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Pediatr Infect Dis J, 2003;22:1143–51 Vol. 22, No.

Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Appropriate antibiotic use and why it is

important: the challenges of bacterial

After the introduction of antibiotics in the priate antibiotic use and a focus on the fluoroquinolo-
mid-20th century, clinicians soon witnessed clin- nes.
ical failures secondary to bacterial resistance.
Despite scientists’ efforts to synthesize more po-
As examples of the clinical challenges posed by
tent antibiotics during the last five decades, bac-
bacterial resistance, three Gram-positive organisms
terial resistance continues to evolve, in large
are highlighted in this review: Staphylococcus aureus;
part because of the overuse and misuse of anti-
Streptococcus pneumoniae; and Enterococcus.
biotics. The treatment of several pathogens, in-
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In
cluding methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus au-
1941 all S. aureus organisms were susceptible to pen-
reus, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus
icillin, and relatively low doses of penicillin were highly
pneumoniae and vancomycin-resistant entero-
effective for staphylococcal infections. However, by
cocci, is problematic. New solutions are needed
1944 S. aureus isolates were described that produced
to preserve the activity of our current antibiotic
penicillinase,1 an enzyme that inactivates penicillin
armamentarium, to lower the overall risk of bac-
and renders S. aureus resistant to its effects. By the
terial resistance and to successfully treat pa-
1960s most S. aureus isolates were penicillin-
tients with resistant bacterial infections. Options
resistant.2 Because most S. aureus organisms were no
include: development of new antibiotics to treat
longer susceptible to penicillin, new antistaphylococcal
resistant organisms; vaccination to prevent in-
drugs were developed, and the semisynthetic penicil-
fections; and improved use of antibiotics. Be-
lins such as methicillin, nafcillin and oxacillin became
cause bacteria will eventually develop means to
the mainstays of therapy. However, S. aureus soon
avoid being killed by antibiotics, judicious use of
developed resistance to these drugs as well. In distinc-
antibiotics by all clinicians is imperative. Appro-
tion to penicillin, resistance to the semisynthetic pen-
priate antibiotic use involves selection of a “tar-
icillins is not caused by inactivation of the antibiotic
geted spectrum” antibiotic, as well as an appro-
but rather is mediated by a change in the target of the
priate dose and duration.
antibiotic, an enzyme on the bacterial inner membrane
INTRODUCTION called a penicillin-binding protein. Because the mech-
The emergence of antimicrobial resistance among a anism of resistance is an alteration in the target of the
number of bacterial pathogens changes the way we antibiotic, these so-called “methicillin-resistant S. au-
practice medicine and places some of our patients at reus” (MRSA) are resistant clinically to all beta-lactam
risk of dying from their infections. The overuse and antibiotics, even though a drug such as cefazolin may
misuse of antibiotics are major contributing factors to appear to be active in vitro. It is also important to note
bacterial resistance; therefore it is incumbent on each that MRSA are often multidrug-resistant and are re-
of us to use antibiotics appropriately. sistant to antibiotics such as the macrolides and ami-
This article reviews some of the clinical problems we noglycosides, even though the mechanisms of action of
face as a result of bacterial resistance and then dis- these antibiotics are different than that of the beta-
cusses potential solutions, with an emphasis on appro- lactams.
MRSA became prevalent by the late 1970s, but
MRSA infections usually were confined to the large
Miller Children’s Hospital, Long Beach, CA; and University of hospital setting. Community-acquired methicillin-
California, Irvine, CA.
Key words: Bacterial resistance, quinupristin/dalfopristin, lin- resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) infections were very
ezolid, fluoroquinolones. unusual, particularly in children, until the 1990s,
Address for reprints: Jay M. Lieberman, M.D., Miller Chil- when CA-MRSA emerged in the United States. Chi-
dren’s Hospital, 2801 Atlantic Avenue, P.O. Box 1428, Long
Beach, CA 90801-1428. Fax 562-997-9634; E-mail cago Children’s Hospital reported that the number of children hospitalized with CA-MRSA increased from 8

in the 3-year period from 1988 to 1990 to 35 in the antibiotics therefore will often be effective for pneumo-
3-year period from 1993 to 1995.3 In south Texas, 53 nia, otitis media or sinusitis caused by an intermediate
CA-MRSA infections were identified between 1997 and strain of pneumococcus. On the other hand if the
2000, compared with just 7 cases between 1990 and pneumococcus is highly resistant, penicillin will not be
1996.4 The proportion of community-acquired S. au- effective, and these organisms may also be resistant to
reus infections in children hospitalized at Texas Chil- cefotaxime and ceftriaxone.
dren’s Hospital in Houston that was methicillin- Penicillin-resistant pneumococci, like CA-MRSA,
resistant increased from 35% in February 2000 to 67% emerged in the US in the 1990s. In a study of invasive
in January 2002.5 In 1999 the CDC reported 4 pediatric pneumococcal isolates from eight sites around the US
deaths from CA-MRSA in Minnesota and North Dako- in 1998, 24% were nonsusceptible (either intermediate
ta.6 or highly resistant) and 14% overall were highly resis-
The emergence of CA-MRSA as a significant pediat- tant.9 Similarly a national surveillance study per-
ric pathogen in many parts of the US has important formed in 1999 through 2000 showed that 34% of
clinical implications. Physicians need to know the clinical isolates (invasive and noninvasive) were peni-
prevalence of CA-MRSA in their communities and, in cillin-nonsusceptible and 22% overall were highly re-
areas where CA-MRSA is prevalent, children hospital- sistant.10 Resistance had increased markedly com-
ized with potentially life-threatening staphylococcal pared with a similar study from 1994 through 1995
infections, such as endocarditis, should be empirically when 24% of isolates were nonsusceptible and 10%
treated with vancomycin until susceptibilities are overall were highly resistant.10
available. For non-life-threatening infections, such as As with CA-MRSA the emergence of drug-resistant
lymphadenitis, cellulitis, osteomyelitis or pneumonia pneumococci has changed pediatric practice. A child
in nontoxic patients, clindamycin is usually an appro- who is hospitalized with a potentially life-threatening
priate choice.7 Community-acquired MRSA are much pneumococcal infection, such as definite or probable
more likely to be susceptible to clindamycin than are bacterial meningitis, should be treated with an empiric
hospital-acquired MRSA.2– 4 antibiotic regimen that includes vancomycin in addi-
To further complicate matters for clinicians, MRSA tion to cefotaxime or ceftriaxone.11 Importantly vanco-
that are clindamycin-susceptible but erythromycin- mycin is not indicated for all children hospitalized with
resistant may exhibit inducible resistance to clindamy- possible or probable pneumococcal infections, such as
cin (i.e. on exposure to clindamycin, such isolates may pneumonia, unless they are critically ill. The treatment
develop resistance to clindamycin). At the University of for documented resistant invasive pneumococcal infec-
Illinois in Chicago, 33 of 88 clindamycin-susceptible tions, such as meningitis, should be based on suscepti-
MRSA isolates were erythromycin-resistant.8 Evalua- bility results and may require vancomycin plus another
tion for inducible clindamycin resistance using the “D agent such as ceftriaxone or cefotaxime, meropenem
test” showed that 31 of the 33 isolates exhibited indu- and/or rifampin. Some fluoroquinolone antibiotics (e.g.
cible resistance. There was one clinical failure caused moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin) have excellent activity
by such an isolate; a 9-month-old boy with empyema against penicillin-resistant pneumococci and, although
caused by a clindamycin-susceptible, erythromycin- these agents are not yet approved for use in children
resistant MRSA developed a clindamycin-resistant iso- ⬍18 years of age, they may have a role in the manage-
late during clindamycin therapy. Therefore clindamy- ment of serious, resistant pneumococcal infections in
cin should not be prescribed for long term therapy of children. Consultation with an infectious disease spe-
significant MRSA infections, such as osteomyelitis or cialist should be strongly considered to assist in the
empyema, unless the organism is documented to lack management of invasive pneumococcal infections
inducible resistance to clindamycin. caused by nonsusceptible organisms.
In contrast to the report from Chicago,8 the preva- For the more common pneumococcal infections, such
lence of MRSA with inducible clindamycin resistance as acute otitis media and sinusitis, therapy can be
appears to be lower in other geographic regions.7 problematic because no oral agent is active against all
Penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. resistant strains. A consensus statement on otitis me-
Clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae are reported as dia by a CDC working group and clinical practice
susceptible (MIC ⱕ 0.06 ␮g/ml), intermediate (0.12 guidelines for sinusitis from the American Academy of
␮g/ml ⱕ MIC ⱕ 1 ␮g/ml), or resistant (sometimes Pediatrics (AAP) provide some recommendations for
referred to as highly resistant; MIC ⱖ 2 ␮g/ml) to the management of these infections in an era of pneu-
penicillin. The clinical significance of these breakpoints mococcal resistance.12, 13 Amoxicillin is the drug of
is that infections caused by intermediate strains of choice for uncomplicated acute otitis media or sinusitis
pneumococcus, with the exception of meningitis, are regardless of the local prevalence of resistant pneumo-
likely to respond to third generation cephalosporins or cocci. Even when pneumococci are resistant to penicil-
even high dose penicillin. Commonly used beta-lactam lin, sufficient concentrations of amoxicillin can often be

achieved in middle ear and sinus fluid to successfully through the 1990s.17 From the clinical perspective the
treat the infection. For children with ear infections who emergence of VRE was important because these iso-
are at increased risk of having a resistant pneumococ- lates were often resistant to all available antibiotics,
cal infection (i.e. young infants and those who have meaning that some patients had untreatable bacterial
recently received antibiotics or who attend day care), infections.
high dose amoxicillin (80 to 90 mg/kg/day) is recom- Vancomycin resistance among enterococci is also
mended, and many experts recommend high dose important because it is plasmid-mediated. The capac-
amoxicillin for all children with acute otitis media. For ity for vancomycin resistance, therefore, could be trans-
children with otitis media who do not respond clinically ferred in the laboratory to other Gram-positive bacte-
after 2 to 3 days of amoxicillin therapy, several drugs ria. The major concern was the clinical consequence
may be useful as secondary agents, including high dose when S. aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae became
amoxicillin/clavulanate, cefdinir, cefuroxime axetil, vancomycin-resistant.
cefpodoxime proxetil or a single intramuscular dose of Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
ceftriaxone. Some data, however, suggest that three Clinical isolates of MRSA that were intermediate to
once daily doses of ceftriaxone may be required for vancomycin, called vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus
penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal ear infec- (VISA), were first identified in patients in Japan in
tions.14 199618; as of June 2002, 8 VISA infections had been
It is important to emphasize that some antibiotics documented in patients in the US.19 The mechanism of
commonly used to treat children with ear and sinus vancomycin resistance among VISA is not the same as
infections are unlikely to be effective against nonsus- it is for VRE.
ceptible strains of pneumococcus.12 Cefaclor, loracarbef In June 2002 the first clinical isolate of vancomycin-
and cefixime, for example, are poorly active against resistant S. aureus (VRSA) was reported from a patient
these organisms and therefore should not be used as in Michigan.19 The patient was a 40-year-old woman
first line therapy for acute otitis media or sinusitis. with multiple medical problems, including diabetes
It might be thought that other oral antibiotics, such mellitus, peripheral vascular disease and chronic renal
as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and the macrolides, failure. She had recurrent infections of foot ulcers and
would maintain their activity against penicillin- received multiple courses of broad spectrum antibiotics
resistant pneumococci because they have a mechanism to treat these infections. In April 2002 the patient
of action different from that of penicillin. However, as developed MRSA bacteremia and was treated with
with MRSA, penicillin-resistant pneumococci are usu- vancomycin. In June 2002 cultures from a suspected
ally multidrug-resistant. More than 80% of penicillin- catheter exit site infection grew VRSA that contained
resistant pneumococci are also resistant to tri- the vanA gene that confers vancomycin resistance on
methoprim-sulfamethoxazole and more than one-half VRE. A second documented VRSA infection was re-
are resistant to the macrolides.9 ported from Pennsylvania in September 2002. This
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus. Enterococci patient also had chronic foot ulcers, and the VRSA
are normal inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal isolate contained the vanA resistance gene.20
tract. These bacteria, which are intrinsically resistant For these two patients with VRSA infection, there
to most antimicrobials, including cephalosporins, gen- were other therapeutic options, but the threat of un-
erally do not cause significant infections in otherwise treatable S. aureus infections looms closer on the
healthy children. However, enterococci are common horizon. It seems only a matter of time before children
causes of hospital-acquired infection, in large part develop common infections, such as staphylococcal cel-
because the widespread use of cephalosporins in hos- lulitis or lymphadenitis, that are resistant to all rou-
pitalized patients kills most Gram-negative enteric tinely used oral antibiotics.
bacteria and leaves enterococci as the predominant Why bacterial resistance? Microbes have genetic
organism.15 plasticity, which means that they have the capacity to
Therapy of enterococcal infections has become in- evolve in response to their environment. The major
creasingly problematic because of the emergence of impetus for developing resistance is selective pressure
resistance. Before 1983 all strains were susceptible to resulting from antibiotic use. The bacteria that survive
ampicillin, and the recommended therapy for serious are those that develop mechanisms to avoid being
enterococcal infections was a synergistic combination killed by antibiotics.
of ampicillin and gentamicin. With the emergence of What is this antibiotic pressure? In the United
ampicillin resistance, vancomycin became the drug of States, an estimated 126 million courses of antibiotics
choice for serious ampicillin-resistant enterococcal in- were prescribed in the ambulatory setting in 2000.21
fections. In 1986, however, vancomycin-resistant en- Pediatricians have a special responsibility for control-
terococci (VRE) were first reported,16 and rates of ling this problem because children account for a dis-
isolation of VRE in hospitals increased steadily proportionate share of the antibiotics used. Ear infec-

tions alone resulted in almost 30 million office visits in option for patients with Gram-positive infections resis-
1997. tant to other oral antibiotics. Therapy with linezolid
With all this selective pressure from antibiotic use, should be limited to patients with infections caused by
bacterial resistance emerges. Because of bacterial re- VRE, VISA or VRSA; for serious Gram-positive infec-
sistance, patients present with more serious infections tions in patients who cannot tolerate vancomycin or
or with infections that are more difficult to treat. This beta-lactam antibiotics; and for patients with resistant
leads to more antibiotic use and the use of more broad Gram-positive infections who have been treated with
spectrum agents. And so a vicious cycle develops. For intravenous vancomycin and can be transitioned to
example it is necessary to limit vancomycin use be- oral therapy. Since linezolid became available in 2000,
cause of VRE and concerns about the emergence of clinical isolates of VRE and MRSA resistant to lin-
vancomycin resistance among staphylococci and strep- ezolid have been reported from treated patients.26 –28
tococci. However, because of the increasing prevalence Quinupristin/dalfopristin and linezolid are two valu-
of MRSA and drug-resistant pneumococci, we use more able additions to our antimicrobial armamentarium,
vancomycin. The place to break this vicious cycle is to but resistance has already been described. To preserve
decrease antibiotic use and thereby decrease the pres- their value their use should be limited to those rare
sure on bacteria to develop resistance. cases where they are clearly needed.
Three major approaches are advocated to combat Fluoroquinolones. Although the fluoroquinolones
bacterial resistance: (1) develop new antibiotics to treat are not new antibiotics, most pediatricians have lim-
resistant organisms; (2) vaccinate to prevent infec- ited experience with this class of antibiotics. Important
tions; and (3) improve our use of antibiotics. features of this drug class include excellent bioavail-
ability after oral administration, achievement of high
NEW ANTIBIOTICS tissue concentrations and a broad spectrum of activity.
Quinupristin/dalfopristin. Quinupristin/dalfo- In general fluoroquinolones are active against many
pristin (Synercid) is a semisynthetic antibiotic that Gram-positive bacteria (the “newer” quinolones, moxi-
combines two streptogramin compounds and is the first floxacin and gatifloxacin, are particularly active
licensed antibiotic in its class.22 It inhibits bacterial against Streptococcus pneumoniae) and many Gram-
protein synthesis and is available only as an intrave- negative bacteria. Some quinolones (ciprofloxacin be-
nous product. Its spectrum of activity is similar to that ing the most potent) have significant activity against
of vancomycin, with excellent activity against Gram- Pseudomonas aeruginosa.29 The quinolones are there-
positive pathogens, including many resistant strains. fore attractive agents to use for treatment of selected
Quinupristin/dalfopristin is active against staphylo- children with serious bacterial infections.
cocci, including MRSA, pneumococci, including penicil- The quinolones have a unique mechanism of action;
lin-resistant strains, and Enterococcus faecium, includ- they inhibit two bacterial enzymes, DNA gyrase and
ing VRE (but not Enterococcus faecalis). Its major topoisomerase IV, that are essential for bacterial DNA
value is that it provides a therapeutic option for infec- synthesis. Because they target bacterial sites distinct
tions caused by vancomycin-resistant E. faecium, VISA from the site of action of other antibiotics, it was
or VRSA. In addition quinupristin/dalfopristin may be hypothesized by some that resistance might be less
useful for treatment of serious Gram-positive infec- likely to occur or slower to develop.30 Unfortunately
tions in patients who are allergic to, or intolerant of, these hopes were not borne out.
beta-lactams and vancomycin. Unfortunately there are Oral ciprofloxacin first became available in the US in
already reports of VRE and MRSA resistant to quinu- October 1987 and rapidly became a widely prescribed
pristin/dalfopristin since its licensure in 1999.23, 24 antibiotic. By 1989 it was the fourth most prescribed
Linezolid. Linezolid (Zyvox) is the first licensed antibiotic in the country, with ⬎5 million prescriptions
oxazolidinone antibiotic.25 The oxazolidinones, syn- filled.31 During the last decade a number of other
thetic compounds unrelated to other antimicrobials, fluoroquinolones have become available, including
inhibit bacterial protein synthesis. Linezolid has lim- ofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin.
ited activity against selected Gram-negatives and With widespread use during the past 15 years, quino-
anaerobes but is highly active against Gram-positive lone resistance has emerged among a number of bac-
bacteria, including resistant strains. Like quinupris- teria. Four such organisms are highlighted here.
tin/dalfopristin, linezolid is active against MRSA, pen- Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Fluoroquinolone antibiot-
icillin-resistant pneumococci and vancomycin-resistant ics, such as ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and levofloxacin,
E. faecium. Unlike quinupristin/dalfopristin, linezolid given as a single oral dose are among the recommended
also is active against E. faecalis. therapies for uncomplicated gonorrhea. However, N.
Linezolid is available in both intravenous and oral gonorrhoeae isolates resistant to the quinolones
preparations and is 100% bioavailable after oral ad- emerged in the 1990s and are now prevalent in parts of
ministration. As such it provides an oral therapeutic Asia and the Pacific. Such isolates have been identified

only sporadically throughout the US, although in Ha- tibility to ciprofloxacin increased from 3.9% in 1995 to
waii the percentage of isolates that are ciprofloxacin- 23.5% in 1999.41
resistant increased from 1.4% in 1997 to 14.3% in One reason quinolone resistance has emerged among
2000.32, 33 As a result, before treating a patient with enteric bacteria is that, in some regions of the world,
gonorrhea, a travel history should be obtained from these antibiotics are used in livestock and poultry not
both the patient and their sexual partner(s). If either is only to treat infections in the animals but, more impor-
likely to have acquired the infection in Asia, the Pacific tantly, to promote growth after administration of sub-
Islands or Hawaii, then a quinolone should not be used. therapeutic concentrations.42 This long term exposure
Because of an increased prevalence of quinolone resis- to low levels of antibiotics provides an ideal environ-
tance among N. gonorrhoeae isolates in California, the ment for the selection of resistant bacteria in the
CDC has also stated that the use of fluoroquinolones in animals. Although quinolones are not approved for
that state “is probably inadvisable.”33 growth promotion, they are known to be misused,
S. pneumoniae. The newer quinolones (e.g. moxi- especially outside the US.43 In the US quinolone anti-
floxacin, gatifloxacin) are now among the recom- biotics were approved for therapeutic use in poultry in
mended agents for the empiric treatment of communi- 1995. In Minnesota C. jejuni was isolated from 74% of
ty-acquired pneumonia in adults. 34 In Canada 91 retail chicken products in 1997, and 14% of these
prescriptions for quinolones in general increased al- isolates were ciprofloxacin-resistant.38 Many public
most 7-fold between 1988 and 1998 (from 0.8 to 5.5 health experts want to prohibit the use of antibiotics in
prescriptions per 100 persons per year).35 Through poultry, especially those antibiotics that are used to
1993 pneumococci with reduced susceptibility to the treat infections in humans.44 In 1999 the European
quinolones had not been identified but, by 1997 Union banned the use of four such antibiotics as
through 1998, the prevalence of S. pneumoniae strains growth promoters.45 The US Food and Drug Adminis-
nonsusceptible to ciprofloxacin isolated from Canadian tration may soon follow suit.
adult patients had increased to 2.9%. All strains iso- The experience with the quinolones exemplifies the
lated from children were susceptible. Furthermore pa- lesson that inappropriate use of an antibiotic hastens
tients with pneumococcal pneumonia who failed em- the development of resistance. The more an antibiotic
piric levofloxacin therapy because of infections with is used, the more pressure there is on bacteria to
levofloxacin-resistant strains (including patients develop resistance. If antibiotics are not used judi-
whose isolates developed resistance during therapy) ciously, they can lose their value and thus not be
have been reported.36, 37 Although the overall preva- available for patients who really need them.
lence of quinolone-resistant pneumococci remains rel- Appropriate use of fluoroquinolones in chil-
atively low, it is interesting to recognize that penicillin dren. Although the quinolones are not currently ap-
was available for almost 50 years before clinically proved for use in patients younger than 18 years of age,
significant penicillin resistance emerged. It took fewer they already have an established role in certain high
than 10 years for quinolone resistance to develop risk pediatric populations. They are commonly used to
among the pneumococci. treat pulmonary exacerbations caused by P. aeruginosa
Campylobacter/Salmonella. The quinolones are in children who have cystic fibrosis and may also have
widely prescribed for the treatment of patients with a role in the prevention or treatment of infections in
bacterial gastroenteritis because this class of drugs is children with cancer.
active against a broad range of bacterial pathogens Several potentially appropriate uses for quinolones
that cause diarrhea, including Salmonella, Shigella, in otherwise healthy children are listed in Table 1.
Campylobacter and Yersinia. In Minnesota, however,
the proportion of Campylobacter jejuni resistant to the
quinolones increased from 1.3% in 1992 to 10.2% in TABLE 1. Possible uses for fluoroquinolone antibiotics in
1998.38 Many of these cases were associated with otherwise healthy children*
foreign travel and recent quinolone use. This phenom- Infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or other
enon is not limited to Minnesota; 40.5% of C. jejuni multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria
Urinary tract infection
isolates were fluoroquinolone-resistant in one Pennsyl- Chronic suppurative otitis media or malignant otitis externa
vania health care system in 2001.39 Chronic osteomyelitis
Complicated middle ear and mastoid infections
Fluoroquinolone resistance also has emerged among Bacterial gastroenteritis caused by a multidrug-resistant organism, e.g.
Salmonella species. In Taiwan, ciprofloxacin resistance Shigella
Typhoid fever
was not seen among Salmonella enterica serotype chol- Mycobacterial infections
eraesuis until 2000. By the third quarter of 2001, 60% Anthrax prophylaxis or treatment
of isolates in Taiwan were ciprofloxacin-resistant.40 An * Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are not licensed for use in individuals younger than 18
years of age, except in the case of anthrax treatment. If use is recommended for a
analysis of S. enterica isolates from Finnish travelers patient younger than 18 years of age, the risks and benefits should be explained to the
also showed that the proportion with reduced suscep- patient, when appropriate, and parents.

They should not be used to treat children with colds or ings. The rate of carriage of penicillin-nonsusceptible
bronchitis or for children who have infections suscep- pneumococci was significantly lower in children pre-
tible to other oral antibiotics. In general the quinolones scribed amoxicillin at 90 mg/kg/day for 5 days com-
should be reserved for treating specific bacterial infec- pared with children prescribed 40 mg/kg/day for 10
tions (e.g. P. aeruginosa) that are resistant to com- days.50
monly used antibiotics or when the use of an oral Understanding that low dose and/or prolonged anti-
quinolone allows outpatient management of a serious biotic usage selects for bacterial resistance can lead to
infection for which no other oral agent is available. beneficial changes in physicians’ antibiotic prescribing
practices.51 The results of a metaanalysis suggest that
IMMUNIZATIONS 5 days of antibiotic therapy is effective for uncompli-
New antibiotics will never completely solve the bac- cated acute otitis media,52 and short course therapy is
terial resistance problem because organisms eventu- recommended for children 2 years of age and older with
ally develop resistance. New vaccines, on the other uncomplicated ear infections.11 Clinical research may
hand, may provide a solution. define other pediatric infections for which a shorter
By the 1970s a significant proportion of Haemophi- course of antibiotics is appropriate.
lus influenzae type b (Hib) isolates was resistant to The importance of appropriate antibiotic use is mag-
ampicillin and chloramphenicol. It seemed inevitable nified by the fact that these drugs have an impact on
that Hib would develop resistance to ceftriaxone and the community as well as on the child for whom they
cefotaxime. However, antibiotic-resistant Hib meningi- are prescribed. An antibiotic alters a child’s microbial
tis is no longer of concern because widespread use of flora and, for example, increases the likelihood that the
the Hib conjugate vaccines has eliminated the disease. child will be colonized with a penicillin-resistant pneu-
Similarly concerns about treating resistant pneumo- mococcus. Although that child may never develop
coccal infections can be alleviated through use of the pneumococcal disease, children in the same day-care
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. center or a younger sibling may acquire that resistant
Vaccination against viral diseases also can reduce organism and develop an ear infection or meningitis.
antibiotic use. Preventing chickenpox through use of After an 11-month-old child in a Georgia day-care
the varicella vaccine can avert secondary bacterial center developed refractory otitis media caused by a
infections caused by S. aureus and eliminate concerns multidrug-resistant pneumococcus, other children in
about possible MRSA infection. Preventing influenza the center were evaluated for nasal carriage of the
may thwart secondary bacterial ear infections and organism. Of 21 children tested 10 (48%) carried the
pneumonia. In a study of a nasal spray influenza same highly resistant pneumococcus.53
vaccine in children, vaccinated children had 21% fewer Similarly a child in an intensive care unit who is
febrile illnesses and 30% fewer episodes of febrile otitis treated with extended spectrum cephalosporins may
media than did unvaccinated controls.46 Widespread become colonized with resistant pathogens such as
vaccination against influenza among young children, VRE or multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.
as encouraged by the current recommendations,47 will These highly resistant pathogens can then be transmit-
lead to fewer fevers and fewer antibiotic prescriptions. ted via the hands of a health care worker to a child in
Decreasing antibiotic use can reduce the emergence of a neighboring bed who may develop a serious infection.
resistance. The implication is that every time an antibiotic is
prescribed, there is a multiplier effect. Every antibiotic
IMPROVING ANTIBIOTIC USE given to a child may adversely affect 2 or 5 or 10
Judicious antibiotic use means that antibiotics are children. However, this fact also empowers prescribers,
prescribed only when indicated and that the drug because it means that for every antibiotic not pre-
chosen is the most narrow spectrum agent that will be scribed, 2 or 5 or 10 children are protected from the
effective. Appropriate use means choosing not only the potential adverse consequences.
correct antibiotic but also the appropriate dose and The good news is that bacterial resistance is to some
duration, factors that can influence the development degree reversible. In response to an increase in eryth-
and carriage of resistant organisms.29, 48 romycin resistance among group A streptococci in Fin-
In an observational study of children in France, the land, nationwide recommendations were issued to re-
use of an oral beta-lactam agent was associated with an duce the use of macrolide antibiotics. As a result
increased risk of pharyngeal carriage of penicillin- macrolide consumption declined by ⬃40%, and the
resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. The risk was frequency of erythromycin resistance among group A
highest in those children who had been prescribed a streptococcal isolates subsequently declined by almost
lower than recommended dose of the antibiotic and in one-half.54
those who had received ⬎5 days of therapy.49 A ran- Reducing antibiotic use should be effective, because
domized trial conducted in Chile confirmed these find- resistant bacteria have no competitive advantage in

the absence of antibiotic exposure and because coloni- their antibiotic prescribing practices, and 38% of the
zation with resistant pathogens is usually transient. A pediatricians and 58% of the family physicians indi-
study of nasopharyngeal carriage of penicillin- cated that they routinely prescribed antibiotics for the
resistant pneumococci revealed that cultures were neg- common cold.59 In addition 81% of the pediatricians
ative within 4 weeks in 68% of carriers, within 8 weeks and 93% of the family physicians routinely prescribed
in 87% and within 12 weeks in 94%.55 Because carriage antibiotics for bronchitis. A review of their office charts
of these resistant bacteria resolves spontaneously, sus- showed that these reported practices correlated with
ceptible strains eventually replace resistant strains in actual practices, given that antibiotics were prescribed
the absence of antibiotic exposure. for 31% of visits where the common cold was diagnosed.
Antibiotic restrictions do not guarantee that antimi- In addition antibiotics were prescribed for 19% of
crobial resistance will disappear, however, as demon- phone encounters and 49% of office visits, including
strated by a report from the UK.56 Despite a marked 11% of well-child checkups. There was enormous vari-
decrease in prescriptions for sulfonamides, the fre- ability among practitioners, with rates of antibiotic
quency of sulfonamide-resistant Escherichia coli did prescribing ranging from 1 to 10 prescriptions per child
not decrease during an 8-year time period. The reasons per year.
for this are not clear, although it may be because the Pediatricians acknowledge that they sometimes pre-
determinants of sulfonamide resistance are genetically scribe antibiotics for inappropriate indications60; their
linked to other resistance determinants. reasons for this are multifactorial. Parental pressure is
The AAP and CDC have published principles of a major factor cited by some clinicians. Parents often
judicious antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract desire a tangible product at the conclusion of a visit,
infections.57 Key features of these recommendations and the clinician may feel that they need to satisfy this
are highlighted in Table 2. Despite the guidelines demand. It is clear that any educational campaign to
inappropriate antibiotic use is common. One report reduce inappropriate antibiotic use in children must
evaluated 531 pediatric office visits in which the dis- target parents as well as clinicians. Other factors that
charge diagnosis was cold, upper respiratory tract can influence prescribing practices include concerns
infection, or bronchitis and found that antibiotics were about legal liability, economic pressures to evaluate
prescribed for 44% of children with colds, 46% with and examine patients quickly and incorrect percep-
upper respiratory tract infections and 75% with bron- tions about the effectiveness of antibiotics for certain
chitis.58 None of these patients required antibiotics, infections.60, 61
and yet these 3 diagnoses accounted for ⬎20% of all Changing physician (and parental) behavior is com-
antibiotic prescriptions. plex and will require a multifaceted approach, but
In another study physicians were polled regarding there is some evidence to suggest this can be accom-

TABLE 2. Principles of judicious use of antimicrobial agents for upper respiratory tract infections*
Disease Principles

Otitis media 1. Antimicrobials are indicated for the treatment of AOM, but the diagnosis requires
documented middle ear effusion and signs or symptoms of acute local or systemic illness.
2. A narrow spectrum antibiotic (e.g. amoxicillin) should be used for initial episodes of AOM.
3. Antimicrobials are not indicated for initial treatment of otitis media with effusion, although
treatment may be indicated if effusions persist for ⱖ3 mo.
4. Antimicrobial prophylaxis should be reserved for control of recurrent AOM, defined as ⱖ3
distinct and well-documented episodes in 6 mo or ⱖ4 episodes in 12 mo.

Acute sinusitis 1. Clinical diagnosis of bacterial sinusitis requires: nasal discharge and daytime cough without
improvement for 10 to 14 days; or more severe signs and symptoms (i.e. fever ⱖ39°C, facial
swelling, facial pain).
2. Initial antimicrobial treatment of acute sinusitis should be with the most narrow spectrum
agent that is active against the likely pathogens.

Cough illness/bronchitis 1. Nonspecific cough illness/bronchitis in children, regardless of duration, does not warrant
antimicrobial treatment.

Pharyngitis 1. Diagnosis of group A streptococcal pharyngitis should be made based on results of

appropriate laboratory tests in conjunction with clinical and epidemiologic findings.
2. Antimicrobial therapy should not be given to a child with pharyngitis in the absence of
documented group A streptococcal infection. Other rare causes of bacterial pharyngitis, e.g.
diphtheria, may require therapy.
3. Penicillin remains the drug of choice for treating group A streptococcal pharyngitis.

Common cold 1. Antimicrobial agents should not be given for the common cold.
2. Mucopurulent rhinitis (thick, opaque or discolored nasal discharge) frequently accompanies
the common cold and is not an indication for antimicrobial treatment unless it persists for
10 –14 days suggesting possible sinusitis.
* Adapted from Reference 57, with permission.

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