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Name, route, frequency, dosage Buscupan Adults 0.4-0.8mg P.

O daily or 10-20mg

Action of the drug

Adverse effect

Physical assessment

Health teaching

How will you know if the drug is effective Patients dizziness is more manageable

Inhibits muscarinic actions of the acetylcholine in the autonomic NS.

Relieves spasticity, nausea and vomiting, reduces secretions and blocks cardiac reflexes

Disorientation, Dizziness restlessness, irritability, dizziness headache, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, fever, palpitations, tachycardia, flushing, blurred vision, photophobia, difficulty in breathing

Raise side rails of bed as precaution because some patients become temporarily excited of disoriented

Recommend use of sugarless gum or hard candy to help minimize dry mouth

Name, route, frequency, dosage Bee tabs

Action of the drug

Adverse effect

Physical assessment

Patient teaching/ Nursing responsibilities

How will you know if the drug is effective Increase of vitamin B

1-3 tabs/day.

Prevention & treatment of vitamin B complex & E deficiencies

Large doses of vitamin E may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue & weakness

Assess patients BP Remind the patient before therapy and to take her reassess regularly medicine on time.

The patient has no food and drug allergies

Do not stop taking the drug without consulting you health care provider

Name, route, frequency, dosage

Action of the drug

Adverse effect

Physical assessment

Health teaching

How will you know if the drug is effective

PO 50 mg/tab Q12 Diazepam Diazepam Intensol

Exact mechanism of action not understood; acts mainly at the limbic system and recticular formation; may act in spinalcord and at supraspinal sites to produce skeletal muscle relaxation.

CNS: -Dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, depression, headache CV: - Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Hypertension, hypotension, palpitations, Cardiovascular Collapse. GI: -nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation GU: -Urinary retention or incontinence, menstrual irregularities.

Objective: The patient experiencing anxiety.

If the anxiety of the patient is already relieved.

Teach the patient to take the medicine exactly and on time as prescribed. Remind the patient to avoid driving or other hazardous activities until she know how drug affects concentratio n and alertness for the safety of the patient.

Name, route, frequency, dosage

Action of the drug

Adverse effect

Physical assessment

Health teaching

How will you know if the drug is effective

Anti angina GENERIC NAME: Trizezidine Nausea and vomiting Objective: The patient is experiencing pain The pain felt by the patient will slightly decrease Advice patient to report any abnormalities felt to the nurse or doctor.

BRAND NAME: vastarel Instruct the patient to take drug exactly as prescribed

DOSE: 35mg 1 tab

FREQUENCY: morning and evening

Emphasize to the client the importance of regular checkups Encourage the patient to increase fluid intake

ROUTE: oral

Name of Drugs

Date Ordered/ Date Perform ed/ Date Given 01-30-09

Dosage, Route, Frequenc y of Administr ation 2 tabs TID

General Action

Indication or Purpose

Clients Response

Nursing Responsibilities


Ketosteril normalizes metabolic processes, Improves nitrogen exchange, reduce ion concentrations of potassium, magnesium and phosphate.

Protein-energy malnutrition, prevention and treatment of conditions caused by modified or insufficient protein metabolism.

Patient improved condition as she did not manifest body weakness because of the energy supplemented.

Prior to: Wash hands thoroughly. Ask the patients name Always observe aseptic technique During: Explain the procedure to the patient/SO. After: Record the drug after its administration (charting). Observe the patients for possible untoward reaction. Instruct to take the medication exactly as directed.

Name of Drugs

Date Ordered/ Date Perform ed/ Date Given 01-30-09

Dosage, Route, Frequenc y of Administr ation 1 cap OD

General Action

Indication or Purpose

Nursing Responsibilities

Ferrous Sulfate

Ferrous Sulfate is an essential body mineral. Ferrous sulfate is used to treat iron deficiency anemia

Indicated for the patient as a supplement for iron

Prior to: Wash hands thoroughly. Ask the patients name Always observe aseptic technique During: Explain the procedure to the patient/SO. After: Record the drug after its administration (charting). Observe the patients for possible untoward reaction. Instruct to take the medication exactly as directed.

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