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Media Studies Department


Examiner AQA Specification 4810 The full course specification is available by following the below link. id=04&prev=04 Breakdown of mark allocation: Controlled text (exam) 40% of the total mark Coursework portfolio 60% of the total mark This course will be studied over two years in three lessons a week and will lead to the completion of a number of controlled assessments (a replacement to coursework) which are closely monitored and will need to be finished by specific deadlines. There will be many opportunities to create as well as analyse and discuss the media during the course. There will be opportunities to get involved with extra curricula media projects including film making and animation and there will be two work placements at one of the foremost television and commercial post production organisations available: The Farm Group the managing director of which is the business champion for Brentfords Young Chamber. These placement have been taken for this year. If you are interested in applying for one of these placements for next May 2012, you MUST apply in writing to Mr Holloway explaining why you think you have the right interests and attitude to work at The Farm Group in Soho and explain what you might hope to learn from the experience. During this year you will be expected to set up and run your own blog which will be a place where you can post your work online. You will learn how to do this in class and it will provide you with a useful tool for revision and a way of getting involved and staying in touch. The Media department uses blogs all the time to post lessons and provide information, links and support learning away from the classroom. It will be a really important part of your course to make use of these facilities and to add to them yourself.

Subject Content Unit 1: Written paper: Investigating the Media One hour 30mins Based on pre-released topic which is made available 1 month before exam. In 2011 the seen paper will be on Action and Adventure Films

Task 1: Task 2: 60 marks Unit 2:

Knowledge and Understanding. Research, Planning and Presentation; Production and Evaluation. 40% of overall grade Understanding the Media

Controlled Assessment taken from banks of set assignments: Three Assignments: 1 2 3 Introductory assignment. (15 marks) Cross-media assignment. (30 marks) Practical Production and Evaluation. (45 marks) 60% of overall grade

90 marks

N.B. Note the different weightings for the three assignments which escalate through the course.

Assessment Students coursework portfolios and controlled test will be assessed on the following: The students ability to: AO1 Recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of media products and the contexts in which they are produced and consumed 2030% weighting of GCSE. AO2 Analyse and respond to media texts/topics using media key concepts and appropriate terminology 2030% weighting of GCSE. AO3 Demonstrate research, planning and presentation skills 20 30% weighting of GCSE. AO4 Construct and evaluate their own products using creative and technical skills 2030% weighting of GCSE.

To complete the three assignment successfully you should apply yourself consistently during lessons and aim to complete all homestudy on time and to the best of your ability. Tools which you WILL need to complete your study. Access to a fast internet connect for research available at school (even better if you have it at home too) Good computer based skills including word processing, some basic DTP and for Assignment 3 video editing (this will be taught on iMacs at school) The desire to succeed and lots of curiosity.

A commitment to your assignments which may entail addition out of school hours study including attendance of the Film Academy Workshops during October and February half terms. These workshops provide one/two days of intensive production and post production time to shoot and edit productions. They are also free and fun, you will find it extremely hard to complete Assignment 3 without attending these. Support is there in a number of forms including individual mentoring as and when required.

N.B. You may be able to use your Assignment 1 or 2 written pieces as crossover pieces for GCSE English with the agreement of your English teacher.

MEDIA STUDIES GCSE Single Award COURSEWORK PORTFOLIO This is to be made up of three assignments which are each broken down into two parts. These assignments test both analytical and practical skills. COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENTS (examples): 1) INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT (November-December) Topic Magazine Analysis Analytical Task Analyse two magazine covers. How do they appeal to their target audiences? What methods do they use to do this? Research and Planning task Present your own ideas for a magazine front cover aimed at a specific audience. Ideas should be presented using drawings, writing or photographs.

10marks 5marks 2) CROSS MEDIA ASSIGNMENT (Jan-April) Topic Advertising Analytical Task Compare the impact and effectiveness of two adverts for a specific product. For example: TV advert and Poster compaign, website, social media, online event Research and Planning task Print or web-based/new media Task. mock-up a poster, to advertise a specific product to a chosen audience. Audio-visual media Task. Devise a storyboard for a new TV advert for the same product to a specific audience.

20marks 10marks

PRACTICAL PRODUCTION AND EVALUATION (July- December) Topic Moving Image Production Task Create a 120 second trailer or opening sequence, (or two 60 second teaser trailers) for a feature film or television programme aimed a specific target audience. Candidates should plan and research their production thoroughly. Evidence of research into existing products of a similar nature and potential audience. Annotated analyses of existing texts, charts, surveys or questionnaires. Candidates will need to submit evidence of planning, perhaps in the form of briefs, sketches, scripts, storyboards, mock-ups. Maximum of 12 pages Collaboration No more than four per group. Each candidate to edit shared images individually. Moving image confidence in handling technology demonstrated by: careful framing of shots, appropriate editing and evidence of consideration being given to lighting, miseen-scene and sound. Each candidate must produce a 700 800 word evaluation which should reflect upon: how the aims of the production have been met how the product applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate media language how the product represents people, places or events where and when the product would be exhibited what regulations and controls might be applied to the product and how these have been taken into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of the product in terms of meeting the needs of its audience. 30 marks


UNIT 1 CONTROLLED TEST Topic for 2011: Action and Adventure Films Unit 1 is externally assessed and requires candidates to investigate a pre-released media topic and to undertake research and planning in order to respond to two or more unseen tasks. In preparation for the external assessment candidates will be expected to have studied a wide range of examples. Candidates will need to consider aspects of style, presentation, values, audience and representation and show their understanding of the relevant codes and conventions. Candidates need to show awareness of new technologies involved in the production and consumption of the media. Candidates need also to be aware of any current debates and audience issues, as well as issues of bias and representation. Production skills will be expected with candidates showing effective practical skills such as storyboarding, scripting, selection and editing and other design skills appropriate to the topic. Candidates will be expected to spend approximately 45 minutes on Tasks 1 (a) and 1 (b) and 45 minutes on Tasks 2 (a) and 2 (b). ADVICE FOR PARENTS/CARERS AND STUDENTS Check that your daughter has completed her coursework by the deadline dates above. Support your daughter by viewing and discussing movies with her. Help her to select scenes to analyse and to research the production companies on the internet. Remind your daughter to use the BLOG which has been set up this year to provide support and to develop students skills.

More tips will be available on the BLOG

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