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Types of Atomic & Molecular Bonds

Types of Atomic & Molecular Bonds

Objectives of the class

Develop a sense of history of scientific thinking Explain the types of bonds You should be able to have develop a feeling for the mechanical properties based on the type of bond

Long Tradition in Science

Greek philosopher Leucippus used the word atom, which means indivisible (400 BC) Lots f L t of work d k done by the alchemists b th l h i t Lavoisier: chemical reaction leads to no net loss or gain of matter. l i f tt Dalton: concept of atomic mass (1808) Mendelev: periodic table of elements (1869) M d l i di t bl f l t Rontgen: discovery of X-ray (1869) Moseley: showed that the number of electrons = number of protons (atomic number)

Long Tradition in Science (cont.) ( t)

Ruterford: experiments with alpha particle (1907-11) (1907 11) Max Planck: quanta (1900) Louis de Broglie: all matter has both wave and particle properties p p p (1923).

Types of Atomic & Molecular Bonds B d

Primary Atomic Bonds

Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Metallic Bonds

Secondary Atomic & Molecular Bonds

Permanent Dipole Bonds Fluctuating Dipole Bonds

Ionic Bonding
Large interatomic forces are created by the coulombic effect produced by positively and negatively charged ions. d ti l h di Ionic bonds are nondirectional nondirectional. The cation has a + charge & the anion has cation anion the - charge.

The cation is much smaller than the 17 anion.11

Historical Note
Greek philosopher Empedocles (500 BC) suggested that chemical changes are caused by an h db emotional likes and dislikes. The love between two substances will make them unite and form a third substance. On the other hand, hand if the substances start to had each other they will decompose.

Force vs. Separation Distance

Z1 Z 2 e = 2 4 a



nb = n +1 a

Energy vs. Separation Distance

F E= a

Modulus of Elasticity

Effect of temperature

Ionic Bonding in Solids

Because the ionic bond is nondirectional the ions pack di ti l th i k together in a solid in ways which are governed by their relative sizes. Another important factor is that the ions must be arranged so that their is local charge neutrality. [Note the structure t lit [N t th t t of NaCl.].

Covalent Bonding g
Large interatomic forces are created by the sharing of electrons to form directional bonds. The atoms have small differences in electronegativity & close to each other in the periodic table. The atoms share their outer s and p electrons so that each atom attains the noble-gas electron configuration.




Covalent Bonding in Carbon A carbon atom can form form sp3 orbitals directed symmetrically toward the corners of a tetrahedron. tetrahedron [Note the examples below.]

Diamond Di d

Metallic Bonding
Large interatomic forces are created by the sharing of electrons in a delocalized manner to form strong nondirectional bonding. g

Metalic Bond

Secondary Atomic & Molecular Bonds [Van der Waals Bonds]

Permanent Dipole Bonds Weak intermolecular bonds are formed between molecules which possess permanent dipoles. A dipole exists in a molecule if there is asymmetry in its p y y electron density distribution. Fluctuating Dipole Bonds Weak electric dipole bonding can take place among atoms due to an instantaneous asymmetrical distribution of electron densities around their nuclei. This type of bonding is termed fluctuation since the electron density is continuously changing.

Polar dipole

Van der Walls bonds

Mixed Bonding
Metallic Covalent Metallic-Covalent Mixed Bonding: The Transition Metals are an example where dsp bonding orbitals lead to high melting points. Ionic-Covalent Mixed Bonding: Many oxides and nitrides are examples of p this kind of bonding.

It is convenient for many purposes to regard an atom in a metal as having a definite size, which may be g y defined by the distance between its center and that of its neighbor. This distance is that at which the various forces acting on the atom are in equilibrium. , In a metal, the forces can be considered as (a) the attractive forces between electrons & positive ions, (b) the repulsion between the complete electron shells of the positive ions, & (c) the repulsion between the positive ions as a result of their similar positive charges.

The Hard Sphere Model

This approach can be called the "hard sphere" model of an atom. The radius of an atom (or ion) determined for a ( ) particular crystal structure is not a real characteristic of that atom, because when the same atom appears in different crystal structure it displays different radii. The radius of an atom (or ion) can be determined for a particular metal by using the dimensions of the unit cell of the crystal structure it forms.

If ionic forces are so strong, how come does salt (NaCl) dissolves so quickly in water???

Water has a very interesting structure t t

Why ice floats in liquid water?

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