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* “0 natns 1 RESTRICTED Pysp3cee Pa SolueTons Waris | Tena 5+ (a) Area of oanc = 1710? x 1007 IM ~ 87.27 (core. to 2 dup.) (or #728) | 14 (b) Area of A OAC = 4X 10 X 10 x einioo® rt | & = hac = 49.24 (corr. to 2 d.p.) 1a “| = 3 x 15.3209 x 6.6279 fe 3 = 49.26 (c) Area of minor segment ABC : em —. 8727 = A924 ee eeeeeteceeeeeeee IM = 38.03 (corr. to 2 dup.) (or 38.04) A o |_|
10 4 - c cr 2 5 Teal = 5 logs = a (a) 10g18 = log 2x3? 1A | For 18 = 2x 32 = log? + log}? ) “tt ™ |) 1ogab = 1ogatlogb or = log 2+ 2log3 ) ) loga? = 2loga = rts ieee 1A (b) 1015 = 1og3xs = log3 + logs 10 5 = 10 = 20 1og3 + 1og 19 1a | For 5 = 23 or 15 = 30 = 1og3 + 10g10 - 10g2 A sl-rts. 1A aces — 7. “(ay The coordinates of the centre are given by 1% b A Cry (b) As C touches the y-axis, oR its radius = oe IM+1A] Subs. (0, -5) in 25-50+k=0 4+25 -k = 22 in k= 25 1A rele x k= 25 1A w2 a tee 1A wR Put x = 0, y? + loy+k=0 has equal roots. 1M 100 - 4k = 0 k= 25 iv rete. —— RESTRICTED Puapscee 88 Maths 1 : athe - RESTRICTED Wahscee BS Solutions Yarks| anarke 8 @) a A f ABCD in order 1 | For P 1 | For Q (between D, C) dD a c (44) Since A PBC 4s equilateral, 4 PBC = 60° Follow through even i dfagran not accurate LABP = 90° ~ 60° = 30° eeeeeeeeeee a As BA= BP, Z PAB = 4 (180° ~ 30°) 1M or equivalent = 15° 1a | oR Since AB // DC, LPqc = 180° ~ 75° wm: | Crap = 15° LQ = 90+ 1S = 105° 1A = 105° Lu (b) (4) OTB is similar to A ACT because 1 4 4s connon. BIC = 4BAT (angle in alternate segment) | 1 | Indication of 2 pairs of equal angles. Witl held 4f proving con gruence. ap 8-2. 14 | Follow through even . if (b)(4) wrong. 2 ac=£=72 A J.B 72-5 L =22 (24) A : = T A B c RESTRICTED MUSb3ct+ see I cy NAD SCE a Solutions Tarks Remarks (a) Between 100 and 999, the smallest multiple of 7 is 105, 1A the largest is 994, a_| 4 (b) The number of multiples is BAR 105 2M | OR 994= 105 + (n-1) x 7 = 128 WN The sum of these multiples = 105+ 112+ 4 994 ~ 38 105 + 994) = 70336 () The sum of a11 positive 3-digit integers = 100 + 101 +... + 999 = 299 t100 + 999) = 494,550 1A The required sum = 494,550 ~ 70,336 iM = 424,216 JA —= RESTRICTED yapscee

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