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SYLLABUS 2011 - 2012

You have made known to me the path of
life, you will fill me with joy in your
presence. There are eternal
pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11
Section-A : Reading (20 marks)
Qs 1-4 : Four unseen reading passages of 5 marks each.
- Two out of four passages will have multiple choice questions carrying 5+5=10 marks.
- Two out of four passages will have questions wherein students will be expected to supply the responses. This
will carry 5+5=10 marks.
Question types will be :
Sentence completion
Gap filling
Section-B : Writing (20 marks)
Three writing tasks as indicated below :
Q5 A short answer question of upto 50-100 in the form of a paragraph writing/advertisement.
Q6 A long answer question (minimum 150 words) in the form of a diary entry/letter writing. (composition based on
verbal stimulus)
Q7 Composition based on both visual and verbal stimulus in the form of essay writing.
Section-C : Grammar (20 marks)
Qs 8&9 carry 4 marks each, i.e, total 8 marks, and will have MCQs. The test types for MCQ include : gap filling,
sentence completions, dialogue completion.
Qs 10, 11 & 12 will be based on response supplied by students. There test types which will not be tested as MCQs
include. Sentence reordering, editing, omission, sentence transformation.
Section-D : Literature (20 marks)
Q13AOne out of 2 extracts for reference to context with MCQs (based on prose drama/poetry). The extract will
carry 3 marks.
Q13BOne extract for reference to context (based on poetry/prose/drama). Where students will be expected to supply
the answer. (3 marks)
Q14 Short question (word limit 30-40 words)
Four out of five short answers 2 marks each. (4x2=8 marks)
Q15 Long question (word limit 80-100 words each)
ONe out of two long answer (6 marks)
S.No. Month Name of units FA1 UT+3 FA2 SA1
1. April Litrature Reader i) Letter Writing Syllabus covered
Daffodils (UT) ii) A teenagers conquest from April to
Swamis Grand Mother page 8 August
MCB - The Adventure Part-F SA-2
Express (Listening) Syllabus covered
A Teenagers Conquest from October-
W.B. - Unit-1 February
Grammar+ - Sentences
(page 4-16) (UT)
W.S. - Informal Letter
2. July Litrature Reader FA-2
The Party iii) Two aces to success
- More about people page 49 (speaking skill)
MCB - Two aces to (collage of your
success favourite sports person)
W.B. - Unit-3 iv) Dialogue writing
Grammar+ - Verbs completion
W.S. - Formal letter
(Application/Letter to
the editors)
3. August Litrature Reader v) (Reading skill)
My father and I Comprehension MCB
MCB - Unit-4 Sec-4 Unit-4)
Microscope vi) Extempore
Grammar+ - Tenses (speaking)
(pages 66-75) (verbal)
W.B. - Unit-4
Inventions and
Discoveres (pg 44-46)
4. Sept. Revision
1st Term Exam (SAI) FA-3
5. Oct. Litrature Reader i) Poetry-Comprehension
Unit-6 : Duck (Reading)
Unit-9 : New School ii) Thinking skills
Fellow (based on your own
MCB - Sec-3 Advia innovative ideas)
W.B. - Magic of words
(page 55-62)
Grammar+ - Modal
ausciliaries (pg 77-86)
S.No. Month Name of units FA1 UT+3 FA2 SA1
6. Nov. Litrature Reader FA-3
Three question iii) Dramatization of the
The merchant of veuice play(merchant of veuice)
Grammar+ - Voices iv) Paragraph writing
(Page87-92) v) Display an
W.S. - Expansion of advertisement
Process Description
Paragraph writing
7. Dec. MCB - Unit-7 Sec-2
The fighting blue
W.S. - Advertisement
Diary Entry
8. Jan. Litrature Reader
Unit : If
MCB - Heal the earth
Unit-6 Sec-1
W.S. - Essay writing
9. Feb. ABD Revision Revision of SA-2 vi) Speech writing
Grammar+ - Revision
Test I and II
10. March Final Exam (SA-2)
(Syllabus of Oct.-Feb.)
l ri l ri l ri l ri l ri
-ri i -ri i -ri i -ri i -ri i i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) FA-1 FA-2
. (i in (-/s) z i- i- ) ic -i- ) i lin
n--ni( (-c) z n nin l(li ii i -(ln l(ni
-ri( -z:z) z iii
li (-() z z) l(( -(i- z) rii i
s i (l i) r l( / (iii ( liii
(-in ( i li)
z. i; l(i- i (-ca) z - lr-i li)
i (lniln, -, -i, n-i --- - :) - l( :) ii (i
i, -ii) -; (l)
iil r (i-lr li)
l-n iii r
:. n-n (i l(i (i iii , z - i(n
(i l(n) iin-ini (-ili
n z lilni- in
- z iii - ri li
l-n nii r ini)
s i (- i
i i(ni)
l-n nii r
l i l i l i l i l i
s r
l-n nii zxr=a (i)
l-n ii zxr=a (i)
ii za
l-n ni i r
l-n iii r
lin -n (ilr-) zxr=a
ln lin -n xr=r
iiii (MCQ) r
l- - -- l- - -- l- - -- l- - -- l- - --
-; i- i-, (i in (/s)
l ri l ri l ri l ri l ri
-ri i -ri i -ri i -ri i -ri i i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (ii) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) i- (l(ni) FA-3 FA-4
. n i(ii (-r) z riii ) (i l((i ) iii-i (ir
i : lni lnni l(li- ln i)
iii i (-rr) z l(i-(sii
(z) z) ri- z) - (-i
s i (ii i r l(ni (l( i iin)
-r-() l ( l)
:) l (i (PPT) :) li
z. (- (iii l i (zr) z li lnril -i i
(zr) iii iii (l)
-i (--n i)
iil r
:. l- l(ii i l-i ni
l-n iii r iin - l-i
l-n nii r
s (il--, ilii)
. (i (i (i ( l(n) i li
l i l i l i l i l i
s r
l-n nii rr=a
l-n ii rr=a
ii za
l-n ni i r
l-n iii r
lin -n (ilr-) zxr=a
ln lin -n xr=r
iiii (MCQ) r
- n - n - n - n - n
i- iilinil (i ii)
i-z l- (iii il
i- ( ni lilr i- (l(liln i)
(; i- i i ni lnilnni i i (i - li ini li ii li
i - li i ni r)
i-r i- i i - (~iin -i()
i-s i in- ii-
l-n nnii
i (i( , l-i )
- (-(i, n- ~)
i ra
i iin a, ;iin a, iin a, ;iin -i, ~iin, rn i
i, i(n|
iin -, , , ;i, -- (ii ii -)
l(i- r
i r
S.No. Month Subject Chapter Topic Marks
1. April History 1 How, when, where Brief Intro.
2 Establishment of country power, trade...... 10
Civics 1 Indian Constitution UT
Geography 1 Resources 6
2. May History 3 Ruling the country side Brief Intro.
Civics 3 Parliament 5
Civics 4 Understanding laws Activity
(Summer Break)
3. July History 5 When people rebel 10
History 6 Colonialism & the city 6
Civics 5 Judiciary 7
4. August History 7 Weavers, Iron smelters ....... Activity
Civics 6 Criminal justice system 8
Geography 3 Mineral resources excluding distribution of 4
imp. mineral, distribution of minerals in world
distribution of minerals in India.
MAP - Geog.- Natural Resources - L-2 (Pg 179)
First Term - Map - History - Chap-5 (page-41) : Delhi, Merut, Bareley, Lucknow, Gwalier, Kanpur, Jhansi, Arah,
Indore, Kolhapur, Tanjore, Calicut, Barackpore.
S.No. Month Subject Chapter Topic Marks
1. Oct. History 8 Civilising the nature 6
Civics 7 Understanding marginalisation 10
Geography 4 Agriculture 10
2. Nov. History 9 Women, caste & reform Activity
History 11 Indian national movement 10
Civics 9 Public facilities 5
Geography 5 1) Manufacturing industries from defining
industries to factors affection of industrial location.
2) Any case study as an activity 6
3. Dec. History 10 Art & Literature Activity
Civics 6 Criminal justice system 8
Geography 6 Human resources 6
4. Jan. History 12 India after independence 10
Civics 10 Law & Social justice 5
Second Term - Geography - Human Resources (page 225, 227)
History - Chapter-11 (Page 97)
S.No. Month Leon Grammaire Activities
1. April L-1 : La Rentre - Les articles FA-1
L-0 : La france, quest ce - Les verbs en-er, ir, re, et 1) Scrap book based on leon-0
que cest? irreguliers La France, quest ceque cest?
- Le Ngation (simple) 2) Dcrivez votre journe?
- Les adverbes de quantit 3) Prepar la carte didentit.
UT - 1 : L-0, 1
UT - 2 : L3 + Previouis
2. May L-2 : Il est franais? - Le Fminin et pluriel des noms
et des adjectifs.
- La position des adjectifs
- Les membres de la famille.
3. July L-3 : La journe de Mme - Les verbes proninaus FA-2
lavigne - Les nombres cardivaux et 1) Dcrivez les saisons avec les
L-4 : Kabe est malade ordinaux images?
- Les saisons 2) Expressions avec avoir
- Trois formes dinterrogation 3) O faites-vous les courses?
- Linterrogation negative et (si) (Faire les courses)
- Les expressions avec (avoir)
4. Aug. L-5 : Faire les courses - Les adverbes interrogatifs
- Les verbe Savoir et
5. Sept. Revision/Exams.
6. Oct. L-6 : Faire des achats - Les prposition FA-3
- Les verbes en-ayer, oyer, uy 1) Project work (make a
project on Paris)
UT - 3 : L-6, 7 +
previous grammaire
7. Nov. L-7 : Allons Paris - Les Prposition de lieu 2) Faites des phrases avec les
L-8 : Les photos de manuel - Les noms de pays prpositions et les adverbs de
- Les Nationalits Lieu (dix images)
- Les verbes irreguliers 3) Make a flow chart on
- Les adjectifs dmonstratif Prposition de lieu
- Les ftes franaises
- Les professions
UT - 4 : L-8 + Previous
8. Dec. L-9 : Au caf de laurent - Limpratif affirmatif FA-4
L-10 : Encore une lettre de - Limpratif desverbs 1) Make a project on les ftes
Roon prommaux franais
- Les couverts 2) Prparez lacarte i.e. Menu
- Les adjectifs interrogatifs carte (A4 size sheet)
- Les expression avec 3) Quest-ce que vous aimez
(faire & jouer) faire? (Utiliser les verbes
- Les loisirset les sports. faire et jouer)
9. Jan. L-11 : Une journe bien - Le pass compos
Charge - Les verbes
Conjugus avec (avoiran pass)
Total marks - 80
First Term
1) Comprehension 10
2) Paragraph (Dcrivez votre journe/Les saisons) 10
3) Posez la question 05
4) Verbes 10
5) Interrogation 05
6) Rpondez aux negativement 05
7) Article partitif / dfini 05
8) Rpondez aux questions 05
9) Mettez en ordre 05
10) Adjectifs 05
11) Quelle heure est-il? 05
12) Dialogue (Lepicerie) 05
13) Chassez lintrus 05
Total marks - 80
Second Term
1) Comprehension 10
2) La lettre (les loisirs et les sports) 10
3) Dialogue (au restaurant) 05
4) Prposition de lieu 05
5) Adjectif demonstratif 05
6) Impratif 05
7) Verbes 05
8) Pass compos 05
9) Adjectif interrogatif 05
10) Rpondez aux ngativement 05
11) Posez la question 05
12) Mettez en ordre 05
13) Articles avec faire / jouer 05
14) Adjectif possisif 05
Note Leon - 7, 8 (Project work)
S.No. Month Chapter No. Name of chapter Marks
1. April Ch-1 Rational numbers 10
May Ch-2 Linear equations 15
Ch-6 Playing with numbers 07
2. July Ch-3 Understanding quadrilateral 10
Ch-4 Practical geometry 08
Ch-5 Data handling 10
3. August Ch-6 Squares & square roots 10
Ch-7 Cubes & cube roots 10
4. Sept. Revision and Examination
5. Oct. Ch-8 Comparing quantities 15
Ch-12 Exponents & powers 10
6. Nov. Ch-11 Mensuration 15
Ch-13 Direct & inverse 10
7. Dec. Ch-9 Algebraic expressions & identities 10
8. Jan. Ch-14 Factorisation 15
Ch-15 Intro to graph 05
10. Feb. Revision and Examination
Deleted Portion
Ch-10 : Visualising solid
1) Two activities from lab manual related to taught topics.
2) Quiz related to rational numbers.
1) Two activities from lab manual.
2) Pie chart representing unit test marks of all the subjects.
1) Two activities from lab manual.
2) Project related to comparing quantities.
1) Two activities from lab manual.
2) Project related to mensuration.
Blue Print
No. of Marks Total
(MCQ)8 01 08
(MCQ)4 02 08
05 02 10
10 03 30
06 04 24
S.No. Month Chapter No. Topic Marks
1. April Ch-1 Crop Production 13
May Ch-18 Stars and the solar system 10
Ch-3 Synthetic fibres (discussion)
2. July Ch-5 Coal and petroleum 12
Ch-2 Micro-organism 12
Ch-16 Light 10
3. August Ch-13 Sound 10
Ch-9 Pollution 08
Ch-7 Conservation of Plants and Animals 08
4. Sept. Revision and Examination
1) Chemistry : Chapter-3 : MCQ
2) Biology : Chapter-1 : PPT
3) Physics : Chapter-18 : Modern methods of crop production (Model)
1) Chemistry : Chapter-5 : PPT
2) Biology : Chapter-2 : Investigatory project on micro-organism and comm. disease.
3) Physics : Chapter : Making of Kaleidoscope
1) Crop Production
U.T. Syllabus
1) Micro-organism
2) Coal and petroleum
S.No. Month Chapter No. Topic Marks
5. Oct. Ch-8 Cell structure and function 15
Ch-4 Matrials : Metals and Non-metals 10
6. Nov. Ch-11 Force and pressure 10
Ch-12 Friction 06
Ch-06 Combustion and flame 10
7. Dec. Ch-15 Some natural phenomena 09
Ch-14 Chemical effects of electric current 05
Ch-09 Reproduction 15
Ch-10 Adolescence (Discussion)
1) Chemistry : Chapter-4 : Displacement reaction
2) Biology : Chapter-2 : Model of plant and animal cell
3) Physics : Chapter-11/12 : MCQ
1) Chemistry : Chapter-14 : Demonstration of electrolysis
2) Biology : Chapter-09 : PPT on asexual reproduction metamorphosis
3) Physics : Chapter-14 : Any electrical appliances on simple circut
1) Chapter-4
2) Chapter-11
1) Chapter-6
2) Chapter-14

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