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Wednesday, 13 December 2000
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

1. A little introduction...............................................................................................3
2. What’s New?.......................................................................................................3
3. My Hardware.......................................................................................................3
4. The Software I use..............................................................................................3
5.Items you will need..............................................................................................4
6. Now are we sitting comfortably? Good now lets begin.......................................4
7. Configure CDRWIn.............................................................................................4
8. Iso to raw.............................................................................................................5
9. Mp3 to wav “Quick *.wav files are big make sure you have plenty of space”....6
10. How to write a cue sheet...................................................................................7
11. Open Door Closed Door....................................................................................9
12. How to do the disc swap.................................................................................10
13. Garth88 Final Thoughts ................................................................................11
14. Contact me......................................................................................................11

By Garth88 2 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

1. A little introduction

Hi, well I like most of you I have had a little bit of a problem with both finding any
documents that discuss the subject of both back up and then playing the Sega
Saturn discs. So I said to myself if I managed to get it all working properly I
would right a guide for people whom where just like me.

Why have I decided to do this guide? Well to start with I don’t much like
having to copy the CD’s and I don’t know about you but I would much rather own
the originals any day if I could get them.

Living in the UK as a lot of people do, many Saturn owners are well
pissed with the state that Sega had left the Saturn owners in. Not only did we
have to suffer longer delays than anyone else in the world but we also usually
suffered gash conversions, big borders top and bottom of the screen, slower
speeds, higher prices £40 and upwards. Did you know that the Sega Saturn first
day official release price without any games was £399.99 that $558.39 by today’s
exchange rate expensive or what? But towards the end of the Saturn’s life we
had a lot of no show games Xmen Vs Street fighter among may others springs to

So it had to come to this, there are many Sega Saturn gems out there that
have passed both European countries and the US altogether and now has come
the time for us to play them.

This guide is also useful for backing up Mega CD, Sega CD games so if
your having problems read on.

2. What’s New?

1. Added some pictures

2. Few sections updated
3. Stated that you can use the guide to backup Mega CD, Sega CD games
4. Made the guide in to a pdf document
5. And general bits and bobs

3. My Hardware

AMD K6-2 350 3DNow!

128 MB Ram
Philips CDD 3610 CD-Rewriter (A little slow but it works)

4. The Software I use

Windows NT 4 (Service Pack 6a)

CDRWIn Version 3.8A (Very good CD software)

By Garth88 3 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

5.Items you will need


CDRWIn Version 3.8A (507KB)

ASPI32.EXE (281KB) (876KB)
Win amp (2.01MB)


Philips head screwdriver

Sticky Tape
A Sega Saturn
Blank Cd’s (I use either IMATION, Sony, Verbatim or Maxell)

Don’t use TRAXDATA SILVER – I can’t get them to work with Saturn backups
(they are OK for Mega CD, Sega CD).

6. Now are we sitting comfortably? Good now lets begin

Right lets make sure our systems up to date shall we. First, make sure that
you've got the latest and only one copy of ASPI on your system, and that it's in
the right place:

1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. Select Tools ► Find ► Files or Folders.
3. Search your entire system for WNASPI32.DLL, there should only be one
copy and it should be in the Windows SYSTEM subdirectory (SYSTEM or
SYSTEM32). If you find a WNASPI32.DLL that is not in SYSTEM or
SYSTEM32 subdirectory, delete it.
4. Next, download our ASPICHK.EXE utility to determine the version on your
ASPI files. The easiest way to get ASPICHK.EXE is to visit click of search and enter ASPICHK.EXE (112KB) and it
will find it.
5. If the version you have is earlier than 4.60 (as of 06/05/00), download and
run the ASPI32.EXE (281KB) utility from Adaptec's FTP site.

OK that should be the ASPI software updated on your system.

7. Configure CDRWIn

So first things first have we got a Sega Saturn image file and accompanying
audio tracks, if you don’t then you better get some. I don’t suppose it matters to

By Garth88 4 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

much if you don’t have the original audio files and presume that you can use any
(I haven’t test this so I cannot say this for sure, you could always try it and email
me with some results).

For the burning software I use CDRWIn I have tried the rest and I cannot seem
to get them working and I have had no problem with this software at all.

To get CDRWIn Working properly first of all Enable the

Caching, this is found under ‘Devices and Settings’ ►

Figure 6.1

Depending on how much

system memory you have
adjust the setting

System Memory Cache Size

16 MB Disable
32 MB 1 to 2 Mb
64 MB 2 to 4 Mb
128 MB 4 to 8 Mb
256 MB 8 to 16 Mb

Figure 6.2
8. Iso to raw

OK the cue sheet can be a bit of a shit some times but one you get the hang of it,
it’s as easy as falling off a log.

**This is important and usually overlooked in other guides, or not very well explained***

Some CD Copies cannot read the required mode 1 iso files. I know mine is one
of them. This though is no great problem. To find out if your CD Copier is
compatible with the iso files have a look at this table below on the next page.

By Garth88 5 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

MODE1 (iso) MODE1 (raw)

2048 2352
JVC Yes No
SONY Yes Yes

If you are one of the lucky ones and have a recorder that belongs to the ‘MODE1
(iso) 2048’ (the first column) then you don’t have to do this next part, unless you
want to.

What we have to do is convert the iso in to a raw file this is very simple. All you
have to do is go back to and download their 16 or
32 bit versions of a Dos CD recording package called DAO. Within the zip file
there is a useful utility called ‘Iso2raw.exe’ run this and follow the on screen
instructions. An example of this is:

H:\Dao\Iso2raw.exe H:\vcop\vcop.iso H:\vcop\vcop.raw

The Executable file Input file Output file

Note: if the *.iso file is resident with the same file as the iso2raw.exe then you
don’t have to bother with the full drive path.

Now we have the correct file format, remember you only need to do this if your
CD is NOT the ‘MODE1 (iso) 2048’.

9. Mp3 to wav “Quick *.wav files are big make sure you have plenty of space”

This is simple all you have to do is highlight all of the mp3 files you wish to be
converted and play them in Win amp.

1. First click on the stop button and make sure that the repeat mode and
random mode are both turned off.
2. Next Right click Win amp selecting option and then preferences.

By Garth88 6 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

3. Now Click on Plug-ins, Output and double click:

Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in v1.0 (x86) [out_disk.dll] highlighted in figure
4. Win amp will now ask you to select a Directory choose one, I used the
same directory but you can use were ever you like.
5. Next press play, making sure repeat isn’t selected or random (If you do
you will be writing the files repeatedly) and now the wav files will be

Figure 8.1

10. How to write a cue sheet

On trying to write a Cue sheet for the first time it can seem quite difficult at first
but don’t despair we are going to go through it now. If you can be bothered have
a good read of the advanced documentation with in CDRWIn it very good.

ISO – RAW files

Header file for an ISO image Header file for a RAW image

FILE h:\vcop\vcop. ISO BINARY FILE h:\vcop\vcop. RAW BINARY

TRACK 01 MODE1/2048 TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00 INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00 POSTGAP 00:02:00

Audio files

By Garth88 7 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

FILE h:\vcop\Track2.WAV WAVE

PREGAP 00:02:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00

All the audio files are placed on the CD with this little bit, just duplicate
depending on how many audio tracks there are starting at Track 02 also name
the audio tracks Track2 upwards, note no space between the word track and
number. A completed CUE sheet should look something like this:

Cue Sheet

FILE h:\vcop\vcop.RAW BINARY Data

TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00
PREGAP 00:02:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00 Tracks
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00
INDEX 01 00:00:00

By Garth88 8 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

11. Open Door Closed Door

First turn off the power, if you don’t know if you have the power on then if your
hair stands on end during this process or you body starts to smoke then you
have the power on.
Get ready with you screw
driver and unscrew the 6
Phillips head screws, the
Sega Saturn should come
apart easily so don’t force
it. Also make sure you
don’t have a CD in the
drive as this may scratch
the disk. Please
remember don’t
electrocute yourself. If it
works fine place the lid
back on.

Drive lid switch

Now you have the top off get your tape

and with this tape up the CD drive door,
it's situated towards the top left corner
there is piece metal sticking up with a
plastic piece in it. Have a test to see if it
works before you place the lid back on.

By Garth88 9 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

12. How to do the disc swap

First of all if you realise how Saturn disks work then you will be able to do the
trick a lot simpler ok.

What happens when the Saturn reads the CD is that first of all it looks at how
many tracks and what type of CD is in the mechanism, if it a music CD it goes to
the CD player or if it recognises that the CD is a Saturn disk it will look at the
copy protection and then back to where it left off at the start.

Innermost CD

The outer edge of

the CD is where the
copy protection lies

1. First of all we have to put the copied CD in the Sega Saturn and turn on it
on, this is provided you have read and carried out the section Open Door
Closed Door. This is where the Saturn tries to identify the data and tracks
of the CD. The CD mechanism is reading the most inner section of the CD
2. On seeing that the CD is a Sega Saturn CD it now want it authenticity
checked so the CD Mechanism now swing to the most outer section of the
CD but you have to try and beat it there by taking out the copy and quickly
replacing it with an original Sega Saturn CD.
3. If this is done correctly the CD will spin and read the outer most tracks, it
only last for about 2 seconds so you better get ready to change the CD’s
back around to the copy once again.
4. Change the CD’s back as soon as the CD Mechanism swings back again
to the inner most tracks and bobs your uncle it should work and if not
better luck next time.

By Garth88 10 10/16/08
Sega Saturn Back-up’s and Disk swapping made easy.

Tip: Listen out for the sound of the mechanism changing!!

13. Garth88 Final Thoughts

Please don’t modify or copy this doc it’s taken me time to do it I don’t mind if you
want to give me a hand with rewriting of parts but please let me know first.

14. Contact me

I don’t mind giving people a advice with backing up there discs but I will not
supply cue sheets and also if you do contact me have the decency to answer me
back if you fall into one of the 2 categories don’t bother to email.

By Garth88 11 10/16/08

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