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6, NOVEMBER 1997 1041

Optimal Soft Starting of Voltage-Controller-Fed

IM Drive Based on Voltage Across Thyristor
Venkata V. Sastry, Senior Member, IEEE, M. Rajendra Prasad, and T. V. Sivakumar, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—AC voltage controllers are used as induction motor The main sections of the paper are organized as follows. In
starters in fan or pump drives and the crane hoist drives. This Section II, the soft-start and the optimization techniques fol-
paper presents a method of identifying the end of soft start of lowed are explained. The simulation of “whole drive system”
an ac voltage-controller-fed induction motor (IM) drive based
on the voltage across the nonconducting thyristor through a dy- is discussed in Section III. The various modules developed in
namic simulation of the whole drive system. A two point current SABER simulator are also briefly explained. In Section IV, the
minimization technique is adopted to operate the drive system simulation results are presented and discussed. In Section V,
at the required optimal voltage under all operating conditions. the experimental setup used for its validation is discussed.
This minimizes the motor losses. Graphic modeling of the whole In Section VI, the experimental results of the proposed drive
drive system is done in a modular format using Design Star
and dynamic simulation is done using SABER. The dynamic system are compared with that of the dynamic simulation
simulation results of the whole drive system are supported with results.
experimental data.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Optimal Soft Starting

A C VOLTAGE-controller-based soft starters offer many

advantages over conventional starters like smooth ac-
celeration, ease in implementation of current control, open
During soft start, initially the thyristors are fired at an
equal to . When the motor is at standstill, the voltage
across the nonconducting thyristor is measured and stored as
circuit transition to line voltage, and also energy savings at VREF. Then, is decremental by 0.50 /cycle (ALPSTP1)
lightly loaded conditions. Energy savings by voltage control until reaches 4 . This ensures an initial rise in
is achieved by reducing the applied voltage if the load torque motor current. The fundamental component of the line current
requirement can be met with less than rated flux. By this way drawn is rectified and sampled once in every 30 ms. If the
the core loss and stator copper losses can be reduced [1]. current is less than the current limit CURLIM for a given
When current minimization and power factor maximization motor, then is decremented by 0.10 /cycle (ALPSTP2) until
concepts were used in combination, the energy saving was the identification of the end of soft start. If current exceeds
found to be good [2], however, the dynamics of the system the current limit CURLIM, then will not be decremented
was poor. When the angle load pattern concept was employed, until the motor accelerates or the current limit is not seen.
it gave a better dynamic response [3], [4], but the energy saving The end of optimal soft start is identified with the fall
was not satisfactory. To be able to obtain energy efficient of voltage across the nonconducting thyristor to a value
operation and also obtain a good dynamic response, the slip below 75% of the value when the motor is at standstill. The
is to be controlled. This could be achieved using the voltage voltage across the nonconducting thyristor is the difference
across the nonconducting thyristor as a feedback parameter between the source voltage and the back emf. The magnitude
[5] as it is an indirect index of back electromotive force (emf) and the phase lag of back emf (with regard to the source
and, hence, speed. Therefore, for identifying the end of soft voltage) keeps changing as the motor accelerates. As also
start, the voltage across the nonconducting thyristor itself could keeps changing, it is very difficult to express the voltage
be used. In this paper, simulation and experimental results of across the nonconducting thyristor through an expression
such a voltage-controlled drive system as a soft starter are involving back emf and source voltage. Hence, empiricism
presented. The optimum point at which the losses are minimum is needed in choosing the value 75%. However, the value
was found out by a two-point current minimization technique 75% is established through experimental tests conducted on
[6]. various medium range motors and the latter is verified through
dynamic simulation as presented in this paper.

Manuscript received June 7, 1996; revised October 24, 1996. This work B. Optimization
was supported in part by Prof. D. Schroder of T. U. Munich and by the
Volkswagen Foundation, Germany. Recommended by Associate Editor, D. A. After identifying the end of an optimal soft start, a delay
Torrey. of 30 cycles is provided to allow the flux to settle. Then
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras 600 036, India. the process of optimization is activated by incrementing
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(97)06408-9. by 0.10 /cycle. A two-point current minimization technique is
0885–8993/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

Modeling of the Whole Drive System: The whole drive sys-

tem consists of various subsystems: 1) electrical; 2) electro-
mechanical; 3) mechanical; and 4) control. The approach for
modeling of various modules identified under each subsystem
is explained in this section.
1) Electrical System: This system consists of three phase
sources and a three-phase ac voltage-controller module
ACV3PH. The module ACV3PH describes the SCR module
connected back-to-back to form a three phase ac voltage-
Fig. 1. The concept behind two-point current minimization. controller circuit. The SCR is modeled as a low/high resistance
model for on/off state of the thyristor [7].
2) Induction Motor Model: This system consists of an IM
used for optimization. This technique can be understood from
module INDMAC. The module INDMAC defines the in-
Fig. 1. This figure shows the variation of current with respect
duction machine model in a stationary reference frame. The
to . At any sampling instant , the new value of
differential equations used to describe the dynamics of the
is calculated based on the difference between two successive
induction motor are given in Appendix A.
current samples and
3) Mechanical Load: This basically defines a mechanical
(1) load on the shaft of the induction motor. The equation de-
scribing the load on the IM is given by
where is the value of at any time instant , is
the value of at time instant , and is the step change (2)
in per cycle.
As long as the difference is positive, the where is the speed in rad/s.
real time optimization process continues. Once the difference The value of is so chosen that at rated speed a load of
becomes negative, incrementing of is stopped and this value 2.2 N-m is applied to the motor. This load is 0.155 times the
of is known as (c.f. Fig. 1). This condition is identified full load.
as the end of optimization routine. 4) Control System: This system consists of various mod-
During simulation of the whole system, the end of soft ules such as IFILTER, VAKMES, ACCON, and FIR to im-
start and optimization for achieving current minimization are plement the soft starting based on the voltage across noncon-
identified by the module ACCON. This module is explained ducting thyristor and optimization. The description of various
in Section III. The flow for soft start and optimization routine submodules used are as follows.
is shown in Fig. 2. IFILTER: This submodule consists of an active filter and
a diode bridge rectifier with a capacitive filter. This circuit is
III. SIMULATION OF AC shown in Fig. 4. The analogue filter extracts the fundamental
VOLTAGE-CONTROLLER-FED IM DRIVE component of ac current. This current is then rectified by a
diode bridge rectifier and filtered using a capacitive filter. This
One traditional way of simulating an IM drive is to use an dc component of the fundamental current is fed to the module
equivalent circuit model for IM. However, this is not the best ACCON.
approach when it is needed to study the performance of the VAKMES: This module is basically a “discrete” block.
drive during transients. The best approach is to describe the IM This module samples regularly the voltage across the thyristor
model through differential equations in - model. However, with a time lapse of 0.3 ms from the instant the current
when it is needed to simulate the IM drive with switching through the thyristor is zero. The time lapse of 0.3 ms is
networks (like ac voltage controller), it is not wise enough to so chosen that at the instant of sampling, neither of the
describe the whole drive system through equations for various thyristors in that phase conducts. This information is fed to the
modes of operation. It is better if the switched network is module ACCON. The netlist for this submodule is given in
represented as a circuit. Also, when it is needed to simulate a Appendix B.
large system, it is better to follow a modular approach while ACCON: This module is basically a decision making
modeling the whole system. The use of modularity in modeling module in a sense that this block calculates the value of ,
offers many advantages such as the following: identifies the end of soft start, and does real-time optimization
1) ease of partitioning of the design tasks; based on the inputs it gets from modules VAKMES and
2) ease of reuse in other designs; IFILTER. An external clock is used (c.f. Fig. 3) to sample
3) ease of debugging where ever there is a problem in the the rectified fundamental component of the line current. The
subsystem. new value of during soft starting is calculated as given by
Hence, the modeling of the whole drive system is done in (3).
MAST language of SABER simulator to conform to modular During optimal soft starting, as long as the current is less
approach. The block diagram of the whole drive system than current limit CURLIM then
formulated according to Design Star (graphic interface) is as
shown in Fig. 3 [7], [8]. (3a)

Fig. 2. Flow chart for soft start and optimization—module ACCON.

where is applied to the corresponding thyristor at delay angle (c.f.

Fig. 5).
(3b) The interaction between various software modules is shown
for all other values of in Fig. 6.

In the present case, ALPSTP1 is 0.50 and ALPSTP2 is 0.10 . IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
If current is more than current limit CURLIM, then The simulation results of ac voltage-controller-fed IM drive
(4) are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) shows the variation of rectified
component of the fundamental current and the flags used for
The values of ALPSTP1 and ALPSTP2 are chosen based on identifying end of soft start and optimization. From Fig. 7(a),
various parameters like rating of the motor, machine parameter the different stages of soft start and optimization can be seen.
values, load on the motor, and chosen soft-start time. During During the period “A,” soft start is carried out. This is clearly
optimization the new value of is calculated as given in (1). seen with an initial rise and fall of current and as well as fall
The netlist for this module (in MAST language) is given of voltage across the nonconducting thyristor [c.f. Fig. 7(b)].
in Appendix C. During this period it can also be seen from Fig. 7(c) that alpha
FIR: This module generates the necessary gate pulses is decremented initially at 0.50 /cycle and then at 0.10 /cycle.
of 120 pulse width according to the value of it gets At time , the voltage across the thyristor falls below 75%
from the module ACCON. The module generates six sawtooth of VREF and, hence, it is identified as end of soft start. The
waveforms (one for each thyristor), each wave phase shifted flag EOST is set to “one” to indicate the end of soft start.
by 60 . The firing pulse at for each thyristor is generated Period “B” indicates the 30 cycles of delay time provided
by comparing with a corresponding sawtooth waveform. to allow the flux to settle down. During this period alpha
Whenever sawtooth wave is greater than , a positive pulse remains constant [vide Fig. 7(c)]. The end of the delay is

Fig. 3. The graphic modeling of the drive system using Design Star.

and (f) shows the effectiveness of optimization. In Fig. 7(e),

the rectified component of the fundamental current with and
without optimization are presented. It can be seen that the
current with optimization is less than the current without
optimization. In Fig. 7(f), the motor terminal voltage applied
under steady-state condition with and without optimization are
presented. From this figure, it can also be seen that the voltage
applied to the motor after optimization is less than that without
Fig. 4. The analogue filter circuit—module IFILTER.
optimization, and the voltage applied to the motor need not be
full supply voltage.

The whole drive system was developed based on an 8-b
single-chip controller 8751, which consists of built-in timers,
ports, and memory. The whole dedicated system used for the
control of induction machine drive is shown in Fig. 8. A 3-
hp motor is used as a test machine. The nameplate data and
parameters of the test machine are given in Appendix D. Two
Fig. 5. The firing module.
ports of the microcontroller are configured as input ports.
One port is used to read the analogue to digital converter.
indicated by setting the flag EOST to “two.” During the period The other port is used to read the user set parameters like
“C,” optimization is carried out. This is very clearly seen current limit (CURLIM), (through dual in-line package
with a decrease in current and as well with an increment switches) and also end of conversion signal from ADC. The
in alpha [c.f. Fig. 7(c)]. At time , the end of optimization pins T0 and T1 are used for ADC channel selection. Voltage
is identified and it is indicated by setting the flag FOPT to across the nonconducting thyristor was stepped down using
“one.” Fig. 7(d) shows the rectified component of the motor a potential divider and read through an ADC. The volt-
terminal voltage and the supply voltage. From this figure, it age across the nonconducting thyristor measurement circuit
can be clearly seen that the full voltage need not be applied is shown in Fig. 9. Line current was measured through a
to the motor at the end of soft starting. Hence, this method of current transformer. Fundamental component of the current
soft starting is identified as “optimal” soft starting. Fig. 7(e) was rectified, filtered, and read through the same ADC. The

Fig. 6. The interaction between various software modules under SABER simulator.

interrupt INT0 is used to inhibit the firing pulses under VII. CONCLUSIONS
abnormal conditions. The interrupt INT1 is used for R-phase In this paper, a novel method of identifying the end of soft
zero-crossing detection. start of a voltage-controller-fed IM drive using a “new” param-
eter, namely the voltage across the nonconducting thyristor,
is presented. This method is speed feedback less detection
of the end of acceleration of the drive system. Dynamic
simulation and experimental results for the whole drive are
The experimental results are as shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 10(a) presented. Simulation of the whole drive system is done
shows the variation of the rectified component of the funda- in Design Star-SABER environment. The various modules
mental current during various stages of soft start and optimiza- are developed in MAST language in a modular format. The
tion. Fig. 10(b) shows the variation of the rectified component newness of this paper lies in identifying the end of soft
of the voltage across the nonconducting thyristor. Fig. 10(c) start based on the voltage across the nonconducting thyris-
shows the variation of speed with time. From Fig. 10(a), it tor through a dynamic simulation of the whole drive sys-
can be seen that when the motor is accelerating, the current tem with modularity in mind using a versatile simulator.
is also increasing. Once the motor accelerates to the rated These ideas are also verified experimentally using an 8-
speed, the current falls [period “A” in Fig. 10(a)]. The voltage b single-chip microcontroller-based voltage-controller-fed IM
across the nonconducting thyristor also falls [c.f. Fig. 10(b)]. drive system.
Then the process of optimization is activated. The period of
optimization is associated with a fall in the current [period
“B” in Fig. 10(a)] and a rise in the voltage across the noncon- APPENDIX A
ducting thyristor. Fig. 10(d) shows the variation of the rectified THE DYNAMIC - MODEL OF INDUCTION
component of fundamental current without optimization. Com- MACHINE IN A STATIONARY REFERENCE FRAME
paring Fig. 10(a) with Fig. 10(d), it can be clearly seen that the
current drawn by the motor with real-time optimization is less
than that without optimization. Fig. 10(e) shows the variation
of the rectified component of the source voltage and the motor
terminal voltage during various stages of soft starting and
optimization. From this figure, it is seen that the full voltage
has not been applied to the motor at the end of soft starting.
Hence, this method of soft starting is called “optimal” soft
starting. where stands for derivative, stands for flux linkages,
From Figs. 7 and 10, it can be observed that simulation and stands for number of pole pairs, and stands for speed in
experimental results are the same except for the difference in rad/s. The relation between flux linkages and currents are as
their time scales. This has been intentional to minimize the follows:
simulation time with reduced moment of inertia on the load.
The motor terminal voltage rise, just before the end of soft
start during simulation [c.f. Fig. 7(f)] is not so fast as it is
observed experimentally [c.f. Fig. 10(e)]. This is mainly due
to the fact that the induction machine model does not include
saturation effect.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 7. Simulation results for IM drive during soft-start and optimization intervals. (a) Variation of the rectified component of the fundamental current. (b)
Variation of speed and voltage across the nonconducting thyristor. (c) Variation of alpha. (d) Variation of motor voltage and source voltage through various
stages of soft starting and optimization. (e) Variation of rectified component of the fundamental current with and without optimization. (f) Variation of
motor terminal voltage with and without optimization.

and are calculated from the stator phase voltages as follows:

as follows:

The mechanical equation describing system dynamics is as


The torque in is defined in terms of the - currents


Fig. 8. 8-b microcontroller-based experimental setup for IM drive system.

state nu flag 0,fsamp,vsamp

var i iout
branch vm1 v(ma1,ma2)
branch vmo v(mo1,neg)
branch vpc v(pc,pref)
when(time step done)
if(abs(vpc) 0.01 & flag 0)
schedule event
(time nstp1, fsamp, 1)
Fig. 9. Circuit for measuring voltage across the nonconducting thyristor. schedule event
(time nstp1 nstp2,
APPENDIX B fsamp, 0)

#Template for vak measurement if(fsamp 1)

#ma1,ma2 voltage across thyristor points vsamp abs(vm1)
#mo1 sampled output
#pc,pref pc and pref are current sampling nodes if(abs(vpc) 0.01 ) flag 0
#neg ground node
#vsamp sampled value of the voltage across equations
nonconducting thyristor i(ma1 ma2) 0
#fsamp Flag to indicate the instant of sampling i(mo1 neg) 0
voltage across nonconducting thyristor i(pc pref) 0
template vakmes ma1 ma2 mo1 pc pref i(mo1 neg) iout
neg nstp1,nstp2 iout:v(mo1)-v(neg) vsamp
electrical ma1,ma2,mo1,pc,pref,neg
number nstp1 0.3m,nstp2 0.05m

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Fig. 10. Experimental results for IM drive during soft-start and optimization intervals. (a) Variation of the rectified component of the fundamental current with
optimization. (b) Variation of the voltage across the nonconducting thyristor. (c) Variation of speed with optimization. (d) Variation of the rectified component
of the fundamental current without optimization. (e) Variation of motor voltage and source voltage through various stages of soft starting and optimization.


when(time step done)
newcur vc2
if(vc3 0.0) oldcur newcur

template accon cin1 cin2 csam cout1 neg when(dc domain)

imax, alpmax, alpmin, alpstp, fac, fac1, alpold alpmax
tmin, tset,del,dif,dif1 alp alpold

electrical cin1,cin2,csam,cout1,neg
imax 7.50,alpmax 112,alpmin 90,
alpstp 0.50,fac 0.75,fac1 1.00,tmin 0.07, when(time tmin & fsamp )
tset 0.60,del 20m,dif 0.05,dif1 0.10 volt abs(vc1)
alp alpold dalp
number fact,alpstp1 alpold alp
state nu eost 0,alp,alpold,tst1 eost 0
state nu newcur 0,
oldcur 0,flagalp 0,volt 0
state nu fopt 0,fcur 0,flim 0,ldch 0 #SOFT-START SECTION
state nu flag 0,told 0,fsamp,del1,vref
var i iout1 when(ti me step done & (time tmin) &
val nu dalp eost 0)
parameters if(abs(vc1) abs(fac*volt)) eost 0
fact (1.0-fac)*fac1 else eost 1
alpstp1 alpstp/5.00 if((newcur imax) & eost 0 & fcur 0)
fcur 1
branch vc1 v(cin1,neg) if((newcur imax) & eost 0)
branch vc2 v(cin2,neg) flagalp 0
branch vc3 v(csam,neg) if((newcur imax) & eost 0)
flagalp 1
if(flagalp 0)
if( (abs(vc1) abs((1-fact)*volt)))
if(fsamp 1 & flim 0)
when(ti me step done)
alp alpold dalp
del1 del
alpold alp
flim 1
if(alp alpmin) alp alpmin
when(time step done)
if(time told del1 & flag 0) else
schedule event(time 2u, fsamp, 1) alp alpold
schedule event(time 25u, fsamp,0) alpold alp

flag 1
told time if(flagalp 1) alp alpold
if(eost 0)
vref alp
if(fsamp 1) flag 0
tst1 time
if(fsamp 0) flim 0



when(time step done & eost 1)

if(time (tst1 tset)) eost 2
eost 1
alpold vref


when(time step done & eost 2

if(newcur imax) flagalp 0
else flagalp 1
if(flagalp 0 & fopt 0) REFERENCES
if( (newcur oldcur) dif) [1] N. Mohan, “Improvement in energy efficiency of induction motors by
means of voltage control,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus Syst., vol.
if(fsamp 1 & flim 0) PAS-99, pp. 1466–1471, July/Aug. 1980.
alp alpold dalp [2] T. M. Rowan and T. A. Lipo, “A quantitative analysis of induction
motor performance improvement by SCR voltage control,” IEEE Trans.
alpold alp Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-19, pp. 545–553, July/Aug. 1983.
flim 1 [3] G. Bhuvaneswari, “An intelligent solid-state induction motor con-
troller,” Ph.D. dissertation, Indian Instit. Technol., Madras, India, Jan.
[4] R. S. J. Iyengar, “Novel techniques for energy efficient voltage con-
if (alp alpmax) trolled induction motor drives,” Ph.D. dissertation, Indian Instit. Tech-
alp alpmax nol., Madras, India, May 1995.
[5] V. V. Sastry, P. S. Ganesh, and V. Madhavi, “High-performance
induction motor controller using thyristor voltage feedback,” in Proc.
Int. Conf. Power Electron., Drives, Energy Syst. Ind. Growth, New Delhi,
else India, Jan. 1996, pp. 44–47.
[6] V. V. Sastry, P. Oomman, and K. Sundarraman, “Line voltage adap-
fopt 1 tion for lightly loaded induction motors,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Power
alpold alp Conversion Ind. Contr., Singapore, Oct. 1986, pp. 87–91.
[7] V. V. Sastry, D. Metzner, and D. Schroeder, “An integrated approach
to understanding of power electronic circuits and systems,” IMACS-
TC1 Int. Conf. Math. Modeling, Montreal, ON, Canada, 1993, pp. 663–
[8] Saber Ref. Manual, Analogy Inc., Beaverton, OR, 1992.
of(flagalp 1 & fopt 0) alp alpold
if(fopt 1) alp alpold

Venkata V. Sastry (M’69–SM’82) was born in

values Vallaragudaba (A.P.), India, on August 4, 1941.
if(alp (alpmax-4.0)) dalp alpstp He received the B.E. (Hons.) degree from Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam, India, in 1963 and the
if(alp (alpmax-4.0)) M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute
dalp alpstp1 of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 1965 and 1968,
Since 1968, he has been with the Indian Institute
of Technology, Madras, in various capacities. Cur-
rently, he is a Professor of electrical engineering and
equations the Head of the Computer Center. He visited T.U.
Braunschweig and T.U. Munich, F.R. Germany, as an Alexander Van Humbolt
i(cin1 neg) 0 scholar during 1972 to 1973 and again in 1992. He visited the National
i(cin2 neg) 0 University of Singapore for two years from 1982 to 1984 and the University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, for six months in 1993. He has published several
i(cout1 neg) iout1 papers and has six Indian patents. His research interests are in power electronic
iout1:v(cout1)-v(neg) alp systems, electrical machines, modeling and simulation, real-time computer
control, and computer graphics.
Dr. Sastry is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineers, New
Delhi, India. He has been the recipient of six awards from NRDC, VASVIK
Foundation, and IETE (India).

M. Rajendra Prasad was born in Vidyanagar T. V. Sivakumar (S’97) was born in Karaimadai
(A.P.), India. He received the B.E. degree from Sri (T.N.), India. He received the B.E. degree from
Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, in 1993. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India, and the
He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree from the M.Tech. degree from Anna University, Madras, In-
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. dia, in 1993 and 1995, respectively. He is currently
Since 1994 he has been with the Indian Institute pursuing the Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute
of Technology, Madras, India, as a Research of Technology, Madras.
Scholar. His research interests are in power Since 1995, he has been with the Indian Institute
electronic systems and hardware systems design of Technology, Madras as a Research Scholar. His
for the real-time control applications. research interests are in power electronic systems,
modeling, and simulation and real-time computer

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