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Missionaries on Foreign Fields

Its not an easy life

Thought for the Week: But Moses said to God, Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? And God said, I will be with you. Exodus 3:11-12a
I receive a weekly update for our friends, Ann and Dave Dedrick, who are serving as missionaries with OMS in Mozambique, Africa. Ann and Dave were on furlough last year and were able to share a meal in our home and tell us the latest events and stories surrounding their new lifes mission. They are truly an amazing couple. We watched as they sold all their material possessions and headed to Africa leaving behind four daughters, other family members and friends. God called and they listened to His voice. On one of the weekly updates, Dave shared a devotional given at the Church Planter Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa. There were questions asked and scriptures given in response. As I read each question, the wheels of my spiritual insight began to turn as the Holy Spirit worked within me to understand on a deeper level what was being shared. This week I share those questions and scriptures with you. The various thoughts that came to me are also posted, but I pray that you will meditate on these questions and words from Gods instruction book. I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal nuggets for your daily witness to those who carefully watch your life. In regards to our life as missionaries whether on a foreign field, rural American or an urban setting; Where Are You? Genesis 3:9 But the Lord God called to the man, Where are you? This statement was made after Adam and Eve took a bite of the apple from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. They immediately recognized they were naked and when the Lord came in the cool of the day to commune with them, they hid. Did God know where they were? Absolutely. Why ask the question if He knew the answer? He wanted to hear their answer. God desires a personal response and He listens for an honest, truthful answer. Did God get an honest, truthful answer from Adam or Eve? I dont believe so. Why? Its difficult to admit disobedience regarding a request

from God. As Christians, we like to please our Heavenly Father, but if the Lord calls and
asks you, where are you? what answer is God striving to extract from you? Is He asking where you are spiritually, emotionally, mentally or physically? Does He already know the answer? God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresence (continuously and simultaneously present throughout the whole of creation) and omniscient (all knowing). There is no secret He doesnt know, no place where one can hide and no force He cant overcome. Could it be God wants you to conduct a self examination of the status quo? Does God desire an answer similar to the one Samuel gave? In I Samuel 3, when God calls this young mans name in the middle of the night, Samuel! Samuel! Samuel replies, Speak,

for your servant is listening.

Are we listening for the voice of God? Are we ready to answer, Speak, for your servant is

listening. But more importantly are we ready to move our feet to answer the call?
Where is your brother? Genesis 4:9 Then the Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? Although this scripture was written after the death of Cains brother, Abel, the question itself is a good one. To probe deeper into the question, do we have any idea where our brothers are spiritually? Cain immediately asks in this scripture, Am I my brothers

keeper? and I feel we often take that stance when it comes to our fellowman. Its often
enough for us to stay abreast of our own lives and situations than to include biological brothers/sisters, various other family members, friends, neighbors and acquaintances! Will our brothers be offended if we inquire into their spiritual lives? In my humble opinion, this question can entail two groups of individuals; 1) current believers and 2) for those that will become believers in Christ. God has written in His Word, He is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but everyone to come to

repentance. II Peter 3:9 God desires that all come to know Him as Lord and Savior. That
is accomplished through the obedience of believers to the Great Commission. Found in Matthew 28, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name

of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
That obedience might be through your monetary offering, but it may be through the giving of your time and physical presence to go to destination God is leading in order to find your


Who Am I? Exodus 3:11, But Moses said to God, Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the

Israelites out of Egypt?

I can still remember Ann Dedrick saying to me something along the lines of Africa? God wants me to go to Africa? And yet years later, there she is continuing to learn the language and doing the work God has called her to using her gifting and training as a nurse. Do we ever believe God can use us to do anything great or life changing? Who are we? Were normal human beings just trying to make a living and live a good life, right? Yet isnt there a longing somewhere inside that is calling you to greatness? A calling that is leading you to scale (spiritual) mountains and do great tasks in Jesus name? How is Billy Graham, Beth Moore, Charles Stanley, James Dobson or any of the great teachers of the faith chosen by God? They have shown a willing heart ready to obey God at any cost. Who are we? We are frail human beings, filled with the breath of God, given the Bread of Life to eat and Living Water to drink. We need to rise up on wings like eagles allowing God to take us to heights we never dreamed possible. What is in your hand? Exodus 4:2, Then the Lord said to him, What is that in your hand? I love this verse. God uses whatever is available to transform us to get the job done. The Maker of heaven and earth can turn dust into a man, take his rib and make a woman, forms all creation in six days, takes a day to demonstrate to us its important to rest and we question that what we hold in our hands can be used for His glory? What is in our hands today? What is it that God is calling us to bring to the foot of the Cross and give to Him so that it can be transformed into greatness on His behalf to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?

Lord Jesus, I thank you for these pertinent questions and eye-opening scriptures brought before us today. From a church planters conference in South Africa to my little home office in the south suburbs of Pittsburgh to the locations where readers will be exposed to this devotional, may your words be heard and applied. The Living Word of magnificent and powerful. Thank you again, Lord, for teaching us, molding us and calling us to be used for the Kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen!

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