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Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These are the underground portion of a plant, which absorb, obtain or store
nourishment and provide it support.
a. leaves b. roots c. stem d. flower
2. This is the stalk of the plant which supports the fruit, flower or leaf.
a. leaves b. root c. stem d. flower
3. What do you call the process of food-making in plants?
a. photosynthesis b. photosynthetic c. photographic d. food processing
4. Which part of the plant is known to be the site of photosynthesis?
a. roots b. stem c. leaves d. flower
5. Flowering plants form ______.
a. grass b. cones c. flowers d. spores
6. Non-flowering plants produce _______.
a. spores b. flowers c. fruits d. seeds
7. These are the lateral photosynthetic appendage of a plant.
a. leaves b. roots c. stems d. flowers
8. A ______ has a reproductive system that enables the plants to reproduce its own kind.
a. leaf b. root c. stem d. flower
9. It induces the plants in cell division, without this the plant flower and roots
could not form. Also it helps root growth and protects the plant from diseases.
a. nitrogen b. phosphorus c. potassium d. none of these
10. The plants need the following in order to live except,
a. oil b. air c. Sunlight d. nutrients
11. Flowering plants have efficient ______system for carrying food and water.
a. seeding b. vascular or transport c. flowering d. tubing
12. Pine trees belong to the _______plants because they produce cones.
a. flower-bearing b. fruit-bearing
c. cone-bearing d. seed-bearing
13. Which is not a function of roots?
a. they anchor the plant to the ground
b. they absorb water with dissolve nutrients from the soil
c. they distribute water and food to various parts of the plant
d. they collect and store food and water from the soil
14. The _____ provides the energy needed by the plants to manufacture food.
a. flashlight b. sun c. moon d. comet
15. The green pigment in plants which trap energy from the sun.
a. chlorine b. chlorophyll c. CFC’s d. carbon dioxide.

16. Green plants take in _________ from air and use it during photosynthesis.
a. carbon dioxide b. CFC’s c. hydrogen d. oxygen
17. This plant bears flowers too and produce dull colored
flowers that lack scent. Their seeds are carried by the wind.
a. grass b. fruit trees c. gumamela d. fern
18. The tubes that carry nutrients and water to the plant.
a. vascular b. endosperm c. tubular d. phloem
19. It provides covering for seeds and it can be fleshy like an apple or hard like a nut.
a. stem b. roots c. fruit d. leaves
20. If we put oil to the leaves of the plants, the plants may
a. grow healthy b. produce flower
c. turn into yellowish color d. become fleshy
21. Plants use ______to carry nutrients from the roots to the leaves and
food from the leaves back down to the roots.
a. sunlight b. water c. air d. soil
22. These are the tiny openings of the leaves.
a. stomata b. ovule c. flower d. chloroplast
23. These are examples of natural pollinators except
a. birds b. bees c. man d. butterfly
24. It is a term used to refer to flowering plants.
a. Angiosperms b. Gymnosperms c. Dicotyledons d. Monocotyledons
25. Why is chlorophyll important in the process of photosynthesis?
a. because it releases energy b. because it forms starch
c. because it absorbs water d. because it traps light energy from the sun
26. It is the sites in most plants where respiration, transpiration, and guttation take place.
a. leaves b. flower c. roots d. stem
27. Which of the following is not a/an important plant nutrients?
a. nitrogen b. potassium c. sodium d. phosphorus
28. Needed for the making of chlorophyll.
a. potassium b. nitrogen c. chlorine d. phosphorus
29. A fern plant produce ________ in order to reproduce.
a. flower b. fruit c. spores d. seed
30. A corn is an example of
a. monocot b. dicot c. gymnosperms d. angiosperms


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