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15) Which of the following diseases is not spread by droplet infection?

A) Tuberculosis B) Diphtheria C) Common cold D) Botulism E) Measles 16) Plague transmitted by a flea. A) Vector B) Fomite C) Droplet transmission D) Direct contact E) Vehicle transmission 17) Used to treat smallpox. A) Sulfonamide B) GadatradeC) Fungicide D) Penicillin E) None of the above 18) Which of the following leads to all the others? A) Scalded skin syndrome B) Staphylococcal infection C) Toxemia D) Sudden drop in blood pressure 19) Thrush and vaginitis are caused by A) Staphylococcus aureus. B) Chlamydia trachomatis. C) Streptococcus pyogenes. D) Herpesvirus. E) Candida albicans. 20) Endotoxins are A) Specific in their method of action. B) Excreted from the cell. C) Associated with gram-positive bacteria. D) Part of the gram-negative cell wall. E) None of the above. 21) The symptoms of tetanus are due to A) Encapsulated Clostridium tetani. B) The growth of Clostridium tetani in a wound. C) An exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani. D) Hemolysins produced by Clostridium tetani. E) All of the above. 22) Reaction of antigen with IgE antibodies attached to mast cells causes A) Complement fixation. B) Agglutination. C) Release of chemical mediators. D) Lysis of the cells. E) None of the above. 23) The symptoms of gas gangrene are due to all of the following except A) Necrotizing exotoxins. B) Anaerobic environment. C) Proteolytic enzymes. D) Microbial fermentation. E) Hyaluronidase. 24) Which of the following is involved in resistance to parasitic helminths? A) Eosinophil B) Lymphocyte C) Neutrophil D) Basophil E) Monocyte 25) Neutrophils with defective lysosomes are unable to A) Migrate. B) Produce toxic oxygen products. C) Live. D) Move by chemotaxis. E) None of the above. 26) Macrophages arise from which of the following? A) Lymphocyte B) Basophil C) Neutrophil D) Eosinophil E) Monocyte 27) A person can have a positive tuberculin skin test because A) She is immune to tuberculosis. B) She has been vaccinated. C) She had tuberculosis. D) She has tuberculosis. E) All of the above. 28) Which of the following pairs regarding the epidemiology of malaria is mismatched? A) Vector -l Anopheles B) Etiology -l Plasmodium C) Treatment -l antibiotics D) Diagnosis - presence of merozoites E) Found in liver - sporozoites 29) Which of the following provides the most significant support for the idea that viruses are nonliving chemicals? A) They are chemically simple. B) They are filterable. C) They are not composed of cells. D) They cannot reproduce themselves outside of a host. E) They cause diseases similar to those caused by chemicals. 30) The following steps occur during multiplication of Retroviruses. What is the fourth step? A) Synthesis of + RNA B) Synthesis of double-stranded DNA C) Attachment D) Uncoating E) Penetration 31) Nontoxic strains of Vibrio cholerae can become toxic when they are in the human intestine with toxic strains of bacteria. This suggests that the toxin genes are acquired by A) Aliens 32) Which of the following diseases is not spread by droplet infection? A) Tuberculosis B) Diphtheria C) Common cold D) Botulism E) Measles

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) D

2) A

3) E

4) B

5) E

6) D

7) C

8) C

9) B

10) A

11) B

12) E

13) E

14) C

15) D

16) B

17) D . B) Host enzymes. C) Reverse transcriptase. D) Transduction. E) None of the above.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) D

2) A

3) E

4) B

5) E

6) D

7) C

8) C

9) B

10) A

11) B

12) E

13) E

14) C

15) D

16) B

17) D

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