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1999 CE RS

6. (a) Mention FOUR different speculative ways in which people in Hong Kong try to make a quick profit.
Explain how each of these ways could go against a Biblical teaching. (Do not repeat your answers.)
(b) What attitudes should a Christian have towards
(i) earning money and
(ii) spending it? (8 marks)
[Do not repeat your answers in (a).]

6. (a) Ways in which people in Hong Kong try to make a quick profit:

Example Biblical teachings

Speculate activities: - such accumulation of processions may go against teaching in Mark

10:22-23: our love of money will often prevent us from seeing that we
Buying First Day Covers, are not putting God as the most important one in our lives

special MTR tickets, - encourages selfishness and greediness that are condemned by the Bible
stocks and shares, (Eph 5:6)
queuing up to buy - money and processions are temporary – we should be aware that our
snoopy toys etc. with a life on earth can end at any minute, we may have neglected our family,
view to resell at inflated friends, our own life just to get more money and to the end it will be
prices with nothing. This is not true rich in God’s sight (Luck 12:16-21)
- much time is wasted queuing up for things. This is not in accordance
with the teaching in Eph 5:15-17: making good use of time
- an eternal benefit is gained (1 Tim 6:9-10): man could be trapped in
greedy desire and forsake their faith

Gambling - relying on luck to get money is a lazy and irresponsible way of getting
money (Prov 6:6-11)

- they may neglect provision for family through work (1 Tim 5:8)
- some places where people gamble are often frequented by criminals
and people who are not respectable. These are not good places to visit.
1 Cor 15:33: not to associate with bad elements

or any other reasonable answer (1 mark for example, 2 marks for explaining Biblical teachings)
(any 4 × 3 marks)

(b) (i) The way we earn money should be in accordance with Biblical principles:
- we should do our jobs to the best of our ability
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or don’t look yourself better than you are: so don’t expect to earn money more than you can exactly
earn, or much far behind your effort
- we should not cheat our employers by telling lies about the hours we work
- as employers we should pay fair wages on time
- we should not work in companies that sell counterfeit goods, pornography or things that are illegal.
Earn in equal way.
or any reasonable answer (any 2 × 2 marks)
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(ii) The way we spend money should be in accordance with Biblical principles:
- all the things we have, have been given by God, not ours ‘by right’, we should be willing to share
with others in need
- some of our earnings should be given to the church for her ministry (e.g. to help needy people in /
outside our own community)
- we should look after the money we have for our own use, make proper provision for our future,
elderly parents etc.
or any other reasonable answers (any 2 × 2 marks)

7. Nowadays there are many elderly people in Hong Kong. According to the teaching of the Bible, explain how
(a) (i) members of a Christian family, and (8 marks)
(ii) the Christian Church (9 marks)
should be responsible for their care?
(b) Suggest THREE ways by which the government social services could improve their care of the elderly.
(3 marks)
7. (a) (i) Members of a Christian family should:
- make proper provision for elderly by arranging to send money
or take care of their elderly parents so that they are not a burden to others (1 Tim 5:16)
- making sure that their parents are proud of them because of their righteousness and wisdom / make
their elderly parents happy (Prov 23:22, 24-25)
- show respect / honour / appreciation to them (Lev 19:32)
- as God promised not to forsake us when we are old we have to do the same thing to our elderly
family member (Isaiah 46:3-4)
- teach our children their obligations to respect them and take care of them (Ruth 4:13-15 / Tim 5:4-
or any other reasonable answer (1 mark for the way, 1 mark for the Biblical teaching)
(any 4 × 2 marks)
(ii) The Christian church should:
- obey Jesus’ teaching about love your neighbour (Luke 10:25-37) – be on the look out for any
elderly who are lonely, ill, in need, in any way should be supportive
- provide opportunity for continued spiritual growth to the older members, e.g. visits by pastors,
provision of taped sermons, book loan, opportunities for Bible study, prayer etc. (Mt 28:16-20)*
- support those elderly people who do not have their offsprings’ provision (1 Tim 5:16)
- preach to those elderly non-believer, it is especially important / urgent since they are naturally
close to the end of their lives (e.g. Mk 19:15)
or any other reasonable answer
* part of the answer is not in the syllabus is acceptable
(2 marks for the way, 1 mark for the Biblical teaching)
(any 3 × 3 marks)
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(N.B. Candidates must mention practical way in which the Christian church could look after the elderly,
otherwise minus 1 mark)
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(b) Government social services:

- should co-operate with Churches and others to provide care for the elderly
- should be sensitive when placing the elderly in new housing (not move them far away from their
original homes so that their community life is destroyed)
- should make sure that in times of economic difficulty the cash benefits to the elderly are not
- should take care to inspect homes for the elderly to make sure there are proper facilities and trained
staff to care for the elderly
- should actively seek to arouse public awareness of their responsibility to the older members of the
community (TV, advertisements, posters, school visits)
or any other reasonable answer
(Note: Answers like give them more money, give them more housing … could at most count as 1 answer)
(any 3 × 1 mark)
8. (a) Name FOUR different things a person might consider when deciding what job to take. (4 marks)
(b) What Biblical values should a Christian think about when choosing a job? (12 marks)
(c) When seeking a job should a Christian first consider offers from Christian organizations? Explain your
answer. (4 marks)

8. (a) A person might consider when deciding what job to take:
- suitability of work for physical capabilities or academic standards / interests
- salary fair? adequate for family need?
- distance of job from home
- convenient working hours (e.g. fit in with family responsibilities)
- opportunities for promotion
- whether company is a reputable one and has sound business management
or any other reasonable answer (any 4 × 1 mark)

(b) Biblical values a Christian should think about when choosing a job:
- whether the job will make maximum use of the gifts and that God has given him / her (Mt 25:14-
30, making good use of our gifts)
- whether the company has a good moral standard / with respected management
- whether work required of him / her will compromise any Christian beliefs and standards he / she
- whether it is what God wants him / her to do (John 4:34, act according to God’s will)
- whether the goods and services offered to customers are harmful in any way (e.g. working in
company which produces cigarette, pornographic magazines, …)
- whether the job provides opportunity to preach the Gospel
- whether the job can benefit the people in need (Lk 10:25-37, love your neighbour)
- whether the job is so demanding that once employed he / she will have no time to go to church
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or any other reasonable answer (any 6 × 2 marks)

(c) When seeking a job should a Christian first consider offers from Christian organizations?
YES - Christians should work together as they have common beliefs
- can provide a good witness to community e.g. by dealing fairly, honestly…
- they will not put themselves into position when they will be tempted to do wrong
- they should give their whole lives to God by working in the church etc…
OR NO - Christians are told to go out into the world to proclaim the good news
- usually they would be able to earn more in the commercial sector and then would be able to
use the money to help the church etc.
- not everyone has the call to be a full-time worker in the church
or any reasonable answers (any 2 × 2 marks)
9. You have been asked to take part in a Christian Association debate on whether the death penalty should be used
for serious crimes.
(a) Give FOUR Biblical reasons which support using the death penalty. (8 marks)
(b) Give FOUR Biblical reasons against using the death penalty. (8 marks)
(c) Is life imprisonment a good alternative to using the death penalty? Give TWO reasons to explain your
answer. (4 marks)

9. (a) Biblical reasons for death penalty:
- it is one of the Commandments of the Lord (Exodus 21:12-17)
- justice can be done (Exodus 21:20-26)
- murderers should be killed as they kill other people who are created in the image of God (Gen 9:6)
- the principle of repayment in kind, a life for a life (Lev 24:19-21)
- punishment of ‘a life for life’ acts as a deterrent for would be murderers (Deut 19:19-21)*
or any other reasonable answers (any 4 × 2 marks)

(b) Biblical reasons arguing against death penalty:

- we should not repay evil with evil (Roman 12:19-21)
- Jesus forgave sinners and gave them a chance to repent (e.g. the woman caught in adultery)
- the right to give and take life belongs to God, not to men (Ezekiel 18:4)*
- Jesus taught us to love our neighbours and our elements, therefore we should not kill any of them
(Matt 5:44)
- the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exodus 20:13) should be observed*
- Jesus said we should forgave people who do wrong against up to 70 × 7 times (Matt 18:22)*
- if a person repents he can repay society which is much more desirable than having him killed
or any other reasonable answer (any 4 × 2 marks)
* These references are not in the syllabus but may be accepted
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(c) Is life imprisonment a good alternative to using the death penalty?

YES - they still have a chance to appeal when new and favourable evidences come up
- to deter serious crime without killing
- sometimes people who are sentenced to life imprisonment can be released from prison and
this provides them an opportunity to start a new life after a considerable period of
- the principle of retribution can be maintained without another death
or any other reasonable answer (any 2 × 2 marks)

OR NO - a life for a life is the only just punishment for the serious crime of murder
- it costs the community too much to keep murderers in prison for life
- life imprisonment is just as inhumane as capital punishment
- imprisonment cannot deter serious crime, some criminals may even think that he cost is low
for committing serious crimes, such as murder
or any other reasonable answer (any 2 × 2 marks)


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