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J Comp Physiol A (2005)

DOI 10.1007/s00359-005-0044-y


M. Rützler Æ LJ Zwiebel

Molecular biology of insect olfaction:recent progress and conceptual


Received: 11 May 2005 / Revised: 3 July 2005 / Accepted: 12 July 2005

 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Insects have an enormous impact on global Odorant receptor Æ ORN: Olfactory receptor
public health as disease vectors and as agricultural e- neuron Æ PBP: Pheromone binding protein Æ PN:
nablers as well as pests and olfaction is an important Projection neuron Æ PBPRP: Pheromone binding
sensory input to their behavior. As such it is of great protein–related protein Æ SNMP: Sensory neuron
value to understand the interplay of the molecular membrane protein Æ VA: Vaccenyl acetate
components of the olfactory system which, in addition
to fostering a better understanding of insect neurobiol-
ogy, may ultimately aid in devising novel intervention Introduction
strategies to reduce disease transmission or crop dam-
age. Since the first discovery of odorant receptors in The molecular and cellular characterization of olfactory
vertebrates over a decade ago, much of our view on how processes in insects has achieved an enviable rate of
the insect olfactory system might work has been derived growth encompassing a wide range of approaches and
from observations made in vertebrates and other inver- systems. Indeed, one might argue that in several in-
tebrates, such as lobsters or nematodes. Together with stances, but most significantly regarding the molecular
the advantages of a wide range of genetic tools, the characterization of odorant specificity, the insect olfac-
identification of the first insect odorant receptors in tory systems have proven to be more experimentally
Drosophila melanogaster in 1999 paved the way for rapid robust than their mammalian counterparts. In this re-
progress in unraveling the question of how olfactory view, we will attempt both to catalog recent advances
signal transduction and processing occurs in the fruitfly. and to place these data within a broader biological
This review intends to summarize much of this progress context. It should be noted that this is not a simple task;
and to point out some areas where advances can be indeed, the spectrum of methodologies range from bio-
expected in the near future. informatics and genomics to real-time imagery of
olfactory signal transduction and processing. Further-
Keywords Odorant binding proteins Æ Odorant more, while the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, re-
degrading enzymes Æ G protein coupled receptors Æ mains at the forefront of insect model systems, vigorous
OR83b/OR7 Æ Sensory neuron membrane proteins experimental programs focusing on insect olfaction have
been established, which transcend the traditional limits
Abbreviations AL: Antennal lobe Æ CNG: Cyclic of ‘‘academic models‘’. These latter studies serve to
nucleotide gated Æ CSP: Chemosensory protein Æ DOR: broaden our appreciation for the conservation of
Drosophila odorant receptor Æ GRCR: G protein olfactory mechanisms within insects as well as their di-
coupled receptor Æ GRK: G protein coupled receptor verse implementations. At the same time, they enhance
kinases Æ LN: Local neuron Æ OBP: Odorant binding our understanding of processes in insects that function
protein Æ ODE: Odor degrading enzymes Æ OR: as agricultural enablers and pests, as well as vectors for a
range of pathogens that cause important human diseases
M. Rützler Æ LJ Zwiebel (&) such as malaria, Dengue and Yellow fever. Ultimately,
Department of Biological Sciences, these studies may facilitate the design and implementa-
Program in Developmental Biology and Center tion of novel intervention strategies directed against
for Molecular Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University, critical olfactory-driven behaviors of medically and
VU Station B 351634, Nashville, TN 37235-3582, USA
economically important insects.
Tel.: +615-343-1894 Until recently, much of our view of insect odorant
Fax: +615-936-0129 perception at the molecular level was strongly influenced
by observations that were made in vertebrates, crusta-
ceans and nematodes (Hildebrand and Shepherd 1997;
Krieger and Breer 1999). The canonical model involves a
family of heptahelical G protein coupled receptors
(GPCRs) that activate downstream effectors via het-
erotrimeric GTP binding (G) proteins that consist of
single a, b and c subunits. In general, GPCR-agonist
binding promotes GDP release from the a-subunit of the
G protein that in turn binds GTP and thereby adopts its
active state. This either triggers a structural rearrange-
ment in the heterotrimeric protein (Bunemann et al.
2003) or release of the bc-subunit (Hamm 1998; Jane-
topoulos et al. 2001). Any of the active components
Gabc.GTP, Ga.GTP or Gbc can in turn regulate a
variety of effectors such as adenylyl cyclase, phospho-
lipases or ion channels (McCudden et al. 2005) before
returning to the inactive state following GTP hydrolysis,
which is catalyzed by the GTPase domain of the a-
subunit (Markby et al. 1993). In vertebrate olfactory
signal transduction, active Gaolf stimulates adenylyl cy-
clase to synthesize the second messenger cyclic 3¢,5¢-
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) (Jones and Reed
1989; Sinnarajah et al. 1998) while lobster olfactory Fig. 1 The insect antenna typically bears between several hundred
and some thousand sensillar hairs, depending on the species, which
receptor neurons (ORNs) form two second messengers, are depicted on the left. Each sensillum contains between 1 and 4
inositol 1,4,5-tris-phosphate (IP3) and cAMP in re- ORNs (red and dark blue, respectively). These are bipolar neurons
sponse to individual odors (Fadool and Ache 1992; which, on one end, extend a dendrite that is bathed in sensillar
Michel and Ache 1992; Boekhoff et al. 1994). The in- lymph and interacts with odorants and on their other end project
axons that terminate in the AL, where olfactory information is
crease in cAMP levels in vertebrates triggers the opening processed. ORNs are embedded in a layer of support cells (light
of a cyclic nucleotide gated (CNG) Ca2+ channel that in green) that secrete proteins such as OBPs (orange and light blue)
turn activates a Cl channel, generating an ORN action into the sensillum lymph. Odorants can enter the sensillum lymph
potential (AP) (Firestein 2001). via pores in the cuticle and cross the lymph in a hitherto still
It has long been assumed that the canonical model of debated way that may involve OBPs as transport vehicles.
Subsequent odorant-OR binding takes place along the dendrite
olfactory signal transduction would also hold in insects of an ORN and may activate a heterotrimeric G-protein to target
where, in contrast to the shared olfactory epithelium of one or more of many possible effectors and finally gates ion
most vertebrate systems, the peripheral olfactory system channels thereby creating APs
is segregated in a large number of distinctive chemo-
sensory hairs known as sensilla which are found on the
antennae, maxillary palps and other sensory appendages it must be noted that the precise mode of insect olfactory
(Fig. 1). Indeed, several of the ‘‘usual’’ molecular sus- signal transduction remains largely obscured.
pects have been identified and in part functionally Before odorants, which are commonly hydrophobic
characterized in insect olfactory organs. These include molecules, can be detected by any kind of membrane-
arrestins (Merrill et al. 2002, 2003, 2005), odorant associated receptor, they must traverse through the
binding proteins (OBPs) (for review see Pelosi and aqueous environment that surrounds ORNs, the
Maida 1995; Tegoni et al. 2004), a heterotrimeric G olfactory mucosa in vertebrates and the sensillum
protein (Laue et al. 1997) as well as a CNG (Baumann lymph in insects. In both cases the abundant secretion
et al. 1994; Dubin et al. 1998) and a IP3-gated ion of specific proteins has been postulated to play a vital
channel (Stengl 1994) (Fig. 1). In a study using the role in this aspect of olfactory processes. These se-
cockroach, it has been demonstrated that pheromone creted proteins form the OBP family and are the
exposure of insect antennal preparations causes a rapid product of several classes of support cells that are
increase in IP3 levels (Breer et al. 1990), which, in a found together with ORNs in insect sensilla (Fig. 1).
follow-up study, could be inhibited by pertussis toxin Several classes of OBPs belonging to the lipocalin gene
(Boekhoff et al. 1990), indicating that the IP3 increase is family have been identified in vertebrates (Dear et al.
dependent upon either a Gai or a Gao heterotrimeric G 1991). Lipocalins typically are 160–180 amino acids
protein subunit. Furthermore, pheromone receptor long, extracelluar, soluable proteins. They often share
neuron activity of Bombyx mori could be stimulated less than 20% pairwise similarity but are identified by
with fluoride ions (Laue et al. 1997) that are known to short characteristic sequence motives. Members of the
activate heterotrimeric G proteins via binding to the a- Lipocalin gene family are generally considered to be
subunit in combination with magnesium ions (Antonny involved in the transport of small molecules such as
et al. 1993). Despite this growing wealth of information, odorants or retinal, but it has become clear later that
family members have a variety of other roles such as
invertebrate cryptic coloration or prostaglandin syn- Odorant receptors
thesis (Flower et al. 1991, 2000; Flower 1996; Fuentes-
Prior et al. 1997). Insect OBPs have been isolated from While Buck and Axel (Buck and Axel 1991) used a novel
a wide variety of species ranging from Lepidopteran polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to
systems where they were first identified (Vogt et al. clone the first candidate ORs from rat olfactory epi-
1991) to D. melanogaster (McKenna et al. 1994; Pik- thelium, similar approaches were unsuccessful in insects.
ielny et al. 1994), Apis mellifera (Briand et al. 2001) In what has proven to be the hallmark for the cloning of
true bugs (Dickens et al. 1998) and more recently, the all insect ORs, the completion of the Drosophila genome
mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae (Biessmann et al. 2002; sequence (Adams et al. 2000) was necessary for the
Xu et al. 2003), Culex quinquefasciatus (Ishida et al. identification of a large family of candidate ORs in the
2002) and Aedes aegypti (Ishida et al. 2004). These fly (Clyne et al. 1999). In this ground-breaking study,
proteins are unrelated in sequence to their vertebrate the first putative D. melanogaster ORs (DORs) were
counterparts and hence may fulfill different functions. identified using a novel computer algorithm that sear-
The first functional characterization of one member of ched for diagnostic features of the GPCR superfamily,
this protein family, D. melanogaster OBP76a/Lush (Xu including hydropathy, polarity and weighted amino acid
et al. 2005), has stimulated discussions about the composition of the predicted protein (Kim et al. 2000).
contributions of these molecules in insect olfactory This approach was unique in that it did not rely on
signal transduction. In this review, we will attempt to searching for putative local or global homologies (which
integrate these observations into a general model of might miss a divergent member of a particular family)
insect olfactory signal transduction. but rather sought to identify putative DORs by search-
In addition to ligand (agonist)-based activation, an ing for genes that display the physicochemical properties
important component of sensory perception is the derived from other established transmembrane proteins.
cessation or reduction of signaling and several mech- This report was followed by independent molecular and
anisms have been suggested to contribute in this pro- bioinformatics studies (Gao and Chess 1999; Vosshall
cess in insect olfaction. Following the activation of et al. 1999) that together described members of a highly
cognate ORs, odorants need to be removed from the divergent family of receptors, displaying between 10%
immediate vicinity of the receptor so that fresh plumes and 75% identity and bearing no significant homology
of odor can be discriminated. This function is carried to any other GPCR family (Smith 1999).
out by a biochemical diverse array of enzymes, which Similar approaches were also used to identify the
have been collectively referred to as odor degrading complete repertoire of OR genes for the malaria vector
enzymes (ODEs) (Jacquin-Joly and Merlin 2004). A mosquito An. gambiae (Fox et al. 2002; Hill et al. 2002)
number of different enzymatic activities, which are which, to date, is the only other insect whose complete
capable of rapid chemical modification (Rybczynski genome has been made publicly available. Nevertheless,
et al. 1989) or degradation of odorants (Vogt et al. additional OR sequences have been identified for other
1985), have been characterized in the past and recently insects including the yellow fever mosquito Aedes ae-
two groups reported cloning of candidate molecules gypti (Melo et al. 2004), the tobacco budworm Heliothis
for such biochemical activities (Ishida and Leal 2002; virescens (Krieger et al. 2002, 2004) and the silk moth B.
Maibeche-Coisne et al. 2004). On the cytoplasmic side mori (Sakurai et al. 2004; Nakagawa et al. 2005). Fur-
of the ORN plasma membrane, desensitization of thermore, unpublished data has also been made avail-
GPCR-mediated signal transduction is, in part, medi- able for identifying 166 ORs and 6 OR pseudogenes
ated through an impairment of the receptor’s ability to from the genome of the honey bee Apis mellifera (H.
activate its corresponding G protein. This process has Robertson, personal communication).
been extensively studied in the context of mammalian Since the initial discovery of insect ORs, great pro-
GPCRs where it is carried out principally through the gress has been made in understanding the function of
combined activity of two classes of proteins: G protein this receptor family and an increasingly clearer picture
coupled serine/threonine receptor kinases (GRKs) and of their contribution to olfactory coding is emerging.
arrestins (Freedman and Lefkowitz 1996). Phosphory- Much of the recent progress has been made possible by
lation of a GPCR by a GRK serves to promote the two major breakthroughs, both of which take advantage
binding of an arrestin protein, which further uncouples of the powerful experimental toolbox available in Dro-
the receptor from the G protein-based signaling cas- sophila. The first involves the introduction of a novel
cade (Pippig et al. 1993). Our laboratory has demon- approach for the ectopic expression of ORs that has
strated that a set of arrestin genes known to be active been established in D. melanogaster by the laboratory of
in visual signal transduction (Hyde et al. 1990; Smith John Carlson (Yale University) which facilitates the
et al. 1990; Alloway et al. 2000) also function in study of insect odorant receptor function in vivo (Do-
olfactory signal transduction in D. melanogaster britsa et al. 2003). In this ‘‘empty neuron’’ system, a
(Merrill et al. 2002) and has identified several arrestin deletion at the genomic locus of DORs 22a and 22b
family members expressed in olfactory tissues of An. (Dhalo) leads to the loss of olfactory sensitivity in the
gambiae (Merrill et al. 2003). well-defined ab3A neuron, where both receptors are
normally expressed. In order to characterize the contri- ab3A neuron that closely resembled odorant responses
bution of DORs 22a and 22b to the sensitivity of the of previously characterized Drosophila olfactory neurons
wild-type ab3A neuron, Dobritsa et al. (2003) ectopi- (deBruyne et al. 2001). Moreover, the response profiles
cally expressed these ORs individually in the ab3A of all 24 functional DORs were distinct.
neuron, utilizing the bipartite GAL4/UAS system Importantly, these studies suggest for the first time as
(Brand and Perrimon 1993) under control of the to how the olfactory system of Drosophila can discrim-
endogenous DOR22a promoter region. This approach inate between hundreds or thousands of odorants, with
revealed that of the two receptors DOR22a and only a relatively limited (compared to mammalian ge-
DOR22b, which are both expressed in the ab3A neuron, nomes) number (62) of DORs that have been detected in
only DOR22a conferred sensitivity to odorants, sug- the fly genome (Robertson et al. 2003). Some of the
gesting that DOR22b is not functional in the ab3A receptors responded strongly to only one of the tested
neuron. Furthermore, a resting frequency of action compounds while other ORs elicited strong reactions to
potentials (APs), albeit abnormally low, for the ab3A a number of chemicals, in keeping with the generally
neuron is still detectable in Dhalo mutants, indicating accepted combinatorial mode of OR specificity (Malnic
that a functional OR is not required for ORN devel- et al. 1999). Particular odorants, on the other hand,
opment. activated a variable but specific subset of receptors.
The real strength of this approach was revealed when These events underlie a combinatorial discrimination of
Dobritsa et al. (2003) subsequently tested whether Dro- odorants, which has previously been observed in the first
sophila ORs that are normally not expressed in the ab3A center of neuronal integration, the antennal lobe (AL)
neuron could function in this ORN. Surprisingly, ecto- (Fiala et al. 2002; Ng et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2003).
pic expression of DOR47a in the Dhalo background re- In order to image odorant-stimulated activity across
stored odorant sensitivity to ab3A neurons. the entire AL, Ng et al. (2002) and Wang et al. (2003)
Importantly, ectopic expression of DOR47a shifted the selectively expressed fluorescent proteins that respond to
ab3A neuron’s response profile to that of the ab5B odorant stimulation with fluorescence intensity changes
neuron, thus, indicating that DOR47a is the functional that indirectly reflect Ca2+ levels in defined neuronal
receptor housed in the ab5B neuron (deBruyne et al. subsets: ORNs, projection neurons (PNs) which relay
2001). In this manner the Carlson laboratory not only odorant information to higher brain centers, and in local
provided compelling evidence that DORs 22a and 47b interneurons, which are exclusively GABAergic inhibi-
are bona fide ORs, but more importantly, have devised a tory neurons (Jackson et al. 1990; Buchner 1991). Both
powerful new approach for the functional characteriza- studies observed that odorant information obtained at
tion of other ORs. This system was subsequently used to the periphery is similarly represented at the level of the
deorphanize two ORs from the malaria vector mosquito AL: At low odorant concentrations, some single odor-
An. gambiae (AgORs) (Hallem et al. 2004a), further ants did not elicit glomerular activity in the AL while
demonstrating utility of this approach to functionally other odorants evoke activity in a small, odorant-specific
characterize ORs from different insect species. In this set of glomeruli. Stimulation with higher odorant con-
study, expression of AgOR1, in ab3A ORNs resulted in centrations consistently evoked activity in additional
specific responses to 10 3 M concentrations of 4-meth- glomeruli, which most likely reflects stimulation of
ylphenol (4MP). This is particularly interesting because additional receptor populations in antennae as observed
AgOR1 is specifically expressed in vivo in blood-feeding by Hallem et al. (2004b). Importantly, even though at
female mosquitoes (Fox et al. 2001) and 4MP has also high concentrations different odorants may activate
been identified as a component of human sweat (Cork overlapping populations of ORNs, the individual re-
and Park 1996). These data raise the possibility that sponse profile of each ORN type observed by Hallem
AgOR1 presumably acting together with other AgORs et al. (2004b) is reflected as a distinct combinatorial
may play a critical role in mediating the olfactory-based pattern of glomerular activity at the AL (Wang et al.
preference for human hosts (anthropophily) that lie at 2003). Moreover, the activity patterns observed by Ng
the heart of the high vectorial capacity of An. gambiae. et al. (2002) and Wang et al. (2003) were similar in
As such, it would be a prime target for chemical or ge- presynaptic ORNs and postsynaptic PNs. Information
netic-based intervention strategies designed to reduce transmission through glomerular relays took place in the
the ability of An. gambiae to transmit human malaria. presence of widespread inhibitory local neuron (LN)
In a massive and elegant set of studies that has fun- activity. Most odor representations by ORNs and PNs,
damentally affected our current view of odorant dis- in fact, received simultaneous inhibition by LNs, while
crimination in insects, the empty neuron approach has in other glomeruli LN synapses were active in the ab-
subsequently been utilized to characterize the olfactory sence of ORN afferent activity (Ng et al. 2002).
response profile for the antenna of D. melanogaster While the monitoring of odorant sensitive fluores-
(Hallem et al. 2004b). Of 32 DORs that have previously cence intensity changes now provides superb spatial
been reported to be expressed in Drosophila antennae, all resolution of glomerular activity in the entire AL, these
but one were expressed and characterized in this study. methods are unable to resolve information that may be
Twenty-four of these were functional in this context, 13 encoded within AP trains, which can only be monitored
of which conferred an odorant response profile in the by electrophysiological methods (Laurent 1999). Indeed,
neural ensemble recordings have been utilized (Chris- the odorant response profile of this ORN (Goldman
tensen et al. 2000; Lei et al. 2004) to study electrical et al. 2005). If a subset of the antennal ORNs also co-
activity of the antennal lobe in the moth Manduca sexta. expresses more than one functional OR, this may pro-
In these important experiments, an array of 16 recording vide a rationale for the observation that the odorant
electrodes facilitates simultaneous monitoring of elec- sensitivities of several DORs ectopically expressed in the
trical activity, thereby, combining the powerful temporal empty neuron system could not be correlated with any
resolution capacity of electrophysiology with spatial known ORN response profiles from Drosophila (Hallem
information regarding glomerular activity. Furthermore, et al. 2004b).
Lei et al. (2004) observed that similar odorants cannot More recently, the ‘‘empty neuron’’ approach has
be discriminated with confidence solely based on the been extended to encompass the larval olfactory system
combinatorial, spatial glomerular activation pattern. in Drosophila (Kreher et al. 2005) where a set of larval
Temporal patterns of different ORN population, APs, DOR proteins were examined. Here, two broad classes
however, may be compared and integrated at the AL by of larval DORs were identified: the first class displaying
LNs (Lei et al. 2004). Such processing may shape PN strong responses to aliphatic odorants and another
output activity to the protocerebrum (Lei et al. 2004) or being highly sensitive to odorants that contain a benzene
mushroombody, whereas in Drosophila, both odorant ring. In addition, a single larval DOR gene (DOr67b)
concentrations and identities are represented as stereo- displayed strong responses to both types of odorants
typed patterns of neuronal activity (Wang et al. 2001, (Kreher et al. 2005). Importantly, by analyzing the lar-
2004). val antennal lobe (LAL) projections derived from larval
Another important finding of Hallem et al. (2004b) DOR GAL4 drivers and GFP reporters, Kreher et al.
was that the resting frequency of APs of the ab3A (2005) were able to show that larval ORNs expressing a
neuron was directly dependent on the ectopically ex- unique larval OR gene map to discrete and non-over-
pressed DOR and these new resting frequencies of APs lapping glomeruli within the LAL. Even more striking is
essentially recapitulated the characteristics of the native the observation that convergence of larval ORNs to a
ORN for each of the DORs studied. Resting frequencies common LAL target was never observed and, interest-
of APs are an important characteristic of insect ORNs ingly, larval ORNs expressing DORs that display similar
and can vary between 1 and 30 spikes per second in odorant specificities map to clustered LAL glomeruli
Drosophila (de Bruyne et al. 1999, 2001). It has been (Kreher et al. 2005). Taken together, these observations
suggested that this frequency determines the amount of suggest that for Drosophila, and perhaps for other in-
information that can be encoded either in stimulation or sects, organization of the olfactory system is simpler in
inhibition of ORN APs through odorants, both of which larvae than in adults but information coding is similar.
are represented in the antennal lobe (de Bruyne et al. The second breakthrough study that has sparked re-
1999, 2001; Shields and Hildebrand 2001). cent progress in understanding the mechanisms under-
For those cases of DORs that showed little or no lying the insect olfactory apparatus was the functional
response, Hallem et al. (2004b) hypothesized that some characterization of Drosophila DOR83b by the labora-
might not be normally functional in vivo as was the case tory of Leslie Vosshall (Larsson et al. 2004). In contrast
for DOR22b. In addition, these proteins could con- to other ‘‘conventional’’ members of the insect OR
ceivably respond to odorants that lie outside of the family that share little sequence homology and are ex-
diagnostic set of 11 compounds utilized in this study. pressed in a small subset of olfactory neurons, homologs
Furthermore, the substances used in these experiments of DOR83b, which have been identified in several insect
were chosen based on their ability to discriminate be- orders including Diptera (Krieger et al. 2003; Melo et al.
tween ORN classes that were previously identified 2004; Pitts et al. 2004), Hymenoptera (Krieger et al.
(deBruyne et al. 2001). They included chemicals that are 2003), Lepidoptera (Krieger et al. 2003; Nakagawa et al.
known to be relevant to Drosophila behavior but did not 2005), and Coleoptera (Krieger et al. 2003), share high
contain specialized compounds such as pheromones sequence conservation of more than 60% amino acid
(Hallem et al. 2004b), which are key substances in the identity. Moreover, each of these homologs are ex-
sexual behaviors of insects that elicit significant re- pressed in a large majority of the ORNs in each insect
sponses from a highly specialized subset of ORNs (Bo- (Vosshall et al. 1999; Krieger et al. 2003; Melo et al.
eckh and Boeckh 1979; Kaissling 1996; Clyne et al. 2004; Pitts et al. 2004; Nakagawa et al. 2005). Taking
1997). In another novel study from the Carlson labo- advantage of a recent innovation that uses homologous
ratory (Goldman et al. 2005), it has recently been dem- recombination to facilitate the targeted knockout of
onstrated that in insects there is at least one exception to genes in Drosophila (Gong and Golic 2003), Larsson
one of the central hypotheses of vertebrate and insect et al. observed that deletion of DOR83b from ORNs
olfaction, being that one ORN can express only a single resulted in a general insensitivity to odorants in larval
functional OR (Ressler et al. 1993; Vassar et al. 1993; and adult stages of the fruitfly (Larsson et al. 2004).
Clyne et al. 1999; Gao and Chess 1999; Malnic et al. Insight into the underlying molecular rationale of this
1999; Vosshall et al. 1999). In this case, two odorant phenotype was gained by the observation that in
receptors are co-expressed in the pb2A neuron on the DOR83b mutants conventional DORs that are typi-
maxillary palp of Drosophila, which together account for cally co-expressed with DOR83b were no longer cor-
rectly localized along the dendritic portion of ORNs. Kettler 2001; Wetzel et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2003;
Instead, the bulk of these DOR proteins remained in the Hallem et al. 2004b). In contrast to the in vivo obser-
soma which is in agreement with the hypothesis that vation of anosmia in DOR83b-deficient flies (Larsson
DOR83b facilitates trafficking of general ORs to the et al. 2004), HEK293 transfection with either DOR22 or
dendrite (Larsson et al. 2004). Consistent with the high DOR43 alone also conferred sensitivity to their respec-
sequence conservation that is characteristic among tive cognate agonists, albeit at greatly reduced sensitivity
OR83b family members, antennal transgene expression and in tenfold fewer cells (Neuhaus et al. 2005).
of respective orthologues from An. gambiae, the Medi- In another recent study, DOR83b was similarly
terranean fruitfly Ceratitis capitata, and the corn ear- shown to facilitate the function of DOR47a in Xenopus
worm moth Helicoverpa zea in Dor83b mutant flies laevis oocytes (Nakagawa et al. 2005). In a similar
restored odorant sensitivity and facilitated membrane fashion, the effect of two DOR83b homologues, BmOR2
trafficking of conventional ORs to a similar degree as and HR2 from the moths B. mori and H. virescens
ectopic expression of DOR83b itself (Larsson et al. (Krieger et al. 2003), were examined. In both cases, these
2004; Jones et al. 2005). This provides direct evidence OR83b family proteins increased plasma membrane
for functional conservation of OR83b proteins in a wide localization of the B. mori pheromone receptor BmOR1
range of insects. (Sakurai et al. 2004), providing further evidence that
These results hearken back to the observation that in DOR83b family receptors may play a general and, in-
many cases vertebrate GPCRs form homo and hetero- deed, essential role in the trafficking of conventional
oligomeric complexes, which contribute to GPCR func- ORs in vivo (Nakagawa et al. 2005). In a previous
tion in several ways (Terrillon and Bouvier 2004). It has study, this group recorded ligand-dependent responses
been suggested (Reddy and Corley 1998) that formation derived from Ca2+ sensitive Cl channels in Xenopus
of oligomeric complexes is important for the escape of oocyte voltage clamp studies only when BmGaq was co-
some molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum, which expressed along with only BmOR1 and not with 83b
could explain the retention in the soma of general ORs in family protein (Sakurai et al. 2004), which supports
the absence of an OR83b family protein. In this light it is previously obtained in vivo results that insect ORs
worthwhile to note that heterologous expression systems function as bone fide GPCRs (Boekhoff et al. 1990;
for many GPCRs and in particular, a large number of Laue et al. 1997). Surprisingly, in a follow-up study, an
chemoreceptors have traditionally failed to correctly additional current in response to Bombykol, a BmOR1
traffic these proteins to the plasma membrane leading to agonist, was observed when BmOR2 was co-expressed
a significant impediment to the functional characteriza- along with BmOR1 even in the absence of BmGaq
tion of candidate ORs (McClintock et al. 1997; Gimel- (Nakagawa et al. 2005). Further characterization of this
brant et al. 1999, 2001). Accordingly, there has been response (Nakagawa et al. 2005) implicated the
considerable speculation that other genes are expressed involvement of a channel that preferentially carried
in chemosensory neurons whose products aid in the monovalent cations and was inhibited by ruthenium red,
membrane trafficking of ORs. Such molecules have which is a non-selective ryanodine receptor antagonist
subsequently been identified in nematodes (Dwyer et al. (Zucchi and Ronca-Testoni 1997). Interestingly, while
1998) and vertebrates (Hague et al. 2004). The results of Xenopus oocytes do not express ryanodine receptors
Larsson et al. (2004) suggest that DOR83b and its ho- (McPherson et al. 1992), it has been suggested that
mologues may play a similar role in plasma membrane ruthenium red can also target IP3 receptor (Ikeda and
trafficking of conventional OR proteins. Maruyama 2001). Similar responses were also recorded
Indeed, oligomer formation of DOR83b family pro- when BmOR1 was co-expressed with HR2 and
teins and conventional insect ORs has since been ob- DOR83b, indicating that this receptor family may, in
served in two independent studies. In the first set of addition to its function in trafficking of general ORs,
experiments, DOR83b was expressed in Human also contribute to signal transduction in an enigmatic
Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cells along with two way. One possibility is that a complex of one DOR83b
conventional ORs, DOR22a and 43a, respectively family protein and one conventional OR are required to
(Neuhaus et al. 2005). Examining bioluminescence res- fully activate one heterotrimeric G protein. In fact, evi-
onance energy transfer (BRET) between fluorescence- dence for such a mode of activation has been observed
tagged versions of each of these receptors, which can be for refolded leukotriene B4 receptor that was reconsti-
used to monitor physical proximity between molecules tuted in lipid vesicles along with G protein (Baneres and
(Xu et al. 1999), ligand-independent formation of het- Parello 2003).
ero-oligomeric complexes between DOR83b and
DOR22a as well as DOR83b and DOR43a was observed
(Neuhaus et al. 2005). Similarly, formation of the Odorant binding proteins
respective homo-oligomeric complexes was also ob-
served (Neuhaus et al. 2005). Importantly, co-expression An important implication of the studies involving ecto-
of DOR 43a along with DOR83b dramatically enhanced pic or heterologous expression of conventional ORs and
cyclohexanone responses in transfected cells (Neuhaus pheromone receptors is the suggestion that these pro-
et al. 2005), a known agonist of DOR43a (Stortkuhl and teins can discriminate biologically relevant concentra-
tions of their cognate ligands and effectively initiate chemical transporter from the sensillum surface to the
olfactory signal transduction in the absence of OBPs or, dendrite or as a receptor interaction partner can be ex-
in more specialized ORNs, pheromone binding proteins cluded, the protein was found in close association with
(PBPs). This comes despite a large body of literature the dendrites of the receptor cells in all taste pegs and
confirming that OBPs and PBPs are widely and robustly hence may function as a carrier of tastant molecules in
expressed in insect olfactory organs and an equally large this system (Shanbhag et al. 2001b). Furthermore, while
variety of hypotheses concerning their function. These the structure of taste pegs is certainly atypical for con-
include roles in removal or inactivation of odorants tact chemoreceptor sensilla, a recent report has charac-
(Steinbrecht and Müller 1971; Vogt and Riddiford 1981; terized the expression of Drosophila Gr5a, a gustatory
Ziegelberger 1995), solubilization of hydrophobic receptor sensitive to trehalose, in a subset of taste pegs
odorants (Wojtasek and Leal 1999; Sandler et al. 2000), suggesting these sensilla indeed have a specific chemo-
concentration of odorants in the sensillum lymph Pelosi sensory function (Thorne et al. 2004).
(1996) by acting as filters to screen out subsets of Also confounding is a recent functional evidence
odorants (Pelosi 1994) or transportation of odorants suggesting that at least one OBP can fulfill variable
through the lymph to the olfactory neurons to possibly functions in different neurons. Drosophila OBP76a,
act as co-initiators of the signal transduction process which was initially named lush based on a mutant phe-
(Krieger and Breer 1999). Furthermore, several OBP notype conferring insensitivity to high concentrations of
and PBP structures have been resolved both alone and in alcohols, is expressed in the sensillum lymph that sur-
combination with various ligands (Tegoni et al. 2004). rounds the dendrite in all three types of trichodic sen-
In some cases, specific binding of biologically relevant silla, T1, T2 and T3, on D. melanogaster antennae (Kim
molecules has been observed for PBPs (Bette et al. 2002; et al. 1998). Of these, the T1 sensilla house neurons that
Mohl et al. 2002; Riviere et al. 2003) and another class are narrowly tuned to 11-cis vaccenyl acetate (VA)
of molecules, the chemosensory proteins (CSPs), that (Clyne et al. 1997) while T2 sensilla can be grouped into
has been suggested to interact with odorants in the two functional classes T2A and T2B, the former con-
sensillum lymph (Briand et al. 2002; Lartigue et al. taining neurons that are inhibited by 1-hexanol while the
2002). On the other hand, others have found that PBPs latter are inhibited by high concentrations of ethanol
can bind a wide range of chemicals with high affinity and butanol (Xu et al. 2005). Electrophysiological
(Campanacci et al. 2001). recordings from T1 neurons typically show a spontane-
Not surprisingly, there is evidence that this class of ous activity of 1 AP per second and upon application of
proteins may in fact carry out more than one of the VA, wild-type T1 sensilla respond with a robust burst of
proposed set of OBP functions. For example, Drosophila APs. Remarkably, in lush mutants this sensitivity to VA
OBP19a, which was originally termed Pheromone is completely lost and the spontaneous activity drops
Binding Protein Related Protein (PBPRP) 2, has been approximately 400-fold (Xu et al. 2005) which is con-
localized in two studies by immuno-electron microscopy sistent with a role for OBP76a/ lush not only as a VA
(Park et al. 2000; Shanbhag et al. 2001b) to diverse areas carrier but also as a component of ORN signal trans-
of chemosensory organs of the fruitfly. In the antennae duction. In one model proposed by Xu et al. (2005) to
and the maxillary palpi, PBPRP2 is localized to the describe this observation, OBP76a/ lush contributes to
extracellular space that is situated between the cuticle the activation of a receptor on the dendritic membrane
and the underlying epidermal cells (Park et al. 2000). of the sensory neuron and VA would serve to stabilize
Additionally, PBPRP2 labeling was observed in a subset an active conformation of OBP76a. This active confor-
of coeloconic sensilla on the antennal surface. These mation could also manifest spontaneously albeit at a
sensilla are unique among olfactory hairs in that they are significantly lower frequency, thereby explaining the
double walled and contain two separate liquid-filled infrequent spontaneous APs in wild-type T1 neurons as
cavities (Shanbhag et al. 1999; Park et al. 2000). Of well as an almost lack of them in lush mutants. Fur-
these, only the inner cavity is in contact with the den- thermore, in an elegant follow-up experiment, Xu et al.
drite of the sensory neuron and PBPRP2 labeling was (2005) were able to restore spontaneous activity to T1
restricted to the outer cavity. Therefore, it is unlikely neurons by directly infusing recombinant OBP76a/
that PBPRP2 comes in contact with the dendrite and the LUSH into the sensillum lymph from the recording
signal transduction machinery (Park et al. 2000). pipette tip. This type of rescue effectively excludes a
Moreover, PBPRP2 was identified in more than 90% of developmental requirement of OBP76a in T1 neuron
taste bristles on the labial palp and in most of the tarsal maturation as the reason for loss of spontaneous APs.
taste bristles where its expression was confined to the In addition to OBP76a/LUSH, at least two other
outer sensillum lymph and the lumen of the sensory hair, OBPs are secreted into the lymph of T1 sensilla
neither of which is in contact with the dendrite of the (Shanbhag et al. 2001a), which are unusual in that they
sensory cell. Shanbag et al. (2001b) suggested that all the only contain 1 neuron (Shanbhag et al. 1999). Since the
above localizations of OBP19a may indicate its function additional OBPs in the T1 lymph cannot compensate for
in detoxification of odorants rather than in interactions loss of spontaneous APs observed in lush mutants, they
with elements of the signal transduction apparatus. In are likely to function differently from the hypothesized
contrast to these instances, where a role for OBP19a as a involvement of OBP76a in signal transduction. It is
possible that these roles may include activities such as that these proteins play a central role in insect olfac-
odorant detoxification or solubilization. tory signal transduction. Furthermore, the essential
In contrast to T1 neurons, T2 neurons exhibited no roles for these proteins in maintaining functionality
loss of spontaneous AP in lush mutants of D. melanog- through protein–protein interactions with conventional
aster (Xu et al. 2005). Intriguingly, a more subtle effect ORs in heterologous expression systems (Nakagawa
was observed in T2 sensilla that could explain the pre- et al. 2005; Neuhaus et al. 2005) provide a compelling
viously observed insensitivity of lush mutants to high rationale for placing them at the heart of the trans-
concentrations of alcohols (Kim et al. 1998). Upon duction mechanism. Indeed, we favor the role of Or83
application of 100% ethanol or 10% butanol through proteins as scaffolding components that not only
the air stream, the spontaneous rate of APs in T2B facilitate trafficking and placement of conventional
neurons, which are housed in a subset of T2 sensilla, was ORs within the ORN plasma membrane but also help
inhibited. Importantly, this inhibition was lost in lush to maintain interactions with arrestins, G proteins and
mutants (Xu et al. 2005), which again points to a specific other signaling components (Fig. 2).
involvement of OBP76a/LUSH in signal transduction We consider it highly unlikely that membrane-bound
and suggests that alcohols may confer an inhibitory ORs are recognizing odorants in vivo that are freely in
conformation upon OBP76a/LUSH. solution in the sensillum lymph. In this regard we rec-
A specific involvement of OBPs in OR activation is ognize studies wherein the in vivo half-life of the moth
furthermore indicated by experiments of Pophof (Pop- pheromone bombykol was calculated to be approxi-
hof 2002, 2004). Two PBPs that are expressed together mately 4 min (Kasang and Kaissling 1972) as well as
in one sensillum of the moth Antheraea polyphemus, each others utilizing in vitro moth sensillar preparations
preferentially interacts with a cognate pheromone in shown to contain highly active ODEs that were shown
binding assays (Maida et al. 2000). In agreement with to degrade or chemically modify physiologically relevant
the exhibited specificity, pre-binding of a PBP and its concentrations of odorants within millisecond time-
cognate pheromone and infusion into the lymph sur- frames (Vogt et al. 1985; Rybczynski et al. 1989). This
rounding the pheromone responsive sensilla elicit re- incongruity was recognized by Vogt et al. (1985) who
sponses from only one of the two ORNs (Pophof 2002, described significant protection of pheromone from
2004). When each pheromone was pre-bound to the ODEs by OBPs thus indicating a role of OBPs as
respective non-cognate PBP and infused into the sen- essential odorant shelters within olfactory sensilla.
sillum lymph, a response in one of the two neurons was It is reasonable to imagine that these experiments
dependent on the cognate PBP but indifferent to the may indeed point to the primary function of both OBPs
pheromone (Pophof 2002). and ODEs. The insect chemosensory system has evolved
to provide these organisms with vital information about
their chemical environment. This environment can con-
Conclusions/current models of insect olfactory signal tain beneficial substances for the organism such as food
transduction but may also contain harmful chemicals, which are
generally to be excluded by the integument. This barrier,
In light of recent progress in deorphanization of insect however, has to be selectively permeable in order to
ORs in heterologous expression systems (Wetzel et al. develop a system for chemical perception. Therefore, an
2001; Sakurai et al. 2004; Nakagawa et al. 2005; odorant delivery system, which nonspecifically loaded
Neuhaus et al. 2005), it is clear that these receptors chemical cargo upon entry and transferred it to a specific
can function to a substantial degree in the absence of location where these chemicals could be evaluated, may
their endogenous OBPs. Moreover, many insect ORs have evolved to minimize detrimental effects on cells
can be expressed ectopically in the context of a foreign that are directly exposed to the environment. Further-
OBP environment without significant impairment of more, in order to afford protection from chemicals that
their function (Wang et al. 2003; Hallem et al. 2004b). escaped the delivery system as well as for the removal of
While comparing the novel results regarding lush by odorants after presentation to the specific recognition
Xu et al. (2005) with those obtained for insect ORs in system (i.e. ORs), ODEs capable of metabolizing these
heterologous expression systems, we recognize two substances into less harmful forms are expressed in
possibilities that would account for these effects on chemosensory sensilla.
olfactory signal transduction that both embrace a set In the first model (Fig. 2, red odorant), OBP76a/
of underlying basic elements. The first premise, now LUSH represents an exceptional case in which an OBP/
firmly established, is that insect ORs are bona fide agonist complex is directly and specifically recognized by
receptors for a large range of odorant molecules and a conventional OR. In contrast, the majority of insect
are fully capable of interfacing with all the elements of ORs either would not bind odorants in the context of an
classical GPCR signal transduction pathways. Next, OBP at all or, alternatively, could not discriminate be-
the extreme conservation of Or83b family members tween different OBPs, each with high affinity for broad
(Krieger et al. 2003; Pitts et al. 2004; Jones et al. 2005) classes of odorants but with low specificity for any
along with the elegant functional analyses carried out particular odorant within their receptive range. In this
in Drosophila (Larsson et al. 2004) strongly implicate model, the OR still maintains a high degree of discrim-
Fig. 2 Hypothetical model incorporating recent insights about function in insect olfactory signal transduction where
molecular interactions in the lumen and at the dendritic membrane OBPs make a specific and requisite contribution. Fur-
of an insect ORN. Odorants entering through cuticular pores are
immediately loaded onto OBPs that transport chemicals to thermore, in this model we hypothesize that conven-
conventional ORs (ORx) and also protect them from degradation tional ORs do not directly interact with OBPs and a
by ODEs (yellow). Transport of odorants is directed by a specific distinct OBP receptor exists in ORNs (Fig. 2, black
OBP receptor that is either constituted by (1) the conventional OR odorant). This OBP receptor may act in concert with the
(interacting with the red odorant/ OBP) or (2) by a different
molecule (SNMP?; interacting with the black odorant/ blue OBP),
conventional OR by directing OBPs to the sites of spe-
which may physically interact with the conventional and/or 83b cific chemical evaluation. This hypothesis could be tes-
family OR. SNMPs are candidate molecules that may function as ted by genetic studies in Drosophila that combine
OBP receptors. Conventional ORs physically interact with a highly deletion or expression knockdown of each ab3-sensillum
conserved 83b family OR which is expressed in a majority of OBP in a Dhalo background where the ‘‘empty’’ ab3a
ORNs. OR83b family proteins facilitate trafficking of conventional
ORs to the dendritic membrane and may contribute to signal ORN lacks any endogenous DORs but is able to sup-
transduction. A complex that consists of a conventional OR, an port the ectopic functional expression of multiple DORs
Or83b family protein and possibly additional molecules, may be and at least 2AgORs in a sensitivity range that closely
required to fully activate a heterotrimeric G-protein. Little is resembled sensitivity of the native ORN of these DORs
known about the signal transduction events and ion channels that
are involved in the generation of APs in insects. Possible G protein (Hallem et al. 2004a, 2004b). If any of the Dobp Dhalo
effectors involve phospholipases such as PLCb double mutants shows a similar lack of spontaneous APs
as has been described for the lush mutant in T1 trichoid
ination for its odorant, regardless of the OBP context in sensilla (Xu et al. 2005), thus differing from the Dhalo
which it is ‘‘presented.’’ phenotype, which still generates spontaneous APs de-
In the second model (Fig. 2, black odorant), the re- spite a lack of any functional OR (Dobritsa et al. 2003),
sults obtained for the lush mutant, the only OBP mutant a discrete receptor for each odorant and OBP exists.
functionally characterized, are not exceptional but in Here a signal transduction cascade that proceeds from
fact, represent the fundamental paradigm for OBP OBPs to conventional ORs through G protein interme-
diates would be inconsistent with two differing pheno- as to which odorants can be presented to ectopically
types for the ab3 OBP and Dhalo mutants. It should be expressed receptors. In this context, studies carried out
noted, however, that APs in the empty ab3A neuron with individual OBPs showing a varying degree of bona
occur as random bursts (Dobritsa et al. 2003), possibly fide odorant binding capacity (Campanacci et al. 2001;
indicating a role of conventional ORs in synchronizing Bette et al. 2002; Mohl et al. 2002; Riviere et al. 2003) as
spontaneous APs. In this context we note that DOR83b well as the variable OBP composition in different types
mutants are also devoid of spontaneous APs (Larsson of sensilla (Pikielny et al. 1994) would effectively lead to
et al. 2004), suggesting that DOR83b could act down- preselection of odorants that differentiate between those
stream of OBPs to generate spontaneous APs in ORNs that could be transported through the sensillum lymph
and could therefore constitute a general OBP receptor. from those that cannot. As it happens, the ab3 sensillum
Alternatively, a role as a separate OBP receptor has may be particularly favorable for ectopic or expression
previously been suggested for another enigmatic family because it contains a set of endogenous OBPs with a
of insect olfactory proteins, the Sensory neuron mem- broad range of odorant specificities. This, in turn,
brane proteins (SNMPs) (Rogers et al. 1997, 2001; should lead to a subset of ORs that would be refractory
Pophof 2002; Jacquin-Joly and Merlin 2004) (Fig. 2, to study in the empty neuron system. Indeed, it should
black odorant). Indeed a number of the expected char- be noted that the study of Hallem et al. (2004a) and
acteristics for hypothetical OBP receptors are fulfilled by Kreher et al. (2005) that used the ‘‘empty neuron’’ sys-
SNMPs. This protein family is related to the CD36 tem employed a limited panel of odorant ligands, and
family of proteins (Rogers et al. 1997), which is known more importantly consistently observed that a small
to bind protein-ligands (Tandon et al. 1989; Abumrad subset of DORs tested did not respond to any odorants
et al. 1993; Asch et al. 1993) and comprises 14 members in these studies.
in D. melanogaster (Rogers et al. 2001); hence interac- Hallem et al. (2004a) demonstrated that some
tions with a wide range of OBPs are conceivable. Fur- ectopically expressed DORs conferred sensitivity to 10–6
thermore, some SNMPs are specifically expressed in the dilutions of some cognate odorants to the ab3A neuron
dendrite and soma of ORNs (Rogers et al. 1997) and and compared those odorant response profiles to the
their onset of expression during development parallels respective native neurons after stimulation with odor-
expression of OBPs (Rogers et al. 1997, 2001). It is also ants at 10–2 dilution. It would be interesting to see if the
interesting to note that Snmp-1, the first characterized odorant response profiles conferred by ectopic ORs in
member of this protein family, was only localized in one the ab3A neuron and the response profiles of their native
neuron of each sensillum where it was expressed (Rogers ORNs are as similar at lower odorant concentrations.
et al. 1997). This could indicate a specific role in sorting Increased odorant sensitivity in the native neurons could
a subset of the OBP content of each sensillum to only reflect the contribution of the OBP makeup of the sen-
one neuron. In the only experiment that examined the sillum lymph. Regardless of the particulars, it is likely
function of SNMPs thus far, a photoaffinity analog of a that the response profile of each individual ORN reflects
moth pheromone was utilized to label sensillar extracts a diverse spectrum of olfactory components, each of
of B. mori (Vogt et al. 1988). The subsequent identifi- which contributing towards the robust sensitivity and
cation of an SNMP as one of the labeled proteins pro- output characteristics of these remarkable chemosensory
vided evidence for binding of an odorant to these units.
molecules (Rogers et al. 1997). Nevertheless, it seems
likely that careful analyses of Drosophila SNMP mutants Acknowledgements We wish to especially thank Dr. Jonathan
will be needed to gain a better understanding of a pos- Bohbot for expert illustrations as well as thank Dr. H.W. Kwon,
sible SNMP contribution in olfactory signal transduc- Jason Pitts and H. Wegner for critical reading of the manuscript.
This work received financial support from the NIH (DC04692/
tion. Given the large number of SNMP family members AI56402 to L.J.Z) and through a Max Kade Post-Doctoral Re-
in the Drosophila genome, these will not be straightfor- search Exchange grant (to M. R.).
ward experiments.
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