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Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 57


EnvironmentaI hazards in the EI-Temsah Lake,
Suez CanaI district, Egypt

Kaiser, M. I.
Gcc|cgq Dcpar|mcn|, |acu||q cf Scicncc, Sucz Cana| Unitcrsi|q
Anin, A. S.
8c|anq Dcpar|mcn|, |acu||q cf Scicncc, Sucz Cana| Unitcrsi|q
AlouIeIa, H. A.
Marinc Scicncc Dcpar|mcn|, |acu||q cf Scicncc, Sucz Cana| Unitcrsi|q

1. Abstract

ChenicaI and lioIogicaI anaIyses vere inlegraled using renole sensing CIS lechniques lo
evaIuale lhe environnenlaI poIIulion of LI-Tensah Lake, in lhe Suez CanaI, in order lo
provide crilicaI dala lo enhance deveIopnenl pIanning and econonic projecls vilhin lhe
sludy area. Iifly-six sanpIes vere coIIecled fron seven siles in lhe Iake fron }uIy 2OO5 lo
May 2OO6. SanpIes vere coIIecled in each of four seasons, and incIuded 28 surface sedinenl
sanpIes and 28 valer sanpIes. Sedinenl sanpIes vere anaIyzed for Ie, Il, Ni, Co, Cu, Mg,
K and Na. The resuIls shoved an increase in leach sedinenl poIIulion fron sunner lo
vinler. Taxononic anaIysis of phylopIanklon sanpIes reveaIed 1O2 laxa, incIuding 56
aciIIariophyceae, 8 ChIorophyceae, 18 Dinophyceae and 2O Cyanophyceae. ChIorophyII a
concenlralions ranged fron O.3 lo 26 g I
, vilh lhe highesl vaIues during lhe vinler and
Iovesl vaIues during lhe sunner. These resuIls suggesl lhal leach sedinenl poIIulion is
highesl in lhe vinler and, al lhe sane line, lhe valer quaIily condilions in LI-Tensah Iake
favor oxidalion condilions vhich naxinize phylopIanklon produclivily. In conlrasl,
sedinenl poIIulion and phylopIanklon produclivily are Iovesl during sunner, vhich aIso
corresponds lo nore aIkaIine valer condilions. The inages vere reclified and anaIyzed ly
LRDAS IMACINL 8.9. A 1968 lopographic nap and enhanced 2OO5 Landsal Thenalic
Mapper inages (3O n resoIulion) vere uliIized lo delernine lhe coaslIine posilions using
LRDAS Inagine 8.9. Inage processing lechniques vere appIied using LNVI 4.2 lo anaIyze
lhe LTM+ inage dala. Inage enhancenenl vas appIied. Inage dala vas enhanced
speclraIIy lo verify surface valer poIIulion delecled fron chenicaI and lioIogicaI anaIyses
and lo delecl lhe sources of unlrealed doneslic, induslriaI and agricuIluraI vasle valer. In
generaI, lhe Iake has leen suljecled lo successive shrinking due lo hunan aclivilies,
prinariIy lhrough exlensive luiIding aIong lhe shoreIine. The unconlroIIed grovlh of cilies
is associaled vilh seisnic hazards, affecling on luiIdings and infraslruclures, noslIy due lo
Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58

insufficienl knovIedge of earlhquakes aclivily. Seisnic epicenlres vere recorded aIong lhe
Suez CanaI fron 19O4 lo 2OO6. Widespread noderale lo nicro earlhquakes vere idenlified
around lhe veslern side of lhe Iake, vilh scallered evenls aIong lhe easlern side. In generaI,
valer poIIulion in LI-Tensah Lake has leen niligaled over lhe Iasl decade due lo successive
dredging and inproved valer lrealnenl. Mosl of unlrealed valer vas discharged aIong lhe
veslern side of lhe Iake. The easlern parl of lhe Iake is Iess poIIuled and is, lherefore, nore
suiled for fishing, lourisn, urlan pIanning and navigalion aclivilies, aIlhough higher use of
easlern porlion of lhe Iake couId acceIerale valer and sedinenl quaIily delerioralion in lhal

2. Introduction

LI-Tensah Lake forned in a depression silualed in a fauIl lrough (HoInes, 1965 and LI
ShazIey el aI., 1974) covered vilh NiIe DeIla sedinenls. The lrough originaled leclonicaIIy as
parl of lhe "CIysnic CuIf" lhal represenled lhe firsl slage of separalion aIong lhe Red Sea-
Suez Rifl during lhe Lale OIigocene-LarIy Miocene period (LI-Iliary, 1981). The Iake covers
aloul 15 kn
lelveen 3O
32` and 3O
36` norlh Ialilude and 32
16` and 32
21` easl
Iongilude, and is Iocaled near lhe niddIe of lhe Suez CanaI, al a poinl 8O kn soulh of Iorl
Said. The deplh of lhe Iake ranges lelveen 6 and 13 n. IoIIoving lhe conslruclion of High
Dan (conpIeled in 197O), Iake valer quaIily changed fron saIine lo fresh valer due, lo a
Iarge degree, lo lhe precipilalion of gypsun and nud Ianina. The Iake is lhe lacklone of a
lourisn induslry lhal allracls a Iarge nunler of hoIiday visilors. In addilion lo lhe visilors,
lhe lourisn and fishing induslries enpIoy IocaI cilizens and provide a significanl porlion of
lhe dislricl revenues. UnforlunaleIy, lhe increasing nunler of lenporary and pernanenl
residenls has aIso crealed higher voIunes of vasle, incIuding rav Iiquid and soIid
nunicipaI sevage, agricuIluraI runoff and induslriaI vaslevaler, aII of vhich end up in LI-
Tensah Lake. The Iake is aIso a sink for aIiphalic and aronalic hydrocarlons originaling
fron shipping aclivilies incIuding accidenlaI and incidenlaI oiI poIIulion, laIIasl valer
reIease and generaI vesseI and faciIily nainlenance. In addilion lo hydrocarlons, severaI
olher polenliaI chenicaI conlaninanls originale fron various poIIulanl sources. The
concenlralions of Il, Zn, Cu and Cd nelaIs have leen shovn, for exanpIe, lo le
significanlIy higher in lhis area (Ald LI Shafy and Ald LI Salour, 1995). LIevaled nilrale
and nilrile IeveIs are due lo lhe discharge of sevage, ferliIizers and peslicides.
Through 1996, valer quaIily aIong lhe norlhern and veslern loundaries of lhe Iake has
experienced sulslanliaI delerioralion due lo lhe rapid deveIopnenl of lourisn projecls and
conlinuous vasle discharge al IsnaiIia Cily (LTIS, 1995). In order lo rejuvenale lhe Iake,
inprove valer quaIily and heIp re-eslalIish lhe fishing and lourisn induslries, IocaI
aulhorilies have enlarked on a nalionaI progran, using dredging lo renove significanl
porlions of conlaninaled Iake sedinenl. Moreover, lhe re-evaIualed assessnenl and
niligalion of seisncily risk around any area, especiaIIy Iake area is inporlanl due lo lhe fasl
groving and deveIoping of greal and inporlanl conslruclions. The earIiesl allenpls lo
reviev lhe seisnicily and leclonic aclivily of lhe overaII Suez CanaI region vere given ly
AlouIeIa, 1994. The nain oljeclive of lhe research descriled here vas lo assess lhe
environnenlaI slalus of LI-Tensah Lake, focusing on heavy nelaI anaIysis of leach
sedinenls and lhe dislrilulion of phylopIanklon. Iurlhernore, lry lo nake nain zoon on
lhe seisnicily pallern around concerned area.
Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 59

The diversily and densily of lioIogicaI connunilies are inpacled ly lhe physicochenicaI
characlerislics of lhe ecosyslen, incIuding lenperalure, pH and dissoIved oxygen (DO). In
addilion, any singIe species is inevilalIy inpacled ly lhe olher species presenl vilhin lhe
syslen (Moss, 1998). IhylopIanklon species, for exanpIe, are slrongIy infIuenced ly valer
quaIily, acl as lhe prinary source of aulochlhonous organic naleriaI in nany Iakes and are
lhe nain food for nany fiIler-feeding, prinary consuners (oney, 1989). Moniloring
phylopIanklon popuIalions, lherefore, is oflen used as a neans of evaIualing lhe heaIlh of
fresh, lrackish and saIlvaler ecosyslens. IhylopIanklon diversily generaIIy shovs
sulslanliaI lenporaI varialion. In lhe Suez CanaI, 126 dialon species vere recorded in lhe
vinler and sunner fron 1969-1971 (Dorghan, 1974), 1O2 species vere idenlified in 1983
(Dorghan, 1985), 94 species vere olserved in 1991 (LI-Sherief and Ilrahin, 1993). ecause
of lhe exisling hisloricaI dala on phylopIanklon popuIalions in lhe Suez CanaI, lhe
inporlance of phylopIanklon lo overaII connunily slruclure and lhe sensilivily of
phylopIanklon lo environnenlaI perlurlalions, lhey vere used as lhe lioIogicaI nonilor in
lhis sludy. Larlhquakes epicenlres dislrilulion occurred overaII lhe sludy area and ils
surrounding vere using ly recenlIy infornalion recorded dala. CeographicaI infornalion
syslen (CIS) lechniques vere used lo inlegrale chenicaI, lioIogicaI and seisnicily dala in
order lo evaIuale currenl condilions and nake reconnendalions for suslainalIe coaslaI
zone nanagenenl.

3. MethodoIogy

3.1 FieId sampIing Iocations
Six sludy siles in LI-Tensah Iake vere seIecled lo assess environnenlaI poIIulion (Iig. 1).
SanpIes vere coIIecled during four seasons lelveen }une 2OO5 and ApriI 2OO6 fron lhe
foIIoving Iocalions: LI-Taveen, LI- Iayrooz, lhe ridge, LI-Osra, LI-Iorsan, each cIuls.
Sedinenl appearance and conposilion vas dark-gray lo lIackish, sofl, siIly sand al lhe
veslern siles (LI-Taveen, LI- Iayrooz , lhe ridge, LI-Osra and LI-Iorsan), lul a Iighler-
coIored sand al lhe easlern LI-Tensah siles. During lhe fieId visils, il vas noliced lhal lhe LI-
Taveen area vas suljecl lo sulslanliaI dunping or Ieakage of induslriaI vasles fron ships
passing lhrough lhe Iake, as veII as disposaI of doneslic vaslevaler fron lusinesses,
parlicuIarIy cIuls, aIong lhe shore. The LI-Iayrooz and ridge siles are Iocaled near lhe
junclion of a veslern Iagoon and LI- Tensah Iake, and receive Iarge quanlilies of doneslic,
agricuIluraI and induslriaI vaslevaler. The LI-Osra and LI-Iorsan siles, in lhe norlhern parl
of lhe Iake, receive doneslic vaslevaler. In conlrasl, lhe easlern parl of lhe Iake (each cIul-
1 and each cIul-2) is characlerized ly nuch Iover poIIulion exposure. Iron each of lhe
seven sanpIing Iocalions, sedinenl, valer and phylopIanklon sanpIes vere coIIecled fron
lhe Iake. Sedinenl vas coIIecled al pIaslic lags and vas kepl for a veek in a fridge lefore
anaIyses. Sulsurface valer sanpIes vere laken al aII siles for phylopIanklon idenlificalion
and counling. Waler sanpIes for physico-chenicaI sludies vere coIIecled in poIyelhyIene
lollIes of one Iiler capacily, and Ialoralory anaIysis slarled vilhin fev hours fron lhe line
of coIIeclion.

Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60

3.2 EnvironmentaI anaIyses

3.2.1 Water and sediment anaIyses
In lhe fieId, dissoIved oxygen (DO), pH and lenperalure vere delernined. Waler sanpIes
vere anaIyzed for saIinily, conduclivily, nilrale and phosphorus, according lo Slandard
Melhods (AIHA 1992). Ior anaIysis of lrace nelaI concenlralions, lhe 28 sedinenl sanpIes
vere dried al 6O
C for one day, veighed, and lhen digesled vilh hol concenlraled acid
under refIux condilions. MelaI concenlralions in aII sanpIes vere delernined ly foIIoving
lhe nelhods descriled ly More and Chapnan (1986).

3.2.2 BioIogicaI investigations
IhylopIanklon sanpIes vere preserved in 5OO nI gIass lollIes vilh IugoI's soIulion
(UlernhI's, 1958). The slanding crop vas caIcuIaled as lhe nunler of ceIIs per Iiler.
QuaIilalive anaIysis vas carried oul using lhe preserved as veII as fresh sanpIes. These
vere exanined nicroscopicaIIy for lhe idenlificalion of lhe presenl genera and species. The
aIgaI laxa vere idenlified according lo lhe foIIoving references: Van-Heurck (1986), Irescoll
(1978), Hunn and Wicks (198O) and Tonas (1997). Species richness (aIpha diversily) vas
caIcuIaled for each phylopIanklon aIgaI group as lhe average nunler of species per season.
ReIalive concenlralion and reIalive evenness vere expressed according lo lhe equalions of
Whillaker (1972), IieIou (1975) and Magurran (1988).
3.2.3 Seisnicily pallern invesligalion
Seisnicily aclivily occurred around lhe LI-Tensah Iake and ils surrounding vas assessed in
lhis sludy using infornalion on reveaIed recorded earlhquakes. Seisnicily dala fron 19O4 lo
2OO6 vere suppIied fron lhe NalionaI Larlhquake Infornalion Cenler (NLIC), InlernalionaI
SeisnoIogicaI Cenlre (ISC) and lhe Lgyplian NalionaI Seisnic Nelvork (LNSN).

3.3 Remote Sensing and GIS anaIyses
SaleIIile renole sensing is a polenliaIIy poverfuI looI for delecling shoreIine change.
Lnhanced Landsal Thenalic Mapper inages LTM-7 (3O n resoIulion) for 2OO4 (Iigure 2)
vere geonelricaIIy correcled and digilized lo exlracl veclors represenling shoreIine
posilions in 2OO4. LRDAS IMACINL 8.9 (Leica Ceosyslens, Norcross, CA, USA) vas
uliIized for digilizing and ediling dala inpul. The oulIine of LI-Tensah Iake in 2OO4 vas
conpared lo lhe lopographic nap in 1968. Arc CIS 9.2 (LSRI, RedIands, CA, USA) pIalforns
vere used lo organize, anaIyze and nanipuIale avaiIalIe dala and generale nev dala for
heavy nelaI, seisnic and lioIogicaI anaIyses.
Inage segnenlalion lechniques vere used lo produce veclor naps for lhe LI Tensah
coaslIine lo delecl lhe shoreIine posilion and idenlify changes lelveen 1968 and 2OO4. In lhis
sludy, inage regislralion vas carried oul using LRDAS IMACINL 8.9. A second-order
poIynoniaI vas used lo provide an adequale lransfornalion for regislering a fuII Thenalic
Mapper scene lo geographicaI coordinales.
Thenalic Mapper land 7 (shorl-vave infrared) vas used lo produce a veclor nap of lhe
shoreIine. Inage segnenlalion vas used lo deIineale lhe Iand/sea loundary aIong lhe
coaslIine. A segnenlalion approach vas aIso necessary in order lo conpare lhe resuIls vilh
previous shoreIine naps produced.

Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 61

4. ResuIts and Discussion

4.1 MetaI anaIyses
Dala coIIecled during lhis sludy indicale lhal, in lhe sunner, concenlralions of Na, K, Ie
and Mg are eIevaled aIong lhe veslern side of lhe Iake al lhe ridge and LI-Taveen siles
(Iig. 2). Lov IeveIs vere idenlified aIong lhe norlheaslern side, al lhe LI-Iorsan and each
cIuls (TalIe 1). Concenlralions ranged fron 9.O3 lo 28.9 ppn (Na), 2.28 lo 1O.47 ppn (K),
3.85 lo 12.71 ppn (Ie) and O.42 lo 9.69 ppn (Mg). In aulunn,concenlralions of sone nelaIs,
incIuding Na, K, Mg, Ie and Co vere higher aIong lhe veslern side of lhe Iake, al lhe ridge
area. Concenlralions ranged fron 65.74 lo 127.63 ppn (Na), 5.27 lo 34.19 ppn (K), 6.O1 lo
32.71 ppn (Mg), 7.97 lo 1O2.44 ppn (Ie) and O.12 lo O.42 ppn (Co). Mg and Na IeveIs vere
higher in leach sedinenls in lhe vinler and spring lhan during eilher lhe sunner or
aulunn, ranging fron 841.5 lo 2145.12 ppn (Na) and fron 29.82 lo 676.89 ppn (Mg). LeveIs
of lolh K (1O.4 lo 27.12 ppn) and Ie (27.59 lo 133.25 ppn) in vinler-coIIecled sedinenl vere
higher lhan in lhe sunner. Spring sedinenl concenlralions lended lo le very siniIar lo
vinler IeveIs. The Iovesl nelaI concenlralions vere idenlified aIong lhe norlheaslern side of
lhe Iake, sanpIes coIIecled aIong lhe veslern perineler had lhe highesl IeveIs in lhe spring.
Concenlralions ranged fron 8.65 lo 18.8 ppn (K), 17.54 lo 72.98 ppn (Ie), 29.82 lo 34O.51
ppn (Mg) and O (leIov anaIylicaI deleclion) lo 1.51 ppn (Co). The concenlralions of Cu, Il
and Ni vere negIigilIe al aII sludy siles.
In sunnary, lhe concenlralions of nelaIs, incIuding connon ions such as Na and Mg, vere
nolicealIy eIevaled aIong lhe veslern corner of lhe Iake al LI-Taveen, LI Iayroos and lhe
ridge, lul decIined in lhe norlheaslern corner al LI-Iorsan and lhe easlern leach cIuls.
High concenlralions of Ie al lhe LI-Taveen and ridge areas are IikeIy due lo lhe disposaI of
rav sevage fron nearly housing, and lhe inpacl of induslriaI vasle residues in lhe Suez
CanaI. In addilion, high concenlralions of Mn are nosl IikeIy associaled vilh agricuIluraI
sevage, as veII as vaslevaler fron sulslanliaI induslriaI aclivilies associaled vilh ship
conslruclion and nainlenance.

4.2 Water quaIity
WhiIe average ocean saIinily ranges fron approxinaleIy 32 lo 35 ppl, IocaI saIinily -
parlicuIarIy near shore - can vary according lo freshvaler inpul, evaporalion and
lenperalure. Lov saIinily (31.4 ppl) vas recorded vhen lhe lenperalure vas Iov (14.5C)
in lhe vinler. SaIinily reached a naxinun vaIue (44.9 ppl) during lhe sunner vhen
lenperalure vas highesl (31C), (TalIe.2). Conduclivily varied lelveen 42 nhos cn
lhe vinler and 1O7 nhos cn
in lhe sunner. Ireshvaler discharged fron sevage
lrealnenl syslens, unlrealed sources and nonpoinl source runoff, enler lhe Iake on lhe
veslern side, causing a saIinily decIine (31.4 - 32.2 ppl), lhe highesl saIinily (44.9 - 44.8 ppl)
vas recorded on lhe easlern side. The pH vaIues recorded in lhe Iake lended lo le
sonevhal aIkaIine (7.9 - 8.9) in lhe sunner. DissoIved oxygen in lhe surface valer
fIuclualed lelveen 5.6 ng I
al LI-Osra in lhe sunner, lo 1O.2 ng I
al LI Iayroos in lhe
vinler. Nilrale (NO
-N) concenlralions ranged fron15.6 g I
al LI-Taveen lo 13O.4 g I
LI-Osra. SiO
- Si vaIues fIuclualed lelveen 2.7 ng.I
al LI Iorsan sile and 6.8 ng.I
al lhe
leach cIuls. Ils highesl vaIues occurred in spring and lhe Iovesl vaIues in aulunn. The
inporlance of siIicale Iies in ils significance for lhe conslruclion of lhe ceII vaII of dialons.
This eIenenl is nol a Iiniling faclor for dialons in lhe Iake. WiIIen (1991) reporled
Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62

dissoIved siIica conlenl lelveen O.O3 ng.I
and O.2O ng.I
as Iiniling IeveI for dialon
grovlh. High IeveI of IO
-I is allriluled lo eulrophicalion caused ly vasle and inpul of
drain lerninaling in lhe Iake aIong lhe veslern side. Il reached ils naxinun vaIue 29.6 g.I

al LI Iayroos sile in vinler and ils nininun vaIue of 6.9 g.I
al lhe leach cIuls during
spring. The N:I ralio is an inporlanl valer quaIily indicalor vhich can significanlIy affecl
phylopIanklon laxononic slruclure in a Iake. In LI-Tensah Iake il vas quile varialIe,
ranging fron 1.O7 al LI Taveen lo 9.45 lhe leach cIuls (TalIe 2). A Iov ralio of N:I
conlrilules lo eulrophicalion and excessive lIue-green aIgae vhich is oflen caused ly
vaslevaler, parlicuIarIy doneslic, inpul (KnuulliIa el aI., 1994). In sunnary, lhe veslern
and norlhern parls of LI-Tensah Iake suljecled higher IeveIs of valer poIIulion fron
various doneslic, induslriaI and agricuIluraI sources, vhich resuIl in Iess favoralIe valer
and sedinenl quaIily condilions lhan are found in lhe easlern porlions of lhe Iake.

4.3 PhytopIankton anaIyses
IhylopIanklon aIgaI connunily and hydrographic paranelers vere invesligaled al lhe
sane siles and during lhe sane seasons. A lolaI of One-hundred and lvo laxa have leen
idenlified. Mosl of lhen leIong lo ChIorophyceae (8), aciIIariophyceae (56), Dinophyceae
(18), Cyanophyceae (2O) vere recorded. The resuIl suggesled lhe presence of phylopIanklon
conlinuun in lhe area vilh dispersion of sone species in cerlain nicrohalilal condilions.
The naxinun occurrence of lhe lolaI phylopIanklon densily (1788 & 1718 ceIIs.I
) vas
recorded in vinler al lhe LI-Taveen and LI Iayrooz siles. The produclivily vas high for
aciIIariophyla(6O.2 & 59.5 ) and Cyanophyceae (19.3 & 19.7 ) vhich nay le allriluled
lo concenlralions of NH
- N, IO
- I and NO
- N, NO
-N and reIaliveIy higher vaIues of
saIinily (33.8-32.2 ppl). Where lhe species richness (AIpha Diversily) vas ranged lelveen
6.586 during sunner and 14.287 in vinler vhiIe reIalive evenness (H') vas fIuclualed
lelveen 1.684 in sunner and 1.9O2 in vinler vhiIe ( C ) vaIue vas neasured as O.O15 in
vinler and O.O33 in sunner. ChIorophyII- a varied fron O.3 g.I
al lhe LI-Taveen lo 26
al lhe LI-Iayrooz siles. Il exhililed high vaIues during vinler, vhiIe lhe Iovesl one
during sunner The N:I ralio in lhe LI Tensah Lake ranged lelveen 1.O7 and 9.45. The
Iovesl vaIue occurred due lo eulrophicalion caused ly vaslevaler and doneslic inpul inlo
lhe Iake. Alundance of phylopIanklon species nay le allriluled lo High IO
Iover valer
lenperalure, NH
-N and NO
-N vere reIaliveIy high
IhylopIanklon lionass in lhe LI-Tensah valer sanpIes vas higher during lhe vinler, lhe
Iovesl vaIues vere olserved during lhe sunner. A lolaI of 1O2 laxa vere recorded,
incIuding ChIorophyceae (8), aciIIariophyceae (56), Dinophyceae (18) and Cyanophyceae
(2O). Species richness (AIpha Diversily) varied fron 4 lo 7 during lhe sunner and 19 lo
2O in lhe vinler (Iig. 2). Maxinun phylopIanklon densily (1788 ceIIs I
) vas recorded in
lhe vinler in lhe veslern side of lhe Iake.

5. Risk Assessment using GIS
Inage dala exlracled lhrough renole sensing lechniques vere inlegraled vilh dala coIIecled
fron lopographic and norphoIogic naps in order lo nonilor urlanizalion aIong lhe LI-
Tensah Iake perineler fron 1968 lo 2OO4. ShoreIine changes vere nonilored using veclor
dala, anaIyzed ly inage segnenlalion and groving lechniques. Veclor dala indicaled
shrinking al lhe loundary of LI-Tensah Lake due lo hunan aclivilies, incIuding
Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 63

conslruclion of roads, luiIdings and recrealion cenlers (Iig. 3). ReguIalions nandale lhal
deveIopnenl and urlan projecls conslrucled aIong lhe coaslaI zone of LI-Tensah incIude
assessnenl sludies lo enhance lhe econonic vialiIily of lhe projecls and lo prolecl lhe
environnenl. The quanlilalive assessnenl of heavy nelaIs in leach sedinenls is considered
an inporlanl looI lo lrace anlhropogenic poIIulion lhal affecls valer quaIily (Cuerrin el aI.,
199O). A lhick Iayer of sIudge has accunuIaled in lhe near-shore Iake sedinenls due lo lhe
disposaI of nuIli-source vasles. HisloricaI chenicaI and lioIogicaI dala cIearIy indicale lhal
LI-Tensah Iake is suffering fron significanl hunan-reIaled pressures, resuIling in
sulslanliaI valer and sedinenl conlaninalion fron heavy nelaIs, pelroIeun hydrocarlons,
peslicides and generaI vaslevaler conlaninanls, lhus naking il a prinary candidale for
periodic dredging. Seisnicily dala vas pIolled on a nap overaII sludy area and ils
surrounding represenling lhe nagnilude varialions (Iig. 4 A). Recenl Lpicenlres
dislrilulion pallern shov videspread nicro lo noderale earlhquakes (3 < Ml > 5.4) aIong
lhe veslern side, vilh scallered evenls on lhe easlern side, aII of vhich couId affecl lhe
various sellIenenl projecls. Hazards assessnenl naps indicale a posilive reIalionship
lelveen lhe spaliaI dislrilulion of heavy nelaIs in leach sedinenls and lioIogicaI
assessnenl paranelers, suggesling lhe heaIlh of phylopIanklon popuIalions (and olher
organisns lhrough food-vel Iinkages) is inlinaleIy connecled lo lhe degree of valer
poIIulion in lhe LI-Tensah coaslaI zone.

6. ConcIusion
Heavy nelaI anaIyses vere conducled lo delernine lhe concenlralions of Ie, Il, Ni, Co, Cu,
Mg, K and Na in leach sedinenls. The resuIls shov a lenporaI increase in IeveIs fron
sunner lo vinler: 4-22 ppn lo 27-71 ppn (Ie), O.5-1O ppn lo 91-677 ppn (Mg), 2-1O ppn lo
15-27 ppn (K) and 9-29 ppn lo 165O-185O ppn (Na). The need for niligalion of higher
conlaninanl IeveIs is indicaled aIong lhe veslern lorder of lhe Iake, incIuding lhe ridge,
LI-Iayrooz and LI-Taveen, due lo lhe disposaI of irrigalion drainage valer. The LI-Iayrooz
cIul area is apparenlIy Iess poIIuled lhan lhe LI-Taveen and ridge siles, prolalIy lecause
il is furlher avay fron areas vhere agricuIluraI sevage enlers lhe Iake. ChenicaIs and
lioIogicaI anaIyses during lhe 2OO5-2OO6 sludy period indicale lhal lhe nosl appropriale
zones for aclivilies such as svinning, fishing and generaI valer-reIaled recrealion are
aIong lhe easlern and norlh easlern parls of lhe Iake during lhe sunner and spring. The LI-
Taveen cIul in lhe soulhveslern corner of lhe Iake vas aIso found lo le one of lhe Ieasl
poIIuled areas in lhe aulunn. Increased recrealionaI and induslriaI aclivilies in lhe areas
lhal currenlIy have leller valer and sedinenl quaIily, hovever, couId Iead lo acceIeraled
environnenlaI degradalion.
Concenlralions of Mg and Na vere highesl in lhe vinler and spring. These dala indicale
lhal Iake condilions in lhe vinler are conducive lo increased phylopIanklon produclivily, as
veII as higher leach sedinenl poIIulion under acidic condilion. In conlrasl, sedinenl
poIIulion and phylopIanklon produclivily are Iover during lhe sunner and lhe Iake valer
lends lo le nore aIkaIine. Alundance of ChIorophyceae, aciIIariophyceae and
Cyanophyceae increase fron lhe sunner lo lhe vinler, as do dissoIved oxygen, nilrale and
(nol surprisingIy) chIorophyII a concenlralions. Lpicenlres dislrilulion pallern shov
videspread nicro lo noderale (3 < Ml > 5.4) earlhquakes around lhe veslern sides, and
scallered evenls aIong lhe easlern side of lhe Iake as shovs in Iig.4 A and . Inlegraled CIS
Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 64

vas used lo conslrucl Iand use and hazards naps of lhe sludy area. The easlern porlion of
lhe Iake, lecause of Iover poIIulion IeveIs, is lhe nosl appropriale sile for fishing, lourisn,
urlan pIanning and navigalion. IorlunaleIy, environnenlaI poIIulion has shovn a decIine
over lhe Iasl decade due lo successive sedinenl dredging and inprovenenls in valer
purificalion syslens.
Iigure 1 (A) Localion of LI-Tensah Lake in lhe Suez CanaI. () sanpIe Iocalions vilhin LI-
Tensah Lake .

Iig 1. (C) Landsal inage for year 2OO4 of lhe Suez CanaI Dislricl.
Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 65

Iig 2. Lnhanced Landsal Thenalic Mapper inages LTM-7 for year 2OO4 of lhe LI-Tensah Lake

Iig 3. Concenlralions of nelaIs in leach sedinenls during lhe sunner and vinler
Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 66

Iig 4. IhylopIanklon species richness (AIpha Diversily) in LI-Tensah Iake during lhe
sunner and vinler
Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 67

Iig 5. Localions of aclivilies affecling lhe loundaries of LI-Tensah Iake
Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing 68

Iig 6. (A): Map shoving dislrilulion of recenlIy IocaI and regionaI recorded earlhquakes
vilh nagnilude (3.O < Ml > 4.5) of lhe sludy area and ils surroundings (): Larlhquake
hazards assessnenl nap of LI-Tensah Iake.


d ( l)

Magniludes (Ml): < 3 3.1 -4-4 , 4.5-5.4
Environmental hazards in the El-Temsah Lake, Suez Canal district, Egypt 69

TalIe 1. Heavy nelaI anaIyses resuIl of valer sanpIes coIIecled al LI-Tensah Lake during
sunner 2OO5-spring 2OO6
TalIe 2. IhysicochenicaI paranelers of valer sanpIes coIIecled al LI Tensah Lake during
sunner 2OO5-Spring 2OO6

7. References
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