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Current Perspective

Current Concepts of the Pathogenesis of the Acute

Coronary Syndromes
Peter Libby, MD

T he last decade has witnessed a major reassessment of our

perceptions about the acute coronary syndromes. Today,
we recognize that thrombosis underlies most acute complica-
pressed in atherosclerotic plaques, can trigger the complex
mechanisms of apoptosis.11 Absence of smooth muscle cells
jeopardizes the integrity of the fibrous cap because these cells
tions of atherosclerosis, notably unstable angina and acute repair and maintain the all-important collagenous matrix of
myocardial infarction. A consensus has emerged that inflam- the fibrous cap. Indeed, plaques that rupture have thin and
mation plays a decisive role in the pathophysiology of these friable fibrous caps because of the lack of collagen.12,13
acute thrombotic events (Figure 1). Knowledge of the under- In a minority of cases, fatal thrombosis in coronary arteries
lying mechanisms has increased substantially since this topic results from a superficial erosion of the intima without a frank
was last reviewed in these pages 6 years ago. The present rupture through the plaque fibrous cap (Figure 1, cross
article provides an update of this rapidly moving field. section 7).10,14 Inflammation may also contribute to this
Most coronary thromboses result from a fracture in the mechanism of coronary thrombosis. Endothelial cells, like
protective fibrous cap of the plaque (Figure 1, cross section smooth muscle cells, may undergo apoptosis in response to
5). Ample evidence now supports the concept that the inflammatory mediators.15 Loss of endothelial cells can
protective fibrous cap, far from being fixed and static, uncover the thrombogenic subendothelial matrix. Endothelial
actually can undergo continuous and dynamic remodeling cells can also express proteinases regulated by inflammatory
and displays considerable metabolic activity.1 Fibrils of cytokines and oxidized lipoproteins.16 –18 One of these pro-
interstitial collagen confer biomechanical strength on the teinases, membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase, can
fibrous cap. The balance between synthetic and degradative activate matrix metalloproteinase-2, a type IV collagenase.
processes closely controlled by inflammatory mediators reg- Type IV collagen, a key constituent of the subendothelial
ulates the level of collagen in this structure. For example, the matrix, provides an important substrate for adherence of
lymphokine gamma interferon (IFN-␥) can inhibit de novo endothelial cells to the intimal surface. Thus, activation of
synthesis of interstitial collagen by smooth muscle cells, the proteases in response to inflammatory stimuli can sever the
major source of this extracellular matrix protein in the artery tethers that hold the endothelial cell to its underlying matrix,
wall.2 Proinflammatory cytokines induce the expression of promoting desquamative injury to the intima, a possible
enzymes capable of breaking down constituents of the arterial prelude to local thrombosis resulting from superficial erosion.
extracellular matrix. In particular, matrix metalloproteinases, Even in the absence of actual sloughing of endothelial
including interstitial collagenases and gelatinases, can de- cells, an altered balance between prothrombotic and fi-
grade the collagen fibrils that lend strength to the plaque’s brinolytic properties of the endothelium may underlie
fibrous cap.3– 6 Recent work has established that certain thrombosis in situ. Endothelial cells express tissue factor
elastolytic cathepsins, also regulated by inflammatory medi- procoagulant in response to inflammatory mediators and
ators and expressed in atheroma, can weaken elastin, another bacterial products such as endotoxin.19 The fibrinolytic
important component of the arterial extracellular matrix. pathway in endothelial cells also fluctuates, depending on
Examples include the sulfhydryl-dependent proteinases the inflammatory milieu.20 For example, the expression of
cathepsins S and K.7,8 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) can vary in the
The plaque’s smooth muscle cell population also influ- presence of inflammatory mediators.21
ences the level of extracellular matrix. Sites of fatal throm- Vasospasm may also contribute to impaired arterial flow
bosis where plaques fail mechanically and rupture typically in the presence of inflammation. Endothelial cells in
have few smooth muscle cells.9,10 Death of these cells, a atherosclerotic arteries show impaired vasodilator func-
critical source of extracellular matrix macromolecules in the tion. This may result in part from decreased production of
artery wall, can occur in atherosclerotic lesions. Inflamma- nitric oxide. Also, augmented release of superoxide anion
tory stimuli such as cytokines and fas ligand, factors overex- (O2⫺) may annihilate nitric oxide radical, neutralizing its

From Leducq Center for Cardiovascular Research, Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Mass.
Correspondence to Peter Libby, MD, Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, 221 Longwood Ave, LMRC 307, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail
(Circulation. 2001;104:365-372.)
© 2001 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at

366 Circulation July 17, 2001

Figure 1. Initiation, progression, and complication of human coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Top, Longitudinal section of artery depicting
“timeline” of human atherogenesis from normal artery (1) to atheroma that caused clinical manifestations by thrombosis or stenosis (5, 6, 7).
Bottom, Cross sections of artery during various stages of atheroma evolution. 1, Normal artery. Note that in human arteries, the intimal layer
is much better developed than in most other species. The intima of human arteries contains resident smooth muscle cells often as early as
first year of life. 2, Lesion initiation occurs when endothelial cells, activated by risk factors such as hyperlipoproteinemia, express adhesion
and chemoattractant molecules that recruit inflammatory leukocytes such as monocytes and T lymphocytes. Extracellular lipid begins to
accumulate in intima at this stage. 3, Evolution to fibrofatty stage. Monocytes recruited to artery wall become macrophages and express
scavenger receptors that bind modified lipoproteins. Macrophages become lipid-laden foam cells by engulfing modified lipoproteins. Leuko-
cytes and resident vascular wall cells can secrete inflammatory cytokines and growth factors that amplify leukocyte recruitment and cause
smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation. 4, As lesion progresses, inflammatory mediators cause expression of tissue factor, a potent
procoagulant, and of matrix-degrading proteinases that weaken fibrous cap of plaque. 5, If fibrous cap ruptures at point of weakening, coag-
ulation factors in blood can gain access to thrombogenic, tissue factor– containing lipid core, causing thrombosis on nonocclusive athero-
sclerotic plaque. If balance between prothrombotic and fibrinolytic mechanisms prevailing at that particular region and at that particular time
is unfavorable, occlusive thrombus causing acute coronary syndromes may result. 6, When thrombus resorbs, products associated with
thrombosis such as thrombin and mediators released from degranulating platelets, including platelet-derived growth factor and transforming
growth factor-␤, can cause healing response, leading to increased collagen accumulation and smooth muscle cell growth. In this manner, the
fibrofatty lesion can evolve into advanced fibrous and often calcified plaque, one that may cause significant stenosis, and produce symptoms
of stable angina pectoris. 7, In some cases, occlusive thrombi arise not from fracture of fibrous cap but from superficial erosion of endothelial
layer. Resulting mural thrombus, again dependent on local prothrombotic and fibrinolytic balance, can cause acute myocardial infarction.
Superficial erosions often complicate advanced and stenotic lesions, as shown here. However, superficial erosions do not necessarily occur
after fibrous cap rupture, as depicted in this idealized diagram.

vasodilator capacity.22 In addition to producing vasodila- tion as a determinant of the biology underlying the acute
tation, nitric oxide can impair platelet aggregation. Nitric thrombotic complications of atherosclerosis.
oxide also has a direct anti-inflammatory effect, augment-
ing production of the inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B Mechanisms by Which Lipid Lowering
(NF-␬B), a transcription factor involved in the expression May Mitigate Thrombotic Complications
of the genes encoding many proinflammatory functions of of Atherosclerosis
vascular wall cells and infiltrating leukocytes.23–25 These A consistent body of evidence from large clinical trials has
various findings all highlight the central role of inflamma- established beyond doubt that lipid lowering can reduce the
Libby Pathogenesis of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 367

Lipid Lowering Improves Features of Experimental Atheroma smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation. Additionally,
Associated With Plaque Stability intraplaque hemorrhage resulting from microvascular disrup-
Reduces Increases tion could cause sudden expansion of lesions. In this manner,
reduced neovascularization during lipid lowering may further
Macrophage number Interstitial collagen content
stabilize atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, as the microves-
Matrix metalloproteinase expression Smooth muscle maturation
sels in plaques may contribute to plaque growth, reduced
Tissue factor gene expression neovasculature resulting from lipid lowering may, like other
Proinflammatory cytokine expression antiangiogenic strategies, limit plaque progression.30
Leukocyte adhesion molecule expression The foregoing experimental studies support the view that lipid
Production of reactive oxygen species lowering can reduce inflammation. Emerging clinical data sup-
port the validity of this concept in humans. For example, lipid
lowering with pravastatin in the Cholesterol and Recurrent
incidence of coronary events and stroke in a broad spectrum
of individuals. Curiously, lipid lowering produces rather Events (CARE) study showed a significant decline in the levels
modest improvements in the luminal caliber of fixed athero- of C-reactive protein (CRP).31 Multiple studies have validated
sclerotic lesions. This finding suggests that qualitative CRP as an index of inflammation that correlates closely with
changes in plaques, rather than improvements in the degree of prospective cardiovascular risk (see below).
stenosis, must contribute importantly to the striking reduction
in clinical events produced by lipid lowering. In view of the Possible “Pleiotropic” Effects of Statins
central role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of these At high concentrations, inhibitors of HMG CoA reductase
events, we have advanced the hypothesis that lipid lowering (statins) can restrict many cellular processes. This enzyme
acts as an anti-inflammatory intervention, modifying the catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of cholesterol.
biology of plaque instability. A considerable corpus of The pathway leading to cholesterol also produces other less
experimental data now support this contention (the Table). In well-known compounds such as the polyisoprenoids farnesyl
animals with experimental atherosclerosis, lipid lowering phosphate and geranylgeranyl phosphate. These polyisopre-
reduces the number of inflammatory cells and various inflam- noids can link to proteins (prenylation), altering their func-
matory mediators.26,27 Concomitant with the decrease in tions in important ways. Inhibition by statins of prenylation of
macrophage number, the levels of collagenolytic enzymes a family of intracellular signaling molecules known as small
such as matrix metalloproteinase-1 decrease. In addition, G proteins, among others, may have direct effects on cells
levels of tissue factor decline.28 Tissue factor owes its independent of systemic lipid lowering. In vitro studies
procoagulant effect to the ability to bind factor VIIa and showing such so-called “pleiotropic effects” of statins
augment its enzymatic activity many fold. Along with de- abound. Yet there is uncertainty that the concentrations used
creased levels of tissue factor antigen, lipid lowering de- in most such cell culture studies can apply to humans treated
creases factor VIIa and X binding activity in rabbit arteries. with clinically relevant doses of these drugs. Various statins
Thus, lipid lowering not only yields an increased level of currently marketed vary widely in their direct effects on cells.
interstitial collagen in the atherosclerotic intima but also However, in humans, no consistent evidence available estab-
decreases the thrombotic potential of the lesion. Such im- lishes differences between various statins in regard to such
provements in features of plaques associated with stability or putative pleiotropic effects. Various clinical trials currently
reduced thrombogenicity occur both with dietary and statin- underway may illuminate this issue. To date, appropriately
induced lipid lowering and with lesions resulting from either powered studies have shown benefits on clinical end points of
dietary or endogenous hypercholesterolemia.29 No studies yet all statins tested. Hence, effects on lipid levels likely account
available address directly the possible contributions of non– for much of the clinical benefits of this class of drugs.
lipid-lowering effects of statins on these variables. These One potentially relevant pleiotropic effect of statins is atten-
qualitative changes in the atheroma should yield a more uation of proliferation of cultured smooth muscle cells, an action
stable plaque, one less likely to cause thrombosis if it were to caused part to by interference with G protein–mediated cell
rupture. cycle regulation.32 With respect to plaque progression and
More recent work has demonstrated a reduction in markers evolution, limitation of smooth muscle proliferation might slow
of endothelial activation, such as expression of the leukocyte lesion growth. However, in the context of atheroma stability, a
adhesion molecule, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 reduction in the population of smooth muscle cells might favor
(VCAM-1), as a consequence of lipid lowering (M. Aikawa, plaque disruption. As noted above, the smooth muscle cell
2001, submitted). Moreover, animals subjected to lipid low- synthesizes virtually all of the interstitial collagen responsible for
ering show a less abundant plexus of microvessels in the the strength of the plaque’s fibrous cap. Plaques that clinically
intima. Plaque microvessels serve as a portal for leukocyte rupture and cause fatal thrombosis have relatively few smooth
trafficking. The neovessels in the plaque, like those in the muscle cells.9,10 For this reason, a direct inhibitory effect of
diabetic retina, may be fragile and prone to leakage or statins on smooth muscle growth could conceivably render
hemorrhage. Thrombosis in situ caused by microvascular lesions less stable. However, this concern probably does not
disruption may provide one pathway of plaque growth. apply clinically, because concentrations of statins required to
Mediators released or generated during clot formation, such inhibit smooth muscle proliferation in vitro are rarely, if ever,
as platelet-derived growth factor and thrombin, may promote achieved in vivo.
368 Circulation July 17, 2001

Figure 2. PPAR pathways. Originally recog-

nized as instigator of peroxisomal proliferation
unique to rodents, PPARs are nuclear receptors
for small lipophilic molecules that freely parti-
tion into cells. When these receptors bind their
small ligand partner, they pair with another
member of nuclear receptor family, retinoid X
receptor (RXR). This heterodimeric transcription
factor complex then binds to cognate
sequences in promoter regions of target genes,
altering their transcription. PPAR-␣ regulates
cassette of genes involved in lipoprotein me-
tabolism, raising levels of apolipoprotein A-1,
major apolipoprotein of HDL. PPAR-␥ regulates
expression of genes involved in adipogenesis
and insulin sensitivity. Kindreds with mutations
that affect function of PPAR-␥ develop an insu-
lin resistance syndrome, including hypertension.
See text for references.

Statins can also increase vascular cell functions related to PPAR-␣ acts as part of a transcription factor complex that
thrombus formation and stability. For example, these agents regulates the expression of a number of genes implicated in
can increase the expression of plasminogen activator and atherogenesis and plaque stability (Figure 2). Notably,
decrease the expression of its inhibitor, PAI-1.21 In addition PPAR-␣ agonism can limit cytokine-induced activation of
to the effects on smooth muscle cell and endothelial functions inflammatory functions of vascular endothelial cells, eg,
alluded to earlier, statins can alter macrophage metabolism. expression of VCAM-1 in response to tumor necrosis
Indeed, statins can inhibit tissue factor expression.33 Once factor-␣ and tissue factor gene expression in these cells.38 – 40
again, however, these direct effects of statins on cellular Thus, the results of the VA-HIT and Lyon Heart Study might
function require concentrations of the drugs beyond those derive in part from an anti-inflammatory action. Because
likely to have clinical relevance. However, some of the these interventions act by a mechanism distinct from LDL
so-called pleiotropic effects of statins clearly do pertain in lowering, combining statin therapy with the Mediterranean
vivo. For example, treatment of mice with statins can im- diet or PPAR-␣ agonists might have additive effects on
prove cerebral blood flow and reduce stroke size by increas- reducing cardiovascular risk. Because oxidized phospholipids
ing endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity. Animals lacking may augment certain cytokines via PPAR-␣ activation, under
nitric oxide synthase because of targeted gene manipulation some circumstances, this nuclear receptor may play a proin-
do not have increased cerebral flow or decreased stroke size flammatory role.41
after treatment with statins.34 PPAR-␥, a close relative of PPAR-␣, binds a distinct series
of ligands and controls a separate set of genes involved in
Plaque Stabilization by Lipid Lowering: cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.37 Notably, mutations
Beyond LDL that alter the function of PPAR-␥ cause a syndrome of insulin
Over the last several years, a remarkably consistent body of resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia characteristic of
controlled clinical trials has established the efficacy of the cardiovascular dysmetabolic syndrome.42 PPAR-␥ ago-
lowering LDL in improving clinical outcomes. However, nists include the insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinedione family
most adverse events still occur in patients at risk despite of antidiabetic drugs (the glitazones). In vitro, PPAR-␥
substantial lowering of LDL by statin treatment. Thus, our agonists can decrease proinflammatory functions of macro-
goals for the coming decade should include further reductions phages and smooth muscle cells.41,43– 47 However, PPAR-␥
in cardiovascular risk by addressing other risk factors. Certain agonism can also augment endothelial PAI-1 production48
recent studies provide guides in this regard. In the Veterans and expression of the scavenger receptor for modified li-
Affairs HDL Intervention Trial (VA-HIT), treatment of poprotein CD36 on mononuclear phagocytes.49 These in vitro
individuals with established atherosclerosis with gemfibrozil observations cannot predict the net effects of PPAR-␥ ago-
significantly reduced cardiovascular events in the absence of nism in the intact organism. However, they certainly under-
a change in LDL level.35 The Lyon Heart Study showed that score the importance of careful consideration of cardiovas-
a Mediterranean diet could likewise reduce coronary risk cular risk as an outcome in future clinical studies of this new
without substantially altering levels of LDL.36 Both of these class of pharmacological agents.
interventions may alter a more recently recognized mecha-
nism for controlling vascular gene expression. The drug ACE Inhibition as Anti-Inflammatory
gemfibrozil, a member of the fibrate class, acts by binding the Therapy: An Additional Avenue for Reducing
nuclear receptor peroxisomal proliferation activating Atherosclerotic Events
receptor-␣ (PPAR-␣).37 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, in- Multiple clinical studies have substantiated an initially unex-
creased in the Mediterranean diet, may also activate PPAR-␣. pected reduction in acute coronary events in patients treated
Libby Pathogenesis of the Acute Coronary Syndromes 369

Figure 3. Angiotensin II (A II) is inflammatory

mediator. Angiotensin II can be considered an
“honorary” proinflammatory cytokine, in addi-
tion to its well-known vasoconstrictor proper-
ties. Angiotensin II augments expression of leu-
kocyte adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1. It
can also stimulate expression of leukocyte che-
moattractants such as monocyte chemoattrac-
tant protein-1 (MCP-1). Angiotensin II stimu-
lates expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), instigator
of acute-phase response, provoking elaboration
of CRP, serum amyloid A, and fibrinogen from
hepatocyte. Angiotensin II also augments pro-
duction of reactive oxygen species by vascular
cells augmenting oxidative stress, which is
potent proinflammatory stimulus.

with ACE inhibitors. Emerging evidence suggests that ACE Infections and Atheroma: Will Antibiotics
inhibitor therapy may possess benefits beyond blood pressure Prevent Acute Coronary Syndromes?
lowering (Figure 3). For example, in the recent Heart Out- Recent results have rekindled interest in the possible role of
comes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial, ACE inhibitor infectious agents in atheroma. Mechanisms by which infec-
therapy produced little reduction in blood pressure but strik- tions such as Chlamydia pneumonia or cytomegalovirus may
ingly diminished cardiovascular events.50 How can one fit aggravate or initiate atherosclerosis have been previously
these unanticipated clinical findings with ACE inhibition into reviewed in these pages.60 Indeed, this complex topic merits
the current concepts of the role of inflammation in plaque a separate discussion but warrants here a brief summary of the
biology? Indeed, angiotensin II activates inflammatory func- current state of this association. Prospective and well-
tions of vascular wall cells. For example, angiotensin II can controlled seroepidemiological studies have failed to support
augment interleukin-6, macrophage chemoattractant a consistent link between infections and coronary events.61
protein-1 elaboration by human smooth muscle cells in However, almost half of the human plaques studied show
culture.51–54 Administration of ACE inhibitors can reduce evidence of the presence of C pneumonia. Chlamydial prod-
cytokine levels and indexes of activation of NF-␬B in rabbits ucts, including its heat shock protein 60, and endotoxin can
with experimentally induced atherosclerosis.55,56 Angiotensin promote inflammation of vascular cells and the activation of
II also alters fibrinolytic balance by augmenting PAI-1 atherogenic functions of macrophages.62– 65 These findings
expression, a function it shares with more classically recog- render it plausible that Chlamydia might potentiate the
nized proinflammatory cytokines.57 Activation of the renin- complication of existing atheroma. Various pilot studies of
angiotensin system also spurs the production of reactive antibiotic treatment for secondary prevention of coronary
oxygen species from vascular cells, a property increasingly events lack power to provide a definitive answer. Large
well understood at the molecular level.58 randomized trials now in progress should reveal whether
These various data suggest that inhibition of angiotensin II antibiotic treatment can forestall recurrent coronary events.
signaling by ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor block-
ers might actually act as anti-inflammatory therapy. Angio-
Markers and Surrogates of Atherosclerotic Risk
Recent clinical trials with statins have vindicated the choles-
tensin II increases levels of the peptide mediator bradykinin
terol hypothesis, establishing beyond doubt the efficacy of
and interrupts angiotensin II production. Bradykinin, an
LDL lowering in reducing cardiovascular risk in a broad
endothelial-dependent vasodilator, augments local production
swath of the population. The foregoing discussion has high-
of nitric oxide. As noted earlier, in addition to its vasodilatory lighted other interventions on the horizon that may further
properties, nitric oxide may mitigate atherogenesis because of limit the risk of acute complications of atherosclerosis. Our
anti-inflammatory properties mediated by interference with ability to modify the natural history of atherosclerosis may
the NF-␬B transcriptional control pathway.24,59 Bradykinin well have outstripped our ability to predict who might benefit
also elevates intracellular levels of the second messenger from therapy. Contemporary clinical trials show that benefits
cGMP. The increased cGMP may contribute to some of the of lipid lowering can accrue to patients not currently eligible
beneficial actions of ACE inhibitors, eg, by promoting for treatment on the basis of current guidelines. For example,
vasodilatation resulting from smooth muscle relaxation. In the Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention
this regard, bifunctional inhibitors of ACE and the neutral Study (AFCAPS/TexCAPS) showed reductions in cardiovas-
endopeptidase that catabolizes certain other peptide hor- cular events in individuals with average LDL levels not
mones, including atrial and brain natriuretic peptides, should eligible for treatment on the basis of the National Cholesterol
also augment intracellular cGMP levels. Future studies Education Adult Treatment Panel II Guidelines.66,67 This
should evaluate the effect of angiotensin receptor blockers finding illustrates the urgent need to identify approaches to
and the bifunctional peptidase inhibitors on cardiovascular risk stratification that add to the utility of the lipoprotein
outcomes as well. profile.68
370 Circulation July 17, 2001

Help in this regard should come from two directions. First, physiologic mechanism, providing new potential therapeutic
the clinical application of the surge in understanding of the targets and novel avenues to risk assessment.
role of inflammation in atherosclerotic events has led to In addition to local effects of inflammation at the level of
multiple studies that have validated inflammatory markers the atherosclerotic lesion itself, systemic aspects of the
such as CRP as a marker for risk of future cardiovascular inflammatory response may alter thrombotic risk. Inflamma-
events.69 –71 Other inflammatory markers, including soluble tion upsets the prevailing homeostatic balance. Increased
intercellular adhesion molecule-172 and soluble E-selectin,73 fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor circulate at
for example, may also predict risk of atherosclerotic compli- higher concentrations in inflammatory states. A given plaque
cations. However, the high sensitivity assay of CRP is well disruption could have a greater chance to produce an occlu-
standardized, widely available, and reproducible and adds to sive thrombus under such conditions.
the predictive value of traditional risk factors, including the Our newfound understanding of the role of inflammation in
lipoprotein profile. Addition of a small panel of such serum acute complications of atherosclerosis helps us to compre-
markers of risk, including those linked to inflammation, hend the mechanisms by which a variety of interventions can
should hone our ability to target therapy in the future. reduce clinical events. Exercise reduces cardiovascular risk.
Also, the recent solution of the human genome will enable By increasing nitric oxide production, elevating HDL, and
the flowering of functional genomics. In coming years, we augmenting insulin sensitivity, exercise may act in part by
will see delineation of polymorphisms in the human genome, reducing inflammation. Dietary modifications such as in-
some of which will doubtless predict an individual’s cardio- creased consumption of unsaturated fatty acids may act as an
vascular risk. Clearly, application of this knowledge will anti-inflammatory therapy by altering the pattern of prosta-
require careful consideration of ethical issues and confiden- noids produced and/or by activating PPAR-␣. Dietary inter-
tiality. However, we already make public health recommen- ventions may also limit postprandial hyperlipemia associated
dations based on genotyping. For example, screening for with triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles, a recently recog-
phenylketonuria at birth leads to dietary recommendations nized activator of inflammatory functions of endothelial
broadcast widely on containers of diet cola and other products cells.74 Beyond the lifestyle measures of exercise and diet,
sweetened with aspartame. This example illustrates the prin- pharmacotherapy with statins, PPAR-␣ activators, and ACE
ciple of making an individualized recommendation for con- inhibitors may owe their clinical benefits in part to an
trol of a risk factor on the basis of a genetic predisposition anti-inflammatory action. Despite these advances in our
tested for at birth. understanding and intervention in regard to cardiovascular
I believe that in the future we will target our preventive risk, much remains to be done. Further inroads into reduction
therapies by a combination of a panel of few serum tests, of cardiovascular risk may well emerge as we begin to apply
including traditional and a few nontraditional markers. I our recently acquired knowledge of the role that inflamma-
foresee the utility of only a small number of serum markers, tion plays in atherosclerosis and plaque stability. In all
because it will become increasingly difficult to demonstrate likelihood, future basic research, including the application of
additive information over established markers, such as the functional genomics, will teach us new lessons about athero-
lipoprotein profile and CRP. These markers will provide an sclerosis and its complications and show the path to further
integrated assessment of the interaction between genotype ways to limit this disease.
and the environment, including individual behaviors (eg,
smoking and diet).68 Genotyping, probably accomplished by Acknowledgment
high-throughput screening early in life, will identify genetic Supported in part by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and
markers (eg, single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplo- Blood Institute (HL-34636 and HL-56985).
types) that should predict individual responses to risk factors.
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