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来自檀香树 王国 为光之语透过以太管道来维持 PH 值平衡及健康而祝福 2007-2-23

From the Sandalwood Trees

Blessings for Movement of the Language of Light through the

Etheric Vessel to Balance the pH for Health

为光 之语的 运动通 过以太 体去平 衡 PH/健康 而祝福
The Sandalwood Tree Species through Karen Danrich "Mila" February 23, 2007
檀香木物种透过 Karen Danrich "Mila"而传递,2007 年 2 月 23 日

Translated by 蓝翼天心 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,

It is the Sandalwood Tree Kingdom that greets you today.

Sandalwood is an aromatic tree that has been used heavily
in the East as a form of incense as well as for carved
artwork and interior décor. One of Mila’s favorite incense is
of fine sandalwood that is spiraled so that a single stick
burns for many hours. The aroma is most intoxicating as
well as purifying in nature. Why is sandalwood such a
popular incense? Our kingdom holds illumination for the
visionary void of the Earth Mother. As sandalwood is
ignited creating a lovely smelling smoke, it also allows for illumination of one’s field as to
the patterns that one is transcending in ascension.

于雕刻艺术和室内装饰。Mila 最喜欢的熏香之一,就是一种盘旋状的优质檀香,一根就可以

Sandalwood was one of Buddha’s favorite wood for his fire as well as for carvings of
many artisans that came to be with him over time. Later the idea of taking the dust from
the sandalwood carvings and creating incense from it by rolling it together with other
essential oils occurred. This is the origins of incense from the sawdust of many trees in
present time. Mila not only enjoys burning sandalwood incense today, but also pine,
cedar, and sage as well. Each tree kingdom can provide unique support via incense of
those who are ascending.

制起来成为香料。这就是今天从很多树木的锯屑中制造香料的起源。今天,Mila 不仅喜爱燃

Burning sandalwood will illuminate one’s thought-form in need of transcendence. Burning

pine will provide a gateway into the void of infinite possibility so that one may more
clearly direct one’s dream in a manner that supports and sustains ascension. Burning
cedar wood will provide clarity of the karmic dance that one may be facing with others.
Perhaps it is for this reason that Mila burns a lot of cedar wood incense at her events.
Burning sage will allow for the release of denser tones of vibration and the entities that
accompany them. Burning sweet grass will allow one to understand what has happened
to distort one’s consciousness so that one may rectify it.

对你所面对的、与别人业力之舞的清晰了解;也许正是因为这一原因,在举办的活动中 Mila

Mila is also fond of burning tree resins such as frankincense, myrrh and forest resins
from pine trees. Tree resins provide access to the void of infinite possibility for the
purposes of dream weaving; they also aid the ascending field in spinning with greater
ease allowing one to spin off the density that one is clearing in the moment. Generally on
the tough days of clearing towards the end of any event, Mila burns as lot of tree resins
as a result to aid her group in spinning off the density that they are clearing in the
moment. Over time Mila has learned to gathers her forest resins on her own and during
her many trips to the Canadian Rocky Mountains or Mountainous regions of Montana.
The forest resins anchor the consciousness of the forest right into the meeting hall which
has a very soothing affect upon the group energy flow.

Mila 也喜欢点燃树脂,如乳香、没药和来自松林的森林树脂。树脂为梦想编织的目的而提供
要清除的致密。一般而言,任何活动中在直到结束时的艰难清理日子里,Mila 会燃烧大量树
脂,作为来帮她团队旋离他们在当前所清理致密的方法。在时间的流逝中,Mila 已学会在前
Any forest will have some trees that are
prolific at offering resins or sap. A long as
one gathers the sap in honor and
agreement, the trees are happy to share of
their resin for your purification; we just
request that you exchange blessings of love
with us in your gathering. Resin trees
provide the “blood” of the forest. What is the
blood of the forest? The blood of the forest provides a gateway for the water element to
provide the necessary water through lakes, streams, rainfall or mist and fog for all trees
in the associated forest to grow. If there are not enough trees that produce resin, then the
forest will lack in water element and begin to die. This is occurring in many forests today
due to pollution of mankind primarily.


How does pollution affect forests? Some are aware of “acid rain” that causes trees and
other plant life to die. Acid rain is from certain pollutants in the air that create acidic toxins
that then gather as the rain falls; and the trees and other plant life then absorb the toxins
via the root system and begin to become ill and die. Why do plants and trees die in an
overly acidic environment? Primarily this has to do with how acid burns the veins of the
leaves of the plants and trees. The veins in all leaves are very fragile; it does not require
too much acid to burn the veins to a point that they can no longer carry sugar back to the
trunk following photosynthesis. This is why forests begin to die due to an overly acidic
environment caused by human pollutants or acid rain.


Plants and trees have a certain pH balance that is required to sustain life. If the pH
becomes overly basic on the other hand, disease sets in such as fungus, beetles or
viruses of one sort or another. This is due to a lack of the right amount of acid that
actually serves to destroy the fungus, beetles or viruses that could attack the trees. In the
Canadian Rockies at this time in which many a forest is suffering from Pine Beetles, the
problem is an overly basic condition that then leads to infection of the trees.
植物和树木都具有一种特定的 PH 平衡值,那是维持生命所必须的。另一方面,如果 PH 值
基山脉,不少森林正在遭受松树甲虫( Pine Beetles)的危害,其问题就在于过碱的环境

Where is the cause of the overly basic system? There are many refineries and paper
mills within a few hundred kilometers of the Canadian Rockies. Both the refineries and
paper mills provide an emission that is highly basic. As this enters the air, it causes the
substances that are basic to enter the rainfall and water supplies, and the trees of the
forests absorb this substance through the roots. The trees then weaken as they have not
enough acid to protect themselves from disease, and become sick. One can think of
basic substances as equivalent to the failure of the human immune system leading to
many diseases that destroy the physical vessel.


There are yet other places such as vast forested regions in Russia that have also died.
Mila read not too long ago upon the BBC news about a once very large and lush forest in
Russia having become one of the first manmade deserts. The cause was large nickel
plants that harvested this metal and then processed it for use in human technology. The
emissions of the nickel processing plants created so much acid that entire forests
encompassing thousands of acres of land have died nearby over time. The city
surrounding the nickel plants are lush and beautiful however; this is because the
processing plants were constructed specifically to blow the toxic emissions down river
and into the forests. The acid absorbed by the trees causes the veins of the leaves to
burn up; the leaves die and the tree ceases to be capable of gathering sugar through
photosynthesis as there are no leaves to do so. This is how many large forests have
completely died in Russia.

也有其它地方如俄罗斯的大片森林地带,已经死亡。就在不太久之前 Mila 在 BBC 新闻上阅


Humans are also affected in a negative manner by overly basic or acidic environments
and water supply as well as food supply. Humans have begun to recognize this truth and
understand that all disease may begin with an overly basic or acidic bloodstream. The
underlying cause is environmental through air borne toxins as well as toxins in the water
supply or food supply. What causes an over acidic water supply? Much as the problem
with acid rain and how it destroys the plants, regions with large numbers of industrial
plants will create airborne as well as water based toxins that are heavily acidic.


As humans living nearby breathe in the toxins from the air and drink the toxins from the
local water supply, they begin to absorb so much acid that it too begins to destroy the
blood vessels and cells. Too much acid in the blood supply will eat holes in the cellular
structure and veins and arteries of the body leading to disease. What kinds of disease
come from an overly acidic system? Cancer is one of the main diseases from an overly
acidic internal environment.


The acid that creates cancer begins to dissolve the cells and walls and lining of the
arteries and veins creating pus. The pus will gather where the body is the weakest, and if
this is surrounding a particular organ or gland such as the pancreas, liver, spleen or gall
bladder, cancer will develop. Cancer is the result of suffocation of the cells due to too
much mucous present such that the cells cannot feed upon the sugar and oxygen that
they require to subsist nor detoxify of their wastes. Cancer is the result of many sick and
dying cells due to excessive mucous that suffocates their existence.


Cancerous growths such as tumors and fibroids are the result also of the suffocation of
the cells such that the space between the cells begins to procreate en mass. If cells do
not retain their health continuing to grow and regenerate, the space between the cells
can begin to over-grow instead. This is what cancerous growths are made of, excessive
space between materials that are a kind of glue that is designed to hold cells together. It
is for this reason that cancerous tumors are often hardened masses in nature.
肿瘤增生(cancerous growths)如肿瘤和纤维瘤,也是细胞窒息,从而导致细胞之间的体

Mila had many cancerous growths in her uterus at another time in her ascent. This was
the result many patterns including an overly acidic system from over consumption of
certain vitamins that were stored in the fat of the abdomen. Over time as all the fat was
reconstructed to a different format of crystalline biology, all the overly acidic nutrients
stored therein were eliminated, and this was a part of the process of the return to health
for this region of her body. It is also for this reason that Mila does not advocate the
consumption of high dosages of vitamins or minerals as they can be very toxic to an
ascending body leading to disease. Instead herbs are suggested as they supply some of
each nutrient but not so much that the body may store nutrients that then become
detrimental to a given region in the ascent ahead.

Mila 有一提升时期在子宫里生长了许多肿瘤。这是由许多模式所引起的,包括因过度食用某
是她身体该部分得以康复的一部分过程。也正是因为这一原因,Mila 并不提倡人们食用高剂
量的维他命或矿物,因为它们会对一个提升的身体非常有毒并带来疾病。相反,Mila 建议食

Heart disease and strokes are other diseases that is the result of an overly acidic system
due to toxins in the environment. As the veins of the arteries weaken due to too much
acid in the blood, over time they rip and then collect platelets forming a clot; if the clot is
let loose from the wall, it can catch in the aortic valve of the heart leading to a heart
attack; or clog a artery in the brain leading to a stroke or aneurism. Overly acidic blood is
really the underlying cause of heart disease and strokes from the Sandalwood Tree
Kingdom’s point of view.


What kinds of diseases is the result of an overly basic internal system? A lack of acid
causes a weak immune response, as acid is actually anti-viral and anti-bacterial in
nature; as a system becomes overly basic, then viruses and bacteria normally held in
check within a balanced system flare up leading to auto immune diseases of all kinds.
Such diseases include MS, AIDS, Epstein Bar, Fibro Myalgia, Arthritis, and a host of
other physical ailments. Such ailments are related to increased production of certain
bacteria and viruses in the weakest parts of the form due to a lack of enough acid to hold
them in check.

(MS,Multiple Sclerosis,译注:一种在当今医学上认为是不可治愈的慢性中枢神经系统
疾病,其症状包括疲劳、颤抖和瘫痪。这种疾病每年影响 100 多万人的生活)、艾滋病、艾泼
思坦杆病毒( Epstein Bar,译注:一种疱疹家族 DNA 病毒)、纤维性肌痛综合症( Fibro

What is the solution to an overly acidic or basic system? Mila and Oa have learned to
balance their biochemistry through diet and living environment. They choose to live in a
pristine environment and travel primarily to other pristine environments for their
workshops and events. The water and air in such environments is less subject to toxins
that are either overly acidic or basic. They also eat as the body craves it by paying
attention to what the physical requires in any given segment of ascent to balance the pH.

如何来解决一个过酸或过碱的系统呢? Mila 和 Oa 已经学会通过饮食和生活环境来平衡生

食,藉由留心身体在提升的每一个阶段中需要什么来平衡其 PH 值。

There are many offerings from the plant kingdom that assist in creating a more acidic
system. Pineapple, kiwis, strawberries and berries of all kinds along with citrus fruits such
as oranges, limes, lemons and grapefruit are excellent resources of acid to aid in the
immune response against unwanted bacteria and viruses to retain one’s health. Mila and
Oa make these a part of their diet each week and in quantities that aid in retaining the
proper pH balance of their crystalline biology. Crystalline biology is more acidic than non-
crystalline biology, and the acids aid in the retention of health. (See Foods that Heal and
Nurture the Ascending Body and Oa's Kitchen for more information on diets that support

是上佳的酸性来源,来协助对不需要的细菌和病毒产生免疫反应以维系你的健康。 Mila 和
Oa 将这些作为他们每周大量饮食的一部分,来协助他们水晶生物体维系适当的 PH 平衡值。
身体的食物及 Oa 的厨房,来获得有关支持提升之食谱的更多信息)。

This brings us to another point and that there are good acids and bad acids from a health
point of view. Bad acids are those that come from toxins related to industrial waste.
Industrial wastes hosts acids that are not like those found in fruit sources, but rather in
petrochemicals primarily. Today some industries are trying to use industrial waste treated
as fertilizer. As this continues to be used upon the farmlands, humans will begin to
consume industrial wastes via their food source. The Sandalwood Tree Kingdom advises
ascending humans therefore to eat organic if at all possible, or better yet grow your own
in your own garden. (See "Creating a Self Sustaining Ascending Garden" for more

尽量食用有机食品;或更好,食用你在自己菜园里所种植的食物(更多信息请看种植 一个
自我维 生的提升 菜园 )。

Petrochemicals are derived from the remains of Silica based creations known as
Dinosaurs along with humans that died in two time periods in a nuclear holocaust that
were also silica in nature. Silica based biology is from another creation and has a
different type of biochemistry that requires a different kind of acid to retain health. Those
of carbon ancestry primarily that are red nation or indigenous in present time or of
ancient red ancestry will find the acids from silica based sources such as petrochemicals
non-resonant and disease producing if they collect in enough of an amount within the
biology. The silica based acids are too strong for a carbon based biology and burn holes
in the system. It is for this reason that we guide those who are ascending and know that
they are of red nation ancient descent to move out of the cities and into the country, as
the constant emissions into the air and waterways will make one ill the further than one
ascends otherwise; as the acid is too strong in the pollution to retain one’s health.


There are also many food sources that will help to balance out an overly acidic system
from exposure to petrochemicals rendering the blood more neutral. One will find that
potatoes, pasta, rice and grains such as breads and cakes or polenta are good antidotes
to an overly acidic system of the wrong kind of acid to support life. Therefore diet high in
carbohydrates may begin to undo the damage of living in a highly dense living
environment; or for those who muscle test that one is overly acidic. It is interesting to
note that some of the more popular diets of this time suggest reducing carbohydrates and
increasing protein. Alas for those ascending, this will most likely contribute to disease
ahead instead of continued health and momentum up in vibration; therefore such a diet it
not recommended for ascension.


Green leafy vegetables and other root vegetables not only provide a load of vitamins
necessary to cellular health and minerals necessary to sustain proper magnetism in the
red and white blood cells of the circulatory system, but also will provide fiber that can also
absorb excessive acid through the intestines. Mila believes in eating two salads per day,
one of fruit and one of leafy vegetables. Roasted vegetables are another way to aid the
body in absorption of excessive acids. Roasted squash, zucchini, beets, and pumpkin
create a nice fiber that absorbs excessive acids and also provides many vitamins and
minerals in support of ascending biology as well.

的纤维物质。Mila 坚持每天吃两份沙拉,一份是水果的,另一份是绿叶蔬菜的。炒制的蔬菜

Drinking lots of purified water is also useful to help flush the excessive acid out of the
system. Mila and Oa have found water filters of a high quality ceramic that are good at
pulling out all toxins such that the water tastes sweet, and can be drawn from rivers or
lakes as well as municipal water supplies. Such a filtration system is devised for
camping, but the Sandalwood Tree Kingdom advises those living in the suburbs to make
use of this type of filter, as then one will not be adding more toxins in the attempt to
cleanse the blood through the addition of more water in ones’ daily diet.

大量饮用净化水也有助于将过多的酸排出身体系统。Mila 和 Oa 已经发现了使用高品质陶瓷

By in large, Mila and Oa drink glasses and glasses of iced or hot tea between meals,
sometimes with lemon if more acid is required, sometimes plain. Black tea and green tea
each are excellent blood cleansers, antioxidants, and helpful in balancing the pH of the
blood. Black tea is better if one tends to be more basic in pH; green tea is better if one
tends to be more acidic. There is a litmus test one can purchase at the health food or
drug store to determine one’s pH. However one will have to be aware that what is
considered healthy for those at 2 strands of DNA will be different for those that are
ascending. Therefore muscle testing may be the best manner of determining if one is
overly acidic or basic, and then one can adjust the diet accordingly.

大体而言,Mila 和 Oa 会在两餐之间一杯接一杯饮用冰水或热茶,有时如需要更多酸的话
液的 PH 值。如果一个人的 PH 值偏向碱性的话,饮用红茶更好;如果一个人的 PH 值偏向
酸性的话,则绿茶更好。你可以到健康食品店或药店去购买石蕊试纸来检测自己的 PH 值。
不过必须要注意的是,对那些 2 股 DNA 者而言被认为是健康的标准,可能和提升者的标准

Vinegar, wine and alcohol, although they feel acidic actually turn basic as the digestive
system breaks them down. Therefore these substances are good if one has gone overly
acidic and needs more basic substances to balance out the pH. Watermelon also is a
good pH neutralizing juice or fruit and also aids in the breakdown of unwanted fats in the
ducts of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

因此,倘若你变得过酸而需要碱来中和 PH 值的话,这些物质就很好。西瓜也是一种很好的
能中和 PH 值的果汁或水果,也能帮助分解在肝脏、肾脏和脾脏的脉管里所不需要的脂肪。

When does one know one has gone overly acidic? Heartburn and indigestion are one
symptom of an overly acidic system; as is flatulence and excessive burping. Generally an
overly acidic system will also tend to move greatly leading to diarrhea or loose stools.
Overly basic systems on the other hand lead to constipation or non-movement within the
digestive system. Excessively basic systems occur if one consumes a load of meat and
flesh regularly, or has consumed a lot of meat in the past. Meat and flesh are loaded with
many substances known as amino acids. Although amino acids are considered an acid,
in the breakdown of the flesh through the act of digestion, more acid is absorbed into the
intestine than from the amino acids one is ingesting. The acids of other foods such as
pineapple or citrus fruits or berries also eaten in the same day or week along with a load
of meat ends up neutralized in the process and then fail to provide the proper acids in the
bloodstream for sustainable health.


Mila and Oa notice how in most parts of the world, eating flesh two to three times per day
is customary. Most of such humans are probably suffering from constipation and an
overly basic system that will lead to autoimmune diseases over time. From the
Sandalwood Kingdoms point of view, the reality is that consumption of flesh outside of
fish is against true spiritual law as there are no agreements for it. The act of consuming
flesh also is an act of violence or slaughter that leads to warfare and abuse within the
human dream in all of its difficult expressions. Therefore the Sandalwood Kingdom
suggests that ascending humans cease to eat flesh; and add a little fish to the diet if
protein is required in a particular segment of initiation; and to become mostly vegetarian,
eating all available food source of this nature. In becoming mostly vegetarian, one will
quite naturally eat all the food sources that retain the proper pH of the crystalline form,
leading to health instead of disease in the continued ascent ahead.

Mila 和 Oa 注意到,每日进食肉类 2-3 次是如何在当今世界的大部分地区变成惯例的。这样

的素食类食物。当大部分时间素食时,你将非常自然地进食能维持水晶体适当 PH 值的所有

Overly basic systems can also be due to the exposure of certain substances in the air or
water. Carbon monoxide emissions from petrol fuels if great enough will create an overly
basic blood stream. Why is this so? The carbon monoxide emissions latch on to red
blood cells rendering them incapable of doing their job. As red blood cells fail to properly
move nutrients and toxins to and from the cellular structure, the waste and oxygen or
sugar begins to become greater in the blood than it should be. Excessive sugar and
oxygen in particular will cause the blood to become overly basic. Overly basic blood will
fail to kill all the bacteria and viruses due to the missing component of acid leading to
disease over time.


There is a disease known as diabetes that if not treated with insulin leads to the
deterioration of the body over time due to excessive blood sugar. The end result is that
the blood becomes very basic in nature and the lack of acid then begins to permeate the
cells. As cells fail to have the proper acids to destroy bacteria and viruses, the body
begins to rot. This is why many a diabetic may end up an amputee losing a leg or foot as
the lack of acid causes the bacteria to grow in excess that is present to decompose the
form following death.


The bottom line that the Sandalwood Tree Kingdom would like to leave our audience with
today is how important it is to create proper pH through living environment and diet to
sustain the health of the ascending crystalline biology; or recover from disease if this is
your path at this time. Proper pH can also be intended in an energetic sense. The etheric
body is an energetic vessel that sits just above the physical in vibration. There are tones
of creation that are useful in creating proper pH in the etheric body. These tones are
known as the Language of Light. (See Language of Light for more information).

当的 PH 值是多么重要——以维持提升水晶生物体的健康、或倘若你在此时正面对疾病的话
则从疾病中康复!正常的 PH 值也可以用一种能量的意义被意愿。以太体是一个能量的管道,
在振动中位置恰好位于肉体之上。有很多造物音调有助于在以太体中创造适当的 PH 值。这

Those who are ascending can learn to consciously manage the field through intention
during meditation. Through conscious intention to move the energy through the
kundahlini and meridians of the body, one can also intend to press the language of light
necessary to balance the pH of the etheric form. In so doing, ascending humans will not
only balance the pH through diet but also through meditation. There are excellent
meditations that Mila and Oa have recorded that will assist one in learning the field
rotation as well as clearing the field for the continued ascent. The Sandalwood Tree
Kingdom highly recommends the use of any one of these CDs for this purpose. (See
“Products” for more information.)

遍昆达里尼和身体的经络,你也可以意愿加入必要的光之语来平衡以太体的 PH 值。这样,
提升者将不仅透过饮食,也透过冥想来平衡 PH 值。Mila 和 Oa 已经录制了很多优秀的冥想
目的而使用其中的任何一张 CD(更多信息请看产品)。

The language of light is food source for the etheric body of any ascending human. The
language of light soothes the field by providing the necessary movements, sounds and
vibrations to dissolve density so that the rotation of the chakras and subtle bodies can
run smoothly without burps and hiccups. Too many burps and hiccups in any field and
one will descend in vibration rather than continue to rise. The burps and hiccups lead to
wobbles that then can tear the field apart rather than reunite the field for the continued


Ascending fields become increasingly delicate and easier to wobble the further that one
increases in vibration. It is for this reason that a less dense environment that has open
fields and spaces nearby is easier and gentler upon an ascending human than the harsh
electrical environments of your cities. To a certain degree it is so that in order to rise to
Bodhisattva level evolution, a country environment is not only preferred, but most likely
necessary at this time as a result. Over time and as earth continues to rise in frequency,
the suburbs may become less dense and more comparable to the countryside in present
time. However this shift upwards in vibration is a good 8 years ahead, and so those
choosing to persevere to this level of evolution may have to relocate in order to
accomplish the task in the now.

得更少致密而更类似于今天的乡村。但是,这一振动提高的变迁仍将需要前方的 8 年时间;

The Sandalwood Tree Kingdom would like to close this piece with special blessings that
we wish to offer those that are ascending at this time in history. This blessing is for the
proper pH of the etheric vessel through the movement of the language of light through
the meridian system and kundahlini energy flow. Simply attune to our kingdom for this
blessing, and we will begin to teach you proper movement of tones to retain the health of
the etheric vessel. All disease first occurs in the etheric and then steps into physicality. As
ascending humans learn to retain the proper pH in the nonphysical and etheric through
proper movement of the language of light, disease is less likely to develop in the etheric,
and if disease does not develop in the etheric it will not develop in the physical.

来达到以太体的恰当 PH 值。只要调谐到我们王国来获取这份祝福,而我们就将开始教导你
之中。当提升者学会藉由适当的光之语运动而在非物质和以太体上维系适当的 PH 值时,疾

If one already is suffering from a disease or ailment of one sort or another, the
problematic region must clear in the etheric first, and then the changes can step down to
the physical form. Therefore balancing the pH in the etheric can assist in releasing
disturbances or stuck points in the meridian system associated with disease leading to
recovery in the physical over time. This is our gift to humankind. You may also enjoy
burning some sandalwood incense to support your receipt of our gift.

清理,然后相应的变化才能步入到肉体之中。因此,平衡以太体的 PH 值将能帮助释放经络

We hope you have found our information of use upon your path. Please call upon our
kingdom as needed for your ascent ahead.


The Sandalwood Tree Kingdom

Namaste 合十致敬

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