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By using one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) technique, the researchers managed to find the optimal range of these parameters in order to maximize

the production. However, they failed to find the true value of each parameter. Besides that, this technique was not able to indicate the interactions and relationship between the parameters affecting the production of BC (Chinadurai 2010, Venkata 2009, Yannie 2006). The limitation of research on the process will leads to minimum optimization of the process. OFAT method will find the best range value for each factor and the process of this finding value is repeated for the remaining factors until all factors have been considered. This will account a lot of cost for running all the experiments. Researchers also found that this technique often easily confuses the alternative effect between the medium components (Haaland, 1989; Hendrix, 1979 in Yannie 2006). Nowadays, method of experimental design offers a great significance of process optimization by using Design Expert software. The systematically experiments model are well-designed in order to find optimal conditions and maximize the fermentation process. The results obtained from the experiments can be analysed in statistical options and the response surface plots are graphically drawn by the software (Nermeen 2010, Hassan 2008).

Cellulose is known as renewable polymer resources today since has been used in two general processes which are in construction material and become starting material for chemical conversion such as production of film, artificial and threads (Kumar et al. 2008). The primary sources of cellulose are mainly origin from the wood, water plants, grasses and other plant substances. Plant derived cellulose is usually associated Hemicellulose, Lignin material and small amount of extractives (Hons 1996 in Prof. Dr. Dieter Klemm, 2007). For industry purposes, cellulose has to be in high purity form. In other words, separation of cellulose from Hemicellulose and Lignin has to be done to get high purity of cellulose. A high quality of purification and isolation of cellulose from the plant have to conduct in order to get the pure cellulose, where these processes take a lot of cost. Further physical and chemical pre-treatment are need to be done in order to disrupt the lignocellulose structure of the plants derived cellulose (Shahriariour et al., 2009). Despite of taking complex process and use high cost, the purification process of plants derived cellulose also have side effect such as environmental problems and chemical reaction difficulties (Prof. Dr. Dieter Klemm, 2007). The by-product of the purifications process is burned in alkali recovery system, where the burning of these materials leads to air pollution and global warming (Cheng et al., 2006). According to Sherif 2006, the pulping process of plants derived cellulose in paper industry contributed to water, air and soil pollutions due to disposal of the pollutants into environment. Pollutants results from bleaching process in paper industry is specified as polychlorinated dioxins, furans, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides and solid waste, where these pollutants was not biodegradable and was not able to decomposes in landfill (Freeman 1995). In addition, the content of cellulose in plant substances is only about 30% to 50%, which means a lot amount of plants substances needs by industry in order to provided significant sources of cellulose (Iolech 2008). Since large amount of plants derived cellulose has been used in paper and textiles industries, it leads to high demand on plants derived cellulose from woods and plants. This situation will gives bad effect on nature preservations and contributed to global warming (Iffah 2006).

Thus, plant derived cellulose is no longer suitable to be use as the primary sources of cellulose. In approach to find other alternative sources of cellulose, a lab-scale production of cellulose by Acetobacter bacteria is proposed throughout this study.

Since the primary sources of cellulose is mainly used from plants and trees, researches claimed the huge usage of cellulose in industries contributed to global warming and affect nature preservations

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