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Author of the Academic Zodiac /astrology

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Darby Bible, Carlos Castaneda, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi Delphinus

Academic Zodiac: 22 zodiacal signs, 16 ascendants, 1008 planets.


PEGASUS ASCENDANT SET As 2011 2012 babies are being born under the influence of seven planets from Cetus, their own next generation Pandorastrology is ready as packed up for them to open. Their new Pegasus Ascendant Set includes historically important ascendants like Delphinus. ON OF CETUS Which non-civilization would have the Sun as fixed forever at what someone erroneously saw as their zero Aries for spring equinox? Their sky, their offset, their own damnation. Psychekeller is under attack as RTRRT is the psychekiller. Great inventions do make difference. What difference does the Academic Zodiac make? The Academic Zodiac informs you about the real positions of all your 777 planets. It also alas also tells the truth.

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20-Oct-11 20:38

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Psa 91:11 For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Your guardian angel is the eastern ascending star. There are sixteen (16) ascending constellations at east for the current epoch. Which one is your own guardian angel? ( Conosci il tuo unico angelo custode? Il santangelo custode del tuo oroscopo uno dei sedici ascendenti nascenti a est per lepoca presente. Qual il tuo unico angelo custode gi stella dellest? (


The Sun figures as one of the most acclaimed[i] (#_edn1) objects in popular astrology[ii]
(#_edn2) .

Do you know its position? As free horoscopes are mostly intended for

entertainment only, they never reproduce any original natal sky at all. Thus, Sai Baba was born with Sun in Libra on November 23rd. How about you? (
/6Tq9A) The

generally known 13 Sun-signs expanded are in fact 15, even 16. Is your natal Sun

in Orion or Cetus?


The lunar zodiac represents a complex grid. Leave the calculations to us as your natal Moon sign gets properly determined. Alixe[iii] (#_edn3) has Moon rising in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans with Venus in Orion. Her Juno is in zodiacal Scutum while Pluto sits on the ascendant of the USA in Serpens Cauda. Is your child a genius as well?
( Your natal

Moon can be anywhere from Auriga, Corvus or Sextans. Who

knows? We do.

AGE OF PEGASUS The next ascendant set contains Pegasus, Equuleus and Delphinus. Delphinus recalls us the time[1] (#_ftn1) when the chief archpriestess at Delphi observed Delphinus rising at east. A cetacean cycle is completed[2] (#_ftn2) . We have brought astrology back round its roots in following the Spiral Trees[3] (#_ftn3) . China and Egypt always had a promising zodiacal base to build upon. Thus, the Academic Zodiac hosts all Chinese and Egyptian zodiacal models and systems with pleasure and privilege of an all-encompassing omniversal system. As Venus rising at east in Pegasus announces the Gaussian peak of ERA PEGASII, heavens are shaken by Dantesque conflicts between cetacean dmons and Luciferian vimana.

VIP Services (

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The Dark Planets (


The Dwarf Planets (


1008 Planets (


Centaurean Skies (


Future Changing (


2012 In the years 2012, babies are under the influence of seven planets in Cetus, Uranus including. Uranus is in Cetus the Academic Zodiac marks the hub of the on of Cetus.

a) b) c) d)

If you are happy with just any natal Sun-sign, dont bother. If you like to adapt to whatever personality they impose on you, go ahead. If you already got twin natal Sun-signs, dont bother either, get a third one perhaps. But if you are genuinely interested in your natal horoscope, know that there is one!

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib 2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco 2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco 2012-Dec-02 00:00 m Oph 2012-Dec-05 00:00 m Oph 2012-Dec-08 00:00 Oph

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20-Oct-11 20:38

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2012-Dec-11 00:00 2012-Dec-14 00:00 2012-Dec-17 00:00

Oph Oph Oph

2012-Dec-20 00:00 m Sgr

Dive Deeper

Academic Zodiac (

Complete Works (

Instant Magick (

2012 Uranus in Cetus (


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2017 (

2011 2012 2014 2017 (

13th Ascendant Ophiuchus (

2011 2012 2014 2017 (

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 ( Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.


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20-Oct-11 20:38

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Pro 8:27 quando praeparabat caelos aderam quando certa lege et gyro vallabat abyssos

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

In order to protect itself, superstition has summoned mighty words that lock default mind in religious awe. One of them has already been ridiculed as nonsensei, namely tradition. All sort of fraud appears as almost benevolent when understood as our own traditional values. The word demoncracy was perused in order to make difference between the present chaos and whatever some Greek polis tended for democracy. In observing the ascendant Delphinus at Delphi, the priestess in charge would understand it as portentous for the matter at hand. The selfsame ascendant is due for the next period, even Age of Pegasus. Modern mountebanks dont mount guard since their desktop ascendants never change at all. The desktop mind suffers no precession. The skies dont rotate at all, instead the stars are set travelling. The so-called fixed stars travel from constellation to constellation, from miscalculation to miscalculation. Its a desktop world. Nowadays, the loss of common sensei is called demoncracy. Democracy was misunderstood for a sort of anything goes pseudo-liberal attitude: give people what they want. One wants to have ten different horoscopes in order to multiply false personalities? In the land of the free - be what you want to be: even many personalities at once pass them all unto the next generation in order for schizophrenia to prevail over common sensei. That the Masons at Philadelphia forfeited their telescopes for funny kilts is proverbial by now: a generation that had no horoscopes, ascendants or zodiac proper for millennia: all their temples disoriented by default. This generation has no observing priests: their own temples are doll houses. There is no need to observe the skies, which this generation is hardly able or willing to see: the laptop dwarf takes care of it all. You just press a button. Even when the Moon rises huge over the eastern horizon, imposing itself in the eastern sky, the program within the laptop will determine when it shall really rise: in twenty minutes. The Moon does not rise in the real skies at all: now it rises on your desktop. We not only dont heed, love or observe the real Moon, we dont need it at all, and in fact we hate its guts. We dont love nature anymore. Nature is boring. Nature was boring. We are working towards its very extinction. We pay dearly for it: polluted water, bad air, junk food: but its worth any poisoned outpour by our hand, nature disappears from our lives. The program says when, not the Moon itself, which may loom in some real skies but not rule over our programs. And since we enjoy demoncracy: anything goes anyone can write, rewrite as well as genuinely mangle any data, ephemeris including: particularly ephemeris. In other words, in demoncracy there is no authority and NASA may as well go to hell. It is I who determine my Sun sign, not bloody NASA or some Himalayan freak. Only I am the ruler of my destiny, short as it were.

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20-Oct-11 20:38

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We overtook the planet. Who controls the planet is able to destroy it. Destroying the planet is strictly our business and all life upon it shall pay dearly for daring to oppose our slaughter, pollution and punishment as inflicted on a planet we dont love any more.

Stay connected with the right dots across your original starry skies: 22 zodiacal stations, 16 ascendants. ( Trust your real stars: Academic Zodiac. Ophiuchus Ascendant - Real natal ascendants & Sun-signs. (
/5q6ej) Thank

you for being supportive towards the IAU, much as tolerant towards Harvard Zodiac #1622 #RTRRT Zodiac, ascendant set, house system,

MPC in embracing NASA JPL as your true natal planetary positions.
( Academic

directions, dwarf planets, comets, centaurs; objects of interest, reality rendering: case solved ( all astrology assets in one place. Personal Future-Changing #RTRRT ( Academic Zodiac #1622 Your True Natal Stars ( Book cheap Instant Magick

[1] (#_ftnref1) Recalls for us who were always there. [2] (#_ftnref2) Ascendant precession cycle. [3] (#_ftnref3) RTRRT publications series.

[i] (#_ednref1) Although inessential in most calculations- see Sunless Astrology. Non-determining for most purposes, the Sun is a malefic like any other it can be said to encompass all negative ego energy. On the other hand, in most traditions it is the Moon that determines ones original attitude, thus leading to true self. Shiva stands for lunar directions, of which some 500 are perused in popular astrology. [ii] (#_ednref2) It is generally assumed that there are 13 Sun-signs. While that is a correct assertion, the number of Sun-signs expands to 15, even 16. As concern the Moon, the matter is infinitively vaster as well as complex. Your natal Moon can be anywhere from Auriga, Corvus or Sextans. Who knows? We do. [iii] (#_ednref3) ( /Astrology-for-Children-True-Natal-Skies-for-Alice ( (


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