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trust for this generation

Thursday, August 20, 2011


Cancer announces dread. To any individual or family, this word can stop the sun rising, can impede the wave of joy and can stem the tide of normal, healthy growth within a person and Society. The country with the maximum number of people with cancer is the United States of America. Researchers state that a primary cause is environmental. The effects of technology on the environment threaten the normal life of human beings in developed countries due to the toxic substances produced in large quantities which cause cancer producing substances, called carcinogens. India is a developing country and we are happy to announce a program that curbs the spread & devastation of this dreaded disease. One of the many ways is the

2011 - The beginning of a new decade brings more challenges that we aim to conquer. We are pleased to announce the commencement of a new program, FREEDOM FROM CANCER a program to create awareness and the education of cancer, while supporting those undergoing treatment and helping families cope with the physical, emotional, financial and social stress that this disease can cause.

PHASE 1 - 1 million books on Cancer in India, in four of the main regional languages. PHASE 2 - FREEDOM FROM CANCER mobile radio program throughout the nation. You can be a part of this and LITERALLY help save lives. A person who follows the advice in the book can NOT get cancer, because of you! Did you know?

Spices used in Indian cuisine prevent cancer.

Give life. Contact for more. All donations are tax-exempted.(80G)


trust for this generation
Thursday, August 20, 2011

Education is one of the most powerful instruments to overcome poverty and inequality. In spite of many educational organizations, The Economist reports that half of 10-year-old rural children could not read at a basic level, over 60% were unable to do division, and half dropped out by the age 14. Access, equity, management and quality all need major improvement in the education sector. Cultural, social & economic factors contribute to the disparity in education. Follow through of a students education and vocational training is essential to produce a self sufficient, capable citizen.

2011 - The beginning of a new decade brings more challenges that we aim to conquer. We are pleased to announce the commencement of a new program, FREEDOM FROM CANCER a program to create awareness and the education of cancer, while supporting those undergoing treatment and helping families cope with the physical, emotional, financial and social stress that this disease can cause.

Phase 1 - Financial support toward individual student education and follow through. Phase 2 - Skill development & enhancement for dropouts and poor students to integrate them into the present competitive workplace.

Did you know?

YOU can help a family rise from the ashes because the son or daughter could study, earn and bring in income. Quotes from the kitchen:

Spices used in Indian cuisine prevent cancer.

The way to a mans heart is through his stomach.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. Edward Everett

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