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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore College of Sericulture, Chintamani Course Outline I B.Sc. (Seri.) and (Agri.

) I Semester 2011-12 BCM 101 (1+1) Plant Biochemistry

Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Topic Introduction and Importance: brief history with important landmarks, meaning, definition, scope and its relation to other sciences. Plant cell: structural and Functional units of plant/s , difference between eukaryotic(plants v/s animal and prokariyotic cell. Structural and functional aspects of autonomous(self replicating ) and non autonomous organelles of plants cells(v/s other cells) including cytoskeleton and cell signals. Biomolecules: proteins:-structure , properties and reactions of amino acids, peptides and proteins. Classification of amino acids based on R-group. Optical activity. Electrolytic or Zwitter ion or dipolar nature, amphoteric property, esterification, Vanslykes reaction, FDB(Fluoro Dinitro Benzene). Ninhydrin peptide bonddi, tri and polypeptides , Glutathione natural tri peptide. Biological role of proteins, classification and structures(primary, secondary , tertiary and quaternary) Midterm Examination Nutritional importance of amino acids essential amino acids . Enzymes :Nomenclature and classification ; reaction kinetics Michaelis-Menten and double reciprocal (Line weaver burk) o=plot. Factors affecting Enzyme activity: substrate , pH, temperature and inhibitors(competitive and non competitive )coenzyme, prosthetic group, cofactors and vitamins . Immobilization and industrial applications. Carbohydrates : biological role , classification : Fisher , Haworth and neumans projections (chair and boat) Structures of monosaccharides, oligo(di) and polysaccharides, mutarotation , anomers epimers(isomers) .Important properties and reactions. Lipids: importance in plants , classification , fatty acids type and nomenclature. Reactions and properties such as iodine value , hydrogenation, saponification, rancidity etc., Nucleic acids :genetic role and types of DNA and RNA including structures of nucleotides(nitrogenous bases:purines and pyrimidine)and nucleotides and their nomenclature. A , B , Z DNA and m, t , r and sn RNSs Chargoffs rule of base pairing double helix. Metabolism: basic concepts meaning :holistic/integrated /coordinated/intermediary metabolism with respect to energy. Photosynthesis :light v/s dark reactions, photo phosphorylation, electron transport chain and product synthesis. Gluconeogenesis and pentose phosphate pathway. C3and C4 photosynthesis photorespiration. Respiration :EMP (glycolysis) , TCA cycle, oxidative electron transport chain , Anaerobic respiration:fermentation .(beta): oxidation of fatty acids and oil biogenesis(glyoxysomes). Secondary metabolites : (a). terpenoids: terpene , mono, sesqui, di, tri and polyterpenes, biosynthesis, (isoprenoid pathway) classification , nomenclature and occurrence. Sterols , steroids , vitamin A, K, D, E, fat soluble vitamins, coenzyme Q, carotenoids , phytol distributions and functions in plants, ABA, GA3. (b) Phenolics : classification and fuctions of phenolics . Polyphenols , tannins and their classification. Phenols & tannins as antinutritional factors. Role of phenols & tannins in disease and pest resistance in plants. (c) Alkaloids : importance , meaning and role in plants as defense compounds , medicine and aromatic spices, condiments.


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(A.N.S. Gowda) Course Teacher

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