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Gabriel VLDU, Camelia COJOCARU, Cornelia CROITORU, Floarea POP, ICSI Rminicu Vlcea, Mihai PTRACU, Ervin WATZLAWEK
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Rezumat: Aceast lucrare i propune s prezinte un sistem de monitorizare a mediului, i de prevenire a accidentelor chimice. Sistemul va urmri ca efectele accidentului tehnologic, exprimate n uniti de poluare, s fie reduse la minimum astfel ca acestea s se nscrie la un nivel acceptabil; riscurile vor fi evitate iar urgenele care pot aprea vor fi rezolvate prompt. Obiectivul tiintific primar const ntr-o conectare complet ntre toate conceptele accidentului tehnologic, monitorizarea tehnologic i a noxelor, securitatea industrial, planul de alertare n caz de accident chimic, evitarea accidentelor, simulare, luarea de decizii asistate, prognoze, modelarea dispersiei gazelor n atmosfer funcie de relief i de condiiile meteorologice. inta principal a sistemului (exprimat n uniti de poluare) este de a evita accidentele, de a lansa sistemul de avertizare nainte ca accidentul s aib loc, i de a menine instalaiile la nivele tehnologice care s nu afecteze factorii de mediu. Rolul sistemului (n aplicaii destinate Consiliului Judeean, Autoritilor de Protecie Civil, Ageniilor pentru Protecia Mediului) este de a monitoriza unitile de poluare, n ariile care ar putea fi afectate de factorii de poluare, astfel nct acestea s fie meninute la un nivel acceptabil i pentru a reduce efectul lor. Cuvinte cheie: sistemul SCADA, monitorizarea mediului, pachete de software

Abstract: This paper propose to present a system for environment monitoring and chemical accident prevention. The technological accident will be minimised in the pollution units, so it can be at a tolerant acceptance level, risk will be avoid and emergencies that may occur will be promptly solved. The system achievement is that it informs the decision factors in territory about what decisions shall be carried-out while an accident may occur. The primary scientific object is a complete connection between all concepts of technological accident, technological and noxis monitoring, industrial security, chemical alarm plan, avoiding accidents, simulation, assisted decision, prognosis, modelling gasses dispersion in the atmosphere in relief and meteorological conditions. The system main target (in the pollution units) is to avoid, to launch the alarm before accidents occur, and to maintain the installations at technological levels that doesnt affect medium factors. The system role (in areas District Council-Civil Protection Authorities -Environment Protection Agency) is monitoring the pollution units, the areas that might be affected by the pollution factors for keeping them at a tolerable acceptance level and to minimise their effect.

Key words: SCADA System, environment monitoring, software packages.


1. Introducere; generaliti
Sistemul propus se nscrie n prioritile unitii cu componente: 1. Creterea nivelului de securitate prin utilizarea celor mai bune tehnologii 2. Identificarea i evaluarea riscurilor pe fiecare activitate i faza de fabricat 3. Adoptarea celor mai bune msuri de prevenire a situaiilor de urgen 4. Asigurarea interveniei optime pentru eliminarea rapid a situaiilor de urgen. Riscul pe care l reprezint fabrica de ap grea ROMAG PROD Drobeta provine de la stocarea i vehicularea unor cantiti importante de hidrogen sulfurat i respectiv de propan. O alt substan poluant evacuat n atmosfer, n cantiti mici la funcionare normal, este bioxidul de sulf, rezultat n urma arderii la facla de serviciu a hidrogenului sulfurat. Cantiti mari de SO2 se produc n situaie de avarie, cnd se evacueaz cantiti mari de hidrogen sulfurat la facla de avarie. Sistemele realizate au la baz concepia de sistem distribuit i deschis, putnd fi adaptate i extinse n etape succesive i interfaate cu aplicaii astfel nct s acopere cerinele unui sistem modern de securitate i rspuns n caz de urgen, de funcionare n condiii de risc tehnologic. Sistemele ofera informaii ctre compartimentele care concur att la conducerea operativ a procesului tehnologic ct i la urmrirea i luarea deciziilor privitoare la impactul unui eveniment chimic asupra zonei din incinta sau vecintatea RAAN ROMAG Prod. Acest sisteme sunt integrate n sistemul informatic ROMAG n scopul realizrii eficiente a managementului la nivel de platform. Prin acest concept se realizeaz privirea unitar a conceptelor de risc tehnologic, monitorizare n timp real a noxelor, prentmpinarea accidentelor prin monitorizarea n timp real a procesului tehnologic, simularea, prognoza funcie de condiiile meteo climatice. Politica de securitate a RAAN Sucursala ROMAG -PROD Conducerea Sucursalei ROMAG - PROD stabilete i menine un sistem de management de securitate care s reflecte politica de securitate care s rspund cerinelor standardului OHSAS 18001/2008.Sistemul de management de securitate implementat i

1. Scientometry
The proposed system registers in the priorities of the unity with the following compounds: 1. The increasing of the security level trough the advantage of the best technologies 2. The identification and appreciation of the risks on each activity and at the phase product 3. The adoption of the best measures for preventing the emergency situations 4. The assurance of the best intervention for the quickly deletion of the emergency situations. The risk that reports the heavy water factory ROMAG PROD Drobeta proceeds from the stockage and the transportation of some significant quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen and respectively propane. Another pollutant agent, which is evacuce in the atmosphere, in low quantities at normal function is the sulphur dioxide, which is the outcome of the combustion at the flare serve of the sulphuretted hydrogen. High quantities of SO2 are sproutted in case of average, when high quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen are ladle out at the flare average. The attained systems have as a base rule the conception of spread and open system, and they can be adjust and extended in successive stages and interfaced with applications that they cover the requests of a modern security system and an answer in emergency case, or in case of technologic risk function conditions. The systems give informations to the rooms that compete at the operative administration of the technologic process and also at following and taking decisions regarding the impact of one chemical event upon the area inside or near the RAAN ROMAG Prod. These systems are integrated in the informatic system ROMAG with the purpose of an efficient management performance at stage level. Trough this concept are performed the united sight of the technologic risk concepts, the monitoring in real time of the suspensions, the prevention of the accidents trough monitoring in real time the technologic process, the simulation, the presage depending the weather conditions. The security policy of RAAN branch office ROMAG -PROD The management of the branch office ROMAG - PROD lay down rules and maintains a system of security management, that must

meninut la Sucursala ROMAG PROD funcioneaz pe baza urmtoarei faze: Conducerea la cel mai nalt nivel definete politica de securitate a Sucursalei ROMAG PROD i enun angajamentul de mbuntire continu i de prevenire a polurii. Planificarea sistemului de management: stabilirea, redactarea, aprobarea i difuzarea documentelor SMS. Implementare i funcionare. Verificare i aciuni corective/preventive. Analiza efectuat de conducere. mbuntirea continu: din analiza performanei de securitate, a atingerii obiectivelor specificate, a satisfacerii cerinelor politicii i standardului OHSAS 18001, apare necesitatea revizuirii unor fazele anterioare; fluxul se reia de la faza ce necesit mbuntire. Calitatea i protejarea mediului nconjurtor, a oamenilor i utilajelor sunt strns legate de strategia dezvoltrii i de valorile definitorii ale Sucursalei ROMAG -PROD. Conducerea a implementat un Sistem de Asigurare a Calitii n conformitate cu standardul ISO 9001/2008 i a definit liniile directoare ale politicii sale de mediu trecnd la elaborarea i implementarea unui Sistem al Managementului de Mediu propriu, n conformitate cu standardul ISO 14001/2005 i a unui Sistem de Management de securitate, n conformitate cu standardul OHSAS 18001/2008.

reflect the security policy, which can answer to the requirements of the standard OHSAS 18001/2008. The security management system is implemented and maintained at the branch office ROMAG PROD and functions on base of following phase: The management at the highest level defines the security policy of the branch office ROMAG PROD and nominates the perpetual improvement engagement and the pollution prevention. The planification of the management system: the establishment, the editing, the approval and the releasing of the SMS documents. The implementation and function. Check and remedy/ preventive actions. The management analysis. The perpetual improvement:from the analysis of the security perfomance, the reaching of the mentioned objectives, the satisfaction of the policy requirements and the standard OHSAS 18001, appears the necessity of the revision of some anterior phases; the tide stream is repeted from the phase that needs improvement. The quality and the environment, people and gears protection are tight related to the strategy of the development and to the definitive values of the branch office ROMAG -PROD. The management have implemented a Quality Assurance System meeting the standard ISO 9001/2008 and defined the directory lines of her environment policy, passing to the elaboration and implementation of a proper Environment Management System meeting the standard ISO 14001/2005 and of a security Management System meeting the standard OHSAS 18001/2008. System description For the performance of the technologic control process it is imposed to the industrial management in conditions of safety function on the stage ROMAG-PROD the interconection of the SCADA subsystems in one unique system of aquisition, conditioning and transmisions, that constitutes the basis for the company Intranet. Globally, the united system Assures the following functions: Prevents the accidents trough the maintenance of the instalations in technologic limits; Follows permanent in real time the state of the gears and of the energetic discharges; Monitors the leaching gases in the instalations and around them; 55

Descriere sistem Pentru realizarea controlului procesului tehnologic, managementului industrial, n condiii de siguran n funcionare pe platforma ROMAG-PROD se impune interconectarea subsistemelor de tip SCADA ntr-un sistem unic de achiziie, prelucrare i transmisii date care s constituie baza pentru Intranetul ntreprinderii. Global, sistemul unificat asigur urmatoarele funcii: Prentmpina accidentele prin meninerea instalaiilor n limite tehnologice; Urmrete n permanen, n timp real, starea utilitilor i a consumurilor energetice; monitorizeaza scprile de gaze n instalaii i n jurul acestora; Ofera informaii ctre factorii de decizie

pentru luarea deciziilor optime; asigura fluxurile informatice necesare managementului si mersului economicofinanciar; Proiectul a propus o soluie unitar pentru urmtoarele subsisteme: Subsistem Proces Tehnologic are rolul de monitorizare a parametrilor tehnologici, ncadrarea ntre limitele funcionale, prealarmare i alarmare n cazul depirii limitelor, afiarea informaiilor pe scheme sinoptice i gestiunea bazei de date, n scopul prentimpinrii accidentelor i avariilor. Analiza bazei de date poate oferi criterii de exploatare optim a instalaiei. Subsistemul urmrete presiuni, presiuni difereniale, nivel de lichid, debite, temperaturi, pH-uri, n zone stabilite prin studiul de risc. Subsistem Utiliti are rolul de monitorizare a parametrilor ce caracterizeaz utilitile tehnologice. Avnd n vedere faptul c procesul tehnologic este corelat cu modul de funcionare al utilitilor, se poate ncadra subsistemul att la funcia de prentnpinare a accidentelor ct i la urmrirea eficienei procesului tehnologic prin evidenierea consumurilor interne. Subsistem Senzori Zona I i II are rolul de monitorizare a concentraiilor de gaze scpate n interiorul i n imediata apropiere a instalaiilor tehnologice. Senzorii sunt realizai pe baz de celule semiconductoare, funcionarea avnd la baz fenomenul de absorbie-desorbie a H2S la suprafaa stratului oxidic semiconductor prin difuzie liber. Subsistem Senzori pe 3 nivele are rolul de monitorizare a cantitilor de gaze scpate n jurul instalaiilor, monitorizarea factorilor de mediu i prognoza evoluiei norului toxic n cazul unui accident. Subsistemul estimeaz locul n care s-a produs accidentul precum i cantitatea de gaz scpat. Acesta permite detecia, controlul i identificarea diferitelor surse de emisie ct i a scprilor fugitive. Subsistemul este dotat cu senzori realizai pe baz de celule electrochimice, care ofer la ieire un semnal de 12mA. Subsistem Senzori Independeni Senzorii independeni sunt amplasai pe lng gurile de canal care prin natura lor permit scurgeri sau scpri de H2S. Subsistemul de monitorizare asigur preluarea automat a mrimilor ce caracterizeaz senzorii independeni, transmiterea acestor informaii

Offers informations to the decision factors for taking the best decisions; assures the informatic tide streams, that are need for the management and for the economic-financial development; The project propused a united solution for the following subsystems: Subsystem Technologic process has the role to monitor the technologic parameters, the framing between the functional limits, alert in case of the over limits, the display of the informations on synoptic schemes and the database control, in purpose of prevent the accidents and the averages. The database analysis can offer best exploitation criteria of the instalation. The subsystem pursuits the pressures, the differential pressures, the liquid level, the debits, the temperatures, the pHs, in established areas trough the risk study. Subsystem Utilities has the role to monitor the parameters that characterize the technologic utilities. Regarding the fact that the technologic process is correlative with the way of utilities function, the subsystem can be framed at the accident prevent function and also at the following of the technologic process efficiency through the accentuation of the internal discharges. Subsystem Sensors area I and II has the role of monitoring the gases concentrations, which are leached in interior and near the technologic instalations. The sensors are performed on semiconducting cells, the function has on the base the absorption-denuding phenomenon of H2S at the surface of the oxydic semiconducting layer trough free diffusion. Subsystem Sensors on 3 levels has the role of monitoring the leaching quantities of gases near the instalations, monitoring the environment factors and the presage of the toxic cloud evolution in case of an accident. The subsystem dead reckons the place where the accident happend and also the leach quantity of gase. This allows the detection, the control and the identification of the different transmission sources and also of the quickly leaching. The subsystem is gifted with performed sensors on electrochimic cells, which offer at the way out a signal of 12mA. The subsystem independent sensors the independent sensors are placed near the manholes, which trough their nature allow the leaches of H2S. The monitoring subsystem assures the automatic assumption of the measures, which characterize the independent

ctre un dispecer, prezentarea i gestiunea acestora ntr-o baz de date. Subsistem Transmisii date cte APM i IPC Datele obinute prin achiziie i prelucrare, de la traductoare i senzori sunt transmise n mod specific ctre factorii de decizie. Datele ce caracterizeaz evoluia eventualului nor de gaze sunt transmise cte APM i IPC. Aceste date sunt prezentate pe harta regiunii punnd n eviden: locul accidentului, estimarea cantitii de gaz scpate, parametrii meteo n imediata apropiere a focarului, estimarea formei norului i viteza acestuia de deplasare. Subsistem Management Industrial este nucleul conducerii procesului industrial, informrii factorilor de decizie, creaz fluxurile de informaii. Aici funcioneaz pachetele de calcul al zestrei H2S, emisiei i dispersiei precum i programele de analiz i prognoz. S-a acordat o atenie deosebit realizrii funciilor de redundan pentru rezolvarea funcionrii degradate a sistemului, accesul operatorilor facndu-se parolat la diversele baze de date pariale sau globale ale sistemului i chiar la funciile de mentenan ale fiecarui subsistem.

sensors, the transmission of these informations to a dispatcher, their exposition and control in a database. The subsystem Transmissions to APM and IPC the data attained from the sensors trough acquisition and conditioning are transmitted in a specific way to the decission factors. The data that characterize the evolution of an eventually cloud gases are transmitted to the APM and IPC. These data are exposed on the region map and show: the accident place, the appreciation of the leach gase quantity, the broadcast parameters near the focus point, the appreciation of the cloud shape and his speed of spreading.. Subsystem Industrial Management it is the centre of the industrial process management, of the informing of the decission factors, it creates the tide streams of informations. Here functions the packages account of H2S, the emission and dispersion and also the analysis programs and the presage. It was given a precise atention to the performance of the redundant functions for the solving of the system avaraged functionin and the access of the operators was made using pasword at the partial database or at global ones of the system and also at the maintenance functions of each subsystem. The system that assures the object of the project: Monitoring and the control of the technologic process; the aquisition of the data, that come from the analysers, sensors, transducers and their processing; The framing of the measures between the technologic limits, the alarm in case of the overtaking of theese limits; The performance of the following broadcast and the specific reports; The detection, the supervision of the polluted agents leaches near the technologic instalations; The exposition of the measures from the dispatcher; The exposition is made as a synoptic scheme, virtual instruments and graphic registers of evolution on distinct periods of time; The performance of the following broadcast and the specific reports; The elaboration of synthesis reports using the data from the database and/or from the archives and their exposition on the display

Sistemul care face obiectul proiectului asigur: Monitorizarea i controlul procesului tehnologic; Achiziia datelor provenite de la analizoare, senzori, traductoare i prelucrarea lor; Incadrarea mrimilor ntre limite tehnologice, alarmare n cazul depirii acestor limite; Realizarea buletinului de urmrire i a raportrilor specifice; Detecie, supravegherea scprilor de substane poluante n vecintatea instalaiilor tehnologice; Prezentarea mrimilor achiziionate la dispecer; Prezentarea se face sub form de schem sinoptic, instrumente virtuale i inregistrri grafice de evoluie pe diverse perioade de timp; Realizarea buletinului de urmrire i a raportarilor specifice; Elaborarea de rapoarte de sintez utiliznd datele din baza de date i/sau din arhive i prezentarea lor pe display sau imprimant, cu posibilitatea completrii/modificrii lor de ctre utilizator;

Informarea factorilor de decizie n vederea lurii msurilor optime ce se impun; Managementul industrial corelat Urmrirea produciei; Administrarea, gestiunea sistemului; creterea siguranei de operare n condiii normale i de criz, randament tehnologic mrit (supravegherea de risc include supravegherea conformitii tehnologice); Sistemul unificat are rolul de a sprijini factorul uman n vederea lurii deciziilor optime pentru conducerea procesului tehnologic i n cadrul planului de alarm chimic prin punerea la dispoziie de informaii adecvate n format specific atribuiilor personalului i locului de munc.

or printer, with the posibility of their completing/ modification by the user; The informing of the decission factors regarding the best measures, that are imposed; The industrial correlative management The following of the production; The administration, the management of the system; The increasing of the safety operation in normal and crisis conditions, higher technologic rating (the supervision of the risk includes the supervision of the technologic conformity); The united system has the role of suporting the human factor regarding the best decissions for the management of the technologic process and in the plan of chimical alarm trough proper informations in a specific form for the personnels atributions and for the working place. The localization of the vulnerable points The overtaking of the normal intervals of variation of the parameters, that affect not only the izotopic process of separation declining the production of the instalation but also the safety of the functioning of the instalation, forwards they are exposed tipes of dangerous situations, that appear at the overtaking of these limits. The abruption of supply with electric energy is the worst event, in this situation the general chimical alarm is switch out. Not functioning of the Diesel groups of average impose that all the insulation taps with electric action will be closed by hand by the field operators. It can appear emissions of H2S trough the blocking of the consolidation pumps for the fluids. In case of spreading the steam of 30 ata termic expansion it leads to the opening of the safety vents and the ladling out of H2S at the average flare, which can be operable or can not at that moment. Trough the not stopping of the cooling water they can be formed crystal-hydrates. Subsystem Sensors area I and II / technologic process From the point of view of the architecture, the system is extended on a pattern of one suppling network of gears and microcomputers having at the base the technic account at the present standard levels for the revering of the quickly conditioning requirements of an important volume of informations, of the higher realiability of requirements and of the necessities of open access for the informatic system ROMAG.

Localizarea punctelor vulnerabile Depirea intervalelor normale de variaie a parametrilor afecteaz nu numai procesul de separare izotopic, scaznd producia instalaiei, ci i sigurana funcionrii instalaiei, n continuare se prezint tipuri de situaii periculoase care se creaz la depasirea acestor limite. ntreruperea alimentrii cu energie electric este evenimentul cel mai grav, n aceast situaie se declaneaz alarma chimica general. Neintrarea n funciune a grupurilor Diesel de avarie impune ca toate robinetele de izolare cu acionare electric s fie nchise manual, de ctre operatorii de cmp. Pot s apar emisii de H2S prin oprirea pompelor pentru fluide de etanare. n cazul neopririi aburului de 30 ata expansia termic duce la deschiderea supapelor de siguran i evacuarea H2S la facla de avarie, care poate s fie sau s nu fie operabil n acel moment. Prin neoprirea apei de racire n racitoare se pot forma cristalohidrai. Subsistem Senzori Zona I i II / Proces tehnologic Din punctul de vedere al arhitecturii, sitemul este dezvoltat pe modelul unei reele distribuite de echipamente i microcalculatoare avnd la baz tehnica de calcul la nivelul standardelor actuale pentru respectarea cerinelor de prelucrare rapid a unui volum important de informaii, a cerinelor de fiabilitate ridicat, i a necesitilor de acces deschis ctre 58 sistemul informatic ROMAG.

Subsistemul Senzori Zona I i II are rolul de monitorizare a concentraiilor de gaz scpate n interiorul instalaiilor tehnologice GS , depozit de H2S, precum i la sistemul de facle. Din punctul de vedere al locului i numrului de senzori alocai exist urmtoarele distribuii: n interiorul instalatiilor tehnologice (4 uniti GS, fiecare avnd n zona I cte 40 senzori cu celul de tip semiconductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S); n imediata apropiere a instalaiei tehnologice (4 uniti GS, fiecare avnd n zona II cte 19 senzori cu celul de tip semiconductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S); Sistemul de facle este supravegheat cu 4 senzori cu celul semiconductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S. Depozitul de H2S este supravegheat cu 35 senzori cu celul semiconductor,gama 0100 ppm H2S n jurul instalaiei tehnologice rolul centurii de stlpi este ca mpreun cu senzorii din zona I i II s poat da posibilitatea aproximrii ct mai exacte a locului eventualului accident i a cantitii de gaz scpate i trasarea conului de accident Schema blocului de achiziie SA este prezentat n fig.3.

The subsystem Sensors area I and II has the role of monitoring the leach gase concentrations from the interior of the technologic instalations GS , deposit of H2S, as also at the flare system. From the point of view of the place and number of allotered sensors there are the following distributions: In the interior of the technologic instalations (4 GS gears, each having in the area I 40 sensors gears, each having in the area I 40 sensors with cell tipe as semi conductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S); In the near close of the technologic instalation (4 GS gears, each having in the area II 19 sensors with cell tipe as semi conductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S); The flare system is supervised with 4 sensors with cell tipe as semi conductor, gama 0100 ppm H2S. The H2S deposit is supervised with 35 sensors with cell tipe as semi conductor,gama 0100 ppm H2S Around the technologic instalation is the role of the pillar girdle that together with the sensors from area I and II it can have the possibility of just approximation of the place of the eventually accident and of the leach gase quantity and the tracing of the accident angle The sketch of the acquisition block SA is exposed in fig.3.

Fig 3. Schema blocului de achiziie SA Fig 3 . The sketch of the acquisition block SA


Semnalele provenite de la senzorii de tip semiconductor sunt adaptate (i liniarizate) prin intermediul unui bloc electronic SA. Sistemul de monitorizare (SM) date este alctuit din 2 calculatoare ntr-o structur redundant. Blocul de achiziie date (SA) este alctuit dintr-un numar de sertare cu blocuri funcionale care asigur achiziia i prelucrarea datelor. Fiecare sertar este de fapt un sistem independent de achiziie i prelucrare date i cuprinde 10 module electronice cu cte 3 canale pentru adaptarea semnalelor de la senzori, un bloc multiplexare i achiziie date i o unitate central prevzut cu afiaj local, bloc de semnalizare, tastatur functional i ieire de comunicaie RS 485. Semnnalele provenite de la senzori sunt prelucrate de ctre echipamentele SA. Monitorizarea informaiilor obinute este realizat la mai multe nivele i anume: La nivelul Ob.304 se realizez monitorizarea pe 2 echipamente (cu rol in elaborarea jurnalului de bord i rularea programelor off line). Echipamentele permit vizualizarea concentraiilor de H2S sub form de scheme sinoptice, consultarea istoricelor de evenimente, a valorilor msurate, aciunilor de ntreinere, calibrare i asigur raportarea la imprimant a buletinului de urmrire; La nivelul Camerei de Comand Tehnologi din Ob.304 realizat pe 2 echipamente ce permit vizualizarea informaiilor concentraiilor de H2S sub form de scheme sinoptice, vizualizarea fcndu-se la un moment dat pentru dou instalaii GS aflate n funciune; La nivelul Dispecerului de Alarm Chimic Ob.908 pe terminalul deprtat TD2; La nivelul ISVSM pe echipamentele instalate la ef instalaie i la ef tur ISVSM; Echipamentele locale SA comunic cu nivelul superior SM, afioarele locale permit vizualizarea informaiei, mentenana i calibrarea senzorilor, controlul strii de funcionare a echipamentelor . Funcii ale pachetelor de programe specifice activitii de management al situaiilor de criz. Pachetele de programe specifice activitii de management al situaiilor de criz sunt elemente ale unui sistem informatic integrat care coroborat cu strategiile de aciune s duc la o gestiune corespunzatoare a riscului industrial astfel nct: S prentmpine riscul prin mentinerea

The signals from the tipe semi conductor sensors are adapted (and liniarized) trough one electronic block SA. The data monitoring system (SM) is composed from 2 computers in a redundant structure. The data acquisition block (SA) is composed from a number of drawers with functional blocks, which assure the acquisition and the data processing. Each drawer is in fact an independent system of acquisition and data processing and has 10 electronic modules each with 3 canals for the adaptation of the signals from the sensors, a multiplexing and data acquisition block and a central unit with local display, signalling block, functional keyboard and wayout from the communication RS 485. The signals from the sensors are woorked by the SA equipments. The monitoring of the attained informations is performed at more levels as follows: At level Ob.304 the monitoring is performed on 2 equipments (with the role for elaborating the logbook and the processing of the off line programs). The equipments allow the visualisation of the concentration of H2S as synoptic sketches, the consult of the events, of the measured values, of the maintenance actions and calibration and assure a report to the printer of the following broadcast; At the level of the technology controlroom from Ob.304 it is performed on 2 equipments that allow the visualisation of the concentrations of H2S as synoptic sketches and the visualisation is made at a precise time for two GS instalations, which are in function; At the level of the chimical alarm dispatcher Ob.908 on the remote terminal TD2; At the level ISVSM on installed equipments by the chef ISVSM; The SA local equipments communicate with the superior level SM, the local displays allow the visualisation of the informations, the persistance and the calibration of the sensors, the control of the functional state of the equipments. Functions for the program packages specific to the management activities of the crysis situations. The program packages specific to the management activities of the crysis situations are elements of an integrate informatic system, which have corroborated with the action strategies that can lead to a management according the industrial risk: To prevent the risk trough the

instalaiilor n limitele normal tehnologice de funcionare; S se urmreasc, n timp real, starea instalaiilor, utilitilor i consumurilor energetice din unitile surs toxic; S se monitorizeze scprile de substane toxice industriale la unitile sursa toxic i n zona afectat din jurul acestora; S se ofere informaii obiective i sigure factorilor de decizie n gestiunea accidentelor chimice datorat scprilor de substane toxice de la unitile surs toxic n vederea lurii rapide a unor decizii optime; S se prognozeze evoluia substanelor toxice eliberate n zonele contaminate.

maintenance of the instalations at normal functional technologic limits; To follow in real time the state of the instalations, of the utilities and of the energetic discharge from the units of toxic source; To monitor the leaching of the industrial toxic agents at the units of toxic source and the area around them; To offer objective and sure informations for the decission factors in the control of the chemical accidents because of the leach of toxic agents from the units of toxic source regarding a quickly taking of some best decissions; To presage the evolution of the toxic agents, that were spread in the fly-blown areas.

Program calcul zestre H2S, Programele ZEST1 i ZEST2, calculeaz zestrea de ap de proces i gaz umed, precum i zestrea de hidrogen sulfurat a incintelor izolabile automat din etajele 1, respectiv 2, detaliat pe utilajele componente, pentru fiecare modul GS. Zestrea de hidrogen sulfurat se calculeaz cunoscnd datele constructive ale componentelor instalaiei i parametrii de operare. Parametrii de operare sunt de 2 tipuri: cu afiare i/sau inregistrare n tabloul de comand i cu indicare local. O parte dintre cei indicai i/sau inregistrai n tabloul de comand sunt i monitorizai.

Account program H2S, The ZEST1 and ZEST2 programs calculate the quantity of water for process and wet gase and also the quantity of sulphured hydrogen of the automatic insulated places from levels 1, respectively 2, detalied on component gears, for each GS module. The quantity of sulphured hydrogen is calculated knowing the constructive data of the instalation components and the operating parameters. The operating parameters are of 2 tipes: with display and/or register in the controlboard and with local indication. A part of the ones mentioned and/or registered in the controlboard are also monitored.

Rezultatele calculelor sunt prezentate tabelat, pe incinte izolabile. Pentru fiecare utilaj component al unei incinte sunt prezentate continutul de faza lichid (apa de proces), faza gazoasa (H2S umed) precum i continutul de H2S. La sfaritul tabelului se afieaz coninutul total de H2S al incintei.

The results of the accounts are exposed in the table on insulated spaces. For every component gear of one space are exposed the content of liquid phase (the process water), the gassy phase (H2S umed) and also the content of H2S. At the end of the table is shown the total content of the H2S space.


Programe pentru calculul emisiilor Pe platformele industriale de concentrare izotopic a apei prin schimb chimic ap-hidrogen sulfurat H2S se gsete n faza gazoas, dizolvat n ap i lichefiat n depozit. Pentru caracterizarea emisiilor de H2S din instalaiile GS s-au realizat, 2 tipuri de programe de calcul: program de calcul pentru descrcarea H2S umed printr-o sprtur n zona cu faza gazoas i cu posibilitate de evacuare gaz la facl; program de calcul pentru descrcare ap de proces printr-o sprtur n zona ocupata de faza lichid i cu posibilitate de evacuare ap n vasele de depozitare i evacuare gaz la facl. Rezultatele calculelor se prezint tabelat i grafic. Tabelul conine datele de intrare i mrimi calculate: debite iniiale de descrcare, durata descrcrilor i cantitile totale descrcate. Variaia n timp a debitelor de descrcare, a cantitilor descrcate i a presiunii din interiorul vasului sunt prezentate grafic. Emisia de H2S n cazul descrcrii apei de proces se calculeaz considernd desorbie brusc H2S la trecerea de la presiunea din incinta avariat la presiunea atmosferic. Debitul i cantitatea descrcat local sunt foarte mici n comparaie cu debitul i cantitatea descrcat la facl. Presiunea n incinta avariat nu se modific vizibil dect dup descrcarea la facl. Acest tip de accident nu poate fi identificat n timp util dect de senzorii de msurare a concentraiei.

The programs for the emission account On the industrial platform of izotopic concentration of the water trough chemical change water sulphured hydrogen H2S is in gassy phase, disolved into the water and liquid in the deposit. For the characterization of the emissions of H2S from the GS instalations were performed 2 tipes of account programs: The account program for the discharge of H2S wet trough a leach in the area with the gassy phase and with the posibility of gase evacuation at the flare; The account program for the discharge water process trough a leach in the area with the liquid phase and with the posibility of evacuation of water in the basins for storage and evacuation of gase at the flare. The results of the accounts are exposed in a table and in a graphic way. The table has the data entrance and the calculated measures: initial debits of discharge,the duration of the discharges and the total discharged quantities. The variation in time of the debits for discharge, of the discharged quantities and of the pressure from the interior of the basin are graphic exposed. The emission of H2S in case of the discharging of the water process is calculated regarding sudden denuding H2S at the pass from the pressure from the avaraged space to the atmospheric pressure. The debit and the local discharged quantity are very low related to the debit and the discharged quantity at the flare. The pressure in the averaged space isnt visible modified only after the discharge at the flare. This kind of accident can not be identified in useful time only from the measure sensors of the concentration. Programs for the dispersion account For the dispersion account they were used Gauss patterns, for the sudden emissions (at the moment), whose duration is for a couple of minutes, and also for emission on longer time (hours, days), that are named perpetual emissions. The dispersion account imposes the knowing of the discharge conditions, of the weather conditions and of the area dimensions for which is calculated the pollutant concentration. The results of the dispersion account are graphic exposed, in 3 dimensions, representing for the sudden emission the variation in time of the concentration at the earth level, on the wind direction, and for the perpetual emission the variation of the concentration at the earth level,

Programe pentru calculul dispersiei Pentru calculul dispersiei au fost utilizate modele Gauss, att pentru emisii brute (instantanee), a cror durat este de cteva minute, ct i pentru emisii de durat mai mare (ore, zile), denumite emisii continue. Calculul dispersiei impune cunoaterea condiiilor de descrcare, a condiiilor meteo i a dimensiunilor zonei pentru care se calculeaz concentraia de poluant. Rezultatele calculelor de dispersie sunt prezentate grafic, n 3 dimensiuni, reprezentnd pentru emisia brusc variaia n timp a concentraiei la nivelul solului, pe direcia vntului, iar pentru emisia continu variaia concentraiei la nivelul solului, n plan orizontal.

In zona instalaiei ROMAG PROD clasa de stabilitate D (neutr) se regasete cu frecvena maxim pe directia V, pentru o vitez a vntului de 5 m/s. Pentru aceste condiii meteo se prezint rezultatele calculelor de dispersie pentru emisie brusc la ruperea unei conducte de 500 mm diametru. Punctul de emisie este la distanta de 2 m fa de sol. Calculele se fac pentru cantitatea total descarcat local, inainte i n timpul descrcrii la facl.

in horizontal plan. In the area of the instalation ROMAG PROD is retrieved D (neutral) with the maximum frequency on the wind direction, for a wind speed of 5 m/s. For these weather conditions the results of the dispersion accounts are exposed for the sudden emission at the brake of one pipe of 500 mm width. The emission point is at the distance of 2 m from the ground. The accounts are made for the total local discharged quantity, before and during the discharge at the flare.

C (mg/m3) 100000000 90000000 80000000 70000000 60000000 50000000 40000000 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 0 50 100 150 t (s) 200

0 500


C (mg/m3) 1200 1000 800 600


X (m)


4500 5000

5500 6000

X (m)




1060 t (s)


Figura 3.1 Dispersie emisie brusc Figure 3.1 Dispersion sudden emission

C (mg/m3) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
4000 0 1000


X (m)




3000 t (s)



Figura 3.2 Dispersie gaz la facla de avarie Figure 3.2 Gase dissipation at the flare

Durata descrcrii fiind sub 1 minut emisia este brusc. Figura 3.1a prezint din 5 in 5 secunde variaia concentraiei la nivelul solului, din 50 in 50 de m, pe directia vntului, pornind de la sursa de emisie. Fiind att de aproape de sursa, concentraiile de H2S sunt deosebit de mari. La distana de ~5000 m concentraia scade sub valoarea letal, 3000 mg/m3 (2000 ppm/m3), dup aproximativ 7 minute (fig. 3.1b). Descrcarea la facl reduce emisia local la jumatate din cantitatea existent iniial n incint. Figura 3.2 prezinta dispersia atmosferic a H2S, n situaia cea mai nefavorabil, absena flacrii la facla de avarie. Concentraiile la nivelul solului se situeaza sub 30 mg/m3, concentraia maxim admisibil fiind 15 mg/m3. Pentru aceleai condiii meteorologice ca la exemplele de calcul anterioare, se prezint rezultatele calculelor de dispersie pentru descrcare hidrogen sulfurat din incinta cu volum mare de gaz, printr-o sprtura de dimensiuni mici (O10 mm). Durata descrcrii fiind de 84 ore, se poate considera ca emisia este continu. Concentraiile cele mai mari sunt pe direcia vntului. Poziia concentraiei maxime este la ~ 50 m distanta fat de punctul de emisie i este sub valoarea letal (3000 mg/m3). Concentraiile scad pe msur ce crete distana fa de punctul de emisie i pe msur ce ne deprtm de direcia vntului (axa OX). La distane mai mari de 500 m (axa OX), toate concentraiile n plan orizontal sunt sub 30 mg/m3 (fig. 3.2b).

If the duration of the discharge is under 1 minute than the emission is sudden. The figure 3.1a exposes from 5 to 5 seconds the variation of the concentration at the earth level, from 50 to 50 m, on the wind direction, set in motion from the emission source. If they are so close to the source the concentrations of H2S are very high. At the distance of ~5000 m the concentration declines under the terminal value, 3000 mg/m3 (2000 ppm/m3), after cca. 7 minutes (fig. 3.1b). The discharge at the flare reduces the local emission to half from the initial existent quantity from the space. The figure 3.2 exposes the atmospheric dispersion of H2S, in the most unfavorable situation, the absence of the flame to the average flare. The concentrations the earth level are situated under 30 mg/m3, and the maximum concentration is 15 mg/m3. For the same weather conditions as the anterior accounts exemples they are exposed the results of the dispersion accounts for the discharge of the sulphured hydrogen from the space with the higher volume of gase trough a leach of small dimensions (O10 mm). The duration of the discharge is of 84 hours, and it can be considered that the emission is perpetual. The highest concentrations are on the wind direction. The position of the maximum concentration is at ~ 50 m distance from the emission point and is under the terminal value (3000 mg/m3). The concentrations decline at time the distance increases from the emission point and if we are appart from the wind direction (OX axes). At the distances bigger than 500 m (OX axes), all the concentrations from horizontal plan are under 30 mg/m3 (fig. 3.2b).




[1] American National Standard Institute Table Standard 2531 1967 [2] Gas processors associations Plant operation test manual C1 [3] Gabriel Vladut, M Ionica Analitic sensors, systems for environment pollution control ICI Bucharest, 95 [4] Zadeh, L. (1994). Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Soft Computing. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, pp. 77-82. [5] Gabriel Vladut, Camelia Cojocaru; Conferinta Internationala Progess in Criogenics and Izotopes Separation ICSI, 17-18.10.2003

[1] American National Standard Institute Table Standard 2531 1967 [2] Gas processors associations - Plant operation tst manual C1 [3] Gabriel Vladut, M Ionica - Analitic sensors, systems for environment pollution control ICI Bucharest, 95 [4] Zadeh, L. (1994). Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Soft Computing. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, pp. 77-82. [5] Gabriel Vladut, Camelia Cojocaru; Conferinta Internationala Progess in Criogenics

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and Izotopes Separation ICSI, 17-18.10.2003 Caciulata, Romania: Noi metode si sisteme pentru protectia mediului si reducerea riscului tehnologic [6] Croitoru C., Pop F. - Programe pentru calculul zestrei de hidrogen sulfurat din instalatie si pentru calculul emisiei si al dispersiei, raport stiintific, 10932/19.08.2004, INC-DTCI ICSI Rm. Valcea [7] Plan alarma chimica al ROMAG Drobeta, 1994 ; 2004 [8] Croitoru C, Dumitrescu M., Titescu Gh. Analiza si evaluarea de risc in vederea actualizarii planului de urgenta la ROMAG, - Stabilirea listei evenimentelor de initiere, Contract C-D Nr. 2034/1995 CITON, Act aditional nr. 1/1995 1995 [9] Neuburg H. J., Atherley J. F., Walker L. G. - Girdler - Sulfide Process Phisical Properties, AECL - 5702, Chalk River, Ontario, May 1977 [10] Ileana Hamburg, Gabriel Vladut, Stefan Balanica Real Time Environment monitoring Centre IFAC Hong Kong 2001 [11] Ileana Hamburg, Gabriel Vladut, E-Learning and knowledge as components of E-business strategies in companies - Bucuresti, E-COMM Line, Conferinta Internationala 2001. [12] Gabriel Vladut, Environment on line monitoring and distributed computing activity, Simpozion METSIM, Bucuresti 2002, *IPA CIFATT Craiova, e-mail:; **ICSI Rmnicu Vlcea, e-mail: ***RAAN Romag Prod Drobeta Turnu Severin, e-mail:


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