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This covers transport and planning, recycling, refuse and a range of environmental health services. The total budget for the area is 259.
What this covers Planning applications and building regulations consent, and Planning & building developing the future plans for the city. This also covers conservation and major projects such as the rebuilding of the control Brighton Centre. Trading standards inspections and environmental health, covering Trading standards, environmental health & pest control, noise and food safety inspections. Licensing of premises for alcohol and other purposes. Emergency planning. Area Current budget Your priority Your budget

21 15 53 40 106 24


Highways and transport street lights and traffic lights, sea defences, road safety and public Parking CityClean CityParks
transport. On-street parking and enforcement, bus lane enforcement, parking permit management. Council-owned off-street car parks. Street cleaning, recycling and refuse services for residents. Parks and green spaces, tree preservation orders, allotments.

Maintaining the roads and pavements, roadwork co-ordination,


The central services that support the councils operations, as well as services for citizens around births, marriages, and deaths. The total budget for the area is 198.

Customer services and life events Revenues and benefits Human resources and organisational development Communications ICT Legal & Democratic Property and design Financial services Policy, performance and analysis

What this covers Switchboard and reception at civic buildings, births, marriages, deaths, elections, cemeteries and crematorium. Election services Housing benefit and council tax, business rates, benefit fraud prevention & investigation. Supports good management and leadership. Performance improvement, training and learning for council staff. Healthy workplaces. Pay and recruitment strategies. Media and publicity, public information. Computers and support equipment, data sharing, email and telecoms. Democratic decisions, council meetings and committees, legal advice and maintaining legal and ethical standards. Managing land and property the council owns (other than housing), maintenance of buildings including schools and social care facilities. Financial strategy and planning, managing the councils finances and accounts, insurance, procurement, audit and risk management. Information on changes to national legislation. Statistics and research, collecting and reporting performance data. Public consultations and complaints. Environmental sustainability. Project management and partnerships with NHS, police and others in the city.

Current budget

Your priority

Your budget

22 27 22 3 22 17 53 23 7


Housing and homelessness support (excluding council housing), public safety, libraries, tourism and sports. The total budget for the area is 237.

Housing strategy & advice Homelessness Supporting people Communities and equalities Community safety Sports and leisure Libraries and information services Tourism, Pavilion & Museums

What this covers Advice for people living in private rented housing, and work to ensure that rented and owned homes are warm, safe and healthy. Preventing and tackling homelessness and meeting the needs of vulnerable people at risk of losing their homes. Housing-related support to vulnerable adults and families, working alongside services in the Services for Children and Services for Adults blocks Tackling inequality and promoting equality, grants to the community and voluntary sectors, community development and engagement. Working alongside the police and NHS to prevent drug and alcohol misuse, tackling anti-social behaviour, and reducing reoffending and domestic violence Sports facilities such as leisure centres and public golf courses, sports development and opportunities for residents to take part in physical activity. Jubilee and Hove libraries and 14 community libraries, as well as cultural, historical and recreational material and learning opportunities delivered through the library service. Management of the historic assets including the seafront, the Royal Pavilion and the museums. Outdoor events, the Brighton Centre, the Hove Centre. Supporting the local tourism industry and promoting the city to UK and international visitors.

Current budget

Your priority

Your budget

16 46 45 14 14 12 25 65


This covers services for adults in need (sometimes called social services). This includes older people, people with disabilities and those with mental health problems. The total per person budget for this area is 445.
Area What this covers Assessing the social care needs of people over 65, and younger people with either a learning disability, a physical disability, a mental illness, or problems with substance misuse. It also covers quality control of care services in the city (whether provided by the council or others) Placements in residential or nursing for people who can no longer live at home because of disability or frailty. Current budget Your priority Your budget

Assessment and care management Residential and nursing care Home care

67 241 109 18 6 4

Services that help people stay in their home rather than go into residential or nursing homes. Helping vulnerable people to be active citizens by increasing their Day options opportunities and learning new skills. Equipment and support for people to help them remain Equipment and independent for longer and avoid the need for higher levels of adaptations care Work for disabled adults in a supported business, and help for Supported employment disabled adults in developing skills and maintaining employment


This covers services specifically for children, other than schools (which are funded by central government). The total per person budget for this area is 313.
Area What this covers Childrens centres and group and home visiting; council-run nurseries; Family Information Service; support for nurseries and childminders; free childcare for disadvantaged two-year-olds; extra support for disabled children; parenting support and support for families with complex problems; family support delivered by social workers. Activities and support to young people aged 13-19 (and those up to 25 with special needs); Youth Employability Service, which advises young people not in education, employment or training, and young people with special educational needs. Shared support services for children in education, including the education welfare service, the music service and the educational psychology and welfare services Statutory support services for schools, including the Special Educational Needs process, home to school transport, support for schools causing concern. Services to safeguard and support children in need and at risk of harm, the fostering and adoption team, the leaving care team, the youth offending service and the social work teams Accommodation for looked after children in residential, fostering and secure placements. A single service for children with disability covering social work, direct payments to individuals, residential placements, short breaks and respite care. Current budget Your priority Your budget

Early years, early intervention and childcare


Youth services Supporting children in education Statutory education services Social work and child protection Looked after children Childrens Disability Service

11 26 33 81 94 26

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