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Tech (CE) 3rd Semester

Syllabus (OLD)

MTCE901-Computer Graphics

Graphics display devices, input devices, raster graphics, line and circle drawing algorithms;
windowing and clipping; Cohen and Sutherland clipping, Cyrus beck clipping method; 2D and 3D
geometrical transformations; scaling, translation, rotation, reflection, viewing transformation, parallel
and perspective projections; curves and surfaces; cubic splines, beizer curves, B-splines, tensor product
surfaces, surface of revolution, sweep surfaces, fractal curves and surfaces; hidden lines/surface
removal methods; illuminations model; shading; gouraud, phong; introduction to ray-tracing ;
animation; key framing, parametric 2D/image morphing; programming practices with standard
graphics libraries like open GL.

MTCE901-Knowledge-based design

Knowledge representation, knowledge engineering, logic and resolution, semantic nets, parallel
implementation of semantic nets . Frames.

Architecture of knowledge based system design, rule based systems. Frame based systems. Search
techniques. Control strategies. Software / Hardware support for knowledge base systems. Expert
system shells. Inference machines. AND/OR parallelism. Case studies.

MTCE903-Software Engg.

S/W life cycle; problem of s/w production and the need for s/w engineering; concepts and techniques
relevant to the production of large systems; structured programming, top-down design and
development, information hiding; strength, coupling and complexity measures, procedural data, and
control abstraction, specifications, organizations and management of large software design projects;
program libraries, documentation, design methods and testing, several programming projects of
varying size undertaken by students working singly and in groups using s/w specifications tools. S/W
project management, parameter for cost estimation.

MTCE907-Elective II

Advanced Microprocessors

Introduction modern microprocessor architectures, memory hierarchy, pipelining RISC principles.

SPARC Architecture features, instruction sets, integer unit, floating point and coprocessor
architecture, ULTRA SPARC Architecture.

Pentium Architecture features of Pentium And Pentium III, superscalar architecture , instruction sets
and memory management, cache design, Data bus design, Branch prediction. Floating point unit,
pipelining, MMX, multiprocessor Support.

DEC ALPHA Architecture features, Superscalar architecture, instruction sets, ABOX, IBOX, EBOX,
FBOX, Cache design, pipeline design.

Advanced Database Systems

 RDBMS Relational database, SQL, Normalization, normalization forms, lossless


 Concurrency control seriallizability , lost update problem, deadlock, X lock, S–lock, U-lock,
deadlock avoidance, timestamping.

 Parallel and distributed databases Parallel database-architecture & operations; distributed

database-architecture storage, catalog management, query processing updating.

 Data mining Introduction, counting co-occurrences, mining for rules, tree structured rules,

 Recent topics Mobile databases, main memory databases, multimedia databases, temporal

Distributed Computing

Models of distributed computing; basic issues; causality, exclusion, fairness, independence,

consistency; specification of distributed systems; Transition systems, Petrinets, Process Algebra
Properties; Safety, liveness, stability.

Query Processing

Basic query optimizing strategies, algebraic manipulation, optimization of selection, projection, join
queries, decomposition algorithm, exact optimization for a subset of queries, query performance
measurements, cost performance assessment, updates, semantic query optimization,

MTCE909-AI Lab



Dissertation + viva

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