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3 SH Realignment Scenarios ** In progress **

Rev. 0.3 09/19/11

Current Feeder Pattern (to 2009-10)

40% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: 16%

8306 total est. 32% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: -2%

28% Live in West Feeder Over capacity: -11%


3329 est.
Williams Clark Vines

2673 est.

2304 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman Carpenter Hendrick 1491 773 987 878 865 Haggard 875

Wilson 977 Schimelpf 953 Rice 1204

Robinson Frankford 1085 1130 Renner 1241

Boggess Forman Memorial Christie Beverly Hunt Dooley McCall Harring. Hedgecoxe Miller Meadows Hickey Thomas Rasor Schell Mendenh. Barron Stinson

Davis Aldridge Bethany Andrews Hughston Shepard Carlisle Wyatt Saigling Sigler Mathews Skaggs Wells Weatherf Jackson

Daffron Mitchell Barksdale Gulledge Haggar Brinker Haun Hightower Centennial Jackson Huffman

Source of MS enrollment figures: Templeton Demographics, LLC January 2011 report to PISD

New Feeder Pattern: 2011-12 enrollment forward

26% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: -23%

8424 total est. 32% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: 0%

41% est. Live in West Feeder Over capacity: 34%


2217 est.
McMillen Williams Vines

2727 est.
Clark Jasper

3480 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman 965 763 761 Otto 837 Haggard 894

Wilson 948 Carpenter Hendrick Schimelpf 864 885 998* Rice 1164

Robinson Frankford 1046 1192 Renner 1319

Boggess Forman Memorial Mendenh. Davis Aldridge Christie Beverly Bethany Andrews Daffron Mitchell Barksdale Hunt Dooley McCall Schell Hughston Shepard Harring. Hedgecoxe Carlisle Wyatt Gulledge Haggar Brinker Miller Meadows Hickey Stinson Saigling Sigler Thomas Rasor Mathews Skaggs Haun Hightower Centennial Barron Wells Weatherf Jackson Huffman Jackson

* Assume 50% split at SMS


3SH Scenario #5 Changes from 2009

Jackson from Frankford to Wilson
Eliminate Jackson Split Approx 175 students W C

Andrews from Rice to Schimelpfenig

Approx 375 students W C

All of Schimelpfenig to PSHS

Approx 450 students W C

1000 students total W C

Note: Based on 2011 figures rolled forward

3SH Scenario #5 - Simple model (2011 data)

26% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: -23%

8424 total est. 41% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: 25%

33% est. Live in West Feeder Over capacity: 7%


2217 est.
McMillen Williams Vines

3425 est.
Clark Jasper

2782 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman 965 763 761 Otto 837 Haggard 894 Wilson 1121

Carpenter Hendrick Schimelpf 864 885 1374* Rice 788

Robinson Frankford 1046 1019 Renner 1319

Boggess Forman Memorial Mendenh. Davis Aldridge Christie Beverly Bethany Hunt Dooley McCall Schell Hughston Shepard Harring. Hedgecoxe Carlisle Miller Meadows Hickey Stinson Saigling Sigler Thomas Rasor Mathews Barron Wells Weatherf Andrews Jackson

Wyatt Skaggs

Daffron Mitchell Barksdale Gulledge Haggar Brinker Haun Hightower Centennial Huffman

* SMS Choice eliminated

894+1121+864+885+1374 788+1046+1019+1319

3SH Scenario #6 Changes from 2009

Hightower from Frankford to Haggard
Approx 250 students W C

Jackson from Frankford to Wilson

Approx 175 students W C

Andrews from Rice to Schimelpfenig

Approx 375 students W C

All of Schimelpfenig to PSHS

Approx 450 students W C

Carpenter to PESH
Approx 865 students C E

Total of 1250 students W C Total of 865 students C E

Note: Based on 2011 figures rolled forward

3SH Scenario #6 - Simple model (2011 data)

33% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: -3%

8424 total est. 36% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: 11%

31% est. Live in West Feeder Over capacity: 0%


2793 est.
McMillen Williams Vines

3014 est.
Clark Jasper

2617 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman 965 763 761 Otto 837 Carpenter Haggard 864 1142

Wilson 1121
Hendrick Schimelpf 885 1374* Rice 788

Robinson Frankford 1046 771 Renner 1319

Aldridge Beverly Bethany Boggess Forman Memorial Mendenh. Christie Davis Harring. Hughston Shepard Hedgecoxe Carlisle Hunt Dooley McCall Schell Sigler Miller Meadows Hickey Stinson Thomas Saigling Rasor Mathews Weatherf Barron Andrews Wells Hightower Jackson

Wyatt Skaggs

Daffron Gulledge Haun

Mitchell Barksdale Haggar Brinker Centennial Huffman

* SMS Split removed

965+763+761+837+864 1142+1121+885+1374 788+1046+771+1319

Executive Summary
Scenario #6 is the better of the two
From only a numbers perspective Feeding Carpenter into Williams would result in the first official Title I school in PISD

Scenario #5 shifts the enrollment balance toward the central cluster

Too much burden placed on PSHS with 41% of total distribution

Do we want the precedent implied by #6? Bottom line: The problem is not as simple as most want to make it.

Alternate Scenarios

3SH Scenario #5M - Simple model (2011 data)

26% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: -23%

8424 total est. 36% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: 8%

38% est. Live in West Feeder Over capacity: 24%


2217 est.
McMillen Williams Vines

2968 est.
Clark Jasper

3239 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman 965 763 761 Otto 837 Haggard 894 Wilson 1121

Carpenter Hendrick Schimelpf 1374* 864 885 Rice 788

Robinson Frankford 1046 1019 Renner 1319

Boggess Forman Memorial Mendenh. Davis Aldridge Christie Beverly Bethany Hunt Dooley McCall Schell Hughston Shepard Harring. Hedgecoxe Carlisle Miller Meadows Hickey Stinson Saigling Sigler Thomas Rasor Mathews Barron Wells Weatherf Andrews Jackson

Wyatt Skaggs

Daffron Mitchell Barksdale Gulledge Haggar Brinker Haun Hightower Centennial Huffman

* Assumes 50% split @ SMS

894+1121+864+885+1374/2 1374/2+788+1046+1019+1319

3SH Scenario #6M - Simple model (2011 data)

33% est. Live in East Feeder Over capacity: -3%

8424 total est. 31% est. Live in Central Feeder Over capacity: -7%

36% est. Live in West Feeder Over capacity: 18%


2793 est.
McMillen Williams Vines+

2558 est.
Clark+ Jasper

3073 est.

Murphy Armstrong Bowman 965 763 761 Otto 837 Carpenter Haggard 864 1142

Wilson 1121
Hendrick Schimelpf 885 1374* Rice 788

Robinson Frankford 1046 771 Renner 1319

Aldridge Beverly Bethany Boggess Forman Memorial Mendenh. Christie Davis Harring. Hughston Shepard Hedgecoxe Carlisle Hunt Dooley McCall Schell Sigler Miller Meadows Hickey Stinson Thomas Saigling Rasor Mathews Weatherf Barron Andrews Wells Hightower Jackson

Wyatt Skaggs

Daffron Gulledge Haun

Mitchell Barksdale Haggar Brinker Centennial Huffman

* Assumes 50% split @ SMS

965+763+761+837+864 1142+1121+885+1374/2 788+1046+771+1319+1372/2

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