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Minitab Commands

Display Data Numerically and Visually

Counts/Per Cents Two-Way Table Stat>Tables>Tally specify a categorical variable and check counts and/or per cents Stat>Tables>Cross Tablulation specify the two categorical variables and check desired counts and per cents (row, column, totals) Graph > Pie Chart Graph > Bar Chart

Pie Chart Bar Chart

Summary Stats Stem and Leaf Plot Histogram Time Series Box Plot Scatter Plot Scatter Plot Grouped Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics Graph > Stemplot

Graph > Histogram Graph > Time Series Plot Graph > Box Plot Graph > Plot (y is response variable, x is explanatory variable) Graph > Scatter Plot (y is response variable, x is explanatory variable) If you want separate symbols for different categories (e.g. M & F), Display Symbol For Each Group Group Variable Your category variable

Scatter Plot Smoothed Histogram with superimposed normal curve Graphical display of summary statistics Convert column to standardized variables

Graph > Plot (y is response variable, x is explanatory variable) Grouped or not; Set Display to Lowess Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics > Graph > Histogram of Data with Normal Curve

Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics > Graph > Graphical Summary

Calc > Standardize

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Minitab Commands

Given a value x, find proportion less than x Given a proportion, find value that determines that proportion Scatter Plot

Calc > Probability Distributions > Normal > Cumulative Probability (set mean, s.d., x value) Calc > Probability Distributions > Normal > Inverse Cumulative Probability (set mean, s.d., p value)

Graph > Plot >

Calculate, Manipulate, and Misc

Calculate products of entries in two columns Find sum of column entries Load and run a macro Calc > Calculator, put in, e.g. C1 * C2

Calc > Column Statistics > Sum

File > Other Files > Run an Exec Put number of times in Number of Times to Execute Select Fileload the .mtb file you want.

Find mean of each row Generate random data from a normal distribution Stack Columns Save several graphs to print in a report

Calc -> Row Statistics.Select "Mean";

Calc -> Random Data -> Normal To generate 20 columns and 50 rows, generate 50 rows of data, store results in C1-C20 Set m and s Manip -> Stack/UnStack 1. 2. 3. 4. Right click on graph, click on Append to Report Repeat this step for each graph When done, use the Window menu to go to Project Manager In Project Manager, click on Report Pad Your graphs are all there. You can type right in the Report Pad or cut and paste from the Session window. 5. While Report Pad is highlighted, use the File Menu to Save Report Pad. This saves the Report as an RTF file. 6. In Word, open the file you saved by setting the file type to Rich Text Format or RTF. Then you can edit and save as a Word file.

Construct Z confidence intervals: Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 1-Sample Z Use, e.g.C1-C20 as Variables, enter 100 for Sigma Hit "Options" to specify a confidence level

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Minitab Commands

Perform Z-test for mean

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 1-Sample Z Enter variable, sigma (s) and test mean (=mn) Options: specify greater than, not equal to, or less than for Ha Output:Z = test statistic and p = p-value

Calculate Power at a specific value or sample size or difference to detect value for Z-test

Stat ->Power and Sample Size -> 1-Sample Z Enter two of: Sample size, Difference from mean you want to detect, Power level (in decimal) Enter Sigmavalue Options: specify greater than, not equal to, or less than for Ha, significance level (For trial and error investigation of different sample sizes or differences, store Sample Sizes, Differences, and Power Values in (for example) C1, C2, C3)

Calculate Probability of Type II Error at a specific value for Z-test

Stat ->Power and Sample Size -> 1-Sample Z Enter Sample size, Difference from population mean, Sigma Options: specify greater than, not equal to, or less than for Ha, significance level Probability of Type II Error is 1 - Power

Given a value t, find probability of a reading less than x in t-distribution (i.e. find p-value, given t) Given a probability, find t-value that determines that probability Construct t confidence intervals: Calc > Probability Distributions > t > Cumulative Probability (set d.f., put t into input constant box)

Calc > Probability Distributions > t > Inverse Cumulative Probability (set d.f., put p value into input constant box (using decimals, so 90% would be entered as .9) (This value is T such that the Pr(x < =T) = p-value) Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 1-Sample t Enter variable(s) Options: specify a confidence level

Perform t-test for mean

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 1-Sample t Enter variable, test mean (=mn) Options: specify greater than, not equal to, or less than for Ha Output:t = test statistic and p = p-value

Construct matched pairs t

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> Paired t

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Minitab Commands

confidence intervals:

Enter first and second variables Options: specify a confidence level

Perform matched pairs t-test for differences of means

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> Paired t Enter first and second variables Options: specify a confidence level, difference mean, direction forHa Output:t = test statistic and p = p-value

Construct 2-sample t confidence intervals:

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 2-Sample t If both samples are in one column, enter sample and subscript names If samples in different columns, enter first and second variables Options: Specify alternative and confidence level

Perform 2-sample t-test for difference of means

Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 2-Sample t If both samples are in one column, enter sample and subscript names If samples in different columns, enter first and second variables Options: specify a confidence level, test mean, alternative Output:t = test statistic and p = p-value

Proportion Tests
Construct confidence interval, perform z-test for proportion Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 1 Proportion If you have the data in a column, check Samples in columns: enter column If not, check Summarized data, enter total number of trials and number of successes Options: Check Use test and interval based on normal distribution Specify a confidence level, test proportion (p0,) correct alternative Construct confidence interval, perform z-test for difference of proportions Stat -> Basic Statistics -> 2 Proportions If both samples are in one column, enter sample and subscript names If samples in different columns, enter first and second variables Options: Use test and interval based on normal distribution Specify a confidence level, test difference, correct alternative

Chi Square Tests

Chi-Square Test the raw data in columns Chi-Square Test given a table of observed totals Stat > Tables > Cross Tabulation. Select the column names you will compare. Check Chi-Square analysis, and select Above and expected count. Enter the table of observed values in columns of a new worksheet. Stat>Tables>Chi-Square Test

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Minitab Commands

Enter the columns that your observed values are in

Anova tests
Perform ANOVA test on 2 or more means, where samples are in different columns Perform ANOVA test on 2 or more means, where samples are in same column with another column used as sorting variable If p-value is significant, check individual comparisons Bar chart of means Stat -> ANOVA -> 1-way unstacked Use column names as response variables

Stat -> ANOVA -> 1-way stacked Use column name as response variable, Sorting column name as Factor variable

Stat -> ANOVA -> 1-way stacked-> Comparisons -> Tukey Put in family error rate (often 5%).Look for confidence intervals that include 0.

Graph -> Chart -> Function: Mean Y=data variable, X=sorting variable Right click -> Edit to type letters above bar charts to show relationships

Correlation and Regression

Find Correlation Find Regression information Plot a regression line Make prediction and inferences for prediction Stat > Basic Statistics > Correlation Stat > Regression > Regression Use Storage > Residuals if you want to save the residuals into a new column Stat > Regression > Fitted Line Plot >Linear Use Storage > Residuals if you want to save the residuals into a new column Stat -> Regression -> Regression Hit Options, and put value in prediction intervals for new observations. If, for example, you enter 10000, this produces a confidence interval for the mean response for all individuals with x=10,000 and a prediction interval for the response of a single individual when x=10,000).


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Minitab Commands



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