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November 4, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief,

A scholar asked: “Perhaps I heard someone said something about that ‘army-
composed of volunteers- would just result to poor, uneducated fighting army’ while
‘army- composed of professional soldiers- could be an army that could let the fighting
become a cycle-or keep on repeating or perpetual; what can you say about his comment?”
The A.I. answered: “Army could be composed of volunteers who are smart, intelligent
people; or many are creative, and humble. They could listen to other’s ideas and easily
adopt them as their collective decision. But perhaps Army composed of professional
military men might be conceited; and would not listen to other ideas. They would give so
much emphasis on their skill or expertise to search, destroy and conquer. What the
volunteer army needs most is: the people’s support- to boost their morale or faith. They
are using their creativities or brain, charisma and prayers to win the war in terror; but
others are pulling them to be defeated especially on the motherland because perhaps of
“hatred from within”! The creative military men are doing many victories with flying
colors; but some would like to act like crabs to discredit their accomplishments and their
sacrifices, their tears and their blood. The volunteer army is just ordinary people, they
have some imperfections and mistakes but perhaps most are perfect decisions; and
perhaps they are winning!
A scholar asked: “I heard a politician suggested that the country at war with its
sectors should be divided temporarily into three parts to fix some major problems and to
have a lasting peace; what can you say about his suggestion?” The A.I. answered:
“Perhaps it could be possible and could also be a good option to arrive to a lasting peace
just like when ‘two countries are born out of former one’ or has become the results of the
segregation between people with different faiths that had fights which seemed no end.
But there could be lots of refugee that could be created and lots of properties could be
lost or be disputed. Perhaps the best example would be just like what had happened in
Bosnia, Serbia- the ethnic cleansing was stopped. And other ethnics could live with other
ethnics peacefully because of agreements, law and especially forgiveness. Those leaders
with its lieutenants that flamed or promoted or fueled terrorism should be the ones that
should be charged in court and be imprisoned under the supervision of coalition of the
willing or UN police and UN military men. If terrorist leaders are being charged in court
as ethnic cleanser and with pierced penalty, perhaps people would know well that world
body is serious on its campaign against terrorism.
A scholar asked: “I saw some testing of missiles done by a leader well known to his
“wipe out” comment. And I heard that the testing of letting missiles flew simultaneously
is that it could be a deterrent so that other would not “mess” with their regional affairs,
what can you say about this?” The A.I. answered: “Since the world is becoming global,
regional affairs are now being talked through consensus of the world’s security body. The
leader who is fond of instilling fears to his neighbors should be cooperative with the
world’s body so that things could be all right; or the world body would be compelled to
pass majority rule on the “mess” created by a conceited leader.
A scholar asked: “Could word from religion influence the leader to do this testing?”
The A.I. answered: “Twisted words could really influence leaders to do things that could
create chaos. But perhaps there could be a silent deceiver which could deceive people not
to research, give more focus or emphasis on the universal word. Perhaps the greatest
deception of all is perhaps when few good words are highly praised or highly valued or
put into prime light as often as possible that divert many people not to know other
essential words; or that most people especially 80-90% of the population of the locality
are magnetized not to seek those other essential words because he is already a member of
a very good group and only true and right group. Instead they concentrate on those
teaching of men; and downgrading universal teachings. Example: if they give so much
emphasis on their groups’ extremist teacher’s words like: “they are infidels, they should
be converted to our only true faith or they should die!” or “we are the original –they are
just the fakers or pretenders or impostors” rather than giving more emphasis on universal
words: example on: “1John 4: 20: If someone says he loves God but hates his brother, he
is a liar. 1John 1:9: Whoever says that he is the light, yet hates his brother is in the
darkness to this very hour.” And there are many other universal words that could be
searched or studied from other moderate faiths and tolerant or balanced religions …!”
A scholar asked: “You quoted that faith could move mountains! And also I heard
you said “perhaps the faith or morale of those military men that they could defeat the
extremists would be hampered or be placed in a weak position.” Could the faith of the
whole nation be changed by an election or referendum?” The A.I. answered: “The faith of
the people changes. The faith of the people depends most on their leader’s performance,
and the workings of the media! Perhaps history could prove that when people’s faith side
to something connected to weakness, envy; defeat follows. When crab mentality, envy, or
any negative in nature is being flamed by some influential leaders in the motherland, the
whole nation would go down; and their fighting forces or armies at foreign lands would
even be defeated by his enemies.”
A scholar asked: “Can you explain what faith is; or why different faith could cause
misunderstanding or cause even hating or cause war or cause false actions or cause even
the defeat of a good, brave army?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps since different faith is
caused because of different teachings or because of different words then perhaps the
results could let the mind do action that is universally accepted or universally
condemned. About positive faith that could result to action that is universally appreciated:
here are some from an example of sacred book of other faiths -the Bible: “James 1:6: But
when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in
the sea that is driven and blown about the wind. Hebrew 11: 1-3: To have faith is to be
sure of things we hope for to be certain of the things we cannot see. It was by their faith
that the people of ancient time won God’s approval. It is by faith that we understand that
the universe was created by God’s word, so that what can be seen was made out of what
cannot be seen. Hebrew 11:5: It was faith that kept Enoch from dying. Instead, he was
taken up to God, and nobody could find him, because God had taken him up. Hebrew 11:
7: It was faith that made Noah hear God’s warnings about things in the future that he
could not see. Hebrew 11:8: It was faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to go
out to a country that God had promised to give him. Hebrew 11:27: It was faith that made
Moses leave Egypt without being afraid of the king’s anger. Hebrew 11:29: It was faith
that made the Israelites able to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land (Opinion: Perhaps the
sea bed is wet but because of will power and team work and faith, the Israelites were able
to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land), when the Egyptians tried to do it, the water
swallowed them. Hebrew 11: 30: It was faith that made the walls of Jericho fall down
after the Israelites had marched around them for seven days. Mark 11:22-25: Jesus
answered them, “Have faith in God. I assure you that whoever tells this hill to get up and
throw itself in the sea and does not doubt his heart, but believe that what he says will
happen (Opinion: perhaps it is abstract or hyperbole –it should not be interpreted as
literal); it will be done for him. For this reason I tell you: When you pray and ask for
something, believe that you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask for.
And when you stand and pray, forgive anything you may have against anyone, so that
your Father in heaven will forgive the wrongs you have done.” Matthew 9: 20-22: A
woman who had suffered from severe bleeding for twelve years came up behind Jesus
and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, “If only I touch his cloak, I well
get well.” Jesus turned around and saw her, and said, “Courage, my daughter! Your faith
has made you well. Roman 4:4-5: A person who works is paid his wages, but they are not
regarded as a gift; they are something that he has earned. But the person who depends on
his faith, not on his deeds, and who believes in the God who declares the guilty to be
innocent, it is his faith that God takes into account in order to put him right with himself.
Romans3: 20 –22 For no one is put right in God’s sight by doing what the law requires;
what the law does is to make man know that he has sinned. But now God’s way of
putting people right with himself has been revealed. It has nothing to do with law, even
though the Law of Mosses and the prophets gave their witness to it. God puts people right
through their faith in Jesus Christ.”
A scholar asked: “You are creating again superiority of faith or supremacy of group
or leader when you mentioned the words ‘Jesus Christ’; could it lead to misunderstanding
with other groups?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps the words ‘Jesus Christ’ means the
Word! Or, studying- the teaching of Jesus like for example: “love your enemy…”- has no
boundaries; or studying the teaching example ‘love of enemies…’ does not create
distinction. Any group or faith could or should study the Word; and there is no need to
transfer to other group because the group itself could change for the better. Perhaps this is
what Paul wanted to teach when Paul rebuked Peter because Peter wanted to force the
Gentiles be liked Jewish! Or, others could also study other’s teachings as long as it is
I think there are many topics about faith in the Bible. But since other faiths have
their religious beliefs other than those of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., then as long as
their faith is universal in nature, it is good faith. Or, I think faith regardless of religious
affiliation as long as the faith resulted to universally accepted norm or universally
appreciated action, balanced, moderate, tolerant men should appreciate those also-
example: good faith that has positive energies like “chi” of the Chinese, good Karma of
the Hindus or Buddhists, positive thinking of those who depend on science. Perhaps
moderate Muslims, moderate Buddhists and other moderate faiths could easily accepts
Jesus Christ’s universal teachings or words-love of enemies…!

From someone,

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