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Nationality British Gender Male Occupation physician John Snow was a British physician of the Victorian era who

helped introduce the use of anesthesia in surgery; he also attempted to show, in 1854, that cholera was a water-borne disease. His careful mapping of the distribution of cholera cases in London is the first known example of epidemiological research. Snow was born in York, England, on March 15, 1813, the oldest of nine children. His father was an unskilled laborer and the family lived in one of the poorest sections of York, an industrial shipping area along the River Ouse. Snowwas educated until the age of 14 at a common day school for the poor. In June of 1827 he arrived in Newcastle, 80 miles from his home, to begin a six year apprenticeship in medicine under William Hardcastle. Hardcastle taught himthe day-to-day business of running a medical practice and dispensing medicine. During his apprenticeship, Snow also attended lectures at the Newcastle Infirmary. In 1833 Snow became an assistant to a physician named Watson, not far from Newcastle. A year later he returned to York, where he joined the practice of Joseph Warburton. In October of 1836 he moved to London to begin advanced studies at the Hunterian School of Medicine. He became a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in May of 1838, and in October of that year he qualified as a Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries. Shortly afterward he set up his own practice in the Soho district of London. Although Snow was now fully qualified to practice medicine, he continued in his spare time to gain additional medical qualifications. He obtained a Bachelor of Medicine degree from the recently formed University of London in November 1843, and a year later received a Doctorate of Medicine from the same institution. In June 1850 he became a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London. The use of anesthesia was first demonstrated in England in December 1846 by adentist named James Robinson. Within days of its introduction, Snow had become

sufficiently interested in its potential to investigate its scientific foundation. Soon he had designed his own inhaler for ether, and was using anesthesia in his hospital practice. In 1847 he published a small textbook on the proper administration and the effects of anesthetic vapors. He became widely acknowledged as the leading British expert on the subject and his medical practice was increasingly devoted to the use of anesthesia. His most famous patient was Queen Victoria, who called upon Snow to administer chloroform during the delivery of two of her nine children. His patients ranged widely in socialposition and wealth. Snow frequently practiced medicine in the poorest quarters of London. In 1832, while still in his medical apprenticeship, Snow had treated choleravictims during an outbreak in the coal mining region near Newcastle. Cholera,which caused violent diarrhea and vomiting, was fatal to about half of its victims in the early 19th century. Between 1832 and 1854, a series of epidemics swept England and Snow had the occasion to witness its ravages many times.He observed that the disease tended to break out late in the summer, occurredmost often amongst the poor, and seemed to arise in localized areas, often isolated geographically from one another. The prevailing belief at the time was that cholera was caused by "miasmas" or bad vapors, and that those of low moral character were more vulnerable. Snow, on the other hand, suspected the disease might be spread by a waterborne microorganism. In the first week of September 1854, over six hundred people died of cholera in a small area of Soho. Snow began to investigate the source of water that supplied this area, andtraced the outbreak to a particular water pump on the now famous Broad Street. It had, for several weeks prior to the outbreak, been spewing forth a foamybrown water that smelled of raw sewage. Snow pleaded with the Board of Guardians of the local parish to remove the pump handle. By the time the handle was removed, the incidence of cholera had already begun to subside. Nonetheless, the publicity surrounding Snow's investigation drew attention to the general lack of sanitation efforts in London, and a complete overhaul of the city'swater and sewage systems was begun. Cholera never returned. The data Snow collected and the maps he constructed showing the distribution of the disease in relation to source of water became the first known epidemiological survey of an illness. Because of this careful study, Snow is often referred to as thefather of modern epidemiology. Snow suffered from kidney disease and chronic poor health. He became incapacitated by a stroke shortly before he died, on June 16, 1858, at the age of 45.

John Snow adalah seorang dokter Inggris dari era Victoria yang membantu memperkenalkan penggunaan anestesi di bedah, ia juga berusaha untuk menunjukkan, pada 1854, bahwa kolera adalah penyakit yang terbawa air. Pemetaan hati -Nya dari distribusi kasus kolera di London adalah contoh pertama yang diketahui dari penelitian epidemiologi. Salju lahir di York, Inggris, pada tanggal 15 Maret, 1813 tertua dari sembilan anak. Ayahnya adalah seorang buruh yang tidak terampil dan keluarganya tinggal di salah satu bagian termiskin dari York, sebuah daerah pengiriman industri di sepanjang Sungai Ouse. Snowwas berpendidikan sampai usia 14 hari di sebuah sekolah umum untuk kaum miskin. Pada bulan Juni 1827 dia tiba di Newcastle, 80 mil dari rumahnya, untuk memulai magang enam tahun dalam pengobatan di bawah William Hardcastle. Hardcastle himthe diajarkan sehari -hari bisnis menjalankan praktik medis dan pengeluaran obat. Selama magang, Salju juga menghadiri kuliah di Newcastle Infirmary. Salju Pada tahun 1833 menjadi asisten dokter bernama Watson, tidak jauh dari Newcastle. Setahun kemudian ia kembali ke York, di mana ia bergabung dengan praktek Yusuf Warburton. Pada bulan Oktober 1836 ia pindah ke London untuk memulai studi lanjutan di Sekolah Kedokteran Hunterian. Dia menjadi Anggota Royal College of Surgeons di Inggris pada Mei 1838, dan pada bulan Oktober tahun itu ia memenuhi syarat sebagai pemegang diploma Society of apotek. Tak lama kemudian ia mendirikan praktek sendiri di distrik Soho di London. Meskipun Salju sekarang sepenuhnya memenuhi syarat untuk praktek kedokteran, ia terus dalam waktu luangnya untuk memperoleh kualifikasi medis tambahan. Ia memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Medicine dari University of London baru-baru dibentuk pada bulan November 1843, dan setahun kemudian menerima Doktor Kedokteran dari lembaga yang sama. Pada Juni 1850 ia menjadi pemegang diploma dari Royal College of Physicians of London. Penggunaan anestesi pertama kali didemonstrasikan di Inggris pada bulan Desember 1846 oleh adentist bernama James Robinson. Dalam beberapa hari diperkenalkan, Salju telah menjadi cukup tertarik pada potensi untuk menyelidiki landasan ilmiah. Segera ia telah dirancang inhaler sendiri untuk eter, dan menggunakan anestesi dalam praktek rumah sakit. Pada 1847 ia menerbitkan sebuah buku kecil di administrasi yang tepat dan efek dari uap anestesi. Dia menjadi secara luas diakui sebagai ahli Inggris terkemuka pada subjek dan praktek medis semakin dikhususkan untuk penggunaan anestesi. Pasien yang paling terkenal adalah Ratu Victoria, yang dipanggil Salju untuk mengelola kloroform selama pengiriman dua dari sembilan anaknya. Pasien berkisar luas di socialposition dan kekayaan. Salju sering dipraktikkan obat di perempat termiskin London. Pada 1832, saat masih dalam magang medis, Salju telah diperlakukan choleravictims selama wabah di wilayah pertambangan batubara dekat Newcastle. Kolera, yang menyebabkan diare dan muntah kekerasan, yang berakibat fatal bagi sekitar setengah dari korban di awal abad 19. Antara 1832 dan 1854, serangkaian epidemi melanda Inggris dan Snow memiliki kesempatan untuk menyaksikan kerusakan yang banyak times.He mengamati bahwa penyakit ini cenderung untuk keluar di akhir musim panas, occurredmost sering diantara orang miskin, dan sepertinya muncul di daerah lokal, sering terisolasi secara geografis dari satu sama lain. Kepercayaan yang berlaku pada saat itu adalah bahwa kolera disebabkan oleh " miasmas " atau uap yang buruk, dan bahwa orang-orang dari karakter moral rendah lebih rentan. Salju, di sisi lain, diduga penyakit tersebut mungkin disebarkan oleh mikroorganisme yang ditularkan melalui air. Pada minggu pertama bulan September 1854, lebih dari enam ratus orang meninggal karena kolera di daerah kecil di Soho. Salju mulai menyelidiki sumber air yang memasok daerah ini, andtraced wabah ke pompa air khusus pada Broad Street sekarang terkenal. Hal itu, selama beberapa minggu sebelum wabah, telah memuntahkan air foamybrown yang berbau limbah mentah. Salju memohon dengan Dewan Penjaga paroki lokal untuk menghapus pegangan pompa. Pada saat menangani telah dihapus, kejadian kolera telah mulai mereda. Meskipun demikian, publisitas seputar investigasi Snow menarik perhatian pada kurangnya upaya sanitasi di London, dan perbaikan lengkap dari sistem city'swater dan kotoran dimulai. Kolera tidak pernah kembali. Salju data yang dikumpulkan dan peta dia dibangun menunjukkan distribusi penyakit dalam kaitannya dengan sumber air menjadi survei epidemiologi pertama yang diketahui dari suatu penyakit. Karena studi ini hati-hati, Salju sering disebut sebagai thefather epidemiologi modern.

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