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Abuse Revelation

Unusual Circumstance

Accuser: Kevin Bradley German (Capt, CD, Retired)

Accused: Captain Theresa Mae German, CD – CO 533 Sabre Sqn

Captain Bentley Barr – DCO 533 Sabre Sqn
Sergeant Crista Richelle German – 533 Sabre Sqn
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 2

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance.................................................................... 3
Participant Details....................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary:................................................................................................... 3
Notice of Specifically Cruel and Abusive Behaviour................................................. 4
The Final Straw........................................................................................................... 5
Victim Impact Statement ................................................................................................ 9
Forward ....................................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 11
Unacceptable Life Experience .................................................................................. 12
Experience and Conclusion....................................................................................... 12
Correspondence............................................................................................................. 13
Subject: VERY SERIOUS WARNING (Resend) .................................................... 13
Open Letter to Fiends & Family ............................................................................... 15
Subject: Maybe the Problem is Somewhere around Here?....................................... 16
Subject: FW: Scars.................................................................................................... 18
Subject: Answer ........................................................................................................ 20
Subject: Family Gossip Update ................................................................................ 22
Subject: Custody Issues ............................................................................................ 23
Subject: Reality Check.............................................................................................. 24
Subject: Religious Text of King James Bible 1 Timothy, chapter 2 ........................ 24
Subject: Insight on What's Happening...................................................................... 28
Subject: Reality Check Mano-a-Mano...................................................................... 30
Subject: FW: Oil on Troubled Waters ...................................................................... 32
Subject: Re: Sqn Flying: ........................................................................................... 36
Supporting References .................................................................................................. 37
Mission Statement Of The Air Cadet League (Excerpted)....................................... 37
Air Cadet League Of Canada – Philosophy .............................................................. 38
Distorted Content Excerpted from the Internet......................................................... 39
Runaway Political Agenda Example ........................................................................ 39
Flight Safety Preventative Philosophy...................................................................... 41
Public Denouncement of My Own Wife and Daughter............................................ 43
Gratuitous Sympathy Shot ........................................................................................ 44
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 3

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance

Participant Details

Victims: Kevin Bradley German (Captain, CD, Retired)

Bernard Joshua German
Accelerated Solutions Inc.
Geographic Air Survey Ltd.
Northern Material Engineering Ltd.
Alberta Senior Citizens’ Housing Association
U of A Non-Academic Staff Association
Dale Weir (crew member/non-pilot)

Accused: Captain Theresa Mae German, CD – CO 533 Sabre Sqn

Captain Bentley Barr – DCO 533 Sabre Sqn
Sergeant Crista Richelle German – 533 Sabre Sqn

All accused jointly and severally of emotional abuse by way of wilful disregard for, and hindrance
of, the rights of a man of God’s Love and True Honour in the performance of his duties as is his
right under the Laws of the Dominion of Canada, the professional ethics of the Air Cadet League
of Canada, and the authority vested to a reasonable man in his interpretation of the Word of God
before the eyes of a judge.

Executive Summary:

In short, I am being denied “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to borrow the term from the
American experience, for no other reason that that it is being unreasonably withheld to justify
irrational logic and the defence thereof.

I cannot be happy without a family. In particular, I have a duty to rescue my son from an
untenable situation in the making, even if the uniformed members of the family would rather be at
Camp Wright than camping with their own father.

My love and sense of commitment towards Capt. German and Sgt. German are easily
reciprocated in practice, if not in spirit. This is actually a necessity for maintaining an intact sense
of command and authority – a necessity in my professional arena. It can’t be both ways at once.

This is the voice of experience and I will NOT have the point denied or debated. It is the point.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 4

Notice of Specifically Cruel and Abusive Behaviour

I regret to inform you that I have witnessed and have been personally subjected to conduct
unbecoming of officers and men, which I find personally deplorable, and against which I must
take a stand in defence of my own personal interests.

Specifically, the conduct of Capt. German and Sgt. German has evolved, for reasons contained
herein and outside the scope of this complaint, into an ongoing situation where active and
passive wilful sadism is being employed to effect my personal disempowerment, out of principle
and simply as a matter of family policy.

This situation has evolved as a result of Capt. German’s overindulgent participation in the Air
Cadet Program. The family stresses became too great and so she simply “put up a new shingle”
in my absence to pursue this interest at the cost of her own family’s stability.

I find this action to be personally humiliating, and generally deplorable when viewed in proper

As I am a good and loving man, and as my then-wife was a good and loving (if misguided)
woman, the situation has cycled and degenerated into an extreme situation over the years. A
milestone was reached in August, when Capt. German decided, on her own accord, to move my
family out of my own home and into hers as a means of maintaining control over our shared lives.

Without getting too deeply into the particular events leading into the period, we had been having
domestic difficulties arising largely out of the time spent on her cadet activities. I know that this is
not entirely unheard of, and in fact, some marriages may reach the breaking point over the stress.

What makes this incident unique is that we had, at several times, thought about the idea of legal
separation. In the event, I returned from a flight away from Edmonton to find that my wife had
bought a new property and that a forced separation was inevitable.

Although we had other issues (as does every couple), the Air Cadet movement was the lion’s
share of our issues. So, in my mind she left me and took my children from out from under my
roof to further her cadet interests in relative family peace and harmony (now minus my direct and
meddling participation in their idyllic cadet world).

The after-effects of this decision are startling…

As an example: It has now become a form of sportsmanship for my own daughter to publicly
berate me, even going so far as to say outright "I laugh at you" on the way to Church. For her
defence, she relies on her mother's unfailing charity, and this uncontrollable interpersonal
dynamic has led to a situation that has gone well past the limits of acceptable human behaviour
for Sgt. German and Capt. German, respectively.

It is actually raw animal “pack behaviour” in action, now encompassing every member of the
family in a struggle for self-interest (as opposed to self-discipline or self-development). In effect,
the battle for family supremacy has become a free-for-all and my own nine-year-old son has
even tried to publicly admonish me on the ski slopes to try his hand at the game.

As for myself, it seems that I have reached the point where I am no longer entitled to even a
modicum of basic human dignity, as this has become a "shades of grey" issue in the eyes of
the women in the household.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 5

I know this, as I have been specifically directed and informed

(on Christmas Day no less) that it is a UNANIMOUS DECISION,
of the members of the family, based on gender lines, that:



What is particularly irksome is that Capt. German and Sgt. German use, as their moral authority,
high-sounding values as espoused in the Air Cadet League’s own manuals and also such
documents as Vimy Ridge Academy’s Code of Honour. This allows for a “Holier-than-thou”
approach to negotiations and the definition on acceptable conduct in uniform, in school and in
civilian (family) life.

However, when actually called upon to act in accordance with their own stated principles, I am
informed that these principles are really only published to look good on paper. They don’t
really mean anything in the year 2001 – especially when it comes to treating the father of the
family with at least a little respect. Therein lies the issue…

The logical, natural, spiritual and legal value systems have all been inverted simply as an
exercise in unstoppable willpower. It is now each participant’s personal duty to carry this game
to it’s logical extreme and if, in so doing, and innocent man is destroyed, there seems to be no
sense of moral culpability because, in my unique and specific case, the victim is not entitled to
defence by virtue of his attempts to be a “member of the family”.

I believe that only Capt. German and Sgt German could possibly even attempt to justify this as
reasonable, fair, loving or rational. I can’t help but reach the conclusion that the rules don’t apply
here somehow, and I believe that this rationale can only have one of two possible defences:

1) because in this case, I’m the victim, or

2) because in this case, they’re the tormentors (mutineers in my own eyes).

The Final Straw

The final straw came on Christmas Day, 2001. As is often the case during life’s changes like this,
we were making up family plans on-the-fly. We had just been to Midnight Mass the previous
evening and Mrs. German offered to have me over for Christmas dinner. I was really looking
forward to the event.

As events unfolded, my daughter took a natural conversation and escalated it by steering the
topic into the dating arena, where the slightest mis-cue or mis-statement on my part could touch
off her emotional landmines in waiting. She told me that there is a “Crista’s ex-boyfriend club”,
and when I simply suggested that wasn’t really a good sign to me (making light of a serious red
flag) she exploded that I was “calling her a slut” etc.

I believe, had I said nothing or something along the lines of “that’s nice” she would have taken the
conversation one level deeper – for instance, saying something like “they’re fun to play with”…
whatever it takes to wilfully attack my sense of masculinity for sport in her defiant, natural,
somewhat maladjusted teenage mind.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 6

Either way, she’s probing to test where or if there’s any limit at all. She won’t stop until she finds
it or she leaves me completely berated and defenceless and humiliated as a person as she
giggles in joyful glee… it’s her idea of Family Fun for the Holidays… she KNOWS it’s what a
dog-fighter calls “a turkey shoot” a.k.a. shooting ducks in a barrel… so I talk to my son
beforehand and now I’m “playing games with the children”… they’re PLAYING GAMES WITH

Of course, once the ensuing (predestined) explosion arrives, Ms Mom immediately accuses me of
being intolerable… she fumes on the couch and “calls off the armistice”… HE BLEW IT AGAIN!!!
she fumes… totally unaware that she’s been snookered. Once I’ve left the picture, Sgt German
feeds my son for me and laughs behind my back… (“Look how happy my kids are once that
prick’s gone”, Mom thinks...)

I have, as in so many situations in the past years, no right answer because the social dynamics
are such that my personal failure is now predetermined and guaranteed by design. I will not say
that this is intentional on the part of Capt. German but I know for an absolute certainty that it is in
the case of Sgt. German.

My daughter, Crista Richelle German, has developed into a sadistic child who toys with her
father, her mother, her brother and the family dog as personal exercises in active and passive
control and influence. I believe she needs professional assessment and treatment at the earliest
opportunity, but by definition, such a suggestion would only aggravate the situation.

For those who might doubt me, I can make available the sound of my nine-year-old son
explaining how he’d just finished begging for mercy simply for the purpose of Crista’s

Would you like this young lady babysitting your children? How about your L.A.C.s? Should there
be a different standard? If so, which should prevail?

The larger question: Why does a 14 year old “Leader of Tomorrow” have a nine-year-old-boy in
tears and begging for mercy in the first place? Capt. German’s answer: He bounced a ball in a
manner that offended her. This is absolutely appalling supervisory assessment by any standard.

Nevertheless, it is the only explanation available that suits her understanding of the world she
lives in (i.e. her paradigm of parental authority and control).

Sgt. German has also waved a knife in my face to force her point. She truly believes that it was
my fault that she do so. (I was simply using a trick from her own magician’s bag.)

Your standard, which Sgt. German waves in my face as her claim to moral superiority, states

“…However, the League is also of the view that there is a place in our society for an educational
program which is not entirely permissive, which requires the participants to meet certain
standards of dress, appearance and behaviour, and which expects our young people to accept a
full measure of personal responsibility for their own actions….”

This is NOT a shades-of-grey issue.

If you do not demand better from your cadets, then I, at the very least
demand better for my own son.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 7

Neither is it acceptable to say “it only happened once”. Especially, not after she had her own
father excommunicated from his own family’s dinner table on Christmas Day just to prove
to herself it was possible. This is truly an unbelievably cruel way to treat your fellow human

I would bet that, of the 800,000 people in the Greater Edmonton Area, I was perhaps the only
person thrown out of the family for expecting a daughter to at least respect the Golden
Rule towards her father on Christmas Day. This was, in the event, truly too much for Capt.
German and Sgt. German to offer a guest, or father, ex-husband or my person in any light or role
you would care to cast me in. My only real option was to remain totally non-conversant with my
own daughter and take the chance that she would find some other trigger to set off the show.

I believe my daughter will someday be unfit to lead Officers and Men, as her mother is currently
unfit to lead by virtue of having no moral limitations or ethical standards when pursuing her
personal agenda and self-interest.

None of this would likely be more or less significant that what other marital pairs might endure, if it
were not for the fact that I am a pilot by profession. As such, I am exposed to operational
situations quite unlike that of the general public (specifically, being in command and control of an
aeronautical vehicle, in flight) and it is in this regime where my most serious conditions occur.

In any event, I now feel like a “survivor” of 18 years’ mental enslavery. As a result, I have a
survivor’s insight into issues that are deeply personal, sometimes disturbing, and somewhat
embarrassing to expose. Still, I am prepared to tell a story for the benefit of others, in keeping
with the philosophy of the DND Flight Safety Programme and Transport Canada’s Aviation
Enforcement programs – both of which I am intimately familiar, having spent time in each in an
official and investigative capacity.

I also believe that this situation resulted from a confluence of personalities and that there are no
real “bad persons” in the picture. There are only misguided persons and it is the purpose of this
expose to determine the cause factors and set a recommendation for future action.

I personally believe that this confluence has led to two suicides in my immediate family, as this
standard method of interpersonal relationship will eventually drive the “weakest person in the
pack” to the edge of self-destruction. In this home, my strength is automatically interpreted as
Capt. German’s weakness and so I must now remain without right to personal dignity, by

In my own case, I have, at several points in the past (1985 and 1999) sought treatment for the
anxiety disorder and was medically restricted for some time to fly “with or as co-pilot”. I now know
this equated directly to being the unwilling “co-pilot”, subconsciously, in my own mind. This is
part of The Human Condition and as a man of love, bound to a woman with no ethical limitations I
now find myself having a mental health problem that I need some outside assistance in resolving.

Otherwise, I believe that my mental health will fail as a matter of destiny. I am therefore trapped
by my concurrent needs for rational sanity and human dignity. It seems I can now have only one
or the other – not both – as this is apparently reserved for Air Cadet Officers and their charges
only, not pilots or loving, honourable fathers with CIC Officer wives and problem children.

It’s a battle of wills, simply, and I now believe that the situation has reached the point where there
is, in the mind of Capt. German is only one possible course of action: concede that we have
irreconcilable differences. My strategy is therefore to make changes in her reality that she
perhaps doesn’t want to have made, if it is for the better good of the family unit.

In any event, this situation can no longer be tolerated. As a matter of principle, I must take some
action to restore some natural order, in order to be able to claim my dignity as a person.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 8

I now know with certainty that there is a causal relationship between this casual humiliation
(having my wishes ignored, or spiteful bullying by my charges that are subordinate in the eyes of
the Courts, the Military and the Word of God), and the anxiety disorder, which I have suffered for
some years.

Still, Capt. German and Sgt German see this as a minor issue, and this seems exactly in defiance
with the laws of the Dominion of Canada, and the values and principles of the Air Cadet League
of Canada, as well as the Vimy Ridge Academy Code of Honour.

If left unchecked, this process will lead to the destruction of an honest man's family and a custody
battle for the sole guardianship of my son, who I believe destined to lead an abnormal life as a
result of being raised in an environment where human right are so flagrantly flouted, and for no
other reason than having witnessed my excommunication from the family – a decision Capt.
German made when at Camp Wright, “doing me the favour” of having my children in tow with her.

The situation has carried on so long that it has become long past deplorable, and it has been a
cycle 18 years' in the making.

I am using this complaint in order to “turn the table around”, and in doing so, would ask the
readership to consider whether these actions are legal, moral, ethical or in keeping with the Word
of God.

As we are all a product of personal experience, and as I have a variety of talents at my disposal, I
will address this issue herein as a matter of legal, moral and ethical standards.

Editorial Notes:

This document contains some excerpted personal correspondence in the form of emails
exchanged between my wife and myself. There are clear lines between legal and ethical
admissibility. Here I am playing the direct approach and am specifically aware of the

As this was initially not intended for a public audience, some of the language contained in these
exchanges is profane. However, I trust that the readership will read these words in context.

The dates are not in any particular order but the chronology is enlightening. Specifically, there
was a brief period where Mrs. German wore her wedding ring again and told me we were “rings
on, no going back”. What she meant was, there was no going back to reconciliation -- but she
needed to buy some lead-time with the lawyers.

Is this not the most incredibly, unbelievably cruel and deceptive behaviour regarding what I
believe should be life’s most valuable bond? What could be more hurtful to a loving man? And
she sets the standard for the Squadron now – and her and my own daughter.

I am also not a fundamentalist in my views on religious doctrine, other than to say that I as raised
in the Roman Catholic faith and my views are very close but not entirely in-line with that
denomination. I am a “free thinker” philosophically, in the tradition of Benjamin Franklin and
Bertrand Russell.

I am something of a disciple of both Jesus (His message, if not entirely convinced of the
Resurrection) and Mr. Russell, who I’m sure would argue that the Miracle of the Ascension is not
worth the effort of debating. Believe what you will but believe well is my message.

To paraphrase: Walk the Talk.

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 9

Victim Impact Statement


As a man of some experience, and as a professional, I believe that our actions are interrelated
and certainly affect those outside the family unit.

Recent Past

In our case, the tug-of-war between the cadets and our personal interests cost me considerable
sleep and stress, and this occurred right in the middle of a flying contract where I had to be at
work at sunrise each and every single day, without a break, for six months’ straight.

This occurrence, had I been in DND at the time, would have cost me 6 months’ grounding, by

I rode it out, relieving the unwelcome stress any way I could and now have a reputation for anger
issues as a result.

Capt. German seems to think I am not entitled to the normal reactions inherent in the Human
Condition. I believe I have the right to act at least in a manner consistent with a normal human
being who finds out, for instance, that his family has been in a car accident.

In short, Capt. German believes she has the right to control my response to unwelcome stimuli,
and in doing so, holds me to an impossible standard. This is emotional cruelty – active torture for
a man who loves his family. I still had to work on 2-3 hours sleep a night.

My photographer and the clients of my personal, incorporated company (Accelerated Solutions

Inc.) are all under contractual obligations, and are all therefore in this picture. I know from my FS
background that a pilot should not fly “with bees in his bonnet” and I had an angry hive to contend
with. This presented clear danger to my passenger or financial and medical destruction to

I (my company) have lost my best client and it cost my aerial photographic company an estimated
$4,000 in lost revenue for me to attend the SINGLE session of therapy we’ve been able to coax
Sgt. German into attending. Returning from this mission (bad luck, it was sunny that afternoon)
may have cost me my next summer’s employment.

We sold the previous residence; there was no point in staying there alone anyway. I didn’t need
the overhead of a mortgage when I didn’t have revenue potential as this incident has
COMPLETELY blocked my mind and has cost me three months’ productivity and counting.

You have a CO and a sadistic sergeant who calls herself “Miss_Perfect” on the Internet. Capt.
German has a son who misses his father but is being trained to despise him, and will, I believe, in
time if I do not win custody. (I suspect this is one of Crista’s long-term goals. Perhaps I just
believe it’s a logical certainty as everything I do has proven to be simply not acceptable, given
enough time.)

I have no home, no family, few clients, possibly no flying contract for the spring… I have been
more than a little impacted by Capt. German’s efforts in support of your agenda.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 10

Far Past

In 1999, I was a student pilot on 408 Sqn, under training to fly the Griffon helicopter.

At the time, Capt. German was highly involved in the Cadet exchange to Quebec and also, had a
large amount of other personal work. To make a long story short, she left for six weeks French
Language training for the social aspects and so, as I like to say, “she could order pancakes in

Due to events beyond my control (unplanned software change) I was also under a huge personal
load at the time in question. I expressed my wishes specifically; that I needed her to stay home a
little more to effect my own goals and personal happiness.

Her answer: “Oh honey, you’ll do fine”… and she left for the lessons.

My response: Degeneration into clinical depression on the realization that the slightest Cadet
extracurricular activity takes precedence to my own mental health (read: marriage).

The aftermath: Six months Class “B” so I could be grounded for stress relief, after which I got
two quick flights and was released as “unsuitable for further service”. In hindsight, I can see
where that was intended to be my opportunity to “ditch the bitch and get on with life”.

In the larger picture, I have, since 1985, suffered from a variety of masked effects including an
anxiety disorder that was never diagnosed – or at least not disclosed to me by the professionals
at the time.

The events of the summer have proved with certainty that this condition was directly attributable
to Capt. German’s ethical standards (or lack thereof) vis-à-vis accountability, honesty, loyalty
and commitment to her word as a wife, a mother, a lawful citizen of the Dominion of
Canada and as an Officer.

The Present

The same dynamic was happening this summer, and it was her decision to ascend to the CO’s
position that led to my wanting to take some drastic step towards realigning our family priorities.

In effect, her decision to take over the squadron led to my dissatisfaction such that Capt. German
told me the following (paraphrased) on my return from the trip away over my birthday:

“If you aren’t satisfied with what little time I give your needs now, I will put you in the doghouse
permanently, cut you off from having sexual relations with me and sleep around on you when I
eventually find the time for it. You can stay on my dental plan and visit the kids as often as you
want to.”

She bought her own property when I was out of town, and had Capt. Barr and her work party (all
cadets) move my own furniture out of my own home when I was defenceless to stop it. I have to
admit that this treatment is less than what one might expect, even in dire circumstances.

The present situation is this: I need to maintain at least a modicum of human dignity and this is
not forthcoming. If this is unreasonably and sadistically withheld, it will lead to my destruction as
a person of value to the world in which I live.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 11

It will be confirmation – positive confirmation – that I am not entitled to basic human dignity, by
virtue of the very fact that I married Theresa Mae Braconnier some 18 long years ago.

Do you want a Commanding Officer who lives in a personal reality that demands that I remain
completely emasculated in order to spend time at the Christmas table with her and her daughter?

That’s what you have in both of them. My son wants Christmas dinner with his father, and he
can’t have it. So, as it happens, while Capt. German today works towards her CD2, my son sits
alone and I also sit alone in a different postal code.

The Future

The future remains to be seen, and depends on whether this chain of events will continue on to
the complete destruction of the family unit. The Commanding Officer of 533 Squadron seems
steadfastly determined to prove her point. So does Sgt. German.

I’m placing my first interest in my son… to ensure that he will no longer be an indirect victim of
the Air Cadet League and its misdirected staff.


Perhaps CHAP is for cadets only… parents and fathers can sit out in the cold??? Possibly, and
this would certainly be in keeping with my professional advice on the topic… but not without my

He is already a victim of Sgt. German’s psychological torture and Capt. German’s motherly
dereliction of duty. It is my duty as a father to put my future efforts into reconciliation as a first
and preferred option (still only one “right moment” away and all the lessons learned and dealt
with) but if this is not possible, then a custody battle for the future of my son is inevitability.

I cannot lose my son without losing my aviation medical (bread & butter) in the process. And I do
not deserve this predicament.

I suffer here so that 533 Sqn may prosper under the worthy(?) command of Capt. German.

Please consider this and act within your own ethical standards and best judgement.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 12

Unacceptable Life Experience

Narrative follows:

Father: “Son, let me show you a little trick for crossing the flat snow” (advice)

Son: “Stop treating me like a five-year-old” (admonition)

Father: “I’m not treating you like a five-year-old; it’s just advice” (correction)

Son: “I never said you were treating me like a five-year-old” (denial)

Father: “Son, you just said “Stop treating me like a five-year-old” (correction/defence)”

Son: “Sister’s right, you are a jerk. I hate you” (spontaneous hatred for my effort)

In effect, at that time I had better keep my mouth shut and let him ski or walk as he sees fit or he’ll
hate me for trying to be a good father. There is no right answer.

Experience and Conclusion

I was accused of showboating by my son on a ski hill. I had an issue with this…

Specifically, it would be hard for me to put on a Flight Safety hat and tell other pilots not to
showboat, as it’s unprofessional, when I’m being told the same (and in the same tone) by my own

I’m supposed to supervise my son, not the other way around.

Capt. German doesn’t see why I have a problem here, or why, in fact, I have a problem
ANYWHERE where she doesn’t think there should be one. I am quite literally and figuratively
“not entitled to hold an opinion” other than her own.

Let’s cut to the chase: If we were to seriously go to marriage counselling (and we’ve been for the
show of it, that’s all), we would make a list of “boundaries” and issues for which we want to make
a stand. Capt. German would insist that my side of the page remains blank, if I want her
attendance at the negotiating table. The only issue is how much more I’m willing to bend.

I’ve already bent to the edge of personal sanity as Capt. German furthers the goals of the Air
Cadet League. This is the voice of experience, which I can back with medical documentation,
and I think you can see it’s pretty obvious from casual observation as well that this is an
untenable condition to endure.

So in effect, she places her right of self-direction first – Maslow in action – and defies her
husband, and the values of her Church and the Air Cadet League in the process.

This is starting to look more like a dictatorship than anything resembling moral or ethical
behaviour on her part. In fact, it’s runaway egocentricity in action.

Bottom line: Capt. German heeds her own calling over the Word of God, her agreements with
her husband, and the stated principles of the organization she claims to represent so well.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 13

Sgt German uses the opportunity to be wilfully cruel for her own amusement, simply BECAUSE


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 17, 2001 9:21 PM
To: Glenys Edwardes; Bentley & Claudia Barr; Cris German; Terri German
Cc: Fred D'Amico; John Hautmann; Tom Langeste



It just occurred to me that Terri was discussing the possibility of me

having bi-polar disorder tonight. This might have been in response to
my suggesting she's paranoid to some degree or another.

First point: ANYBODY in a life change like this is going to be paranoid

to some degree. Welcome to the Human Condition. There has been ample
evidence that she's afraid of things happening that simply don't. I'd
call that the proof-in-the-pudding.

Second Point regarding my condition:







What happens if I'm reported to Transport Canada? It's an offence to

fly with a known medical condition, and unfortunately, they don't have
an office in Salem, Mass. That's the FAA's jurisdiction.

I'd potentially be grounded and unable to extricate myself, as just

another unfortunate side-benefit of being legally bound to her.

Be Elmer Fudd: "Be Vewwwwy Vewwwwy Careful". I've been medically

restricted on account of her TWICE now.

I'm better now. You better believe it.

Please advise if you are unclear of the ramifications of this warning.

I am also forwarding this email to Transport Canada Aviation Enforcement
as a pre-emptive measure.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 14

Kevin German

PS: For Tom: I don't have Tamara's e-mail address on her card. Please
forward as a favour, thanks. This cannot be allowed to happen at all,

For Fred: Just sit on this, ok? Feel free to call me at 707 7678 if
you have any concerns. Thanks....
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 15

Open Letter to Fiends & Family

To friends & family -- all those who care about Terri's and my kids'

I want you to know that I'm meeting with my lawyer tomorrow and planning
for a divorce ASAP if there is no other alternative. However, I am
prepared to try to go over her head to the courts if possible (and I
really I hope it doesn't come to this) and petition that she's legally
incapacitated by being obsessive-compulsive towards the Cadets due to
her personal history.

It's possible that she has a real medical condition; one that happens to
real people like you and me. However, the side effects amount to the
destruction of the family unit. The proof: It already happened and I
was out of town at the time. I didn't even get the chance to debate and
that's clearly a very shitty thing to do to ANYONE, let along a John
Lennon Clone like me. You get the point...

I think her behaviour is irrational, but my advisors & I all know she
also takes her lead from a bunch of irrational role models. I'm looking
for professional back-up and I think it's pretty much in the bag by now.
(Details are personal and I may still be very wrong.)

Due to her very nature (and ironically it's the reason I married her in
the first place) I need to play hardball in every way I can -- I call it
"negative reinforcement". Others might see it as "an eye for an eye".
I don't really care about the optics except for the special case of
those who I trust as advisors, and oddly, Terri's counsel would qualify
at the top of the list.

It's total war until one of us caves, and it won't be me. I need to win
if I want to keep my Aviation Medical, which means "bread & butter" for
me and my kid(s). We're in what's called a "Mexican Stand-off" if
you're familiar with the term. Or MAD...

Anyway, I am hoping to play the ethical high road, not the legal route.
It's thinking "outside the box" but it's in the best interest of us all.

Then I hope we can kiss and make up. She'll need some TLC along the
way, from everyone.

Cross your fingers, folks...


PS: And to show I mean tough-love, the "cc" on the list is her legal
counsel. He may disagree with my assessment but at least we're all
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 16


Maybe this should be required reading for all Cadet junkies... not
directed at you personally, but I think we've maybe lost ourselves
somewhere in the trees here...

Food for thought...


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 25, 2001 4:11 PM
To: Terri German; Cris German
Cc: Bob Bondarevich

Subject: Maybe the Problem is Somewhere around Here?

Capt. German & Sgt German:

I found this at the Air Cadet site. I'm building my case for the

They had this on-line:

* * * * * *



A cadet is the most important person.

A cadet is not dependent on us - we are dependent on them.
A cadet is not an interruption in our work - they are the purpose for
A cadet is part of our business - not an outsider. They are human beings
with feelings and deserve to be treated with respect.
A cadet is a person who comes to us with their needs and wants - it is
our job to fill them.
A cadet deserves the most courteous attention we can give them. They are
the lifeblood of this organization. We would have to close our doors
without them!

Author Unknown

* * * * * *

Sounds good, eh???

I think this is the most twisted, self-serving garbage I've seen since
the GST debate. Yes, let's remember the cadet but let's also remember
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 17

Let's re-examine using the Leadership Theory your own manuals expose to
see these words in a new light...

1) >> A cadet is the most important person. << Sorry, no... the
cadet reports to a Superior Officer.

2) >> A cadet is not dependent on us - we are dependent on them. << =

We'll take needs and direction, by definition, from them (and stop
drinking when they stop sniffing gas, in a different tribe). Perhaps
the lunatics are running the asylum here?

3) >> A cadet is not an interruption in our work - they are the

purpose for it. << Part of our work is to instil good ethics in them
and make sure it sticks even when they're in civilian clothes. Also,
uncovering this kind of bullshit and exposing it for what it is.

4) >> A cadet is part of our business - not an outsider. They are

human beings with feelings and deserve to be treated with respect. <<
Parents, on the other hand, are different somehow (and so is God's

5) >> A cadet is a person who comes to us with their needs and wants -
it is our job to fill them. << What do we get to ask in return???

6) >> A cadet deserves the most courteous attention we can give them.
They are the lifeblood of this organization. We would have to close our
doors without them! << Yes, and you'd have to lose the war without the
Private. Doesn't make them all little generals, folks...

I think, if you'll put some thought into this, you might agree that you
should be embarrassed to have this disgraceful twisted reality on your

Capt. German (for Real)

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 18

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 15, 2001 9:42 AM
To: Glenys Edwardes
Cc: Cris German; Terri German

Subject: FW: Scars

Ms Edwards:

Here's an older e-mail from my records. Terri was out somewhere at the
time, and it was a chilling conversation to have with my own daughter.
This was only about 10 days before Terri's birthday.

I doubt Crista, B.J. or Terri is willing to readily admit the

conversation even occurred.

B.J. suffers in silence to lighten Mom's emotional load. Until the 6th,
he was simply copying my gentlemanly behaviour.

Crista's using the opportunity to train him like a dog and he doesn't
have the social skills to deal with the stresses. Therefore, he says to
me privately "I hate my life"... which I think you'll find is a red flag
warning for potential suicide.

Also, when I said the Terri "I need help" in the past, her response was
always "Oh, honey, you're doing fine". Perhaps B.J. just knows there's
no point in even bringing it up. Her response may just always the same
cheery, motherly encouragement I got from her myself. It sounds good
but it makes the whole "I need help" statement rather moot.

In fact, it hurts more to be brushed off then neglected. I know this


Please think about this and pass your comments along to Social Services
(cc'ing me).

Yours truly,

Kevin German

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: November 28, 2001 10:56 PM
To: Terri German
Subject: Scars

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 19

Before you make any decisions regarding tonight's issues, let me tell
you that Cris told me, almost in so many words, that she has scars from
her bullies (maybe even me?) and this, in her mind, entitles her to scar
B.J. with impunity.

Certainly, she would scar me with pleasure if she could. She doesn't
even consider this at all evil (the dreaded e-word).

You seem certain that these are only minor issues and that it's all
under control.

You think about what's illusion and what's reality, and let's discuss a

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 20

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 6, 2001 4:16 PM
To: Terri German

Subject: Answer


Why I was in your (our) house:

You asked me to get out of your life. That's the mission assigned by
the CO (you).

I need to get there sometime today when you're not home.

I am entitled to the one picture of my father I have and also to "some"

of the others. You have plenty left. I'll bring your speakers back.

I'm only following the CO's orders and you're mad at me for doing it.

I'm thinking my father committed suicide rather than having live under
someone like you for the rest of his life. Ever get the sense that
there was a cover-up?

Point to ponder: How many people have an aneurysm at the hospital? How
many die of self-poisoning, getting sick for a while, then dying there
(with a pension for the kids, which I did consider at one point)?

I'm a better man than my father.

B.J. will be a better man than your father was, in my opinion.

We differ in opinions.

I'll prove mine for the first time in 18 years.

I have no choice, as per your request.

Happy birthday.


- - - - -

PS: Using an arbitrary and fixed milestone in YOUR life as a deadline

in mine is purple, and also classically passive-aggressive. You have no
choice when my milestones are set.

I'm playing both sides of the fence so you know how it feels.
(Difference: Ethics)
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 21

Blue response:

Stimulus = Happy 40 and CO's request to fulfill

Response = your self-destruction as a woman

Food for thought

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 22

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 9, 2001 5:23 AM
To: Wayne & Naomi Pickford; Doug German

Subject: Family Gossip Update


Thought I'd let you know that Terri & I are now "rings on, no turning
back" due to a bizarre and twisted turn of events that might have been
steered by the hand of God himself.

Basically, what it boiled down to is that I left her life for good (in
her mind, due to a misunderstanding of words - pilot lingo basically)
and while she thought I was out stalking the boy, I was in fact putting
together a surprise 40th birthday party for her cadet crowd. Pretty
nifty alibi, eh? ;)

Her 40th was CO's Parade at the squadron too. She was full of mixed
emotions at the time, and I'm told that she did well with the brave
face, but I guess almost lost it (heartbroken I hope?) as the band
played "Happy Birthday". It was weird.

Afterwards, the officer friends and her came over to the Legion for a
drink. I had told them I'd bring something small (very political hot
potato here as the whole situation boils down to Cadets vs. basic family
values if looked at from an unflattering perspective).

As it happened, the party was a rousing success. Black Forest Cake &
Candles, set-up in the back room and I even had the Airforce March on
the computer 'cuz it's on their Internet site which I host. see but it's a bit of a chuck to download (10 mB)

Go get a beer while it downloads and join the toast.

"Per Ardua ad Astra" - "Through Adversity to the Stars"


"We can't go on together with suspicious minds" <== Elvis/Fine Young


"Surprise - Surprise - Surprise" <== Gomer Pyle

All's Cool ;)

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 23

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 19, 2001 7:48 AM
To: John Hautmann; Terri German
Cc: William Fecteau

Subject: Custody Issues

My Worthy Opponents:

Please note that my current thinking follows:

1) We removed my mother and her husband as guardians in our will, as

they're loony-tunes...

2) Terri's family are also, for the most part, White Welfare Trailer
Trash and that's where my kids will vacation instead. They'll see where
auntie's husband #4 (what's-his-name) might have been the best choice so

Why? Terri won't be welcome on Vancouver Island until Jack (now my

step-father) is happy with how my son is being raised. And that's my
folks' chance to make amends for NOT converting ME to rabid Catholicism
and concurrent racism, sexism and homophobia (add neurosis to the list
here: ____________.)

3) On Terri's side, the family quality is such that I actually urinated

on Terri's mothers' headstone in response to the truck incident. I had
to, as a form of family therapy and stress relief. Otherwise, I would
have lost my medical FOR THE THIRD TIME because of her two-faced

The anxiety disorder: I got the feeling, subconsciously, that I

couldn’t trust ANYTHING -- not even the structural integrity of the main
spar joint on my aircraft.

I think that's enough of a feel to show that these people really do

destroy other people's lives by their very nature. It's combat-love
(minus the love) in every home I see save one, and Terri doesn't talk to
Tracy anymore anyway...

4) Terri's now trying to carry the style to her own unfortunate


5) She won't do this to mine. I don't want Crista's future husband

pissing on Terri's headstone, as I ended up doing to Sharon's in defence
of my own mental health and career.

This doesn't mean I'm keeping Crista, but you better know that the Man
of the House is not disposable like a cheap plastic razor. B.J. will
lean the true value of a good man, even if the Bracconnier women can't.
Perhaps it's simply for that reason alone.

Plan to lose.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 24


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 18, 2001 5:22 PM
To: Glenys Edwardes; Terri German

Subject: Reality Check

Terri & Glenys:

I know B.J.'s doing well, other wise I'd be on you for more progress
reports etc. Now, don't pretend this has nothing to do with any of the
events that have transpired since I first called her.

My question: Where would B.J. be now if I was not at the PT conference

and the whole issue was blown away as simple awkward kid stuff? Or in
the house to actually hear him begging for mercy for Crista's
entertainment? Willing to pass this along to your accomplices so they
could see the effects of their own hands?

B.J. would be in a different world if I'd have left town about that
time. Also, I've been telling him specifically that I'm NOT going to
leave him behind -- make him man of the house etc.

Don't reap what I sew as your own doing.

He'll live a better life with me. You can get over losing him as easily
as I can. At least you have stress leave.

I NEED my medical and I need HIM for it. Don't pack just yet, tho'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 23, 2001 4:15 PM
To: Terri German

Subject: Religious Text of King James Bible 1 Timothy, chapter 2


Below follows the text of two versions of the bible. Slightly

different but same message as you'd expect.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 25


Line 12, I believe, is the Word of God in two flavours.

God's Law and Man's Law are both squarely behind me now. If course, I'm
a moderate and always want Mother's eyes smiling. Maybe the reason they
haven't been in the past years is tied in closely with the fact that
we're a little late in meeting the lady at Tim Hortons?

Something to think about especially on a Sunday. Otherwise, we're

perhaps telling God himself "screw you"... I don't think that's a wise

With love,


- - - -

1 Timothy, chapter 2

Compare with Revised Standard Version: 1Tim.02, which follows below

1: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,

intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2: For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a
quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3: For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4: Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of
the truth.
5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus;
6: Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
7: Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the
truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and
8: I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands,
without wrath and doubting.
9: In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel,
with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or
pearls, or costly array;
10: But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the
man, but to be in silence.
13: For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14: And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the
15: Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue
in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

1 Timothy, chapter 2
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 26

Compare with King James Version: 1Tim.02 which follows above

1: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,

intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men,
2: for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.
3: This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4: who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the
5: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus,
6: who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony to which was
borne at the proper time.
7: For this I was appointed a preacher and apostle (I am telling the
truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
8: I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy
hands without anger or quarreling;
9: also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in
seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire
10: but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion.
11: Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness.
12: I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to
keep silent.
13: For Adam was formed first, then Eve;
14: and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a
15: Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues
in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 27


How come when I say "This kind of double-standard really irks me and I
just can't take it anymore" I'm the asshole? You just can't deal with
the fact that this is Christmas, and for God's Sake Kevin, a good Dad
would eat the turkey to be with his son even if we stuff it with Human
Excrement just for your benefit.

You're the only one who eats the stuffing anyway, so Cris' now using our
ladies' special recipe for you -- hope you enjoy it.

If not, then well, I guess you just don't love your son... you're an

Cris keeps the stuffing for later. She can feed B.J. little spoonfuls
and out-do Chris.

He fed B.J. rabbit excrement and I did something about it. Cris feeds
B.J. her shit and you think that's being a good Big Sister like you were
to Trevor.

Poor, foolish souls you are... "Oh Pity Thee of Little Faith"...

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 28

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 18, 2001 7:51 AM
To: William Fecteau; Terri German; Bentley & Claudia Barr
Cc: Cris German; Glenys Edwardes

Subject: Insight on What's Happening


Think about this.

Point-in-time "A": Terri & I agree (concurring) on a course of

action. Terri concurs because she respects my judgement and wants to
please me. She really does... she's been trying for most of our 18
years together.

Point-in-time "B": Terri changes her mind for some reason -- like
being in Uniform and thinking with a different "personality" (role).

Point-in-time "C": Terri doesn't want to appear to be dishonest and

not a good "wife", so she does whatever she wants anyway and hides it
from me. Like when she bought a beater pick-up truck, for camping, and
hid it at a friend's house for 5 months and counting.

NOTE: The truck was a public humiliation to me behind my back. This is

NOT bedroom details here -- it's a fuckin' VEHICLE. Her friend called
me to tell me my truck wouldn't start; I didn't even know we HAD a
truck. MY own mother was in the kitchen when I took the call so it
really burned me.

And when the beater broke down, I took time from my clients to rescue
her on the roadside. No income; only gentlemanly obligations that I
didn't agree to in the first place. Other option: Leave her on the
roadside with a broken vehicle and take the $$$ from the college fund to
pay for towing and service.

I'm the prick no matter how it gets sliced and I didn't want the truck
anyway. You do the math.

Point-in-time "D": Terri gets found out somehow (as in "C").

Point-in-time "E": I'm angry that she went out and did her own
thing AGAIN.

Enough's enough and it DID lead to an anxiety disorder that was never
diagnosed. (The professionals all agree it was harmless -- like a
phobia of elevators -- but that's small comfort when you need to ride
elevators for a living.)

Point-in-time "F": Terri thinks I have anger issues and am possibly


So, she rationalizes that she did what she did 'cuz MY judgement's now
flawed. Her judgement's at Point-in-time "B"; mine's still at Point-in-
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 29

time "A". I just haven't changed my mind because I still think the
reasoning is sound. She's mad that SHE can't just change my mind by
inserting a new opinion like a cassette tape. My mother did the same to
my father; my step-father did the same to his son. Terri's mother did
the same to her father, except that her father didn't always agree
either and tried to get his point across to Mom Sr.

It was always impossible for him too. They had HUGE domestic issues.

As a result, I believe, Terri's folks lived in separate postal codes for

much of their lives and I've told Terri many, many this is NOT an option
for a man like me. She still thinks it is the ONLY workable option and
tried to sell it to me in stages after I didn't have any real choice
anyway. So, as it turns out, you guys did all the heavy lifting for me.

Point-in-time "G": Terri tells everyone what a (potentially)

dangerous person I am.

Point-in-time "H": I need to confess my sins before anyone will let

me back into their lives.

- - - -

The problem was that I had absolute authority in the cockpit but no real
status in my own home at all. It's a social condition and I'm not the
only man in the family who the women try to treat this way. I've just
put up with it the longest so I now am the shit-funnel for the family.
Everybody's now in the habit of blaming everything on me and making
stuff up to do so if they have to.

Also, she would consistently add more and more load to the Cadet Basket,
and tell me she doesn't have a choice. She will budget a small amount
of time which she can sell to me at point "A", or just tell me outright
it won't be a problem.

When the reality turns out to be much more (in keeping with my
prediction at point "A") then it's still not her fault; we're at point
"B" now.

18 years was enough of that.


PS: Terri will be mad at me for slighting the reputation of two dead
welfare recipients. The effect or her summer project, if unstopped,
will be to turn her healthy soon-to-be-ex into a living welfare
recipient with no reputation.

Ask her, and I'm sure she'll tell you I'm still the bad person here --
'cuz my reputation is the doormat on which everyone wipes the shit off
of their shoes. No more...
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 30

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 16, 2001 5:36 PM
To: Bentley & Claudia Barr
Cc: William Fecteau

Subject: Reality Check Mano-a-Mano


I'm really sorry for the issues here but I'm really in a pickle...

Remember as I said in the blister-gram "suicides in the family"? Don't

assume by this I mean Terri's family. There were, I suspect, TWO in my
immediate own, my father and my mother's next (current) husband's son.

It's very real, very scary stuff when it's your own kids. The
personalities, ages, genders etc. all match like identical pieces of a
chess game on two separate boards. Difference: I'm a pilot and Dad was
a wanna-be pilot who didn't have the drive to make it all the way. "His
math wasn't good enough". (Incidentally, I got 100% on my scholarship
exam for powered and was inexplicably denied the course by the board. We
tried to get an answer and were denied. The Rotary Club gave me $4,500
cash from their party fund to compensate and I got a standing ovation at
the dinner for it. I flew out of Campbell River that summer whenever I
felt like it. My boss let me leave the job at my leisure.)

Anyway, right now I don't mind being a little rude to make a point.
Still, if you were assuming I meant to tack the garbage on her side of
the family, then you're just joining the paranoia bandwagon, ok? That's
understandable; there's lots to go around.

My take: I'm not who she thought I was -- oddly enough, I'm actually a
much better person than that.


Anyway, if you want to deal with a scary email, I'm just passing along
"family news" on how my call with my own mother went, to keep Terri
informed of Mom's emotional condition. We really do all care for each
other but there's something really wrong in the bunch of grapes.

I'm trying to build bridges to lead us all out of the trap she set for
all of us -- her, me, the kids, the Cadets, my passengers...

Time for Big Thinking, folks.

Let me know your position as I really can't trust Terri's info on it.
I'm only trying to let you in on a need-to-know basis, actually. I know
you don't want to be caught in the middle but "your fingerprints are on
my son's bed" so you're kinda in the tar with the rest of us...

By the way, I meant "tactical", not "tactful" the other time. Spell
checker (damn). And this barrage of e-mails are in direct response to
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 31

her request to "get on with my life". Pitter, patter.... you folks

take the hits I guess.

Kindest regards,

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 32

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 16, 2001 9:36 AM
To: Terri German

Subject: FW: Oil on Troubled Waters


If they'll put a drink on MY tab at the Legion, I can call them my

friends. Otherwise, I'm simply your Patsy, and that ain't gonna

I'm trying to unravel this knot we've all created anyway. My thread's
the biggest.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin German []
Sent: December 16, 2001 9:05 AM
To: Bentley & Claudia Barr
Cc: William Fecteau; Glenys Edwardes
Subject: Oil on Troubled Waters


You're stuck in the same mess with all of us, and I'd like to extend a
hand of help by way of a prediction. Long story follows, but as insane
as this situation is, it's completely predictable and the case history
is enlightening for anybody with children...

Unfortunately, our family life's journey had bad timing a couple of

years ago when I was away on the Jet Ranger course. Terri, head of the
household for the time in question, got a dog "for Crista" in my

I like a nice house for my kids and wife to grow up in. That's what she
married me for anyway. As it happened, the dog became a real problem
for me, as it would urinate in the house -- especially as soon as I got
home -- and Terri was too busy to keep ahead of the messes. The dog was
also used as a carrot to help the kids become more responsible. Of
course, Terri and Crista promised they'd keep my house clean enough to
satisfy my standards before we get the animal...

Good intentions, but if you don't "walk the talk" I get angry and that's
not fair. Now it's MY anger issue -- not their dog's urine stains and
broken promises.

I tried to get Terri to take to dog to a new home, which was the humane
thing to do. Crista refused to allow it to be removed from the house.
Mom, stuck in the middle, sided with the girl in spite of about 100
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 33

demands on my part that this was THEIR dog and THEIR problem to address
to I could be happy in MY house.

I always lost. I couldn't take the dog away myself; it was Crista's and
both she and Mom would have hated me for doing so. What kind of an
asshole would take the dog away? That, in her mind, is like stealing
the candy from the baby. She might even have left me over the issue.
In the end, it was the Cadets instead.

Anyway, long story short: Crista learned that the harder she wails, the
more power she can suck from Dad and into her own needs. What Terri
refuses to acknowledge: B.J.'s already caught and Mom's next once I'm
gone for good. Terri caters to Crista anyway so this is not even likely
to go noticed by either of them.

Social Services mindset -- "take care of the kids first". This assumes
Dad's an angry drunk slob, which I hope you can all see that I'm not.
However, there are support groups for truly good men who get screwed in
this dynamic and I know of several men who've basically been destroyed
by the process. In my case, depression costs me my medical and I can't
fly. Think about that next time I seem assertive. I haven't much
choice at all.

Anyway, a cycle developed where Mom's judgement had to be respected at

all costs. If you know her at all, this will ring a bell with you I'm

Works well at the Cadets and on the job -- especially if there's a "how-
to" manual around and no real pressure to perform. However, in my case,
rather than develop some sort of inferiority complex she just said "talk
to the hand". Crista picks up on this and a new generation graduates.
In the end, I lose everything because I'm ticked at her reneging on her
own commitments.

Mom's not aware this is happening, and Crista thinks this is just how
the world is supposed to be. And in her mind, yes, I am now lower than
a dog in terms of value to the family's needs. Also, way too many hours
of watching "Friends" etc. leaves the kids thinking that life should be
a rollicking adventure from one nutty, fun, doomed relationship to
another. It's brainwashing. I've been saying for years that the kids
watch too much T.V. (but somehow it's my fault that they still do).

My life is often way, way too close to being a sitcom character for my
own liking. I drew the line when my own 9-year-old son tried his hand
at accusing me of show-boating while I was skiing. I know what his
agenda was but I'll guard my opinion here. ( <-- rare event these days

My issue: In my mind, this makes me look like Sylvester the Cat and I
will NOT satisfy his demand with justification. "It’s okay, thon -- I
know It'th thafe". What's next? And what lesson does he learn from all
of this bullshit? Oddly, I haven't spoken to a single female caregiver
to agrees with me on this point.

I will not take public admonition from a 9-year-old son lightly. Like
Terri, I have an image to maintain too. And I have to stop the cycle
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 34

somewhere. (Men maintaining an image is apparently seen as narcissism

these days, by the way.)

I think we need social services to break this deadlock, and it's a very
complex case. Now, Terri's just doing her best but she's still driving
the car long, long after the wheels have fallen completely off. And my
career(s) are stalled until this is resolved. Remember, I can't even
take a groundschool with this stress in my head so if I got a job right
now I might not even be able to take it. It's not an issue this close
to x-mas, tho' but it will be in January.

Here's the prediction: Someone needs to get through to her that yes,
the problem is on HER end -- not mine. I think she knows this now but
she's stuck. She has some extremely skewed assumptions about
relationships, which she gets from her own childhood. We all get our
assumptions about relationships from our own childhood, so I'm
especially cognizant of B.J.'s budding sense of masculinity and the game
Crista's making out of toying with it.

This is my problem.

I think we can save this situation. I'm thinking about spending time
with our grandchildren together -- not the next Camp Wright.

If I get my way, she may lose B.J. for a brief time to my care if we
can't patch it together over x-mas, 'cuz I'm NOT the bad guy here and I
have the tiger my the tail. I really don't know what's next...

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 35


Here are the legal errors in your argument if I wanted to take this
further down the path-to-hell (and I don't, but I'm bored and this is

>> You have tried to rally my staff to mutiny and take over the Sqn
from me <<

I've told your friends and your lawyer that your words are dangerous,
both to yourself (i.e. 533 Sqn) and to me. You're in a textbook
conflict-of-interest situation and no, you can't have it both ways.

Another example from the blue camp: My company is incorporated and so

is legally also a "person" in the eyes of the law. You can't drag my
computer onto your personal list of things to keep, even if you think
you can. Legally, it's not mine like your sqn's saxophone isn't your
property either.

They're your friends when they move my furniture; your staff when you
discuss my flying. You can't play both sides of the fence without me
bringing in Bob Bondarevich for a lunch conversation -- and so I did.

>> you have made threats towards the Sqn re breaking it up <<

Do you really think I have the authority to do that? Or just the

coconuts to talk to people who could if they wanted to, but never would

This is called "bravado" -- "bullshit for effect".

>> I am responding in an official capacity to your request to come back


All I said was "feel free to call me if you need me" -- you're putting
words in my head like Mother does...

>> My staff and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours <<

At the time of writing, your staff wants me to get the hell out of
Dodge, period... ;)

Anyway, response is on other email.

xox -


-----Original Message-----
From: Terri German []
Sent: December 21, 2001 6:40 PM
To: Kevin German
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 36

Subject: Re: Sqn Flying:

Dear Mr. German;

Your letter of resignation was very clear and was accepted by me in my

capacity as Commanding Officer. It is also in my capacity as Commanding
Officer to resind any voluntary agreement at any time if I no longer
think the person is the best suited for the position in which we have
had them working. You have tried to rally my staff to mutiny and take
over the Sqn from me, you have made threats towards the Sqn re breaking
it up and having 5 Officer Cadets run things. I am responding in an
official capacity to your request to come back as a Sqn pilot to say no
thank you. 533 Sqn thanks you for the time you have given to us and for
the many weekends that you helped fly our cadets over the past several
years. My staff and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Terri German
Commanding Officer
533 Squadron St. Albert Air CAdets
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin German" <>
To: "Bentley & Claudia Barr" <>; "Terri German"
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 9:43 PM
Subject: Sqn Flying:

> Folks:
> I've gotten it off my chest now so the "taste of the last round at the
> Legion" has left my palate.
> If you need a Cessna driver, call me. I'll save you the cost of a new
> check-out for some other guy; maybe teach James some tricks like how
> in only one try...
> No hard feelings, ok?
> Kevin
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 37

Supporting References
Mission Statement Of The Air Cadet League (Excerpted)

To provide a voice in Canada for the Air Cadet Movement as a whole so that the
Canadian public are kept aware of the accomplishments and capabilities of the
Movement and of its ability to fulfill its aims.

To study and initiate proposals from and to the Department of National Defence
and other government departments which enhance the future of the Air Cadet
Movement and which are consistent with Canadian economic and social

To encourage discussion and resolution of any problems that develop within the
Air Cadet Movement and continually endeavour to ensure that the movement will
continue to progress and prosper.


The Air Cadet League envisions the Air Cadet Movement being recognized as
the best – the most influential, innovative and expert organization – in the world
community of youth movements, and being proactive in meeting the changing
needs of youth, the environment and the challenges of economic change.


The Air Cadet League of Canada fosters development in youth of the values of
self-confidence, self-discipline, leadership and physical fitness.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 38

Air Cadet League Of Canada – Philosophy


The members of the Air Cadet League believe that training should be kept as completely up-to
date and as progressive as possible, especially in view of the changing attitudes of today’s youth.
However, the League is also of the view that there is a place in our society for an educational
program which is not entirely permissive, which requires the participants to meet certain
standards of dress, appearance and behavior, and which expects our young people to accept a
full measure of personal responsibility for their own actions.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 39

Distorted Content Excerpted from the Internet


A cadet is the most important person.
A cadet is not dependent on us - we are dependent on them.
A cadet is not an interruption in our work - they are the purpose for it.
A cadet is part of our business - not an outsider. They are human beings with
feelings and deserve to be treated with respect.
A cadet is a person who comes to us with their needs and wants - it is our job
to fill them.
A cadet deserves the most courteous attention we can give them. They are the
life blood of this organization. We would have to close our doors without them!

Author Unknown
Editorial Note:
I saw this on the desk blotter of one of the Nova Scotia ACA's a few years ago. It was
entitled "A Cadet". Recently I learned that all correspondence in Eastern Region must
contain the words "Remember the Cadet" in bold, upper case letters just above the
signature block. I combined these two

Runaway Political Agenda Example

Issue: The Women’s Movement has ended quite some time ago. The fizz has left the
champagne; maybe it’s time to find another party.
FAST FACT #2 True equality is only achieved when the difference becomes a
Females were officially non-issue – not when it’s a high-profile issue.
invited to become members
of Air Cadet squadrons in The logic is fundamentally flawed. Notice how there are NO
1975 - but many units have SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS for blue-eyed persons but blond
unofficial participation by jokes are popular?
girls long before that - as
early as the 1940s! Focus on harmony, not status.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 40

Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC)

CIC Officers come from virtually all walks of civilian life. Some are students,
others are homemakers, doctors, police officers, accountants, construction
workers and ex-Regular Force military. But no matter how diverse their
backgrounds, CIC Officers do have one thing in common - their dedication to the
development of Canada's youth.

CIC Officers are rewarded by the accomplishments and achievements of their

cadets. They also learn a variety of leadership, organizational and management
skills that can carry over into their civilian lives.

To qualify for the CIC you must be a Canadian citizen; be at least 18 years of
age; have completed a grade 12 education; be in good physical/medical
condition; and pass an Enhanced Reliability (security) Check.

Join the dedicated team of Cadet Instructors Cadre Officers who are training
the youth of today to be Canada's leaders of tomorrow. For more information
contact a Sea Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Corps or Air Cadet Squadron near you.

We thank you for your generous offer of volunteer services and hope you
understand the legal and moral obligation of the League in reviewing the
suitability of all individuals working or involved with youth.

Full text at …

Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 41

Flight Safety Preventative Philosophy

Determining cause factors is not an end in itself but a means of identifying and eliminating
problems. Investigation results are analysed to draw findings which lead to recommendations.
These must clearly specify the means required to improve the safety of the operation or identify
resources required to eliminate hazards or deficiencies in order to minimize the likelihood of a
repeat occurrence.

In addition to initiating preventive measures, the lessons learned from an occurrence usually have
safety education value applicable to other units. These lessons learned may have long-term
benefit for future aircrew and groundcrew; therefore, the use of accident scenarios for training
purposes is commonly exercised. The accident synopsis found at this site is provided for its
training value.

Similarly, lessons can be learned from the experiences of others who rose to the occasion by
averting or reducing the severity of an accident with outstanding skill, devotion or professionalism.
The CF Flight Safety Program includes the recognition of such deeds through awards and

Last but certainly not least, aviators learn much from each other. The Flight Safety program
incorporates formal education and training courses but it relies most heavily on flight safety
promotion and awareness initiatives. These include unit flight safety committees, site surveys,
personal and anonymous reports, information leaflets, publications, videos and venues like this
site. The Flight Safety Poster page also provides an opportunity for submitting
personal/anonymous anecdotes or reports from which others may learn. If YOU learned about
flying from an experience you had, the rest of us can probably learn from it too.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 42


When physiological, safety and social needs are basically satisfied, esteem becomes the
dominant need. This need is twofold: the person must feel he is important and he must receive
recognition from others that supports these feelings. Recognition is invaluable, for without it the
person may conclude he is greatly overrating himself. When those around him, however. make it
clear that he is indeed important, feelings of self-esteem, self-confidence, prestige and power are
all produced. Of course, satisfaction of the need rests with the person himself. If he believes he is
overrated by his peers, nothing they do will be beneficial in convincing him of their sincerity. He
may continually feel inferior. However, if he has confidence in himself, respect and support from
those around him will serve to justify his confidence.

Research shows that as the United States moves toward becoming middle-class society, esteem-
related needs such as prestige are more evident; people want to keep up with the Joneses and
be viewed a important. This was clearly indicated in Packard's book The Status Seekers. Joining
the right country club, or earning an advanced degree are some ways of securing thi prestige. For
example, many teachers who hold a Ph.D. like to be called Doctor" rather than "Professor" or
"Sir" because of the prestige the title carries.

Power is another esteem related need. The power drive actual begins at childhood when the
baby realizes that crying influences his parents' behaviour. Adler contends that this ability to
manipulate other is inherently pleasurable to the child. Of course, during these early years the
infant needs this power, because he is helpless without his parents and must have some method
for ensuring their assistance.

Maslow defined self-actualization as “the desire to become more and more what one
idiosyncratically is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” The individual
attempts to realize his full potential at this level of the hierarchy. He is interested in self-
fulfillment, self-development and creativity in the broadest sense of the word.

Of all five needs, the least is known about self-actualization. This is because people satisfy the
need in so many different ways that it is difficult to pin down and identify it. However, as Hersey
and Blanchard noted, competence and achievement are closely related motives, and extensive
research has been conducted on them.

White has concluded that human beings desire competence because it gives them a form of
control over their environment. As they mature, people learn their limitations and capabilities form
experience, and they work within these confines. For example, it is rare to find an intelligent adult
seriously overrating his abilities. He basically knows what he can do and he remains within these
parameters, choosing an objective that is attainable such as job mastery. The man pits himself
against the work as a goal that is challenging but not beyond attainment. This competence desire
is related to the self-actualization need identified Maslow.

Another such related need is achievement. Some individuals will] accomplish more than others
because their need to achieve is greater. McClelland and his associates at Harvard have been
studying this need for over 25 years. They have found that high-achievers are neither low not
high risk-takers. Rather, they set moderately difficult put potentially achievable goals for
themselves. They like a challenge, but they want some influence over the outcome. They are
aggressive realists. In addition, they are motivated more by the accomplishment of a particular
objective than by the rewards associated with it. Money, for example, if merely used as a means
of measuring or assessing progress. High achievers also have a strong desire for feedback on
how well they are doing. They want to know the score.
Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 43

Public Denouncement of My Own Wife and Daughter





















Abuse Revelation – Unusual Circumstance – Kevin B. German – Page 44

Gratuitous Sympathy Shot

Here, B.J. and I were wishing for a Happy Christmas for the whole

We’re “crying” because he’s sad that we’re still fighting with each
other. He’s hoping Santa can help Mom & Dad reconcile in time for


If UNICEF can get away with this sort of thing, so can I….

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