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Asylum Statistics 2010-11 bi-annual publication was prepared by Systems, Program Evidence and Knowledge Section of the Department

of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) in Australia. For enquiries about the contents of this bulletin please contact: Systems, Program Evidence and Knowledge Section Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) PO Box 25 Belconnen, ACT 2616 Australia Email: This publication and a wide variety of other statistical information on departmental activities is available on the departments website at Commonwealth of Australia 2011 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

Background........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1: Protection visa statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Protection visa applications lodged ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Primary processing of applications ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Reviews by Refugee Review Tribunal ................................................................................................................................... 19 Final decisions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Section 2: Refugee status determination statistics for Irregular Maritime Arrivals .................................................................. 29 Refugee status determination requests ................................................................................................................................ 30 Primary processing .............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Independent Merit Review outcomes .................................................................................................................................. 35 Final decisions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37

Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................................. 39

This publication provides statistical information about people who applied for Protection visas within Australia (onshore protection). Australias obligation under the Refugees Convention is to provide protection to people who are in Australia and who face persecution in their home country on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. This includes not returning refugees or asylum seekers to places where their lives or liberties are in danger (non-refoulement). The onshore protection component of the Humanitarian Program enables people seeking asylum in Australia to have their claims for protection assessed in Australia. People in Australia who are found to be refugees and who satisfy health and character assessments are granted Protection visas. This publication is in two parts. The first part provides Protection visa statistics which do not include irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs) seeking asylum who have been refused or who are awaiting completion of refugee status determination. Figures are provided in aggregate and separated into non-IMA and IMA components. The second part provides refugee status determination statistics for IMAs. Statistics in this publication relate to the number of events of a given type occurring within a particular time period. These events do not necessarily relate to the same group of people. An individual may apply for a Protection visa or seek refugee status determination in one time period and receive an outcome at the primary, review or finally determined stage in another time period.

Protection visa figures relating to 200506 to 200910 are as officially revised at the end of 200910 (data extracted from departmental systems on 2 July 2010). Figures relating to 201011 are provisional (data extracted on 31 December 2010). All figures relating to refugee status determination for IMAs are provisional (data extracted on 8 April 2011).

Asylum statistics

Applications lodged
Figure 1: Number of applications1 lodged

9000 8000 7000 6000 Number 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200506 200607 200708 200909 200910 201011 (rst six months) non-IMA IMA Total

Program year2
Source: ICSE

Table 1: Number of applications1 lodged

Program Year2 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (first six months)
Source: ICSE

Principal applicants non-IMA 2648 2902 3108 3911 4576 2287 IMA 87 17 16 212 2024 672 Total 2735 2919 3124 4123 6600 2959 non-IMA 542 821 880 1163 1402 752

Dependants IMA 14 6 5 16 148 90 Total 556 827 885 1179 1550 842 non-IMA 3190 3723 3988 5074 5978 3039

Total IMA 101 23 21 228 2172 762 Total 3291 3746 4009 5302 8150 3801

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics

Figure 2: Principal applicants and dependants breakdown in non-IMA caseload

7000 6000 5000 Number 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Dependants Principal applicants






Program year2

201011 (rst six months)

Source: ICSE

Figure 3: Principal applicants and dependants breakdown in IMA caseload

2500 Dependants Principal applicants











Program year2
Source: ICSE

201011 (rst six moths)

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics

Figure 4: Number of applications1 lodged by countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2

600 non-IMA 500 400 Number 300 200 100 0

Fi ji Ira n M ala ys ia Ira q Le ba In non do ne sia Ne Zi m pal ba Sr bw e i La nk a Tu rk ey Vi Af etn gh am an is Pa B an tan pu g a Ne lade s w G h So uin ea ut h Ko re Bu a rm a ) n a RC ta In Pa a kis (P Eg yp di t





Source: ICSE

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics

Table 2: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by top 20 countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 201011 program year2
China (PRC) Pakistan India Egypt Fiji Iran Malaysia Iraq Lebanon Indonesia Nepal Zimbabwe Sri Lanka Turkey Vietnam Afghanistan Bangladesh Papua New Guinea South Korea Burma Other Total Source: ICSE

959 133 301 57 34 45 170 107 40 208 52 31 209 32 27 11 68 14 79 34 579 3190

1040 93 378 49 78 74 102 197 88 182 43 63 460 28 30 20 56 21 81 40 600 3723

1249 180 196 53 44 115 219 186 84 219 35 140 397 39 45 20 82 32 90 71 492 3988

1183 222 353 113 116 204 207 232 102 210 42 317 478 49 34 71 116 24 143 95 763 5074

1288 342 301 206 559 376 254 221 157 175 93 371 327 76 43 114 87 41 71 78 798 5978

201011 (first six months)

576 237 227 204 179 176 124 122 106 95 94 80 72 66 65 48 47 37 34 30 420 3039

Table 3: Number of applications1 lodged (IMA) by top five countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 201011 program year2
Citizenship Afghanistan Sri Lanka Stateless Iraq Iran Other Total
Source: ICSE 1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

200506 6 3 0 0 21 71 101

200607 12 2 0 4 3 2 23

200708 0 0 0 16 1 4 21

200809 184 15 5 13 5 6 228

200910 1447 325 175 141 72 12 2172

201011 (first six months) 380 162 89 72 34 25 762

Asylum statistics

Figure 5: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by sex

4000 3500 3000 2500 Number 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (rst six months) Female Male

Program year2

Source: ICSE

Table 4: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by sex

Sex 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (first six months) Number Including dependants Female Male Total Dependants Female Male Total
Source: ICSE

1082 2108 3190

1340 2383 3723

1517 2471 3988

1851 3223 5074

2285 3693 5978

1147 1892 3039

38% 62% 100%

358 184 542

518 303 821

515 365 880

668 495 1163

782 620 1402

432 320 752

57% 43% 100%

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics

Figure 6: Number of applications1 lodged (IMA) by sex

2000 Female Male 1500









Program year2
Source: ICSE

201011 (rst six months)

Table 5: Number of applications1 lodged (IMA) by sex

Sex 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (first six months) Number Including dependants Female Male Total Dependants Female Male Total
Source: ICSE

13 88 101

4 19 23

3 18 21

7 221 228

145 2027 2172

79 683 762

10% 90% 100%

7 7 14

3 3 6

2 3 5

5 11 16

82 66 148

48 42 90

53% 47% 100%

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics

Figure 7: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by age group in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2

60+ years 5160 years Age group (years) 4150 years 3140 years 1830 years 017 years 0 200 400 600 Number
Source: ICSE





Table 6: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by age group (age at lodgement)

Age group (years) 017 years 1830 years 3140 years 4150 years 5160 years 60+ years Total
Source: ICSE

200506 298 1018 1018 633 139 84 3190

200607 443 1133 1051 733 221 142 3723

200708 473 1213 1150 754 236 162 3988

200809 622 1900 1265 804 265 218 5074

200910 762 2505 1388 840 297 186 5978

201011 (first six months) 410 1332 655 400 144 98 3039

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).


Asylum statistics

Figure 8: Number of applications1 lodged (non-IMA) by age group

3000 2500 2000 Number 1500 1000 500 0

017 years 1830 years 3140 years

4150 years 5160 years 60+ years






Program year2
Source: ICSE

201011 (rst six months)

1. Number of applications refers to the number of persons (including family members) who made a valid application claiming protection within Australia. 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).

Asylum statistics


Primary processing3 of applications

Figure 9: Number of primary decisions4 (non-IMA)

3500 3000 2500 Number 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200506 200607 200708 Grants Refusals Primary grant rate

40 35
Primary grant rate (%) 571 1963 2534 22.5% 771 1342

30 25 20 15 10 5 0



201011 (rst six months)

Program year2
Source: ICSE

Table 7: Number of primary decisions4 and primary grant rates5 (non-IMA) and number of grants (IMA)
Decision non-IMA Grants Refusals Total primary non-IMA decisions Primary grant rate5 IMA Grants Total grants
Source: ICSE






201011 (first six months)

565 2829 3394 16.6%

896 2717 3613 24.8%

1295 2413 3708 34.9%

1598 2983 4581 34.9%

1710 3042 4752 36.0%

101 666

15 911

30 1325

209 1807

2148 3858

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 3. Primary processing begins at the time of lodgement of a valid application and ends with the primary decision. 4. Primary decision refers to the decision made at the end of initial processing by the department. 5. Primary grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the initial processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.


Asylum statistics

Figure 10: Number of primary grants

4500 4000 3500 3000 Number 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (rst six months) IMA Grants non-IMA Grants All grants

Program year2
Source: ICSE

Figure 11: Number of primary grants by top 20 countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2
450 400 350 300 Number 250 200 150 100 50 0
ji ss ba bw e n Eg yp t Bu rm a Tu rk ey pa l Ne ) a h op ia ge ri Rw a an Sa ud da iA ra bi a Er itr ea Ni
Asylum statistics





ne ui















in a

Zi m





Source: ICSE

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).










Table 8: Number of primary grants and primary grant rates by top 20 countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2 (non-IMA)
Citizenship 2005-06 Grants Primary grant rate 72.7% 4.2% 28.0% 55.3% 60.4% 90.2% 11.5% 70.0% 35.4% 10.5% 0.0% 18.2% 6.1% 11.7% 69.6% 6.1% 68.2% na na 75.0% .. 16.6% 2006-07 Grants Primary grant rate 43.6% 11.9% 44.7% 73.7% 56.1% 93.0% 38.1% 100.0% 65.7% 16.0% 35.0% 37.5% 21.8% 9.8% 32.0% 21.7% 50.0% na 0.0% 100.0% .. 24.8% 2007-08 Grants Primary grant rate 51.6% 16.7% 63.5% 88.0% 75.8% 96.6% 57.8% 89.5% 87.7% 38.9% 12.2% 46.9% 18.2% 7.1% 48.4% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 100.0% 94.4% .. 34.9% 2008-09 Grants Primary grant rate 75.8% 14.6% 65.7% 80.3% 83.5% 87.9% 41.8% 92.2% 76.1% 37.8% 9.6% 72.0% 35.2% 41.4% 63.4% 15.2% 60.0% 30.0% na 80.0% .. 34.9% 2009-10 Grants Primary grant rate 74.3% 19.9% 71.8% 67.9% 88.1% 91.1% 45.9% 86.2% 80.0% 51.1% 3.3% 69.6% 30.4% 24.6% 57.9% 56.7% 75.0% 0.0% 100.0% 88.9% .. 36.0% 2010-11

(first six months)

Grants Primary grant rate 59.0% 12.8% 48.7% 53.4% 49.0% 66.7% 28.2% 62.5% 54.8% 34.1% 6.2% 70.6% 26.3% 15.0% 50.0% 44.4% 50.0% 85.7% 85.7% 100.0% .. 22.5%

Zimbabwe China (PRC) Pakistan Sri Lanka Iran Iraq Egypt Afghanistan Burma Turkey Fiji Papua New Guinea Bangladesh Nepal Ethiopia Nigeria Stateless Rwanda Saudi Arabia Eritrea Other Total Source: ICSE

24 40 33 184 32 92 10 7 17 .. 0 .. .. 7 16 .. 15 na na 6 68 565

17 131 38 275 37 147 16 11 23 .. 21 6 12 .. 8 5 .. na 0 9 129 896

63 186 99 389 72 200 26 17 50 14 5 15 14 .. 15 0 .. 0 .. 17 103 1295

191 175 138 335 132 153 38 47 70 14 10 18 38 12 26 5 12 .. na .. 177 1598

225 229 183 165 200 174 62 75 60 23 14 16 21 16 11 17 15 0 .. 8 195 1710

95 76 57 55 50 30 29 25 17 14 13 12 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 39 571

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). .. Not published


Asylum statistics

Figure 12: Primary decisions4 in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2 by sex (non-IMA)
Female grants 9%

Female refusals 27% Male refusals 51%

Male grants 13%

Source: ICSE

Table 9: Number of primary decisions4 and primary grant rates5 by sex (non-IMA)
Sex and decision Primary decision Female grants Female refusals Male grants Male refusals Total Primary grant rates5 Female grant rate Male grant rate
Source: ICSE






201011 (first six months)

245 933 320 1896 3394

347 961 549 1756 3613

536 847 759 1566 3708

622 1059 976 1924 4581

699 1156 1011 1886 4752

232 680 339 1283 2534

20.8% 14.4%

26.5% 23.8%

38.8% 32.6%

37.0% 33.7%

37.7% 34.9%

25.4% 20.9%

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 4. Primary decision refers to the decision made at the end of initial processing by the department. 5. Primary grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the initial processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.

Asylum statistics


Table 10: Number of primary decisions4 by sex (IMA)

Sex and decision Primary decision Female grants Female refusals Male grants Male refusals Total
Source: ICSE






201011 (first six months)

11 1 90 8 110

2 1 13 3 19

5 0 25 0 30

7 0 202 12 221

139 0 2009 0 2148

77 3 694 4 778

Figure 13: Number of primary decisions4 in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2 by role type and sex (non-IMA)

Male principal applicants Female principal applicants Male dependants 201011 200910 200809 200708 200607 200506

Sex/Role type

Female dependants 0 500 1000 1500 Number

Source: ICSE




2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 4. Primary decision refers to the decision made at the end of initial processing by the department.


Asylum statistics

Table 11: Number of primary decisions4 by role type and sex (non-IMA)
Role type and sex Principal applicants Male Female Dependants Male Female Total
Source: ICSE

200506 2745 1994 751 649 222 427 3394

200607 2881 2044 837 732 261 471 3613

200708 2872 1963 909 836 362 474 3708

200809 3579 2487 1092 1002 413 589 4581

200910 3666 2417 1249 1086 480 606 4752

201011 (first six months) 1980 1367 613 554 255 299 2534

Figure 14: Primary grant rates5 by age group (non-IMA)

017 years 80 70 Primary grant rate (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 1830 years 3140 years

4150 years 5160 years 60+ years

Program year2
Source: ICSE

201011 (rst six months)

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 4. Primary decision refers to the decision made at the end of initial processing by the department. 5. Primary grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the initial processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.

Asylum statistics


Table 12: Number of primary grants and primary grant rates5 by age group (non-IMA)
Age group (years) Primary grants 017 years 1830 years 3140 years 4150 years 5160 years 60+ years Total Primary grants rates5 017 years 1830 years 3140 years 4150 years 5160 years 60+ years Total
Source: ICSE






201011 (first six months)

120 203 106 62 37 37 565

162 292 175 132 62 73 896

251 433 265 156 88 102 1,295

213 659 314 156 127 129 1,598

296 726 324 172 89 103 1,710

103 235 123 56 22 32 571

33.9% 19.1% 10.1% 9.3% 23.6% 38.1% 16.6%

44.3% 26.8% 16.2% 17.6% 31.5% 56.2% 24.8%

54.0% 39.7% 25.1% 21.4% 41.7% 65.0% 34.9%

42.8% 40.9% 25.6% 19.8% 47.7% 67.5% 34.9%0

51.6% 38.4% 29.6% 22.5% 36.0% 56.3% 36.0%

34.1% 21.1% 20.8% 16.5% 18.3% 47.1% 22.5%

5. Primary grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the initial processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.


Asylum statistics

Reviews by Refugee Review Tribunal6 (RRT)

Figure 15: Number of cases lodged with RRT

3500 3000 2500 Number 2000 1500 1000 500 0






Program year2
Source: RRT

201011 (rst sixt months)

Table 13: Number of cases lodged with RRT

RRT cases Cases lodged Country of citizenship China (PRC) Fiji Malaysia India Indonesia Egypt Lebanon Zimbabwe Pakistan Nepal Other
Source: RRT

200506 3021

200607 2835

200708 2284

200809 2538

200910 2271

201011 (first six months) 1482

1030 35 140 304 153 46 40 14 88 70 1101

1078 48 86 364 171 28 56 16 57 58 873

890 38 126 215 164 18 51 31 67 48 636

1000 60 165 287 115 39 80 40 57 25 670

751 243 201 138 115 52 84 52 53 28 554

416 170 122 113 77 61 59 48 44 39 333

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 6. It is the RRTs practice to count multiple applications for review as a single case where the legislation provides that the applications for review can be handled together, usually where members of a family unit have applied for the grant of visas at the same time.

Asylum statistics


Figure 16: Number of cases lodged by country of citizenship in the first six months of the 201011 program year2

































Source: RRT

Figure 17: Number of RRT outcomes and remit rates7

3500 3000 2500 Number 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Outcomes Remit Rate



35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Remit rates (%)




200809 Program year2


201011 (rst six months)

Source: RRT

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 7. Remit rates measure the rate of remit decisions as a proportion of total of remit and affirm decisions made in a given period.


Asylum statistics



Table 14: Number of RRT outcomes and remit rate7

RRT outcomes 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (first six months) 948 317 29 67 1361 23.0%

Affirms Remits Withdrawals No jurisdiction to review Total Remit rate7

Source: RRT

2069 982 70 166 3287 32.2%

2202 649 52 199 3102 22.8%

1661 422 33 202 2318 20.3%

1787 468 29 178 2462 20.8%

1540 514 21 82 2157 25.0%

Figure 18: Number of primary decisions affirmed or remitted by RRT6

2500 Afrms 2000 Remits










Program year2

201011 (rst six months)

Source: RRT

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 6. It is the RRTs practice to count multiple applications for review as a single case where the legislation provides that the applications for review can be handled together, usually where members of a family unit have applied for the grant of visas at the same time. 7. Remit rates measure the rate of remit decisions as a proportion of total of remit and affirm decisions made in a given period.

Asylum statistics


Final decisions
Figure 19: Number of final decisions and final grant rates8 (non-IMA)

3000 2500 2000


60 50 40 30
Grants Refusals Final grant rate (non-IMA)
Final grant rate (%)

1500 1000 500 0 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (rst six months)

20 10 0

Program year2
Source: ICSE

Table 15: Number of final decisions and final grant rates8 (non-IMA)
Final decision 200506 200607 200708 200809 200910 201011 (first six months)

non-IMA Grants Refusals Total final non-IMA decisions Final grant rate8 IMA Grants All grants
Source: ICSE

1120 2479 3599 31.1%

1691 2652 4343 38.9%

1900 2106 4006 47.4%

2173 2624 4797 45.3%

2367 2266 4633 51.1%

909 1413 2322 39.1%

127 1247

16 1707

32 1932

209 2382

2148 4515

773 1682

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June the following year. 8. Final grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the final processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.


Asylum statistics

Figure 20: Number of final grants

5000 4500 4000 3500 Number 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200506 200607 200708 200909 200910 201011 (rst six months) non-IMA grants IMA grants All grants

Program year2
Source: ICSE

Figure 21: Number of final decisions by top 20 countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 2010-11 program year2 (non-IMA)

800 Grants Refusals 600




n Eg yp t Le ba no n Ne Af pa gh l an ist an Ira q ilip pi ne s Bu rm a T So urk ey ut h Ko re Pa Ba a ng pu lad a Ne es h w G ui ne a Ph
Asylum statistics

Fi ji ba bw e

In di a M ala ys i Pa a kis ta n Sr iL an ka In do ne sia


in a



Zi m


Source: ICSE

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year).


Table 16: Number of final grants and final grant rates by top 20 countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 201011 program year2 (non-IMA)
Citizenship 2005-06 Grants Final grant rate 18.9% 93.0% 38.3% 88.2% 66.8% 8.2% 58.0% 98.1% 86.7% 77.3% 22.2% 52.5% 35.7% 3.7% 20.0% 42.9% 85.2% 36.0% 80.0% 12.2% .. 31.1% 2006-07 Grants Final grant rate 31.3% 93.1% 49.5% 80.6% 81.9% 27.7% 71.4% 100.0% 90.9% 86.0% 40.0% 26.9% 29.3% 8.9% 28.7% 88.9% 78.3% 54.8% 66.7% 8.1% .. 38.9% 2007-08 Grants Final grant rate 37.8% 79.8% 73.2% 92.3% 90.8% 11.3% 62.7% 96.7% 96.0% 91.8% 61.9% 48.0% 38.0% 7.9% 33.9% 61.8% 72.4% 22.7% 62.5% 7.5% .. 47.4% 2008-09 Grants Final grant rate 31.5% 90.3% 76.7% 88.8% 90.0% 29.3% 56.3% 95.7% 94.1% 94.0% 64.1% 53.1% 36.8% 6.3% 32.9% 75.9% 88.9% 45.8% 82.4% 8.2% .. 45.3% 2009-10 Grants Final grant rate 42.1% 85.3% 83.8% 97.7% 76.0% 16.0% 71.2% 95.3% 94.9% 96.3% 72.1% 55.0% 33.7% 12.9% 42.5% 72.7% 86.2% 67.5% 87.0% 16.8% .. 51.1% 2010-11

(first six months)

Grants Final grant rate 30.6% 80.6% 79.1% 91.7% 84.6% 17.5% 75.4% 91.4% 74.4% 83.9% 73.3% 37.3% 31.4% 9.4% 54.5% 80.0% 84.6% 71.4% 71.4% 9.5% .. 39.1%

China (PRC) Zimbabwe Pakistan Iran Sri Lanka Fiji Egypt Iraq Afghanistan Burma Turkey Nepal Lebanon India Bangladesh Papua New Guinea Ethiopia Nigeria Stateless Indonesia Other Total Source: ICSE

188 40 44 45 244 5 47 103 13 34 10 32 25 8 25 6 23 9 20 22 199 1120

416 27 53 58 361 23 50 154 20 43 12 18 22 37 39 16 18 17 .. 22 303 1691

415 87 115 96 433 7 37 204 24 56 26 24 27 27 40 21 21 5 5 14 230 1900

426 215 158 142 359 27 45 157 48 78 25 26 35 23 49 22 32 11 14 17 281 2173

492 255 212 211 190 38 79 182 75 78 31 22 33 34 37 16 25 27 20 32 310 2367

183 129 72 66 66 58 43 32 29 26 22 19 16 13 12 12 11 10 10 7 73 909

Table 17: Number of final grants by top five countries of citizenship in the first six months of the 201011 program year2 (IMA)
Citizenship Afghanistan Sri Lanka Stateless Iraq Iran Other Total
Source: ICSE 2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). .. Not published

200506 17 0 0 2 42 66 127

200607 5 3 0 2 3 3 16

200708 7 1 0 16 2 6 32

200809 176 5 5 15 4 4 209

200910 1439 315 172 139 71 12 2148

201011 (first six months) 382 167 89 73 34 28 773


Asylum statistics

Figure 22: Final decisions by sex (non-IMA)

Female grants 16% Male refusals 40%

Female refusals 21%

Male grants 23%

Source: ICSE

Table 18: Number of final decisions and final grant rates8 by sex (non-IMA)
Sex and decision Final decision Female grants Female refusals Male grants Male refusals Total Final grant rates Female grant rate Male grant rate
Source: ICSE






2010-11 (first six months) 379 482 530 931 2322 44.0% 36.3%

457 810 663 1669 3599 36.1% 28.4%

668 822 1023 1830 4343 44.8% 35.9%

782 693 1118 1413 4006 53.0% 44.2%

868 881 1305 1743 4797 49.6% 42.8%

964 839 1403 1427 4633 53.5% 49.6%

8. Final grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the final processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.

Asylum statistics


Table 19: Number of final decisions by sex (IMA)

Sex and decision Final decision Female grants Female refusals Male grants Male refusals Total
Source: ICSE






2010-11 (first six months) 77 0 696 0 773

15 2 112 7 136

2 2 14 3 21

5 0 27 0 32

7 0 202 2 211

139 0 2009 10 2158

Figure 23: Number of final determinations by role type and sex (non-IMA)

Male principal applicants Female principal applicants Male dependants 201011 200910 200809 200708 200607 200506

Sex/Role type

Female dependants 0 500 1000 1500 Number

Source: ICSE





Asylum statistics

Table 20: Number of final determinations by role type and sex (non-IMA)
Role type and sex Principal applicants Male Female Dependants Male Female Total
Source: ICSE

200506 2842 2058 784 757 274 483 3599

200607 3468 2528 940 875 325 550 4343

200708 3078 2155 923 928 376 552 4006

200809 3798 2642 1156 999 406 593 4797

200910 3541 2347 1194 1092 483 609 4633

201011 (first six months) 1856 1262 594 466 199 267 2322

Figure 24: Final grant rates8 by age group (non-IMA)

017 years 1830 years 3140 years 80 Final grant rates (%) 4150 years 5160 years 60+ years










Program year2
Source: ICSE

201011 (rst six months)

2. Program year refers to the period from 1 July to 30 June (following year). 8. Final grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the final processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.

Asylum statistics


Table 21: Final grants and final grant rates8 by age (non-IMA)
Age group (years) at final decision Final grants 0-17 years 18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 60+ years Total Final grant rates 0-17 years 18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 60+ years
Source: ICSE






201011 (first six months)

202 362 257 166 69 64 1120

246 524 389 311 107 114 1691

334 578 443 294 126 125 1900

263 832 471 291 170 146 2173

390 952 492 289 115 129 2367

160 350 196 117 43 43 909

50.2% 35.6% 23.1% 21.9% 34.8% 57.7%

58.0% 44.7% 28.6% 31.5% 42.8% 76.0%

67.2% 50.5% 38.3% 36.5% 53.8% 74.0%

59.9% 53.3% 34.8% 31.3% 52.6% 76.4%

69.0% 54.7% 43.9% 37.3% 47.1% 68.3%

62.0% 36.8% 35.7% 31.1% 39.1% 54.4%

8. Final grant rates measure the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the final processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period.


Asylum statistics

Asylum statistics


Refugee status determination (RSD) requests

Figure 25: Number of RSD requests by month9



600 Number



Jan 09

Jun 09

Jul 09

Aug 09

Jan 10

Jun 10

Jul 10

May 09

May 10

Aug 10

Oct 08

Nov 08

Dec 08

Feb 09

Mar 09

Apr 09

Sep 09

Oct 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Feb 10

Mar 10

Apr 10

Sep 10

Oct 10

Nov 10

Source: DIAC systems

Table 22: Number of RSD requests

Citizenship Afghanistan Iran Stateless Iraq Sri Lanka Burma Pakistan Kuwait Vietnam Palestinian Authority Other Total
Source: DIAC systems

200809 507 9 25 59 77 0 3 1 0 0 5 686

200910 2654 198 457 252 920 52 16 10 8 12 18 4597

201011 (first six months) 1118 809 655 405 251 36 28 19 12 10 25 3368

9. Monthly RSD requests counted by persons screened into the RSD process. These figures have been adjusted to rectify data anomalies.


Asylum statistics

Dec 10

Figure 26: Number of RSD requests by top five countries of citizenship

3000 200809 2500 2000 Number 1500 1000 500 200910 201011 rst six months



Stateless Citizenship


Sri Lanka

Source: DIAC systems

Asylum statistics


Primary processing
Figure 27: Number of Primary RSD Protection visa grants10

350 300 250 Number 200 150 100 50 0

Jun 09

Jul 09

Aug 09

Jun 10

Jul 10

Aug 10

Nov 08

Dec 08

Jan 09

Feb 09

Sep 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Jan 10

Feb 10

Sep 10

Nov 10

May 09

May 10

Source: DIAC systems

Table 23: Number of primary RSD Protection visa grants10

Citizenship Afghanistan Sri Lanka Stateless Iraq Iran Palestinian Authority Burma Pakistan Kuwait Other Total
Source: DIAC systems

200809 166 4 5 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 189

200910 1423 313 167 126 50 1 0 6 4 1 2091

201011 (first six months) 190 158 58 32 21 8 7 1 1 0 476

10. RSD Protection visa grant figures may vary slightly from figures for grants to IMAs provided in the tables in part 1 since the data has been extracted from DIAC systems on a different date employing different methodologies.


Asylum statistics

Dec 10

Oct 08

Mar 09

Apr 09

Oct 09

Mar 10

Apr 10

Oct 10

Figure 28: Number of primary RSD Protection visa grants by top five countries of citizenship

1500 200809 200910 1200 201011 rst six months






Sri Lanka

Stateless Citizenship



Source: DIAC systems

Table 24: Primary RSD Protection visa grant rates

Citizenship Afghanistan Sri Lanka Stateless Iraq Iran Total
Source: DIAC systems

200910 77.9% 76.9% 67.1% 59.2% 52.6% 73.9%

201011 (first six months) 24.0% 51.5% 21.2% 25.0% 10.3% 27.2%

Asylum statistics


Figure 29: Primary RSD Protection visa grant rates by top five countries of citizenship


201011 rst six months 200910

Top 5 citizenships



Sri Lanka

Afghanistan 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Primary RSD PV grant rate (%)

Source: DIAC systems


Asylum statistics

Independent Merit Review outcomes11

Table 25: Number of RSD outcomes overturned at review
Citizenship Afghanistan Iran Stateless Iraq Sri Lanka Other Total
Source: DIAC systems

200910 0 13 10 13 15 4 55

201011 (first six months) 303 27 43 40 8 4 425

Table 26: Number of RSD outcomes affirmed at review

Citizenship Afghanistan Iraq Stateless Iran Sri Lanka Other Total
Source: DIAC systems

200910 2 8 0 2 33 4 49

201011 (first six months) 51 17 16 10 10 12 116

11. Independent Merits Review (IMR) figures refer to the dates IMR outcomes were accepted by DIAC rather than the dates of the recommendations, and therefore may differ from figures previously published.

Asylum statistics


Table 27: Review overturn rate

Citizenship Afghanistan Iran Stateless Iraq Sri Lanka Other Total
Source: DIAC systems

200910 0.0% 86.7% 100.0% 61.9% 31.3% 50.0% 52.9%

201011 (first six months) 85.6% 73.0% 72.9% 70.2% 44.4% 50.0% 78.6%


Asylum statistics

Final decisions
Figure 30: Number of final RSD Protection visa grants10

350 300 250 Number 200 150 100 50 0

Jun 09

Jul 09

Aug 09

Jun 10

Jul 10

Aug 10

Nov 08

Dec 08

Jan 09

Feb 09

Apr 09

Sep 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Jan 10

Feb 10

Apr 10

Sep 10

Nov 10

May 09

May 10

Source: DIAC systems

Table 28: Number of final RSD Protection visa grants10

Citizenship Afghanistan Sri Lanka Stateless Iraq Iran Palestinian Authority Burma Pakistan Syria Kuwait Yemen Somalia Total
Source: DIAC systems

200809 166 4 5 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189

200910 1425 315 170 134 64 1 0 6 0 4 0 1 2120

201011 (first six months) 382 161 89 72 34 8 7 5 2 1 1 0 762

10. RSD Protection visa grant figures may vary slightly from figures for grants to IMAs provided in the tables in part 1 since the data has been extracted from DIAC systems on a different date employing different methodologies.

Asylum statistics

Dec 10

Oct 08

Mar 09

Oct 09

Mar 10

Oct 10


Figure 31: Number of final RSD Protection visa grants by top five countries of citizenship

1500 200809 200910 1200 201011 rst six months






Sri Lanka

Stateless Citizenship



Source: DIAC systems

Figure 32: Final RSD Protection visa grant rates


Top 5 citizenships



Sri Lanka

Afghanistan 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Final RSD PV grant rate (%)

201011 rst six months 200910

Source: DIAC systems


Asylum statistics

To ratify the decision under reviewthe original decision remains unchanged and in force.

Asylum seeker
An asylum seeker is a person who has left their country of origin, has applied for recognition as a refugee in another country and is awaiting a decision on their application.

Citizenship is based on passport/travel documents at the time of application for protection. If the applicant has no travel documents, citizenship determination is based on information supplied in the application. A formal process is then undertaken to verify information supplied.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Final grant rate

Final grant rate measures the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the final processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period. Final grant rate is calculated by dividing the number of final grants by the combined number of final grants and refusals

Humanitarian Program
Australias Humanitarian Program provides protection to refugees and resettlement to those for whom it may be the appropriate durable solution. In line with Australias international obligations, the onshore component of the program provides protection to refugees in Australia whose claims have been found to meet the criteria of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol.

DIACs strategic, generic client system used to maintain information regarding client requests for citizenship and onshore visa grants.

Initial Processing
Initial processing begins at time of lodgement and ends with the primary decision.

Primary decision
Primary decision refers to the decision made at the end of initial processing by the department.

Primary grant rate

Primary grant rate measures the rate of positive decisions (visa grants) at the initial processing stage in the Protection visa process as a proportion of total decisions made in a given period. Primary grant rate is calculated by dividing the number of primary grants by the combined number of primary grants and refusals.

Program Year
For reporting purposes, a program year begins from 1 July and runs to 30 June of the following year.

To send the matter back for reconsideration. A Tribunal may remit a decision to DIAC when it decides that a visa applicant has satisfied the criteria which the primary decision maker found were not satisfied, or that the visa applicant is a refugee.

Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT)

The Refugee Review Tribunal (the Tribunal) is a statutory body which provides a final, independant, merits review of decisions made by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

Refugee status determination (RSD)

Refugee status determination (RSD) in this publication refers to the process through which the claims of irregular maritime arrivals are assessed. Prior to 1 March 2011 this process consisted of a Refugee Status Assessment and Independant Merits Review.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Asylum statistics


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