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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER 2011, AT THE RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, COMMENCED AT 6.45pm. Councillors Present : Peter Whiteman (Chairman), Mary Craven, Steven Falla, Terry Goldstone, John Hobart, Richard Hollis, Julie Jones-Evans, Geoff Lumley, Lois Prior, Shirley Smart, John Ward and David Whittaker PC Joe Finch and 1 member of the press 4 Mrs Maxine Yule

Present: Public: Clerk:

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Mr Barnard asked if there was any news on the traffic model for Newport. Cllr Hollis replied that there were a number of issues still to be resolved with the model, particularly regarding the reconfiguration of St Marys roundabout and the Hunnycross Way roundabout. He did not have any timescales but said the model is linked to the Island Plan and this has not been finalised yet. It was suggested Mr Barnard could ask the question at an IWC meeting or write to Cllr Giles. Mr Dodd asked if the parish council would consider restoring an historical plaque on the wall of harbour masters office and also a water trough on the Quay. It was agreed that this will be a future agenda item. Mr Dodd also asked if the parish council could put pressure on IWC Enforcement regarding the poor state of repair of St Cross Mill. Cllr Smart said although this was private property she would bring it to the attention of the Planning and Licensing Committee. Cllr Jones-Evans said she was walking around the town with the enforcement officer in the next couple of weeks and if time permitted would add it to the list. Ms Rebel asked if there had been any development on resolving the traffic congestion in the town centre. Cllr Ward said the Transport and Tourism working party had met with Cllr Giles but no progress had been made. It was suggested that as the parish council is not a highways authority Ms Rebel should take this up with the IWC. 582. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Tony Coburn, Debbie Dixcey, IW Cllrs Dawn Cousins and Roger Dixcey. 583. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Smart and Cllr Lumley declared a personal interest in items relating to the Riverside Centre as members of the board of trustees. Cllr Prior declared a personal interest in items relating to the allotments, as an allotment holder, items relating to Pritchetts Pond, as the Chairman of the pond wardens and items relating to the IW Festival, as she has worked at the IW Festival.


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Cllrs Craven, Jones-Evans, Lumley and Whiteman declared a personal interest in the item relating to the IW Festival questionnaire, as they will be receiving the questionnaire as local residents. Cllr Ward declared a personal interest in the item relating to the firework event as his son attends 1st Newport Scout group. Cllr Hollis declared a personal interest in matters relating to planning applications as Chairman of the IWC Planning Committee. 584. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETINGS AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2011 were presented. Matters Arising: Slide at Medina Leisure Centre it was noted that the slide will not be replaced but the IWC may look at other play items for the pool. Red Carpet Cllr Jones-Evans confirmed that emergency vehicles are allowed to use the red carpet and there is no need for additional signage. Footpath N59 there had not been any further information from IWC Rights of Way. RESOLVED: THAT, the minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 11 were agreed and signed as an accurate record. 585. SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS TEAM PC Finch said it had been a busy summer but was pleased to report that Newport had seen a reduction in crime. Friday and Saturday nights were quiet and the licensed premises seemed to be working well, with door staff being proactive and bar staff refusing alcohol were required. PC Finch said the operation to stop the boy racers had been successful and there was a big reduction in cars hanging around in car parks doing wheel spins. At present there is concern about the number of needles left in Newport toilets and the SNT are working hard to resolve this. It has been suggested that blue fluorescent lighting may be one answer. Members suggested a sharps bin may also help with the H&S aspect. A number of questions were raised: Taxis it was confirmed that taxi drivers now sign up to agree the conditions of using the red carpet at their yearly licence review. A query was raised about off duty buses using the red carpet, PC Finch said he would take this up with Southern Vectis. Members asked for figures so they could see the patterns and trends. PC Finch hoped to bring some to the next meeting. Bestival the official figures were not available yet, but it is understood there were a number of arrests for Class A drugs and also a high number of thefts. There have been traffic problems that may need to be addressed for next year. 586. FINANCE I. Financial Statement: RESOLVED: THAT, the financial statement is noted and accepted. II.Accounts for payment members were presented with the accounts for payment, a copy of which forms Appendix A of these minutes. RESOLVED: THAT, the accounts presented, totalling 13,738.67 are paid.


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III.Budget Setting - A timetable for setting the budget for 2012/13 was outlined. It was agreed that Cllr Lumley would lead on this item as he has special responsibility for financial matters. Members were requested to submit bids to the Clerk by 10th October. These would be considered by the Chairman, ViceChair, Cllr Lumley and the Clerk. A range of options would be made available and discussed at the November meeting, with final agreement made at the December meeting. Members were also invited to submit carry forward requests, although Cllr Lumley said he was not keen on rolling forward funds unless absolutely necessary. Cllr Hollis said the Parkhurst ward was in a difficult position as much of it was not in the public domain. He hoped that he could apply for some small items such as benches or planters. It was agreed that it was good to achieve projects during the year within each ward, even if they were only on a small scale. 587. PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE Cllr Smart, as Chairman of the Planning and Licensing Committee, presented the minutes of the 23rd June, 7th, 21st July, 4th and 18th August 11. Cllr Jones-Evans referred to an item on 21st July regarding A frame boards. She asked if the Committee would look more favourably on one board displaying a number of advertisements. It was agreed that this could set a precedent and would still not be acceptable on health and safety grounds; however the final decision remains with IWC Highways. It was suggested that finger posts may be a possible solution and this would be taken up by the Transport and Tourism working party. Cllr Smart reminded Member of the presentation by ASDA for council members on the evening of 15th September at the Riverside Centre. This is prior to the public presentation on 16th and 17th. Parish Design Award Scheme 2011 A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Smart asked all Members to look at completed development in their ward and submit any suggestions for the award to the assistant clerk. A certificate will be presented to the winning development; this is not just for design but also quality of build. Cllr Smart left the meeting for personal reasons IW Festival Questionnaire Cllr Craven said that as there was not any organised feedback on the impact from the IW Festival for local residents, it was hoped this questionnaire would be able to gauge opinion from the local residents. This will be a partnership with Whippingham PC and Island Harbour residents. It was proposed to take the majority of the cost from the Newport North budget. IW Cllr Dawn Cousins had also been consulted and is happy to help with the distribution. A discussion took place on the costs of supplying a return envelope and it was agreed to use the Freepost service. It was also agreed that this should be carried out over two years with the questionnaire next year being distributed closer to the IW Festival dates. RESOLVED: THAT, the Planning and Licensing Committee minutes of meeting held on 23rd June, 7th, 21st July, 4th and 18th August 11 are accepted. THAT, the Royal Mail Freepost service will be used for the IW Festival questionnaire


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588. PROJECT UPDATES Church Litten Cllr Jones-Evans had circulated a report prior to the meeting. She said the group hoped to work on the planters and the rose garden in the near future to replant with drought resistant plants. The scheme for the railings had been put on hold due to the problems with the vaults but Cllr Jones-Evans thought it may be possible to start the railings by the Tudor Arch, however this will be a long term project. Part of the project will include information boards on Valentine Gray and the history of Church Litten. Bird Hide The Chairman reported on a meeting with Ian Boyd from Natural Enterprises. Following the withdrawal of the planning application due to objections from a number of IWC officers, a new site has been found. It is hoped that the new site and structure will be more acceptable and it is hoped to have a meeting with all interested parties at the location in the near future. It is still hope to achieve the objective of access for the disabled both at the hide and with the interpretation boards. Cllr Jones-Evans left the meeting for personal reasons. Pritchetts Pond Cllr Whittaker had circulated a report prior to the meeting. This outlined a program of treatment and maintenance for the pond. The funding will come from the Newport West budget. There will be 100 required to be allocated from next years budget as well as ongoing maintenance cost. There was some debate about whether these funds had been allocated to Cllr Wards project for a play area, but as the pond project was able to start straight away and the play area was still in the planning stages it was agreed to use the funds for the pond. Cllr Ward will bid for further funds for the play area in the next round of budget setting. RESOLVED: THAT, the 1400 from the Newport West budget would be released for the program of treatment and maintenance of Pritchetts Pond. 589. WORKING PARTIES Allotments The report was noted. The quotes for the removal of the Ash Tree at the Millers Lane allotments were considered and it was resolved to accept the quote from AE Grounds Maintenance. RESOLVED: THAT, the quote for 250 from AE Grounds Maintenance would be accepted for removal of the Ash Tree at the Millers Lane allotment site. Green Town Cllr Prior had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was noted. There were two proposals made: To release 750 from the planting budget to purchase 50 fruit and nut trees to be located around Newport and Carisbrooke public areas and schools. This was agreed. To support the application for grant funding carried out by the Real Nappy Network and if necessary offer the parish council services in the future as a dropin point for the collection of packs. While Members were very supportive of this project they requested clarification that this was not a business but a charitable organisation or run purely on a volunteer basis. It was agreed to support the project with funds up to 150 subject to this clarification.


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RESOLVED: THAT, 750 would be released from the planting budget to purchase 50 fruit and nut trees. THAT, funds up to 150 would be made available to support the Real Nappy Network, subject to clarification that this was not a business but a charity or run on a volunteer basis. Newport Firework Display A report was circulated prior to the meeting and this was noted. Although Members were supportive of the link with IW Radio they were a little apprehensive about the cost of their services. Some felt 500 was rather high as IW Radio would also benefit from the publicity. However it was agreed for this year and suggested that next year better negotiations on cost could be made. Final details of the event will be available at the October meeting. RESOLVED: THAT the insurance premium of 106 would be approved THAT a payment of 500 would be made to IW Radio for their publicity services prior to the event and for providing their entertainment at the event 590. REPORTS FROM IW COUNCILLORS No reports were received. 591. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA 592. New parliamentary constituencies on the Island Medina Food Project Website

DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled monthly meeting was confirmed as Monday 10th October 2011, 6.45pm at the Victoria Recreation Clubhouse. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm. Contact : Maxine Yule: 01983 201115/559119 or



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