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Unit V Individual Differences In Mathematics

The Backward children in Mathematics: According to Cyril Burt, A Backward child is one who is unable to do the work of the class below that, which is normal for his age in the middle of his school carrier or middle of the academic session. For example, if a student of class 8th is unable to do the work of class below, that is class 7th which is normal for his age in the middle of the session, he will be a backward child. The term backwardness can be explained in terms of educational Quotient (E.Q). According to Burt, Backward child is one whose E.Q is 85 or below. Mention, T.K.A has defined backward child as, In Indian situation, a backward child is one who being more than one year older than the average age of the class. Hence the backward children are weak in class assignment, study and examinations. They may have backwards either in a particular subject or in all the subjects of study. Classification of Backwardness: In the schools, backwardness may be classified into two categories. a) General Backwardness b) Specific Backwardness a) General Backwardness: It means when a child remains weak in all or most of the school subjects. b) Specific Backwardness: While it refers to the backwardness in one or two school subjects but he is not backward in all subjects. He can show average progress in other school subjects except one or two subjects only. Causes of Backwardness: There are commonly two causes. 1. External causes 2. internal causes

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Individual Differences

1. External causes: It is related with environment. These factors are as follows: a) School factors b) Social factors c) Domestic factors a) School factors are as follows: i) ii) iii) unhealthy school environment unqualified and untrained teachers poor attendance Inadequate method of teaching. Indiscipline Unhealthy environment of the society Peer group and friend circle Social awareness of the parents. Bad neighborhood Social inequalities Poverty of the parents Over protection of the child Broken families Uneducated parents Imbalance diet

v) i) ii) iii) iv) v) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 2) Internal causes:

b) Social factors:

c) Domestic factors:

It is divided into a) Physical causes b) Psychological causes a) Physical causes: Schonek found that about 75% backwardness is due to the various types of physical diseases and defects. The following are the physical causes: 1. Speech defects 2. Defective eye of sight 3. Dumbness 4. Immature birth 5. Hard of hearing etc..,

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Individual Differences

b) Psychological causes: According to Burt 9% of backward children suffer with neurotic conditions and 2% were very excitable and emotional. 1. lack of interest 2. mental retarded ness 3. nervousness 4. emotional instability

5. Anxiety.
Identification of Backward children: The backward children may be identified with the help of the following measures: 1) By observation 2) By testing 1) By observation: a) On the basis of teachers opinions and views b) By the study of case history c) On the basis of interest and attitudes d) Observing various other activities of the child e) Identifying the causes of maladjustment 2) By testing:

a) On the basis of Intelligent Quotient [I.Q].

b) Physical test and examination c) Administrating achievement tests d) On the basis of Achievement Quotient [A.Q] e) On the basis of Educational Quotient [E.Q] [I.Q = M.A / C.A * 100 E.Q = E.A/ C.A * 100 A.Q = E.A/ M.A * 100] Educational Arrangement for Backward Children: 1) Arrangement of special schools

2) Arrangement of special class

3) Appointing special teachers 4) Arrangement of special curriculum Suggestions for the education of backward children: 1) Healthy environment may be created and provided in school, homes and

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Individual Differences


2) Teaching may be arranged according to the needs, interests and

attitude of these children. 3) Children should be motivated and reinforced properly. 4) Teacher can teach these children with slow speed. 5) Parent teacher meetings may be arranged and both should work cooperatively for the betterment of these children.

6) They should be provided opportunities to correct their mistakes and

drill work should be emphasized. 7) Use of audio-visual aids may be emphasized. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN: Exceptional children are those who are physically, mentally, socially and emotionally deviated from the general qualities and characteristics. They need special education according to their maximum capacities. KINDS OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN: The following are the various kinds of exceptional children. 1. Physically Exceptional 2. Emotionally Exceptional 3. Educationally Exceptional 4. Socially Exceptional 5. Morally Exceptional. Definition of Exceptional children: The term exceptional children apply to all children who are handicapped physically, socially and mentally as well as those who are gifted according to some scale of mental measurement. - Heck A child who deviates physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally so much from what is considered to be normal growth and development that he cannot receive a maximum benefit from a regular school programme and require a special class or supplementary instructions and services. - Cruick Shank The exceptional children are as follows: 1. Gifted children 2. Backward children 3. Mentally retarded children

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4. Problematic children GIFTED CHILDREN: People who have special gift or at least have the potential for gifted performance, may go through life unrecognized. We would have more outstanding artists and scientists if every talented child had the opportunity and the training necessary to develop his or her talents to the fullest possible extent.

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Individual Differences

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