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There are several reasons and factors that resulted in Hitler becoming a total dictator by 1934.

These factors include the creation of a common enemy, the use of propaganda, playing on the guilt of Treaty of Versailles and crushing whoever stood in his way. All these factors ultimately contributed towards Hitler ascending to the total dictatorship by 1934 and in this essay it will analyze what these factors are and why they resulted in him becoming the dictator of Germany. Firstly, the crushing of his opponent has got rid of the primary obstacles that kept him from being the dictator of Germany. His private Nazi army was called the SA (Sturm Abteilungen) and they beat other party members up in broad daylight. They also killed whoever opposed him and eventually burnt the Reichstag (Parliament). All these events created fear, and proved Hitler to be a man of action, who stood up for his beliefs and never backed down. This is why people who opposed him either got crushed, or eventually changed sides. Oppositions gone, Hitler is well on his road to being the dictator of Germany by 1934. Secondly, the factor of Treaty of Versailles. Hitler totally hated it. He ignored it on purpose and stopped enforcing it by 1934 and started breaking the articles in the treaty. By the end of 1934, he started to build an army publicly. The German society loved this. They wanted a strong, charismatic and decisive leader who can lift their guilt of being blamed as the country who started in WWI. This is the second factor that resulted Hitler being the dictator by 1934, with the wholehearted support from the public. Thirdly, one of the major factors that contributed towards Hitler becoming the dictator is the use of propaganda. The person who helped Hitler is called Josef Goebbels also known as the Poison Dwarf, who was the head of Ministry of Propaganda. He controlled the minds of the people by feeding them twisted truth and sometimes outright lies through art, posters, news and radios. For example, telling the Germans that they are the rulers of the tribes and better known as the true Aryans. This changed people's perspectives and soon German society only had Nazi and patriotic ideas in their heads and they only answered to Hitler This is one of the reasons why Hitler became the Dictator of Germany by 1934, through the use of propaganda. Finally, the last major reason that resulted in Hitler's totalitarianism by 1934 and this is the creation of a common enemy. For thousands of years, Jews have been exiled everywhere and were known as the Killers of Christ. Same thing happened in Germany. Hitler made Germans feel superior over the Jews and used them as scapegoats. Since the Jews were such a minority of the country, the people of Germany accepted that they were truly better than the Jews. They were also blamed for economy and democracy failures. Hitler did it so perfectly that he directly made Jews the bad guys while indirectly exerting control over the German Society. In conclusion, there are several factors that resulted in Hitler's dictatorship by 1934 and these include : crushing his opponent, Treaty of Versailles, use of propaganda and the creation of a common enemy. These factors changed the German society and all contributed to Hitler

becoming a totalitarian dictator who wields enormous power and is ready to prepare for the coming Great WWII.

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