the manufacturer. God Almighty is the manufacturer. You can access Him through the Savior Jesus Christ. He is surely alive and can h elp you navigate the New Year. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus Name, I thank you because I know you own the universe. I give all I have to you this year, even my carried over problems. See me through, in Jesus Name. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Recognize Gods supremacy and sovereignty even in your times of trial.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ap ri l 1 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Psalms 121:1- 8 I enjoy going on road trips with my family. Its always a wonderful bond ing time with the children. I always make sure we plan a vacation each year. We usually rent a vehicle that will hold all of us and we take turns driving. Last fall, we drove 12 or 13 hours to New Jersey. We planned to travel at night so we could rest the next day. We left Chicago at about 7 p.m. My eldest child was at the wheel. He drove about two hours; then he asked if someone else could drive. He was tired. His younger brother took over and did about four hours of driving. I was in the seat behind the driver monitoring their driving with great anxiety. Then, my husband took the wheel and I immediately fell asleep. When I woke up, my children made remarks about my uneasiness when they were driving and how I slept while their dad was driving. I told them its because I trust him. Weve completed so many journeys together in the past thirty years. I thought how wonderful it is to know our Everlasting God is at the wheel. We can relax. He has an impeccable driving record. He never fails. As the heavenly father takes the wheel in our hearts, we know he has complete control over any situation. Rather than letting ourselves be anxious and lose sleep, we can relax. He who knows the end from the beginning is at the wheel. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, thank you for watching over me. I appreciate your love and protection over my life. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Trust in God fully. Relax in him who will never fail you.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 1 9 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Numbers 22:1-20 Go d will go all the way to defend you. He can cause anybody to leave you alone. But most of the time, we are so worried that we are unable to recognize His prese nce with us and His love for us. In the book of Mark, the Bible tells us about Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. In the midst of these trials, angels came and ministered to Him. The incident in our text shows us that we often are unaware of our enemies. The children of Israel never knew how much Balak wanted them cursed. Neither did they know that Balaam would be the one Balak tried to u se. When we have no clue of the danger we a re, He sends His angels to carry us so that we do not dash our foot against a stone. Jehovah, who is our Shepherd, sends goodness and me rcy to follow us anywhere we go. Go d gave Balaa m a sleepless night. A similar incident happened to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 12, when the king of Egypt thought that he could take Sarah from Abraham. The Lord took it personally and plagued Pharaohs house. Another incident happened in chapter 20. This time it was king Ab imelech of Gerar who wanted to have a one-night stand with Sarah. The Lord God appeared to him in the night and wa rned him that if he touched Sarah, he would be a dead man before the morning. So whether you are sleeping, driving, eating of whatever you may be doing, God is watching over you. Prayer point: L ord, help me to remember that you are with me always. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Repeat the memory verse until you know it well.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


Ap ri l 2 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: John 14:1-6 I worked second shift one Sunday. I got off work at exactly 11:30 p.m. and I was so happy. I hoped to be home within the next hour. I had driven about 30 minutes when I found myself on a different route that led me to the Indiana toll road. Instead of seeking help or turning around, I chose to go on. I thought I would be able to find my way home since I lived close to the Indiana border. What foolishness! I prayed and cried so much that night. I finally got home at about 3 a.m. I am so thankful the Internet has made it possible for people like me to explore and arrive at new destinations on time. I thought the final solution had come. Then, I heard on the news that someone was suing the makers of a GPS device for being led to a wrong location. When I shared the news at work, I heard several other stories about similar experiences. Though these devices have been very useful, they are still fallible like every other thing made by man. The only source that has never given incorrect directions is the word of God. Following the guidance of God leads to a sure destination. It is through the word that we get illumination and understanding. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit leads and guides us. Access to the way leads to knowing the truth. Embracing and abiding in the truth leads to life and life eternal. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, I thank you for the assurance that following you will lead me to a sure destination. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: There may be many guides, but the only one that guarantees a sure destination is Jes us


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 2 1 s t , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 9:14-29 Fasting is not one of the topics preachers often preach about. Encouragers do not encourage people to do it and believers dont really talk about it. It is an intricate aspect of victorious Christian living. Fasting is simply another word for abstinence. It means to deny oneself the pleasure of food, for the purpose of seeking Go d. Jesus talks about fasting in the passage we just read. He wa nted the disciples to see that there are certain times you need to fast in order to be victorious. You may be ask ing about the reasons for fasting and about situations in which fasting would be appropriate. Throughout the bible, men and women of God fasted for various reasons. Some of the rea sons include: fasting for the nation, for deliverance, for choosing leaders, for sin and so on. But in this passage we are studying, Jesus encouraged the disciples to fast when they were confronting situations influenced by demons. When Jesus was going to start His ministry, the Bible says that He fasted for forty days and forty nights. The key to unlock a door that others have failed to unlock may be in your next fast. Whether individually or corporately, Christians are encouraged to take time to fast and pray. Prayer point: L ord, give me the strength to fast and help me know who and what to fast for. Memory verse: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1) Application: Af ter being prompted to fas t, start fasting as soon as possible. Abstinence from food and water for at least six to 12 hours is encouraged.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Apr i l 2 2 n d , 2 0 11

Text: Hebrews 11: 1- 2 Our Christian journey starts at the point we give our lives to Jesus. Life is like a race. All successful athletes understand that endurance is vital to achieving their goals. To achieve a worthwhile goal, you have to keep going forward. The need for endurance, which the text describes as running a race with patience, needs to be prayerfully considered by all Christians. There is a need to pray and a need to separate ourselves from sin that hinders us from moving forward as we should. What great joy is set before us in knowing that He who has gone down the path and made It to the end is willing to lead us safely to the finish line. This implies that as we journey on, were relying on our savior to help us through temptations as we hold onto Him, even when our excitement fades and when we feel lonely and out of tune. Pilgrims, look up unto Him. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me and strengthen me as I make you my focus in this Christian journey. I desire to run the race well and finish strong. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: Determination is a key to success. Make up your mind. It will be worth it at the end of the journey.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apri l 2 3 rd , 2 0 11

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
A la d y p r e p a r i n g to ce le b rate h e r 4 0 th b irth d a y s e nt out invita tions to th o se sh e t h o u g h t w ere h e r frien d s an d th o se s he thought love d her. To m y a m a z e me n t, a p e rs o n w h o to ld me m a ny ne ga tive s torie s abo u t t h e c e l e b r a n t w as o n e o f th e ev en t p lan n e rs . She w a s a ls o ver y a c t i v e a t t h e c e re mo n y. T h is in c id en t k ept me thinking for s ome t i m e , b u t t h a n k G o d th a t H e mad e H is w ord ope n to a ll s o w e may u n d e r st a n d w h a t it me a n s to h av e an d rela te to othe rs w ith love like Hi s. I w a s i n a b i b l e stu d y g ro u p s o metime ag o an d w e w e re a s ke d to def i n e l o v e . Di v e r s e d e fin itio n s w ere g iv en b u t a s w e looke d a t the t e x t , t h e f a c i l i tato r o f th e g ro u p a s k ed u s to re a d the te xt a nd rep l a c e t h e wo r d lo v e w ith th e n a me o f J es us . It ga ve the te xt a dee p m e a n i n g a n d o p en ed my u n d ers ta n d in g . The r e a r e t h r e e m ain k in d s o f lo v e . T h e re is filia l love tha t pe ople man i f e st i n t h e f a mily a s in th e w a y a p a re n t re la te s to his c hild. The r e i s e r o s l o v e th a t p e rta in s to s e x u a l lo v e. The n , t h e r e i s t h e ag ap e k in d o f lo v e th e G od kind of love tha t Roma n s 5 : 5 sa y s fills th e h e a rts o f b e lie v ers b e c a us e G od ha s give n them t h e Ho l y Spirit. The k i n d o f l o v e th at o u r te x t re v ea ls is g rea te r tha n be ing cha r i t a b l e , g e n e r o u s o r k n o w led g e a b le. A ll o f the s e a re com m e n d a b l e q u alitie s , b u t p ro fit n o th in g w ith out ha ving a rela t i o n sh i p wi t h J e s u s w h o is lo v e p e rs o n ifie d. G od i s l o v e c o n s ta n t a n d ete rn al. H e mu s t h a ve H is a biding prese n c e i n u s t o man ifes t d iv in e lo v e

P ra y e r p o in t: F at he r, i n Je sus nam e , c om e in to my h ear t an d he lp me to lo v e l i ke y ou do. Me mo r y v e r s e : Trust i n t he L ord wi t h al l you r h ear t an d lean no t to y o u r o w n unde rst andi ng i n al l y our ways ackn owledge hi m a n d h e s h a ll di re c t y our pat h. (P rov e rbs 3:5-6) Ap p lic a tio n : Tr y t o re ad t oday s t e xt re pl acin g th e wor d love wi t h th e n a me o f Je sus It wi l l be wort hw h ile to look in war d o n h o w w e h a v e be e n re l at i ng t o ot he rs. If th at is h ow Jes u s wo u ld h a v e b e e n , t he n good e nough. If not , th en it is bes t to make a change.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


Ap ri l 2 4 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Acts 2:38 In the beginning of Jesus ministry in Galilee, He warned the people about the need for repentance. All through His ministry, He called people to repentance. Why would Jesus Christ, the author of salvation, warn people to repent? Why could they not continue living the way they were before especially those who try to be good? Coming back to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is necessary because man lost his relationship with God when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Also, rede mption lost can found be through Jesus Christ. Repentance simply means confessing your sin and asking for forgiveness with full and sincere dete rmination to sin no more. It requires man to acknowledge his sin, be sincerely sorry to have been living in such a sinful state, then to make a complete turn from that sin to follow the Lord. For, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Many love Jesus and desire to be in relationship with him, but hate to hear about repentance. But to prove your love for Him who died to reconcile man back to God, you need to repent of all wrong doings. In other words, repent of your sin. Ask Jesus to come into your life and abide with you. Unless and until you take this step, you have not entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ, neither have you been reconciled back to God. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus Name, forgive me of all wrong doings in my life. I have chosen to repent. Empower me to love you with all my heart. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: Repent right now if you have not done that before. If you are in relationship with Jesus, review where you have erred and repent.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 2 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ruth 1:1-6 No t all open doors are from God. In our text, the head of a family chose to move from where he was planted because of temporary uneasiness due famine in the land. He fled the land destined to flow in milk and honey. We are not told that he sought direction from God in any way. He left with his wife and two sons, but he died shortly after. The two sons married women in Moab. There must have been some rejoicing because the family increased, but that also wa s short lived. Within 10 years, the two sons also died. Ne ither of them had any children. The flight from the land of plenty to a heathen nation ended in disaster. When the mother was left with just her daughters in-law, she decided it was time to return home. After all, they left because of famine and the famine was over. The territory where God places us is the place where our safety, help and fulfillment is guaranteed. We need be careful when situations seem difficult. We must continue to live in hope, because, Tough times ne ver last, says Dr. Robert Schuler. Prayer point: Help me, Lord, to always s eek wisdom and direction from you before making decisions. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: It will do us good to pray for our husbands, leaders and all who make decisions that may affect our lives. We should pray for God to direct and lead them. He will guide and direct if we will allow him to.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ap ri l 2 6 s t , 2 0 11

Text: 1 Peter 3:10-12 Todays text reminds us to maintain peace around us by reducing sins of speech and endeavoring to choose good over evil. Reducing sins of speech will help maintain peace. In any relationship, if we avoid evil speaking such as curses, backbiting, lies and harsh words, it will go a long way in ma intaining the relationship. We need to learn to construct our speech so that it will be more of a blessing to others. Speeches intended to harm others should not come from our lips. By doing so, we will avoid attracting enemies to ourselves and we can live to see many happy days. More importantly, verse 12, of our text says the eyes of the Lord are watching over those who do right and their prayers are heard. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me to be mindful of what I say. Help me turn from what you hate so that I might enjoy a peaceful life. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: What comes out of our mouth effects us and our relationships with both man and God.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ap ri l 2 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ruth 2:15-16 I once watched a show called Secret Millionaires. I was touched by one story of twin elderly sisters who dedicate their lives to feeding the needy and homeless in their community with help from volunteers at the Love Kitchen. To reach out to others with kindness and generosity, one must be determined and ready to let go of some possessions. It was by Gods intentional plan that He gave His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, as a ransom for the sins of man. The book of Isa iah, chapter 32 verse 8, says, The generous man devises generous things and by generosity he shall stand. The ma n in todays text instructed his subjects to be considerate of a young, strange woman as she joined in the harvest. He also told them that they should intentionally drop some grain for her. He then added that none should insult her. Do we see it as a privilege when God uses us as His hand to meet needs in peoples lives? We see in this text that we should willingly let some things go. We may not be farmers, but whatever the product of our increase, it is good enough to share with others. It is not surprising that this chapter opened with the introduction of Boaz as a mighty man of wealth. In book of 2 Corinthians, chapter 9 verse 7a says, So let each one of you give as he purposes in his heart. Verse 8 says, And God is able to make all grace abound towards you that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. Prayer point: Thank you Lord for letting go of your beloved son that I might be saved from my sins. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: All creatures of God give, even the sun and the moon. You are Gods representative on earth. Learn to give. He gave first.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


Apr i l 2 8 t h , 2 0 11

BE E N C O U R A G E D , B R E T H R E N
Text: Colossians 2:1-5 I once read a short story about how the devil advertised satanic tools for public inspection. Laid among the tools was a harmless looking item with a high price. In the story, when one of the shoppers asked the name of the tool, the devil answered, Oh, thats discouragement. When asked why it was more expensive than other tools, Satan said, Because it is more useful to me than the others. Many do not know that it belongs to me. It is effective with many that I can not reach with my other tools. Not many people realize that discouragement is of the devil. Discouragement exaggerates the difficulties of life and makes them see m bigger than they really are. That is why the Apostle Paul reminds the church to be encouraged and to be bonded in love with others of like faith. This is so they will remain steadfast in faith when the going gets tough. Around the wor ld, finances are failing an d many are beaten down because the devil is attacking marriages and other family relationships. Be reminded to fix your eyes on Jesus. Keep trusting in Him who will never let you down. This is a time to remain firm and be sure of whom you believe. He will see you through. Prayer point: My eyes are on you O Lord. Help me and strengthen me so that I may not be moved. Intervene in my situation that I may have a good testimony. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: Do not give up. Keep fixing your eyes on Jesus. He will see you through.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Apri l 2 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6:10 I happen to be in a class with this gentleman from the military. Anytime he is talking about his experience as a soldier, his face lights up and one can see his joy. This means he loves what he is doing. One cannot put his on the line for his country unless he loves country. Believers become part of the Lords army when they put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As the soldier loves his country, to the point that he puts his country ahead of himself, so we must put God first in all that we do. As a good soldier obeys the order of his commander, instantly and without question, so we are to submit ourselves to the authority of our commander who is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is in his strength that we fight according to His orders. Prayer point: Lord, help me to put you first in everything I do. Memory verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: Begin today to put God first in all you do.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Apr i l 3 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6:11 The soldier has many parts to his gear. He makes sure to wear this gear in the proper order. Only when he is properly dressed can he use his sword to fight the enemy. He cannot go into the battle half-dressed. That would be careless and could put him in danger. We as believers have many piec es of Gods armor that we must put on daily as we fight the enemy. Since we first trusted Christ, we have become identified with Him and receive His righteousness. Because our position is in Christ, in the eyes of God we are clothed with His righteousness. Though, positionally, we are righteous, we still sin and need to grow as Christians. It is in this daily walk that we gradually learn the principles of Gods word, apply them consistently, and move toward spiritual maturity. This is our progressive sanctification. So, putting on Gods armor as a whole is positional sanctification, whereas, progressive sanctification emphasizes putting on each piece of the armor in proper order. We need to put on our Lord Jesus Christ daily for only He knows how to use the armor effectively. Only with His help and guidance can we gain victory. Prayer point: Lord, help me to always put on the Lord Jesus Christ so that I can be fully protected. Memory verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and begin to use each piece of the armor consistently so that you will mature in your Christian journey.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 1 s t , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6: 12 A while ago, my son came home from sch ool. Every couple of steps, he would stop and pull up his pants. I asked him wh y his pants were falling off of his waist? He said he was not wearing a belt because he could not find one. The first piece of armor a Roman soldier puts on is his belt. The belt helps him to tie up his long, flowing gown so that it would not hinder his movement. The belt also other parts of the armor could function well. He nce, with the belt comes the idea of removing hindrances. He brew12:1 tells us to lay aside every encumbrance and sin wh ich so easily entangles us. Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:4 that a good soldier would not get tangled up with the affairs of this life because it would hinde r his success as a good fighter. Truth refers to the word of God. It is the word of God that prepares us and teaches us about sin so that we may remove the sin that hinders us in our spiritual wa rfare. Just as the belt helps to tie the breastplate and hold the sword, the truth of Gods word is the anchor for our soul. Jesus stressed the importance of the scriptures in sanctification when He said, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Only when we take personal responsibility in committing ourselves to Gods word are we freed from hindrances in spiritual warfare. Prayer point: Lord, help me to be personally committed to your word alone. Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: You have the responsibility of putting on the word of God to get result. You must study and memorize the word for yourself. David said in Psalm 119, Your word I have hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


May 2 n d , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6:14 As an ER nurse, I had the opportunity to observe the police officers who worked the night shift with us. I noticed that before they stepped out of the building, they put on their bulletproof vest. This protects the vital organs in the front of the person like the heart and the bowels. The Roman soldier also needed a metal breastplate to protect his vital organs while he went into the battle. This verse says that our thoughts and emotions are protected from Satans attack by the righteousness of Jesus. Satan attempts to influence us through false doctrine and by telling us to rely on our feelings rather than on Gods word. Satan often attacks us by raising doubts about our salvation and relationship with God. He also attacks by accusing us because of our sin. We should always remember that our standing before God has nothing to do with our own goodness, but it is based completely on the righteousness of Jesus. Hence Scripture reminds us that we are the righteousness of God through Christ. Prayer point: Lord, clothe me with the righteousness of Jesus. Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: When Satan accuses you of sin, tell him that Jesus paid that price on the cross two thousand years ago. Continue to confess your sins and walk in His righteousness.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 3rd , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6:15 Some of the shoes we wear today are based more on fashion than function. Those of us who stand for long hours wear shoes that have good support. During snow, we wear shoes that will protect our feet and keep us from slipping. The Roman soldier usually wore ceremonial sandals but when fighting, he would wear stronger shoes made of iron or brass. These were made to protect his feet and give him a firm grip on the ground. In todays text, Paul tells each Christian to have the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. It is from this position that we are able to resist the devil. Scripture tells us that having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1). Peace in our heart gives us the assurance and the security we need in the warfare. When we are in this position, Satan can do all he wants to do but it will not faze us because our feet are firmly grounded on our immovable relationship with God. Prayer point: Lord, give me your peace that surpasses all understanding. Let your peace rule and reign in my heart. Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: Pursue peace at all cost. Be at peace with Go d and with man.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians: 6:16 The Roman soldier carried one of two types of shields, but its the larger one Paul is talking about here. It gives the soldier all-around protection. Policemen sometimes use shields to protect themselves as well. The Christian is constantly under attack from his enemy, the devil. It is the shield of faith that gives Christians all-around protection. Faith is trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and in nothing else. We cannot trust in ourselves or in the good things we do. H ebrew 11:6 tells us that w ithout faith it is impossible to please Him. He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. On ly by believing God can we avoid the traps and snares that Satan sets for us. Faith means that Gods word is more real to us than our experiences, feelings, and circumstances. With the shield of faith, we are able to protect ourselves by extinguishing the arrows Satan fires at us. Gods word is able to handle every temptation and every problem that Satan thr ows at us. Prayer point: Lord, increase my faith in you. Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: Trust and obey God. Every trick of the devil can be handled by trusting God.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 6:17 As a parent, I make sure that my children wear their helmet to protect their heads as they ride their bikes and play baseball. In the past, a helmet was made from a strong metal that protected a soldier s head from arrows and swords. Sometimes, a visor would protect the eyes. Vision is very important to the active soldier because he needs to see where he is going. A soldier who cannot see is practically useless. What protects us as believers is salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are careless and let sin penetrate our armor, we become spiritually blind. The soldiers carry a short sword that they use in close combat. They had to be very precise when using this weapon. The word of Go d, the Bible, is the Christians sword. It is the weapon against the devil and against sin. Jesus used this weapon ver y effectively. After his 40 days fasting, the devil came to test him. Jesus used the word of God to defeat him (Matt. 4). This means that we must know scripture well enough to use it and use it correctly. Partial knowledge will not do us any good. Prayer point: Lord, give me understanding of your word. He lp me to study and know your word for myself. Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Application: Do not forget to put on your helmet, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Carry the word of God with you always.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Deuteronomy 6:7- 9 An American missionary to China observ ed men training pets, trimming flowers, and weeding lawns and gardens. As he watched this, he wondered why we so often leave our children to their own devices. Someone once said, You sow a thought and reap an act, you sow a n act and reap a habit. Habits are the ways in which our lives are lived and expressed. If we as mothers realize that our today may affect our tomorrow, that training today determines the outcome tomorrow, that spending today determines gains tomorrow, that praying today determines the answer tomorrow; then we would be more diligent in training our children in the way of the Lord. God says the homes should be the chief place of instruction for our children. As mothers, we must be genuinely saved and allow our lives to be guided by the p rinciples of Gods word. Christianity is life. It is more than religion. It is not a cloak or uniform that you wear and remove at will. You cannot practice it in church and discard it at home. You cant stop being a Christian at the mall or forget about it at the party. God commands that you be consistent in your living and teaching as you sit at the house and on your way. What a better place the world will be when God-loving and Godfearing children live their lives in obedience to the Word of God. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me to be a faithful mother and a useful tool in shaping the lives of these precious gifts. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3: 5 & 6) Application: What we teach our children now will effect how we are treated in latter years. We will always need them.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


May 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 9:13-16 Sometime ago, during a Sunday service, a girl of about three years sat in one of the chairs reserved for pastors and their spouses. She sat confidently as she looked around. Initially, I thought she might have wandered in from the childrens section. I thought the ushers would help her back, but when nothing was done, I beckoned to the head usher and called his attention to the guest on the chair. He quickly went to take the girl back to the childrens service, but was told that the girl was invited by the pastor. When the sermon started the pastor said the title of his me ssage was, The place of children with God and in the body of Christ. I felt so bad for my action, but I will always remember that message. In our text, Jesus Christ invited the children to himself. He loves all his creation and he knows the potential in each child. Because of this, He was displeased that the disciples tried to hinder the children. The world is a dangerous place to raise children. Children must be introduced to the Lord very early and then nurtured in the admonition of the Lord. Children a re surrounded by innumerable options on the Internet, on television and even in their neighborhoods. Without discretion or direction, they try to respond to every stimulus and eventually become prime candidates for a breakdown. The creator chose us as the primary care-givers and trainers for children when he decided we would carry them in the wo mb for a whole nine months. It would be wise to raise our children to love the Lord. We should not hinder them in serving the Lord and we should pray to always be good examples to the m Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me not to fail you as I raise my children to love you. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: God delights in fellowshipping with your children. Be sure not to get in the way.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


M ay 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ruth 1:7-22 I once watched a movie that showed a mother interfering so much in her sons life that he could not live on this own. The woman in this movie was so controlling, that she literarily made decisions for her adult son. She said that no woman was good enough to marry her son. Eventually, a lady got entangled with the son, but this mother made life almost unbearable for her. The mother became the ladys rival, thus turning a union that should bring joy and happiness into hell on earth. The effects of such situations cause some women to pray and plan to eliminate their mothers-in-law from the scene. In our text toda y, we read of a woman who was so kind and loving to her daughters-in-law that they remained at home even when the womans sons were no more. She prayed, blessed and wished the women well. She encouraged them to move on with their lives after the loss of their husbands. One chose to go back to her people but, the other insisted on staying with her mother-in-law an uncommon decision. This mother-in- law did not vent the emotions of her loss on her daughters-in-law, like so many that wrongly accuse their childrens spouses whenever things go ba dly in the family. We all need to take a cue from this woman called Naomi. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me to love you and others so that my life will be a positive influence. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: If I will allow, God will help me relate appropriately to others so that this world will be a better place.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Luke 2:41- 52 A Saturday morning prayer service ended and I went to see the associate pastor. While I was in her office, my daughters waited in the sanctuary. A young male who had also attended the morning service waited with them. As I was leaving the church with my daughters, I asked them if the boys parents were still at the church. They didnt know so I went back to ask the boy. He was surprised. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he did not know his parents had left. Unlike the story of Jesus, this boy was not studying the Bible. He was doing what he usually did in church playing music. All attempts to call his parents failed so I decided to take the boy home. We met his dad at an intersection a few blocks from the boys house. He was on his way back to the church to look for his son. I appealed to the father on my young brother s behalf and I made reference to todays text. Many children that embrace the truth at an early age want to serve God. Recently, a thirteen-year-old said this at a thanksgiving service: I am always happy when I wake up to come to church. What a blessing to hear such from a teenager in this day and age. I know a few teens that sometimes come together to search the word of God for understanding on various issues. Some have called me aside to ask questions about the word of God. Many of them are sincere seekers of truth. Let us support and encourage them. Also, in church they experience true community and love. The environment is free from the bullying some of them have to cope with at other places. Mothers, let us make coming to church a delight for our children . Prayer point: Thank you, Lord, for our children who know you and express their love for you. We pray that those yet to know you will be drawn by your loving kindness, in Jesus name. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: We do ourselves a world of good when we allow our children to be taught of the Lord. Instead of sorrow, we will have peace.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


May 1 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Romans 1:14-15 As we were waiting at the airport for a flight one evening, a lady walked by wearing a sweet-smelling perfume. All eyes turned to her direction. This is how attractive a sweetsmelling perfume can be. Examine yourself. What type of smell do you give off? This is a very important question one that must be answered with honesty. Beyond proclamation, the next most effective means of witnessing is affirmation. This is when our talk matches our walk. Our children should see us as a sweet perfume and not as a smell of death and doom. We are called to be a lifegiving perfume that, in my understanding, is very attractive a living letter to be read by all men. We need to remember we may be the only Bible they will ever read. Can you imagine if the words are crooked or the print blurred? How will people be able to read it? Your child ren are watching and reading. Prayer point: Father, I pray that you reduce me to the point that I give off only a sweet perfume. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3: 5 & 6) Application: Choose to love people.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 11 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 22:6 A compass is a device for finding direction. When the pointer fails to function correctly, it can lead ships sailors to a tragic end. A mother is like a compass to a child who is born innocent, nave and ignorant. A child is born into the ship of a human family to sail on the sea of life. Mothers are to mark paths for their children. It is a divine assignment, and how it well it is done can determine the destiny of the child. For a mother to faithfully fulfill this divine assignment, she must be walking the right path in life . Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the Word of God, the compass of life. A mother, who will train a child right, must have a relationship with Jesus Christ and be a follower of the Savior. She needs to acquaint herself with the Word of God and the God of the Word so that she may be able to guide her children rightly. This is so the children may grow in stature, in wisdom and in favor with God and men. To neglect these assignments is to neglec t the greatest assignment God has given to a mother. Prayer point: Thank you lord for giving this child to me. Help me to fulf ill my divine assignment by training him like you want me to. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application He who leads well must follow well. Be consistent in being a follower of Jesus Christ.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 1 2 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 18:24 Without friends, the world would be a lonely place. Of all the gifts God gave to man, none is as precious as friendship. He created us with the capacity to give and receive friendship with Him and with one another. It is a good thing to have people we feel safe with and we can share our heart with. It is said that blood is thicker than water, but friendship transcends blood relationship. It is the union that can be found in Christ alone. He is both our friend and our brother (John 15: 14). Proverb 27:6 tell us that faithful is the wound of a friend. A friend hurts to heal. Our best friend is the one who knows the worst about us and is still willing to accept us as we are. Jesus is that kind of friend. He told His disciples in John 15:15, No longer do I call you servantsI have called you friends. Do you want to have friends? Be willing to be one first. Prayer point: L ord, teach me to be a true friend. Memory verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Application: Sow friendship so you can reap friendship.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 1 3 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Romans 1:14-15 A certain religious group got one thing right. Though they do not have the true message of the gospel, they do have witnessing. No matter what the weather is, they are busy going door-to-door to share Christ with people. Even if you dont want to listen to them, they will pester until you do. They are not intimidated by it, neither are they ashamed of it. They understand the urgency of witnessing because souls need it to be saved. They even go with their children to give them on-the-job training. Are you ready to tell your family about Christ? Do you see witnessing for Christ as your responsibility or is it someone elses job? Your spouse and children are the first people you share the gospel with. Your home is the first place you should preach the gospel. We are all called to preach the gospel to every creature. Jesus commanded it. Paul was compelled to preach the gospel. Jesus said in the book of John that He chose us to go and bear fruit so that our prayers will be answered. According to Proverbs 11:30, he who wins soul is wise. Prayer point: Father, I pray that you will open my understanding to the great commission. Give me a thick skin and a soft heart to be a witness for you. Memory verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Make a conscious effort to tell at least one person about Jesus Christ everyday, just one person.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 1 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Colossians 2:8-10 A young adult called a pastor for counseling. She had been trying to find happiness in anything and everything, but to no avail. She eventually gave her life to Jesus and peace came into her life. She began to have success in her life, because the presence of Christ helped her to reorganize and re-evaluate. The gospel is the power that releases the benefits of salvation in our lives. Salvation is much more than being born again. It refers to every benefit to which you are entitled to as a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9:6 is a verse filled with promises of the coming Savior. He will be the right Counselor. He is the Mighty God. He is the Everlasting Father. He is a Father that never dies. Do you need peace? He is the Prince of Peace. In the gospel is the power to over-c ome every obstacle that may be in your way. Prayer point: Father, I pray that as I meditate and apply the gospel to my life that I will begin to experience its potency and its power in my life. Memory verse: -But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Start appropriating the power of the gospel in your life.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 1 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Romans 1:14-15 Have you answered the call of the master yet? Within minutes of the miraculous restoration of his sight, the blind man in John 9 was bold enough to tell the scholarly Jews about his encounter with Jesus. He was not intimidated his limited knowledge of Jesus, rather he proclaimed the little he knew for all to hear. He was not afraid of being thrown out of the synagogue or being isolated. He maintained his stand. The same goes for Paul. After his conversion, as recorded in Acts 9, he began to preach the gospel. The woman at the well ran to call the villagers to come and meet Jesus just minutes after meeting HIm. Her bad reputation did not stop her. She did not care about what people thought. So what about us? What is holding us back? Prayer point: Father, give me courage and boldness to proclaim Jesus to people. Amen. Memory verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Begin to tell others the little you know about our savior. Do not let fear hold you back.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 1 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Matthew 5:1-13 Salt is used in many other ways. When I went buy meat at the store, I noticed that some meat was soaked in salt water for preservation. At my job, we tell our clients to gargle warm salt water to relieve a sore throat. Dentists sometimes ask their clients to gargle salt water, too. We are the salt of the earth, the Bible says. But if salt losses its saltiness how can it be made salty again; it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away. (Matt. 5:13). If you soak meat in salty water, the salt will permeate the meat and give the meat a salty taste. As the impact of the salt can see n and tasted in the meat, so our impact as believers should be felt everywhere we go. As salt has the ability to preserve and to heal, so our presence as believers should bring about healing and dispel corruption of any kind. As salt adds flavor to food, so our presence should add flavor to the life of others. Prayer point: Father, grant me the grace to remember that I am the salt of the earth and to act accordingly. Memory verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Always remember to bring out the best in any situation.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 1 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Romans 1:14-17 As we were sitting at the airport waiting for a flight one evening, a lady walked by wearing a sweet-smelling perfume. The minute she by, all eyes turned toward her with an approving glance. This is how attractive a sweet-smelling perfume can be. Examine yourself. What type of smell do you give off? This is a very important question one that must be answered with honesty. Beyond proclamation, the next most effective means of witnessing is affirmation. This is when our talk matches our walk. People in our sphere of influence should be able to perceive us as a sweet perfume and not as a smell of death and doom. We are called to be a life-giving perfume. In my understanding, this fragrance would be magnetic and attractive. We should aim to be a living letter that is read by all men. We need to be mindful of the fact that we may be the only Bible this sinful world will ever read. Can you imagine if the letters are crooked or the print blurred? How will people be able to read it? Prayer point: Father, I pray that you help me to give off only a sweet perfume. Memory verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Choose to love people.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 1 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Matthew 5: 13-16 One stormy night, I got up to use the washroom and noticed that there was no light. It was pitch dark in the room. I did not know what to do. Our flashlights and lanterns were all downstairs. As I tossed and turned in bed, my hand hit my cell phone. I picked it up and opened it. To my amazement, the little light that it produced was enough for me find my flashlight. What a relief! Like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a bas ket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house (Matt 5:14). Wherever and whenever light appears, darkness vanishes. Since we are the light, our presence should give illumination to people who are in darkness. For the electric light to give light, it mus t be connected to the power source. The same is true for us. We must stay connected to the power source to be able to give light. Prayer point: Father, give me the grace to be able to dispel any darkness in my sphere of influence. Keep me connected to you, in Jesus name. Amen. Memory verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Remember to stay connected to the power source so that you can illuminate your environment.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 1 9 t h , 2 0 11


Text: John 3: 1-21 Perhaps you dont know what to tell unbelievers when you meet them. Our message should be that God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). In 1Cor. 15:3 Paul said, I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Jesus Christ died for our sins, just as the scriptures said. He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day just as the scripture has foretold. After he was converted, as recorded in Acts 9, Paul immediately began preaching in the synagogues, saying, Jesus Christ is the son of God. Eyewitness also shared about their experiences with Christ. In 1 John 1:3, John writes, I proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us and our fellowship is with the father and with His son Jesus Christ. Prayer point: Father, give me the desire and the power to share your wonderful message with the world. Memory verse: But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) Application: Dont just tell people your story, but tell them about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for that is the gosp el.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


May 2 0 t h , 2 0 11

WH E R E I S G O D S L O V E ?
Text: Malachi 1:1-5 Malachi, a prop het whose name means The Messenger delivers the message of Gods love to His people. In their querulous state, they questioned Gods lo ve, because their definition of love was much different than Gods definition of love. They felt unloved because of economic, political and environmental instability that surrounded them. God challenged the children of Israel to observe His dealings with the children of Esau to get a better picture of His love for them. Esau had the same right to God, but did not experience the same deliverance and restoration. The main idea is that people who think God does not care about them just need to look around. Proof of Gods love is always within reach. The Jones dont always have it bigger and better. The fact is this when the Jones have bigger and more daunting challenges, no one will want to be like them. We tend to view our neighbors as having things better because of our limited perspective. God wants us to find assurance in His election. He wants us to understand that we are chosen and favored. Prayer point: Lord, help me to understand the depth of Your love for me and to respond with true dev otion. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Recount your blessings for the past six months and give God the glory for them all.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 2 1 s t , 2 0 11

WH E R E I S G O D S H O N O R ?
Text: Malachi 1:6 A university professor was presented with two questions about the word honor. What is honor and who should we honor? His response started a blog sessio n. Contributors seemed to focus their argument on the relationship between honor and mora lity in various cultures in their attempt to determine who deserves honor. However, most agreed that to show honor, one must give respect to a higher course or person. The problem of our generation is that we fail to recognize the higher course or the ultimate person worthy of our respect. The creator has been replaced with celebrities and eternity replaced with entertainment. In this text, the Bible alludes to the hypo crisy of the people. They claimed God was their father and master. Yet, He was not awarded the honor that is due the person who occupies either position. God deserves more honor than a father or a master. When we set our heart to honor God, we ascribe to Him worth and value that supersede any other course or person. His ways becomes our utmost priority. Prayer point: Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart give You the honor that is due Your name. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Write down two ways in which you respond to God as a father or a master.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ma y 2 2 n d , 2 0 11

Text: Malachi 1:7-14 It is surprising to see how people go through a whole church service in a state of spiritual disconnect. They mumble through the singing, visit the washroom during offering time, chat or text away the sermon session and look around during prayer time. The irony here is that these same people often get intensely engaged in watching of sports or movies. There are people known for punctuality and efficiency at work, but never get to church service on time or have the least participation in the house of God. Why is it so? The answer is not farfetche d. Reasons may include any of the following: Worship of God is not important, half worship is better than none, or maybe they think that God can not see so He is unable to reward those that serve Him. It is easy to fall into ritualistic routines and half-hearted worship like the Israelites. They presented God with sacrifices that they dare not give their rulers. Instead of giving their best they gave their leftover. God deserves our greatest reference and warmest worship. To ensure that we are giving Him our best, we need to worship with preparation, determination, full participation and transparency. Prayer point: Lord, I do not want to be like the people who serve You with leftover. I want You to be my priority and my focus. I want to serve You daily with full participation and transparency. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Prayer, Expectation and Offering. Do you do these three things in preparation for every worship service?


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 2 3 rd , 2 0 11

Text: Malachi 2:1-9 It is said that Franklin Roosevelt often complained no one paid attention to what was said during long receiving lines at the White House. One day, during a reception, he tried an experiment. To each person who passed down the line and shook his hand, he murmured, I murdered my grandmother this morning. The guests responded with phrases like, Marvelous! Keep up the good work. We are proud of you. God bless you, sir. It was not until the end of the line, while greeting the ambassador from Bolivia, that his words were actually heard. Nonplussed, the ambassador leaned over and whispered, Im sure she had it coming. Sadly, that is how a lot of people go through sermons or reading of Gods Word. They are void of attention. In our text, God invited priests to listen to His message and then to it take to heart. They had the choice of blessings and peace, or cursing, rebuke and humiliation. Those who are to receive blessings will have to take His warnings seriously, reverencing Him, teaching others the truth, walking with Him and living righteous life. In contrary, others do not take God seriously. They do not honor His name and they cause many to stumble. The choice is the same today. We find ou t what is important to God by studying His Word and then se t our hearts to do what He says. Prayer point: Lord, help me love You enough to pay full attention to Your word and apply my heart to obeying You completely. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: What did the Lord teach yo u in His Word today? Strive to fulfill the Lords will.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


Ma y 2 4 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Malachi 2:10-17 The prophet asked a series of fundamental questions, which probably set the basis for most of these peoples actions. Did they realize that every man originate from the same line (Adam) who wa s created by God? If the answer is yes, it does not make sense to violate one another. Israelites were violating one another by contracting marriages that corrupted the whole congregation. They also were violating their marriage vows by having no-fault divorce. Today, the question is this: Dont we all have blood flowing in our veins? The Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress states, We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Is this not a true statement? We cannot successfully separate our relationship with God from our dealings with one another. The Lord will accept our worship when we begin to love what He loves and hates what He hates. Any form of fault against one another, including divorce, is high on the list of what God hates. Prayer point: Father, thank You for Your love toward me. Help me to be willing to accept my respo nsibilities and never take my commitments lightly. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Revisit your commitments to measure your loyalty to God and men.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 2 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Malachi 3:6-12 An atheist said, If there is a God, may he prove himself by striking me dea d right now. Nothing happened. You see, there is not a God. Another responded, Youve only proven that He is a gra cious God. It is fascinating to read of Gods gracious extension to undeserving people. Many have failed Him over and over again. Yet, He is inviting them to return for a fresh start. Many are in such a state of apostasy that they do not realize they have departed from Gods pathway. The only way to return to God is by a change of direction. He asks them to change from stealing to giving. God doesnt need our money, He is self-sufficient, some would say. The truth is this: When we refuse to return to Him part of what He has given us, we rob Him and we idolize our possession. If we have drifted from the Lord, we can return today, positioning ourselves for blessing by giving Him His portion of our resources including money, time and energy. God is ready to return to us if we are willing to return to him. Prayer point: Oh gracious Lord, into Your hand I commit my heart, my time, my possessions and my life as a whole. Do what You will in and through me. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Tithe your money and your time.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ma y 2 6 t h , 2 0 11

WH O A R E T H E L O R D S P E O P L E ?
Text: Malachi 3:16-4:6 In the book of Malachi, God talks to the prophet about the disloyalty and hypocrisy of the priesthood and the congregation of Israel. At this point there was a separation of the wheat from the tares those who feared the Lord and those who do not. The Bible says the Lord knows those who are His. In the midst of every generation no matter how perverted, there are always those who fear the Lord and separate themselves to seek after godliness. To these, He promised a special relationship, a father s blessings and a mark of distinction. Here, the qualification for enrollment to the record of God is godly fear. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7). A man that fears the Lord will obey His laws, decrees and regulations. It was said of John Knox that he feared no man because he feared the Lord. No wonder Mary Queen of Scots is thought to have said: I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies. Do you fear the Lord? Then you are His and He has set up a time to reward you. Let this thought be a comfort. Prayer point: Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Memory Verse: But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2) Application: Ask yourself this questions as often as you can: What I be saying or doing if Christ was standing right here?


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 2 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 1Timothy1: 1-11
T h e r e w e r e th r e e sc e na ri os pre se nt e d t o a c las s to s urvey the r e a c tio n s o f p e o pl e whe n t he y se e wa rni ng s igns : W h e n th e y g e t to a st ore a nd re a d t he not i ce pos ted to w arn sh o p lif te r s . I f th e y e n te r a room a nd se e a purse t ha t has a do not touch si g n o n it. W h a t c o me s to m i nd e a c h t i m e t he y se e a speed limit s ign. I n t h e f ir s t s c e n a ri o, som e sa i d, t he y woul d not be concerned a b o u t th e s ig n . I t woul d m a ke no di ffe re nc e s ince they are not t h e r e to s h o p lif t. Ot he rs sa i d i t woul d m a ke them uncomfortable, k n ow in g th a t s o me one i s wa t c hi ng t he i r e very move. I n t h e s e c o n d s c e na ri o, m a ny sa i d t he y would s it far aw ay from t h e p u r s e , w h ile ot he rs sa i d i f no one wa s w atching they might t r y to to u c h o r c he c k t he purse . I n t h e th ir d s c e na ri o, m a ny sa i d t he y woul d ignore the s peed l i m it a s lo n g a s t he y we re not c a ught by l a w enforcement. T h e s e s c e n a r io s we re pre se nt e d t o he l p t he clas s know that i n str u c tio n s a r e i nt e nde d for som e good they are not to be a rgu e d , a tta c k e d or fought a ga i nst . I n t o d a y s te x t we a re re m i nde d t ha t a l l t he ins tructions or law s g i v e n in th e w o r d of God a re good, i f use d in the w ay they are i n t e n d e d , a n d th ey a re not m e a nt t o c a use harm thos e w ho do r i g h t. We u s u a lly re si st wa rni ngs, c orre c t i on s or ins tructions wh e n w e a r e g u il t y. Je sus ha s c om e t o se t us free from the law. He s e ts u s f r e e f rom t he l a w of si n a nd de a t h. N ow, w e can live f r e e ly th r o u g h g ra c e a l one . P ra y e r p o in t: I t hank y ou L ord for m aki ng me kn ow th at you r i n str u c tio n s w e r e i nt e nde d for m y good. Me mo r y v e r s e : T hat i n t he age s t o c om e H e migh t s h ow th e e x c e e d in g r ic h e s of H i s grac e i n H i s ki ndnes s towar ds u s in Ch r is t J e s u s . ( E phe si ans 2:7) Ap p lic a tio n : S inc e y ou c annot wi n whe n i t comes to th e law; re c e iv e th e g r a c e t hat Je sus Chri st boough t for you .
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


Ma y 2 8 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Hebrew 4:16 One Saturday morning after I finished praying and had looked over the promises of God, I went to the balcony of my apartment in expectation. I was in need of help. I did not know where help was going to come, but I believe God and his word. My husband had gone on vacation to Europe. I was alone with four children. There was no food in the house. I had no mo ney in hand, or in any account. How could I explain the situation to my children? I kept trusting God. Out of the blue tha t Saturday, I noticed a woman walking down the street. To my amazement, it was my mom from out of state. I was not expecting her, but she was there and she brought everything we needed to make meals for several days. She also gave me some money. The anxiety left as my needs were met by Gods divine intervention. That day the word of God came alive in my life. I called my children to fellowship as I shared the testimony with them. We all appreciated and tha nked God for the provision and the children thanked God for bringing Grandma to visit. God is faithful and true to His word. If we can put our trust in Him; He never fails. Those who trust in him will never be put to shame. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, help me to keep you in my focus and to keep trusting you in my times of need. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: By favor unmerited we obtain mercy; so go boldly to the sure source of help each time you need it. He is ever ready to help you.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ma y 2 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 The word of Go d is eternal and unchanging. As it is written, the earth and heaven may pass away but a tiny jot or title of Go ds word will not go unfulfilled The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, was full of appreciation for the mercy of God. He acknowledged that he was a sinner saved by grace. He also was thankful that He was counted worthy to be used by God. Paul also acknowledged the effect of Gods abundant grace through Jesus. This grace makes a brand new man out of a former sinner. The song lyrics I am a new creation, a brand new ma n. Old things are passed away. Im born again. More than a c onqueror, thats who I am, seem to be the words Apostle Paul was singing. This is the kind of gospel that is inclusive of the whole truth. No one born of a woman can become good by himself. No effort on ones own merit can obtain salvation. No effort can obtain a good standing with God. But when the grace of God that brings salvation appears to any one, and that person chooses to trust in God and love Him above all others, a transformation of that life takes place. Ponder on this: Would Jesus have left His glory to die so that men might become sinning believers or that those sinners might become saints? No number of half-truths can ma ke a whole truth. Jesus did not die for mens sins so they ma y continue sinning. Some claim that whatever one does after professing to be saved does not matter, but it does ma tter. Prayer point: T hank you God for your mercy and grace revealed in your son Jesus Christ to save me. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: The mercy and grace of God is still available if you will believe His word. Confess your errors right now. He is willing to receive you.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


May 3 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 A lady told a story about how she was confused, afraid and discouraged. She needed something to fill the void in her heart and give her peace. She cried so much that her mom asked what was wrong with her. So, she cried unto the Lord that night for forgiveness and asked God to help her. She testified she felt peace within her soul. From the outside, it had seemed as if she was ok. But, she wasnt. Despite the facade that many put up, there is a void in a mans heart that only God can fill. However, many seek peace from wrong sources. The qu est to fill this void leads many to do drugs and seek relationships in wrong places. A man also shared how he would go to the nightclub, theaters and dance halls trying to find peace and happiness. He wondered if the re was something better he could get each time he went out. On a glorious day he learned that the prince of peace had been seeking him. This man said that night he prayed as well as he could, since he was not familiar with church, and that God heard him. He said his life was never the same again. Nothing else can fill the longing in the soul of a man who has no relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ The savior of all men is awaiting all who will come sincerely seeking Him, for He is our peace. Prayer point: I need you, O Lord. I cannot continue this journey of life without you. Life becomes void if you are absent. Fill me with your presence today, in Jesus Name. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: The earlier we turn to Him who is our peace, the better for us.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

May 31 s t , 2 0 11

Text: Matthew 5:13-14 My son recently migrated from Nigeria to the United States. Now, he sometimes asks how things are done here in the U.S. For example, if asked about wearing a suit to a job interview, I would respond in the affirmative. I wou ld remind him that he is the child of the Most High and His representative on earth. My son left for the interview and came back excited. He told me he spoke with a young man while he was waiting to start the interview. The two exchanged pleasantries and there was quietness. Sudd enly the man asked if my son was there for an interview. He answered in the affirmative. In a few minutes, the man had removed the earrings blinking in his ears, buttoned up his shirt and straightened out his clothes. The interviewer came in, introduced himself to both men and invited the othe r man to interview first. My son said when he was called back for an interview, the interviewer made a pleasant comment about his clothes. The interview went well and, to the glory of God, he got the job. As he shared the testimony, I thought about who would have corrected that man if it hadnt come from within. The job opening was for a college graduate. I assume this man must have spent some years at a college or university, but he still went for an interview wearing sloppy clothes. Who would have thought clothes could speak so loudly. What effect the power of influence can achieve if those of us who have yielded our lives to Jesus and have made him our Lord will go into the world as light to brighten our corners and as salt to serve as a sweet flavor and preservative in a decaying world. I also prayed that the other man would be hired too. Prayer point: Help me Lord to be what you purposed me to be when, in mercy, you sought me and bought me with your precious blood. Help me to also yield when you prompt me, by your Holy Spirit, to live for you. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: God is willing to accept as many as will allow him to be Savior and Lord in their lives. Allow him to use you as His witnesses to make a significant impact in this world.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


June 1 s t , 2 0 11

Text: Romans12:10 Its all over the media. Derrick Rose, a young, unassuming basketball player, is being touted for an MVP award after just his third year in the NBA. Michael Jordan, a basketball legend and Charlotte Bobcats owner, added his support after watching Rose on the court when the Chicago Bulls played the Bobcats. Rose said the award would be an honor, but, Were just trying to keep winning. The award will come if we keep winning. We are trying to play hard and play together. I wonder if anyone notices the humility in the responses he gives to reporters after every game his team wins. I wonder if they notice the way he carries himself and the way hes always reminding people that the teams success comes from a team effort. Todays verses say we need to love others genuinely and sincerely and we should take delight in honoring others. We can do this in seemingly little things such as making way for the man in the car behind you by you to get by you without struggling to get ahead. We can display love in courteous gestures such as holding the door for others. To sum it up, we intentionally let others take their turn ahead of us, by being polite and gracious towards others. This fosters unity in both small and large communities. Its no wonder the Bulls record this basketball season has been so impressive. I am not sure what Roses religious affiliation is, but I am sure, by the grace of God, we can delight in honoring others. Prayer point: Father, in Jesus name, I thank you for your interest in every area of my life. Help me to live in a way that radiates your love to those around me. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: Loving and taking delight to honor others will by no means diminish you.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

J u n e 2 n d , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 12:25 Ask a parent who has lost a child and they will tell how heavy sorrow can weigh on a soul. I used to know this woman. She wa s known as a jovial and cheerful woman until she lost her only child. Sorrow turned her life upside down. Discouragement is an oppressor to the spirit. When David suffered chastening from the Lord, he said, There is no soundness in my flesh nor any health in my bone (Ps. 38:3). Proverbs 12:25 says that a good word gladdens the heart. Encouragement is a precious gift in the church of God. How refreshing to see people come alongside of us to encourage us when we are going through difficult times. One of the great encouragers mentioned in the New Testament is Barnabas (Acts 9:26-27; 11:22-24, 30). When Martha and Mary lost their brother Lazarus, the Bible tells us that many Jews were at the grave site to console them (John 11:31). The Bible itself is a book of encouragement. It exhorts us to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to weep with those who are weeping. It can take many forms: A smile, being there, praying, helping to meet physical needs, etc. As believers, let us make it a point to encourage one another in any way we can. A kind word can go a long way. Prayer point: Lord, give me good words that will gladden the heart of the sorrowful. Memory verse: That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:7) Application: Be sensitive to the needs of those around you. Begin to do something about it, no matter how small.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 3 rd , 2 0 11

Text: 2 Kings 4:18-37 When people stop trying, they fail. I have heard it said, You are not a failure when you fail. You become a failure when you give up. T his is true. I have seen pe ople fail in a test of life but later they succeed when they keep on trying. Trying times are sometimes the most profitable times of a ma ns life. This may sound absurd, but reflect and evaluate: Are you more mature or less? Do you know what to do next time when you are faced with the same is sue? It is just like taking a new route. Your first ride may seem long you may even get lost on the way. On your second ride to that same destination, you will remember the spot where you took the wrong turn and the trip will seem shorter. The same principle applies here. Events and situations that you encounter may cause you to feel like a failure. People around you may think you are a failure. It is very important that you do not think of yourself as a failure, even if other people do, because whatever you are grappling with is just a small part of your life. It is not your whole life. Prayer point: Lord, I thank you because you can turn things around and make difficult situations work for my good. My times are in your hands. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Go right now to the long-abandoned project and start over again. Do not procrastina te.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Genesis 39:1-12 Overcoming the temptation of adultery or fornication is a matter of integrity. Keep resolving to keep yourself pure. Most of the time, this sin is done in secret or in the dark. It is a sin the Bible says you commit to the body, since your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is one of the sins that have grievous consequences. For exa mple, the woman may get pregnant or infected with a disease. The people involved rarely quit even when the agreement is mutual. Adultery can destroy an entire family. God made your eyes to look at beautiful people and appreciate them, but the moment you find yourself lusting over someone, you need to leave the area and go to somewhere else. If its at work, you stop going to lunch with that individual or stop working alone with the individual. Whatever you have to do to avoid personal time with the individua l, do it. For King David, I am sure it was not the first look that let him into committing adultery with Bathsheba. It was what he did after the first look. He probably thought about getting her name and information. He tho ught about pursuing her attention, laying with her and eventually plotting her husbands death to cover up the damage done. You can learn from the example of Joseph. He fled from a scene of temptation, even though he suffered, but he kept his integrity and was rewarded by God. Prayer point: Lord, I come to you with my mind made up to honor you in times of temptation. Help me to honor you everyday of my life, in Jesus Name. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Like Joseph, avoid temptation by leaving the area in which you are tempted.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 5 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Ruth 1:1- 18 The Bible describes a man returning to his old ways as a dog returning to its own vomit. The choices we make determine the life we live. Right choices bring about right results. In todays reading, Naomi tried to persuade her daughtersin-law to go back to Moab and serve the idols they had forsaken. Orpah went back, but Ruth refused to leave Naomi. Going back was not an option for Ruth. She had her mind made up to serve Jehovah God. You would think that losing her husband would have been a good excuse for her to go back and serve the Moabite gods she knew. But instead, she told Naomi to stop pressuring her to go back. Ruth insisted she had chosen to pursue the Lord God Almighty and there was no turning back. Orpah gave in to the persuasion of Naomi just like a lot of people today give in to pressure and compromise their faith, their service to God, and their choice to live holy lives. You must choose to take a stand for God. Prayer point: Lord Jesus, I have made up my mind to follow you. Help me to stay put when the pressure of the world comes, in Jesus Name. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Stay strong by holding on to Christ and His promises for you. Like Ruth, you are about to succeed.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Ju n e 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Job 2:7-10; 42:10-16 Denial, by my definition means, refusal to acknowledge the existence of God despite the knowledge of His existence. Because of tragedy in his family, a man called David refused to serve God or believe in the name of Jesus. His excuse was that if God really existed, he would not have allowed Davids childre n to suffer a horrible accident. Recently, in Africa, I met a man who refused to go back to the church because of a tragedy that struck his son. He claimed that he could not look at the stage where his son used to lead the congregation into worship. Tragedy can take the hope of a bright future away and replace it with despondency, if you do not cling to God. I usually counsel people who are going through tragedy to quickly resume whatever they were doing before the incident happened while they take up a prayer life like they have never had before. Constant prayer will diffuse the intensity of the tragedy by keeping you constantly before the presence of God. This will keep your hope and faith alive. Prayer point: Lord, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Get your prayer partner to pray with you. Always call the person for prayer. Continue to confess with your mouth that God is faithful and that the future is in His hands. Empty out all the garbage Satan wants to dump in your heart. Hold on. You are only passing through.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


Ju n e 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 2 Kings 2:1-14 Let me start by telling you that whenever you hear discouraging words, know that something good is coming. Do not allow negative words to you define what you will do next. Satan has just thrown a curve ball to discourage you. No matter who gives you the advice to quit, dont give up especially when you know you are in the will of God. Elisha had all kinds of discouragement thrown at him. His ma ster, Elijah, tried to prevent him from experiencing discouragement, but the sons of prophets mocked his ignorance everywhere they went. Elishas refusal to fall for the negativity around him eventually paid off. He received wh at man could not give. He received the answer to his prayer. When negative words are said to you, foc us on your Goal. Intensify your pursuit. Do this with excellence and you will ma ke it. Prayer point: L ord, give me the grace and tenacity to remain on task when negative words are said to me. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Move away from the company and environment where you hear negative words. Believe what God told you concerning the situation.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Genesis 43: 26-34 You can choose to be better instead of bitter. Bitterness will cloud your vision and confuse your thoughts. Joseph was treated terribly by his brothers who were bitter because their father gave Joseph special treatment. It was bitterness that made Josephs brothers heartlessly put him in the pit. It was bitterness that caused them to sell him to strangers and lie to their father about what happened to him. When Joseph was elevated to the position of authority in Egypt, his brother came to get food to fe ed their families. It was Josephs turn to retaliate. He could have been bitter and allowed the spirit of retaliation take over, but he decided to be better. He allowed the spirit of forgiveness rule his heart. The choice to f orgive brought clarity and wisdom to Joseph. He dealt wisely with his brothers because he was not bitter. He was able to keep his identity to the end. He could have arrested his brothers and put them in jail. But this would never teach their souls to fear and serve Jehovah God. At the end of the story, Josephs brothers were sober and repentant. God wants you to be better not bitter so that the Holy Spirit can work throu gh you. This will enable you to make the right decision give God the glory. Prayer point: Lord, forgive me for allowing bitterness rule my spirit. Father, I choose today to live better. Help me Lord, through your Spirit, to forgive all that have offended me. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Bitterness can keep you in bondage. Therefore, as soon as it tries to take root in your spirit, pull the strong hold down and say aloud that you forgive the person that hurt you. Call the person by name. You will feel a relief.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


June 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Daniel 3:15-30 One night, as I tried to get money from a n ATM machine, I saw cars line behind each other at one of the machine. This made it seem as if the other machine was broken. I was tempted to join the line of cars, thinking that something must be wrong with the other machine. But, I decided to see for myself and not copy what others were doing. Fortunately, the machine was working. I saved time prevented the frustration of a long wait. Im sure the other customers were pleased to know that the machine was okay and they did not have to wait for long. During his preschool years in a Christian school, my son was repeatedly taught to be a leader and not a follower. He learned the lesson so well that now, whenever he is tempted to copy the bad behaviors of other kids, he is reminded of what he was taught. Because of this, he will quickly stop and take a leading role in the right direction. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego refused to follow the wrong group. They decided to be leaders despite pressure from the king. Their example eventually caused the king of Babylon to order his people to serve the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. Prayer point: Lord Jesus, give me the grace to take a stand, no matter the threat, so I can lead others to you in Jesus Name. Memory verse: And the Lord restored Jobs losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42: 10) Application: Remember you are a leader and not a follower. The only time you are allowed to follow is when others are coming to the house of God.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 1 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 2:13-17 A female minister of God once looked at a young lady and, because of the ladys lifestyle, commente d that this young lady would never change. Whenever this minister spoke to her peers, she discussed the young ladys failures and used her as an example of someone that must not be emulated. She never made an attempt to engage this young lady to find out why she was living that lifestyle. Eventually, this young lady received Jesus into her life and lived a holy life that the minister did not believe possible. Sometimes Christians act like the Pharisees. When we see sinners who need Christ, we criticize them and are disgusted by their lifestyle. Sometimes wh en we see them hungry, we refuse to buy or share our lunch with them. Jesus showed mercy. He called the wicked tax collector, became a guest in his house and was willing to eat with fellow tax collectors and friends who are all good for nothing. We ought to do the same, knowing that Jesus showed us mercy first and He expects us to go and do the same. Prayer point: L ord, I am sorry for being unmerciful to those who need mercy. Help me as I resolve to be merciful and kind to others. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Go out today and look for people you would normally reject and bless them with mercy it may be in cash or kindness.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 11 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 2:1- 12 It takes a man who knows the depth of his sin less time and energy to confess his sins to God than one who has been living righteously all his life. Often, it is easier to preach to someone who admits his frailty than to someone who always boasts o f his righteousness. I wonder what was going on in the heart of the woman who broke the alabaster jar of expensive perfu me at Jesus feet. It seems she understood how much she had been forgiven. There are many sinners around us who need to come to Jesus. They may be physically paralyzed, but they are most definitely spiritually paralyzed. In some Christian circles, some doctors believe that stress, migraine headaches, and sic kness of the heart, bones and muscle may be a result of unresolved sin. Just like the friends of the paralyzed man who were willing to do anything to get their friend to Jesus, we need to do all we can to get our friends to the feet of our forgiving Savior, Jesus. Prayer point: L ord Jesus, I thank you for forgiving my sins. Give me a heart for others so I can bring them to your feet for salvation. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Often, we do not bring our neighbors to Christ because we do not believe or dont know if they will receive the message. I would encourage you to remember that we do not have to do the healing or saving. We share the Gospel. Jesus does the rest.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 1 2 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 1:40-45 In the passage we read, I do not believe that Jesus was indignant because of the mans request. I sincerely believe that Jesus was angry because the man had been in that state for a long time and nobody cared. This man with leprosy had been sick for so long, ostracized from the community of friends and family, that he believed no one was willing to help him. I personally experienced the feeling of rejection when I found myself to be a minority in a community of people. I would like someone, but they would see me and turn the other way. But then, God himself intervened through someone who spoke to the community about rejecting others who are not like you. Suddenly, I saw a huge change in the attitude of the people towards me. Jesus is a compassionate God. He will not discard any leper. Perhaps you have done so much wrong that you feel like no one really wants to come close to you. Allow Jesus to be Lord over your life. He will show you co mpassion. He never rejects anyone that comes to Him. Prayer point: Lord, I have suffered so many rejections but I believe that you suffered rejection on the Cross so that I can be received. Lord, show me your compassion that no man can reject. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Take your rejection to the Lord. Explain what you are going through to Him. Ask Him to help you and He will do it.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 1 3 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 1:29-34 A woman was sick and eventually passed. As people were trying to take her to the hospital for confirmation, they met with a man of God at the gate of the church. This man of God laid his hands on the dead woman and immediately, she came back to life. The lame son of a wealthy man was brought to the same church. At midnight, he felt like using th e washroom. He never thought about it, he just got up and walked. There were shouts of praise among the people. This Jesus, who raises the dead and heals the lame, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He touched Peter s mother s hand and she instantly received healing. It is amazing that when the whole town c ame out, the same power that healed sicknesses and diseases and drove away demons was available to everyone. Even today, it is available to whoever believes in the power of the name of Jesus. We know that coming to Jesus is not a guarantee our problems will disappear. He will do what He knows is good for us. But, it is sufficient to say that Jesus has all powers to tackle any problem. Prayer point: Lord Jesus, I believe in you and I cast all my problems on yo u. Father, take care of them. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Dare to trust Jesus with your problems today. Relax, leave them with Him and allow Him to do is best in the situation.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 1 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark 3:1-6 A father struggled to watch his childs costly way of life. The child would frequently get in trouble with the law and the father would always go rescue him. The childs friends had deserted him. Only the father was left. One day, the father looked into the eyes of his child and said, If no one sticks by you, I will always be there until I see God change you. Recently on the news, the story of a man named Ted could be found all over the media. Ted was a homeless man until God sent someone to him to take his voic e and let the nation hear it. I know it was God who sent someone to him because, when Ted met with his mom, she told him that she and her church family were praying for him especially for his return to the Lord. After getting off the street, he tried several ways to make money. He thought would solve his problems, but none worked. Eventually, I heard over the news that he had given his life to Jesus and had chosen to let a pastor counsel him. According to the news, this has added some stability to his life. God will never keep someone like Ted from coming to Him. It does not matter what kind of life they lived or what hour of the day they come, as long as they come. He is a loving Father. Prayer point: Lord, let me experience your love daily. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Remember, God is a loving father who will accept you as you are. He is ready to res cue you no matter what hour of the day or day of the week you call.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 1 5 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Mark 6:45-51 I wonder what would have made the disciples think that Jesus was a gho st. We read in our text today that they all saw Him, they were all afraid, and they all screamed, It is a ghost. After all the miracles Jesus performed in their midst, shouldnt one of them be able to believe it was Jesus? Most of the time, we act like the disciples when we feel that Jesus is not there anymore. Funny enough, in verse 48 of the passage we read today, the Bible says that Jesus saw the disciples straining at the oars. Is that not what happens in our times of struggle? Jesus sees us straining and suddenly appears in a way we least expect. But, because we are not familiar with Him working that way, we ignore Him. Jesus is ever-present in our lives, but He may not come in a way we expect or do things the way we think He will. Prayer point: L ord Jesus, I know you are my ever present Father. Please give me a spirit of discernment to know when you are there, even in the midst of trial. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus sa id to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: Be in expectation of what God will do at anytime because He may move in a way that surprises you.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 1 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Mark: 8:27-30 When you are in a relationship with someone for a long time, you expect that person to know a lot about you especially if it is your spouse or a childh ood friend. You will expect them to defend and represent you properly, no matter where they are. Their knowledge of you will assure you that they are attentive to your relationship. Scripture shows us that Jesus was more concerned with what the disciples called Him than what other people thought Him to be. Did the disciples perceive Him the ways others perceived Him or did they know Him better? Our relationship with Jesus is intended to be closer than our relationship with a spouse or friend. The longer we stay in a relationship with Jesus, the more we are supposed to know Him and testify about Him to others. Peter said, You are the Messiah, You are Christ the King the Savior of the whole world. You are the Anointed One and His Anointing. You are more than just a prophet and definitely more than Elijah. What a joy to walk with the Lord for a long time and have the knowledge of Jesus is. Prayer point: Lord Jesus, never let me loose sight of who you are in my life, for you are more than anything to me. Thank you for being my Messiah. Memory verse: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. (Mark 2:17) Application: When you form a habit of worshiping God, it will be difficult for you to loose sight or understanding of who He is. It will literally be difficult for you to equate Him with anybody. Worship Him daily.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 1 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Ephesians 1:1-14 Just as faithful Fathers are appreciated all over the world, we ought to recogn ize our Everlasting father, who ceaselessly cares for us. Franz Joseph Haydn [17321809], a composer who is called the father of the symphony and the father of the great quartet, finishes his compositions with laus deo, meaning praise be to God. Toward the end of his life, he was invited to watch the performance of his piece The Creation at Vienna Music Hall. As the crowd rose to applaud him, Hayden struggled to his feet and appealed for calm. As all waited to hear him speak, he pointed to the sky shouting, No, no, not from me, but from thence comes all. In essence, he was returning the glory to who it was due He aven is a place of praise. Different cre atures including the twenty and four elders are there worshipping God. Their preoccupation is giving adoration to the Holy God The almighty God deserves our adoration and praise. He is our maker. We are who we are by his grace alone. All that we are and have is by his mercy. If only we will take time to ponder on his many blessings and the wonders of his creations, we will soon join other creations in praising Him from whom all blessings flow. Prayer point: T hank you, Lord, for I can see what you are doing with me and around me, even in giving me the privilege to come into your holy presence in worship. Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Application: No matter what circumstances surround us, we must realize God is our creator and He deserves our praise.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 1 8 t h , 2 0 11


Text: Matthew 7:9-11 The movie 2012 is a fictional account of the end of the world as prophesied an ancient Mayan calendar. In the movie, there is a secret plan funded by a number of national governments and several wealthy people to build arcs. These arcs would be used to save people from the worlds destruction if they are willing to pay millions for a ticket. One of these people is a Russian crime boss a billionaire named Ivan. Even though he is heinous cr iminal, in the movie, Ivan sacrifices all his we alth, power, and eventually his life so that his twin sons can be spared from destruction and have a place on the arc. Ou r text paints a similar picture. In one of Christs parables, we learn that even evil men know how to give good things to his children. Fathers need to be appreciated, despite their deficiencies, because they work to provide good for their children just like Ivan did in the movie 2012. Prayer point: Father, bless me that I may be a blessing to my children. Grant power to provide their needs, in Jesus name, Amen! Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Application: Show fathers you appreciate the good they do for their children.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 1 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: I Kings 2:1-4 Signs of a godly father can be seen in how he raises his son and how he passes on the torch of godly manhood. A friend of mine once said that his family legacy is to make sure a home is built for the first male child so that he can have a place for his family and his siblings. At one point, that legacy could not be carried out because of financial restraint. In his last days, King David charged Solomon to prove yourself a man by being a good husban d, a good father, a good role model, and a good king. Solomon was to prove himself a man by keeping the Lords commandments, walking in His ways, and keeping the Lords judgments. The Lord would then keep His word to the family as He had promised. David passed on a great family legacy for his son Solomon to keep. Today, godly fathers should strive to pass on this same legacy to the next generation. Prayer point: Lord, grant me the grace to live according to Your commandments and statutes, to do all Your will, and more importantly, grant me the grace to teach my children to do the same. Amen! Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Application: Set aside time each day to study Gods Word and teach your children His statutes and commandments.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 2 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 13:7 Most of us want to be seen as successful, impressive, rich, smart and nice. We make sure to project that image to people; hence our life becomes a paradox. Pretense becomes the image we project to others. I used to know this man that wa s engaged to a lady who claimed to be a college graduate. After a year of courtship, he found out the lady never went to college. The marriage was called off. Many marriages today are on the verge of collapse becaus e during the dating process, people pretended to be something they were not. Th e partner did not know the real person until after the we dding. Proverb 13:7 says, Some who are poor p retend to be rich; others who are rich pretend to be poor. This verse is about conceit and deceit. My aunt used to warn me about wanting to be like other people. She told me that most people we see are nothing but a window dressing. They hide who they really are. Th is is Jesus word to the Pharisee, Woe to you hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers, therefore you will receive greater condemnation (Matt. 23:14). As believers, we have to be careful because Jesus did not find hypocrisy impressive at all. Prayer point: Lord, help me to be content with who you have made me to be. Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Ap plication: Learn to be yourself. You do not have to prove yourself to anybody.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 2 1 s t , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 14:14 Th e state of backsliding is implies spiritual decline. Often, people quit the church and blame the pastor for not teaching enough of the word. Others say they are tired of the church asking for money all the time. They never see it as having to do with themselves. Backsliding starts with failure to guard our hearts with the word of God. The Psalmist said in Ps. 119:11, Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against you. The word of God warns us to guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. Only by the conscious and continuous presence of the Holy Spirit can a believer keep the faith. We have to be students of the word. Ac cording to our text, the backslider will be filled with his own ways. We do not want to be filled with our own ways. Ra ther we want to be filled with the word of God and with His Spirit. Acts 6:4 tells us that it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened those who have tasted the good things of heaven, shared in the Holy Spirit, know the goodness of the word, and have experienced the power of God and then, they turn away from God. It is impossible to bring such people back to repentance. We are to ask for the enabling grace of God to keep us standing on a daily basis. We ask that he helps us find a way back up even when we fall. When we see others who have fallen, we are to encourage them to get back up, too. Prayer point: Lord, keep me rooted and grounded in you. Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Ap plication: Make a conscious effort to set your heart on the Lord. Study His word and follow after Him daily.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 2 2 n d , 2 0 11

Text: Proverbs 19:11 Ou r God is not just God of Love; He is also God of wrath. His anger is directed towards sin because he is a Holy Go d. For us to partake of His divine nature, we must also be angry toward sin. Jesus Christ displayed anger to the people buying and selling in the temple. According to the Bible, there are good times to be angry and there are times anger needs to be repressed. James 1:19 tells us to be slow to anger because human anger does not help us do the things Go d desires. This means that there is a human aspect to anger. Hence, we can safely ask, when is anger unrighteous? An ger is unrigh teous when it is directed toward a person rather than an o ffense, when it is excited without sufficient cause, when it is magnified more than the issue, when it is accompanied by the desire for revenge, when it is cherished and heightened by reflection, and when it is accompanied by unforgiving spirit. Ac cording to our text, there is a time to overlook an offense. Whenever we choose to overlook an offense, we are imitating Go d who is the father of grace and mercy. Proverb 16: 32 says, Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. So, as believers, we need to ask God for the grace to yield our spirit to His at all times. This is the only way we can develop self-control. A victorious Christian is one who has learned how to manage the chain reactions that lead to outbursts of anger. Prayer point: Lord, rid me of every root of anger in my life. Give me self-control. Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Application: Choose to overlook an offense as you develop self-control.
The Daily Answer April - June 2011


June 2 3 rd , 2 0 11

Text: Genesis 4: 1-15 Many things we do may be considered good deeds unless they are accomplished with wrong motives. Fo r example, getting a driver license is a big achievement after hours of practice are completed and the test is passed. Cain and Abel, children of Adam and Eve, decided to sacrifice to the Lord. Abel brought an acceptable sacrifice while Cain did not. The God of many chances gave him an opportunity to correct his error, but he did not. He was warned of the repercussion of his choices, but all these warnings fell on deaf ears. Cain never heeded Gods warning or repented of his sins. He was full of excuses. The Bible was written for us that we might not enter into temptation. The laws of God are not hidden from us. We have opportunity to read His Word daily. It comes to us from the pulpits and over the airwaves. More than the generation before, this ge neration has been told of sins desire to control us. You must live your life in obedience to God, knowing your children are waiting for you to lead them in serving God properly. Prayer point: God open my ears that I may hear and understand your command completely, follow your blue print for my life. Memory verse: In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (Titus 2:7) Application: What area of obedience are you putting off? Yeild to the Lord in submission today.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 2 4 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Psalms 27:8 We take invitations seriously. When we are invited to a function, we do our best to honor the invitation. Some of us even take off work to honor a friends invitation. We dont just attend; we go the extra mile to make sure we look our best for the event. But many of us wont take off to fellowship with our Maker. Why is it that we are reluctant to honor Gods invitation, and often, when we do, we go unprepared? And worse still, when we go to our friends party, we stay until the end but when we come to honor Gods invitation, we are in a hurry to leave. Many of us look at the clock every 5 minutes. What an affront to our God! God invited us to fellowship Him (Psalm 95:6-7), to talk with Him in prayer (Psalms 27:8a, 2 Chron. 7:14), to cast our burdens and worries on Him (Matt. 11:28-30), to partner with Him as we make disciples of all nations (Matt: 28:18-20), etc. God told us, through Jeremiah the prophet, to call on Him and He wo uld answer. He will show us great and mighty things we do not know about. Brethren, we need to honor Gods invitation more than we honor anyone else. Prayer point: Lord, help me to always make your invitation my top priority. Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Begin to honor Gods invitation first. Make sure to prepare yourself physically as well as spiritually.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 2 5 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Genesis 1:1-3 Who is really in charge echoes throughout the world? Most Parents out of frustration often ask their children who is in charge in this house. World unrest is about who is in charge. Husbands and wives fight over who is in charge. Even little children as they play, fight among themselves over who has more power tha n the other. This is usually evidenced by who grabs the most toys. One has authority over what he or she authors. Since God is the author of the universe; He holds all right to it not the devil. The author writes the ending to his story and nothing can change it. Only those who have auth ority can delegate it. You cannot give what you dont have. The author of the universe has ultimate authority over all creation. The choice not to submit to Him, though He permits it is absolute rebellion. This is why the Bible reminds us that God the judge to whom we will all give account one day (Rev. 20:1115). If we are to pray with authority and rule our world through interce ssion, we need to understand that God is in charge. Prayer point: Lord, teach me to understand that all authority belongs to you and help me to submit myself to your authority Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: If not already, begin now to acknowledge God as the ultimate authority for your life.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 2 6 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Psalms 115: 16 What God has in mind for Adam He intended for all Adams (Us) including authority over the earthly realm hence Genesis 1:26 says God made man in His image and said, Let them have dominion. The authority to rule over the earth was given to all mankind. According to Psalm 115:16, it says, The heavens are the Lords, but the earth He has given to the sons of men. It is a true statement that God works on the earth through humans, not independently of them. Perhaps, you are asking, why is God not making things happen as we would like Him to? The answer is that He is waiting for us humans to do something because he has delegated His authority to us (Matt. 28:18-20); He gave us authority over the powers of the enemy (Luke 10: 19). Since God gave His authority to all mank ind; we have authority over our life. No one has more authority over us than we do. No one has greater authority to pray for us than ourselves. So, begin to walk in your God given authority. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace to begin to walk in the authority you have made available to me. Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Begin to use your God given authority today.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 2 7 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 1 John 1:15-16 The atrocity of September 1991 was perpetrated by people wh o lived among us; living normal lives like everyone else. Even they had their aviation training here in the US. Ha rdly did anyone suspect them to be enemies to the United States until they did their evil. They did what they did and succeeded because they had inside knowledge of how things wo rk. We also have American citizens who are Americans wo rst enemy by working undercover for other countries, selling inside information to other nations against the US. The enemy within is the worst enemy one can have; because he has every information about us which no one else has. Just as governments have traitors and spies within their operation so Ch ristians have enemies within as well. The flesh; the enemy within seeks to hinder and suppress the wo rk of God in our lives. Satan and the world our external enemies cannot force us to disobey God but the flesh gives Satan and the w orld a foothold with which to attack us. So brethren, we have to watch out for this enemy the Bible calls The lust of the flesh and subject it to the word of Go d and the spirit of God if we are to walk in our God giving authority. Prayer point: Lord, expose every work of the flesh in my life so that I can have victory over it Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Begin to ask God to reveal self to you; because whenever an enemy is exposed; its power is broken. An enemy you do not know exist will always have an edge over you.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 2 8 t h , 2 0 11

Text: John 14:12 The first principle that determines our level of authority in prayer is simply our relationship to Chris t. As a young adult fre sh out of school, I went to Lagos to stay while I look for job. One day, I went to visit one of my friends at her place of work where I met her boss. After exchanging pleasantries with him, it dawned on him that he knew my dad; they we nt to college together and were good friends then. So he immediately offered me employment based on the fact that he knew my father. It is said that having access to important people does open up doors for an individual. The same way it is in our prayer life. Just like every body has equal access to apply for a job; most times, our getting the job depends on who we know. As long as we know Jesus as our Lord and savoir we can access the father in prayer. The Bible tells us that as long as we pray to the father in Jesus name our request is guaranteed to be answered. Everybody is born into the domain of darkness, but through faith in Jesus Christ we are delivered from darkness and transferred into the kingdom of Jesus Christ. If you have never taken the opportunity to put your faith in Jesus Christ, you need to do that today. Prayer point: Lord, give me the grace to always put my trust in Jesus. Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Always pray in Jesus name

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


June 2 9 t h , 2 0 11

Text: Psalms 119:130 Two children lived like a pauper for over two decades because they did not know that their father left them each a million in the bank. Their uncle hid the papers from them and was enjoying what rightfully belonged to them because they did not know. Due to lack of knowledge, some Pharisees who were arguing with Jesus insisted that because they were Abrahams children, they were not in bondage and does not need deliverance; but they are in bondage to the Roman Empire; their religious tradition, Satan and sin. So, their only means of freedom is knowledge of the Scriptures which will tell them what they have through Christ. Psalm 119:30 states that The entrance of His word brings light into darkness and tells us everything about sin and Satan and how to be free from them Our understanding of God and His word can affect our level of authority in praying. Without knowledge of God and His words we will not be aware of His provisions for us or of His word. If we are ignorant of what is rightfully ours in Christ, we will not exercise authority to lay hold of those things. Again, without knowledge of Gods word, we will not have faith (Rom.10:17). To the degree we know and believe the word, to that degree we will obey and act upon it with authority Prayer point: Lord, Give me knowledge and understanding concerning your word so that on one can cheat me out of my inheritance which is in Christ. Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Begin to study to know the word of God for yourself.


The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

June 3 0 t h , 2 0 11

Text: 1 John 1 2:2 I remember that when I was a child, whenever I did anything wrong, I tend to stay away from my dad; even though I know that my father loved me. My father still feel the same about me; he did not stop loving me because of what I did, rather guilt from what I did kept me from getting close to him. Our level of authority and favor with God is linked to our level of purity. Psalm 24:1 says that those who have pure heart and clean hands can approach God and His throne. As humans it is not possible for us to maintain our purity all the time; thank God for Jesus. Isaiah 64:6 sates that on our best days ou r righteousness is like a filthy rag before God. But because of our faith in Jesus Christ, God graciously dresses us up in His righteousness; so that we are no longer guilty and Satan has no ground to accuse us (Rom. 4:3-4, 2Cor. 5:21). According to our text, the death of Christ is the basis for the forgiveness of our sin in time and eternity and as believers, we have Jesus as our defense attorney. Prayer point: Lord, clothe me with the righteousness that comes from Christ Memory Verse: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.(John 8:32) Application: Always go to God based on the righteousness of Christ and never on the grounds of anything we have done.

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


C o ntr i buto r s :
G o d b y h i s g race has chosen H is ve sse ls who ha v e p r a y e r f ully w ritten G ods mes sa ge f or His people. Folake Olaleye F u n m i H a a st r up Rita Ojibah Geah Kai O m o l o l u A m o ran

Co n t a c t : 1 5 8 2 1 G r e e n wood R oad, S o u t h H o l l a n d, IL 60473 Te l : ( 7 0 8 ) 2 0 1-1192 Fa x : ( 7 0 8 ) 2 0 1-1193 we b si t e : h t t p://w w w.w omen -lead e r ship.or g 92

The Daily Answer

April - June 2011

Dear Friend:

T h e D a i l y A n sw er is a quarterly de votiona l cre a t e d f o r t h e dual purpose of aiding the r e a de r t o d e v e l o p i n their devotional life a nd to gr ow in kn o w l e d g e o f G ods w ord. T he cos t of pr oduc ing s u c h a l i f e e d ifying w ork is great. Your ge ne r ous do n a t i o n i s a ppreciated. T h a n k y o u g r aciously and the L ord ble ss a nd i nc r e a se y o u .

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The Daily Answer

April - June 2011


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