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Our Redemption; Paid for in Blood.

Calvary covers it all;

Ephesians 1 v7; In whom, we have redemption, through His blood, the Iorgiveness oI sins, according to the
riches oI His grace.
Way back in the book oI 1ob I v8, we read that God spoke to satan and said that Job was a perIect and upright
man who Ieared God. Then throughout this book we see God and Job engaged in long conversations. There
seems no doubt that Job was aware oI God's plan Ior the redemption oI the world and that God was going to
send a Messiah to save the world Irom their sins and the wrath oI God. Job could say in chapter 19 v25 . For
I know that my Redeemer liveth and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though aIter my
skin worms destroy this body, yet in my Ilesh shall I see God. He was sure that he would be granted everlasting
liIe in and through the coming Messiah who was to be known as Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son oI God.
Right through the Bible are prophecies concerning the coming oI a Saviour.
Isaiah 7 v l4; ThereIore the Lord HimselI shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and shall call His name Emmanuel. (God with us.) Isaiah 53 give a prophecy on Christ's death and the method
oI His death. v5; But He was wounded Ior our transgressions, He was bruised Ior our iniquities, the
chastisement oI our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed., We are promised salvation iI we
are willing to repent oI our sins ask Iorgiveness...OI God and accept Jesus as our Redeemer.
Acts 4 vl2. Neither is there salvation in any other, Ior there is none other name under heaven given among men.
whereby we must be saved Jesus came to reconcile sinIul mankind to God. 1ohn 14 v6 ; Jesus said unto them,
I am the way, the truth and the liIe, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. in Jesus Christ we can Iind
Iorgiveness oI sins, reconciliation with God, eternal liIe with Christ and Iellow Christians, Iellowship with
God's Iamily and the indwelling oI the Holy Spirit oI God. This then is the Person in whom we can saIely put our
1ohn 6 v44; No man can come to Me except the Father which has sent Me, draw him; and I will raise him up
at the last day.
v47; Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me has everlasting liIe.
1ohn 20 v3l; But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son oI God, and that
believing you might have liIe through His name.
So Jesus gave His liIe Ior the sinners oI this world when He was cruciIied on a cross. But Bible prophecy and
Jesus HimselI promised that three days aIter His death God would raise Him Irom the dead. He would then
return to God in heaven.
1ohn 2 v l9 and 21; Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up
but He spake oI the temple oI His body..
Luke 24 v46-47; And he said unto them, thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suIIer and to rise Irom
the dead the third day. And that repentance and remission oI sins should be preached in His name.v5l; And it
came to pass while He blessed them, He was parted Irom them and carried up into heaven.
Acts 7 v55-56; Stephen being stoned to death. But he, being Iull oI the Holy Ghost, looked up steadIastly into
heaven and saw the glory oI God and Jesus standing on the right hand oI God. And and said, behold I see the
heavens opened and the Son oI man standing on the right hand oI God.

WE HAVE: The Promise Given BeIore Calvary;
Isaiah 7 vl4, already quoted; Isaiah 53 v6; The Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity oI us all.
Isaiah 61 v 1. (This was a promise or prophecy given out long beIore Christ came on the scene.) The Spirit oI
the Lord God is upon Me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek. He has sent me
to bind up the broken hearted. to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening oI the prison to them that are
bound. To proclaim the acceptable year oI the Lord. and the day oI vengeance oI our God, to comIort all that
Years later when Christ began His ministry He read these verses in one oI the synagogues and said, This day is
this Scripture IulIilled in your ears. Psalm 34 oIIers several promises to the believer. v8; 0 taste and see that the
Lord is good. vl5; The eyes oI the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.
vl8; The Lord is nigh unto them that are oI a broken heart and saves such as be oI a contrite heart.

vl9; Many are the aIIlictions oI the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out oI them all.
We have so many promises in the Bible oI what a holy God will do Ior those who will trust in Jesus and His
saving power.
1ohn 3 vl6-17; For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish but have everlasting. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that
the world through Him might be saved.
Romans 8 vl; There is thereIore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not aIter the
Ilesh but aIter the Spirit.
1ohn 5 v24-29; Please read these verses. v28-29 says, Marvel not at this Ior the hour is coming in the which all
that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come Iorth, they that have done good unto the resurrection
oI liIe and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection oI damnation.
iI you have repented oI your sins and have been Iorgiven by God through Jesus Christ then you can be assured
oI eternal liIe with Christ. we have the assurance Irom the Word oI God that the disciples or Iollowers oI Jesus
have been saved Irom-the wrath oI God and the torments oI hell.
Romans 4 v2l; And being Iully persuaded that what He had promised, He was also able to perIorm.
1ohn 14 v27; Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let
not your heart be troubled neither let it be aIraid.
However, all these wonderIul promises made by God are oI course conditional upon the sinner acknowledging
beIore God the need Ior repentance and Iorgiveness and asking Jesus to take control oI your liIe. Previously the
sinner was servant to satan but now we must turn away Irom him and turn to God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
only then will we have the assurance oI sins Iorgiven, access to God in prayer and the indwelling oI His Holy
God has promises Ior the Iuture punishment oI those who reject the love oI God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 6 v23; For the wages oI sin is death but the giIt oI God is et eternal liIe. Psalm 9 vl7; The wicked shall
be turned into hell and all the nations that Iorget God. Matthew 25 v32-46; V41 Then shall he say also unto
them on the leIt hand, depart Irom Me ye cursed into everlasting Iire, prepared Ior the devil and his angels.v46;
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into liIe eternal. Revelation 14 v9-11
and 20 vl2-15.

These are severe warnings oI what happens to the unrepentant sinner. who alone makes his own choice as to his
eternal destiny.
REDEMPTION. Peoples giIt Irom God, through Calvary. Redeem, to buy back at a price
Christ has redeemed us by His death on the Cross making it possible Ior the sinner to be Iorgiven Ior his sins
when he chooses to repent. Matthew 9 v6. But that you may know that the Son oI man has power
Titus 2 vl4; Who gave HimselI Ior us that He might redeem us Irom, all iniquity, and puriIy unto HimselI a
peculiar people, zealous oI good works.

The People Redeemed at Calvary. when God created the earth Genesis also created-Adam and Eve. and gave
them charge. over all the earth and the animals. Genesis 2 when they disobeyed God they gave up their
authority over the world and satan, the Iallen angel, took control oI the world. 2 Corin.4 v4; in whom the god
oI this world has blinded the minds oI them which believe not lest the light oI the glorious gospel oI Christ who
is the image oI God should shine unto them.
So God who is holy and just had to provide a sinless sacriIice to redeem Iallen mankind to make us holy again,
as were Adam and Eve beIore they sinned against God. Romans 3 v23. For all have sinned and come short oI
the glory oI God.
In sending Jesus Christ to die Ior the sinners oI this world, to redeem them and oIIer them a holy liIe, God
declared two important things. 1ohn 3 vl6-17; For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting liIe. For God sent not His Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
So God loved us but hates our sin and He was willing to redeem us at so great a cost. He wanted to see us
reconciled to Him.Rom.6 v23, But the wages oI sin is death (separation Irom God ) but the giIt oI God is eternal
liIe through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Hebrews 9 vl2; By His (Jesus ) own blood entered once entered into the Holy Place having obtained eternal
redemption Ior us.
1 Peter I vl8-19; Forasmuch as you know you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold,
Irom your vain conversation received by tradition Irom your Iathers; but with the precious blood oI Christ, as oI
a lamb without blemish and without spot.
As we repent oI our sins and ask God to Iorgive us, we turn and worship God and ask Christ to take control oI
our Lives. so as we put our trust in Jesus so we have reconciliation with God and peace.
Romans 5 vl; ThereIore being justiIied by Iaith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, By
whom we also have access by .Iaith into this grace wherein we stand; and rejoice in the hope oI the glory oI

Hundreds oI years beIore Christ was born there were many prophecies made about Him and His coming to
earth to be cruciIied and die Ior the sinners oI this world. Isaiah 7 vl4; ThereIore the Lord HimselI shall give
you a sign, behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel, God with us.)

He speciIically came to redeem us Irom the bondage oI satan and to reconcile the sinner to God.
John 3 vl6-17. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting liIe. ' For God sent not His Son into the world to
condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. 1ohn 1 v29; Behold the Lamb oI God that
taketh away the sins oI the world.
Matthew 26 v28; For this is My blood oI the New Testament, which is shed Ior many, Ior the remission oI sins.
In the Old Testament days, only the High Priest could go into the Holy oI Holies in the Tabernacle to speak to
God on behalI oI the people, but with the death oI Jesus, God rent the curtain and made it possible Ior all
repentant sinners to approach Him Ior Iorgiveness oI their sins, and to speak with Him in prayer. Ephesians 2
vl4 Sinners become reconciled to God when they ask His Iorgiveness. and ask Jesus Christ to take control oI
their lives. Psalm 103 vl2.

Romans 4 v7-8; blessed are they whose iniquities are Iorgiven and whose sins are covered.
God has made it plain that through His Son Jesus, the sinner can have his or her sins Iorgiven , iI truly repentant
and willing to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Redeemer.1ohn 1 vl2; But as many as received Him to them
gave He power to ,become sons (or daughters ) oI Cod, even to them that believe on His name.
While some oI our sins have been and are an abomination to God He is ever ready to show His mercy and love
towards us even though there may be consequences oI those sins to Iollow.
1eremiah 36 v3; It may be that the house oI Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them, that
they may return, every man Irom his evil way that I may Iorgive their iniquity and their sins. The price
oI our Iorgiveness was the shed blood oI Christ at Calvary Psalm 103 vl2; As Iar as the East is Irom the West,
so Iar has he removed our transgressions Irom us.
Isaiah 38 vl7; Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it Irom the pit oI corruption Ior Thou has hast cast all my
sins behind Thy back. Micah 7 vl9; He will turn again, He will have compassion on us. He will subdue all our
iniquities And Thou wilt cast all their sins into
the depths oI the sea. 1eremiah 31 v34. For I will Iorgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more,
ACCORDING TO THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE. The Provision that comes Irom Calvary. GRACE. Great
riches at Christ's expense. Without the love, mercy and compassion oI God, and the obedience oI His Son Jesus,
there would have been no death and resurrection oI Jesus Christ and no reconciliation oI the sinner with God.
Ezekiel 18 v3l-32; Cast away Irom you all your transgressions whereby you have transgressed; and make you
a new heart and a new spirit, Ior why will you die 0 house oI Israel ? For I have no pleasure in the death oI him
that dieth, sayeth the Lord God; whereIore turn yourselves and live.
1eremiah 26 vl3; ThereIore now amend your ways and your doings and obey the voice oI the Lord your God.
And the Lord will repent Him oI the evil that He has pronounced against you .
Luke 13 v 5 .Except you repent youshall all likewise perish.

But as we see in John 3 vl6-17, God has a deep love Ior the people He created and He has no desire to see any
oI them choosing to reject His giIt the Lord Jesus Christ, and Iinish up in the everlasting torments oI hell. But
God has laid down a particular principle and only repentance can change that.

Psalm-9 v7; The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that Iorget God.
But the price oI our redemption had been met by Jesus so in actual Iact our salvation is Iree. All the sinner has
to do is to repent oI his or her sins, ask God's Iorgiveness and take Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and serve
Him instead oI satan
Ephesians 2 v8-9; For by grace are you saved through Iaith, and that not oI yourselves, it is the giIt oI God.
Not oI works lest any man should boast.
Grace guides us in the way to live Ior Jesus Christ. Titus 2 vll-12. For the grace oI God that brings salvation
has appeared to all men teaching us that denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
righteously, and godly, in this present world.
For by grace are ye saved, through Iaith in the shed blood oI the Lord Jesus Christ. Just what does God save
us Irom, and Iorgive us ? 1 Corinthians 6 v9-11; Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
kingdom oI God ? Be not deceived, neither Iornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor eIIeminate, nor abusers
oI themselves with mankind, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom oI God.
But the next verse says; And such were some oI you, but you are washed but you are sanctiIied, but you are
justiIied in the name oI the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit oI our God.
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the Iorgiveness oI sins according to the riches oI His grace.
Such is the love and mercy and compassion oI our Holy God, Ior the sinner who will repent oI the ungodly way
oI liIe and turn to Iollow the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only a very Ioolish sinner would turn his or her back upon God and His Son Jesus. Only a rebellious sinner
would reject the redemption oIIered him and deliberately choose to go into the eternal torments oI hell, with
satan and his demons.
God has given every person a Iree will, to choose liIe or death. Proverbs 3 v5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all
thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct
thy paths. -
Joshua could say, 1oshua 24 vl5, And iI it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you
will serve..... as Ior me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
In whom we have redemption through His blood according to the riches oI His Grace.
Lord make Calvary real to me Lord make Calvary real to me.
Open mine eyes to see victory in Christ Ior me Lord make Calvary real to me.

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