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October 4th, 2011

THE PURPOSE OF LIFE Letter from Luis Victoria to his daughter Stephanie, Miami, FL

Dear Steph, The other day you asked me about the purpose of life. Since young I asked myself the same question and today at age 50 I will answer in the best of my knowledge what I understand about it. For this question you might find as many answers as philosophies and religions can exist, as many answers as people are. So everything you'll hear will be mostly about perception, opinion and interpretation; and it's OK. These answers will always be encased by the experiences we have had on this planet. This is the only way, is the only reference we have; our own experiences within the great scenario of the physical universe and what we call Nature. So Nature is the first book we must learn how to observe, how to read; and the second, as it was said in Sundays lecture will be Man, which is a mini-replica of the universe itself. As above so below All the information God intended for us is somewhat concealed in these two great books. Part of our journey is to find the key to read them, understand and get to our own conclusions. I say our own conclusions because at the very end the interpretation must lead you to a practical and personal way to look and understand things and foremost to conduct your life. Every one of us follows his own miniplan within the greater plan. We affect the greater plan by fulfilling ours or not. In a scale view is like the beach and the sand. Humanity is the sandy beach; we individually are a speck of sand. As individuals the effects of our actions are usually minimal to the whole, as humanity they are considerable for the planet we inhabit. You can continue with this idea on and on; in a planetary level, in a galactic level... This led me to the realization that we are far less as individuals to what our ego would like to believe. That the Universe does not revolve around us. So based on this the first idea I draw is humbleness. Humbleness is to understand the scale of things above and below us. We are mere participants of a vast, huge machine, with its own laws and particularities. Its a process. The way we as humanity affect this process is on a planetary level; the way we affect humanity is by our individual

acts and thinking; how we interact with each other and with the rest of creation. Remember that we are all connected. As Humans we have the incredible capacity to be self-conscious. This capacity allows us to be aware of the process by detaching from it. We can somewhat be aware of a bigger picture. Animals or plants cannot do that, they just flow within. They are blessed in innocence, like living in paradise; reacting and interacting intelligently with the environment to survive and sustain life. Thats their purpose at this stage. As a matter of fact this paradise can turn pretty violent sometimes because it's all about survival and the primary expressions of love can very primitive, at least from our point of view. Self-consciousness allows us to understand or identify those repeating events in the process which we can gather under Universal Laws or Principles. By understanding them we can work in harmony or not with them because we also have the ability to choose, this is call free will. So in a nut shell we are a speck of sand with self-consciousness and free will. These are traits developed by humanity during its evolution. God set up, kick started and sustains this evolution and what you witness today is the stage we find ourselves in. As of this I must add that we are indeed rare, unique and precious creatures; pretty much a miracle of creation, like all life is. Every speck of sand has the potential to understand the beach in which they inhabit and beyond. This is called awareness. You see, we are aware of an ant colony in ways they cant ever comprehend. We can observe and understand its intelligence, its cycles and the way they behave. They can only perceive and react intelligently to their world scale and can only perceive our world in the interactions or transitions between their scale and ours. Its all about energy, vibration. Like the octaves in your piano, they progress or regress from one point to another. Some are adjacent and relate others stand farther away and might not. So whats the bottom line? To me its all about growing in awareness. So our goal should be to express our potential to the max, so we can keep on growing in awareness and maybe, who knows, one day get to be like Superman, Lol. Also its about participating intelligently in the process and to have at least some say on it. Meaning, stop being like tiny pebbles pushed randomly by the river current, and with knowledge and understanding being able to place ourselves where we want to at a certain moment in time.

This river is life itself; the Universe and Gods manifested laws. Its the process itself. We cant fight it, we must learn to flow with it and use it to take us where we desire. By learning, understanding those universal laws we can be co-participants and co-creators with God. That I think is the ultimate goal. God is doing thru us and all creation what he cannot do by himself, which is being the spectacle and the spectator, being the scenario and the players, the music and the script, the director and the public by having the awareness that flows and moves all over creation. He does this thru us and everything that lives. So in the bigger scale we are instruments of God. As instruments we are him, not in his totality but in fragmentation. Our soul is a segment of his soul, our mind of his mind, our spirit of his spirit; but always connected to the source. In the smaller scale we have our personal Goals, our goals as communities, as nations and so on. In this respect there is no purpose but the ones we set up for ourselves thru our evolving awareness and understanding. The more aware we are the more in tune our individual purposes will be with the bigger purpose and the process itself. So no matter where we are, we are where we need to be. No matter what happens, it is what its supposed to. So the maximum conclusion is trust. Trust God, trust his ways, be tolerant and understand that we are all moving along the path in our own particular way. This path is like a river; we are going somewhere but cant see the end. In the meantime enjoy the portion of the river you are, also those making the journey with you. Make your plans, live your life, love and laugh; dont be afraid, enjoy the ride. Also labor, progress, help others and become a creative force in the world; be Gods little spark on earth. Dont overwhelm yourself by looking for an answer that has as many faces as faces are; just trust. Trust that there is guidance, there is a plan; there is a universal intelligence behind it all despite the pain, the suffering we sometimes go thru or bear witness; it's all part of the process to make us grow closer to our full potential; to God. We dont know it all, we cant know it all and it's OK. The river knowstrust him and everything will be fine Love You, Papa

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