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The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is an advocacy group established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and psychiatrist

Thomas Szasz.[1][2][3] The group promotes several video campaigns which support views againstpsychiatry. T he organization holds that mental illness is not a medical disease, and that the use of psychiatric medication is a destructive and fraudulent practice.[4] The CCHR continues to be entirely controlled by and subject to policy directives iss ued from the Church of Scientology. The group is headquartered in Los Angeles, C alifornia.[5] Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard cri teria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used in the United State s of America and in varying degrees around the world, by clinicians, researchers , psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutic al companies, and policy makers. There have been five revisions since it was fir st published in 1952, gradually including more mental disorders, although some h ave been removed and are no longer considered to be mental disorders, most notab ly homosexuality. The manual evolved from systems for collecting census and psyc hiatric hospital statistics, and from a manual developed by the US Army, and was dramatically revised in 1980. The last major revision was the fourth edition (DS M-IV), published in 1994, although a text revision was produced in 2000. The fifth edition (DSM-5) is currently in consultation, planning and preparation, due for pu blication in May 2013.[1] ICD-10 Chapter V: Mental and behavioural disorders, part of the Interna tional Classification of Diseases produced by the World Health Organization (WHO ), is another commonly used guide, more so in Europe and other parts of the worl d. The coding system used in the DSM-IV is designed to correspond with the codes used in the ICD, although not all codes may match at all times because the two publications are not revised synchronously. The CCHR must be commended for the string of national ads that have run depicti ng disorder ridden children removing their labels and being everything else exce pt a negative stigma. When I saw the kids tear the labels off and become free, s omething freeing in me was released. Everything that was beneath the label is wh at the kids will become, rather than a statistic in the DSM . DSM CURIOUS? You s hould be. You should see what the manual lists as disorders. The DSM has attracted controversy and criticism as well as praise. Some critics argue that the DSM represents an unscientific system that enshrines the opinions of a few powerful psychiatrists.[2] William Glasser refers to the DSM as phony d iagnostic categories, arguing that it was developed to help psychiatrists to help them make money.[3 . I wonder ????Have they checked to see if our government has any disorders th at may have an adverse effect of their decisions AND ULTIMATELY AFFECT US. Id l ike to see them put that study in their book and publish it.Im jus sayin. In fa ct Id like the news to report it . But its not. So Ill ask the tough question? Doe s the book list our civil unrest because of underlying agendas that we are findi ng out about as paranoid???? and exercising of our rights as an aggressive disorder? Is there an investigational study in the wings to find out why people are so NOT at ease with the way things are going? Are the people in charge of le ading us suffering from a disorder.? or are they just the cause of it? Im jus say in Where am I going with all this? Well ,Im glad you asked and even if you didnt Im still going to tell you. And by the way, Welcome Ive been expecting you. Come on you know science fiction is now science fact. Not too far behind the CCH R ads, ran an ad for an investigational study looking for research subjects age d 10 -18 that may have generalized anxiety disorder.Im sure they do. But they dont

need a pill . Perhaps what these teens are going through are the results of ye ars and years of environmental factors. World events , technology, aggravated parents struggling to to deal with their issues , pollution, food preservatives, the news telling how bad the economy is, along with a dirty little agenda at h and ( dont forget the students affected in the APS Cheating scandal, Now Playing in a court near you,if you are in Atlanta , Im jus sayin) this population make s excellent candidates for experimental research to develop something to combat this disorder. Its called THE MARKETING OF MADNESS How crazy is that? Contact CC HR for the video and literature. Its not crazy at all but it is ,all at the same t ime. The CIA and Military did such testing on subjects in the past and with inte resting results (check out MK ULTRA) Im sure at one time in history a fiendish plot like this may have played out. And I guarantee you there was a horror mov ie with a mad scientist who had gr8 plans for world domination,by using low-freq uency radio waves and mind altering psychotropic drugs and antidepressants for d isorders like generalized anxiety disorder the blues ,grief ,or sadness. That w ay they will more easily digest the garb that will be fed to them in schools, m edia, social networking and electronic devices. Therefore he could gain contro l of the generation that would willingly carry out his devious plot and lead th e world into certain doom. But 88 minutes into the movie, Angelina Jolie, Will S mith, or Bruce Willis saves us from certain doom. Look very carefully at life an d tell me if you can see where that fine line between fact and fiction have merg ed with one another. I ve never supported the use of and I ve never REPORTED the negative effects some of the antidepressants I have had. There are a lot o f class action lawsuits to support what Im saying. I ve done some looking into so me of the side effects of the antidepressants . They can cause birth defects. I wonder ? Take a woman going through depression. DR dr prescribes SOLOFT . The woma n gives birth an infant with severe birth defects like cleft palate cranial def ormities and others. What does the sight of this child give that woman. How do es she handle it? Even creepier is the testing that will undoubtedly be conducte d on the child born with these defects.Where do these children go? How are they raised . The mother, diagnosed with depression and prescribed something to relie ve the symptoms has suffered the horror instead of the joy when the dr hands her her child. ( you know these subjects make gr8 movies, only thing is, these are real people) Scary huh? Some of the drugs prescribed to them are more dangero us that the worse street drugs . But dont take my word for it , watch some commer cials for some of the more popular antidepressants. One in particular Id like t o point out is one that is animated. It depicts a woman with a blue cloud hovering over her. DR Dr tells her that she has depression and blubegone will decrease th e symptoms of depression.( Note the color blue being used in the ad in the first place. Its a clever marketing tactic. got it the blues ?get it, depression, sad ness ,grief,get it now? and it does nothing for the underlying cause) More on t hat later .but first this. She takes blubegone and the only thing I see is the blue cloud following her wherever she goes . . its never far behind. Meaning its never going to go away. EVER! And they know this . Thats why if it doesnt work t here is another waiting to be tested. And check this out the ad goes on to say i f you cant afford to pay for blubegone Big Blue will help you pay for it ( I havent seen an ad for HIV meds that BIGMED will help pay for. more on that later too, but back to blubegone) And with it comes a host of FREE side effects like suici dal thoughts ,or if you research carefully completed suicide .These are the thin gs not mentioned in ads but you must research and read. And ask yourself why do these ads spend more time in discussing the side effects (which by the way need more treatment) Then watch the commercials for the class action lawsuits that a re paying out huge munty ($) for the bad drugs they sold This pains me gr8ly. The bottom of my heart cries out to those who succumbed to those thoughts that were placed there by way of a pill meant to combat depression and what ends up happen ing is you get the depression free..and in some cases competed suicide as the bo nus. I am aware of those thoughts it came from medication. I had enough color in m y life to realize the medication, along with certain trigger words would remove that very color I needed to fulfil my human potential and replace them with t houghts that were not in accordance with todworld. Thats right. I had thoughts

that were in violation of my own law. Meaning they lacked color, life, freedom,i ndividuality, my personal pursuit of happiness. Any thing less than that is not m e and is out of character.You want to know how out of character I was, I didnt e ven recognize my reflection . And the thoughts, I know what someone feels when those thoughts get in there.Thoughts that could have made me do something that m ay not have been to the gr8er benefit of myself or for humanity as whole. I ins talled new trigger words and repeated them often. And pursued my thirst for mor e knowledge of the world around me. Therefore defeating the marketing for madnes s and winning and succeeding on my own terms by own set of rules and standards . Writing this article proves it. Im jus sayin. Anything less than your very best is not you. Dont let the words that are used t o diagnose you be the only one you need to define you. Remove the label and be w hats inside. Medications job is to remove that part of you that is the very hear t of you , my job is to tell you to replace that with the best part of you. Heres a thought.. If we removed the label off a politician what do you think we would see? Ask Andrew Weiner. Im jus sayin Welcome Ive been expecting you!!!!!

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