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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Introduction: 1. The temptations our youth face and the rebellion of some should cause us to to pray more! 2. Can we stir up our faith from scripture to remember the power of prayer to provoke more prayer? 3. You can do more in any matter of life by praying than you can by any other personal effort. 4. The Bible plainly declares that powerful praying can accomplish much (James 5:16). Do you use it? 5. This requires knowledgeable (effectual) and passionate (fervent) prayer by a godly person (righteous). 6. Our God created the universe and preserves it for destruction; He can do anything you desire or need. 7. He specifically wants you to live carefree based on His ability, not yours (Psalm 127:1-2; Phil 4:6-7). 8. Jacob provides a wonderful example of God being vulnerable to men with needs (Genesis 32:24-32). 9. The reason your life is not better in spiritual grace and/or in blessings is due to lack of prayer (Ja 4:2). 10. This subject is very large and extends throughout the Bible, but we will limit our points to only a few. 11. Let us briefly remind ourselves of the power of prayer to have confidence and trust in its efficacy. 12. Let us briefly remind ourselves of a few of the learned and necessary conditions for powerful prayer.

A. Prayer has power for a spouse without a dating service or matchmakers (Gen 24:12-15). B. Prayer has power with a spouse though the situation may be tough (Esth 4:13-17; Mal 2:13). C. Prayer has power when health fails and the prognosis is grim (II Kgs 4:22-37; Isaiah 38:1-8). D. Prayer has power for life in general to be unusually blessed and sheltered (I Chron 4:9-10). E. Prayer has power over enemies (Ex 3:7-10; Num 16:15,22; II Kings 19:14-19; Ps 18:4-19). F. Prayer has power over nations for godly intercessors (Gen 18:23-33; Jer 29:4-7; Dan 9:1-3). G. Prayer has power for children when a godly father intercedes (Job 1:4-5; 42:13-17). H. Prayer has power for prayer meetings as when the early church prayed (Acts 4:23-31). I. Prayer has power in desperation as with Hagar (Gen 16:6-14; Matt 14:30-31; Acts 12:5,17). J. Prayer has power for spiritual revival among the carnal (I Kgs 18:21-40; Ps 119:25,37). K. Prayer has power for conceiving children even when barren (I Sam 1:9-20; 2:20-21). L. Prayer has power for jobs and businesses (Gen 28:16-22; 32:9-10; Neh 2:1-8; Dan 2:14-23). M. Prayer has power even if mostly sighing and crying (Ex 2:23-25; Ps 56:8; Mal 2:13). N. Prayer has power for restoration (II Chr 33:11-13; Ps 51:7-15; Jon 2:1-10; Luke 23:42-43). O. Prayer has power over weather (Josh 10:12-14; II Kings 20:8-11; Jas 5:17). P. Prayer has power for godliness (Ex 33:18-23; 2Kg 2:9-12; Lu 11:13; Ac 10:1-6;Ep 3:14-21). Q. Prayer has power for wisdom (I Kgs 3:5-13; Prov 2:3-9; Lu 11:13; Eph 1:17-18; James 1:5). R. Prayer has power for dilemmas (II Chron 20:12-18; Prov 16:33; Acts 1:21-26). S. Prayer has power when overwhelmed (I Sam 30:6-8; II Chron 14:9-15; Ps 142:1-3).

A. Prayer is made powerful when practiced effectually (Jas 5:16; Luke 11:1). So learn to pray. B. Prayer is made powerful when done fervently (Jas 5:16-17). Get passionate about praying. C. Prayer is made powerful when done righteously (Jas 5:16; Ps 34:15; 66:18). Obey God. D. Prayer is made powerful without details, repetition, or length (Mat 6:7-8; 10:29-31; Ro 1:9). E. Prayer is made powerful without eloquence (Rom 8:26-27). The Holy Spirit adds two things. F. Prayer is made powerful by not quitting (Luke 11:5-8; 18:1-6; Rom 12:12; I Thess 5:17). G. Prayer is made powerful by adding fasting for greater obstacles (Matt 17:15-21; I Cor 7:5).

Conclusion: 1. If you are convicted that you have neglected prayer, then begin tonight to pray more earnestly. 2. If you do not know how to pray effectually, in a way that is heard, than seek more information. 3. Pray is a large subject throughout the Bible, and if you are earnest, you will want to learn more. 4. If you want to consider the subject further, seek other sermons, outlines, Naves, etc. 5. Matthew 18:19 teaches two to agree in prayer, which is so perfect for spouses (Gen 2:18; I Pet 3:7). 6. David and Daniel prayed three times daily and you can even do it in bed (Psalm 4:4; 42:8). 7. Your voice can be heard in Gods holy dwelling place, even in heaven (II Chr 30:27; Rev 5:8; 8:3-4). 8. Enjoy Psalm 18 as David described how God heard his prayers and came roaring to his rescue!

1 The Good News Article Reprint

hone home! Sound familiar? Maybe

you heard it from your parents. Parents want to hear from their childrenbecause they love them. God wants to hear from His children for the same reasonbecause He loves us. What is prayer? It is speaking to and conversing with our Creator. Everyone can do it and should do it. What is breathtakingly inspiring is that God hears, is interested in and answers prayers! Prayer is effectivein other words, prayer from those sincerely responsive to God gets results.

Phone home! God is never asleep or too busy to listen. There is never a bad connection or a bad time. You never get a busy signal or voice mail or get put on hold. You have unlimited free minutesand hours. So no excuses!
The most powerful man in history Even though Jesus Christ was God in the flesh (John 1:1-5, 14), He knew the importance of praying to our heavenly Father. The Bible gives us many examples of Jesus fervently praying to His Father, not only praising God but asking for help. Jesus clearly knew that God in heaven was the ultimate source of success in every endeavor. If Jesus Christ needed help from His heavenly Father, how much more do we! And we have many other role models as well. All the dedicated people of God in the Bible and in history have been people of prayer. Jesus disciples soon realized their Masters source of power. They said, Lord, teach us to pray (Luke 11:1). Would you like to learn Christs teachings regarding prayer? You probably have them in your

home. They are scattered throughout the Bible. Anyone can begin to pray even before he has learned anything about prayer. God hears and appreciates the simplest of prayers. Jesus made it plain: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7). Its noteworthy that in English the first letters of the key words ask, seek, knock spell ask! But God wants us to grow in understanding and application of how to pray. Like learning a new hobby, sport or activity, satisfaction and rewards increase with added knowledge and skill. So it is invaluable to read and understand the biblical teachings regarding prayer. We can gain much understanding and inspiration from many wonderful examples of prayers in the book of Psalms and throughout the Bible. Daily practice naturally leads to added proficiency and pleasure in prayer. Countless people have attested to this. Talk to God as your Father When His disciples said, Teach us to pray, Jesus began His lesson in prayer by giving them a brief outline of some of the most important things to pray about on a daily basis. Commonly called the Lords prayer, Jesus instruction is found in Luke 11:2-4 and Matthew 6:9-13. Note that Jesus suggested that the most frequent way that we are to address God is as our Father in heaven. We can and should have many relationships with God, which are revealed by the names and titles for God found in Scripture. But the most important relationship is that of our Fatheran all-loving and perfect father. All human beings can and should think of God as their Father since He is their Creator. And as their relationship with God becomes closer, that father-child relationship builds to deeper and more intimate levels. So how should we talk to God? He wants us to come to Him as a beloved parent. We should feel confident, secure, understood, appreciated and loved in coming before Him. When we talk with our physical fathers, we are not repetitious or scripted, we dont use an unnatural syrupy tone or a monotone. And we dont use archaic language because we think it sounds more religious. Neither is this necessary with God. Our heavenly Father cherishes prayers

offered with complete honesty and sincerity, even if they include respectful complaints. The prayers in the book of Psalms certainly portray candid honesty. When people pray nice words while thinking and doing contradictory things, they apparently think God cant read minds. When we use our tongue to bless our God and Father, and [to] curse men, our prayer is counted as hypocrisy (James 3:9-12, 17; see also Matthew 7:21-23). Imagining what God is like is relatively easy for someone who has had a loving and attentive earthly father. Admittedly, it is much more difficult, especially at first, for someone whose parental experience has been with a cold, uncommunicative, abusive or absentee father. Such a person should make a major effort to learn what an ideal father is like and establish that picture in his or her minds eye. Some inspiring and encouraging descriptions of God as our heavenly Father are found in Matthew 7:9-11; John 3:16-17; James 1:5, 17; 1 John 4:8-19; Psalm 103 and Luke 15:11-32 (the father in the parable of the prodigal son). Life is about relationships Of all Gods creatures, human being have

Tools for Spiritual Growth

The Privilege and Power of Prayer

The Bible reveals and discusses several tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with our Creator. In this first article in a series on these tools for spiritual growth, we examine the foundational tool of prayera key to communication with God.
by Don Hooser

Prayer and Bible study go hand in hand, along with serious introspection about how to apply Gods teachings in our own lives.

2007 United Church of God, an International Association

the unique and awesome privilege of being created in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). The greatest benefit of this is being able to have a personal relationship with God. Throughout His Word, God repeatedly stresses the importance of right relationships. In fact, Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love your fellow man (Matthew 22:35-40). Beginning with our creation, God has done many things to initiate a relationship with us. It is up to us to respond to Him and show initiative in nurturing that relationship with good communication. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, James 4:8 tells us. Our prayers keep us connected to God. Jesus said to His disciples, No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you (John 15:15). Here Jesus explained a crucial factor in true friendship ongoing open and sincere communication. A true friend is someone you talk with openly and regularly. God is the Great Communicator. He records in the Bible His revelation of everything we need to know about His plan for our lives. His Word gives us His worldview, the framework for a true perspective on lifepast, present and future. Plus He communicates with us and guides us in other waysby His Holy Spirit, through His Church, through other individuals, through circumstances and through experiences that He sets up. But a good relationship depends on twoway communicationa dialogue. Prayer and Bible study go hand in hand, along with serious thought and introspection about how to apply Gods teachings in our own lives. Each of us must ask: How good a friend am I to God? How good a son or daughter am I to my Father? Call home daily! Without prayer, life is precarious Physical, frail human beings are highly vulnerable to countless dangersphysical, mental and spiritual perils. The greatest danger is from our greatest enemy, Satan the devil, who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Ephesians 6:10-20 explains how we need spiritual armor to stand against the wiles of the devil, and prayer is an important part of

that armor (verses 18-19). Why face lifes battles with no armor? If we dont pray, we become prey to this ruthless predator. We are terribly foolish to try going it alone in this evil and dangerous world neglecting to rely on God. Some suffering is punishment from God, particularly when people knowingly sin against Him. But most suffering comes automatically from our own actions, the actions of others, or time and chance. However, God will intervene for those who are relying on Him to protect them from the majority of mishaps. God allows His followers to suffer some personal trials to learn certain lessons, but He protects them from most dangers. For those who seek to do Gods will and ask for help, He will continually guide, help and protect them. If we dont forsake God, He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). What a promise! And what peace of mind that promise brings! To continue to get answers, God has conditions Its inspiring to hear how many people have had obvious answers to their prayers even before they knew much about God or were trying to obey Him. That shows how wonderfully merciful and generous God is toward people who are taking their first sincere steps to humbly talk to their Maker. By granting their desires, He is encouraging them to take further steps in building their relationship with Him. As we grow in our relationship with God, it is only logical that He expects us to fulfill certain conditions if we want His help. God will not continue to answer prayers for someone who is unwilling to do his or her partto read the Bible, obey what it says and learn to love God. We love Him because He first loved us, 1 John 4:19 tells us. But what is the primary evidence of love for God? The apostle John sums it up: For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3). And John makes it clear that obedience to God is the most important condition for answered prayer: And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight (1 John 3:22). If we expect God to continue hearing our prayers, we must begin obeying the Ten

Commandments and His other commandments. In the name of Jesus Christ Some people have not learned that Jesus Christ is the one door and the one way to God (John 10:9; 14:6). Does God ever answer their prayers anyway? Because God is immensely merciful, He probably does. If a persons religious practices at first fall short of true biblical Christianity, God may for awhile answer some of his prayers in spite of his religious ignorance rather than because of it. But that wont last if he makes no effort to learn and do as the Bible teaches. The only promise of answered prayer on a regular basis is to the true followers of the God and Father of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the One who, though divine, became a human being, lived a perfect life and suffered and died to pay the penalties of sin for all mankind. He alone is the Savior of the world. Speaking of Jesus, the apostle Peter said, There is no salvation through anyone else; in all the world no other name has been granted to mankind by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12, Revised English Bible) Jesus said, Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you (John 16:23-24; see also John 14:13-14). As human beings, we do not of ourselves have the right, authority or privilege to approach Gods throne with our prayers because of our own goodness. But through faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, He authorizes us to call on God in His name, acting with His authorization. Thus, with His approval, we have access to God when we pray in Jesus name. Jesus further serves us as our High Priest by interceding and mediating on our behalf with the Father (Romans 8:34; 1 John

onfess your sins to God so that your sins will

no longer stand in the way. Remember that to be forgiven, we must be forgiving of everyone (Matthew 6:12, 14-15; Isaiah 59:2). Ones motives should not be selfish, greedy or trying to impress others (James 4:2-3; Matthew 6:56; 18:9-14). Study the Bible to know and pray according to Gods mind and will (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14-15; Matthew 4:4). Believehave full faith in Gods love, mercy and promisesand expect answers (Mark 11:24; Hebrews 10:22, 38-39; 11:6; James 1:5-6). Be extremely grateful to God and express thanksgiving and praise profusely (Philippians 4:6;

Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Be wholehearted, fervent, passionate in prayer (James 5:16; Psalm 119:145; Hosea 7:14). Multiple repetitions of words and phrases are worthless, although Christ taught persistence in repeating a petition to God day after day (Matthew 6:7-8; Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-7). Ask God to guide and inspire you with His Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14-15, 26-27; John 14:26).

Additional conditions for answered prayer

(And God will help you to fulfill the conditions!)
The Privilege and Power of Prayer 2 18 The Good News

2:1-2). This assures us that we have access through Him to the fullness of Gods mercy and forgiveness (Hebrews 2:17; 4:14-16; 10:19-22). Then God the Father makes the decision as to how to answer the prayer, and Jesus Christ carries out the Fathers will. A few more points on prayer God certainly hears silent prayers, and someone who is close to God may utter silent prayers often throughout each day. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). But God is also pleased to have us vocalize audible prayers. Numerous times the Scriptures mention the praying person using his voice, mouth, lips and tongue. The Bible also frequently uses expressions like cry, cried out, cried aloud, called to, etc. Certain biblical references to frequency of prayer, like twice daily (Psalm 88:1) and thrice daily (Psalm 55:17; Daniel 6:10), probably refer to the number of audible prayers, not the number of total prayers. Regarding bodily positions during prayer, the Bible mentions severalkneeling, standing, sitting, lying down. Circumstances, including health problems, sometimes limit us in what positions we can choose. We can talk with God while taking a walk or driving a car. The most important consideration is to always do your best to express humility and deep reverence. The Bible includes examples of appropriate public prayer and group prayer, but the majority of our personal prayers should be private communication with God (Matthew 6:5-6). However, family prayer is vitally important. Its important to teach children from a very young age to pray. Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me (Matthew 19:14). God is very interested in and responsive to their prayers. Busy? Most of us are. Lack time to pray? Consider that we all make time for those things we consider most important. And we will accomplish more in the long run when we put God first. Hence we cannot afford to not pray. Prayer needs to be a top priority and a daily habit. In your prayers, besides going through your needs and wants, make sure to take time to thank God for the many ways He has blessed you in your life. And take time to pray for others. If youre coming to God about a problem, pour out your

heart to Him about it without dictating what His solutions should be. Father knows best. God always responds in the way that is best for us spiritually, and that sometimes means the answer is no or not now, or the answer is something other than what we expected or wanted. Phone home What is man that You are mindful of him? asked David in Psalm 8:4. Its a wonder of wonders how God cares for His little creaturesthat He would listen to each of their prayers and give them His personal attention. But its trueHe does. Lets not let the wonderful spiritual tool of prayer go to waste by not using it. Lets walk with Godobey Him and talk with Himin prayer. The Bible compares this life to our being pilgrims living in tents far from home. Our goal is enter the Kingdom of Godto dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6). Home is wherever God is, and our destiny, after Christ returns to earth, is to dwell with Him forever. In the meantime, we can stay in touchdaily and more than dailywith our Father and our elder Brother, Jesus Christ. Phone home. Pray. GN

Teaching children to pray is a vital part of passing on our faith. Hebrews 4:16
reminds us that Christians can come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Its important that our children learn that they can also go to God, our loving Father, who is there to help and strengthen them. He wants them to build a relationship with Him through prayer as well as Bible study. Children learn in many ways. One of the most effective teaching tools is by example. It is important that our children understand that we, as Christian parents, talk to God in prayer on a regular basis. The formal examples they see of asking a blessing at mealtime, of anointing and prayer for illness and of prayers at Church services provide important lessons about our relationship with God. But children also need to see that parents spend time with God in personal prayer on a daily basis and that we should go to God first when faced with a difficult trial or an important decision. The instructions that Jesus Christ provided in the Lords Prayer (actually His outline for prayer), found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4, are useful in teaching our children how to pray. Friday evening on the Sabbath, before bedtime or shortly after dinner, is an ideal time for the entire family to kneel down and use this outline of prayer as a teaching tool. Following is a practical way of doing this. Using blank cards, write on each card a phrase from the Lords Prayer followed by a simple explanation of what to pray about. For example, write on the first card the phrase Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, followed by the statement, Praise and thank God. On the next card write, Your kingdom come, followed by the statement, Pray about why the world needs the coming Kingdom of God and the changes it will bring. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven can be written on three separate cards followed by the statements, Pray for the work of the Church, Pray for others (family, the sick, needy, etc.) and Pray for Gods direction in our own decisions. On another card write, Give us this day our daily bread with the statement Pray for things we need. On the next card write, Forgive us our debts (our sins), as we forgive our debtors (those who sin against us) followed by, Things we are sorry for. On the next card write, Do not lead us into temptation (or sore trial), but deliver us from the evil one followed by, Ask God for protection. On the last card write, For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever followed by Praise and thank God again. The entire family should kneel down together and each one will draw one of the cards. The statement on the card is what each one will pray about that evening and what the children will be asked to pray about during the week. For example, those who draw the cards that say Praise and thank God will think about things to praise God for and about things for which they are thankful to have or to understand and will pray out loud about those things. Dad should begin the session by praying out loud about what is on his card. Mom follows and then each child according to whatever order is established. Dad

and Moms prayer may last a few minutes, and each childs prayer will probably be shorter. The prayers of very young children will be simple and probably very brief. As children get older, their prayers will reflect more mature thinking and will lengthen in time. If a child has difficulty in thinking of something to pray about, Dad or Mom may want to suggest a few items and at times may need to coach little ones throughout their brief prayers. Dad can then bring the entire session to a close with another brief prayer asking Gods blessing on the family and His protection through the night, ending with Amen (making sure children understand that this expresses sincerity and trust in God and not Goodbye, as God never leaves us). Parents can begin using this technique with very young children and will find that they are usually willing participants. They do not seem to have the sense of awkwardness about praying out loud with others present that teens or adults often have. Depending on the nature of the relationships within a family, teens and even young adults living at home may be willing to continue to participate in this family tradition if begun when the children are young. Drawing the cards is no longer necessary after a certain age, and each family member can simply pray about what is on his mind. This method can teach children how to pray about all of the elements in Christs instructions since, over time, they will hear their parents praying about each one. The time spent together praying out loud also has a powerful bonding effect that can draw family members close to one another as the family draws close to God. As the adage goes, The family that prays together stays together.

It is no small miracle that the international Jewish community has survived 1,880 years without the protection of a homeland or statehood. The history of Jewish persecutions and suffering under Christian and Moslem rule (which for centuries has covered most of the earth) has been thoroughly documented and need not be repeated here. Yet, take a moment, pause and contemplate, do you realize that the Jewish people of today are the descendants of the same Jewish people of two thousand (and more) years ago. Does this not boggle the mind?? Let me explain further. Two thousand years ago there were Jews just like there are today. Two thousand years ago there were Romans, Babylonians and Medians. Today the Jews are still here, but when did you last meet a Roman, Babylonian or Median? Maybe you have met their descendants who have changed their nationalities, cultures and religions, but these people are not practicing Romans, Babylonians or Medians! No, Babylon, Rome and Media are dead. Their cultures which once ruled the earth are gone. Nothing remains of them except notations in history books and ruins at archeological digs. Yet, one of their contemporaries has survived intact, with the same culture, law, land, language, religion and traditions. This is the Jewish people. Many have asked the Jew what is the secret of our survival. Arrogantly the secular Jew attempts to explain the enigma of Jewish survival with all kinds of explanations revolving around sociological, political and economic patterns. These explanations are shallow. The answer to Jewish survival, as the story of Purim makes clear, is none other than the invisible Hand of All-Mighty G-d. If it were not for the intervening Hand of HaShem, though concealed through acts of nature, the Jewish people today would be nothing more than a notation in the history books, alongside the Romans, Babylonians and Medes. How did we survive? What did HaShem teach us to do in order to assure our survival?

This answer entails both physical and spiritual actions on the part of Israel. The source of all Divine communication between HaShem and Israel is through our holy ancestors and Sages and the experiences in their lives and the books of Torah that they have brought to us. It is through these most sacred of all texts, the ones authored by no human mind, that has revealed to us the future, and how we are to live in it.
The Kabbalistic Secrets of Power Prayer

Copyright 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

In Genesis 32, the Torah relates to us the story of Yaaqob coming to meet his brother Esav after over 20 years of separation. Esav has sworn to kill his brother Yaaqob and is preparing to meet him with 400 men. Needless to say, Yaaqob is quite concerned that he and his entire family are soon to be wiped out at the hands of his brother Esav. Our Sages teach us (B.R. 78:15) that the story of Yaaqobs preparations to meet Esav is our guide how the Jew in exile (the descendents of Yaaqob) are to deal with the hostile gentile (the descendents of Esav). For two thousand years our Sages were guided by the Divine wisdom our Torah teaching us how to interact with the children of Esav, thus assuring our survival both spiritually and physically. The RaMBaN (Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman) in his commentary on the Torah (VaYishlah) writes regarding this episode of Yaaqob our father meeting with Esav. He writes: This portion was written to inform us how the Holy One, blessed be He rescues His servant and redeems him from the hand of the one who is stronger than him. He sent his angel who rescued him. We are also taught that he (Yaaqob) did not rely upon his own righteousness, but rather tried to save himself all that was possible. Herein there are even more hints for future generations for all that befell our father (Yaaqob) with Esav his brother is sure to be forever repeated with Esavs descendants. It is thus appropriate for us to follow in the path of the righteous (Yaaqob) and prepare ourselves for three things that he (Yaaqob) prepared himself for. [These are] prayer, financial appeasement and deliverance by means of war. The first weapon that Yaaqob our father used in his physical wars against his enemies was the psychic weapon of prayer. Now, do not underestimate the power of prayer!! Prayer is not a simple wish list that you ask G-d to magically grant you. Prayer is not just the recitations of your desire and the wishes of your heart. Prayer is a psychic tool that has the ability to inter-dimensionally penetrate many different realms. Prayer, when offered and received correctly has the ability to manipulate the minds of men, the course of their actions and the outcome of all human affairs. So what is prayer and how is it to be used? This is a question best answered by the experts. Rabbi Haim Vital, the Master Kabbalist and successor to the Arizal documents throughout all his works the power that prayer has to manipulate the course of human events. The following section from Sefer Olat HaTamid (4B) neatly summarizes the Kabbalistic understanding of the power of prayer. Know that there is not anything in all creation that is not an aspect of the seven kings that died in the land of Edom (referred to in Gen. 36). All the worlds, all of them are aspects of these kings. If these kings did not die and thereby become nullified, making them the source of the klipot (shells), they could have been cleansed and rectified by themselves. However, they did die, they were nullified and did become the source of the klipot (shells). Thus all holiness left in them must be rectified, cleansed, purified and
The Kabbalistic Secrets of Power Prayer

Copyright 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

bleached white, so only the refuse, which are the real klipot (shells) remain below. When this cleansing and purifying process is completed, there will not remain even a spark of holiness left below; for all the sparks of holiness shall have risen. Then the refuse, the real klipot (shells) shall be left by itself below, without any life whatsoever. Thus shall be fulfilled the verse saying He (G-d) will destroy death forever (Is.25:8). This shall only be after the coming of the Mashiah (the Messiah). Now, it is impossible to cleanse all the sparks of holiness from the klipot (shells) unless the action of cleansing be performed by an individual. By the prayers and proper actions of mankind below is the cleansing performed by the ten supernal sefirot of Atzilut (G-d). Those who are below are always in need of help from above to complete what they have to do. The powers above also need the help of those below; as it is written in the verse Ascribe (lit.-give) strength to G-d (Ps.68:35). . . It is the power of prayer that is the one specific thing, the principle and essence of what we are discussing here. Nothing works greater to cleanse the fallen vessels than prayer. Therefore have the Sages taught, Prayer is one of the greatest things in the world (Ber.6b). For by prayer mankind causes the upper (sefirotic) union to occur and thereby are the kings cleansed and raised above. There are many different types of prayers and praying. Real prayer, the type that transforms worlds, is not a rational mental function, but an irrational one. By irrational I mean above the rational mind or supra-rational. In the book of Samuel (Ch.1), we have recorded the incident and the prayer of Hannah. She had been barren for many years and was understandably very bitter. Hannah went to Shiloh where the Ark of the Covenant was to pray to HaShem. She prayed with bitterness of soul and wept bitterly to have a son. Her prayer was only a mumbling, her lips moved, but her voice was not heard (1:13). Eli the High Priest, had witnessed her pray. He recognized that she was not praying in the normal way. He admonished her, thinking she was drunk and thus out of her rational mind. Eli was half right. Hannah was out of her rational mind, but she was not irrational rather she was supra-rational. It was this level and style of prayer that after years of praying was finally heard. We must ask what was so special about this prayer of Hannah? Why was this prayer answered and all the other prayers that she had prayed for so many years not answered? The answer to this question reveals to us the true power of prayer. Our Sages have taught us that prayer is a duty of the heart. Whenever the Torah speaks of the heart it is speaking of that level of human consciousness wherein which the mind and emotion merge into one. This aspect of consciousness is not a rational mode of thinking but a supra-rational one. As a supra-rational function, this mode of thinking corresponds to the right lobe of the brain, the home of the non-verbal communicative
The Kabbalistic Secrets of Power Prayer

Copyright 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

skills. Hannahs prayer was non-verbal. It was felt, but not heard. Her spiritual communication, her, prayer to G-d was successful because of her this. The Torah is teaching us that in order for prayer to be heard above, it must be spoken in the language that above understands and responds to. This language is non-verbal, and comes from that place within the human mind where thought and emotion merge as

one. When Yaaqob met Esav, he too was, shall we say, emotionally charged. Yaaqob knew everything that he had worked for was in jeopardy. His prayer to G-d reflected this level of consciousness wherein which his thoughts and emotions were one. In the Book of Esther, which tells the Purim story, we find Mordechai and Esther to be of a similar mind set. They fasted and prayed for days and, as with Yaaqob and Hannah before them, they were not answered with fanfare and miracles from Heaven. They were answered with the force of opposition being removed. In Yaaqobs case, his opposition was Esavs resolve to kill him. Somehow Esavs heart had been changed. In Hannahs case, her opposition was her barrenness. Somehow her physical nature was changed. In Mordechai and Esthers case, their opposition was Haman and Ahashveroshs decree. Ahashverosh changed his mind, and Haman was hanged on a tree. All this was only accomplished due to the communication from that place where thought and emotion merge. This is what Torah refers to as prayer. Prayer can have dramatic effects. It can change the course of human affairs. Prayer can manipulate the consciousness of others. Mere wishing is not enough. One must be united in heart and mind, and project out a psychic scream that will be heard throughout all the levels and planes of spiritual existence. When one communes in this fashion, one creates an image in ones mind. The desire within the individual strongly charges that image and actually creates it in the upper spheres. The more a person contemplates his created image the more reality is added to it, until such time when the reality of the created image outweighs the reality of outside forces that block its manifestation. When this occurs the created image is able to manifest itself in the real world, neutralizing all competing realities. Without the power of a created image, the power within prayer is nullified. Prayer becomes sterile, and is thus not heard. Prayer therefore has to be meant. One must have intention (kavana) when one prays. Mere recitation of words does nothing. The sounds of those words just hover in the air, but never do they rise up. They cannot, for they do not have the strength. When our Sages advised us that the first method of self-defense Israel should apply against the descendants of Esav is prayer, they intended that the individual Jew achieve the power of manipulating the time, space and consciousness of our enemy. It served our father Yaaqob very well, so should it serve his children.
The Kabbalistic Secrets of Power Prayer

Copyright 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

The Jewish people have survived thousands of years of suffering under the hand of the children of Esav in the same way that our father Yaaqob was saved from him. No matter what evil decrees we were subject to, somehow, some way the G-d of Yaaqob was there for His people. Our Sages were quite wise in ordaining for us the standard prayer, the Amidah. Aside from the Kabbalistic level of the Amidah, which is a step by step guide to building and rectifying the sefirotic Faces of Atzilut, non-Kabbalistic prayer still requires a level of intention (kavana) in order for one to have fulfilled ones obligation of prayer as outlined by our Sages. The Shulkhan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law, Orah Haim 98:1) states regarding prayer: One who prays must devote his heart to the meaning of the words that come forth from ones mouth. One must imagine that the Shekhina stands opposite him. All extraneous

thought must be removed so that ones thoughts and intent in prayer will be pure. One should imagine as if one is speaking to a king of flesh and blood before whom ones words would be prepared and conscientious, G-d forbid to make a mistake. All the more so [should one be this careful] before the King, Who is the King of kings Who examines every thought. Thus was the way of the pious and the men of renown: they would meditate and direct their attention to their prayers until they reached the level of detachment from the physical world and the dominance of the power of mind. They would almost come to the level of prophecy. If another thought comes to one during prayer, one should be silent until that thought is nullified. One must meditate upon those things that humble the heart, and direct [ones heart] to his Heavenly Father. One point that is quite clear from all Torah literature: the physical world and the spiritual worlds are integrally intertwined. As such, physical action has an effect in the spiritual realms and spiritual activity has an effect on the physical realm. The Halakha in the Shulkhan Arukh outlines to us how this is done. First, one who prays must devote his heart to the meaning of the words that come forth from ones mouth. This is obvious, but how many people truly devote their hearts to prayer when they are praying. Remember the lesson of Hannah. True devotion of the heart in prayer means that ones mind and ones emotions are harmoniously joined. All extraneous thought must be removed. This is the definition of focus of the mind. How many people truly achieve this? Thus was the way of the pious and the men of renown: they would meditate and direct their attention to their prayers until they reached the level of detachment from the physical world and the dominance of the power of mind. They would almost come to the level of prophecy. These pious ones spoken of here are the Talmudic Sages. Yet, this ability of concentration has never ceased among the Jewish people. Kabbalists to this day achieve this level regularly. As they transcend the physical world, they commune with spiritual reality and thus manipulate supernal lights in that manner known to them.
The Kabbalistic Secrets of Power Prayer

Copyright 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

They thus cause changes in time, space and human consciousness. It is they who Ascribe (lit.-give) strength to G-d (Ps.68:35). Todays Kabbalists, aware of the multitude of sins that secularism has brought upon the Jewish people, fight an uphill battle against the forces of evil that in every generation attempt to wipe out the Jewish people. The weapon at their disposal is the power of correct prayer. Their job is to enter into the spiritual realms and to create the necessary thought and emotional patterns that will reverberate in the collective unconscious of the Jewish psyche rectifying it of mistaken thoughts, feelings and actions. This function of the Kabbalist is the sifting of the fallen kings of Edom. Jewish history in the Edomite exile has been rather difficult. But it could have been worse. The present situation in the Land of Israel with enemies both Jewish and gentile surrounding the righteous on every side create a very bleak picture and prognosis for the future of Judaism and Israel. But not to worry! The power that the Kabbalist has is invincible. The Kabbalist has learned well the lessons of Yaaqob our father, of Hannah and of Mordechai. Like them, the Kabbalist of today endeavors to make himself any empty vessel, a vessel that, like a vacuum, is empty and yet draws into itself, while never becoming full. This power of prayer, however, is not exclusive to the Kabbalist. Anyone who achieves

the proper level of consciousness can achieve the same results from prayer, as does the Kabbalist. And just who can achieve this right state of mind? The one who like Yaaqob our father and like Hannah, Mordechai and Esther is so overwhelmed by the present circumstances of his physical surroundings that he has no choice but to create another.
Creating alternate realities is not a rational act that can be explained acceptably to the logical mind. One must go beyond the limits of the conscious mind and allow feeling, need and desire to intermingle and bond with thought. This turns ones prayers into a supra-rational form of spiritual communication. In other words, one is speaking G-ds language. Performing this type of prayer is not only good advice; it is the Halakha. More than anything else it is this type of prayer prayed by the everyday man and woman that shakes the supernal realms and changes the course of human events. This is how miracles occur. They are first created above with correct thought and feeling. The image is carved above in the collective unconscious. When the image becomes clear enough due to the desperation of the person, that person then becomes a vacuum, empty of anything else. One thus enables that newly created image to come and fill the newly vacated space. The creation of the new reality has become manifest. Dont think that this is magic or make believe. This happens to everyone of us. Prayer is the manipulation of the mind and the psychic factors with which the mind comes into contact. Our Sages have correctly said, Prayer is one of the greatest things in the world (Ber.6b). For by prayer mankind causes the upper (sefirotic) union to occur and thereby are the kings cleansed and raised above. It is the sincere prayer from the honest and pure heart that creates the most miraculous reality. This is the secret of Jewish survival: Jewish tears and Jewish prayers. None of our enemies will ever be able to stand against it.

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