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Competency mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an organisation, and then using it for job-evaluation,

recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, etc. The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent induction, management development, appraisals and training yield much better results. The competency movement has caught on much better in the non-IT sector than the IT sector. Over the past 10 years, human resource and organizational development professionals have generated a lot of interest in the notion of competencies as a key element and measure of human performance. Competencies are becoming a frequently-used and written-about vehicle for organizational applications such as: Defining the factors for success in jobs (i.e., work) and work roles within the organization Assessing the current performance and future development needs of persons holding jobs and roles Mapping succession possibilities for employees within the organization Assigning compensation grades and levels to particular jobs and roles Selecting applicants for open positions, using competency-based interviewing techniques. Competencies in organizations tend to fall into two broad categories: 1. Personal Functioning Competencies. These competencies include broad success factors not tied to a specific work function or industry (often focusing on leadership or emotional intelligence behaviors). 2.Functional/Technical Competencies. These competencies include specific success factors within a given work function or industry. A competency map is a list of an individuals competencies that represent the factors most critical to success in given jobs, departments, organizations, or industries that are part of the individuals current career plan. Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role. Top competencies are the vital few competencies (four to seven, on average) that are the most important to an individual in their ongoing career management process. Importance to the individual is an intuitive decision based on a combination of three factors: past demonstrated excellence in using the competency, inner passion for using the competency, and the current or likely future demand for the competency in the individuals current position or targeted career field. Although the definition above for competency mapping refers to individual employees, organizations also map competencies, but from a different perspective. Organizations describe, or map, competencies using one or more of the following four strategies: 1. Organization-Wide (often called core competencies or those required for organization success) 2. Job Family or Business Unit Competency Sets 3. Position-Specific Competency Sets

4. Competency Sets Defined Relative to the Level of Employee Contribution (i.e. Individual Contributor, Manager, or Organizational Leader) An illustration of some competency factors in a few chosen areas are as follows: I.CAREER DRIVES ACHIEVEMENT Desire to achieve results AMBITION Strength of ambition REMUNERATION Concern with remuneration RECOGNITION Need for recognition INDEPENDENCE Need for independence II.LEADERSHIP AND INFLUENCE DIRECTIVE: Willingness to lead from the front DELEGATIVE: Willingness to delegate COACHING: Willingness to coach others POWER: Desire to have authority DECISIVE: Speed of decision making PERSUASIVE: Willingness to persuade others III.STRATEGIC ORIENTATION GOALSETTING Willingness to set goals ANALYTICAL Preference for analytical thinking PROACTIVITY Need to plan and be pro-active INNOVATION Desire to be innovative and flexible IV.CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLE ASSERTIVE

Willingness to address conflict COMPETITIVE Willingness to be verbally competitive COLLABORATIVE Desire to collaborate with others COMPROMISING Willingness to compromise

V.PEOPLE ORIENTATION AGREEABLE Need to get along with others EXTRAVERSION Workplace extraversion/introversion INTIMACY Need for workplace friendships TEAMWORK Desire to belong in a team

VI.COPING STRESS Resistance to stress SENSITIVITY Sensitive to the needs of others RESPONSIBLE Willingness to accept responsibility SECURITY Need for job security VII.VALUES ALTRUISM Values helping others TRUST Values trust and openness LOYALTY Values loyalty CONFORMING Desire to conform Competency mapping can play a significant role in recruiting and retaining people as it gives a more accurate analysis of the job requirements, the candidate's capability, of the difference between the two, and the development and training needs to bridge the gaps.

As far as meeting an individual's career aspirations are concerned, once the organisation gives an employee the perspective of what is required from him to reach a particular position, it drives him to develop the competencies for the same. Competencies enable individuals to identify and articulate what they offer so that their organisation (current or future) can see, value and utilise what capability is actually available. competency mapping helps identify the success criteria (i.e. behavioural standards of performance excellence) required for individuals to be successful in their roles. It helps to: Support specific and objective assessment of their strengths, and specify targeted areas for professional development. Provide development tools and methods for enhancing their skills. Provide the basis for a more objective dialogue with their manager or team about performance, development, and career-related issues. If an individual is able to discuss the above with his manager, it will help him to chalk out his growth perspectives in the company. Competency mapping demonstrates what type of knowledge and skills are required and/or found within the human capital of the organization. An organization could use these personal competency maps to build a 'yellow pages' directory, match people to jobs or positions or determine what training programs are needed to fill skill gaps.

Methodology adopted :

Step 1 : Identify departments for competency profiling Here we have to decide and select the departments within the organization which we would like to include into our study. It is to be noted that departments should be chosen based on their criticality and importance to the organization. For this project all departments have been considered except the four support functions namely being the information management department, human resource department, engineering department and Purchase Department functions. Step 2 :Identifying hierarchy within the organization and selection of levels Study the organization hierarchy across each of the selected departments. For the study we have selected the Retail dept. hierarchy starting from Sales trainee to RSM. Step 3 :Obtain the job descriptions. For all levels at every department we obtained each roles job description and in cases where they were not available we conducted a detailed interview to derive a job description. Step 4 Preparation of semi structured interview As on of the tools for collecting information we prepared a list of questions that

would make up a semi structured interview. These questions would be put forth employees at all management levels . Step 5: Scheduling of interviews Obtain a list of employees from respective department heads and accordingly schedule interviews. A minimum of 5 candidates are to be interviewed at each level in each department. Step 6: Conducting of interviews We would have to arrange for the semi structured interviews to be carried out at a convenient time and comfortable location as per the candidates convenience. Step 7 Recording of interview details The candidates answers and opinions have to be recorded in as much detail as possible for further reference during the project. Step 8: Preparation of a list of Skills As per the interview and the details that were generated from the candidate, we will generate a list of skills observed for the job. Thereon from which a list of identified competencies should be drawn for each interviewed candidate.

Step 9: Repeat for next levels and functions. The interviews and appropriate recording of answers should be done at all remaining levels and other departments. Step 10: Make the list of the competencies required for the department for each level and each function giving behavioral indicators. For each position at each department a list of competencies observed from both the job description and the semi structured interview (list of skills) should be drawn up. Each competency should be given a name and an appropriate definition that clearly indicates its meaning and essence. Step 11: Indicate proficiency levels Take one competency at a time and indicate different proficiency levels. For the project five levels of proficiency had to be defined for every competency. Each proficiency level was defined in term of behavioral indicators. Step 12 Validate identified competencies and proficiency levels with Head of Departments. Confirm competency definitions with respective Head Of Departments and obtain from the required proficiency levels of each competency that is ideal for each role. Also locate any missing competencies. Step 13 Preparation of competency matrix Prepare a matrix defining competencies required and corresponding proficiency levels for each level across all departments.

Step 14 Mapping of competencies Mapping of competencies of selected employees against the competency matrix as per their employee level and department. Here an employees actual proficiency level of a particular competency would be mapped against the target proficiency level.

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